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svn commit: r1746949 [1/2] - in /directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui: ./ bots/

Author: seelmann
Date: Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
New Revision: 1746949

Refactor and enable certificate validation tests.

    directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/   (with props)
    directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/   (with props)
    directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/   (with props)
    directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/   (with props)

Added: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/
--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/ (added)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ *  distributed with this work for additional information
+ *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *  
+ *
+ *  
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ *  under the License. 
+ *  
+ */
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.Date;
+import org.bouncycastle.x509.X509V1CertificateGenerator;
+ * @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
+ * @version $Rev$, $Date$
+ */
+public class CertificateUtils
+    public static File createCertificateInKeyStoreFile( String issuerDN, String subjectDN, Date startDate,
+        Date expiryDate ) throws Exception
+    {
+        KeyPair keypair = createKeyPair();
+        X509Certificate cert = createCertificate( issuerDN, subjectDN, startDate, expiryDate, keypair );
+        // write key store file
+        File ksFile = File.createTempFile( "testStore", "ks" );
+        KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance( KeyStore.getDefaultType() );
+        ks.load( null, null );
+        ks.setCertificateEntry( "apacheds", cert );
+        ks.setKeyEntry( "apacheds", keypair.getPrivate(), "changeit".toCharArray(), new Certificate[]
+            { cert } );
+ new FileOutputStream( ksFile ), "changeit".toCharArray() );
+        return ksFile;
+    }
+    public static X509Certificate createCertificate( String issuerDN, String subjectDN, Date startDate, Date expiryDate,
+        KeyPair keypair ) throws CertificateEncodingException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
+            SignatureException, InvalidKeyException
+    {
+        BigInteger serialNumber = BigInteger.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() );
+        X509V1CertificateGenerator certGen = new X509V1CertificateGenerator();
+        X500Principal issuerName = new X500Principal( issuerDN );
+        X500Principal subjectName = new X500Principal( subjectDN );
+        certGen.setSerialNumber( serialNumber );
+        certGen.setIssuerDN( issuerName );
+        certGen.setNotBefore( startDate );
+        certGen.setNotAfter( expiryDate );
+        certGen.setSubjectDN( subjectName );
+        certGen.setPublicKey( keypair.getPublic() );
+        certGen.setSignatureAlgorithm( "SHA1WithRSA" );
+        X509Certificate cert = certGen.generate( keypair.getPrivate(), "BC" );
+        return cert;
+    }
+    public static KeyPair createKeyPair() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
+    {
+        KeyPairGenerator generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( "RSA" );
+        generator.initialize( 1024 );
+        KeyPair keypair = generator.genKeyPair();
+        return keypair;
+    }

Propchange: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/
--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/ (added)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+ *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ *  distributed with this work for additional information
+ *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ *  under the License.
+ *
+ */
+import static;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.util.Date;
+import org.apache.mina.util.AvailablePortFinder;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.rules.TestName;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+ * Tests secure connection handling.
+ *
+ * @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
+ * @version $Rev$, $Date$
+ */
+public class CertificateValidationTest
+    private static final String serverName = "CertificateValidationTest";
+    static final long YEAR_MILLIS = 365L * 24L * 3600L * 1000L;
+    @Rule
+    public TestName name = new TestName();
+    private File ksFile;
+    private static int ldapPort;
+    private static int ldapsPort;
+    private static StudioBot studioBot;
+    private static ApacheDSServersViewBot serversViewBot;
+    private static ConnectionsViewBot connectionsViewBot;
+    private static NewConnectionWizardBot wizardBot;
+    @BeforeClass
+    public static void setUpClass() throws Exception
+    {
+        studioBot = new StudioBot();
+        studioBot.resetLdapPerspective();
+        serversViewBot = studioBot.getApacheDSServersViewBot();
+        connectionsViewBot = studioBot.getConnectionView();
+        // create the server
+        createServer( serverName );
+        setAvailablePorts( serverName );
+        // ErrorDialog.AUTOMATED_MODE = false;
+    }
+    @AfterClass
+    public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception
+    {
+        deleteServer( serverName );
+    }
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception
+    {
+        studioBot.resetLdapPerspective();
+    }
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() throws Exception
+    {
+        connectionsViewBot.deleteTestConnections();
+        // stop ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.stopServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStop( serverName );
+        // delete old key store
+        if ( ksFile != null && ksFile.exists() )
+        {
+            ksFile.delete();
+        }
+        // delete custom trust stores
+        X509Certificate[] permanentCertificates = ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager()
+            .getCertificates();
+        for ( X509Certificate certificate : permanentCertificates )
+        {
+            ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().removeCertificate( certificate );
+        }
+        X509Certificate[] temporaryCertificates = ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager()
+            .getCertificates();
+        for ( X509Certificate certificate : temporaryCertificates )
+        {
+            ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().removeCertificate( certificate );
+        }
+        // delete custom Java key store settings
+        System.getProperties().remove( "" );
+        System.getProperties().remove( "" );
+        System.getProperties().remove( "" );
+    }
+    private String getConnectionName()
+    {
+        return "NewConnectionWizardTest." + name.getMethodName();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests ldaps:// with an valid certificate. This is simulated
+     * by putting the self-signed certificate into a temporary key store.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testLdapsCertificateValidationOK() throws Exception
