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Posted to by Alan Williams <> on 2015/03/01 20:06:58 UTC

Re: Non-subscribers posting to users mailing list

On 27-Feb-15 19:15, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 27/02/15 17:16, alaninmcr wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> Should non-subscribers be able to mail to the users mailing list?
> They won't see replies if they don't subscribe, nor will the pool of
> knowledge increase.
> The email should have dropped into a moderators inbox for accept/reject.

Yes that's what I would have expected. I didn't see an accept/reject for 
the person's e-mail attempt. I am trying to find out exactly what 
message they got back.


>> If not, what is the mechanism for a non-subscriber asking a question?
> Subscribe.
> Was that how your old world support happened?

There was/is also a We suggest that questions 
mailed to it are sent to the open mailing lists. There is also a 
feedback form on the old Taverna website that e-mails and that form could be opened from within Taverna 
Workbench 2.5

The form isn't in (which is good), 
but having a way in the workbench is probably "a good thing". What do 
other Apache programs do?

> There are alternative channels outside Apache that you may need to be
> aware of - e.g. StackOverflow or specialist forums.
>      Andy
> (And I suggest being extremely careful about answering offlist 1-1
> questions rather than asking them to mail the users@ list.  Plan for
> success - if you get stuck with offlist email, you, personally, may
> personally get stuck in that loop with increasing email.)

The goes to several people, so that wasn't a 
problem. It has happened, though, with skype. We probably should promote 
the hipchat more - it isn't yet mentioned on
