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[GitHub] [hudi] CTTY commented on a diff in pull request #5943: [HUDI-4186] [WIP] Support Hudi with Spark 3.3.0

CTTY commented on code in PR #5943:

@@ -0,0 +1,3351 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.parser
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.{ParseTree, RuleNode, TerminalNode}
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.{ParserRuleContext, Token}
+import org.apache.hudi.spark.sql.parser.HoodieSqlBaseParser._
+import org.apache.hudi.spark.sql.parser.{HoodieSqlBaseBaseVisitor, HoodieSqlBaseParser}
+import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
+import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{BucketSpec, CatalogStorageFormat}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{First, Last}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParserUtils.{EnhancedLogicalPlan, checkDuplicateClauses, checkDuplicateKeys, entry, escapedIdentifier, operationNotAllowed, source, string, stringWithoutUnescape, validate, withOrigin}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.{ParseException, ParserInterface}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{CharVarcharUtils, DateTimeUtils, IntervalUtils, truncatedString}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{FunctionIdentifier, TableIdentifier}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogV2Implicits.BucketSpecHelper
+import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCatalog
+import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableChange.ColumnPosition
+import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.{ApplyTransform, BucketTransform, DaysTransform, FieldReference, HoursTransform, IdentityTransform, LiteralValue, MonthsTransform, Transform, YearsTransform, Expression => V2Expression}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
+import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.{CalendarInterval, UTF8String}
+import org.apache.spark.util.Utils.isTesting
+import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler
+import java.util.Locale
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+ * The AstBuilder for HoodieSqlParser to parser the AST tree to Logical Plan.
+ * Here we only do the parser for the extended sql syntax. e.g MergeInto. For
+ * other sql syntax we use the delegate sql parser which is the SparkSqlParser.
+ */
+class HoodieSpark3_3ExtendedSqlAstBuilder(conf: SQLConf, delegate: ParserInterface)
+  extends HoodieSqlBaseBaseVisitor[AnyRef] with Logging {
+  protected def typedVisit[T](ctx: ParseTree): T = {
+    ctx.accept(this).asInstanceOf[T]
+  }
+  /**
+   * Override the default behavior for all visit methods. This will only return a non-null result
+   * when the context has only one child. This is done because there is no generic method to
+   * combine the results of the context children. In all other cases null is returned.
+   */
+  override def visitChildren(node: RuleNode): AnyRef = {
+    if (node.getChildCount == 1) {
+      node.getChild(0).accept(this)
+    } else {
+      null
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an aliased table reference. This is typically used in FROM clauses.
+   */
+  override def visitTableName(ctx: TableNameContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val tableId = visitMultipartIdentifier(ctx.multipartIdentifier())
+    val relation = UnresolvedRelation(tableId)
+    val table = mayApplyAliasPlan(
+      ctx.tableAlias, relation.optionalMap(ctx.temporalClause)(withTimeTravel))
+    table.optionalMap(ctx.sample)(withSample)
+  }
+  private def withTimeTravel(
+                              ctx: TemporalClauseContext, plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val v = ctx.version
+    val version = if (ctx.INTEGER_VALUE != null) {
+      Some(v.getText)
+    } else {
+      Option(v).map(string)
+    }
+    val timestamp = Option(ctx.timestamp).map(expression)
+    if (timestamp.exists(_.references.nonEmpty)) {
+      throw new ParseException(
+        "timestamp expression cannot refer to any columns", ctx.timestamp)
+    }
+    if (timestamp.exists(e => SubqueryExpression.hasSubquery(e))) {
+      throw new ParseException(
+        "timestamp expression cannot contain subqueries", ctx.timestamp)
+    }
+    TimeTravelRelation(plan, timestamp, version)
+  }
+  // ============== The following code is fork from org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.AstBuilder
+  override def visitSingleStatement(ctx: SingleStatementContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    visit(ctx.statement).asInstanceOf[LogicalPlan]
+  }
+  override def visitSingleExpression(ctx: SingleExpressionContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    visitNamedExpression(ctx.namedExpression)
+  }
+  override def visitSingleTableIdentifier(
+                                           ctx: SingleTableIdentifierContext): TableIdentifier = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    visitTableIdentifier(ctx.tableIdentifier)
+  }
+  override def visitSingleFunctionIdentifier(
+                                              ctx: SingleFunctionIdentifierContext): FunctionIdentifier = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    visitFunctionIdentifier(ctx.functionIdentifier)
+  }
+  override def visitSingleMultipartIdentifier(
+                                               ctx: SingleMultipartIdentifierContext): Seq[String] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    visitMultipartIdentifier(ctx.multipartIdentifier)
+  }
+  override def visitSingleDataType(ctx: SingleDataTypeContext): DataType = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    typedVisit[DataType](ctx.dataType)
+  }
+  override def visitSingleTableSchema(ctx: SingleTableSchemaContext): StructType = {
+    val schema = StructType(visitColTypeList(ctx.colTypeList))
+    withOrigin(ctx)(schema)
+  }
+  /* ********************************************************************************************
+   * Plan parsing
+   * ******************************************************************************************** */
+  protected def plan(tree: ParserRuleContext): LogicalPlan = typedVisit(tree)
+  /**
+   * Create a top-level plan with Common Table Expressions.
+   */
+  override def visitQuery(ctx: QueryContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val query = plan(ctx.queryTerm).optionalMap(ctx.queryOrganization)(withQueryResultClauses)
+    // Apply CTEs
+    query.optionalMap(ctx.ctes)(withCTE)
+  }
+  override def visitDmlStatement(ctx: DmlStatementContext): AnyRef = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val dmlStmt = plan(ctx.dmlStatementNoWith)
+    // Apply CTEs
+    dmlStmt.optionalMap(ctx.ctes)(withCTE)
+  }
+  private def withCTE(ctx: CtesContext, plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
+    val ctes = { nCtx =>
+      val namedQuery = visitNamedQuery(nCtx)
+      (namedQuery.alias, namedQuery)
+    }
+    // Check for duplicate names.
+    val duplicates = ctes.groupBy(_._1).filter(_._2.size > 1).keys
+    if (duplicates.nonEmpty) {
+      throw new ParseException(s"CTE definition can't have duplicate names: ${duplicates.mkString("'", "', '", "'")}.", ctx)
+    }
+    UnresolvedWith(plan, ctes.toSeq)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a logical query plan for a hive-style FROM statement body.
+   */
+  private def withFromStatementBody(
+                                     ctx: FromStatementBodyContext, plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    // two cases for transforms and selects
+    if (ctx.transformClause != null) {
+      withTransformQuerySpecification(
+        ctx,
+        ctx.transformClause,
+        ctx.lateralView,
+        ctx.whereClause,
+        ctx.aggregationClause,
+        ctx.havingClause,
+        ctx.windowClause,
+        plan
+      )
+    } else {
+      withSelectQuerySpecification(
+        ctx,
+        ctx.selectClause,
+        ctx.lateralView,
+        ctx.whereClause,
+        ctx.aggregationClause,
+        ctx.havingClause,
+        ctx.windowClause,
+        plan
+      )
+    }
+  }
+  override def visitFromStatement(ctx: FromStatementContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val from = visitFromClause(ctx.fromClause)
+    val selects = { body =>
+      withFromStatementBody(body, from).
+        // Add organization statements.
+        optionalMap(body.queryOrganization)(withQueryResultClauses)
+    }
+    // If there are multiple SELECT just UNION them together into one query.
+    if (selects.length == 1) {
+      selects.head
+    } else {
+      Union(selects.toSeq)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a named logical plan.
+   *
+   * This is only used for Common Table Expressions.
+   */
+  override def visitNamedQuery(ctx: NamedQueryContext): SubqueryAlias = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val subQuery: LogicalPlan = plan(ctx.query).optionalMap(ctx.columnAliases)(
+      (columnAliases, plan) =>
+        UnresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases(visitIdentifierList(columnAliases), plan)
+    )
+    SubqueryAlias(, subQuery)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a logical plan which allows for multiple inserts using one 'from' statement. These
+   * queries have the following SQL form:
+   * {{{
+   *   [WITH cte...]?
+   *   FROM src
+   *   [INSERT INTO tbl1 SELECT *]+
+   * }}}
+   * For example:
+   * {{{
+   *   FROM db.tbl1 A
+   *   INSERT INTO dbo.tbl1 SELECT * WHERE A.value = 10 LIMIT 5
+   *   INSERT INTO dbo.tbl2 SELECT * WHERE A.value = 12
+   * }}}
+   * This (Hive) feature cannot be combined with set-operators.
+   */
+  override def visitMultiInsertQuery(ctx: MultiInsertQueryContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val from = visitFromClause(ctx.fromClause)
+    // Build the insert clauses.
+    val inserts = { body =>
+      withInsertInto(body.insertInto,
+        withFromStatementBody(body.fromStatementBody, from).
+          optionalMap(body.fromStatementBody.queryOrganization)(withQueryResultClauses))
+    }
+    // If there are multiple INSERTS just UNION them together into one query.
+    if (inserts.length == 1) {
+      inserts.head
+    } else {
+      Union(inserts.toSeq)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a logical plan for a regular (single-insert) query.
+   */
+  override def visitSingleInsertQuery(
+                                       ctx: SingleInsertQueryContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    withInsertInto(
+      ctx.insertInto(),
+      plan(ctx.queryTerm).optionalMap(ctx.queryOrganization)(withQueryResultClauses))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parameters used for writing query to a table:
+   * (UnresolvedRelation, tableColumnList, partitionKeys, ifPartitionNotExists).
+   */
+  type InsertTableParams = (UnresolvedRelation, Seq[String], Map[String, Option[String]], Boolean)
+  /**
+   * Parameters used for writing query to a directory: (isLocal, CatalogStorageFormat, provider).
+   */
+  type InsertDirParams = (Boolean, CatalogStorageFormat, Option[String])
+  /**
+   * Add an
+   * {{{
+   *   INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tableIdentifier [partitionSpec [IF NOT EXISTS]]? [identifierList]
+   *   INSERT INTO [TABLE] tableIdentifier [partitionSpec]  [identifierList]
+   *   INSERT OVERWRITE [LOCAL] DIRECTORY STRING [rowFormat] [createFileFormat]
+   *   INSERT OVERWRITE [LOCAL] DIRECTORY [STRING] tableProvider [OPTIONS tablePropertyList]
+   * }}}
+   * operation to logical plan
+   */
+  private def withInsertInto(
+                              ctx: InsertIntoContext,
+                              query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    ctx match {
+      case table: InsertIntoTableContext =>
+        val (relation, cols, partition, ifPartitionNotExists) = visitInsertIntoTable(table)
+        InsertIntoStatement(
+          relation,
+          partition,
+          cols,
+          query,
+          overwrite = false,
+          ifPartitionNotExists)
+      case table: InsertOverwriteTableContext =>
+        val (relation, cols, partition, ifPartitionNotExists) = visitInsertOverwriteTable(table)
+        InsertIntoStatement(
+          relation,
+          partition,
+          cols,
+          query,
+          overwrite = true,
+          ifPartitionNotExists)
+      case dir: InsertOverwriteDirContext =>
+        val (isLocal, storage, provider) = visitInsertOverwriteDir(dir)
+        InsertIntoDir(isLocal, storage, provider, query, overwrite = true)
+      case hiveDir: InsertOverwriteHiveDirContext =>
+        val (isLocal, storage, provider) = visitInsertOverwriteHiveDir(hiveDir)
+        InsertIntoDir(isLocal, storage, provider, query, overwrite = true)
+      case _ =>
+        throw new ParseException("Invalid InsertIntoContext", ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add an INSERT INTO TABLE operation to the logical plan.
+   */
+  override def visitInsertIntoTable(
+                                     ctx: InsertIntoTableContext): InsertTableParams = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val cols = Option(ctx.identifierList()).map(visitIdentifierList).getOrElse(Nil)
+    val partitionKeys = Option(ctx.partitionSpec).map(visitPartitionSpec).getOrElse(Map.empty)
+    if (ctx.EXISTS != null) {
+      operationNotAllowed("INSERT INTO ... IF NOT EXISTS", ctx)
+    }
+    (createUnresolvedRelation(ctx.multipartIdentifier), cols, partitionKeys, false)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add an INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE operation to the logical plan.
+   */
+  override def visitInsertOverwriteTable(
+                                          ctx: InsertOverwriteTableContext): InsertTableParams = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    assert(ctx.OVERWRITE() != null)
+    val cols = Option(ctx.identifierList()).map(visitIdentifierList).getOrElse(Nil)
+    val partitionKeys = Option(ctx.partitionSpec).map(visitPartitionSpec).getOrElse(Map.empty)
+    val dynamicPartitionKeys: Map[String, Option[String]] = partitionKeys.filter(_._2.isEmpty)
+    if (ctx.EXISTS != null && dynamicPartitionKeys.nonEmpty) {
+      operationNotAllowed("IF NOT EXISTS with dynamic partitions: " +
+        dynamicPartitionKeys.keys.mkString(", "), ctx)
+    }
+    (createUnresolvedRelation(ctx.multipartIdentifier), cols, partitionKeys, ctx.EXISTS() != null)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Write to a directory, returning a [[InsertIntoDir]] logical plan.
+   */
+  override def visitInsertOverwriteDir(
+                                        ctx: InsertOverwriteDirContext): InsertDirParams = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    throw new ParseException("INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY is not supported", ctx)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Write to a directory, returning a [[InsertIntoDir]] logical plan.
