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Posted to by Benjamin Bentmann <> on 2009/12/13 16:58:31 UTC

[ANN] Maven Assembly Plugin 2.2-beta-5 Released

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Assembly
Plugin, version 2.2-beta-5.

This plugin is useful in creating project artifacts that have custom 
layouts. It also includes a set of predefined standard custom artifact 
types you can choose to create. For more information, see the plugin's site:

To use the updated plugin in your projects, you need to add the
following snippet to the plugins or plugin management section of your POM:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Assembly Plugin - Version 2.2-beta-5

** Bug
     * [MASSEMBLY-385] - Filtering replaces tokens it should not be 
     * [MASSEMBLY-416] - outputDirectory default value in fileSet seems 
changed; now seems to use directory name of fileSet sourcedir
     * [MASSEMBLY-427] - ComponentsXmlArchiverFileFilter misses 
component descriptors on Windows
     * [MASSEMBLY-446] - apache-source-release-assembly DOES NOT exclude 
target/** in maven-remote-resources-plugin build
     * [MASSEMBLY-452] - Shared Assembly Descriptor does not work in 
     * [MASSEMBLY-456] - Usage of archiver or container descriptor 
handler configuration crashes with LinkageError on Maven 3.0-alpha-5

** Improvement
     * [MASSEMBLY-290] - Improve error reporting in case of unlocatable 
component descriptor


-The Maven team

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