+    {
+        // create certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // let Java use the key store
+        System.setProperty( "", ksFile.getAbsolutePath() );
+        System.setProperty( "", ksFile.getAbsolutePath() );
+        System.setProperty( "", "changeit" );
+        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapsPort );
+        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check the certificate, should be OK
+        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
+        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests ldaps:// with an expired certificate.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testLdapsCertificateValidationNotOK() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapsPort );
+        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "failed" ) );
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests that when selecting "Don't trust" the certificate is not trusted
+     * and not added to any key store.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testLdapsCertificateDoNotTrust() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost1", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapsPort );
+        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        // check trust again, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
+        wizardBot.activate();
+        trustDialogBot = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        // certificate must not be added to a trust store
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        // click finish, that opens the connection
+        wizardBot.clickFinishButton( false );
+        // expecting trust dialog again.
+        trustDialogBot = new CertificateTrustDialogBot();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests that when selecting "Trust temporary" the certificate is trusted
+     * and added to the session key store.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testLdapsCertificateTrustTemporary() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost2", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapsPort );
+        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select trust temporary
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectTrustTemporary();
+        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
+        // expect ok dialog
+        new CheckAuthenticationDialogBot().clickOkButton();
+        // certificate must be added to the temporary trust store
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        assertEquals( 1, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        // check trust again, now the certificate is already trusted
+        wizardBot.activate();
+        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
+        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests that when selecting "Trust permanent" the certificate is trusted
+     * and added to the permanent key store.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testLdapsCertificateTrustPermanent() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost3", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapsPort );
+        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select trust temporary
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectTrustPermanent();
+        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
+        // expect ok dialog
+        new CheckAuthenticationDialogBot().clickOkButton();
+        // certificate must be added to the temporary trust store
+        assertEquals( 1, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        // check trust again, now the certificate is already trusted
+        wizardBot.activate();
+        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
+        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests StartTLS with an valid certificate. This is simulated
+     * by putting the self-signed certificate into a temporary key store.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationOK() throws Exception
+    {
+        // create certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // let Java use the key store
+        System.setProperty( "", ksFile.getAbsolutePath() );
+        System.setProperty( "", ksFile.getAbsolutePath() );
+        System.setProperty( "", "changeit" );
+        // enter connection parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapPort );
+        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
+        // check the certificate, should be OK
+        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
+        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
+        // enter correct authentication parameter
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check the certificate again, should be OK
+        String result2 = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
+        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result2 );
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests StartTLS with an expired certificate.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationExpired() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapPort );
+        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "SSL handshake failed" ) );
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests SSL with an not yet valid certificate.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationNotYetValid() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapPort );
+        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "SSL handshake failed" ) );
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests StartTLS with an invalid certificate (unknown issuer) and
+     *  with an certificate, where the certificate's host name
+     * doesn't match the server's host name (localhost)
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationHostnameMismatch() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapPort );
+        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
+        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "SSL handshake failed" ) );
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests that when selecting "Don't trust" the certificate is not trusted
+     * and not added to any key store.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testStartTlsCertificateDoNotTrust() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost4", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapPort );
+        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        // check trust again, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
+        wizardBot.activate();
+        trustDialogBot = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        // certificate must not be added to a trust store
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        // click finish, that opens the connection
+        wizardBot.clickFinishButton( false );
+        // expecting trust dialog again.
