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[14/51] [partial] nifi-minifi-cpp git commit: MINIFICPP-512 - upgrade to librdkafka 0.11.4
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/regexp.c b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/regexp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 022c4fc..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/regexp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1156 +0,0 @@
-#include "rd.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "regexp.h"
-#define nelem(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a)[0])
-typedef unsigned int Rune;
-static int isalpharune(Rune c)
-	/* TODO: Add unicode support */
-	return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
-static Rune toupperrune(Rune c)
-	/* TODO: Add unicode support */
-	if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
-		return c - 'a' + 'A';
-	return c;
-static int chartorune(Rune *r, const char *s)
-	/* TODO: Add UTF-8 decoding */
-	*r = *s;
-	return 1;
-#define REPINF 255
-#define MAXTHREAD 1000
-typedef struct Reclass Reclass;
-typedef struct Renode Renode;
-typedef struct Reinst Reinst;
-typedef struct Rethread Rethread;
-struct Reclass {
-	Rune *end;
-	Rune spans[64];
-struct Reprog {
-	Reinst *start, *end;
-	int flags;
-	unsigned int nsub;
-	Reclass cclass[16];
-static struct {
-	Reprog *prog;
-	Renode *pstart, *pend;
-	const char *source;
-	unsigned int ncclass;
-	unsigned int nsub;
-	Renode *sub[MAXSUB];
-	int lookahead;
-	Rune yychar;
-	Reclass *yycc;
-	int yymin, yymax;
-	const char *error;
-	jmp_buf kaboom;
-} g;
-static void die(const char *message)
-	g.error = message;
-	longjmp(g.kaboom, 1);
-static Rune canon(Rune c)
-	Rune u = toupperrune(c);
-	if (c >= 128 && u < 128)
-		return c;
-	return u;
-/* Scan */
-enum {
-	L_CHAR = 256,
-	L_CCLASS,	/* character class */
-	L_NCCLASS,	/* negative character class */
-	L_NC,		/* "(?:" no capture */
-	L_PLA,		/* "(?=" positive lookahead */
-	L_NLA,		/* "(?!" negative lookahead */
-	L_WORD,		/* "\b" word boundary */
-	L_NWORD,	/* "\B" non-word boundary */
-	L_REF,		/* "\1" back-reference */
-	L_COUNT		/* {M,N} */
-static int hex(int c)
-	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0';
-	if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 0xA;
-	if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 0xA;
-	die("invalid escape sequence");
-	return 0;
-static int dec(int c)
-	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0';
-	die("invalid quantifier");
-	return 0;
-#define ESCAPES "BbDdSsWw^$\\.*+?()[]{}|0123456789"
-static int nextrune(void)
-	g.source += chartorune(&g.yychar, g.source);
-	if (g.yychar == '\\') {
-		g.source += chartorune(&g.yychar, g.source);
-		switch (g.yychar) {
-		case 0: die("unterminated escape sequence");
-		case 'f': g.yychar = '\f'; return 0;
-		case 'n': g.yychar = '\n'; return 0;
-		case 'r': g.yychar = '\r'; return 0;
-		case 't': g.yychar = '\t'; return 0;
-		case 'v': g.yychar = '\v'; return 0;
-		case 'c':
-			g.yychar = (*g.source++) & 31;
-			return 0;
-		case 'x':
-			g.yychar = hex(*g.source++) << 4;
-			g.yychar += hex(*g.source++);
-			if (g.yychar == 0) {
-				g.yychar = '0';
-				return 1;
-			}
-			return 0;
-		case 'u':
-			g.yychar = hex(*g.source++) << 12;
-			g.yychar += hex(*g.source++) << 8;
-			g.yychar += hex(*g.source++) << 4;
-			g.yychar += hex(*g.source++);
-			if (g.yychar == 0) {
-				g.yychar = '0';
-				return 1;
-			}
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if (strchr(ESCAPES, g.yychar))
-			return 1;
-		if (isalpharune(g.yychar) || g.yychar == '_') /* check identity escape */
-			die("invalid escape character");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int lexcount(void)
-	g.yychar = *g.source++;
-	g.yymin = dec(g.yychar);
-	g.yychar = *g.source++;
-	while (g.yychar != ',' && g.yychar != '}') {
-		g.yymin = g.yymin * 10 + dec(g.yychar);
-		g.yychar = *g.source++;
-	}
-	if (g.yymin >= REPINF)
-		die("numeric overflow");
-	if (g.yychar == ',') {
-		g.yychar = *g.source++;
-		if (g.yychar == '}') {
-			g.yymax = REPINF;
-		} else {
-			g.yymax = dec(g.yychar);
-			g.yychar = *g.source++;
-			while (g.yychar != '}') {
-				g.yymax = g.yymax * 10 + dec(g.yychar);
-				g.yychar = *g.source++;
-			}
-			if (g.yymax >= REPINF)
-				die("numeric overflow");
-		}
-	} else {
-		g.yymax = g.yymin;
-	}
-	return L_COUNT;
-static void newcclass(void)
-	if (g.ncclass >= nelem(g.prog->cclass))
-		die("too many character classes");
-	g.yycc = g.prog->cclass + g.ncclass++;
-	g.yycc->end = g.yycc->spans;
-static void addrange(Rune a, Rune b)
-	if (a > b)
-		die("invalid character class range");
-	if (g.yycc->end + 2 == g.yycc->spans + nelem(g.yycc->spans))
-		die("too many character class ranges");
-	*g.yycc->end++ = a;
-	*g.yycc->end++ = b;
-static void addranges_d(void)
-	addrange('0', '9');
-static void addranges_D(void)
-	addrange(0, '0'-1);
-	addrange('9'+1, 0xFFFF);
-static void addranges_s(void)
-	addrange(0x9, 0x9);
-	addrange(0xA, 0xD);
-	addrange(0x20, 0x20);
-	addrange(0xA0, 0xA0);
-	addrange(0x2028, 0x2029);
-	addrange(0xFEFF, 0xFEFF);
-static void addranges_S(void)
-	addrange(0, 0x9-1);
-	addrange(0x9+1, 0xA-1);
-	addrange(0xD+1, 0x20-1);
-	addrange(0x20+1, 0xA0-1);
-	addrange(0xA0+1, 0x2028-1);
-	addrange(0x2029+1, 0xFEFF-1);
-	addrange(0xFEFF+1, 0xFFFF);
-static void addranges_w(void)
-	addrange('0', '9');
-	addrange('A', 'Z');
-	addrange('_', '_');
-	addrange('a', 'z');
-static void addranges_W(void)
-	addrange(0, '0'-1);
-	addrange('9'+1, 'A'-1);
-	addrange('Z'+1, '_'-1);
-	addrange('_'+1, 'a'-1);
-	addrange('z'+1, 0xFFFF);
-static int lexclass(void)
-	int type = L_CCLASS;
-	int quoted, havesave, havedash;
-	Rune save = 0;
-	newcclass();
-	quoted = nextrune();
-	if (!quoted && g.yychar == '^') {
-		type = L_NCCLASS;
-		quoted = nextrune();
-	}
-	havesave = havedash = 0;
-	for (;;) {
-		if (g.yychar == 0)
-			die("unterminated character class");
-		if (!quoted && g.yychar == ']')
-			break;
-		if (!quoted && g.yychar == '-') {
-			if (havesave) {
-				if (havedash) {
-					addrange(save, '-');
-					havesave = havedash = 0;
-				} else {
-					havedash = 1;
-				}
-			} else {
-				save = '-';
-				havesave = 1;
-			}
-		} else if (quoted && strchr("DSWdsw", g.yychar)) {
-			if (havesave) {
-				addrange(save, save);
-				if (havedash)
-					addrange('-', '-');
-			}
-			switch (g.yychar) {
-			case 'd': addranges_d(); break;
-			case 's': addranges_s(); break;
-			case 'w': addranges_w(); break;
-			case 'D': addranges_D(); break;
-			case 'S': addranges_S(); break;
-			case 'W': addranges_W(); break;
-			}
-			havesave = havedash = 0;
-		} else {
-			if (quoted) {
-				if (g.yychar == 'b')
-					g.yychar = '\b';
-				else if (g.yychar == '0')
-					g.yychar = 0;
-				/* else identity escape */
-			}
-			if (havesave) {
-				if (havedash) {
-					addrange(save, g.yychar);
-					havesave = havedash = 0;
-				} else {
-					addrange(save, save);
-					save = g.yychar;
-				}
-			} else {
-				save = g.yychar;
-				havesave = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		quoted = nextrune();
-	}
-	if (havesave) {
-		addrange(save, save);
-		if (havedash)
-			addrange('-', '-');
-	}
-	return type;
-static int lex(void)
-	int quoted = nextrune();
-	if (quoted) {
-		switch (g.yychar) {
-		case 'b': return L_WORD;
-		case 'B': return L_NWORD;
-		case 'd': newcclass(); addranges_d(); return L_CCLASS;
-		case 's': newcclass(); addranges_s(); return L_CCLASS;
-		case 'w': newcclass(); addranges_w(); return L_CCLASS;
-		case 'D': newcclass(); addranges_d(); return L_NCCLASS;
-		case 'S': newcclass(); addranges_s(); return L_NCCLASS;
-		case 'W': newcclass(); addranges_w(); return L_NCCLASS;
-		case '0': g.yychar = 0; return L_CHAR;
-		}
-		if (g.yychar >= '0' && g.yychar <= '9') {
-			g.yychar -= '0';
-			if (*g.source >= '0' && *g.source <= '9')
-				g.yychar = g.yychar * 10 + *g.source++ - '0';
-			return L_REF;
-		}
-		return L_CHAR;
-	}
-	switch (g.yychar) {
-	case 0:
-	case '$': case ')': case '*': case '+':
-	case '.': case '?': case '^': case '|':
-		return g.yychar;
-	}
-	if (g.yychar == '{')
-		return lexcount();
-	if (g.yychar == '[')
-		return lexclass();
-	if (g.yychar == '(') {
-		if (g.source[0] == '?') {
-			if (g.source[1] == ':') {
-				g.source += 2;
-				return L_NC;
-			}
-			if (g.source[1] == '=') {
-				g.source += 2;
-				return L_PLA;
-			}
-			if (g.source[1] == '!') {
-				g.source += 2;
-				return L_NLA;
-			}
-		}
-		return '(';
-	}
-	return L_CHAR;
-/* Parse */
-enum {
-struct Renode {
-	unsigned char type;
-	unsigned char ng, m, n;
-	Rune c;
-	Reclass *cc;
-	Renode *x;
-	Renode *y;
-static Renode *newnode(int type)
-	Renode *node = g.pend++;
-	node->type = type;
-	node->cc = NULL;
-	node->c = 0;
-	node->ng = 0;
-	node->m = 0;
-	node->n = 0;
-	node->x = node->y = NULL;
-	return node;
-static int empty(Renode *node)
-	if (!node) return 1;
-	switch (node->type) {
-	default: return 1;
-	case P_CAT: return empty(node->x) && empty(node->y);
-	case P_ALT: return empty(node->x) || empty(node->y);
-	case P_REP: return empty(node->x) || node->m == 0;
-	case P_PAR: return empty(node->x);
-	case P_REF: return empty(node->x);
-	case P_ANY: case P_CHAR: case P_CCLASS: case P_NCCLASS: return 0;
-	}
-static Renode *newrep(Renode *atom, int ng, int min, int max)
-	Renode *rep = newnode(P_REP);
-	if (max == REPINF && empty(atom))
-		die("infinite loop matching the empty string");
-	rep->ng = ng;
-	rep->m = min;
-	rep->n = max;
-	rep->x = atom;
-	return rep;
-static void next(void)
-	g.lookahead = lex();
-static int re_accept(int t)
-	if (g.lookahead == t) {
-		next();
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static Renode *parsealt(void);
-static Renode *parseatom(void)
-	Renode *atom;
-	if (g.lookahead == L_CHAR) {
-		atom = newnode(P_CHAR);
-		atom->c = g.yychar;
-		next();
-		return atom;
-	}
-	if (g.lookahead == L_CCLASS) {
-		atom = newnode(P_CCLASS);
-		atom->cc = g.yycc;
-		next();
-		return atom;
-	}
-	if (g.lookahead == L_NCCLASS) {
-		atom = newnode(P_NCCLASS);
-		atom->cc = g.yycc;
-		next();
-		return atom;
-	}
-	if (g.lookahead == L_REF) {
-		atom = newnode(P_REF);
-		if (g.yychar == 0 || g.yychar > g.nsub || !g.sub[g.yychar])
-			die("invalid back-reference");
-		atom->n = g.yychar;
-		atom->x = g.sub[g.yychar];
-		next();
-		return atom;
-	}
-	if (re_accept('.'))