+   */
+  override def visitInsertOverwriteHiveDir(
+                                            ctx: InsertOverwriteHiveDirContext): InsertDirParams = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    throw new ParseException("INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY is not supported", ctx)
+  }
+  private def getTableAliasWithoutColumnAlias(
+                                               ctx: TableAliasContext, op: String): Option[String] = {
+    if (ctx == null) {
+      None
+    } else {
+      val ident = ctx.strictIdentifier()
+      if (ctx.identifierList() != null) {
+        throw new ParseException(s"Columns aliases are not allowed in $op.", ctx.identifierList())
+      }
+      if (ident != null) Some(ident.getText) else None
+    }
+  }
+  override def visitDeleteFromTable(
+                                     ctx: DeleteFromTableContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val table = createUnresolvedRelation(ctx.multipartIdentifier())
+    val tableAlias = getTableAliasWithoutColumnAlias(ctx.tableAlias(), "DELETE")
+    val aliasedTable =, table)).getOrElse(table)
+    val predicate = if (ctx.whereClause() != null) {
+      Some(expression(ctx.whereClause().booleanExpression()))
+    } else {
+      None
+    }
+    DeleteFromTable(aliasedTable, predicate.get)
+  }
+  override def visitUpdateTable(ctx: UpdateTableContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val table = createUnresolvedRelation(ctx.multipartIdentifier())
+    val tableAlias = getTableAliasWithoutColumnAlias(ctx.tableAlias(), "UPDATE")
+    val aliasedTable =, table)).getOrElse(table)
+    val assignments = withAssignments(ctx.setClause().assignmentList())
+    val predicate = if (ctx.whereClause() != null) {
+      Some(expression(ctx.whereClause().booleanExpression()))
+    } else {
+      None
+    }
+    UpdateTable(aliasedTable, assignments, predicate)
+  }
+  private def withAssignments(assignCtx: AssignmentListContext): Seq[Assignment] =
+    withOrigin(assignCtx) {
+      assignCtx.assignment() { assign =>
+        Assignment(UnresolvedAttribute(visitMultipartIdentifier(assign.key)),
+          expression(assign.value))
+      }.toSeq
+    }
+  override def visitMergeIntoTable(ctx: MergeIntoTableContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val targetTable = createUnresolvedRelation(
+    val targetTableAlias = getTableAliasWithoutColumnAlias(ctx.targetAlias, "MERGE")
+    val aliasedTarget =, targetTable)).getOrElse(targetTable)
+    val sourceTableOrQuery = if (ctx.source != null) {
+      createUnresolvedRelation(ctx.source)
+    } else if (ctx.sourceQuery != null) {
+      visitQuery(ctx.sourceQuery)
+    } else {
+      throw new ParseException("Empty source for merge: you should specify a source" +
+        " table/subquery in merge.", ctx.source)
+    }
+    val sourceTableAlias = getTableAliasWithoutColumnAlias(ctx.sourceAlias, "MERGE")
+    val aliasedSource =
+, sourceTableOrQuery)).getOrElse(sourceTableOrQuery)
+    val mergeCondition = expression(ctx.mergeCondition)
+    val matchedActions = ctx.matchedClause() {
+      clause => {
+        if (clause.matchedAction().DELETE() != null) {
+          DeleteAction(Option(clause.matchedCond).map(expression))
+        } else if (clause.matchedAction().UPDATE() != null) {
+          val condition = Option(clause.matchedCond).map(expression)
+          if (clause.matchedAction().ASTERISK() != null) {
+            UpdateStarAction(condition)
+          } else {
+            UpdateAction(condition, withAssignments(clause.matchedAction().assignmentList()))
+          }
+        } else {
+          // It should not be here.
+          throw new ParseException(s"Unrecognized matched action: ${clause.matchedAction().getText}",
+            clause.matchedAction())
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    val notMatchedActions = ctx.notMatchedClause() {
+      clause => {
+        if (clause.notMatchedAction().INSERT() != null) {
+          val condition = Option(clause.notMatchedCond).map(expression)
+          if (clause.notMatchedAction().ASTERISK() != null) {
+            InsertStarAction(condition)
+          } else {
+            val columns = clause.notMatchedAction().columns.multipartIdentifier()
+     => UnresolvedAttribute(visitMultipartIdentifier(attr)))
+            val values = clause.notMatchedAction().expression()
+            if (columns.size != values.size) {
+              throw new ParseException("The number of inserted values cannot match the fields.",
+                clause.notMatchedAction())
+            }
+            InsertAction(condition, => Assignment(kv._1, kv._2)).toSeq)
+          }
+        } else {
+          // It should not be here.
+          throw new ParseException(s"Unrecognized not matched action: ${clause.notMatchedAction().getText}",
+            clause.notMatchedAction())
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (matchedActions.isEmpty && notMatchedActions.isEmpty) {
+      throw new ParseException("There must be at least one WHEN clause in a MERGE statement", ctx)
+    }
+    // children being empty means that the condition is not set
+    val matchedActionSize = matchedActions.length
+    if (matchedActionSize >= 2 && !matchedActions.init.forall(_.condition.nonEmpty)) {
+      throw new ParseException("When there are more than one MATCHED clauses in a MERGE " +
+        "statement, only the last MATCHED clause can omit the condition.", ctx)
+    }
+    val notMatchedActionSize = notMatchedActions.length
+    if (notMatchedActionSize >= 2 && !notMatchedActions.init.forall(_.condition.nonEmpty)) {
+      throw new ParseException("When there are more than one NOT MATCHED clauses in a MERGE " +
+        "statement, only the last NOT MATCHED clause can omit the condition.", ctx)
+    }
+    MergeIntoTable(
+      aliasedTarget,
+      aliasedSource,
+      mergeCondition,
+      matchedActions.toSeq,
+      notMatchedActions.toSeq)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a partition specification map.
+   */
+  override def visitPartitionSpec(
+                                   ctx: PartitionSpecContext): Map[String, Option[String]] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val legacyNullAsString =
+    val parts = { pVal =>
+      val name = pVal.identifier.getText
+      val value = Option(pVal.constant).map(v => visitStringConstant(v, legacyNullAsString))
+      name -> value
+    }
+    // Before calling `toMap`, we check duplicated keys to avoid silently ignore partition values
+    // in partition spec like PARTITION(a='1', b='2', a='3'). The real semantical check for
+    // partition columns will be done in analyzer.
+    if (conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis) {
+      checkDuplicateKeys(parts.toSeq, ctx)
+    } else {
+      checkDuplicateKeys( => kv._1.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) -> kv._2).toSeq, ctx)
+    }
+    parts.toMap
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a partition specification map without optional values.
+   */
+  protected def visitNonOptionalPartitionSpec(
+                                               ctx: PartitionSpecContext): Map[String, String] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    visitPartitionSpec(ctx).map {
+      case (key, None) => throw new ParseException(s"Found an empty partition key '$key'.", ctx)
+      case (key, Some(value)) => key -> value
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Convert a constant of any type into a string. This is typically used in DDL commands, and its
+   * main purpose is to prevent slight differences due to back to back conversions i.e.:
+   * String -> Literal -> String.
+   */
+  protected def visitStringConstant(
+                                     ctx: ConstantContext,
+                                     legacyNullAsString: Boolean): String = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    expression(ctx) match {
+      case Literal(null, _) if !legacyNullAsString => null
+      case l@Literal(null, _) => l.toString
+      case l: Literal =>
+        // TODO For v2 commands, we will cast the string back to its actual value,
+        //  which is a waste and can be improved in the future.
+        Cast(l, StringType, Some(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)).eval().toString
+      case other =>
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Only literals are allowed in the " +
+          s"partition spec, but got ${other.sql}")
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add ORDER BY/SORT BY/CLUSTER BY/DISTRIBUTE BY/LIMIT/WINDOWS clauses to the logical plan. These
+   * clauses determine the shape (ordering/partitioning/rows) of the query result.
+   */
+  private def withQueryResultClauses(
+                                      ctx: QueryOrganizationContext,
+                                      query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    import ctx._
+    // Handle ORDER BY, SORT BY, DISTRIBUTE BY, and CLUSTER BY clause.
+    val withOrder = if (
+      !order.isEmpty && sort.isEmpty && distributeBy.isEmpty && clusterBy.isEmpty) {
+      // ORDER BY ...
+      Sort(, global = true, query)
+    } else if (order.isEmpty && !sort.isEmpty && distributeBy.isEmpty && clusterBy.isEmpty) {
+      // SORT BY ...
+      Sort(, global = false, query)
+    } else if (order.isEmpty && sort.isEmpty && !distributeBy.isEmpty && clusterBy.isEmpty) {
+      // DISTRIBUTE BY ...
+      withRepartitionByExpression(ctx, expressionList(distributeBy), query)
+    } else if (order.isEmpty && !sort.isEmpty && !distributeBy.isEmpty && clusterBy.isEmpty) {
+      // SORT BY ... DISTRIBUTE BY ...
+      Sort(
+        global = false,
+        withRepartitionByExpression(ctx, expressionList(distributeBy), query))
+    } else if (order.isEmpty && sort.isEmpty && distributeBy.isEmpty && !clusterBy.isEmpty) {
+      // CLUSTER BY ...
+      val expressions = expressionList(clusterBy)
+      Sort(
+, Ascending)),
+        global = false,
+        withRepartitionByExpression(ctx, expressions, query))
+    } else if (order.isEmpty && sort.isEmpty && distributeBy.isEmpty && clusterBy.isEmpty) {
+      // [EMPTY]
+      query
+    } else {
+      throw new ParseException(
+        "Combination of ORDER BY/SORT BY/DISTRIBUTE BY/CLUSTER BY is not supported", ctx)
+    }
+    // WINDOWS
+    val withWindow = withOrder.optionalMap(windowClause)(withWindowClause)
+    // LIMIT
+    // - LIMIT ALL is the same as omitting the LIMIT clause
+    withWindow.optional(limit) {
+      Limit(typedVisit(limit), withWindow)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a clause for DISTRIBUTE BY.
+   */
+  protected def withRepartitionByExpression(
+                                             ctx: QueryOrganizationContext,
+                                             expressions: Seq[Expression],
+                                             query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
+    RepartitionByExpression(expressions, query, None)
+  }
+  override def visitTransformQuerySpecification(
+                                                 ctx: TransformQuerySpecificationContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val from = OneRowRelation().optional(ctx.fromClause) {
+      visitFromClause(ctx.fromClause)
+    }
+    withTransformQuerySpecification(
+      ctx,
+      ctx.transformClause,
+      ctx.lateralView,
+      ctx.whereClause,
+      ctx.aggregationClause,
+      ctx.havingClause,
+      ctx.windowClause,
+      from
+    )
+  }
+  override def visitRegularQuerySpecification(
+                                               ctx: RegularQuerySpecificationContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val from = OneRowRelation().optional(ctx.fromClause) {
+      visitFromClause(ctx.fromClause)
+    }
+    withSelectQuerySpecification(
+      ctx,
+      ctx.selectClause,
+      ctx.lateralView,
+      ctx.whereClause,
+      ctx.aggregationClause,
+      ctx.havingClause,
+      ctx.windowClause,
+      from
+    )
+  }
+  override def visitNamedExpressionSeq(
+                                        ctx: NamedExpressionSeqContext): Seq[Expression] = {
+    Option(ctx).toSeq
+      .flatMap(_.namedExpression.asScala)
+      .map(typedVisit[Expression])
+  }
+  override def visitExpressionSeq(ctx: ExpressionSeqContext): Seq[Expression] = {
+    Option(ctx).toSeq
+      .flatMap(_.expression.asScala)
+      .map(typedVisit[Expression])
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a logical plan using a having clause.
+   */
+  private def withHavingClause(
+                                ctx: HavingClauseContext, plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
+    // Note that we add a cast to non-predicate expressions. If the expression itself is
+    // already boolean, the optimizer will get rid of the unnecessary cast.
+    val predicate = expression(ctx.booleanExpression) match {
+      case p: Predicate => p
+      case e => Cast(e, BooleanType)
+    }
+    UnresolvedHaving(predicate, plan)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a logical plan using a where clause.
+   */
+  private def withWhereClause(ctx: WhereClauseContext, plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
+    Filter(expression(ctx.booleanExpression), plan)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a hive-style transform (SELECT TRANSFORM/MAP/REDUCE) query specification to a logical plan.
+   */
+  private def withTransformQuerySpecification(
+                                               ctx: ParserRuleContext,
+                                               transformClause: TransformClauseContext,
+                                               lateralView: java.util.List[LateralViewContext],
+                                               whereClause: WhereClauseContext,
+                                               aggregationClause: AggregationClauseContext,
+                                               havingClause: HavingClauseContext,
+                                               windowClause: WindowClauseContext,
+                                               relation: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    if (transformClause.setQuantifier != null) {
+      throw new ParseException("TRANSFORM does not support DISTINCT/ALL in inputs", transformClause.setQuantifier)
+    }
+    // Create the attributes.
+    val (attributes, schemaLess) = if (transformClause.colTypeList != null) {
+      // Typed return columns.
+      (createSchema(transformClause.colTypeList).toAttributes, false)
+    } else if (transformClause.identifierSeq != null) {
+      // Untyped return columns.
+      val attrs = visitIdentifierSeq(transformClause.identifierSeq).map { name =>
+        AttributeReference(name, StringType, nullable = true)()
+      }
+      (attrs, false)
+    } else {
+      (Seq(AttributeReference("key", StringType)(),
+        AttributeReference("value", StringType)()), true)
+    }
+    val plan = visitCommonSelectQueryClausePlan(
+      relation,
+      visitExpressionSeq(transformClause.expressionSeq),
+      lateralView,
+      whereClause,
+      aggregationClause,
+      havingClause,
+      windowClause,
+      isDistinct = false)
+    ScriptTransformation(
+      string(transformClause.script),
+      attributes,
+      plan,
+      withScriptIOSchema(
+        ctx,
+        transformClause.inRowFormat,
+        transformClause.recordWriter,
+        transformClause.outRowFormat,
+        transformClause.recordReader,
+        schemaLess
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a regular (SELECT) query specification to a logical plan. The query specification
+   * is the core of the logical plan, this is where sourcing (FROM clause), projection (SELECT),
+   * aggregation (GROUP BY ... HAVING ...) and filtering (WHERE) takes place.
+   *
+   * Note that query hints are ignored (both by the parser and the builder).
+   */
+  private def withSelectQuerySpecification(
+                                            ctx: ParserRuleContext,
+                                            selectClause: SelectClauseContext,
+                                            lateralView: java.util.List[LateralViewContext],
+                                            whereClause: WhereClauseContext,
+                                            aggregationClause: AggregationClauseContext,
+                                            havingClause: HavingClauseContext,
+                                            windowClause: WindowClauseContext,
+                                            relation: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val isDistinct = selectClause.setQuantifier() != null &&
+      selectClause.setQuantifier().DISTINCT() != null
+    val plan = visitCommonSelectQueryClausePlan(
+      relation,
+      visitNamedExpressionSeq(selectClause.namedExpressionSeq),
+      lateralView,
+      whereClause,
+      aggregationClause,
+      havingClause,
+      windowClause,
+      isDistinct)
+    // Hint
+    selectClause.hints.asScala.foldRight(plan)(withHints)
+  }
+  def visitCommonSelectQueryClausePlan(
+                                        relation: LogicalPlan,
+                                        expressions: Seq[Expression],
+                                        lateralView: java.util.List[LateralViewContext],
+                                        whereClause: WhereClauseContext,
+                                        aggregationClause: AggregationClauseContext,
+                                        havingClause: HavingClauseContext,
+                                        windowClause: WindowClauseContext,
+                                        isDistinct: Boolean): LogicalPlan = {
+    // Add lateral views.
+    val withLateralView = lateralView.asScala.foldLeft(relation)(withGenerate)
+    // Add where.
+    val withFilter = withLateralView.optionalMap(whereClause)(withWhereClause)
+    // Add aggregation or a project.