+        trustDialogBot = new CertificateTrustDialogBot();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
+        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
+        errorBot.clickOkButton();
+        // no trusted certificates expected
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        // no trusted certificates expected
+        PreferencesBot preferencesBot = studioBot.openPreferences();
+        CertificateValidationPreferencePageBot pageBot = preferencesBot.openCertificatValidationPage();
+        pageBot.activatePermanentTab();
+        assertEquals( 0, pageBot.getCertificateCount() );
+        pageBot.activateTemporaryTab();
+        assertEquals( 0, pageBot.getCertificateCount() );
+        preferencesBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests that when selecting "Trust temporary" the certificate is trusted
+     * and added to the session key store.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testStartTlsCertificateTrustTemporary() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost5", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapPort );
+        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select trust temporary
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectTrustTemporary();
+        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
+        // expect ok dialog
+        new CheckAuthenticationDialogBot().clickOkButton();
+        // certificate must be added to the temporary trust store
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        assertEquals( 1, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        // check trust again, now the certificate is already trusted
+        wizardBot.activate();
+        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
+        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+        // certificate must be added to the temporary trust store
+        PreferencesBot preferencesBot = studioBot.openPreferences();
+        CertificateValidationPreferencePageBot pageBot = preferencesBot.openCertificatValidationPage();
+        pageBot.activatePermanentTab();
+        assertEquals( 0, pageBot.getCertificateCount() );
+        pageBot.activateTemporaryTab();
+        assertEquals( 1, pageBot.getCertificateCount() );
+        preferencesBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests that when selecting "Trust permanent" the certificate is trusted
+     * and added to the permanent key store.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testStartTlsCertificateTrustPermanent() throws Exception
+    {
+        // prepare certificate
+        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
+        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
+        createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost6", startDate, endDate );
+        // start ApacheDS
+        serversViewBot.runServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStart( serverName );
+        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
+        wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
+        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
+        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
+        wizardBot.typePort( ldapPort );
+        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
+        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
+        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
+        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
+        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select trust temporary
+        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
+            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
+        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
+        trustDialogBot.selectTrustPermanent();
+        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
+        // expect ok dialog
+        new CheckAuthenticationDialogBot().clickOkButton();
+        // certificate must be added to the permanent trust store
+        assertEquals( 1, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
+        // check trust again, now the certificate is already trusted
+        wizardBot.activate();
+        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
+        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
+        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
+        // certificate must be added to the permanent trust store
+        PreferencesBot preferencesBot = studioBot.openPreferences();
+        CertificateValidationPreferencePageBot pageBot = preferencesBot.openCertificatValidationPage();
+        pageBot.activatePermanentTab();
+        assertEquals( 1, pageBot.getCertificateCount() );
+        pageBot.activateTemporaryTab();
+        assertEquals( 0, pageBot.getCertificateCount() );
+        preferencesBot.clickCancelButton();
+    }
+    private static void createServer( String serverName )
+    {
+        // Showing view
+        // Opening wizard
+        NewApacheDSServerWizardBot wizardBot = serversViewBot.openNewServerWizard();
+        // Filling fields of the wizard
+        wizardBot.selectApacheDS200();
+        wizardBot.typeServerName( serverName );
+        // Closing wizard
+        wizardBot.clickFinishButton();
+        serversViewBot.waitForServer( serverName );
+    }
+    private static void setAvailablePorts( String serverName )
+    {
+        ApacheDSConfigurationEditorBot editorBot = serversViewBot.openConfigurationEditor( serverName );
+        ldapPort = AvailablePortFinder.getNextAvailable( 1024 );
+        editorBot.setLdapPort( ldapPort );
+        ldapsPort = AvailablePortFinder.getNextAvailable( ldapPort + 1 );
+        editorBot.setLdapsPort( ldapsPort );
+        editorBot.close();
+    }
+    private static void deleteServer( String serverName )