-		return newnode(P_ANY);
-	if (re_accept('(')) {
-		atom = newnode(P_PAR);
-		if (g.nsub == MAXSUB)
-			die("too many captures");
-		atom->n = g.nsub++;
-		atom->x = parsealt();
-		g.sub[atom->n] = atom;
-		if (!re_accept(')'))
-			die("unmatched '('");
-		return atom;
-	}
-	if (re_accept(L_NC)) {
-		atom = parsealt();
-		if (!re_accept(')'))
-			die("unmatched '('");
-		return atom;
-	}
-	if (re_accept(L_PLA)) {
-		atom = newnode(P_PLA);
-		atom->x = parsealt();
-		if (!re_accept(')'))
-			die("unmatched '('");
-		return atom;
-	}
-	if (re_accept(L_NLA)) {
-		atom = newnode(P_NLA);
-		atom->x = parsealt();
-		if (!re_accept(')'))
-			die("unmatched '('");
-		return atom;
-	}
-	die("syntax error");
-	return NULL;
-static Renode *parserep(void)
-	Renode *atom;
-	if (re_accept('^')) return newnode(P_BOL);
-	if (re_accept('$')) return newnode(P_EOL);
-	if (re_accept(L_WORD)) return newnode(P_WORD);
-	if (re_accept(L_NWORD)) return newnode(P_NWORD);
-	atom = parseatom();
-	if (g.lookahead == L_COUNT) {
-		int min = g.yymin, max = g.yymax;
-		next();
-		if (max < min)
-			die("invalid quantifier");
-		return newrep(atom, re_accept('?'), min, max);
-	}
-	if (re_accept('*')) return newrep(atom, re_accept('?'), 0, REPINF);
-	if (re_accept('+')) return newrep(atom, re_accept('?'), 1, REPINF);
-	if (re_accept('?')) return newrep(atom, re_accept('?'), 0, 1);
-	return atom;
-static Renode *parsecat(void)
-	Renode *cat, *x;
-	if (g.lookahead && g.lookahead != '|' && g.lookahead != ')') {
-		cat = parserep();
-		while (g.lookahead && g.lookahead != '|' && g.lookahead != ')') {
-			x = cat;
-			cat = newnode(P_CAT);
-			cat->x = x;
-			cat->y = parserep();
-		}
-		return cat;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static Renode *parsealt(void)
-	Renode *alt, *x;
-	alt = parsecat();
-	while (re_accept('|')) {
-		x = alt;
-		alt = newnode(P_ALT);
-		alt->x = x;
-		alt->y = parsecat();
-	}
-	return alt;
-/* Compile */
-enum {
-struct Reinst {
-	unsigned char opcode;
-	unsigned char n;
-	Rune c;
-	Reclass *cc;
-	Reinst *x;
-	Reinst *y;
-static unsigned int count(Renode *node)
-	unsigned int min, max;
-	if (!node) return 0;
-	switch (node->type) {
-	default: return 1;
-	case P_CAT: return count(node->x) + count(node->y);
-	case P_ALT: return count(node->x) + count(node->y) + 2;
-	case P_REP:
-		min = node->m;
-		max = node->n;
-		if (min == max) return count(node->x) * min;
-		if (max < REPINF) return count(node->x) * max + (max - min);
-		return count(node->x) * (min + 1) + 2;
-	case P_PAR: return count(node->x) + 2;
-	case P_PLA: return count(node->x) + 2;
-	case P_NLA: return count(node->x) + 2;
-	}
-static Reinst *emit(Reprog *prog, int opcode)
-	Reinst *inst = prog->end++;
-	inst->opcode = opcode;
-	inst->n = 0;
-	inst->c = 0;
-	inst->cc = NULL;
-	inst->x = inst->y = NULL;
-	return inst;
-static void compile(Reprog *prog, Renode *node)
-	Reinst *inst, *split, *jump;
-	unsigned int i;
-	if (!node)
-		return;
-	switch (node->type) {
-	case P_CAT:
-		compile(prog, node->x);
-		compile(prog, node->y);
-		break;
-	case P_ALT:
-		split = emit(prog, I_SPLIT);
-		compile(prog, node->x);
-		jump = emit(prog, I_JUMP);
-		compile(prog, node->y);
-		split->x = split + 1;
-		split->y = jump + 1;
-		jump->x = prog->end;
-		break;
-	case P_REP:
-		for (i = 0; i < node->m; ++i) {
-			inst = prog->end;
-			compile(prog, node->x);
-		}
-		if (node->m == node->n)
-			break;
-		if (node->n < REPINF) {
-			for (i = node->m; i < node->n; ++i) {
-				split = emit(prog, I_SPLIT);
-				compile(prog, node->x);
-				if (node->ng) {
-					split->y = split + 1;
-					split->x = prog->end;
-				} else {
-					split->x = split + 1;
-					split->y = prog->end;
-				}
-			}
-		} else if (node->m == 0) {
-			split = emit(prog, I_SPLIT);
-			compile(prog, node->x);
-			jump = emit(prog, I_JUMP);
-			if (node->ng) {
-				split->y = split + 1;
-				split->x = prog->end;
-			} else {
-				split->x = split + 1;
-				split->y = prog->end;
-			}
-			jump->x = split;
-		} else {
-			split = emit(prog, I_SPLIT);
-			if (node->ng) {
-				split->y = inst;
-				split->x = prog->end;
-			} else {
-				split->x = inst;
-				split->y = prog->end;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	case P_BOL: emit(prog, I_BOL); break;
-	case P_EOL: emit(prog, I_EOL); break;
-	case P_WORD: emit(prog, I_WORD); break;
-	case P_NWORD: emit(prog, I_NWORD); break;
-	case P_PAR:
-		inst = emit(prog, I_LPAR);
-		inst->n = node->n;
-		compile(prog, node->x);
-		inst = emit(prog, I_RPAR);
-		inst->n = node->n;
-		break;
-	case P_PLA:
-		split = emit(prog, I_PLA);
-		compile(prog, node->x);
-		emit(prog, I_END);
-		split->x = split + 1;
-		split->y = prog->end;
-		break;
-	case P_NLA:
-		split = emit(prog, I_NLA);
-		compile(prog, node->x);
-		emit(prog, I_END);
-		split->x = split + 1;
-		split->y = prog->end;
-		break;
-	case P_ANY:
-		emit(prog, I_ANY);
-		break;
-	case P_CHAR:
-		inst = emit(prog, I_CHAR);
-		inst->c = (prog->flags & REG_ICASE) ? canon(node->c) : node->c;
-		break;
-	case P_CCLASS:
-		inst = emit(prog, I_CCLASS);
-		inst->cc = node->cc;
-		break;
-	case P_NCCLASS:
-		inst = emit(prog, I_NCCLASS);
-		inst->cc = node->cc;
-		break;
-	case P_REF:
-		inst = emit(prog, I_REF);
-		inst->n = node->n;
-		break;
-	}
-#ifdef TEST
-static void dumpnode(Renode *node)
-	Rune *p;
-	if (!node) { printf("Empty"); return; }
-	switch (node->type) {
-	case P_CAT: printf("Cat("); dumpnode(node->x); printf(", "); dumpnode(node->y); printf(")"); break;
-	case P_ALT: printf("Alt("); dumpnode(node->x); printf(", "); dumpnode(node->y); printf(")"); break;
-	case P_REP:
-		printf(node->ng ? "NgRep(%d,%d," : "Rep(%d,%d,", node->m, node->n);
-		dumpnode(node->x);
-		printf(")");
-		break;
-	case P_BOL: printf("Bol"); break;
-	case P_EOL: printf("Eol"); break;
-	case P_WORD: printf("Word"); break;
-	case P_NWORD: printf("NotWord"); break;
-	case P_PAR: printf("Par(%d,", node->n); dumpnode(node->x); printf(")"); break;
-	case P_PLA: printf("PLA("); dumpnode(node->x); printf(")"); break;
-	case P_NLA: printf("NLA("); dumpnode(node->x); printf(")"); break;
-	case P_ANY: printf("Any"); break;
-	case P_CHAR: printf("Char(%c)", node->c); break;
-	case P_CCLASS:
-		printf("Class(");
-		for (p = node->cc->spans; p < node->cc->end; p += 2) printf("%02X-%02X,", p[0], p[1]);
-		printf(")");
-		break;
-	case P_NCCLASS:
-		printf("NotClass(");
-		for (p = node->cc->spans; p < node->cc->end; p += 2) printf("%02X-%02X,", p[0], p[1]);
-		printf(")");
-		break;
-	case P_REF: printf("Ref(%d)", node->n); break;
-	}
-static void dumpprog(Reprog *prog)
-	Reinst *inst;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0, inst = prog->start; inst < prog->end; ++i, ++inst) {
-		printf("% 5d: ", i);
-		switch (inst->opcode) {
-		case I_END: puts("end"); break;
-		case I_JUMP: printf("jump %d\n", (int)(inst->x - prog->start)); break;
-		case I_SPLIT: printf("split %d %d\n", (int)(inst->x - prog->start), (int)(inst->y - prog->start)); break;
-		case I_PLA: printf("pla %d %d\n", (int)(inst->x - prog->start), (int)(inst->y - prog->start)); break;
-		case I_NLA: printf("nla %d %d\n", (int)(inst->x - prog->start), (int)(inst->y - prog->start)); break;
-		case I_ANY: puts("any"); break;
-		case I_ANYNL: puts("anynl"); break;
-		case I_CHAR: printf(inst->c >= 32 && inst->c < 127 ? "char '%c'\n" : "char U+%04X\n", inst->c); break;
-		case I_CCLASS: puts("cclass"); break;
-		case I_NCCLASS: puts("ncclass"); break;
-		case I_REF: printf("ref %d\n", inst->n); break;
-		case I_BOL: puts("bol"); break;
-		case I_EOL: puts("eol"); break;
-		case I_WORD: puts("word"); break;
-		case I_NWORD: puts("nword"); break;
-		case I_LPAR: printf("lpar %d\n", inst->n); break;
-		case I_RPAR: printf("rpar %d\n", inst->n); break;
-		}
-	}
-Reprog *re_regcomp(const char *pattern, int cflags, const char **errorp)
-	Renode *node;
-	Reinst *split, *jump;
-	int i;
-	g.prog = rd_malloc(sizeof (Reprog));
-	g.pstart = g.pend = rd_malloc(sizeof (Renode) * strlen(pattern) * 2);
-	if (setjmp(g.kaboom)) {
-		if (errorp) *errorp = g.error;
-		rd_free(g.pstart);
-		rd_free(g.prog);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	g.source = pattern;
-	g.ncclass = 0;
-	g.nsub = 1;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAXSUB; ++i)
-		g.sub[i] = 0;
-	g.prog->flags = cflags;
-	next();
-	node = parsealt();
-	if (g.lookahead == ')')
-		die("unmatched ')'");
-	if (g.lookahead != 0)
-		die("syntax error");
-	g.prog->nsub = g.nsub;
-	g.prog->start = g.prog->end = rd_malloc((count(node) + 6) * sizeof (Reinst));
