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[02/13] move towards idiomatic Clojure style
diff --git a/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/ui/core.clj b/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/ui/core.clj
index ad1a038..6da383e 100644
--- a/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/ui/core.clj
+++ b/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/ui/core.clj
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 ;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ;; limitations under the License.
 (ns backtype.storm.ui.core
   (:use compojure.core)
   (:use ring.middleware.reload)
@@ -38,12 +39,14 @@
 (def ^:dynamic *STORM-CONF* (read-storm-config))
-(defmacro with-nimbus [nimbus-sym & body]
-  `(thrift/with-nimbus-connection [~nimbus-sym (*STORM-CONF* NIMBUS-HOST) (*STORM-CONF* NIMBUS-THRIFT-PORT)]
-     ~@body
-     ))
+(defmacro with-nimbus
+  [nimbus-sym & body]
+  `(thrift/with-nimbus-connection
+     ~@body))
-(defn get-filled-stats [summs]
+(defn get-filled-stats
+  [summs]
   (->> summs
        (map #(.get_stats ^ExecutorSummary %))
        (filter not-nil?)))
@@ -110,31 +113,32 @@
               "assigned. Click on the port number to open the logviewer page "
               "for this Worker.")})
-(defn mk-system-toggle-button [include-sys?]
+(defn mk-system-toggle-button
+  [include-sys?]
   [:p {:class "js-only"}
    [:span.tip.right {:title (:sys-stats tips)}
     [:input {:type "button"
              :value (str (if include-sys? "Hide" "Show") " System Stats")
              :onclick "toggleSys()"}]]])
-(defn ui-template [body]
+(defn ui-template
+  [body]
-   [:head
-    [:title "Storm UI"]
-    (include-css "/css/bootstrap-1.4.0.css")
-    (include-css "/css/style.css")
-    (include-js "/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js")
-    (include-js "/js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js")
-    (include-js "/js/jquery.cookies.2.2.0.min.js")
-    (include-js "/js/bootstrap-twipsy.js")
-    (include-js "/js/script.js")
-    ]
-   [:body
-    [:h1 (link-to "/" "Storm UI")]
-    (seq body)
-    ]))
-(defn read-storm-version []
+    [:head
+     [:title "Storm UI"]
+     (include-css "/css/bootstrap-1.4.0.css")
+     (include-css "/css/style.css")
+     (include-js "/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js")
+     (include-js "/js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js")
+     (include-js "/js/jquery.cookies.2.2.0.min.js")
+     (include-js "/js/bootstrap-twipsy.js")
+     (include-js "/js/script.js")]
+    [:body
+     [:h1 (link-to "/" "Storm UI")]
+     (seq body)]))
+(defn read-storm-version
+  []
   (let [storm-home (System/getProperty "storm.home")
         release-path (format "%s/RELEASE" storm-home)
         release-file (File. release-path)]
@@ -142,7 +146,8 @@
       (trim (slurp release-path))
-(defn cluster-summary-table [^ClusterSummary summ]
+(defn cluster-summary-table
+  [^ClusterSummary summ]
   (let [sups (.get_supervisors summ)
         used-slots (reduce + (map #(.get_num_used_workers ^SupervisorSummary %) sups))
         total-slots (reduce + (map #(.get_num_workers ^SupervisorSummary %) sups))
@@ -164,7 +169,7 @@
             {:text "Free slots" :attr {:class "tip above"
                                        :title (:num-slots tips)}}
             {:text "Total slots" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                       :title (:num-slots tips)}}
+                                        :title (:num-slots tips)}}
             {:text  "Executors" :attr {:class "tip above"
                                        :title (:num-execs tips)}}
             {:text "Tasks" :attr {:class "tip left"
@@ -176,98 +181,100 @@
-             total-tasks]])
-    ))
+             total-tasks]])))
 (defn topology-link
   ([id] (topology-link id id))
   ([id content]
-     (link-to (url-format "/topology/%s" id) (escape-html content))))
+   (link-to (url-format "/topology/%s" id) (escape-html content))))
-(defn main-topology-summary-table [summs]
+(defn main-topology-summary-table
+  [summs]
-   [{:text "Name" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                         :title (str (:name tips) " " (:name-link tips))}}