+    {
+        // Stopping the server
+        serversViewBot.stopServer( serverName );
+        serversViewBot.waitForServerStop( serverName );
+        // Deleting the server
+        DeleteDialogBot deleteDialogBot = serversViewBot.openDeleteServerDialog();
+        deleteDialogBot.clickOkButton();
+    }
+    private void createCertificateAndUpdateInApacheDS( String issuerDN, String subjectDN, Date startDate,
+        Date expiryDate ) throws Exception
+    {
+        // create certificate in key store file
+        if ( ksFile != null && ksFile.exists() )
+        {
+            ksFile.delete();
+        }
+        ksFile = CertificateUtils.createCertificateInKeyStoreFile( issuerDN, subjectDN, startDate, expiryDate );
+        // configure certificate in ApacheDS
+        ApacheDSConfigurationEditorBot editorBot = serversViewBot.openConfigurationEditor( serverName );
+        editorBot.setKeystore( ksFile.getAbsolutePath(), "changeit" );
+        editorBot.close();
+    }

Propchange: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/
--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/ (original)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -28,51 +28,24 @@ import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.bouncycastle.x509.X509V1CertificateGenerator;
 import org.junit.After;
 import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Rule;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.junit.rules.TestName;
@@ -92,32 +65,12 @@ public class NewConnectionWizardTest ext
     @Rule public TestName name = new TestName();
-    private File ksFile;
     private StudioBot studioBot;
     private ConnectionsViewBot connectionsViewBot;
     private NewConnectionWizardBot wizardBot;
-    public void setUpLdaps() throws Exception
-    {
-        // TODO: setup LDAPS
-        //        if ( ldapsService == null )
-        //        {
-        //            ldapsService = new LdapServer();
-        //            ldapsService.setDirectoryService( ldapService.getDirectoryService() );
-        //            int port = AvailablePortFinder.getNextAvailable( ldapService.getPort() + 10 );
-        //            ldapsService.setTcpTransport( new TcpTransport( port ) );
-        //            ldapsService.setEnabled( true );
-        //            ldapsService.setEnableLdaps( true );
-        //            ldapsService.setConfidentialityRequired( true );
-        //            ldapsService.start();
-        //        }
-    }
-    @Before
     public void setUp() throws Exception
         studioBot = new StudioBot();
@@ -138,31 +91,6 @@ public class NewConnectionWizardTest ext
         studioBot = null;
         connectionsViewBot = null;
         wizardBot = null;
-        // delete old key store
-        if ( ksFile != null && ksFile.exists() )
-        {
-            ksFile.delete();
-        }
-        // delete custom trust stores
-        X509Certificate[] permanentCertificates = ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager()
-            .getCertificates();
-        for ( X509Certificate certificate : permanentCertificates )
-        {
-            ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().removeCertificate( certificate );
-        }
-        X509Certificate[] temporaryCertificates = ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager()
-            .getCertificates();
-        for ( X509Certificate certificate : temporaryCertificates )
-        {
-            ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().removeCertificate( certificate );
-        }
-        // delete custom JNDI key store settings
-        System.getProperties().remove( "" );
-        System.getProperties().remove( "" );
-        System.getProperties().remove( "" );
@@ -353,7 +281,7 @@ public class NewConnectionWizardTest ext
         wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
         // finish dialog
-        wizardBot.clickFinishButton();
+        wizardBot.clickFinishButton(true);
         connectionsViewBot.waitForConnection( getConnectionName() );
         // ensure connection was created
@@ -511,687 +439,4 @@ public class NewConnectionWizardTest ext
-    /**
-     * Tests StartTLS with an valid certificate. This is simulated
-     * by putting the self-signed certificate into a temporary key store
-     * and using this key store for JNDI
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationOK() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
-        // prepare key store
-        installKeyStoreWithCertificate();
-        // let JNDI use the key store
-        System.setProperty( "", ksFile.getAbsolutePath() );
-        System.setProperty( "", ksFile.getAbsolutePath() );
-        System.setProperty( "", "changeit" );
-        // enter connection parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
-        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
-        // check the certificate, should be OK
-        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
-        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
-        // enter correct authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check the certificate again, should be OK
-        String result2 = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
-        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result2 );
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests StartTLS with an expired certificate.
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationExpired() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
-        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
-        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckNetworkParameterButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "Untrusted certificate" ) );
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests SSL with an not yet valid certificate.