-	split = emit(g.prog, I_SPLIT);
-	split->x = split + 3;
-	split->y = split + 1;
-	emit(g.prog, I_ANYNL);
-	jump = emit(g.prog, I_JUMP);
-	jump->x = split;
-	emit(g.prog, I_LPAR);
-	compile(g.prog, node);
-	emit(g.prog, I_RPAR);
-	emit(g.prog, I_END);
-#ifdef TEST
-	dumpnode(node);
-	putchar('\n');
-	dumpprog(g.prog);
-	rd_free(g.pstart);
-	if (errorp) *errorp = NULL;
-	return g.prog;
-void re_regfree(Reprog *prog)
-	if (prog) {
-		rd_free(prog->start);
-		rd_free(prog);
-	}
-/* Match */
-static int isnewline(int c)
-	return c == 0xA || c == 0xD || c == 0x2028 || c == 0x2029;
-static int iswordchar(int c)
-	return c == '_' ||
-		(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
-		(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
-		(c >= '0' && c <= '9');
-static int incclass(Reclass *cc, Rune c)
-	Rune *p;
-	for (p = cc->spans; p < cc->end; p += 2)
-		if (p[0] <= c && c <= p[1])
-			return 1;
-	return 0;
-static int incclasscanon(Reclass *cc, Rune c)
-	Rune *p, r;
-	for (p = cc->spans; p < cc->end; p += 2)
-		for (r = p[0]; r <= p[1]; ++r)
-			if (c == canon(r))
-				return 1;
-	return 0;
-static int strncmpcanon(const char *a, const char *b, unsigned int n)
-	Rune ra, rb;
-	int c;
-	while (n--) {
-		if (!*a) return -1;
-		if (!*b) return 1;
-		a += chartorune(&ra, a);
-		b += chartorune(&rb, b);
-		c = canon(ra) - canon(rb);
-		if (c)
-			return c;
-	}
-	return 0;
-struct Rethread {
-	Reinst *pc;
-	const char *sp;
-	Resub sub;
-static void spawn(Rethread *t, Reinst *pc, const char *sp, Resub *sub)
-	t->pc = pc;
-	t->sp = sp;
-	memcpy(&t->sub, sub, sizeof t->sub);
-static int match(Reinst *pc, const char *sp, const char *bol, int flags, Resub *out)
-	Rethread ready[MAXTHREAD];
-	Resub scratch;
-	Resub sub;
-	Rune c;
-	unsigned int nready;
-	int i;
-	/* queue initial thread */
-	spawn(ready + 0, pc, sp, out);
-	nready = 1;
-	/* run threads in stack order */
-	while (nready > 0) {
-		--nready;
-		pc = ready[nready].pc;
-		sp = ready[nready].sp;
-		memcpy(&sub, &ready[nready].sub, sizeof sub);
-		for (;;) {
-			switch (pc->opcode) {
-			case I_END:
-				for (i = 0; i < MAXSUB; ++i) {
-					out->sub[i].sp = sub.sub[i].sp;
-					out->sub[i].ep = sub.sub[i].ep;
-				}
-				return 1;
-			case I_JUMP:
-				pc = pc->x;
-				continue;
-			case I_SPLIT:
-				if (nready >= MAXTHREAD) {
-					fprintf(stderr, "regexec: backtrack overflow!\n");
-					return 0;
-				}
-				spawn(&ready[nready++], pc->y, sp, &sub);
-				pc = pc->x;
-				continue;
-			case I_PLA:
-				if (!match(pc->x, sp, bol, flags, &sub))
-					goto dead;
-				pc = pc->y;
-				continue;
-			case I_NLA:
-				memcpy(&scratch, &sub, sizeof scratch);
-				if (match(pc->x, sp, bol, flags, &scratch))
-					goto dead;
-				pc = pc->y;
-				continue;
-			case I_ANYNL:
-				sp += chartorune(&c, sp);
-				if (c == 0)
-					goto dead;
-				break;
-			case I_ANY:
-				sp += chartorune(&c, sp);
-				if (c == 0)
-					goto dead;
-				if (isnewline(c))
-					goto dead;
-				break;
-			case I_CHAR:
-				sp += chartorune(&c, sp);
-				if (c == 0)
-					goto dead;
-				if (flags & REG_ICASE)
-					c = canon(c);
-				if (c != pc->c)
-					goto dead;
-				break;
-			case I_CCLASS:
-				sp += chartorune(&c, sp);
-				if (c == 0)
-					goto dead;
-				if (flags & REG_ICASE) {
-					if (!incclasscanon(pc->cc, canon(c)))
-						goto dead;
-				} else {
-					if (!incclass(pc->cc, c))
-						goto dead;
-				}
-				break;
-			case I_NCCLASS:
-				sp += chartorune(&c, sp);
-				if (c == 0)
-					goto dead;
-				if (flags & REG_ICASE) {
-					if (incclasscanon(pc->cc, canon(c)))
-						goto dead;
-				} else {
-					if (incclass(pc->cc, c))
-						goto dead;
-				}
-				break;
-			case I_REF:
-				i = (int)(sub.sub[pc->n].ep - sub.sub[pc->n].sp);
-				if (flags & REG_ICASE) {
-					if (strncmpcanon(sp, sub.sub[pc->n].sp, i))
-						goto dead;
-				} else {
-					if (strncmp(sp, sub.sub[pc->n].sp, i))
-						goto dead;
-				}
-				if (i > 0)
-					sp += i;
-				break;
-			case I_BOL:
-				if (sp == bol && !(flags & REG_NOTBOL))
-					break;
-				if (flags & REG_NEWLINE)
-					if (sp > bol && isnewline(sp[-1]))
-						break;
-				goto dead;
-			case I_EOL:
-				if (*sp == 0)
-					break;
-				if (flags & REG_NEWLINE)
-					if (isnewline(*sp))
-						break;
-				goto dead;
-			case I_WORD:
-				i = sp > bol && iswordchar(sp[-1]);
-				i ^= iswordchar(sp[0]);
-				if (i)
-					break;
-				goto dead;
-			case I_NWORD:
-				i = sp > bol && iswordchar(sp[-1]);
-				i ^= iswordchar(sp[0]);
-				if (!i)
-					break;
-				goto dead;
-			case I_LPAR:
-				sub.sub[pc->n].sp = sp;
-				break;
-			case I_RPAR:
-				sub.sub[pc->n].ep = sp;
-				break;
-			default:
-				goto dead;
-			}
-			pc = pc + 1;
-		}
-dead: ;
-	}
-	return 0;
-int re_regexec(Reprog *prog, const char *sp, Resub *sub, int eflags)
-	Resub scratch;
-	int i;
-	if (!sub)
-		sub = &scratch;
-	sub->nsub = prog->nsub;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAXSUB; ++i)
-		sub->sub[i].sp = sub->sub[i].ep = NULL;
-	return !match(prog->start, sp, sp, prog->flags | eflags, sub);
-#ifdef TEST
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	const char *error;
-	const char *s;
-	Reprog *p;
-	Resub m;
-	unsigned int i;
-	if (argc > 1) {
-		p = regcomp(argv[1], 0, &error);
-		if (!p) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "regcomp: %s\n", error);
-			return 1;
-		}
-		if (argc > 2) {
-			s = argv[2];
-			printf("nsub = %d\n", p->nsub);
-			if (!regexec(p, s, &m, 0)) {
-				for (i = 0; i < m.nsub; ++i) {
-					int n = m.sub[i].ep - m.sub[i].sp;
-					if (n > 0)
-						printf("match %d: s=%d e=%d n=%d '%.*s'\n", i, (int)(m.sub[i].sp - s), (int)(m.sub[i].ep - s), n, n, m.sub[i].sp);
-					else
-						printf("match %d: n=0 ''\n", i);
-				}
-			} else {
-				printf("no match\n");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/regexp.h b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/regexp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 535b02c..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/regexp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef regexp_h
-#define regexp_h
-typedef struct Reprog Reprog;
-typedef struct Resub Resub;
-Reprog *re_regcomp(const char *pattern, int cflags, const char **errorp);
-int re_regexec(Reprog *prog, const char *string, Resub *sub, int eflags);
-void re_regfree(Reprog *prog);
-enum {
-	/* regcomp flags */
-	REG_ICASE = 1,
-	/* regexec flags */
-	/* limits */
-struct Resub {
-	unsigned int nsub;
-	struct {
-		const char *sp;
-		const char *ep;
-	} sub[REG_MAXSUB];
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy.c b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 376a432..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1834 +0,0 @@
- * C port of the snappy compressor from Google.
- * This is a very fast compressor with comparable compression to lzo.
- * Works best on 64bit little-endian, but should be good on others too.
- * Ported by Andi Kleen.
- * Uptodate with snappy 1.1.0
- */
- * Copyright 2005 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
- * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- * distribution.
- *     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
-#ifndef SG
-#define SG /* Scatter-Gather / iovec support in Snappy */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#ifdef SG
-#include <linux/uio.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/snappy.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-#include <asm/unaligned.h>
-#include "snappy.h"
-#include "snappy_compat.h"
-#include "rd.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#define inline __inline
-#define CRASH_UNLESS(x) BUG_ON(!(x))
-#define CHECK(cond) CRASH_UNLESS(cond)
-#define CHECK_LE(a, b) CRASH_UNLESS((a) <= (b))
-#define CHECK_GE(a, b) CRASH_UNLESS((a) >= (b))
-#define CHECK_EQ(a, b) CRASH_UNLESS((a) == (b))
-#define CHECK_NE(a, b) CRASH_UNLESS((a) != (b))
-#define CHECK_LT(a, b) CRASH_UNLESS((a) < (b))
-#define CHECK_GT(a, b) CRASH_UNLESS((a) > (b))
-#define UNALIGNED_LOAD16(_p) get_unaligned((u16 *)(_p))
-#define UNALIGNED_LOAD32(_p) get_unaligned((u32 *)(_p))
-#define UNALIGNED_LOAD64(_p) get_unaligned64((u64 *)(_p))
-#define UNALIGNED_STORE16(_p, _val) put_unaligned(_val, (u16 *)(_p))
-#define UNALIGNED_STORE32(_p, _val) put_unaligned(_val, (u32 *)(_p))
-#define UNALIGNED_STORE64(_p, _val) put_unaligned64(_val, (u64 *)(_p))
- * This can be more efficient than UNALIGNED_LOAD64 + UNALIGNED_STORE64
- * on some platforms, in particular ARM.