-    {:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                       :title (:topo-id tips)}}
-    {:text "Status" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                           :title (:status tips)}}
-    {:text "Uptime" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                           :title (:topo-uptime tips)}}
-    {:text "Num workers" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                :title (:num-workers tips)}}
-    {:text "Num executors" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                  :title (:num-execs tips)}}
-    {:text "Num tasks" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                              :title (:num-tasks tips)}}]
-   (for [^TopologySummary t summs]
-     [(topology-link (.get_id t) (.get_name t))
-      (escape-html (.get_id t))
-      (.get_status t)
-      (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs t))
-      (.get_num_workers t)
-      (.get_num_executors t)
-      (.get_num_tasks t)
-      ])
-   :time-cols [3]
-   :sort-list "[[0,0]]"
-   ))
-(defn supervisor-summary-table [summs]
+    [{:text "Name" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                          :title (str (:name tips) " " (:name-link tips))}}
+     {:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                        :title (:topo-id tips)}}
+     {:text "Status" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                            :title (:status tips)}}
+     {:text "Uptime" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                            :title (:topo-uptime tips)}}
+     {:text "Num workers" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                 :title (:num-workers tips)}}
+     {:text "Num executors" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                   :title (:num-execs tips)}}
+     {:text "Num tasks" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                               :title (:num-tasks tips)}}]
+    (for [^TopologySummary t summs]
+      [(topology-link (.get_id t) (.get_name t))
+       (escape-html (.get_id t))
+       (.get_status t)
+       (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs t))
+       (.get_num_workers t)
+       (.get_num_executors t)
+       (.get_num_tasks t)])
+    :time-cols [3]
+    :sort-list "[[0,0]]"))
+(defn supervisor-summary-table
+  [summs]
-   [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                       :title (:sup-id tips)}}
-    {:text "Host" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                         :title (:sup-host tips)}}
-    {:text "Uptime" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                         :title (:sup-uptime tips)}}
-    {:text "Slots" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                          :title (:num-slots tips)}}
-    {:text "Used slots" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                               :title (:num-slots tips)}}]
-   (for [^SupervisorSummary s summs]
-     [(.get_supervisor_id s)
-      (.get_host s)
-      (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs s))
-      (.get_num_workers s)
-      (.get_num_used_workers s)])
-   :time-cols [2]))
-(defn configuration-table [conf]
+    [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                        :title (:sup-id tips)}}
+     {:text "Host" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                          :title (:sup-host tips)}}
+     {:text "Uptime" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                            :title (:sup-uptime tips)}}
+     {:text "Slots" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                           :title (:num-slots tips)}}
+     {:text "Used slots" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                                :title (:num-slots tips)}}]
+    (for [^SupervisorSummary s summs]
+      [(.get_supervisor_id s)
+       (.get_host s)
+       (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs s))
+       (.get_num_workers s)
+       (.get_num_used_workers s)])
+    :time-cols [2]))
+(defn configuration-table
+  [conf]
   (sorted-table ["Key" "Value"]
-    (map #(vector (key %) (str (val %))) conf)))