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationNotYetValid() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
-        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
-        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckNetworkParameterButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "Untrusted certificate" ) );
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests StartTLS with an invalid certificate (unknown issuer).
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationIssuerUnknown() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
-        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
-        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckNetworkParameterButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "Untrusted certificate" ) );
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests StartTLS with an certificate, where the certificate's host name
-     * doesn't match the server's host name (localhost)
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testStartTlsCertificateValidationHostnameMismatch() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
-        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "Untrusted certificate" ) );
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests that when selecting "Don't trust" the certificate is not trusted
-     * and not added to any key store.
-     *
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testStartTlsCertificateDontTrust() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
-        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
-        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckNetworkParameterButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        // check trust again, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
-        trustDialogBot = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        // certificate must not be added to a trust store
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        // enter authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check trust again, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
-        trustDialogBot = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        // click finish, that opens the connection
-        wizardBot.clickFinishButton();
-        // expecting trust dialog again.
-        trustDialogBot = new CertificateTrustDialogBot();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests that when selecting "Trust temporary" the certificate is trusted
-     * and added to the session key store.
-     *
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testStartTlsCertificateTrustTemporary() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost2", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
-        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select trust temporary
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectTrustTemporary();
-        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
-        // TODO: expect ok dialog
-        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
-        // certificate must be added to the temporary trust store
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        assertEquals( 1, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        // check trust again, now the certificate is already trusted
-        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
-        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests that when selecting "Trust permanent" the certificate is trusted
-     * and added to the permanent key store.
-     *
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testStartTlsCertificateTrustPermanent() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost3", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
-        wizardBot.selectStartTlsEncryption();
-        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select trust temporary
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckNetworkParameterButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectTrustPermanent();
-        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
-        // TODO: expect ok dialog
-        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
-        // certificate must be added to the temporary trust store
-        assertEquals( 1, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        // check trust again, now the certificate is already trusted
-        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
-        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests ldaps:// with an valid certificate. This is simulated
-     * by putting the self-signed certificate into a temporary key store
-     * and using this key store for JNDI
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testLdapsCertificateValidationOK() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
-        // prepare key store
-        installKeyStoreWithCertificate();
-        // let JNDI use the key store
-        System.setProperty( "", ksFile.getAbsolutePath() );
-        System.setProperty( "", ksFile.getAbsolutePath() );
-        System.setProperty( "", "changeit" );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPortSSL() );
-        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check the certificate, should be OK
-        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
-        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testLdapsCertificateValidationNotOK() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=localhost", "cn=localhost", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPortSSL() );
-        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check the certificate, expecting the trust dialog
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isSelfSigned() );
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isNotYetValid() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isExpired() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isHostNameMismatch() );
-        assertFalse( trustDialogBot.isIssuerUnkown() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        assertTrue( errorBot.getErrorMessage().contains( "failed" ) );
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests that when selecting "Don't trust" the certificate is not trusted
-     * and not added to any key store.
-     *
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testLdapsCertificateDontTrust() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost4", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPortSSL() );
-        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        ErrorDialogBot errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        // check trust again, expect trust dialog, select don't trust
-        trustDialogBot = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        // certificate must not be added to a trust store
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        // click finish, that opens the connection
-        wizardBot.clickFinishButton();
-        // expecting trust dialog again.
-        trustDialogBot = new CertificateTrustDialogBot();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectDontTrust();
-        errorBot = trustDialogBot.clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog();
-        errorBot.clickOkButton();
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests that when selecting "Trust temporary" the certificate is trusted
-     * and added to the session key store.
-     *
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testLdapsCertificateTrustTemporary() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost5", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPortSSL() );
-        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select trust temporary
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectTrustTemporary();
-        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
-        // TODO: expect ok dialog
-        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
-        // certificate must be added to the temporary trust store
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        assertEquals( 1, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        // check trust again, now the certificate is already trusted
-        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
-        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests that when selecting "Trust permanent" the certificate is trusted
-     * and added to the permanent key store.