- */
-static inline void unaligned_copy64(const void *src, void *dst)
-	if (sizeof(void *) == 8) {
-	} else {
-		const char *src_char = (const char *)(src);
-		char *dst_char = (char *)(dst);
-		UNALIGNED_STORE32(dst_char, UNALIGNED_LOAD32(src_char));
-		UNALIGNED_STORE32(dst_char + 4, UNALIGNED_LOAD32(src_char + 4));
-	}
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-#define DCHECK(cond) do {} while(0)
-#define DCHECK_LE(a, b) do {} while(0)
-#define DCHECK_GE(a, b) do {} while(0)
-#define DCHECK_EQ(a, b) do {} while(0)
-#define DCHECK_NE(a, b) do {} while(0)
-#define DCHECK_LT(a, b) do {} while(0)
-#define DCHECK_GT(a, b) do {} while(0)
-#define DCHECK(cond) CHECK(cond)
-#define DCHECK_LE(a, b) CHECK_LE(a, b)
-#define DCHECK_GE(a, b) CHECK_GE(a, b)
-#define DCHECK_EQ(a, b) CHECK_EQ(a, b)
-#define DCHECK_NE(a, b) CHECK_NE(a, b)
-#define DCHECK_LT(a, b) CHECK_LT(a, b)
-#define DCHECK_GT(a, b) CHECK_GT(a, b)
-static inline bool is_little_endian(void)
-#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-	return true;
-	return false;
-#if defined(__xlc__) // xlc compiler on AIX
-#define rd_clz(n)   __cntlz4(n)
-#define rd_ctz(n)   __cnttz4(n)
-#define rd_ctz64(n) __cnttz8(n)
-#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) // Solaris Studio compiler on sun  
- * Source for following definitions is Hacker’s Delight, Second Edition by Henry S. Warren
- *
- */
-u32 rd_clz(u32 x) {
-   u32 n;
-   if (x == 0) return(32);
-   n = 1;
-   if ((x >> 16) == 0) {n = n +16; x = x <<16;}
-   if ((x >> 24) == 0) {n = n + 8; x = x << 8;}
-   if ((x >> 28) == 0) {n = n + 4; x = x << 4;}
-   if ((x >> 30) == 0) {n = n + 2; x = x << 2;}
-   n = n - (x >> 31);
-   return n;
-u32 rd_ctz(u32 x) {
-   u32 y;
-   u32 n;
-   if (x == 0) return 32;
-   n = 31;
-   y = x <<16;  if (y != 0) {n = n -16; x = y;}
-   y = x << 8;  if (y != 0) {n = n - 8; x = y;}
-   y = x << 4;  if (y != 0) {n = n - 4; x = y;}
-   y = x << 2;  if (y != 0) {n = n - 2; x = y;}
-   y = x << 1;  if (y != 0) {n = n - 1;}
-   return n;
-u64 rd_ctz64(u64 x) {
-   u64 y;
-   u64 n;
-   if (x == 0) return 64;
-   n = 63;
-   y = x <<32;  if (y != 0) {n = n -32; x = y;}
-   y = x <<16;  if (y != 0) {n = n -16; x = y;}
-   y = x << 8;  if (y != 0) {n = n - 8; x = y;}
-   y = x << 4;  if (y != 0) {n = n - 4; x = y;}
-   y = x << 2;  if (y != 0) {n = n - 2; x = y;}
-   y = x << 1;  if (y != 0) {n = n - 1;}
-   return n;
-#elif !defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define rd_clz(n)   __builtin_clz(n)
-#define rd_ctz(n)   __builtin_ctz(n)
-#define rd_ctz64(n) __builtin_ctzll(n)
-#include <intrin.h>
-static int inline rd_clz(u32 x) {
-	int r = 0;
-	if (_BitScanForward(&r, x))
-		return 31 - r;
-	else
-		return 32;
-static int inline rd_ctz(u32 x) {
-	int r = 0;
-	if (_BitScanForward(&r, x))
-		return r;
-	else
-		return 32;
-static int inline rd_ctz64(u64 x) {
-#ifdef _M_X64
-	int r = 0;
-	if (_BitScanReverse64(&r, x))
-		return r;
-	else
-		return 64;
-	int r;
-	if ((r = rd_ctz(x & 0xffffffff)) < 32)
-		return r;
-	return 32 + rd_ctz(x >> 32);
-static inline int log2_floor(u32 n)
-	return n == 0 ? -1 : 31 ^ rd_clz(n);
-static inline RD_UNUSED int find_lsb_set_non_zero(u32 n)
-	return rd_ctz(n);
-static inline RD_UNUSED int find_lsb_set_non_zero64(u64 n)
-	return rd_ctz64(n);
-#define kmax32 5
- * Attempts to parse a varint32 from a prefix of the bytes in [ptr,limit-1].
- *  Never reads a character at or beyond limit.  If a valid/terminated varint32
- * was found in the range, stores it in *OUTPUT and returns a pointer just
- * past the last byte of the varint32. Else returns NULL.  On success,
- * "result <= limit".
- */
-static inline const char *varint_parse32_with_limit(const char *p,
-						    const char *l,
-						    u32 * OUTPUT)
-	const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *)(p);
-	const unsigned char *limit = (const unsigned char *)(l);
-	u32 b, result;
-	if (ptr >= limit)
-		return NULL;
-	b = *(ptr++);
-	result = b & 127;
-	if (b < 128)
-		goto done;
-	if (ptr >= limit)
-		return NULL;
-	b = *(ptr++);
-	result |= (b & 127) << 7;
-	if (b < 128)
-		goto done;
-	if (ptr >= limit)
-		return NULL;
-	b = *(ptr++);
-	result |= (b & 127) << 14;
-	if (b < 128)
-		goto done;
-	if (ptr >= limit)
-		return NULL;
-	b = *(ptr++);
-	result |= (b & 127) << 21;
-	if (b < 128)
-		goto done;
-	if (ptr >= limit)
-		return NULL;
-	b = *(ptr++);
-	result |= (b & 127) << 28;
-	if (b < 16)
-		goto done;
-	return NULL;		/* Value is too long to be a varint32 */
-	*OUTPUT = result;
-	return (const char *)(ptr);
- * REQUIRES   "ptr" points to a buffer of length sufficient to hold "v".
- *  EFFECTS    Encodes "v" into "ptr" and returns a pointer to the
- *            byte just past the last encoded byte.
- */
-static inline char *varint_encode32(char *sptr, u32 v)
-	/* Operate on characters as unsigneds */
-	unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)(sptr);
-	static const int B = 128;
-	if (v < (1 << 7)) {
-		*(ptr++) = v;
-	} else if (v < (1 << 14)) {
-		*(ptr++) = v | B;
-		*(ptr++) = v >> 7;
-	} else if (v < (1 << 21)) {
-		*(ptr++) = v | B;
-		*(ptr++) = (v >> 7) | B;
-		*(ptr++) = v >> 14;
-	} else if (v < (1 << 28)) {
-		*(ptr++) = v | B;
-		*(ptr++) = (v >> 7) | B;
-		*(ptr++) = (v >> 14) | B;
-		*(ptr++) = v >> 21;
-	} else {
-		*(ptr++) = v | B;
-		*(ptr++) = (v >> 7) | B;
-		*(ptr++) = (v >> 14) | B;
-		*(ptr++) = (v >> 21) | B;
-		*(ptr++) = v >> 28;
-	}
-	return (char *)(ptr);
-#ifdef SG
-static inline void *n_bytes_after_addr(void *addr, size_t n_bytes)
-    return (void *) ((char *)addr + n_bytes);
-struct source {
-	struct iovec *iov;
-	int iovlen;
-	int curvec;
-	int curoff;
-	size_t total;
-/* Only valid at beginning when nothing is consumed */
-static inline int available(struct source *s)
-	return (int) s->total;
-static inline const char *peek(struct source *s, size_t *len)
-	if (likely(s->curvec < s->iovlen)) {
-		struct iovec *iv = &s->iov[s->curvec];
-		if ((unsigned)s->curoff < (size_t)iv->iov_len) { 
-			*len = iv->iov_len - s->curoff;
-			return n_bytes_after_addr(iv->iov_base, s->curoff);
-		}
-	}
-	*len = 0;
-	return NULL;
-static inline void skip(struct source *s, size_t n)
-	struct iovec *iv = &s->iov[s->curvec];
-	s->curoff += (int) n;
-	DCHECK_LE((unsigned)s->curoff, (size_t)iv->iov_len);
-	if ((unsigned)s->curoff >= (size_t)iv->iov_len &&
-	    s->curvec + 1 < s->iovlen) {
-		s->curoff = 0;
-		s->curvec++;
-	}
-struct sink {
-	struct iovec *iov;
-	int iovlen;
-	unsigned curvec;
-	unsigned curoff;
-	unsigned written;
-static inline void append(struct sink *s, const char *data, size_t n)
-	struct iovec *iov = &s->iov[s->curvec];
-	char *dst = n_bytes_after_addr(iov->iov_base, s->curoff);
-	size_t nlen = min_t(size_t, iov->iov_len - s->curoff, n);
-	if (data != dst)
-		memcpy(dst, data, nlen);
-	s->written += (int) n;
-	s->curoff += (int) nlen;
-	while ((n -= nlen) > 0) {
-		data += nlen;
-		s->curvec++;
-		DCHECK_LT((signed)s->curvec, s->iovlen);
-		iov++;
-		nlen = min_t(size_t, (size_t)iov->iov_len, n);
-		memcpy(iov->iov_base, data, nlen);
-		s->curoff = (int) nlen;
-	}
-static inline void *sink_peek(struct sink *s, size_t n)
-	struct iovec *iov = &s->iov[s->curvec];
-	if (s->curvec < (size_t)iov->iov_len && iov->iov_len - s->curoff >= n)
-		return n_bytes_after_addr(iov->iov_base, s->curoff);
-	return NULL;
-struct source {
-	const char *ptr;
-	size_t left;
-static inline int available(struct source *s)
-	return s->left;
-static inline const char *peek(struct source *s, size_t * len)
-	*len = s->left;
-	return s->ptr;
-static inline void skip(struct source *s, size_t n)
-	s->left -= n;
-	s->ptr += n;
-struct sink {
-	char *dest;
-static inline void append(struct sink *s, const char *data, size_t n)
-	if (data != s->dest)
-		memcpy(s->dest, data, n);
-	s->dest += n;
-#define sink_peek(s, n) sink_peek_no_sg(s)
-static inline void *sink_peek_no_sg(const struct sink *s)
-	return s->dest;
-struct writer {
-	char *base;
-	char *op;
-	char *op_limit;
-/* Called before decompression */
-static inline void writer_set_expected_length(struct writer *w, size_t len)
-	w->op_limit = w->op + len;
-/* Called after decompression */
-static inline bool writer_check_length(struct writer *w)
-	return w->op == w->op_limit;
- * Copy "len" bytes from "src" to "op", one byte at a time.  Used for
- *  handling COPY operations where the input and output regions may
- * overlap.  For example, suppose:
- *    src    == "ab"
- *    op     == src + 2
- *    len    == 20
- * After IncrementalCopy(src, op, len), the result will have
- * eleven copies of "ab"
- *    ababababababababababab
- * Note that this does not match the semantics of either memcpy()
- * or memmove().
- */
-static inline void incremental_copy(const char *src, char *op, ssize_t len)
-	DCHECK_GT(len, 0);
-	do {
-		*op++ = *src++;
-	} while (--len > 0);
- * Equivalent to IncrementalCopy except that it can write up to ten extra
- *  bytes after the end of the copy, and that it is faster.
- *
- * The main part of this loop is a simple copy of eight bytes at a time until
- * we've copied (at least) the requested amount of bytes.  However, if op and
- * src are less than eight bytes apart (indicating a repeating pattern of
- * length < 8), we first need to expand the pattern in order to get the correct
- * results. For instance, if the buffer looks like this, with the eight-byte
- * <src> and <op> patterns marked as intervals:
- *
- *    abxxxxxxxxxxxx
- *    [------]           src
- *      [------]         op
- *
- * a single eight-byte copy from <src> to <op> will repeat the pattern once,
- * after which we can move <op> two bytes without moving <src>:
- *
- *    ababxxxxxxxxxx
- *    [------]           src
- *        [------]       op
- *
- * and repeat the exercise until the two no longer overlap.
- *
- * This allows us to do very well in the special case of one single byte
- * repeated many times, without taking a big hit for more general cases.
- *
- * The worst case of extra writing past the end of the match occurs when
- * op - src == 1 and len == 1; the last copy will read from byte positions
- * [0..7] and write to [4..11], whereas it was only supposed to write to
- * position 1. Thus, ten excess bytes.