+                (map #(vector (key %) (str (val %))) conf)))
-(defn main-page []
+(defn main-page
+  []
   (with-nimbus nimbus
-    (let [summ (.getClusterInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus)]
-      (concat
-       [[:h2 "Cluster Summary"]]
-       [(cluster-summary-table summ)]
-       [[:h2 "Topology summary"]]
-       (main-topology-summary-table (.get_topologies summ))
-       [[:h2 "Supervisor summary"]]
-       (supervisor-summary-table (.get_supervisors summ))
-       [[:h2 "Nimbus Configuration"]]
-       (configuration-table (from-json (.getNimbusConf ^Nimbus$Client nimbus)))
-       ))))
-(defn component-type [^StormTopology topology id]
+               (let [summ (.getClusterInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus)]
+                 (concat
+                   [[:h2 "Cluster Summary"]]
+                   [(cluster-summary-table summ)]
+                   [[:h2 "Topology summary"]]
+                   (main-topology-summary-table (.get_topologies summ))
+                   [[:h2 "Supervisor summary"]]
+                   (supervisor-summary-table (.get_supervisors summ))
+                   [[:h2 "Nimbus Configuration"]]
+                   (configuration-table (from-json (.getNimbusConf ^Nimbus$Client nimbus)))))))
+(defn component-type
+  [^StormTopology topology id]
   (let [bolts (.get_bolts topology)
         spouts (.get_spouts topology)]
-     (.containsKey bolts id) :bolt
-     (.containsKey spouts id) :spout
-     )))
+      (.containsKey bolts id) :bolt
+      (.containsKey spouts id) :spout)))
-(defn executor-summary-type [topology ^ExecutorSummary s]
+(defn executor-summary-type
+  [topology ^ExecutorSummary s]
   (component-type topology (.get_component_id s)))
 (defn add-pairs
   ([] [0 0])
   ([[a1 a2] [b1 b2]]
-      [(+ a1 b1) (+ a2 b2)]))
+   [(+ a1 b1) (+ a2 b2)]))
-(defn expand-averages [avg counts]
+(defn expand-averages
+  [avg counts]
   (let [avg (clojurify-structure avg)
         counts (clojurify-structure counts)]
     (into {}
@@ -278,63 +285,64 @@
                       [(* c (get-in avg [slice stream]))
-                     ))]
-            ))))
+                     ))]))))
-(defn expand-averages-seq [average-seq counts-seq]
+(defn expand-averages-seq
+  [average-seq counts-seq]
   (->> (map vector average-seq counts-seq)
        (map #(apply expand-averages %))
        (apply merge-with
               (fn [s1 s2]
-                 add-pairs
-                 s1
-                 s2)))
-       ))
+                  add-pairs
+                  s1
+                  s2)))))
 (defn- val-avg [[t c]]
   (if (= t 0) 0
-      (double (/ t c))))
+    (double (/ t c))))
-(defn aggregate-averages [average-seq counts-seq]
+(defn aggregate-averages
+  [average-seq counts-seq]
   (->> (expand-averages-seq average-seq counts-seq)
-        (fn [s]
-          (map-val val-avg s)
-          ))
-       ))
+         (fn [s]
+           (map-val val-avg s)))))
-(defn aggregate-counts [counts-seq]
+(defn aggregate-counts
+  [counts-seq]
   (->> counts-seq
        (map clojurify-structure)
        (apply merge-with
               (fn [s1 s2]
-                (merge-with + s1 s2))
-              )))
+                (merge-with + s1 s2)))))
-(defn aggregate-avg-streams [avg counts]
+(defn aggregate-avg-streams
+  [avg counts]
   (let [expanded (expand-averages avg counts)]
     (->> expanded
          (map-val #(reduce add-pairs (vals %)))
-         (map-val val-avg)
-         )))
+         (map-val val-avg))))
-(defn aggregate-count-streams [stats]
+(defn aggregate-count-streams
+  [stats]
   (->> stats
        (map-val #(reduce + (vals %)))))
-(defn aggregate-common-stats [stats-seq]
+(defn aggregate-common-stats
+  [stats-seq]
   {:emitted (aggregate-counts (map #(.get_emitted ^ExecutorStats %) stats-seq))
-   :transferred (aggregate-counts (map #(.get_transferred ^ExecutorStats %) stats-seq))}
-  )
+   :transferred (aggregate-counts (map #(.get_transferred ^ExecutorStats %) stats-seq))})
-(defn mk-include-sys-fn [include-sys?]
+(defn mk-include-sys-fn
+  [include-sys?]
   (if include-sys?
     (fn [_] true)
     (fn [stream] (and (string? stream) (not (system-id? stream))))))
-(defn pre-process [stream-summary include-sys?]
