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Posted to by "" <> on 2012/04/23 17:32:18 UTC

Karaf RPM and DEB distribution WAS: Re: Convenient way of using karaf features-maven-plugin to include also *.pom

Hash: SHA1

How would you like to go about assembling "blessed" RPM/DEB versions? It sounds like several sites have already built them for their own use.

I'm guessing most of us used the pre-integrated "wrapper" functionality and just added machinery to adjust the filesystem and add appropriate contents, and start a system service. That's what we did.

- ---
A. Soroka
Software & Systems Engineering :: Online Library Environment
the University of Virginia Library

On Apr 19, 2012, at 12:35 PM, Christoph Emmersberger wrote:

> Hi,
> good idea to distribute an RPM and DEB version. Currently we are also building our own karaf RPM (which is Talend branded, but anyway) and I can install this one without any issues.
> The other issue I'm trying to solve by now, is the distribution of our application, not of the infrastructure. Since the IT service provider has certain standards on software delivery, all application artifacts must be delivered as RPM as well. Therefore we created in the past our own local-repo and simply copied it with an RPM to the karaf container. This worked quite well.
> In addition to this, we need to integrate now some of the further management tools, like archiva which runs on a proper environment with differen disk backup, etc. It would be quite simple to do a mvn deploy to a different repo when I'd be sitting in the same network domain. Since it is not the case, and I need to deliver all my software as RPM, I'm trying to package the archives also as RPM and add them in a "manual / copy" style via the RPM script to archiva.
> That's the whole point why I am looking at this *.pom functionality.
> Happy to share some experience in creating an RPM for karaf.
> Many greets and kind regards,
> Christoph
> On 19.04.2012, at 18:20, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
>> Hi,
>> RPM/DEB files could be provided on karaf-extra, and we can provide it to some distributions.
>> I would be happy to manage it with you all guys.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 04/19/2012 06:16 PM, wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Speaking as someone unrelated to Christoph, I'd like to cheer for the notion of a "blessed" (i.e. examined or built by a core developer) RPM for Karaf.
>>> We roll our own here, but it would be much better to rely on one we share with the community. I know that Apache projects don't often distribute artifacts like DEB or RPM files as official, but I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
>>> - ---
>>> A. Soroka
>>> Software&  Systems Engineering :: Online Library Environment
>>> the University of Virginia Library
>>> On Apr 19, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
>>>> Hi Christoph,
>>>> Some time ago (in far galaxy ;)), I thought about:
>>>> - a RPM/DEB package to install Karaf instance
>>>> - a RPM/DEB package to populate the Karaf system directory and update the etc configuration files
>>>> It doesn't require a Archiva (or other Maven repository manager), the Karaf system folder is already a Maven structure.
>>>> WDYT ?
>>>> Regards
>>>> JB
>>>> On 04/19/2012 06:06 PM, Emmersberger, Christoph wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jean-Baptiste,
>>>>> thank's for your response.
>>>>> I'll give it a try with the maven-metadata-local.xml since calling a REST Service (I assume you shortened the long term by RS) might become difficult from the RPM process on an environment where JAVA_HOME might not be standardized set across all environments.
>>>>> Many greets and kind regards,
>>>>> Christoph
>>>>> On 19.04.2012, at 16:04, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Christoph,
>>>>>> The "efficient" way is to mimic the maven-deploy-plugin.
>>>>>> The maven-deploy-plugin (in deploy or deploy-file goals) create all the maven metadata (, maven-metadata.xml, etc) that Archiva use.
>>>>>> On karaf-maven-plugin (trunk), I implemented the generation of maven-metadata-local.xml.
>>>>>> Archiva provide a RS interface to upload artifact and generate the metadata on the fly (using the RS provided info).
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> JB
>>>>>> On 04/19/2012 03:37 PM, Christoph Emmersberger wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>> I'm looking currently for a convenient way of using the
>>>>>>> features-maven-plugin to create an offline repo and deploy it as an RPM.
>>>>>>> What I've already achieved is the creation of the RPM package and the
>>>>>>> inclusion of the created bundels (see also my feature-repo target folder)
>>>>>>> [cemmersb@localhost repo-snapshot]$ tree
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> |-- commons-io
>>>>>>> | `-- commons-io
>>>>>>> | |-- 1.4
>>>>>>> | | |-- commons-io-1.4.jar
>>>>>>> | | |-- commons-io-1.4.jar.md5
>>>>>>> | | |-- commons-io-1.4.jar.sha1
>>>>>>> | | |-- maven-metadata.xml
>>>>>>> | | |-- maven-metadata.xml.md5
>>>>>>> | | `-- maven-metadata.xml.sha1
>>>>>>> | |-- maven-metadata.xml
>>>>>>> | |-- maven-metadata.xml.md5
>>>>>>> | `-- maven-metadata.xml.sha1
>>>>>>> `-- org
>>>>>>> `-- apache
>>>>>>> |-- karaf
>>>>>>> | `-- assemblies
>>>>>>> | `-- features
>>>>>>> | |-- enterprise
>>>>>>> | | `-- 2.2.2
>>>>>>> | | `-- enterprise-2.2.2-features.xml
>>>>>>> | `-- standard
>>>>>>> | `-- 2.2.2
>>>>>>> | `-- standard-2.2.2-features.xml
>>>>>>> `-- servicemix
>>>>>>> `-- bundles
>>>>>>> `-- org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ehcache
>>>>>>> |-- 2.5.0_1
>>>>>>> | |-- maven-metadata.xml
>>>>>>> | |-- maven-metadata.xml.md5
>>>>>>> | |-- maven-metadata.xml.sha1
>>>>>>> | |-- org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ehcache-2.5.0_1.jar
>>>>>>> | |-- org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ehcache-2.5.0_1.jar.md5
>>>>>>> | `-- org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ehcache-2.5.0_1.jar.sha1
>>>>>>> |-- maven-metadata.xml
>>>>>>> |-- maven-metadata.xml.md5
>>>>>>> `-- maven-metadata.xml.sha1
>>>>>>> My RPM does basically nothing else than copying the repo into the
>>>>>>> Archiva repository data folder that I chose for that operation.
>>>>>>> Generally the processing works well whey Karaf adds Archiva as a
>>>>>>> repository, features and bundles can be installed that way. The only
>>>>>>> missing point for me is, that Archiva complains about incomplete
>>>>>>> metadata, which is correct since there is no pom file included to the
>>>>>>> feature-repo.
>>>>>>> Archiva screen output:
>>>>>>> <dependency>
>>>>>>> <groupId></groupId>
>>>>>>> <artifactId></artifactId>
>>>>>>> <version>2.0-rc3-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>>>>>> <type></type>
>>>>>>> </dependency>
>>>>>>> Artifact metadata is incomplete.
>>>>>>> Does anyone of you know about a convenient way, to include the pom files
>>>>>>> as well?
>>>>>>> Many thanks and kind regards,
>>>>>>> Christoph
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>>>> Talend -
>>>> --
>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>> Talend -
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>> -- 
>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>> Talend -

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