- */
-#define kmax_increment_copy_overflow  10
-static inline void incremental_copy_fast_path(const char *src, char *op,
-					      ssize_t len)
-	while (op - src < 8) {
-		unaligned_copy64(src, op);
-		len -= op - src;
-		op += op - src;
-	}
-	while (len > 0) {
-		unaligned_copy64(src, op);
-		src += 8;
-		op += 8;
-		len -= 8;
-	}
-static inline bool writer_append_from_self(struct writer *w, u32 offset,
-					   u32 len)
-	char *const op = w->op;
-	CHECK_LE(op, w->op_limit);
-	const u32 space_left = (u32) (w->op_limit - op);
-	if ((unsigned)(op - w->base) <= offset - 1u)	/* -1u catches offset==0 */
-		return false;
-	if (len <= 16 && offset >= 8 && space_left >= 16) {
-		/* Fast path, used for the majority (70-80%) of dynamic
-		 * invocations. */
-		unaligned_copy64(op - offset, op);
-		unaligned_copy64(op - offset + 8, op + 8);
-	} else {
-		if (space_left >= len + kmax_increment_copy_overflow) {
-			incremental_copy_fast_path(op - offset, op, len);
-		} else {
-			if (space_left < len) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			incremental_copy(op - offset, op, len);
-		}
-	}
-	w->op = op + len;
-	return true;
-static inline bool writer_append(struct writer *w, const char *ip, u32 len)
-	char *const op = w->op;
-	CHECK_LE(op, w->op_limit);
-	const u32 space_left = (u32) (w->op_limit - op);
-	if (space_left < len)
-		return false;
-	memcpy(op, ip, len);
-	w->op = op + len;
-	return true;
-static inline bool writer_try_fast_append(struct writer *w, const char *ip, 
-					  u32 available_bytes, u32 len)
-	char *const op = w->op;
-	const int space_left = (int) (w->op_limit - op);
-	if (len <= 16 && available_bytes >= 16 && space_left >= 16) {
-		/* Fast path, used for the majority (~95%) of invocations */
-		unaligned_copy64(ip, op);
-		unaligned_copy64(ip + 8, op + 8);
-		w->op = op + len;
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
- * Any hash function will produce a valid compressed bitstream, but a good
- * hash function reduces the number of collisions and thus yields better
- * compression for compressible input, and more speed for incompressible
- * input. Of course, it doesn't hurt if the hash function is reasonably fast
- * either, as it gets called a lot.
- */
-static inline u32 hash_bytes(u32 bytes, int shift)
-	u32 kmul = 0x1e35a7bd;
-	return (bytes * kmul) >> shift;
-static inline u32 hash(const char *p, int shift)
-	return hash_bytes(UNALIGNED_LOAD32(p), shift);
- * Compressed data can be defined as:
- *    compressed := item* literal*
- *    item       := literal* copy
- *
- * The trailing literal sequence has a space blowup of at most 62/60
- * since a literal of length 60 needs one tag byte + one extra byte
- * for length information.
- *
- * Item blowup is trickier to measure.  Suppose the "copy" op copies
- * 4 bytes of data.  Because of a special check in the encoding code,
- * we produce a 4-byte copy only if the offset is < 65536.  Therefore
- * the copy op takes 3 bytes to encode, and this type of item leads
- * to at most the 62/60 blowup for representing literals.
- *
- * Suppose the "copy" op copies 5 bytes of data.  If the offset is big
- * enough, it will take 5 bytes to encode the copy op.  Therefore the
- * worst case here is a one-byte literal followed by a five-byte copy.
- * I.e., 6 bytes of input turn into 7 bytes of "compressed" data.
- *
- * This last factor dominates the blowup, so the final estimate is:
- */
-size_t rd_kafka_snappy_max_compressed_length(size_t source_len)
-	return 32 + source_len + source_len / 6;
-enum {
-	LITERAL = 0,
-	COPY_1_BYTE_OFFSET = 1,	/* 3 bit length + 3 bits of offset in opcode */
-static inline char *emit_literal(char *op,
-				 const char *literal,
-				 int len, bool allow_fast_path)
-	int n = len - 1;	/* Zero-length literals are disallowed */
-	if (n < 60) {
-		/* Fits in tag byte */
-		*op++ = LITERAL | (n << 2);
- * The vast majority of copies are below 16 bytes, for which a
- * call to memcpy is overkill. This fast path can sometimes
- * copy up to 15 bytes too much, but that is okay in the
- * main loop, since we have a bit to go on for both sides:
- *
- *   - The input will always have kInputMarginBytes = 15 extra
- *     available bytes, as long as we're in the main loop, and
- *     if not, allow_fast_path = false.
- *   - The output will always have 32 spare bytes (see
- *     MaxCompressedLength).
- */
-		if (allow_fast_path && len <= 16) {
-			unaligned_copy64(literal, op);
-			unaligned_copy64(literal + 8, op + 8);
-			return op + len;
-		}
-	} else {
-		/* Encode in upcoming bytes */
-		char *base = op;
-		int count = 0;
-		op++;
-		while (n > 0) {
-			*op++ = n & 0xff;
-			n >>= 8;
-			count++;
-		}
-		DCHECK(count >= 1);
-		DCHECK(count <= 4);
-		*base = LITERAL | ((59 + count) << 2);
-	}
-	memcpy(op, literal, len);
-	return op + len;
-static inline char *emit_copy_less_than64(char *op, int offset, int len)
-	DCHECK_LE(len, 64);
-	DCHECK_GE(len, 4);
-	DCHECK_LT(offset, 65536);
-	if ((len < 12) && (offset < 2048)) {
-		int len_minus_4 = len - 4;
-		DCHECK(len_minus_4 < 8);	/* Must fit in 3 bits */
-		*op++ =
-		    COPY_1_BYTE_OFFSET + ((len_minus_4) << 2) + ((offset >> 8)
-								 << 5);
-		*op++ = offset & 0xff;
-	} else {
-		*op++ = COPY_2_BYTE_OFFSET + ((len - 1) << 2);
-		put_unaligned_le16(offset, op);
-		op += 2;
-	}
-	return op;
-static inline char *emit_copy(char *op, int offset, int len)
-	/*
-	 * Emit 64 byte copies but make sure to keep at least four bytes
-	 * reserved
-	 */
-	while (len >= 68) {
-		op = emit_copy_less_than64(op, offset, 64);
-		len -= 64;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Emit an extra 60 byte copy if have too much data to fit in
-	 * one copy
-	 */
-	if (len > 64) {
-		op = emit_copy_less_than64(op, offset, 60);
-		len -= 60;
-	}
-	/* Emit remainder */
-	op = emit_copy_less_than64(op, offset, len);
-	return op;
- * rd_kafka_snappy_uncompressed_length - return length of uncompressed output.
- * @start: compressed buffer
- * @n: length of compressed buffer.
- * @result: Write the length of the uncompressed output here.
- *
- * Returns true when successfull, otherwise false.
- */
-bool rd_kafka_snappy_uncompressed_length(const char *start, size_t n, size_t * result)
-	u32 v = 0;
-	const char *limit = start + n;
-	if (varint_parse32_with_limit(start, limit, &v) != NULL) {
-		*result = v;
-		return true;
-	} else {
-		return false;
-	}
- * The size of a compression block. Note that many parts of the compression
- * code assumes that kBlockSize <= 65536; in particular, the hash table
- * can only store 16-bit offsets, and EmitCopy() also assumes the offset
- * is 65535 bytes or less. Note also that if you change this, it will
- * affect the framing format
- * Note that there might be older data around that is compressed with larger
- * block sizes, so the decompression code should not rely on the
- * non-existence of long backreferences.
- */
-#define kblock_log 16
-#define kblock_size (1 << kblock_log)
- * This value could be halfed or quartered to save memory 
- * at the cost of slightly worse compression.
- */
-#define kmax_hash_table_bits 14
-#define kmax_hash_table_size (1U << kmax_hash_table_bits)
- * Use smaller hash table when input.size() is smaller, since we
- * fill the table, incurring O(hash table size) overhead for
- * compression, and if the input is short, we won't need that
- * many hash table entries anyway.
- */
-static u16 *get_hash_table(struct snappy_env *env, size_t input_size,
-			      int *table_size)
-	unsigned htsize = 256;
-	DCHECK(kmax_hash_table_size >= 256);
-	while (htsize < kmax_hash_table_size && htsize < input_size)
-		htsize <<= 1;
-	CHECK_EQ(0, htsize & (htsize - 1));
-	CHECK_LE(htsize, kmax_hash_table_size);
-	u16 *table;
-	table = env->hash_table;
-	*table_size = htsize;
-	memset(table, 0, htsize * sizeof(*table));
-	return table;
- * Return the largest n such that
- *
- *   s1[0,n-1] == s2[0,n-1]
- *   and n <= (s2_limit - s2).
- *
- * Does not read *s2_limit or beyond.
- * Does not read *(s1 + (s2_limit - s2)) or beyond.
- * Requires that s2_limit >= s2.
- *
- * Separate implementation for x86_64, for speed.  Uses the fact that
- * x86_64 is little endian.
- */
-#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) && BITS_PER_LONG == 64
-static inline int find_match_length(const char *s1,
-				    const char *s2, const char *s2_limit)
-	int matched = 0;
-	DCHECK_GE(s2_limit, s2);
-	/*
-	 * Find out how long the match is. We loop over the data 64 bits at a
-	 * time until we find a 64-bit block that doesn't match; then we find
-	 * the first non-matching bit and use that to calculate the total
-	 * length of the match.
-	 */
-	while (likely(s2 <= s2_limit - 8)) {
-		if (unlikely
-		    (UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s2) == UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s1 + matched))) {
-			s2 += 8;
-			matched += 8;
-		} else {
-			/*
-			 * On current (mid-2008) Opteron models there
-			 * is a 3% more efficient code sequence to
-			 * find the first non-matching byte.  However,
-			 * what follows is ~10% better on Intel Core 2
-			 * and newer, and we expect AMD's bsf
-			 * instruction to improve.
-			 */
-			u64 x =
-			    UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s2) ^ UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s1 +
-								    matched);
-			int matching_bits = find_lsb_set_non_zero64(x);
-			matched += matching_bits >> 3;
-			return matched;
-		}
-	}
-	while (likely(s2 < s2_limit)) {
-		if (likely(s1[matched] == *s2)) {
-			++s2;
-			++matched;
-		} else {
-			return matched;
-		}
-	}
-	return matched;
-static inline int find_match_length(const char *s1,
-				    const char *s2, const char *s2_limit)
-	/* Implementation based on the x86-64 version, above. */
-	DCHECK_GE(s2_limit, s2);
-	int matched = 0;
-	while (s2 <= s2_limit - 4 &&
-	       UNALIGNED_LOAD32(s2) == UNALIGNED_LOAD32(s1 + matched)) {
-		s2 += 4;
-		matched += 4;
-	}
-	if (is_little_endian() && s2 <= s2_limit - 4) {
-		u32 x =
-		    UNALIGNED_LOAD32(s2) ^ UNALIGNED_LOAD32(s1 + matched);
-		int matching_bits = find_lsb_set_non_zero(x);
-		matched += matching_bits >> 3;
-	} else {
-		while ((s2 < s2_limit) && (s1[matched] == *s2)) {
-			++s2;
-			++matched;
-		}
-	}
-	return matched;
- * For 0 <= offset <= 4, GetU32AtOffset(GetEightBytesAt(p), offset) will
- *  equal UNALIGNED_LOAD32(p + offset).  Motivation: On x86-64 hardware we have
- * empirically found that overlapping loads such as
- * are slower than UNALIGNED_LOAD64(p) followed by shifts and casts to u32.
- *
- * We have different versions for 64- and 32-bit; ideally we would avoid the
- * two functions and just inline the UNALIGNED_LOAD64 call into
- * GetUint32AtOffset, but GCC (at least not as of 4.6) is seemingly not clever
- * enough to avoid loading the value multiple times then. For 64-bit, the load
- * is done when GetEightBytesAt() is called, whereas for 32-bit, the load is
- * done at GetUint32AtOffset() time.
- */
-#if BITS_PER_LONG == 64
-typedef u64 eight_bytes_reference;
-static inline eight_bytes_reference get_eight_bytes_at(const char* ptr)
-	return UNALIGNED_LOAD64(ptr);
-static inline u32 get_u32_at_offset(u64 v, int offset)
-	DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
-	DCHECK_LE(offset, 4);
-	return v >> (is_little_endian()? 8 * offset : 32 - 8 * offset);
-typedef const char *eight_bytes_reference;
-static inline eight_bytes_reference get_eight_bytes_at(const char* ptr) 
-	return ptr;
-static inline u32 get_u32_at_offset(const char *v, int offset) 
-	DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
-	DCHECK_LE(offset, 4);
-	return UNALIGNED_LOAD32(v + offset);
- * Flat array compression that does not emit the "uncompressed length"
- *  prefix. Compresses "input" string to the "*op" buffer.