+(defn pre-process
+  [stream-summary include-sys?]
   (let [filter-fn (mk-include-sys-fn include-sys?)
         emitted (:emitted stream-summary)
         emitted (into {} (for [[window stat] emitted]
@@ -346,7 +354,8 @@
         stream-summary (-> stream-summary (dissoc :transferred) (assoc :transferred transferred))]
-(defn aggregate-bolt-stats [stats-seq include-sys?]
+(defn aggregate-bolt-stats
+  [stats-seq include-sys?]
   (let [stats-seq (collectify stats-seq)]
     (merge (pre-process (aggregate-common-stats stats-seq) include-sys?)
@@ -367,10 +376,10 @@
             (aggregate-averages (map #(.. ^ExecutorStats % get_specific get_bolt get_execute_ms_avg)
                                 (map #(.. ^ExecutorStats % get_specific get_bolt get_executed)
-                                     stats-seq))
-            })))
+                                     stats-seq))})))
-(defn aggregate-spout-stats [stats-seq include-sys?]
+(defn aggregate-spout-stats
+  [stats-seq include-sys?]
   (let [stats-seq (collectify stats-seq)]
     (merge (pre-process (aggregate-common-stats stats-seq) include-sys?)
@@ -383,11 +392,10 @@
             (aggregate-averages (map #(.. ^ExecutorStats % get_specific get_spout get_complete_ms_avg)
                                 (map #(.. ^ExecutorStats % get_specific get_spout get_acked)
-                                     stats-seq))
-            }
-           )))
+                                     stats-seq))})))
-(defn aggregate-bolt-streams [stats]
+(defn aggregate-bolt-streams
+  [stats]
   {:acked (aggregate-count-streams (:acked stats))
    :failed (aggregate-count-streams (:failed stats))
    :emitted (aggregate-count-streams (:emitted stats))
@@ -396,25 +404,27 @@
                                              (:acked stats))
    :executed (aggregate-count-streams (:executed stats))
    :execute-latencies (aggregate-avg-streams (:execute-latencies stats)
-                                             (:executed stats))
-   })
+                                             (:executed stats))})
-(defn aggregate-spout-streams [stats]
+(defn aggregate-spout-streams
+  [stats]
   {:acked (aggregate-count-streams (:acked stats))
    :failed (aggregate-count-streams (:failed stats))
    :emitted (aggregate-count-streams (:emitted stats))
    :transferred (aggregate-count-streams (:transferred stats))
    :complete-latencies (aggregate-avg-streams (:complete-latencies stats)
-                                              (:acked stats))
-   })
+                                              (:acked stats))})
-(defn spout-summary? [topology s]
+(defn spout-summary?
+  [topology s]
   (= :spout (executor-summary-type topology s)))
-(defn bolt-summary? [topology s]
+(defn bolt-summary?
+  [topology s]
   (= :bolt (executor-summary-type topology s)))
-(defn topology-summary-table [^TopologyInfo summ]
+(defn topology-summary-table
+  [^TopologyInfo summ]
   (let [executors (.get_executors summ)
         workers (set (for [^ExecutorSummary e executors] [(.get_host e) (.get_port e)]))]
     (table [{:text "Name" :attr {:class "tip right"
@@ -437,11 +447,10 @@
              (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs summ))
              (count workers)
              (count executors)
-             (sum-tasks executors)
-             ]]
-           )))
+             (sum-tasks executors)]])))
-(defn total-aggregate-stats [spout-summs bolt-summs include-sys?]
+(defn total-aggregate-stats
+  [spout-summs bolt-summs include-sys?]
   (let [spout-stats (get-filled-stats spout-summs)
         bolt-stats (get-filled-stats bolt-summs)
         agg-spout-stats (-> spout-stats
@@ -451,59 +460,60 @@
                            (aggregate-bolt-stats include-sys?)