-     *
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    @Ignore
-    // till DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-    public void testLdapsCertificateTrustPermanent() throws Exception
-    {
-        // prepare certificate
-        Date startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - YEAR_MILLIS );
-        Date endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + YEAR_MILLIS );
-        updateCertificate( "cn=TheUnknownStuntman", "cn=localhost6", startDate, endDate );
-        // enter connection parameter and authentication parameter
-        wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
-        wizardBot.typeHost( LOCALHOST );
-        wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPortSSL() );
-        wizardBot.selectLdapsEncryption();
-        wizardBot.clickNextButton();
-        wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
-        wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
-        // check trust, expect trust dialog, select trust temporary
-        CertificateTrustDialogBot trustDialogBot = wizardBot
-            .clickCheckAuthenticationButtonExpectingCertificateTrustDialog();
-        assertTrue( trustDialogBot.isVisible() );
-        trustDialogBot.selectTrustPermanent();
-        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
-        // TODO: expect ok dialog
-        trustDialogBot.clickOkButton();
-        // certificate must be added to the temporary trust store
-        assertEquals( 1, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPermanentTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        assertEquals( 0, ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getSessionTrustStoreManager().getCertificates().length );
-        // check trust again, now the certificate is already trusted
-        String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
-        assertNull( "Expected OK, valid and trusted certificate", result );
-        wizardBot.clickCancelButton();
-    }
-    /*
-     * Eventually we have to make several of these parameters configurable,
-     * however note to pass export restrictions we must use a key size of
-     * 512 or less here as the default.  Users can configure this setting
-     * later based on their own legal situations.  This is required to
-     * classify ApacheDS in the ECCN 5D002 category.  Please see the following
-     * page for more information:
-     *
-     *
-     *
-     * Also ApacheDS must be classified on the following page:
-     *
-     *
-     */
-    private static final int KEY_SIZE = 512;
-    private static final long YEAR_MILLIS = 365L * 24L * 3600L * 1000L;
-    private static final String PRIVATE_KEY_AT = "privateKey";
-    private static final String PUBLIC_KEY_AT = "publicKey";
-    private static final String KEY_ALGORITHM_AT = "keyAlgorithm";
-    private static final String PRIVATE_KEY_FORMAT_AT = "privateKeyFormat";
-    private static final String PUBLIC_KEY_FORMAT_AT = "publicKeyFormat";
-    private static final String USER_CERTIFICATE_AT = "userCertificate";
-    private static final String PRINCIPAL = "uid=admin,ou=system";
-    /**
-     *
-     */
-    private void updateCertificate( String issuerDN, String subjectDN, Date startDate, Date expiryDate )
-        throws Exception
-    {
-        Dn dn = new Dn( PRINCIPAL );
-        List<Modification> modifications = new ArrayList<Modification>();
-        // Get old key algorithm
-        Entry entry = service.getAdminSession().lookup( dn );
-        String keyAlgo = entry.get( KEY_ALGORITHM_AT ).getString();
-        // Generate key pair
-        KeyPairGenerator generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( keyAlgo );
-        generator.initialize( KEY_SIZE );
-        KeyPair keypair = generator.genKeyPair();
-        // Generate the private key attributes
-        PrivateKey privateKey = keypair.getPrivate();
-        // Generate public key
-        PublicKey publicKey = keypair.getPublic();
-        // Generate the self-signed certificate
-        BigInteger serialNumber = BigInteger.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() );
-        X509V1CertificateGenerator certGen = new X509V1CertificateGenerator();
-        X500Principal issuerName = new X500Principal( issuerDN );
-        X500Principal subjectName = new X500Principal( subjectDN );
-        certGen.setSerialNumber( serialNumber );
-        certGen.setIssuerDN( issuerName );
-        certGen.setNotBefore( startDate );
-        certGen.setNotAfter( expiryDate );
-        certGen.setSubjectDN( subjectName );
-        certGen.setPublicKey( publicKey );
-        certGen.setSignatureAlgorithm( "SHA1With" + keyAlgo );
-        X509Certificate cert = certGen.generate( privateKey, "BC" );
-        // Write the modifications
-        ModifyRequest request = new ModifyRequestImpl();
-        request.setName( dn );
-        request.replace( PRIVATE_KEY_AT, privateKey.getEncoded() );
-        request.replace( PRIVATE_KEY_FORMAT_AT, privateKey.getFormat() );
-        request.replace( PUBLIC_KEY_AT, publicKey.getEncoded() );
-        request.replace( PUBLIC_KEY_FORMAT_AT, publicKey.getFormat() );
-        request.replace( USER_CERTIFICATE_AT, cert.getEncoded() );