+    val namedExpressions = {
+      case e: NamedExpression => e
+      case e: Expression => UnresolvedAlias(e)
+    }
+    def createProject() = if (namedExpressions.nonEmpty) {
+      Project(namedExpressions, withFilter)
+    } else {
+      withFilter
+    }
+    val withProject = if (aggregationClause == null && havingClause != null) {
+        // If the legacy conf is set, treat HAVING without GROUP BY as WHERE.
+        val predicate = expression(havingClause.booleanExpression) match {
+          case p: Predicate => p
+          case e => Cast(e, BooleanType)
+        }
+        Filter(predicate, createProject())
+      } else {
+        // According to SQL standard, HAVING without GROUP BY means global aggregate.
+        withHavingClause(havingClause, Aggregate(Nil, namedExpressions, withFilter))
+      }
+    } else if (aggregationClause != null) {
+      val aggregate = withAggregationClause(aggregationClause, namedExpressions, withFilter)
+      aggregate.optionalMap(havingClause)(withHavingClause)
+    } else {
+      // When hitting this branch, `having` must be null.
+      createProject()
+    }
+    // Distinct
+    val withDistinct = if (isDistinct) {
+      Distinct(withProject)
+    } else {
+      withProject
+    }
+    // Window
+    val withWindow = withDistinct.optionalMap(windowClause)(withWindowClause)
+    withWindow
+  }
+  // Script Transform's input/output format.
+  type ScriptIOFormat =
+    (Seq[(String, String)], Option[String], Seq[(String, String)], Option[String])
+  protected def getRowFormatDelimited(ctx: RowFormatDelimitedContext): ScriptIOFormat = {
+    // TODO we should use the visitRowFormatDelimited function here. However HiveScriptIOSchema
+    // expects a seq of pairs in which the old parsers' token names are used as keys.
+    // Transforming the result of visitRowFormatDelimited would be quite a bit messier than
+    // retrieving the key value pairs ourselves.
+    val entries = entry("TOK_TABLEROWFORMATFIELD", ctx.fieldsTerminatedBy) ++
+      entry("TOK_TABLEROWFORMATCOLLITEMS", ctx.collectionItemsTerminatedBy) ++
+      entry("TOK_TABLEROWFORMATMAPKEYS", ctx.keysTerminatedBy) ++
+      entry("TOK_TABLEROWFORMATNULL", ctx.nullDefinedAs) ++
+      Option(ctx.linesSeparatedBy) { token =>
+        val value = string(token)
+        validate(
+          value == "\n",
+          s"LINES TERMINATED BY only supports newline '\\n' right now: $value",
+          ctx)
+      }
+    (entries, None, Seq.empty, None)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[ScriptInputOutputSchema]].
+   */
+  protected def withScriptIOSchema(
+                                    ctx: ParserRuleContext,
+                                    inRowFormat: RowFormatContext,
+                                    recordWriter: Token,
+                                    outRowFormat: RowFormatContext,
+                                    recordReader: Token,
+                                    schemaLess: Boolean): ScriptInputOutputSchema = {
+    def format(fmt: RowFormatContext): ScriptIOFormat = fmt match {
+      case c: RowFormatDelimitedContext =>
+        getRowFormatDelimited(c)
+      case c: RowFormatSerdeContext =>
+        throw new ParseException("TRANSFORM with serde is only supported in hive mode", ctx)
+      // SPARK-32106: When there is no definition about format, we return empty result
+      // to use a built-in default Serde in SparkScriptTransformationExec.
+      case null =>
+        (Nil, None, Seq.empty, None)
+    }
+    val (inFormat, inSerdeClass, inSerdeProps, reader) = format(inRowFormat)
+    val (outFormat, outSerdeClass, outSerdeProps, writer) = format(outRowFormat)
+    ScriptInputOutputSchema(
+      inFormat, outFormat,
+      inSerdeClass, outSerdeClass,
+      inSerdeProps, outSerdeProps,
+      reader, writer,
+      schemaLess)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a logical plan for a given 'FROM' clause. Note that we support multiple (comma
+   * separated) relations here, these get converted into a single plan by condition-less inner join.
+   */
+  override def visitFromClause(ctx: FromClauseContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val from = ctx.relation.asScala.foldLeft(null: LogicalPlan) { (left, relation) =>
+      val right = plan(relation.relationPrimary)
+      val join = right.optionalMap(left) { (left, right) =>
+        if (relation.LATERAL != null) {
+          if (!relation.relationPrimary.isInstanceOf[AliasedQueryContext]) {
+            throw new ParseException(s"LATERAL can only be used with subquery", relation.relationPrimary)
+          }
+          LateralJoin(left, LateralSubquery(right), Inner, None)
+        } else {
+          Join(left, right, Inner, None, JoinHint.NONE)
+        }
+      }
+      withJoinRelations(join, relation)
+    }
+    if (ctx.pivotClause() != null) {
+      if (!ctx.lateralView.isEmpty) {
+        throw new ParseException("LATERAL cannot be used together with PIVOT in FROM clause", ctx)
+      }
+      withPivot(ctx.pivotClause, from)
+    } else {
+      ctx.lateralView.asScala.foldLeft(from)(withGenerate)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Connect two queries by a Set operator.
+   *
+   * Supported Set operators are:
+   * - UNION [ DISTINCT | ALL ]
+   * - MINUS [ DISTINCT | ALL ]
+   */
+  override def visitSetOperation(ctx: SetOperationContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val left = plan(ctx.left)
+    val right = plan(ctx.right)
+    val all = Option(ctx.setQuantifier()).exists(_.ALL != null)
+    ctx.operator.getType match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.UNION if all =>
+        Union(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.UNION =>
+        Distinct(Union(left, right))
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.INTERSECT if all =>
+        Intersect(left, right, isAll = true)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.INTERSECT =>
+        Intersect(left, right, isAll = false)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.EXCEPT if all =>
+        Except(left, right, isAll = true)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.EXCEPT =>
+        Except(left, right, isAll = false)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.SETMINUS if all =>
+        Except(left, right, isAll = true)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.SETMINUS =>
+        Except(left, right, isAll = false)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a [[WithWindowDefinition]] operator to a logical plan.
+   */
+  private def withWindowClause(
+                                ctx: WindowClauseContext,
+                                query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    // Collect all window specifications defined in the WINDOW clause.
+    val baseWindowTuples = {
+      wCtx =>
+        (, typedVisit[WindowSpec](wCtx.windowSpec))
+    }
+    baseWindowTuples.groupBy(_._1).foreach { kv =>
+      if (kv._2.size > 1) {
+        throw new ParseException(s"The definition of window '${kv._1}' is repetitive", ctx)
+      }
+    }
+    val baseWindowMap = baseWindowTuples.toMap
+    // Handle cases like
+    // window w1 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name
+    //               range between 2 preceding and 2 following),
+    //        w2 as w1
+    val windowMapView = baseWindowMap.mapValues {
+      case WindowSpecReference(name) =>
+        baseWindowMap.get(name) match {
+          case Some(spec: WindowSpecDefinition) =>
+            spec
+          case Some(ref) =>
+            throw new ParseException(s"Window reference '$name' is not a window specification", ctx)
+          case None =>
+            throw new ParseException(s"Cannot resolve window reference '$name'", ctx)
+        }
+      case spec: WindowSpecDefinition => spec
+    }
+    // Note that mapValues creates a view instead of materialized map. We force materialization by
+    // mapping over identity.
+    WithWindowDefinition(, query)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add an [[Aggregate]] to a logical plan.
+   */
+  private def withAggregationClause(
+                                     ctx: AggregationClauseContext,
+                                     selectExpressions: Seq[NamedExpression],
+                                     query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    if (ctx.groupingExpressionsWithGroupingAnalytics.isEmpty) {
+      val groupByExpressions = expressionList(ctx.groupingExpressions)
+      if (ctx.GROUPING != null) {
+        // GROUP BY ... GROUPING SETS (...)
+        // `groupByExpressions` can be non-empty for Hive compatibility. It may add extra grouping
+        // expressions that do not exist in GROUPING SETS (...), and the value is always null.
+        // For example, `SELECT a, b, c FROM ... GROUP BY a, b, c GROUPING SETS (a, b)`, the output
+        // of column `c` is always null.
+        val groupingSets =
+ => expression(e)).toSeq)
+        Aggregate(Seq(GroupingSets(groupingSets.toSeq, groupByExpressions)),
+          selectExpressions, query)
+      } else {
+        // GROUP BY .... (WITH CUBE | WITH ROLLUP)?
+        val mappedGroupByExpressions = if (ctx.CUBE != null) {
+          Seq(Cube(
+        } else if (ctx.ROLLUP != null) {
+          Seq(Rollup(
+        } else {
+          groupByExpressions
+        }
+        Aggregate(mappedGroupByExpressions, selectExpressions, query)
+      }
+    } else {
+      val groupByExpressions =
+        ctx.groupingExpressionsWithGroupingAnalytics.asScala
+          .map(groupByExpr => {
+            val groupingAnalytics = groupByExpr.groupingAnalytics
+            if (groupingAnalytics != null) {
+              visitGroupingAnalytics(groupingAnalytics)
+            } else {
+              expression(groupByExpr.expression)
+            }
+          })
+      Aggregate(groupByExpressions.toSeq, selectExpressions, query)
+    }
+  }
+  override def visitGroupingAnalytics(
+                                       groupingAnalytics: GroupingAnalyticsContext): BaseGroupingSets = {
+    val groupingSets = groupingAnalytics.groupingSet.asScala
+      .map( => expression(e)).toSeq)
+    if (groupingAnalytics.CUBE != null) {
+      // CUBE(A, B, (A, B), ()) is not supported.
+      if (groupingSets.exists(_.isEmpty)) {
+        throw new ParseException(s"Empty set in CUBE grouping sets is not supported.", groupingAnalytics)
+      }
+      Cube(groupingSets.toSeq)
+    } else if (groupingAnalytics.ROLLUP != null) {
+      // ROLLUP(A, B, (A, B), ()) is not supported.
+      if (groupingSets.exists(_.isEmpty)) {
+        throw new ParseException(s"Empty set in ROLLUP grouping sets is not supported.", groupingAnalytics)
+      }
+      Rollup(groupingSets.toSeq)
+    } else {
+      assert(groupingAnalytics.GROUPING != null && groupingAnalytics.SETS != null)
+      val groupingSets = groupingAnalytics.groupingElement.asScala.flatMap { expr =>
+        val groupingAnalytics = expr.groupingAnalytics()
+        if (groupingAnalytics != null) {
+          visitGroupingAnalytics(groupingAnalytics).selectedGroupByExprs
+        } else {
+          Seq(expr.groupingSet().expression() => expression(e)).toSeq)
+        }
+      }
+      GroupingSets(groupingSets.toSeq)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add [[UnresolvedHint]]s to a logical plan.
+   */
+  private def withHints(
+                         ctx: HintContext,
+                         query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    var plan = query
+    ctx.hintStatements.asScala.reverse.foreach { stmt =>
+      plan = UnresolvedHint(stmt.hintName.getText,
+, plan)
+    }
+    plan
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a [[Pivot]] to a logical plan.
+   */
+  private def withPivot(
+                         ctx: PivotClauseContext,
+                         query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val aggregates = Option(ctx.aggregates).toSeq
+      .flatMap(_.namedExpression.asScala)
+      .map(typedVisit[Expression])
+    val pivotColumn = if (ctx.pivotColumn.identifiers.size == 1) {
+      UnresolvedAttribute.quoted(ctx.pivotColumn.identifier.getText)
+    } else {
+      CreateStruct(
+          identifier => UnresolvedAttribute.quoted(identifier.getText)).toSeq)
+    }
+    val pivotValues =
+    Pivot(None, pivotColumn, pivotValues.toSeq, aggregates, query)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Pivot column value with or without an alias.
+   */
+  override def visitPivotValue(ctx: PivotValueContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val e = expression(ctx.expression)
+    if (ctx.identifier != null) {
+      Alias(e, ctx.identifier.getText)()
+    } else {
+      e
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a [[Generate]] (Lateral View) to a logical plan.
+   */
+  private def withGenerate(
+                            query: LogicalPlan,
+                            ctx: LateralViewContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val expressions = expressionList(ctx.expression)
+    Generate(
+      UnresolvedGenerator(visitFunctionName(ctx.qualifiedName), expressions),
+      unrequiredChildIndex = Nil,
+      outer = ctx.OUTER != null,
+      // scalastyle:off caselocale
+      Some(ctx.tblName.getText.toLowerCase),
+      // scalastyle:on caselocale
+      query)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a single relation referenced in a FROM clause. This method is used when a part of the
+   * join condition is nested, for example:
+   * {{{
+   *   select * from t1 join (t2 cross join t3) on col1 = col2
+   * }}}
+   */
+  override def visitRelation(ctx: RelationContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    withJoinRelations(plan(ctx.relationPrimary), ctx)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Join one more [[LogicalPlan]]s to the current logical plan.
+   */
+  private def withJoinRelations(base: LogicalPlan, ctx: RelationContext): LogicalPlan = {
+    ctx.joinRelation.asScala.foldLeft(base) { (left, join) =>
+      withOrigin(join) {
+        val baseJoinType = join.joinType match {
+          case null => Inner
+          case jt if jt.CROSS != null => Cross
+          case jt if jt.FULL != null => FullOuter
+          case jt if jt.SEMI != null => LeftSemi
+          case jt if jt.ANTI != null => LeftAnti
+          case jt if jt.LEFT != null => LeftOuter
+          case jt if jt.RIGHT != null => RightOuter
+          case _ => Inner
+        }
+        if (join.LATERAL != null && !join.right.isInstanceOf[AliasedQueryContext]) {
+          throw new ParseException(s"LATERAL can only be used with subquery", join.right)
+        }
+        // Resolve the join type and join condition
+        val (joinType, condition) = Option(join.joinCriteria) match {
+          case Some(c) if c.USING != null =>
+            if (join.LATERAL != null) {
+              throw new ParseException("LATERAL join with USING join is not supported", ctx)
+            }
+            (UsingJoin(baseJoinType, visitIdentifierList(c.identifierList)), None)
+          case Some(c) if c.booleanExpression != null =>
+            (baseJoinType, Option(expression(c.booleanExpression)))
+          case Some(c) =>
+            throw new ParseException(s"Unimplemented joinCriteria: $c", ctx)
+          case None if join.NATURAL != null =>
+            if (join.LATERAL != null) {
+              throw new ParseException("LATERAL join with NATURAL join is not supported", ctx)
+            }
+            if (baseJoinType == Cross) {
+              throw new ParseException("NATURAL CROSS JOIN is not supported", ctx)
+            }
+            (NaturalJoin(baseJoinType), None)
+          case None =>
+            (baseJoinType, None)
+        }
+        if (join.LATERAL != null) {
+          if (!Seq(Inner, Cross, LeftOuter).contains(joinType)) {
+            throw new ParseException(s"Unsupported LATERAL join type ${joinType.toString}", ctx)
+          }
+          LateralJoin(left, LateralSubquery(plan(join.right)), joinType, condition)
+        } else {
+          Join(left, plan(join.right), joinType, condition, JoinHint.NONE)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a [[Sample]] to a logical plan.