-     (fn [s1 s2]
-       (merge-with + s1 s2))
-     (select-keys agg-bolt-stats [:emitted :transferred])
-     agg-spout-stats
-     )))
+      (fn [s1 s2]
+        (merge-with + s1 s2))
+      (select-keys agg-bolt-stats [:emitted :transferred])
+      agg-spout-stats)))
-(defn stats-times [stats-map]
+(defn stats-times
+  [stats-map]
   (sort-by #(Integer/parseInt %)
            (-> stats-map
                (dissoc ":all-time")
-(defn topology-stats-table [id window stats]
+(defn topology-stats-table
+  [id window stats]
   (let [times (stats-times (:emitted stats))
         display-map (into {} (for [t times] [t pretty-uptime-sec]))
         display-map (assoc display-map ":all-time" (fn [_] "All time"))]
-     [{:text "Window" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                             :title (:window tips)}}
-      {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                              :title (:emitted tips)}}
-      {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                  :title (:transferred tips)}}
-      {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                            :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
-      {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                            :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
-      {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                            :title (:spout-failed tips)}}]
-     (for [k (concat times [":all-time"])
-           :let [disp ((display-map k) k)]]
-       [(link-to (if (= k window) {:class "red"} {})
-                 (url-format "/topology/%s?window=%s" id k)
-                 (escape-html disp))
-        (get-in stats [:emitted k])
-        (get-in stats [:transferred k])
-        (float-str (get-in stats [:complete-latencies k]))
-        (get-in stats [:acked k])
-        (get-in stats [:failed k])
-        ]
-       )
-     :time-cols [0]
-     )))
-(defn group-by-comp [summs]
+      [{:text "Window" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                              :title (:window tips)}}
+       {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                               :title (:emitted tips)}}
+       {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                   :title (:transferred tips)}}
+       {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                             :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
+       {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
+       {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                              :title (:spout-failed tips)}}]
+      (for [k (concat times [":all-time"])
+            :let [disp ((display-map k) k)]]
+        [(link-to (if (= k window) {:class "red"} {})
+                  (url-format "/topology/%s?window=%s" id k)
+                  (escape-html disp))
+         (get-in stats [:emitted k])
+         (get-in stats [:transferred k])
+         (float-str (get-in stats [:complete-latencies k]))
+         (get-in stats [:acked k])
+         (get-in stats [:failed k])])
+      :time-cols [0])))
+(defn group-by-comp
+  [summs]
   (let [ret (group-by #(.get_component_id ^ExecutorSummary %) summs)]
     (into (sorted-map) ret )))
-(defn error-subset [error-str]
+(defn error-subset
+  [error-str]
   (apply str (take 200 error-str)))
-(defn most-recent-error [errors-list]
+(defn most-recent-error
+  [errors-list]
   (let [error (->> errors-list
                    (sort-by #(.get_error_time_secs ^ErrorInfo %))
@@ -513,24 +523,27 @@
                     (* 60 30))
                {:class "red"}
-       (error-subset (.get_error ^ErrorInfo error))]
-      )))
+       (error-subset (.get_error ^ErrorInfo error))])))
-(defn component-link [storm-id id]
+(defn component-link
+  [storm-id id]
   (link-to (url-format "/topology/%s/component/%s" storm-id id) (escape-html id)))
-(defn worker-log-link [host port]
+(defn worker-log-link
+  [host port]
   (link-to (url-format "http://%s:%s/log?file=worker-%s.log"
-              host (*STORM-CONF* LOGVIEWER-PORT) port) (str port)))
+                       host (*STORM-CONF* LOGVIEWER-PORT) port) (str port)))
-(defn render-capacity [capacity]
+(defn render-capacity
+  [capacity]
   (let [capacity (nil-to-zero capacity)]
     [:span (if (> capacity 0.9)
-                 {:class "red"}
-                 {})
-           (float-str capacity)]))
+             {:class "red"}
+             {})
+     (float-str capacity)]))
-(defn compute-executor-capacity [^ExecutorSummary e]
+(defn compute-executor-capacity
+  [^ExecutorSummary e]
   (let [stats (.get_stats e)
         stats (if stats
                 (-> stats
@@ -541,99 +554,95 @@
         uptime (nil-to-zero (.get_uptime_secs e))
         window (if (< uptime 600) uptime 600)
         executed (-> stats :executed nil-to-zero)
-        latency (-> stats :execute-latencies nil-to-zero)
-        ]
-   (if (> window 0)
-     (div (* executed latency) (* 1000 window))
-     )))
+        latency (-> stats :execute-latencies nil-to-zero)]
+    (if (> window 0)
+      (div (* executed latency) (* 1000 window)))))
-(defn compute-bolt-capacity [executors]
+(defn compute-bolt-capacity
+  [executors]
   (->> executors
        (map compute-executor-capacity)
        (map nil-to-zero)
        (apply max)))
-(defn spout-comp-table [top-id summ-map errors window include-sys?]