-        service.getAdminSession().modify( dn, modifications );
-        // TODO: activate when DIRSERVER-1373 is fixed
-        //ldapService.reloadSslContext();
-        //ldapsService.reloadSslContext();
-    }
-    private void installKeyStoreWithCertificate() throws Exception
-    {
-        if ( ksFile != null && ksFile.exists() )
-        {
-            ksFile.delete();
-        }
-        ksFile = File.createTempFile( "testStore", "ks" );
-        CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession();
-        Entry entry = session.lookup( new Dn( "uid=admin,ou=system" ), new String[]
-            { USER_CERTIFICATE_AT } );
-        byte[] userCertificate = entry.get( USER_CERTIFICATE_AT ).getBytes();
-        assertNotNull( userCertificate );
-        ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream( userCertificate );
-        CertificateFactory factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance( "X.509" );
-        Certificate cert = factory.generateCertificate( in );
-        KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance( KeyStore.getDefaultType() );
-        ks.load( null, null );
-        ks.setCertificateEntry( "apacheds", cert );
- new FileOutputStream( ksFile ), "changeit".toCharArray() );
-    }

Modified: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/
--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ (original)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -82,6 +82,14 @@ public class ApacheDSConfigurationEditor
+    public void setKeystore( String keyStoreFilePath, String keyStorePassword )
+    {
+        editor.activatePage( "LDAP/LDAPS Servers" );
+ 11 ).setText( keyStoreFilePath );
+ 12 ).setText( keyStorePassword );
+    }
     public void save()
@@ -93,4 +101,5 @@ public class ApacheDSConfigurationEditor

Modified: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/
--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ (original)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotLabel;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotShell;
 public class CertificateTrustDialogBot extends DialogBot
@@ -125,14 +126,15 @@ public class CertificateTrustDialogBot e
     public ErrorDialogBot clickOkButtonExpectingErrorDialog()
- new Runnable()
+        SWTBotShell shell = new Runnable()
             public void run()
         }, "Error", "Problem Occurred" );
+        String shellText = shell.getText();
-        return new ErrorDialogBot();
+        return new ErrorDialogBot(shellText);

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--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ (original)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ public class CertificateValidationPrefer
         super( "Preferences" );
     public void clickApplyButton()
         super.clickButton( "Apply" );
@@ -61,4 +62,41 @@ public class CertificateValidationPrefer
+    public void activatePermanentTab()
+    {
+        bot.tabItem( "Permanent Trusted" ).activate();
+    }
+    public void activateTemporaryTab()
+    {
+        bot.tabItem( "Temporary Trusted" ).activate();
+    }
+    public int getCertificateCount()
+    {
+        return bot.table().rowCount();
+    }
+    public void selectCertificate( int index )
+    {
+        bot.table().select( index );
+    }
+    public CertificateViewerDialogBot clickViewButton()
+    {
+        clickButton( "View..." );
+        return new CertificateViewerDialogBot();
+    }
+    public void clickRemoveButton()
+    {
+        clickButton( "Remove" );
+    }

Added: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/
--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ (added)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ *  distributed with this work for additional information
+ *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *  
+ *
+ *  
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ *  under the License. 
+ *  
+ */
+public class CertificateViewerDialogBot extends DialogBot
+    public CertificateViewerDialogBot()
+    {
+        super( "Certificate Viewer" );
+    }
+    public void clickCloseButton()
+    {
+        clickButton( "Close" );
+    }

Propchange: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/
--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ (added)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ *  distributed with this work for additional information
+ *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *  
+ *
+ *  
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ *  under the License. 
+ *  
+ */
+public class CheckAuthenticationDialogBot extends DialogBot
+    public CheckAuthenticationDialogBot()
+    {
+        super( "Check Authentication" );
+    }

Propchange: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/
--- directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ (original)
+++ directory/studio/trunk/tests/test.integration.ui/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/studio/test/integration/ui/bots/ Sun Jun  5 20:40:34 2016
@@ -25,7 +25,13 @@ public class ErrorDialogBot extends Dial
     public ErrorDialogBot()
-        super("Error");
+        this( "Error" );
+    }
+    public ErrorDialogBot( String title )
+    {
+        super( title );