- *
- * REQUIRES: "input" is at most "kBlockSize" bytes long.
- * REQUIRES: "op" points to an array of memory that is at least
- * "MaxCompressedLength(input.size())" in size.
- * REQUIRES: All elements in "table[0..table_size-1]" are initialized to zero.
- * REQUIRES: "table_size" is a power of two
- *
- * Returns an "end" pointer into "op" buffer.
- * "end - op" is the compressed size of "input".
- */
-static char *compress_fragment(const char *const input,
-			       const size_t input_size,
-			       char *op, u16 * table, const unsigned table_size)
-	/* "ip" is the input pointer, and "op" is the output pointer. */
-	const char *ip = input;
-	CHECK_LE(input_size, kblock_size);
-	CHECK_EQ(table_size & (table_size - 1), 0);
-	const int shift = 32 - log2_floor(table_size);
-	DCHECK_EQ(UINT_MAX >> shift, table_size - 1);
-	const char *ip_end = input + input_size;
-	const char *baseip = ip;
-	/*
-	 * Bytes in [next_emit, ip) will be emitted as literal bytes.  Or
-	 *  [next_emit, ip_end) after the main loop.
-	 */
-	const char *next_emit = ip;
-	const unsigned kinput_margin_bytes = 15;
-	if (likely(input_size >= kinput_margin_bytes)) {
-		const char *const ip_limit = input + input_size -
-			kinput_margin_bytes;
-		u32 next_hash;
-		for (next_hash = hash(++ip, shift);;) {
-			DCHECK_LT(next_emit, ip);
- * The body of this loop calls EmitLiteral once and then EmitCopy one or
- * more times.  (The exception is that when we're close to exhausting
- * the input we goto emit_remainder.)
- *
- * In the first iteration of this loop we're just starting, so
- * there's nothing to copy, so calling EmitLiteral once is
- * necessary.  And we only start a new iteration when the
- * current iteration has determined that a call to EmitLiteral will
- * precede the next call to EmitCopy (if any).
- *
- * Step 1: Scan forward in the input looking for a 4-byte-long match.
- * If we get close to exhausting the input then goto emit_remainder.
- *
- * Heuristic match skipping: If 32 bytes are scanned with no matches
- * found, start looking only at every other byte. If 32 more bytes are
- * scanned, look at every third byte, etc.. When a match is found,
- * immediately go back to looking at every byte. This is a small loss
- * (~5% performance, ~0.1% density) for lcompressible data due to more
- * bookkeeping, but for non-compressible data (such as JPEG) it's a huge
- * win since the compressor quickly "realizes" the data is incompressible
- * and doesn't bother looking for matches everywhere.
- *
- * The "skip" variable keeps track of how many bytes there are since the
- * last match; dividing it by 32 (ie. right-shifting by five) gives the
- * number of bytes to move ahead for each iteration.
- */
-			u32 skip_bytes = 32;
-			const char *next_ip = ip;
-			const char *candidate;
-			do {
-				ip = next_ip;
-				u32 hval = next_hash;
-				DCHECK_EQ(hval, hash(ip, shift));
-				u32 bytes_between_hash_lookups = skip_bytes++ >> 5;
-				next_ip = ip + bytes_between_hash_lookups;
-				if (unlikely(next_ip > ip_limit)) {
-					goto emit_remainder;
-				}
-				next_hash = hash(next_ip, shift);
-				candidate = baseip + table[hval];
-				DCHECK_GE(candidate, baseip);
-				DCHECK_LT(candidate, ip);
-				table[hval] = (u16) (ip - baseip);
-			} while (likely(UNALIGNED_LOAD32(ip) !=
-					UNALIGNED_LOAD32(candidate)));
- * Step 2: A 4-byte match has been found.  We'll later see if more
- * than 4 bytes match.  But, prior to the match, input
- * bytes [next_emit, ip) are unmatched.  Emit them as "literal bytes."
- */
-			DCHECK_LE(next_emit + 16, ip_end);
-			op = emit_literal(op, next_emit, (int) (ip - next_emit), true);
- * Step 3: Call EmitCopy, and then see if another EmitCopy could
- * be our next move.  Repeat until we find no match for the
- * input immediately after what was consumed by the last EmitCopy call.
- *
- * If we exit this loop normally then we need to call EmitLiteral next,
- * though we don't yet know how big the literal will be.  We handle that
- * by proceeding to the next iteration of the main loop.  We also can exit
- * this loop via goto if we get close to exhausting the input.
- */
-			eight_bytes_reference input_bytes;
-			u32 candidate_bytes = 0;
-			do {
- * We have a 4-byte match at ip, and no need to emit any
- *  "literal bytes" prior to ip.
- */
-				const char *base = ip;
-				int matched = 4 +
-				    find_match_length(candidate + 4, ip + 4,
-						      ip_end);
-				ip += matched;
-				int offset = (int) (base - candidate);
-				DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(base, candidate, matched));
-				op = emit_copy(op, offset, matched);
- * We could immediately start working at ip now, but to improve
- * compression we first update table[Hash(ip - 1, ...)].
- */
-				const char *insert_tail = ip - 1;
-				next_emit = ip;
-				if (unlikely(ip >= ip_limit)) {
-					goto emit_remainder;
-				}
-				input_bytes = get_eight_bytes_at(insert_tail);
-				u32 prev_hash =
-				    hash_bytes(get_u32_at_offset
-					       (input_bytes, 0), shift);
-				table[prev_hash] = (u16) (ip - baseip - 1);
-				u32 cur_hash =
-				    hash_bytes(get_u32_at_offset
-					       (input_bytes, 1), shift);
-				candidate = baseip + table[cur_hash];
-				candidate_bytes = UNALIGNED_LOAD32(candidate);
-				table[cur_hash] = (u16) (ip - baseip);
-			} while (get_u32_at_offset(input_bytes, 1) ==
-				 candidate_bytes);
-			next_hash =
-			    hash_bytes(get_u32_at_offset(input_bytes, 2),
-				       shift);
-			++ip;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Emit the remaining bytes as a literal */
-	if (next_emit < ip_end)
-		op = emit_literal(op, next_emit, (int) (ip_end - next_emit), false);
-	return op;
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *  Lookup table for decompression code.  Generated by ComputeTable() below.
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* Mapping from i in range [0,4] to a mask to extract the bottom 8*i bits */
-static const u32 wordmask[] = {
-	0u, 0xffu, 0xffffu, 0xffffffu, 0xffffffffu
- * Data stored per entry in lookup table:
- *       Range   Bits-used       Description
- *      ------------------------------------
- *      1..64   0..7            Literal/copy length encoded in opcode byte
- *      0..7    8..10           Copy offset encoded in opcode byte / 256
- *      0..4    11..13          Extra bytes after opcode
- *
- * We use eight bits for the length even though 7 would have sufficed
- * because of efficiency reasons:
- *      (1) Extracting a byte is faster than a bit-field
- *      (2) It properly aligns copy offset so we do not need a <<8
- */
-static const u16 char_table[256] = {
-	0x0001, 0x0804, 0x1001, 0x2001, 0x0002, 0x0805, 0x1002, 0x2002,
-	0x0003, 0x0806, 0x1003, 0x2003, 0x0004, 0x0807, 0x1004, 0x2004,
-	0x0005, 0x0808, 0x1005, 0x2005, 0x0006, 0x0809, 0x1006, 0x2006,
-	0x0007, 0x080a, 0x1007, 0x2007, 0x0008, 0x080b, 0x1008, 0x2008,
-	0x0009, 0x0904, 0x1009, 0x2009, 0x000a, 0x0905, 0x100a, 0x200a,
-	0x000b, 0x0906, 0x100b, 0x200b, 0x000c, 0x0907, 0x100c, 0x200c,
-	0x000d, 0x0908, 0x100d, 0x200d, 0x000e, 0x0909, 0x100e, 0x200e,
-	0x000f, 0x090a, 0x100f, 0x200f, 0x0010, 0x090b, 0x1010, 0x2010,
-	0x0011, 0x0a04, 0x1011, 0x2011, 0x0012, 0x0a05, 0x1012, 0x2012,
-	0x0013, 0x0a06, 0x1013, 0x2013, 0x0014, 0x0a07, 0x1014, 0x2014,
-	0x0015, 0x0a08, 0x1015, 0x2015, 0x0016, 0x0a09, 0x1016, 0x2016,
-	0x0017, 0x0a0a, 0x1017, 0x2017, 0x0018, 0x0a0b, 0x1018, 0x2018,
-	0x0019, 0x0b04, 0x1019, 0x2019, 0x001a, 0x0b05, 0x101a, 0x201a,
-	0x001b, 0x0b06, 0x101b, 0x201b, 0x001c, 0x0b07, 0x101c, 0x201c,
-	0x001d, 0x0b08, 0x101d, 0x201d, 0x001e, 0x0b09, 0x101e, 0x201e,
-	0x001f, 0x0b0a, 0x101f, 0x201f, 0x0020, 0x0b0b, 0x1020, 0x2020,
-	0x0021, 0x0c04, 0x1021, 0x2021, 0x0022, 0x0c05, 0x1022, 0x2022,
-	0x0023, 0x0c06, 0x1023, 0x2023, 0x0024, 0x0c07, 0x1024, 0x2024,
-	0x0025, 0x0c08, 0x1025, 0x2025, 0x0026, 0x0c09, 0x1026, 0x2026,
-	0x0027, 0x0c0a, 0x1027, 0x2027, 0x0028, 0x0c0b, 0x1028, 0x2028,
-	0x0029, 0x0d04, 0x1029, 0x2029, 0x002a, 0x0d05, 0x102a, 0x202a,
-	0x002b, 0x0d06, 0x102b, 0x202b, 0x002c, 0x0d07, 0x102c, 0x202c,
-	0x002d, 0x0d08, 0x102d, 0x202d, 0x002e, 0x0d09, 0x102e, 0x202e,
-	0x002f, 0x0d0a, 0x102f, 0x202f, 0x0030, 0x0d0b, 0x1030, 0x2030,
-	0x0031, 0x0e04, 0x1031, 0x2031, 0x0032, 0x0e05, 0x1032, 0x2032,
-	0x0033, 0x0e06, 0x1033, 0x2033, 0x0034, 0x0e07, 0x1034, 0x2034,
-	0x0035, 0x0e08, 0x1035, 0x2035, 0x0036, 0x0e09, 0x1036, 0x2036,
-	0x0037, 0x0e0a, 0x1037, 0x2037, 0x0038, 0x0e0b, 0x1038, 0x2038,
-	0x0039, 0x0f04, 0x1039, 0x2039, 0x003a, 0x0f05, 0x103a, 0x203a,
-	0x003b, 0x0f06, 0x103b, 0x203b, 0x003c, 0x0f07, 0x103c, 0x203c,
-	0x0801, 0x0f08, 0x103d, 0x203d, 0x1001, 0x0f09, 0x103e, 0x203e,
-	0x1801, 0x0f0a, 0x103f, 0x203f, 0x2001, 0x0f0b, 0x1040, 0x2040
-struct snappy_decompressor {
-	struct source *reader;	/* Underlying source of bytes to decompress */
-	const char *ip;		/* Points to next buffered byte */
-	const char *ip_limit;	/* Points just past buffered bytes */
-	u32 peeked;		/* Bytes peeked from reader (need to skip) */
-	bool eof;		/* Hit end of input without an error? */
-	char scratch[5];	/* Temporary buffer for peekfast boundaries */
-static void
-init_snappy_decompressor(struct snappy_decompressor *d, struct source *reader)
-	d->reader = reader;
-	d->ip = NULL;
-	d->ip_limit = NULL;
-	d->peeked = 0;
-	d->eof = false;
-static void exit_snappy_decompressor(struct snappy_decompressor *d)
-	skip(d->reader, d->peeked);
- * Read the uncompressed length stored at the start of the compressed data.
- * On succcess, stores the length in *result and returns true.
- * On failure, returns false.