+(defn spout-comp-table
+  [top-id summ-map errors window include-sys?]
-   [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                       :title (str (:comp-id tips) " " (:comp-id-link tips))}}
-    {:text "Executors" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                       :title (:num-execs tips)}}
-    {:text "Tasks" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                   :title (:num-tasks tips)}}
-    {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                     :title (:emitted tips)}}
-    {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                         :title (:transferred tips)}}
-    {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                   :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
-    {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                          :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
-    {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                           :title (:spout-failed tips)}}
-    "Last error"]
-   (for [[id summs] summ-map
-         :let [stats-seq (get-filled-stats summs)
-               stats (aggregate-spout-streams
-                      (aggregate-spout-stats
-                       stats-seq include-sys?))]]
-     [(component-link top-id id)
-      (count summs)
-      (sum-tasks summs)
-      (get-in stats [:emitted window])
-      (get-in stats [:transferred window])
-      (float-str (get-in stats [:complete-latencies window]))
-      (get-in stats [:acked window])
-      (get-in stats [:failed window])
-      (most-recent-error (get errors id))
-      ]
-     )))
-(defn bolt-comp-table [top-id summ-map errors window include-sys?]
+    [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                        :title (str (:comp-id tips) " " (:comp-id-link tips))}}
+     {:text "Executors" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                               :title (:num-execs tips)}}
+     {:text "Tasks" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                           :title (:num-tasks tips)}}
+     {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:emitted tips)}}
+     {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                 :title (:transferred tips)}}
+     {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                           :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
+     {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                           :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
+     {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                            :title (:spout-failed tips)}}
+     "Last error"]
+    (for [[id summs] summ-map
+          :let [stats-seq (get-filled-stats summs)
+                stats (aggregate-spout-streams
+                        (aggregate-spout-stats
+                          stats-seq include-sys?))]]
+      [(component-link top-id id)
+       (count summs)
+       (sum-tasks summs)
+       (get-in stats [:emitted window])
+       (get-in stats [:transferred window])
+       (float-str (get-in stats [:complete-latencies window]))
+       (get-in stats [:acked window])
+       (get-in stats [:failed window])
+       (most-recent-error (get errors id))])))
+(defn bolt-comp-table
+  [top-id summ-map errors window include-sys?]
-   [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                       :title (str (:comp-id tips) " " (:comp-id-link tips))}}
-    {:text "Executors" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                              :title (:num-execs tips)}}
-    {:text "Tasks" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                          :title (:num-tasks tips)}}
-    {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                            :title (:emitted tips)}}
-    {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                :title (:transferred tips)}}
-    {:text "Capacity (last 10m)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                        :title (:capacity tips)}}
-    {:text "Execute latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                         :title (:exec-lat tips)}}
-    {:text "Executed" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                             :title (:num-executed tips)}}
-    {:text "Process latency (ms)":attr {:class "tip above"
-                                        :title (:proc-lat tips)}}
-    {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                          :title (:bolt-acked tips)}}
-    {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                           :title (:bolt-failed tips)}}
-    "Last error"]
-   (for [[id summs] summ-map
-         :let [stats-seq (get-filled-stats summs)
-               stats (aggregate-bolt-streams
-                      (aggregate-bolt-stats
-                       stats-seq include-sys?))