+   *
+   * This currently supports the following sampling methods:
+   * - TABLESAMPLE(x ROWS): Sample the table down to the given number of rows.
+   * - TABLESAMPLE(x PERCENT): Sample the table down to the given percentage. Note that percentages
+   * are defined as a number between 0 and 100.
+   * - TABLESAMPLE(BUCKET x OUT OF y): Sample the table down to a 'x' divided by 'y' fraction.
+   */
+  private def withSample(ctx: SampleContext, query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    // Create a sampled plan if we need one.
+    def sample(fraction: Double): Sample = {
+      // The range of fraction accepted by Sample is [0, 1]. Because Hive's block sampling
+      // function takes X PERCENT as the input and the range of X is [0, 100], we need to
+      // adjust the fraction.
+      val eps = RandomSampler.roundingEpsilon
+      validate(fraction >= 0.0 - eps && fraction <= 1.0 + eps,
+        s"Sampling fraction ($fraction) must be on interval [0, 1]",
+        ctx)
+      Sample(0.0, fraction, withReplacement = false, (math.random * 1000).toInt, query)
+    }
+    if (ctx.sampleMethod() == null) {
+      throw new ParseException("TABLESAMPLE does not accept empty inputs.", ctx)
+    }
+    ctx.sampleMethod() match {
+      case ctx: SampleByRowsContext =>
+        Limit(expression(ctx.expression), query)
+      case ctx: SampleByPercentileContext =>
+        val fraction = ctx.percentage.getText.toDouble
+        val sign = if (ctx.negativeSign == null) 1 else -1
+        sample(sign * fraction / 100.0d)
+      case ctx: SampleByBytesContext =>
+        val bytesStr = ctx.bytes.getText
+        if (bytesStr.matches("[0-9]+[bBkKmMgG]")) {
+          throw new ParseException(s"TABLESAMPLE(byteLengthLiteral) is not supported", ctx)
+        } else {
+          throw new ParseException(s"$bytesStr is not a valid byte length literal, " +
+            "expected syntax: DIGIT+ ('B' | 'K' | 'M' | 'G')", ctx)
+        }
+      case ctx: SampleByBucketContext if ctx.ON() != null =>
+        if (ctx.identifier != null) {
+          throw new ParseException(s"TABLESAMPLE(BUCKET x OUT OF y ON colname) is not supported", ctx)
+        } else {
+          throw new ParseException(s"TABLESAMPLE(BUCKET x OUT OF y ON function) is not supported", ctx)
+        }
+      case ctx: SampleByBucketContext =>
+        sample(ctx.numerator.getText.toDouble / ctx.denominator.getText.toDouble)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a logical plan for a sub-query.
+   */
+  override def visitSubquery(ctx: SubqueryContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    plan(ctx.query)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an un-aliased table reference. This is typically used for top-level table references,
+   * for example:
+   * {{{
+   *   INSERT INTO db.tbl2
+   *   TABLE db.tbl1
+   * }}}
+   */
+  override def visitTable(ctx: TableContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    UnresolvedRelation(visitMultipartIdentifier(ctx.multipartIdentifier))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a table-valued function call with arguments, e.g. range(1000)
+   */
+  override def visitTableValuedFunction(ctx: TableValuedFunctionContext)
+  : LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val func = ctx.functionTable
+    val aliases = if (func.tableAlias.identifierList != null) {
+      visitIdentifierList(func.tableAlias.identifierList)
+    } else {
+      Seq.empty
+    }
+    val name = getFunctionIdentifier(func.functionName)
+    if (name.database.nonEmpty) {
+      operationNotAllowed(s"table valued function cannot specify database name: $name", ctx)
+    }
+    val tvf = UnresolvedTableValuedFunction(
+      name,, aliases)
+    tvf.optionalMap(func.tableAlias.strictIdentifier)(aliasPlan)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an inline table (a virtual table in Hive parlance).
+   */
+  override def visitInlineTable(ctx: InlineTableContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    // Get the backing expressions.
+    val rows = { e =>
+      expression(e) match {
+        // inline table comes in two styles:
+        // style 1: values (1), (2), (3)  -- multiple columns are supported
+        // style 2: values 1, 2, 3  -- only a single column is supported here
+        case struct: CreateNamedStruct => struct.valExprs // style 1
+        case child => Seq(child) // style 2
+      }
+    }
+    val aliases = if (ctx.tableAlias.identifierList != null) {
+      visitIdentifierList(ctx.tableAlias.identifierList)
+    } else {
+      Seq.tabulate(rows.head.size)(i => s"col${i + 1}")
+    }
+    val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(aliases, rows.toSeq)
+    table.optionalMap(ctx.tableAlias.strictIdentifier)(aliasPlan)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an alias (SubqueryAlias) for a join relation. This is practically the same as
+   * visitAliasedQuery and visitNamedExpression, ANTLR4 however requires us to use 3 different
+   * hooks. We could add alias names for output columns, for example:
+   * {{{
+   *   SELECT a, b, c, d FROM (src1 s1 INNER JOIN src2 s2 ON = dst(a, b, c, d)
+   * }}}
+   */
+  override def visitAliasedRelation(ctx: AliasedRelationContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val relation = plan(ctx.relation).optionalMap(ctx.sample)(withSample)
+    mayApplyAliasPlan(ctx.tableAlias, relation)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an alias (SubqueryAlias) for a sub-query. This is practically the same as
+   * visitAliasedRelation and visitNamedExpression, ANTLR4 however requires us to use 3 different
+   * hooks. We could add alias names for output columns, for example:
+   * {{{
+   *   SELECT col1, col2 FROM testData AS t(col1, col2)
+   * }}}
+   */
+  override def visitAliasedQuery(ctx: AliasedQueryContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val relation = plan(ctx.query).optionalMap(ctx.sample)(withSample)
+    if (ctx.tableAlias.strictIdentifier == null) {
+      // For un-aliased subqueries, use a default alias name that is not likely to conflict with
+      // normal subquery names, so that parent operators can only access the columns in subquery by
+      // unqualified names. Users can still use this special qualifier to access columns if they
+      // know it, but that's not recommended.
+      SubqueryAlias("__auto_generated_subquery_name", relation)
+    } else {
+      mayApplyAliasPlan(ctx.tableAlias, relation)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an alias ([[SubqueryAlias]]) for a [[LogicalPlan]].
+   */
+  private def aliasPlan(alias: ParserRuleContext, plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
+    SubqueryAlias(alias.getText, plan)
+  }
+  /**
+   * If aliases specified in a FROM clause, create a subquery alias ([[SubqueryAlias]]) and
+   * column aliases for a [[LogicalPlan]].
+   */
+  private def mayApplyAliasPlan(tableAlias: TableAliasContext, plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
+    if (tableAlias.strictIdentifier != null) {
+      val alias = tableAlias.strictIdentifier.getText
+      if (tableAlias.identifierList != null) {
+        val columnNames = visitIdentifierList(tableAlias.identifierList)
+        SubqueryAlias(alias, UnresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases(columnNames, plan))
+      } else {
+        SubqueryAlias(alias, plan)
+      }
+    } else {
+      plan
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Sequence of Strings for a parenthesis enclosed alias list.
+   */
+  override def visitIdentifierList(ctx: IdentifierListContext): Seq[String] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    visitIdentifierSeq(ctx.identifierSeq)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Sequence of Strings for an identifier list.
+   */
+  override def visitIdentifierSeq(ctx: IdentifierSeqContext): Seq[String] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+  }
+  /* ********************************************************************************************
+   * Table Identifier parsing
+   * ******************************************************************************************** */
+  /**
+   * Create a [[TableIdentifier]] from a 'tableName' or 'databaseName'.'tableName' pattern.
+   */
+  override def visitTableIdentifier(
+                                     ctx: TableIdentifierContext): TableIdentifier = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    TableIdentifier(ctx.table.getText, Option(ctx.db).map(_.getText))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[FunctionIdentifier]] from a 'functionName' or 'databaseName'.'functionName' pattern.
+   */
+  override def visitFunctionIdentifier(
+                                        ctx: FunctionIdentifierContext): FunctionIdentifier = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    FunctionIdentifier(ctx.function.getText, Option(ctx.db).map(_.getText))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a multi-part identifier.
+   */
+  override def visitMultipartIdentifier(ctx: MultipartIdentifierContext): Seq[String] =
+    withOrigin(ctx) {
+    }
+  /* ********************************************************************************************
+   * Expression parsing
+   * ******************************************************************************************** */
+  /**
+   * Create an expression from the given context. This method just passes the context on to the
+   * visitor and only takes care of typing (We assume that the visitor returns an Expression here).
+   */
+  protected def expression(ctx: ParserRuleContext): Expression = typedVisit(ctx)
+  /**
+   * Create sequence of expressions from the given sequence of contexts.
+   */
+  private def expressionList(trees: java.util.List[ExpressionContext]): Seq[Expression] = {
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a star (i.e. all) expression; this selects all elements (in the specified object).
+   * Both un-targeted (global) and targeted aliases are supported.
+   */
+  override def visitStar(ctx: StarContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    UnresolvedStar(Option(ctx.qualifiedName()).map(
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an aliased expression if an alias is specified. Both single and multi-aliases are
+   * supported.
+   */
+  override def visitNamedExpression(ctx: NamedExpressionContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val e = expression(ctx.expression)
+    if ( != null) {
+      Alias(e,
+    } else if (ctx.identifierList != null) {
+      MultiAlias(e, visitIdentifierList(ctx.identifierList))
+    } else {
+      e
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Combine a number of boolean expressions into a balanced expression tree. These expressions are
+   * either combined by a logical [[And]] or a logical [[Or]].
+   *
+   * A balanced binary tree is created because regular left recursive trees cause considerable
+   * performance degradations and can cause stack overflows.
+   */
+  override def visitLogicalBinary(ctx: LogicalBinaryContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val expressionType = ctx.operator.getType
+    val expressionCombiner = expressionType match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.AND => And.apply _
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.OR => Or.apply _
+    }
+    // Collect all similar left hand contexts.
+    val contexts = ArrayBuffer(ctx.right)
+    var current = ctx.left
+    def collectContexts: Boolean = current match {
+      case lbc: LogicalBinaryContext if lbc.operator.getType == expressionType =>
+        contexts += lbc.right
+        current = lbc.left
+        true
+      case _ =>
+        contexts += current
+        false
+    }
+    while (collectContexts) {
+      // No body - all updates take place in the collectContexts.
+    }
+    // Reverse the contexts to have them in the same sequence as in the SQL statement & turn them
+    // into expressions.
+    val expressions = contexts.reverseMap(expression)
+    // Create a balanced tree.
+    def reduceToExpressionTree(low: Int, high: Int): Expression = high - low match {
+      case 0 =>
+        expressions(low)
+      case 1 =>
+        expressionCombiner(expressions(low), expressions(high))
+      case x =>
+        val mid = low + x / 2
+        expressionCombiner(
+          reduceToExpressionTree(low, mid),
+          reduceToExpressionTree(mid + 1, high))
+    }
+    reduceToExpressionTree(0, expressions.size - 1)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Invert a boolean expression.
+   */
+  override def visitLogicalNot(ctx: LogicalNotContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    Not(expression(ctx.booleanExpression()))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a filtering correlated sub-query (EXISTS).
+   */
+  override def visitExists(ctx: ExistsContext): Expression = {
+    Exists(plan(ctx.query))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a comparison expression. This compares two expressions. The following comparison
+   * operators are supported:
+   * - Equal: '=' or '=='
+   * - Null-safe Equal: '<=>'
+   * - Not Equal: '<>' or '!='
+   * - Less than: '<'
+   * - Less then or Equal: '<='
+   * - Greater than: '>'
+   * - Greater then or Equal: '>='
+   */
+  override def visitComparison(ctx: ComparisonContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val left = expression(ctx.left)
+    val right = expression(ctx.right)
+    val operator = ctx.comparisonOperator().getChild(0).asInstanceOf[TerminalNode]
+    operator.getSymbol.getType match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.EQ =>
+        EqualTo(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.NSEQ =>
+        EqualNullSafe(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.NEQ | HoodieSqlBaseParser.NEQJ =>
+        Not(EqualTo(left, right))
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.LT =>
+        LessThan(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.LTE =>
+        LessThanOrEqual(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.GT =>
+        GreaterThan(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.GTE =>
+        GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a predicated expression. A predicated expression is a normal expression with a
+   * predicate attached to it, for example:
+   * {{{
+   *    a + 1 IS NULL
+   * }}}
+   */
+  override def visitPredicated(ctx: PredicatedContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val e = expression(ctx.valueExpression)
+    if (ctx.predicate != null) {
+      withPredicate(e, ctx.predicate)
+    } else {
+      e
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a predicate to the given expression. Supported expressions are:
+   * - (NOT) BETWEEN
+   * - (NOT) IN
+   * - (NOT) LIKE (ANY | SOME | ALL)
+   * - (NOT) RLIKE
+   * - IS (NOT) NULL.
+   */
+  private def withPredicate(e: Expression, ctx: PredicateContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    // Invert a predicate if it has a valid NOT clause.
+    def invertIfNotDefined(e: Expression): Expression = ctx.NOT match {
+      case null => e
+      case not => Not(e)
+    }
+    def getValueExpressions(e: Expression): Seq[Expression] = e match {
+      case c: CreateNamedStruct => c.valExprs
+      case other => Seq(other)
+    }
+    // Create the predicate.
+    ctx.kind.getType match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.BETWEEN =>
+        // BETWEEN is translated to lower <= e && e <= upper
+        invertIfNotDefined(And(
+          GreaterThanOrEqual(e, expression(ctx.lower)),
+          LessThanOrEqual(e, expression(ctx.upper))))
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.IN if ctx.query != null =>
+        invertIfNotDefined(InSubquery(getValueExpressions(e), ListQuery(plan(ctx.query))))
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.IN =>
+        invertIfNotDefined(In(e,
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.LIKE =>
+        Option(ctx.quantifier).map(_.getType) match {
+          case Some(HoodieSqlBaseParser.ANY) | Some(HoodieSqlBaseParser.SOME) =>
+            validate(!ctx.expression.isEmpty, "Expected something between '(' and ')'.", ctx)
+            val expressions = expressionList(ctx.expression)
+            if (expressions.forall(_.foldable) && expressions.forall(_.dataType == StringType)) {
+              // If there are many pattern expressions, will throw StackOverflowError.
+              // So we use LikeAny or NotLikeAny instead.