- */
-static bool read_uncompressed_length(struct snappy_decompressor *d,
-				     u32 * result)
-	DCHECK(d->ip == NULL);	/*
-				 * Must not have read anything yet
-				 * Length is encoded in 1..5 bytes
-				 */
-	*result = 0;
-	u32 shift = 0;
-	while (true) {
-		if (shift >= 32)
-			return false;
-		size_t n;
-		const char *ip = peek(d->reader, &n);
-		if (n == 0)
-			return false;
-		const unsigned char c = *(const unsigned char *)(ip);
-		skip(d->reader, 1);
-		*result |= (u32) (c & 0x7f) << shift;
-		if (c < 128) {
-			break;
-		}
-		shift += 7;
-	}
-	return true;
-static bool refill_tag(struct snappy_decompressor *d);
- * Process the next item found in the input.
- * Returns true if successful, false on error or end of input.
- */
-static void decompress_all_tags(struct snappy_decompressor *d,
-				struct writer *writer)
-	const char *ip = d->ip;
-	/*
-	 * We could have put this refill fragment only at the beginning of the loop.
-	 * However, duplicating it at the end of each branch gives the compiler more
-	 * scope to optimize the <ip_limit_ - ip> expression based on the local
-	 * context, which overall increases speed.
-	 */
-#define MAYBE_REFILL() \
-        if (d->ip_limit - ip < 5) {		\
-		d->ip = ip;			\
-		if (!refill_tag(d)) return;	\
-		ip = d->ip;			\
-        }
-	for (;;) {
-		if (d->ip_limit - ip < 5) {
-			d->ip = ip;
-			if (!refill_tag(d))
-				return;
-			ip = d->ip;
-		}
-		const unsigned char c = *(const unsigned char *)(ip++);
-		if ((c & 0x3) == LITERAL) {
-			u32 literal_length = (c >> 2) + 1;
-			if (writer_try_fast_append(writer, ip, (u32) (d->ip_limit - ip), 
-						   literal_length)) {
-				DCHECK_LT(literal_length, 61);
-				ip += literal_length;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (unlikely(literal_length >= 61)) {
-				/* Long literal */
-				const u32 literal_ll = literal_length - 60;
-				literal_length = (get_unaligned_le32(ip) &
-						  wordmask[literal_ll]) + 1;
-				ip += literal_ll;
-			}
-			u32 avail = (u32) (d->ip_limit - ip);
-			while (avail < literal_length) {
-				if (!writer_append(writer, ip, avail))
-					return;
-				literal_length -= avail;
-				skip(d->reader, d->peeked);
-				size_t n;
-				ip = peek(d->reader, &n);
-				avail = (u32) n;
-				d->peeked = avail;
-				if (avail == 0)
-					return;	/* Premature end of input */
-				d->ip_limit = ip + avail;
-			}
-			if (!writer_append(writer, ip, literal_length))
-				return;
-			ip += literal_length;
-		} else {
-			const u32 entry = char_table[c];
-			const u32 trailer = get_unaligned_le32(ip) &
-				wordmask[entry >> 11];
-			const u32 length = entry & 0xff;
-			ip += entry >> 11;
-			/*
-			 * copy_offset/256 is encoded in bits 8..10.
-			 * By just fetching those bits, we get
-			 * copy_offset (since the bit-field starts at
-			 * bit 8).
-			 */
-			const u32 copy_offset = entry & 0x700;
-			if (!writer_append_from_self(writer,
-						     copy_offset + trailer,
-						     length))
-				return;
-		}
-	}
-static bool refill_tag(struct snappy_decompressor *d)
-	const char *ip = d->ip;
-	if (ip == d->ip_limit) {
-		size_t n;
-		/* Fetch a new fragment from the reader */
-		skip(d->reader, d->peeked); /* All peeked bytes are used up */
-		ip = peek(d->reader, &n);
-		d->peeked = (u32) n;
-		if (n == 0) {
-			d->eof = true;
-			return false;
-		}
-		d->ip_limit = ip + n;
-	}
-	/* Read the tag character */
-	DCHECK_LT(ip, d->ip_limit);
-	const unsigned char c = *(const unsigned char *)(ip);
-	const u32 entry = char_table[c];
-	const u32 needed = (entry >> 11) + 1;	/* +1 byte for 'c' */
-	DCHECK_LE(needed, sizeof(d->scratch));
-	/* Read more bytes from reader if needed */
-	u32 nbuf = (u32) (d->ip_limit - ip);
-	if (nbuf < needed) {
-		/*
-		 * Stitch together bytes from ip and reader to form the word
-		 * contents.  We store the needed bytes in "scratch".  They
-		 * will be consumed immediately by the caller since we do not
-		 * read more than we need.
-		 */
-		memmove(d->scratch, ip, nbuf);
-		skip(d->reader, d->peeked); /* All peeked bytes are used up */
-		d->peeked = 0;
-		while (nbuf < needed) {
-			size_t length;
-			const char *src = peek(d->reader, &length);
-			if (length == 0)
-				return false;
-			u32 to_add = min_t(u32, needed - nbuf, (u32) length);
-			memcpy(d->scratch + nbuf, src, to_add);
-			nbuf += to_add;
-			skip(d->reader, to_add);
-		}
-		DCHECK_EQ(nbuf, needed);
-		d->ip = d->scratch;
-		d->ip_limit = d->scratch + needed;
-	} else if (nbuf < 5) {
-		/*
-		 * Have enough bytes, but move into scratch so that we do not
-		 * read past end of input
-		 */
-		memmove(d->scratch, ip, nbuf);
-		skip(d->reader, d->peeked); /* All peeked bytes are used up */
-		d->peeked = 0;
-		d->ip = d->scratch;
-		d->ip_limit = d->scratch + nbuf;
-	} else {
-		/* Pass pointer to buffer returned by reader. */
-		d->ip = ip;
-	}
-	return true;
-static int internal_uncompress(struct source *r,
-			       struct writer *writer, u32 max_len)
-	struct snappy_decompressor decompressor;
-	u32 uncompressed_len = 0;
-	init_snappy_decompressor(&decompressor, r);
-	if (!read_uncompressed_length(&decompressor, &uncompressed_len))
-		return -EIO;
-	/* Protect against possible DoS attack */
-	if ((u64) (uncompressed_len) > max_len)
-		return -EIO;
-	writer_set_expected_length(writer, uncompressed_len);
-	/* Process the entire input */
-	decompress_all_tags(&decompressor, writer);
-	exit_snappy_decompressor(&decompressor);
-	if (decompressor.eof && writer_check_length(writer))
-		return 0;
-	return -EIO;
-static inline int sn_compress(struct snappy_env *env, struct source *reader,
-			   struct sink *writer)
-	int err;
-	size_t written = 0;
-	int N = available(reader);
-	char ulength[kmax32];
-	char *p = varint_encode32(ulength, N);
-	append(writer, ulength, p - ulength);
-	written += (p - ulength);
-	while (N > 0) {
-		/* Get next block to compress (without copying if possible) */
-		size_t fragment_size;
-		const char *fragment = peek(reader, &fragment_size);
-		if (fragment_size == 0) {
-			err = -EIO;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		const unsigned num_to_read = min_t(int, N, kblock_size);
-		size_t bytes_read = fragment_size;
-		int pending_advance = 0;
-		if (bytes_read >= num_to_read) {
-			/* Buffer returned by reader is large enough */
-			pending_advance = num_to_read;
-			fragment_size = num_to_read;
-		}
-		else {
-			memcpy(env->scratch, fragment, bytes_read);
-			skip(reader, bytes_read);
-			while (bytes_read < num_to_read) {
-				fragment = peek(reader, &fragment_size);
-				size_t n =
-				    min_t(size_t, fragment_size,
-					  num_to_read - bytes_read);
-				memcpy((char *)(env->scratch) + bytes_read, fragment, n);
-				bytes_read += n;
-				skip(reader, n);
-			}
-			DCHECK_EQ(bytes_read, num_to_read);
-			fragment = env->scratch;
-			fragment_size = num_to_read;
-		}
-		if (fragment_size < num_to_read)
-			return -EIO;
-		/* Get encoding table for compression */
-		int table_size;
-		u16 *table = get_hash_table(env, num_to_read, &table_size);
-		/* Compress input_fragment and append to dest */
-		char *dest;
-		dest = sink_peek(writer, rd_kafka_snappy_max_compressed_length(num_to_read));
-		if (!dest) {
-			/*
-			 * Need a scratch buffer for the output,
-			 * because the byte sink doesn't have enough
-			 * in one piece.
-			 */
-			dest = env->scratch_output;
-		}
-		char *end = compress_fragment(fragment, fragment_size,
-					      dest, table, table_size);
-		append(writer, dest, end - dest);
-		written += (end - dest);
-		N -= num_to_read;
-		skip(reader, pending_advance);
-	}
-	err = 0;
-	return err;
-#ifdef SG
-int rd_kafka_snappy_compress_iov(struct snappy_env *env,
-                                 const struct iovec *iov_in, size_t iov_in_cnt,
-                                 size_t input_length,
-                                 struct iovec *iov_out) {
-        struct source reader = {
-                .iov = (struct iovec *)iov_in,
-                .iovlen = (int)iov_in_cnt,
-                .total = input_length
-        };
-        struct sink writer = {
-                .iov = iov_out,
-                .iovlen = 1
-        };
-        int err = sn_compress(env, &reader, &writer);
-        iov_out->iov_len = writer.written;
-        return err;
- * rd_kafka_snappy_compress - Compress a buffer using the snappy compressor.
- * @env: Preallocated environment
- * @input: Input buffer
- * @input_length: Length of input_buffer
- * @compressed: Output buffer for compressed data
- * @compressed_length: The real length of the output written here.
- *
- * Return 0 on success, otherwise an negative error code.
- *
- * The output buffer must be at least
- * rd_kafka_snappy_max_compressed_length(input_length) bytes long.
- *
- * Requires a preallocated environment from rd_kafka_snappy_init_env.
- * The environment does not keep state over individual calls
- * of this function, just preallocates the memory.
- */
-int rd_kafka_snappy_compress(struct snappy_env *env,
-		    const char *input,
-		    size_t input_length,
-		    char *compressed, size_t *compressed_length)
-	struct iovec iov_in = {
-		.iov_base = (char *)input,
-		.iov_len = input_length,
-	};
-	struct iovec iov_out = {
-		.iov_base = compressed,
-		.iov_len = 0xffffffff,
-	};
-        return rd_kafka_snappy_compress_iov(env,
-                                            &iov_in, 1, input_length,
-                                            &iov_out);
-int rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress_iov(struct iovec *iov_in, int iov_in_len,
-			   size_t input_len, char *uncompressed)
-	struct source reader = {
-		.iov = iov_in,
-		.iovlen = iov_in_len,
-		.total = input_len
-	};
-	struct writer output = {
-		.base = uncompressed,
-		.op = uncompressed
-	};
-	return internal_uncompress(&reader, &output, 0xffffffff);
- * rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress - Uncompress a snappy compressed buffer
- * @compressed: Input buffer with compressed data
- * @n: length of compressed buffer
- * @uncompressed: buffer for uncompressed data
- *
- * The uncompressed data buffer must be at least
- * rd_kafka_snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed) bytes long.
- *
- * Return 0 on success, otherwise an negative error code.
- */
-int rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress(const char *compressed, size_t n, char *uncompressed)
-	struct iovec iov = {
-		.iov_base = (char *)compressed,
-		.iov_len = n
-	};
-	return rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress_iov(&iov, 1, n, uncompressed);
- * @brief Decompress Snappy message with Snappy-java framing.
- *
- * @returns a malloced buffer with the uncompressed data, or NULL on failure.