-               ]]
-     [(component-link top-id id)
-      (count summs)
-      (sum-tasks summs)
-      (get-in stats [:emitted window])
-      (get-in stats [:transferred window])
-      (render-capacity (compute-bolt-capacity summs))
-      (float-str (get-in stats [:execute-latencies window]))
-      (get-in stats [:executed window])
-      (float-str (get-in stats [:process-latencies window]))
-      (get-in stats [:acked window])
-      (get-in stats [:failed window])
-      (most-recent-error (get errors id))
-      ]
-     )))
+    [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                        :title (str (:comp-id tips) " " (:comp-id-link tips))}}
+     {:text "Executors" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                               :title (:num-execs tips)}}
+     {:text "Tasks" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                           :title (:num-tasks tips)}}
+     {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:emitted tips)}}
+     {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                 :title (:transferred tips)}}
+     {:text "Capacity (last 10m)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                         :title (:capacity tips)}}
+     {:text "Execute latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                          :title (:exec-lat tips)}}
+     {:text "Executed" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                              :title (:num-executed tips)}}
+     {:text "Process latency (ms)":attr {:class "tip above"
+                                         :title (:proc-lat tips)}}
+     {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                           :title (:bolt-acked tips)}}
+     {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                            :title (:bolt-failed tips)}}
+     "Last error"]
+    (for [[id summs] summ-map
+          :let [stats-seq (get-filled-stats summs)
+                stats (aggregate-bolt-streams
+                        (aggregate-bolt-stats
+                          stats-seq include-sys?))]]
+      [(component-link top-id id)
+       (count summs)
+       (sum-tasks summs)
+       (get-in stats [:emitted window])
+       (get-in stats [:transferred window])
+       (render-capacity (compute-bolt-capacity summs))
+       (float-str (get-in stats [:execute-latencies window]))
+       (get-in stats [:executed window])
+       (float-str (get-in stats [:process-latencies window]))
+       (get-in stats [:acked window])
+       (get-in stats [:failed window])
+       (most-recent-error (get errors id))])))
 (defn window-hint [window]
   (if (= window ":all-time")
@@ -644,48 +653,48 @@
   [:input {:type "button"
            :value action
            (if enabled :enabled :disabled) ""
-           :onclick (str "confirmAction('" 
-                         (StringEscapeUtils/escapeJavaScript id) "', '" 
+           :onclick (str "confirmAction('"
+                         (StringEscapeUtils/escapeJavaScript id) "', '"
                          (StringEscapeUtils/escapeJavaScript name) "', '"
                          command "', " is-wait ", " default-wait ")")}])
-(defn topology-page [id window include-sys?]
+(defn topology-page
+  [id window include-sys?]
   (with-nimbus nimbus
-    (let [window (if window window ":all-time")
-          window-hint (window-hint window)
-          summ (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
-          topology (.getTopology ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
-          topology-conf (from-json (.getTopologyConf ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
-          spout-summs (filter (partial spout-summary? topology) (.get_executors summ))
-          bolt-summs (filter (partial bolt-summary? topology) (.get_executors summ))
-          spout-comp-summs (group-by-comp spout-summs)
-          bolt-comp-summs (group-by-comp bolt-summs)
-          bolt-comp-summs (filter-key (mk-include-sys-fn include-sys?) bolt-comp-summs)
-          name (.get_name summ)
-          status (.get_status summ)
-          msg-timeout (topology-conf TOPOLOGY-MESSAGE-TIMEOUT-SECS)
-          ]
-      (concat
-       [[:h2 "Topology summary"]]
-       [(topology-summary-table summ)]
-       [[:h2 {:class "js-only"} "Topology actions"]]
-       [[:p {:class "js-only"} (concat
-         [(topology-action-button id name "Activate" "activate" false 0 (= "INACTIVE" status))]
-         [(topology-action-button id name "Deactivate" "deactivate" false 0 (= "ACTIVE" status))]
-         [(topology-action-button id name "Rebalance" "rebalance" true msg-timeout (or (= "ACTIVE" status) (= "INACTIVE" status)))]
-         [(topology-action-button id name "Kill" "kill" true msg-timeout (not= "KILLED" status))]
-       )]]
-       [[:h2 "Topology stats"]]
-       (topology-stats-table id window (total-aggregate-stats spout-summs bolt-summs include-sys?))