+              val patterns =[UTF8String])
+              ctx.NOT match {
+                case null => LikeAny(e, patterns)
+                case _ => NotLikeAny(e, patterns)
+              }
+            } else {
+                .map(p => invertIfNotDefined(new Like(e, p))).toSeq.reduceLeft(Or)
+            }
+          case Some(HoodieSqlBaseParser.ALL) =>
+            validate(!ctx.expression.isEmpty, "Expected something between '(' and ')'.", ctx)
+            val expressions = expressionList(ctx.expression)
+            if (expressions.forall(_.foldable) && expressions.forall(_.dataType == StringType)) {
+              // If there are many pattern expressions, will throw StackOverflowError.
+              // So we use LikeAll or NotLikeAll instead.
+              val patterns =[UTF8String])
+              ctx.NOT match {
+                case null => LikeAll(e, patterns)
+                case _ => NotLikeAll(e, patterns)
+              }
+            } else {
+                .map(p => invertIfNotDefined(new Like(e, p))).toSeq.reduceLeft(And)
+            }
+          case _ =>
+            val escapeChar = Option(ctx.escapeChar).map(string).map { str =>
+              if (str.length != 1) {
+                throw new ParseException("Invalid escape string. Escape string must contain only one character.", ctx)
+              }
+              str.charAt(0)
+            }.getOrElse('\\')
+            invertIfNotDefined(Like(e, expression(ctx.pattern), escapeChar))
+        }
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.RLIKE =>
+        invertIfNotDefined(RLike(e, expression(ctx.pattern)))
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.NULL if ctx.NOT != null =>
+        IsNotNull(e)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.NULL =>
+        IsNull(e)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.TRUE => ctx.NOT match {
+        case null => EqualNullSafe(e, Literal(true))
+        case _ => Not(EqualNullSafe(e, Literal(true)))
+      }
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.FALSE => ctx.NOT match {
+        case null => EqualNullSafe(e, Literal(false))
+        case _ => Not(EqualNullSafe(e, Literal(false)))
+      }
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.UNKNOWN => ctx.NOT match {
+        case null => IsUnknown(e)
+        case _ => IsNotUnknown(e)
+      }
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.DISTINCT if ctx.NOT != null =>
+        EqualNullSafe(e, expression(ctx.right))
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.DISTINCT =>
+        Not(EqualNullSafe(e, expression(ctx.right)))
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a binary arithmetic expression. The following arithmetic operators are supported:
+   * - Multiplication: '*'
+   * - Division: '/'
+   * - Hive Long Division: 'DIV'
+   * - Modulo: '%'
+   * - Addition: '+'
+   * - Subtraction: '-'
+   * - Binary AND: '&'
+   * - Binary XOR
+   * - Binary OR: '|'
+   */
+  override def visitArithmeticBinary(ctx: ArithmeticBinaryContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val left = expression(ctx.left)
+    val right = expression(ctx.right)
+    ctx.operator.getType match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.ASTERISK =>
+        Multiply(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.SLASH =>
+        Divide(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.PERCENT =>
+        Remainder(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.DIV =>
+        IntegralDivide(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.PLUS =>
+        Add(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.MINUS =>
+        Subtract(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.CONCAT_PIPE =>
+        Concat(left :: right :: Nil)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.AMPERSAND =>
+        BitwiseAnd(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.HAT =>
+        BitwiseXor(left, right)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.PIPE =>
+        BitwiseOr(left, right)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a unary arithmetic expression. The following arithmetic operators are supported:
+   * - Plus: '+'
+   * - Minus: '-'
+   * - Bitwise Not: '~'
+   */
+  override def visitArithmeticUnary(ctx: ArithmeticUnaryContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val value = expression(ctx.valueExpression)
+    ctx.operator.getType match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.PLUS =>
+        UnaryPositive(value)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.MINUS =>
+        UnaryMinus(value)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.TILDE =>
+        BitwiseNot(value)
+    }
+  }
+  override def visitCurrentLike(ctx: CurrentLikeContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    if (conf.ansiEnabled) {
+ match {
+        case HoodieSqlBaseParser.CURRENT_DATE =>
+          CurrentDate()
+        case HoodieSqlBaseParser.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP =>
+          CurrentTimestamp()
+        case HoodieSqlBaseParser.CURRENT_USER =>
+          CurrentUser()
+      }
+    } else {
+      // If the parser is not in ansi mode, we should return `UnresolvedAttribute`, in case there
+      // are columns named `CURRENT_DATE` or `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`.
+      UnresolvedAttribute.quoted(
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[Cast]] expression.
+   */
+  override def visitCast(ctx: CastContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val rawDataType = typedVisit[DataType](ctx.dataType())
+    val dataType = CharVarcharUtils.replaceCharVarcharWithStringForCast(rawDataType)
+    val cast = match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.CAST =>
+        Cast(expression(ctx.expression), dataType)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.TRY_CAST =>
+        TryCast(expression(ctx.expression), dataType)
+    }
+    cast.setTagValue(Cast.USER_SPECIFIED_CAST, true)
+    cast
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[CreateStruct]] expression.
+   */
+  override def visitStruct(ctx: StructContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    CreateStruct.create(
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[First]] expression.
+   */
+  override def visitFirst(ctx: FirstContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val ignoreNullsExpr = ctx.IGNORE != null
+    First(expression(ctx.expression), ignoreNullsExpr).toAggregateExpression()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[Last]] expression.
+   */
+  override def visitLast(ctx: LastContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val ignoreNullsExpr = ctx.IGNORE != null
+    Last(expression(ctx.expression), ignoreNullsExpr).toAggregateExpression()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Position expression.
+   */
+  override def visitPosition(ctx: PositionContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    new StringLocate(expression(ctx.substr), expression(ctx.str))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Extract expression.
+   */
+  override def visitExtract(ctx: ExtractContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val arguments = Seq(Literal(ctx.field.getText), expression(ctx.source))
+    UnresolvedFunction("extract", arguments, isDistinct = false)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Substring/Substr expression.
+   */
+  override def visitSubstring(ctx: SubstringContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    if (ctx.len != null) {
+      Substring(expression(ctx.str), expression(ctx.pos), expression(ctx.len))
+    } else {
+      new Substring(expression(ctx.str), expression(ctx.pos))
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Trim expression.
+   */
+  override def visitTrim(ctx: TrimContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val srcStr = expression(ctx.srcStr)
+    val trimStr = Option(ctx.trimStr).map(expression)
+    Option(ctx.trimOption).map(_.getType).getOrElse(HoodieSqlBaseParser.BOTH) match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.BOTH =>
+        StringTrim(srcStr, trimStr)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.LEADING =>
+        StringTrimLeft(srcStr, trimStr)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.TRAILING =>
+        StringTrimRight(srcStr, trimStr)
+      case other =>
+        throw new ParseException("Function trim doesn't support with " +
+          s"type $other. Please use BOTH, LEADING or TRAILING as trim type", ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Overlay expression.
+   */
+  override def visitOverlay(ctx: OverlayContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val input = expression(ctx.input)
+    val replace = expression(ctx.replace)
+    val position = expression(ctx.position)
+    val lengthOpt = Option(ctx.length).map(expression)
+    lengthOpt match {
+      case Some(length) => Overlay(input, replace, position, length)
+      case None => new Overlay(input, replace, position)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a (windowed) Function expression.
+   */
+  override def visitFunctionCall(ctx: FunctionCallContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    // Create the function call.
+    val name = ctx.functionName.getText
+    val isDistinct = Option(ctx.setQuantifier()).exists(_.DISTINCT != null)
+    // Call `toSeq`, otherwise `` is `Buffer` in Scala 2.13
+    val arguments = match {
+      case Seq(UnresolvedStar(None))
+        if name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) == "count" && !isDistinct =>
+        // Transform COUNT(*) into COUNT(1).
+        Seq(Literal(1))
+      case expressions =>
+        expressions
+    }
+    val filter = Option(ctx.where).map(expression(_))
+    val ignoreNulls =
+      Option(ctx.nullsOption).map(_.getType == HoodieSqlBaseParser.IGNORE).getOrElse(false)
+    val function = UnresolvedFunction(
+      getFunctionMultiparts(ctx.functionName), arguments, isDistinct, filter, ignoreNulls)
+    // Check if the function is evaluated in a windowed context.
+    ctx.windowSpec match {
+      case spec: WindowRefContext =>
+        UnresolvedWindowExpression(function, visitWindowRef(spec))
+      case spec: WindowDefContext =>
+        WindowExpression(function, visitWindowDef(spec))
+      case _ => function
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a function database (optional) and name pair.
+   */
+  protected def visitFunctionName(ctx: QualifiedNameContext): FunctionIdentifier = {
+    visitFunctionName(ctx, ctx.identifier()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a function database (optional) and name pair.
+   */
+  private def visitFunctionName(ctx: ParserRuleContext, texts: Seq[String]): FunctionIdentifier = {
+    texts match {
+      case Seq(db, fn) => FunctionIdentifier(fn, Option(db))
+      case Seq(fn) => FunctionIdentifier(fn, None)
+      case other =>
+        throw new ParseException(s"Unsupported function name '${texts.mkString(".")}'", ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get a function identifier consist by database (optional) and name.
+   */
+  protected def getFunctionIdentifier(ctx: FunctionNameContext): FunctionIdentifier = {
+    if (ctx.qualifiedName != null) {
+      visitFunctionName(ctx.qualifiedName)
+    } else {
+      FunctionIdentifier(ctx.getText, None)
+    }
+  }
+  protected def getFunctionMultiparts(ctx: FunctionNameContext): Seq[String] = {
+    if (ctx.qualifiedName != null) {
+      ctx.qualifiedName().identifier()
+    } else {
+      Seq(ctx.getText)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an [[LambdaFunction]].
+   */
+  override def visitLambda(ctx: LambdaContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val arguments = ctx.identifier() { name =>
+      UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariable(UnresolvedAttribute.quoted(name.getText).nameParts)
+    }
+    val function = expression(ctx.expression).transformUp {
+      case a: UnresolvedAttribute => UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariable(a.nameParts)
+    }
+    LambdaFunction(function, arguments.toSeq)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a reference to a window frame, i.e. [[WindowSpecReference]].
+   */
+  override def visitWindowRef(ctx: WindowRefContext): WindowSpecReference = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    WindowSpecReference(
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a window definition, i.e. [[WindowSpecDefinition]].
+   */
+  override def visitWindowDef(ctx: WindowDefContext): WindowSpecDefinition = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    // CLUSTER BY ... | PARTITION BY ... ORDER BY ...
+    val partition =
+    val order =
+    val frameSpecOption = Option(ctx.windowFrame).map { frame =>
+      val frameType = frame.frameType.getType match {
+        case HoodieSqlBaseParser.RANGE => RangeFrame
+        case HoodieSqlBaseParser.ROWS => RowFrame
+      }
+      SpecifiedWindowFrame(
+        frameType,
+        visitFrameBound(frame.start),
+        Option(frame.end).map(visitFrameBound).getOrElse(CurrentRow))
+    }
+    WindowSpecDefinition(
+      partition.toSeq,
+      order.toSeq,
+      frameSpecOption.getOrElse(UnspecifiedFrame))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create or resolve a frame boundary expressions.
+   */
+  override def visitFrameBound(ctx: FrameBoundContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    def value: Expression = {
+      val e = expression(ctx.expression)
+      validate(e.resolved && e.foldable, "Frame bound value must be a literal.", ctx)
+      e
+    }
+    ctx.boundType.getType match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.PRECEDING if ctx.UNBOUNDED != null =>
+        UnboundedPreceding
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.PRECEDING =>
+        UnaryMinus(value)
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.CURRENT =>
+        CurrentRow
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.FOLLOWING if ctx.UNBOUNDED != null =>
+        UnboundedFollowing
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.FOLLOWING =>
+        value
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[CreateStruct]] expression.
+   */
+  override def visitRowConstructor(ctx: RowConstructorContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    CreateStruct(ctx.namedExpression()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[ScalarSubquery]] expression.
+   */
+  override def visitSubqueryExpression(
+                                        ctx: SubqueryExpressionContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    ScalarSubquery(plan(ctx.query))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a value based [[CaseWhen]] expression. This has the following SQL form:
+   * {{{
+   *   CASE [expression]
+   *    WHEN [value] THEN [expression]
+   *    ...
+   *    ELSE [expression]
+   *   END
+   * }}}
+   */
+  override def visitSimpleCase(ctx: SimpleCaseContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val e = expression(ctx.value)
+    val branches = { wCtx =>
+      (EqualTo(e, expression(wCtx.condition)), expression(wCtx.result))
+    }
+    CaseWhen(branches.toSeq, Option(ctx.elseExpression).map(expression))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a condition based [[CaseWhen]] expression. This has the following SQL syntax:
+   * {{{
+   *   CASE
+   *    WHEN [predicate] THEN [expression]
+   *    ...
+   *    ELSE [expression]
+   *   END
+   * }}}
+   *
+   * @param ctx the parse tree
+   * */
+  override def visitSearchedCase(ctx: SearchedCaseContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val branches = { wCtx =>
+      (expression(wCtx.condition), expression(wCtx.result))
+    }
+    CaseWhen(branches.toSeq, Option(ctx.elseExpression).map(expression))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Currently only regex in expressions of SELECT statements are supported; in other
+   * places, e.g., where `(a)?+.+` = 2, regex are not meaningful.
+   */
+  private def canApplyRegex(ctx: ParserRuleContext): Boolean = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    var parent = ctx.getParent
+    var rtn = false
+    while (parent != null) {
+      if (parent.isInstanceOf[NamedExpressionContext]) {
+        rtn = true
+      }
+      parent = parent.getParent
+    }
+    rtn
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a dereference expression. The return type depends on the type of the parent.
+   * If the parent is an [[UnresolvedAttribute]], it can be a [[UnresolvedAttribute]] or
+   * a [[UnresolvedRegex]] for regex quoted in ``; if the parent is some other expression,
+   * it can be [[UnresolvedExtractValue]].
+   */
+  override def visitDereference(ctx: DereferenceContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val attr = ctx.fieldName.getText
+    expression(ctx.base) match {
+      case unresolved_attr@UnresolvedAttribute(nameParts) =>
+        ctx.fieldName.getStart.getText match {
+          case escapedIdentifier(columnNameRegex)
+            if conf.supportQuotedRegexColumnName && canApplyRegex(ctx) =>
+            UnresolvedRegex(columnNameRegex, Some(,
+              conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis)
+          case _ =>
+            UnresolvedAttribute(nameParts :+ attr)
+        }
+      case e =>
+        UnresolvedExtractValue(e, Literal(attr))
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an [[UnresolvedAttribute]] expression or a [[UnresolvedRegex]] if it is a regex
+   * quoted in ``
+   */
+  override def visitColumnReference(ctx: ColumnReferenceContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    ctx.getStart.getText match {
+      case escapedIdentifier(columnNameRegex)
+        if conf.supportQuotedRegexColumnName && canApplyRegex(ctx) =>
+        UnresolvedRegex(columnNameRegex, None, conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis)
+      case _ =>
+        UnresolvedAttribute.quoted(ctx.getText)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an [[UnresolvedExtractValue]] expression, this is used for subscript access to an array.