- */
-char *rd_kafka_snappy_java_uncompress (const char *inbuf, size_t inlen,
-                                       size_t *outlenp,
-                                       char *errstr, size_t errstr_size) {
-        int pass;
-        char *outbuf = NULL;
-        /**
-         * Traverse all chunks in two passes:
-         *  pass 1: calculate total uncompressed length
-         *  pass 2: uncompress
-         *
-         * Each chunk is prefixed with 4: length */
-        for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 2 ; pass++) {
-                ssize_t of = 0;  /* inbuf offset */
-                ssize_t uof = 0; /* outbuf offset */
-                while (of + 4 <= (ssize_t)inlen) {
-                        uint32_t clen; /* compressed length */
-                        size_t ulen; /* uncompressed length */
-                        int r;
-                        memcpy(&clen, inbuf+of, 4);
-                        clen = be32toh(clen);
-                        of += 4;
-                        if (unlikely(clen > inlen - of)) {
-                                rd_snprintf(errstr, errstr_size,
-                                            "Invalid snappy-java chunk length "
-                                            "%"PRId32" > %"PRIdsz
-                                            " available bytes",
-                                            clen, (ssize_t)inlen - of);
-                                return NULL;
-                        }
-                        /* Acquire uncompressed length */
-                        if (unlikely(!rd_kafka_snappy_uncompressed_length(
-                                             inbuf+of, clen, &ulen))) {
-                                rd_snprintf(errstr, errstr_size,
-                                            "Failed to get length of "
-                                            "(snappy-java framed) Snappy "
-                                            "compressed payload "
-                                            "(clen %"PRId32")",
-                                            clen);
-                                return NULL;
-                        }
-                        if (pass == 1) {
-                                /* pass 1: calculate total length */
-                                of  += clen;
-                                uof += ulen;
-                                continue;
-                        }
-                        /* pass 2: Uncompress to outbuf */
-                        if (unlikely((r = rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress(
-                                              inbuf+of, clen, outbuf+uof)))) {
-                                rd_snprintf(errstr, errstr_size,
-                                            "Failed to decompress Snappy-java "
-                                            "framed payload of size %"PRId32
-                                            ": %s",
-                                            clen,
-                                            rd_strerror(-r/*negative errno*/));
-                                rd_free(outbuf);
-                                return NULL;
-                        }
-                        of  += clen;
-                        uof += ulen;
-                }
-                if (unlikely(of != (ssize_t)inlen)) {
-                        rd_snprintf(errstr, errstr_size,
-                                    "%"PRIusz" trailing bytes in Snappy-java "
-                                    "framed compressed data",
-                                    inlen - of);
-                        if (outbuf)
-                                rd_free(outbuf);
-                        return NULL;
-                }
-                if (pass == 1) {
-                        if (uof <= 0) {
-                                rd_snprintf(errstr, errstr_size,
-                                            "Empty Snappy-java framed data");
-                                return NULL;
-                        }
-                        /* Allocate memory for uncompressed data */
-                        outbuf = rd_malloc(uof);
-                        if (unlikely(!outbuf)) {
-                                rd_snprintf(errstr, errstr_size,
-                                           "Failed to allocate memory "
-                                            "(%"PRIdsz") for "
-                                            "uncompressed Snappy data: %s",
-                                            uof, rd_strerror(errno));
-                                return NULL;
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        /* pass 2 */
-                        *outlenp = uof;
-                }
-        }
-        return outbuf;
- * rd_kafka_snappy_compress - Compress a buffer using the snappy compressor.
- * @env: Preallocated environment
- * @input: Input buffer
- * @input_length: Length of input_buffer
- * @compressed: Output buffer for compressed data
- * @compressed_length: The real length of the output written here.
- *
- * Return 0 on success, otherwise an negative error code.
- *
- * The output buffer must be at least
- * rd_kafka_snappy_max_compressed_length(input_length) bytes long.
- *
- * Requires a preallocated environment from rd_kafka_snappy_init_env.
- * The environment does not keep state over individual calls
- * of this function, just preallocates the memory.
- */
-int rd_kafka_snappy_compress(struct snappy_env *env,
-		    const char *input,
-		    size_t input_length,
-		    char *compressed, size_t *compressed_length)
-	struct source reader = {
-		.ptr = input,
-		.left = input_length
-	};
-	struct sink writer = {
-		.dest = compressed,
-	};
-	int err = sn_compress(env, &reader, &writer);
-	/* Compute how many bytes were added */
-	*compressed_length = (writer.dest - compressed);
-	return err;
- * rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress - Uncompress a snappy compressed buffer
- * @compressed: Input buffer with compressed data
- * @n: length of compressed buffer
- * @uncompressed: buffer for uncompressed data
- *
- * The uncompressed data buffer must be at least
- * rd_kafka_snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed) bytes long.
- *
- * Return 0 on success, otherwise an negative error code.
- */
-int rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress(const char *compressed, size_t n, char *uncompressed)
-	struct source reader = {
-		.ptr = compressed,
-		.left = n
-	};
-	struct writer output = {
-		.base = uncompressed,
-		.op = uncompressed
-	};
-	return internal_uncompress(&reader, &output, 0xffffffff);
-static inline void clear_env(struct snappy_env *env)
-    memset(env, 0, sizeof(*env));
-#ifdef SG
- * rd_kafka_snappy_init_env_sg - Allocate snappy compression environment
- * @env: Environment to preallocate
- * @sg: Input environment ever does scather gather
- *
- * If false is passed to sg then multiple entries in an iovec
- * are not legal.
- * Returns 0 on success, otherwise negative errno.
- * Must run in process context.
- */
-int rd_kafka_snappy_init_env_sg(struct snappy_env *env, bool sg)
-	if (rd_kafka_snappy_init_env(env) < 0)
-		goto error;
-	if (sg) {
-		env->scratch = vmalloc(kblock_size);
-		if (!env->scratch)
-			goto error;
-		env->scratch_output =
-			vmalloc(rd_kafka_snappy_max_compressed_length(kblock_size));
-		if (!env->scratch_output)
-			goto error;
-	}
-	return 0;
-	rd_kafka_snappy_free_env(env);
-	return -ENOMEM;
- * rd_kafka_snappy_init_env - Allocate snappy compression environment
- * @env: Environment to preallocate
- *
- * Passing multiple entries in an iovec is not allowed
- * on the environment allocated here.
- * Returns 0 on success, otherwise negative errno.
- * Must run in process context.
- */
-int rd_kafka_snappy_init_env(struct snappy_env *env)
-    clear_env(env);
-	env->hash_table = vmalloc(sizeof(u16) * kmax_hash_table_size);
-	if (!env->hash_table)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	return 0;
- * rd_kafka_snappy_free_env - Free an snappy compression environment
- * @env: Environment to free.
- *
- * Must run in process context.
- */
-void rd_kafka_snappy_free_env(struct snappy_env *env)
-	vfree(env->hash_table);
-#ifdef SG
-	vfree(env->scratch);
-	vfree(env->scratch_output);
-	clear_env(env);
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop /* -Wcast-align ignore */
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy.h b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ca5a7dc..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _LINUX_SNAPPY_H
-#define _LINUX_SNAPPY_H 1
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-/* Only needed for compression. This preallocates the worst case */
-struct snappy_env {
-	unsigned short *hash_table;
-	void *scratch;
-	void *scratch_output;
-struct iovec;
-int rd_kafka_snappy_init_env(struct snappy_env *env);
-int rd_kafka_snappy_init_env_sg(struct snappy_env *env, bool sg);
-void rd_kafka_snappy_free_env(struct snappy_env *env);
-int rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress_iov(struct iovec *iov_in, int iov_in_len,
-			   size_t input_len, char *uncompressed);
-int rd_kafka_snappy_uncompress(const char *compressed, size_t n, char *uncompressed);
-char *rd_kafka_snappy_java_uncompress (const char *inbuf, size_t inlen,
-                                       size_t *outlenp,
-                                       char *errstr, size_t errstr_size);
-int rd_kafka_snappy_compress_iov(struct snappy_env *env,
-                                 const struct iovec *iov_in, size_t iov_in_cnt,
-                                 size_t input_length,
-                                 struct iovec *iov_out);
-bool rd_kafka_snappy_uncompressed_length(const char *buf, size_t len, size_t *result);
-size_t rd_kafka_snappy_max_compressed_length(size_t source_len);
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy_compat.h b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy_compat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8282463..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/src/snappy_compat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-#include "rdkafka_int.h"
-#include "rdendian.h"
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
-#  include <sys/endian.h>
-#elif defined(__APPLE_CC_) || defined(__MACH__)  /* MacOS/X support */
-#  include <machine/endian.h>
-#  define	htole16(x) (x)
-#  define	le32toh(x) (x)
-#  define	htole16(x) __DARWIN_OSSwapInt16(x)
-#  define	le32toh(x) __DARWIN_OSSwapInt32(x)
-#  error "Endianness is undefined"
-#elif !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(sun) && !defined(_AIX)
-#  include <endian.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-#ifdef __ANDROID__
-#define le32toh letoh32
-#if defined(__WIN32__) && defined(SG)
-struct iovec {
-	void *iov_base;	/* Pointer to data.  */
-	size_t iov_len;	/* Length of data.  */
-#define get_unaligned_memcpy(x) ({ \
-		typeof(*(x)) _ret; \
-		memcpy(&_ret, (x), sizeof(*(x))); \
-		_ret; })
-#define put_unaligned_memcpy(v,x) ({ \
-		typeof((v)) _v = (v); \
-		memcpy((x), &_v, sizeof(*(x))); })
-#define get_unaligned_direct(x) (*(x))
-#define put_unaligned_direct(v,x) (*(x) = (v))
-// Potentially unaligned loads and stores.
-// x86 and PowerPC can simply do these loads and stores native.
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64)
-#define get_unaligned get_unaligned_direct
-#define put_unaligned put_unaligned_direct
-#define get_unaligned64 get_unaligned_direct
-#define put_unaligned64 put_unaligned_direct
-// ARMv7 and newer support native unaligned accesses, but only of 16-bit
-// and 32-bit values (not 64-bit); older versions either raise a fatal signal,
-// do an unaligned read and rotate the words around a bit, or do the reads very
-// slowly (trip through kernel mode). There's no simple #define that says just
-// “ARMv7 or higher”, so we have to filter away all ARMv5 and ARMv6
-// sub-architectures.
-// This is a mess, but there's not much we can do about it.
-#elif defined(__arm__) && \
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_4__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_4T__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_5__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_5T__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_5TE__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_5TEJ__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__) &&		\
-	!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6T2__)
-#define get_unaligned get_unaligned_direct
-#define put_unaligned put_unaligned_direct
-#define get_unaligned64 get_unaligned_memcpy
-#define put_unaligned64 put_unaligned_memcpy
-// These macroses are provided for architectures that don't support
-// unaligned loads and stores.
-#define get_unaligned get_unaligned_memcpy
-#define put_unaligned put_unaligned_memcpy
-#define get_unaligned64 get_unaligned_memcpy
-#define put_unaligned64 put_unaligned_memcpy
-#define get_unaligned_le32(x) (le32toh(get_unaligned((u32 *)(x))))
-#define put_unaligned_le16(v,x) (put_unaligned(htole16(v), (u16 *)(x)))
-typedef unsigned char u8;
-typedef unsigned short u16;
-typedef unsigned u32;
-typedef unsigned long long u64;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#define BUG_ON(x) do { if (unlikely((x))) abort(); } while (0)
-#define BUG_ON(x) assert(!(x))
-#define vmalloc(x) malloc(x)
-#define vfree(x) free(x)
-#define EXPORT_SYMBOL(x)
-#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*(x)))
-#ifndef likely
-#define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x), 1)
-#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x), 0)
-#define min_t(t,x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define max_t(t,x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1
-#if __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ == 1 || defined(__WIN32__)
-#ifndef htole16
-#define htole16(x) (x)
-#ifndef le32toh
-#define le32toh(x) (x)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define htole16(x) (x)
-#define le32toh(x) (x)
-#define htole16(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)
-#define le32toh(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
-#if defined(sun)
-#ifndef htole16
-#define htole16(x) LE_16(x)
-#ifndef le32toh
-#define le32toh(x) LE_32(x)
-#define BITS_PER_LONG (__SIZEOF_LONG__ * 8)