+   */
+  override def visitSubscript(ctx: SubscriptContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    UnresolvedExtractValue(expression(ctx.value), expression(ctx.index))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an expression for an expression between parentheses. This is need because the ANTLR
+   * visitor cannot automatically convert the nested context into an expression.
+   */
+  override def visitParenthesizedExpression(
+                                             ctx: ParenthesizedExpressionContext): Expression = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    expression(ctx.expression)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[SortOrder]] expression.
+   */
+  override def visitSortItem(ctx: SortItemContext): SortOrder = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val direction = if (ctx.DESC != null) {
+      Descending
+    } else {
+      Ascending
+    }
+    val nullOrdering = if (ctx.FIRST != null) {
+      NullsFirst
+    } else if (ctx.LAST != null) {
+      NullsLast
+    } else {
+      direction.defaultNullOrdering
+    }
+    SortOrder(expression(ctx.expression), direction, nullOrdering, Seq.empty)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a typed Literal expression. A typed literal has the following SQL syntax:
+   * {{{
+   *   [TYPE] '[VALUE]'
+   * }}}
+   * Currently Date, Timestamp, Interval and Binary typed literals are supported.
+   */
+  override def visitTypeConstructor(ctx: TypeConstructorContext): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val value = string(ctx.STRING)
+    val valueType = ctx.identifier.getText.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)
+    def toLiteral[T](f: UTF8String => Option[T], t: DataType): Literal = {
+      f(UTF8String.fromString(value)).map(Literal(_, t)).getOrElse {
+        throw new ParseException(s"Cannot parse the $valueType value: $value", ctx)
+      }
+    }
+    def constructTimestampLTZLiteral(value: String): Literal = {
+      val zoneId = getZoneId(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)
+      val specialTs = convertSpecialTimestamp(value, zoneId).map(Literal(_, TimestampType))
+      specialTs.getOrElse(toLiteral(stringToTimestamp(_, zoneId), TimestampType))
+    }
+    try {
+      valueType match {
+        case "DATE" =>
+          val zoneId = getZoneId(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)
+          val specialDate = convertSpecialDate(value, zoneId).map(Literal(_, DateType))
+          specialDate.getOrElse(toLiteral(stringToDate, DateType))
+        // SPARK-36227: Remove TimestampNTZ type support in Spark 3.2 with minimal code changes.
+        case "TIMESTAMP_NTZ" if isTesting =>
+          convertSpecialTimestampNTZ(value, getZoneId(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone))
+            .map(Literal(_, TimestampNTZType))
+            .getOrElse(toLiteral(stringToTimestampWithoutTimeZone, TimestampNTZType))
+        case "TIMESTAMP_LTZ" if isTesting =>
+          constructTimestampLTZLiteral(value)
+        case "TIMESTAMP" =>
+          SQLConf.get.timestampType match {
+            case TimestampNTZType =>
+              convertSpecialTimestampNTZ(value, getZoneId(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone))
+                .map(Literal(_, TimestampNTZType))
+                .getOrElse {
+                  val containsTimeZonePart =
+                    DateTimeUtils.parseTimestampString(UTF8String.fromString(value))._2.isDefined
+                  // If the input string contains time zone part, return a timestamp with local time
+                  // zone literal.
+                  if (containsTimeZonePart) {
+                    constructTimestampLTZLiteral(value)
+                  } else {
+                    toLiteral(stringToTimestampWithoutTimeZone, TimestampNTZType)
+                  }
+                }
+            case TimestampType =>
+              constructTimestampLTZLiteral(value)
+          }
+        case "INTERVAL" =>
+          val interval = try {
+            IntervalUtils.stringToInterval(UTF8String.fromString(value))
+          } catch {
+            case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
+              val ex = new ParseException(s"Cannot parse the INTERVAL value: $value", ctx)
+              ex.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace)
+              throw ex
+          }
+          if (!conf.legacyIntervalEnabled) {
+            val units = value
+              .split("\\s")
+              .map(_.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).stripSuffix("s"))
+              .filter(s => s != "interval" && s.matches("[a-z]+"))
+            constructMultiUnitsIntervalLiteral(ctx, interval, units)
+          } else {
+            Literal(interval, CalendarIntervalType)
+          }
+        case "X" =>
+          val padding = if (value.length % 2 != 0) "0" else ""
+          Literal(DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(padding + value))
+        case other =>
+          throw new ParseException(s"Literals of type '$other' are currently not supported.", ctx)
+      }
+    } catch {
+      case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
+        val message = Option(e.getMessage).getOrElse(s"Exception parsing $valueType")
+        throw new ParseException(message, ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a NULL literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitNullLiteral(ctx: NullLiteralContext): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    Literal(null)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Boolean literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitBooleanLiteral(ctx: BooleanLiteralContext): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    if (ctx.getText.toBoolean) {
+      Literal.TrueLiteral
+    } else {
+      Literal.FalseLiteral
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an integral literal expression. The code selects the most narrow integral type
+   * possible, either a BigDecimal, a Long or an Integer is returned.
+   */
+  override def visitIntegerLiteral(ctx: IntegerLiteralContext): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    BigDecimal(ctx.getText) match {
+      case v if v.isValidInt =>
+        Literal(v.intValue)
+      case v if v.isValidLong =>
+        Literal(v.longValue)
+      case v => Literal(v.underlying())
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a decimal literal for a regular decimal number.
+   */
+  override def visitDecimalLiteral(ctx: DecimalLiteralContext): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    Literal(BigDecimal(ctx.getText).underlying())
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a decimal literal for a regular decimal number or a scientific decimal number.
+   */
+  override def visitLegacyDecimalLiteral(
+                                          ctx: LegacyDecimalLiteralContext): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    Literal(BigDecimal(ctx.getText).underlying())
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a double literal for number with an exponent, e.g. 1E-30
+   */
+  override def visitExponentLiteral(ctx: ExponentLiteralContext): Literal = {
+    numericLiteral(ctx, ctx.getText, /* exponent values don't have a suffix */
+      Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue, DoubleType.simpleString)(_.toDouble)
+  }
+  /** Create a numeric literal expression. */
+  private def numericLiteral(
+                              ctx: NumberContext,
+                              rawStrippedQualifier: String,
+                              minValue: BigDecimal,
+                              maxValue: BigDecimal,
+                              typeName: String)(converter: String => Any): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    try {
+      val rawBigDecimal = BigDecimal(rawStrippedQualifier)
+      if (rawBigDecimal < minValue || rawBigDecimal > maxValue) {
+        throw new ParseException(s"Numeric literal $rawStrippedQualifier does not " +
+          s"fit in range [$minValue, $maxValue] for type $typeName", ctx)
+      }
+      Literal(converter(rawStrippedQualifier))
+    } catch {
+      case e: NumberFormatException =>
+        throw new ParseException(e.getMessage, ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Byte Literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitTinyIntLiteral(ctx: TinyIntLiteralContext): Literal = {
+    val rawStrippedQualifier = ctx.getText.substring(0, ctx.getText.length - 1)
+    numericLiteral(ctx, rawStrippedQualifier,
+      Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue, ByteType.simpleString)(_.toByte)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Short Literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitSmallIntLiteral(ctx: SmallIntLiteralContext): Literal = {
+    val rawStrippedQualifier = ctx.getText.substring(0, ctx.getText.length - 1)
+    numericLiteral(ctx, rawStrippedQualifier,
+      Short.MinValue, Short.MaxValue, ShortType.simpleString)(_.toShort)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Long Literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitBigIntLiteral(ctx: BigIntLiteralContext): Literal = {
+    val rawStrippedQualifier = ctx.getText.substring(0, ctx.getText.length - 1)
+    numericLiteral(ctx, rawStrippedQualifier,
+      Long.MinValue, Long.MaxValue, LongType.simpleString)(_.toLong)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Float Literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitFloatLiteral(ctx: FloatLiteralContext): Literal = {
+    val rawStrippedQualifier = ctx.getText.substring(0, ctx.getText.length - 1)
+    numericLiteral(ctx, rawStrippedQualifier,
+      Float.MinValue, Float.MaxValue, FloatType.simpleString)(_.toFloat)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a Double Literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitDoubleLiteral(ctx: DoubleLiteralContext): Literal = {
+    val rawStrippedQualifier = ctx.getText.substring(0, ctx.getText.length - 1)
+    numericLiteral(ctx, rawStrippedQualifier,
+      Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue, DoubleType.simpleString)(_.toDouble)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a BigDecimal Literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitBigDecimalLiteral(ctx: BigDecimalLiteralContext): Literal = {
+    val raw = ctx.getText.substring(0, ctx.getText.length - 2)
+    try {
+      Literal(BigDecimal(raw).underlying())
+    } catch {
+      case e: AnalysisException =>
+        throw new ParseException(e.message, ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a String literal expression.
+   */
+  override def visitStringLiteral(ctx: StringLiteralContext): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    Literal(createString(ctx))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a String from a string literal context. This supports multiple consecutive string
+   * literals, these are concatenated, for example this expression "'hello' 'world'" will be
+   * converted into "helloworld".
+   *
+   * Special characters can be escaped by using Hive/C-style escaping.
+   */
+  private def createString(ctx: StringLiteralContext): String = {
+    if (conf.escapedStringLiterals) {
+      ctx.STRING()
+    } else {
+      ctx.STRING()
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an [[UnresolvedRelation]] from a multi-part identifier context.
+   */
+  private def createUnresolvedRelation(
+                                        ctx: MultipartIdentifierContext): UnresolvedRelation = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    UnresolvedRelation(visitMultipartIdentifier(ctx))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Construct an [[Literal]] from [[CalendarInterval]] and
+   * units represented as a [[Seq]] of [[String]].
+   */
+  private def constructMultiUnitsIntervalLiteral(
+                                                  ctx: ParserRuleContext,
+                                                  calendarInterval: CalendarInterval,
+                                                  units: Seq[String]): Literal = {
+    var yearMonthFields = Set.empty[Byte]
+    var dayTimeFields = Set.empty[Byte]
+    for (unit <- units) {
+      if (YearMonthIntervalType.stringToField.contains(unit)) {
+        yearMonthFields += YearMonthIntervalType.stringToField(unit)
+      } else if (DayTimeIntervalType.stringToField.contains(unit)) {
+        dayTimeFields += DayTimeIntervalType.stringToField(unit)
+      } else if (unit == "week") {
+        dayTimeFields += DayTimeIntervalType.DAY
+      } else {
+        assert(unit == "millisecond" || unit == "microsecond")
+        dayTimeFields += DayTimeIntervalType.SECOND
+      }
+    }
+    if (yearMonthFields.nonEmpty) {
+      if (dayTimeFields.nonEmpty) {
+        val literalStr = source(ctx)
+        throw new ParseException(s"Cannot mix year-month and day-time fields: $literalStr", ctx)
+      }
+      Literal(
+        calendarInterval.months,
+        YearMonthIntervalType(yearMonthFields.min, yearMonthFields.max)
+      )
+    } else {
+      Literal(
+        IntervalUtils.getDuration(calendarInterval, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS),
+        DayTimeIntervalType(dayTimeFields.min, dayTimeFields.max))
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[CalendarInterval]] or ANSI interval literal expression.
+   * Two syntaxes are supported:
+   * - multiple unit value pairs, for instance: interval 2 months 2 days.
+   * - from-to unit, for instance: interval '1-2' year to month.
+   */
+  override def visitInterval(ctx: IntervalContext): Literal = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val calendarInterval = parseIntervalLiteral(ctx)
+    if (ctx.errorCapturingUnitToUnitInterval != null && !conf.legacyIntervalEnabled) {
+      // Check the `to` unit to distinguish year-month and day-time intervals because
+      // `CalendarInterval` doesn't have enough info. For instance, new CalendarInterval(0, 0, 0)
+      // can be derived from INTERVAL '0-0' YEAR TO MONTH as well as from
+      // INTERVAL '0 00:00:00' DAY TO SECOND.
+      val fromUnit =
+      ctx.errorCapturingUnitToUnitInterval.body.from.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
+      val toUnit =
+      if (toUnit == "month") {
+        assert(calendarInterval.days == 0 && calendarInterval.microseconds == 0)
+        val start = YearMonthIntervalType.stringToField(fromUnit)
+        Literal(calendarInterval.months, YearMonthIntervalType(start, YearMonthIntervalType.MONTH))
+      } else {
+        assert(calendarInterval.months == 0)
+        val micros = IntervalUtils.getDuration(calendarInterval, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
+        val start = DayTimeIntervalType.stringToField(fromUnit)
+        val end = DayTimeIntervalType.stringToField(toUnit)
+        Literal(micros, DayTimeIntervalType(start, end))
+      }
+    } else if (ctx.errorCapturingMultiUnitsInterval != null && !conf.legacyIntervalEnabled) {
+      val units =
+          _.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).stripSuffix("s")).toSeq
+      constructMultiUnitsIntervalLiteral(ctx, calendarInterval, units)
+    } else {
+      Literal(calendarInterval, CalendarIntervalType)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[CalendarInterval]] object
+   */
+  protected def parseIntervalLiteral(ctx: IntervalContext): CalendarInterval = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    if (ctx.errorCapturingMultiUnitsInterval != null) {
+      val innerCtx = ctx.errorCapturingMultiUnitsInterval
+      if (innerCtx.unitToUnitInterval != null) {
+        throw new ParseException("Can only have a single from-to unit in the interval literal syntax", innerCtx.unitToUnitInterval)
+      }
+      visitMultiUnitsInterval(innerCtx.multiUnitsInterval)
+    } else if (ctx.errorCapturingUnitToUnitInterval != null) {
+      val innerCtx = ctx.errorCapturingUnitToUnitInterval
+      if (innerCtx.error1 != null || innerCtx.error2 != null) {
+        val errorCtx = if (innerCtx.error1 != null) innerCtx.error1 else innerCtx.error2
+        throw new ParseException("Can only have a single from-to unit in the interval literal syntax", errorCtx)
+      }
+      visitUnitToUnitInterval(innerCtx.body)
+    } else {
+      throw new ParseException("at least one time unit should be given for interval literal", ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a [[CalendarInterval]] with multiple unit value pairs, e.g. 1 YEAR 2 DAYS.
+   */
+  override def visitMultiUnitsInterval(ctx: MultiUnitsIntervalContext): CalendarInterval = {
+    withOrigin(ctx) {
+      val units = ctx.unit.asScala
+      val values = ctx.intervalValue().asScala
+      try {
+        assert(units.length == values.length)
+        val kvs = { i =>
+          val u = units(i).getText
+          val v = if (values(i).STRING() != null) {
+            val value = string(values(i).STRING())
+            // SPARK-32840: For invalid cases, e.g. INTERVAL '1 day 2' hour,
+            // INTERVAL 'interval 1' day, we need to check ahead before they are concatenated with
+            // units and become valid ones, e.g. '1 day 2 hour'.
+            // Ideally, we only ensure the value parts don't contain any units here.
+            if (value.exists(Character.isLetter)) {
+              throw new ParseException("Can only use numbers in the interval value part for" +
+                s" multiple unit value pairs interval form, but got invalid value: $value", ctx)
+            }
+            if (values(i).MINUS() == null) {
+              value
+            } else {
+              value.startsWith("-") match {
+                case true => value.replaceFirst("-", "")
+                case false => s"-$value"
+              }
+            }
+          } else {
+            values(i).getText
+          }
+          UTF8String.fromString(" " + v + " " + u)
+        }
+        IntervalUtils.stringToInterval(UTF8String.concat(kvs: _*))
+      } catch {
+        case i: IllegalArgumentException =>
+          val e = new ParseException(i.getMessage, ctx)
+          e.setStackTrace(i.getStackTrace)
+          throw e
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a [[CalendarInterval]] with from-to unit, e.g. '2-1' YEAR TO MONTH.
+   */
+  override def visitUnitToUnitInterval(ctx: UnitToUnitIntervalContext): CalendarInterval = {
+    withOrigin(ctx) {
+      val value = Option(ctx.intervalValue.STRING).map(string).map { interval =>
+        if (ctx.intervalValue().MINUS() == null) {
+          interval
+        } else {
+          interval.startsWith("-") match {
+            case true => interval.replaceFirst("-", "")
+            case false => s"-$interval"
+          }
+        }
+      }.getOrElse {
+        throw new ParseException("The value of from-to unit must be a string", ctx.intervalValue)
+      }
+      try {
+        val from = ctx.from.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
+        val to =
+        (from, to) match {
+          case ("year", "month") =>
+            IntervalUtils.fromYearMonthString(value)
+          case ("day", "hour") | ("day", "minute") | ("day", "second") | ("hour", "minute") |
+               ("hour", "second") | ("minute", "second") =>
+            IntervalUtils.fromDayTimeString(value,
+              DayTimeIntervalType.stringToField(from), DayTimeIntervalType.stringToField(to))
+          case _ =>
+            throw new ParseException(s"Intervals FROM $from TO $to are not supported.", ctx)
+        }
+      } catch {
+        // Handle Exceptions thrown by CalendarInterval
+        case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
+          val pe = new ParseException(e.getMessage, ctx)
+          pe.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace)
+          throw pe
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* ********************************************************************************************
+   * DataType parsing
+   * ******************************************************************************************** */
+  /**
+   * Resolve/create a primitive type.
+   */
+  override def visitPrimitiveDataType(ctx: PrimitiveDataTypeContext): DataType = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val dataType = ctx.identifier.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
+    (dataType, ctx.INTEGER_VALUE().asScala.toList) match {
+      case ("boolean", Nil) => BooleanType
+      case ("tinyint" | "byte", Nil) => ByteType
+      case ("smallint" | "short", Nil) => ShortType
+      case ("int" | "integer", Nil) => IntegerType
+      case ("bigint" | "long", Nil) => LongType
+      case ("float" | "real", Nil) => FloatType
+      case ("double", Nil) => DoubleType
+      case ("date", Nil) => DateType
+      case ("timestamp", Nil) => SQLConf.get.timestampType
+      // SPARK-36227: Remove TimestampNTZ type support in Spark 3.2 with minimal code changes.
+      case ("timestamp_ntz", Nil) if isTesting => TimestampNTZType
+      case ("timestamp_ltz", Nil) if isTesting => TimestampType
+      case ("string", Nil) => StringType
+      case ("character" | "char", length :: Nil) => CharType(length.getText.toInt)
+      case ("varchar", length :: Nil) => VarcharType(length.getText.toInt)
+      case ("binary", Nil) => BinaryType
+      case ("decimal" | "dec" | "numeric", Nil) => DecimalType.USER_DEFAULT
+      case ("decimal" | "dec" | "numeric", precision :: Nil) =>
+        DecimalType(precision.getText.toInt, 0)
+      case ("decimal" | "dec" | "numeric", precision :: scale :: Nil) =>
+        DecimalType(precision.getText.toInt, scale.getText.toInt)
+      case ("void", Nil) => NullType
+      case ("interval", Nil) => CalendarIntervalType
+      case (dt, params) =>
+        val dtStr = if (params.nonEmpty) s"$dt(${params.mkString(",")})" else dt
+        throw new ParseException(s"DataType $dtStr is not supported.", ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  override def visitYearMonthIntervalDataType(ctx: YearMonthIntervalDataTypeContext): DataType = {
+    val startStr = ctx.from.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
+    val start = YearMonthIntervalType.stringToField(startStr)
+    if ( != null) {
+      val endStr =
+      val end = YearMonthIntervalType.stringToField(endStr)
+      if (end <= start) {
+        throw new ParseException(s"Intervals FROM $startStr TO $endStr are not supported.", ctx)
+      }
+      YearMonthIntervalType(start, end)
+    } else {
+      YearMonthIntervalType(start)
+    }
+  }
+  override def visitDayTimeIntervalDataType(ctx: DayTimeIntervalDataTypeContext): DataType = {
+    val startStr = ctx.from.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
+    val start = DayTimeIntervalType.stringToField(startStr)
+    if ( != null) {
+      val endStr =
+      val end = DayTimeIntervalType.stringToField(endStr)
+      if (end <= start) {
+        throw new ParseException(s"Intervals FROM $startStr TO $endStr are not supported.", ctx)
+      }
+      DayTimeIntervalType(start, end)
+    } else {
+      DayTimeIntervalType(start)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a complex DataType. Arrays, Maps and Structures are supported.
+   */
+  override def visitComplexDataType(ctx: ComplexDataTypeContext): DataType = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    ctx.complex.getType match {
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.ARRAY =>
+        ArrayType(typedVisit(ctx.dataType(0)))
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.MAP =>
+        MapType(typedVisit(ctx.dataType(0)), typedVisit(ctx.dataType(1)))
+      case HoodieSqlBaseParser.STRUCT =>
+        StructType(Option(ctx.complexColTypeList).toSeq.flatMap(visitComplexColTypeList))
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create top level table schema.
+   */
+  protected def createSchema(ctx: ColTypeListContext): StructType = {
+    StructType(Option(ctx).toSeq.flatMap(visitColTypeList))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[StructType]] from a number of column definitions.
+   */
+  override def visitColTypeList(ctx: ColTypeListContext): Seq[StructField] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    ctx.colType()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a top level [[StructField]] from a column definition.
+   */
+  override def visitColType(ctx: ColTypeContext): StructField = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    import ctx._
+    val builder = new MetadataBuilder
+    // Add comment to metadata
+    Option(commentSpec()).map(visitCommentSpec).foreach {
+      builder.putString("comment", _)
+    }
+    StructField(
+      name = colName.getText,
+      dataType = typedVisit[DataType](ctx.dataType),
+      nullable = NULL == null,
+      metadata =
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[StructType]] from a sequence of [[StructField]]s.
+   */
+  protected def createStructType(ctx: ComplexColTypeListContext): StructType = {
+    StructType(Option(ctx).toSeq.flatMap(visitComplexColTypeList))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[StructType]] from a number of column definitions.
+   */
+  override def visitComplexColTypeList(
+                                        ctx: ComplexColTypeListContext): Seq[StructField] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    ctx.complexColType()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[StructField]] from a column definition.
+   */
+  override def visitComplexColType(ctx: ComplexColTypeContext): StructField = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    import ctx._
+    val structField = StructField(
+      name = identifier.getText,
+      dataType = typedVisit(dataType()),
+      nullable = NULL == null)
+    Option(commentSpec).map(visitCommentSpec).map(structField.withComment).getOrElse(structField)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a location string.
+   */
+  override def visitLocationSpec(ctx: LocationSpecContext): String = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    string(ctx.STRING)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an optional location string.
+   */
+  protected def visitLocationSpecList(ctx: java.util.List[LocationSpecContext]): Option[String] = {
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a comment string.
+   */
+  override def visitCommentSpec(ctx: CommentSpecContext): String = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    string(ctx.STRING)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create an optional comment string.
+   */
+  protected def visitCommentSpecList(ctx: java.util.List[CommentSpecContext]): Option[String] = {
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[BucketSpec]].
+   */
+  override def visitBucketSpec(ctx: BucketSpecContext): BucketSpec = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    BucketSpec(
+      ctx.INTEGER_VALUE.getText.toInt,
+      visitIdentifierList(ctx.identifierList),
+      Option(ctx.orderedIdentifierList)
+        .toSeq
+        .flatMap(_.orderedIdentifier.asScala)
+        .map { orderedIdCtx =>
+          Option(orderedIdCtx.ordering).map(_.getText).foreach { dir =>
+            if (dir.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) != "asc") {
+              operationNotAllowed(s"Column ordering must be ASC, was '$dir'", ctx)
+            }
+          }
+          orderedIdCtx.ident.getText
+        })
+  }
+  /**
+   * Convert a table property list into a key-value map.
+   * This should be called through [[visitPropertyKeyValues]] or [[visitPropertyKeys]].
+   */
+  override def visitTablePropertyList(
+                                       ctx: TablePropertyListContext): Map[String, String] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val properties = { property =>
+      val key = visitTablePropertyKey(property.key)
+      val value = visitTablePropertyValue(property.value)
+      key -> value
+    }
+    // Check for duplicate property names.
+    checkDuplicateKeys(properties.toSeq, ctx)
+    properties.toMap
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse a key-value map from a [[TablePropertyListContext]], assuming all values are specified.
+   */
+  def visitPropertyKeyValues(ctx: TablePropertyListContext): Map[String, String] = {
+    val props = visitTablePropertyList(ctx)
+    val badKeys = props.collect { case (key, null) => key }
+    if (badKeys.nonEmpty) {
+      operationNotAllowed(
+        s"Values must be specified for key(s): ${badKeys.mkString("[", ",", "]")}", ctx)
+    }
+    props
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse a list of keys from a [[TablePropertyListContext]], assuming no values are specified.
+   */
+  def visitPropertyKeys(ctx: TablePropertyListContext): Seq[String] = {
+    val props = visitTablePropertyList(ctx)
+    val badKeys = props.filter { case (_, v) => v != null }.keys
+    if (badKeys.nonEmpty) {
+      operationNotAllowed(
+        s"Values should not be specified for key(s): ${badKeys.mkString("[", ",", "]")}", ctx)
+    }
+    props.keys.toSeq
+  }
+  /**
+   * A table property key can either be String or a collection of dot separated elements. This
+   * function extracts the property key based on whether its a string literal or a table property
+   * identifier.
+   */
+  override def visitTablePropertyKey(key: TablePropertyKeyContext): String = {
+    if (key.STRING != null) {
+      string(key.STRING)
+    } else {
+      key.getText
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * A table property value can be String, Integer, Boolean or Decimal. This function extracts
+   * the property value based on whether its a string, integer, boolean or decimal literal.
+   */
+  override def visitTablePropertyValue(value: TablePropertyValueContext): String = {
+    if (value == null) {
+      null
+    } else if (value.STRING != null) {
+      string(value.STRING)
+    } else if (value.booleanValue != null) {
+      value.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
+    } else {
+      value.getText
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Type to keep track of a table header: (identifier, isTemporary, ifNotExists, isExternal).
+   */
+  type TableHeader = (Seq[String], Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
+  /**
+   * Type to keep track of table clauses:
+   * - partition transforms
+   * - partition columns
+   * - bucketSpec
+   * - properties
+   * - options
+   * - location
+   * - comment
+   * - serde
+   *
+   * Note: Partition transforms are based on existing table schema definition. It can be simple
+   * column names, or functions like `year(date_col)`. Partition columns are column names with data
+   * types like `i INT`, which should be appended to the existing table schema.
+   */
+  type TableClauses = (
+    Seq[Transform], Seq[StructField], Option[BucketSpec], Map[String, String],
+      Map[String, String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[SerdeInfo])
+  /**
+   * Validate a create table statement and return the [[TableIdentifier]].
+   */
+  override def visitCreateTableHeader(
+                                       ctx: CreateTableHeaderContext): TableHeader = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val temporary = ctx.TEMPORARY != null
+    val ifNotExists = ctx.EXISTS != null
+    if (temporary && ifNotExists) {
+      operationNotAllowed("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ... IF NOT EXISTS", ctx)
+    }
+    val multipartIdentifier =
+    (multipartIdentifier, temporary, ifNotExists, ctx.EXTERNAL != null)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Validate a replace table statement and return the [[TableIdentifier]].
+   */
+  override def visitReplaceTableHeader(
+                                        ctx: ReplaceTableHeaderContext): TableHeader = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val multipartIdentifier =
+    (multipartIdentifier, false, false, false)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse a qualified name to a multipart name.
+   */
+  override def visitQualifiedName(ctx: QualifiedNameContext): Seq[String] = withOrigin(ctx) {
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse a list of transforms or columns.
+   */
+  override def visitPartitionFieldList(
+                                        ctx: PartitionFieldListContext): (Seq[Transform], Seq[StructField]) = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val (transforms, columns) = {
+      case transform: PartitionTransformContext =>
+        (Some(visitPartitionTransform(transform)), None)
+      case field: PartitionColumnContext =>
+        (None, Some(visitColType(field.colType)))
+    }.unzip
+    (transforms.flatten.toSeq, columns.flatten.toSeq)
+  }
+  override def visitPartitionTransform(
+                                        ctx: PartitionTransformContext): Transform = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    def getFieldReference(
+                           ctx: ApplyTransformContext,
+                           arg: V2Expression): FieldReference = {
+      lazy val name: String = ctx.identifier.getText
+      arg match {
+        case ref: FieldReference =>
+          ref
+        case nonRef =>
+          throw new ParseException(s"Expected a column reference for transform $name: $nonRef.describe", ctx)
+      }
+    }
+    def getSingleFieldReference(
+                                 ctx: ApplyTransformContext,
+                                 arguments: Seq[V2Expression]): FieldReference = {
+      lazy val name: String = ctx.identifier.getText
+      if (arguments.size > 1) {
+        throw new ParseException(s"Too many arguments for transform $name", ctx)
+      } else if (arguments.isEmpty) {
+        throw
+          new ParseException(s"Not enough arguments for transform $name", ctx)
+      } else {
+        getFieldReference(ctx, arguments.head)
+      }
+    }
+    ctx.transform match {
+      case identityCtx: IdentityTransformContext =>
+        IdentityTransform(FieldReference(typedVisit[Seq[String]](identityCtx.qualifiedName)))
+      case applyCtx: ApplyTransformContext =>
+        val arguments =
+        applyCtx.identifier.getText match {
+          case "bucket" =>
+            val numBuckets: Int = arguments.head match {
+              case LiteralValue(shortValue, ShortType) =>
+                shortValue.asInstanceOf[Short].toInt
+              case LiteralValue(intValue, IntegerType) =>
+                intValue.asInstanceOf[Int]
+              case LiteralValue(longValue, LongType) =>
+                longValue.asInstanceOf[Long].toInt
+              case lit =>
+                throw new ParseException(s"Invalid number of buckets: ${lit.describe}", applyCtx)
+            }
+            val fields = => getFieldReference(applyCtx, arg))
+            BucketTransform(LiteralValue(numBuckets, IntegerType), fields)
+          case "years" =>
+            YearsTransform(getSingleFieldReference(applyCtx, arguments))
+          case "months" =>
+            MonthsTransform(getSingleFieldReference(applyCtx, arguments))
+          case "days" =>
+            DaysTransform(getSingleFieldReference(applyCtx, arguments))
+          case "hours" =>
+            HoursTransform(getSingleFieldReference(applyCtx, arguments))
+          case name =>
+            ApplyTransform(name, arguments)
+        }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse an argument to a transform. An argument may be a field reference (qualified name) or
+   * a value literal.
+   */
+  override def visitTransformArgument(ctx: TransformArgumentContext): V2Expression = {
+    withOrigin(ctx) {
+      val reference = Option(ctx.qualifiedName)
+        .map(typedVisit[Seq[String]])
+        .map(FieldReference(_))
+      val literal = Option(ctx.constant)
+        .map(typedVisit[Literal])
+        .map(lit => LiteralValue(lit.value, lit.dataType))
+      reference.orElse(literal)
+        .getOrElse(throw new ParseException("Invalid transform argument", ctx))
+    }
+  }
+  def cleanTableProperties(
+                            ctx: ParserRuleContext, properties: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = {
+    import TableCatalog._
+    val legacyOn = conf.getConf(SQLConf.LEGACY_PROPERTY_NON_RESERVED)
+    properties.filter {
+      case (PROP_PROVIDER, _) if !legacyOn =>
+        throw new ParseException(s"$PROP_PROVIDER is a reserved table property, please use the USING clause to specify it.", ctx)
+      case (PROP_PROVIDER, _) => false
+      case (PROP_LOCATION, _) if !legacyOn =>
+        throw new ParseException(s"$PROP_LOCATION is a reserved table property, please use the LOCATION clause to specify it.", ctx)
+      case (PROP_LOCATION, _) => false
+      case (PROP_OWNER, _) if !legacyOn =>
+        throw new ParseException(s"$PROP_OWNER is a reserved table property, it will be set to the current user.", ctx)
+      case (PROP_OWNER, _) => false
+      case _ => true
+    }
+  }
+  def cleanTableOptions(
+                         ctx: ParserRuleContext,
+                         options: Map[String, String],
+                         location: Option[String]): (Map[String, String], Option[String]) = {
+    var path = location
+    val filtered = cleanTableProperties(ctx, options).filter {
+      case (k, v) if k.equalsIgnoreCase("path") && path.nonEmpty =>
+        throw new ParseException(s"Duplicated table paths found: '${path.get}' and '$v'. LOCATION" +
+          s" and the case insensitive key 'path' in OPTIONS are all used to indicate the custom" +
+          s" table path, you can only specify one of them.", ctx)
+      case (k, v) if k.equalsIgnoreCase("path") =>
+        path = Some(v)
+        false
+      case _ => true
+    }
+    (filtered, path)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[SerdeInfo]] for creating tables.
+   *
+   * Format: STORED AS (name | INPUTFORMAT input_format OUTPUTFORMAT output_format)
+   */
+  override def visitCreateFileFormat(ctx: CreateFileFormatContext): SerdeInfo = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    (ctx.fileFormat, ctx.storageHandler) match {
+      // Expected format: INPUTFORMAT input_format OUTPUTFORMAT output_format
+      case (c: TableFileFormatContext, null) =>
+        SerdeInfo(formatClasses = Some(FormatClasses(string(c.inFmt), string(c.outFmt))))
+      // Expected format: SEQUENCEFILE | TEXTFILE | RCFILE | ORC | PARQUET | AVRO
+      case (c: GenericFileFormatContext, null) =>
+        SerdeInfo(storedAs = Some(c.identifier.getText))
+      case (null, storageHandler) =>
+        operationNotAllowed("STORED BY", ctx)
+      case _ =>
+        throw new ParseException("Expected either STORED AS or STORED BY, not both", ctx)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a [[SerdeInfo]] used for creating tables.
+   *
+   * Example format:
+   * {{{
+   *   SERDE serde_name [WITH SERDEPROPERTIES (k1=v1, k2=v2, ...)]
+   * }}}
+   *
+   * OR
+   *
+   * {{{
+   *   [LINES TERMINATED BY char]
+   *   [NULL DEFINED AS char]
+   * }}}
+   */
+  def visitRowFormat(ctx: RowFormatContext): SerdeInfo = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    ctx match {
+      case serde: RowFormatSerdeContext => visitRowFormatSerde(serde)
+      case delimited: RowFormatDelimitedContext => visitRowFormatDelimited(delimited)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create SERDE row format name and properties pair.
+   */
+  override def visitRowFormatSerde(ctx: RowFormatSerdeContext): SerdeInfo = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    import ctx._
+    SerdeInfo(
+      serde = Some(string(name)),
+      serdeProperties = Option(tablePropertyList).map(visitPropertyKeyValues).getOrElse(Map.empty))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a delimited row format properties object.
+   */
+  override def visitRowFormatDelimited(
+                                        ctx: RowFormatDelimitedContext): SerdeInfo = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    // Collect the entries if any.
+    def entry(key: String, value: Token): Seq[(String, String)] = {
+      Option(value) => key -> string(x))
+    }
+    // TODO we need proper support for the NULL format.
+    val entries =
+      entry("field.delim", ctx.fieldsTerminatedBy) ++
+        entry("serialization.format", ctx.fieldsTerminatedBy) ++
+        entry("escape.delim", ctx.escapedBy) ++
+        // The following typo is inherited from Hive...
+        entry("colelction.delim", ctx.collectionItemsTerminatedBy) ++
+        entry("mapkey.delim", ctx.keysTerminatedBy) ++
+        Option(ctx.linesSeparatedBy) { token =>
+          val value = string(token)
+          validate(
+            value == "\n",
+            s"LINES TERMINATED BY only supports newline '\\n' right now: $value",
+            ctx)
+          "line.delim" -> value
+        }
+    SerdeInfo(serdeProperties = entries.toMap)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Throw a [[ParseException]] if the user specified incompatible SerDes through ROW FORMAT
+   * and STORED AS.
+   *
+   * The following are allowed. Anything else is not:
+   */
+  protected def validateRowFormatFileFormat(
+                                             rowFormatCtx: RowFormatContext,
+                                             createFileFormatCtx: CreateFileFormatContext,
+                                             parentCtx: ParserRuleContext): Unit = {
+    if (!(rowFormatCtx == null || createFileFormatCtx == null)) {
+      (rowFormatCtx, createFileFormatCtx.fileFormat) match {
+        case (_, ffTable: TableFileFormatContext) => // OK
+        case (rfSerde: RowFormatSerdeContext, ffGeneric: GenericFileFormatContext) =>
+          ffGeneric.identifier.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) match {
+            case ("sequencefile" | "textfile" | "rcfile") => // OK
+            case fmt =>
+              operationNotAllowed(
+                s"ROW FORMAT SERDE is incompatible with format '$fmt', which also specifies a serde",
+                parentCtx)
+          }
+        case (rfDelimited: RowFormatDelimitedContext, ffGeneric: GenericFileFormatContext) =>
+          ffGeneric.identifier.getText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) match {
+            case "textfile" => // OK
+            case fmt => operationNotAllowed(
+              s"ROW FORMAT DELIMITED is only compatible with 'textfile', not '$fmt'", parentCtx)
+          }
+        case _ =>
+          // should never happen
+          def str(ctx: ParserRuleContext): String = {
+            (0 until ctx.getChildCount).map { i => ctx.getChild(i).getText }.mkString(" ")
+          }
+          operationNotAllowed(
+            s"Unexpected combination of ${str(rowFormatCtx)} and ${str(createFileFormatCtx)}",
+            parentCtx)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  protected def validateRowFormatFileFormat(
+                                             rowFormatCtx: Seq[RowFormatContext],
+                                             createFileFormatCtx: Seq[CreateFileFormatContext],
+                                             parentCtx: ParserRuleContext): Unit = {
+    if (rowFormatCtx.size == 1 && createFileFormatCtx.size == 1) {
+      validateRowFormatFileFormat(rowFormatCtx.head, createFileFormatCtx.head, parentCtx)
+    }
+  }
+  override def visitCreateTableClauses(ctx: CreateTableClausesContext): TableClauses = {
+    checkDuplicateClauses(ctx.TBLPROPERTIES, "TBLPROPERTIES", ctx)
+    checkDuplicateClauses(ctx.OPTIONS, "OPTIONS", ctx)
+    checkDuplicateClauses(ctx.PARTITIONED, "PARTITIONED BY", ctx)
+    checkDuplicateClauses(ctx.createFileFormat, "STORED AS/BY", ctx)
+    checkDuplicateClauses(ctx.rowFormat, "ROW FORMAT", ctx)
+    checkDuplicateClauses(ctx.commentSpec(), "COMMENT", ctx)
+    checkDuplicateClauses(ctx.bucketSpec(), "CLUSTERED BY", ctx)
+    checkDuplicateClauses(ctx.locationSpec, "LOCATION", ctx)
+    if (ctx.skewSpec.size > 0) {
+      operationNotAllowed("CREATE TABLE ... SKEWED BY", ctx)
+    }
+    val (partTransforms, partCols) =
+      Option(ctx.partitioning).map(visitPartitionFieldList).getOrElse((Nil, Nil))
+    val bucketSpec = ctx.bucketSpec()
+    val properties = Option(ctx.tableProps).map(visitPropertyKeyValues).getOrElse(Map.empty)
+    val cleanedProperties = cleanTableProperties(ctx, properties)
+    val options = Option(ctx.options).map(visitPropertyKeyValues).getOrElse(Map.empty)
+    val location = visitLocationSpecList(ctx.locationSpec())
+    val (cleanedOptions, newLocation) = cleanTableOptions(ctx, options, location)
+    val comment = visitCommentSpecList(ctx.commentSpec())
+    val serdeInfo =
+      getSerdeInfo(ctx.rowFormat.asScala.toSeq, ctx.createFileFormat.asScala.toSeq, ctx)
+    (partTransforms, partCols, bucketSpec, cleanedProperties, cleanedOptions, newLocation, comment,
+      serdeInfo)
+  }
+  protected def getSerdeInfo(
+                              rowFormatCtx: Seq[RowFormatContext],
+                              createFileFormatCtx: Seq[CreateFileFormatContext],
+                              ctx: ParserRuleContext): Option[SerdeInfo] = {
+    validateRowFormatFileFormat(rowFormatCtx, createFileFormatCtx, ctx)
+    val rowFormatSerdeInfo =
+    val fileFormatSerdeInfo =
+    (fileFormatSerdeInfo ++ rowFormatSerdeInfo).reduceLeftOption((l, r) => l.merge(r))
+  }
+  private def partitionExpressions(
+                                    partTransforms: Seq[Transform],
+                                    partCols: Seq[StructField],
+                                    ctx: ParserRuleContext): Seq[Transform] = {
+    if (partTransforms.nonEmpty) {
+      if (partCols.nonEmpty) {
+        val references =", ")
+        val columns = partCols
+          .map(field => s"${} ${field.dataType.simpleString}")
+          .mkString(", ")
+        operationNotAllowed(
+          s"""PARTITION BY: Cannot mix partition expressions and partition columns:
+             |Expressions: $references
+             |Columns: $columns""".stripMargin, ctx)
+      }
+      partTransforms
+    } else {
+      // columns were added to create the schema. convert to column references
+ { column =>
+        IdentityTransform(FieldReference(Seq(
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a table, returning a [[CreateTable]] or [[CreateTableAsSelect]] logical plan.
+   *
+   * Expected format:
+   * {{{
+   *   CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name
+   *   [USING table_provider]
+   *   create_table_clauses
+   *   [[AS] select_statement];
+   *
+   *   create_table_clauses (order insensitive):
+   *     [PARTITIONED BY (partition_fields)]
+   *     [OPTIONS table_property_list]
+   *     [ROW FORMAT row_format]
+   *     [STORED AS file_format]
+   *     [CLUSTERED BY (col_name, col_name, ...)
+   *       [SORTED BY (col_name [ASC|DESC], ...)]
+   *       INTO num_buckets BUCKETS
+   *     ]
+   *     [LOCATION path]
+   *     [COMMENT table_comment]
+   *     [TBLPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)]
+   *
+   *   partition_fields:
+   *     col_name, transform(col_name), transform(constant, col_name), ... |
+   *     col_name data_type [NOT NULL] [COMMENT col_comment], ...
+   * }}}
+   */
+  override def visitCreateTable(ctx: CreateTableContext): LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) {
+    val (table, temp, ifNotExists, external) = visitCreateTableHeader(ctx.createTableHeader)
+    val columns = Option(ctx.colTypeList()).map(visitColTypeList).getOrElse(Nil)
+    val provider = Option(ctx.tableProvider).map(_.multipartIdentifier.getText)
+    val (partTransforms, partCols, bucketSpec, properties, options, location, comment, serdeInfo) =
+      visitCreateTableClauses(ctx.createTableClauses())
+    if (provider.isDefined && serdeInfo.isDefined) {
+      operationNotAllowed(s"CREATE TABLE ... USING ... ${serdeInfo.get.describe}", ctx)
+    }
+    if (temp) {
+      val asSelect = if (ctx.query == null) "" else " AS ..."
+      operationNotAllowed(
+        s"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ...$asSelect, use CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW instead", ctx)
+    }
+    // partition transforms for BucketSpec was moved inside parser
+    //
+    val partitioning =
+      partitionExpressions(partTransforms, partCols, ctx) ++
+    val tableSpec = TableSpec(properties, provider, options, location, comment,
+      serdeInfo, external)
+    Option(ctx.query).map(plan) match {
+      case Some(_) if columns.nonEmpty =>
+        operationNotAllowed(
+          "Schema may not be specified in a Create Table As Select (CTAS) statement",
+          ctx)
+      case Some(_) if partCols.nonEmpty =>
+        // non-reference partition columns are not allowed because schema can't be specified
+        operationNotAllowed(
+          "Partition column types may not be specified in Create Table As Select (CTAS)",
+          ctx)
+        // CreateTable / CreateTableAsSelect was migrated to v2 in Spark 3.3.0

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