-       [[:h2 "Spouts (" window-hint ")"]]
-       (spout-comp-table id spout-comp-summs (.get_errors summ) window include-sys?)
-       [[:h2 "Bolts (" window-hint ")"]]
-       (bolt-comp-table id bolt-comp-summs (.get_errors summ) window include-sys?)
-       [[:h2 "Topology Configuration"]]
-       (configuration-table topology-conf)
-       ))))
-(defn component-task-summs [^TopologyInfo summ topology id]
+               (let [window (if window window ":all-time")
+                     window-hint (window-hint window)
+                     summ (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
+                     topology (.getTopology ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
+                     topology-conf (from-json (.getTopologyConf ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
+                     spout-summs (filter (partial spout-summary? topology) (.get_executors summ))
+                     bolt-summs (filter (partial bolt-summary? topology) (.get_executors summ))
+                     spout-comp-summs (group-by-comp spout-summs)
+                     bolt-comp-summs (group-by-comp bolt-summs)
+                     bolt-comp-summs (filter-key (mk-include-sys-fn include-sys?) bolt-comp-summs)
+                     name (.get_name summ)
+                     status (.get_status summ)
+                     msg-timeout (topology-conf TOPOLOGY-MESSAGE-TIMEOUT-SECS)]
+                 (concat
+                   [[:h2 "Topology summary"]]
+                   [(topology-summary-table summ)]
+                   [[:h2 {:class "js-only"} "Topology actions"]]
+                   [[:p {:class "js-only"}
+                     (concat
+                       [(topology-action-button id name "Activate" "activate" false 0 (= "INACTIVE" status))]
+                       [(topology-action-button id name "Deactivate" "deactivate" false 0 (= "ACTIVE" status))]
+                       [(topology-action-button id name "Rebalance" "rebalance" true msg-timeout (or (= "ACTIVE" status) (= "INACTIVE" status)))]
+                       [(topology-action-button id name "Kill" "kill" true msg-timeout (not= "KILLED" status))])]]
+                   [[:h2 "Topology stats"]]
+                   (topology-stats-table id window (total-aggregate-stats spout-summs bolt-summs include-sys?))
+                   [[:h2 "Spouts (" window-hint ")"]]
+                   (spout-comp-table id spout-comp-summs (.get_errors summ) window include-sys?)
+                   [[:h2 "Bolts (" window-hint ")"]]
+                   (bolt-comp-table id bolt-comp-summs (.get_errors summ) window include-sys?)
+                   [[:h2 "Topology Configuration"]]
+                   (configuration-table topology-conf)))))
+(defn component-task-summs
+  [^TopologyInfo summ topology id]
   (let [spout-summs (filter (partial spout-summary? topology) (.get_executors summ))
         bolt-summs (filter (partial bolt-summary? topology) (.get_executors summ))
         spout-comp-summs (group-by-comp spout-summs)
@@ -693,320 +702,314 @@
         ret (if (contains? spout-comp-summs id)
               (spout-comp-summs id)
               (bolt-comp-summs id))]
-    (sort-by #(-> ^ExecutorSummary % .get_executor_info .get_task_start) ret)
-    ))
+    (sort-by #(-> ^ExecutorSummary % .get_executor_info .get_task_start) ret)))
-(defn spout-summary-table [topology-id id stats window]
+(defn spout-summary-table
+  [topology-id id stats window]
   (let [times (stats-times (:emitted stats))
         display-map (into {} (for [t times] [t pretty-uptime-sec]))
         display-map (assoc display-map ":all-time" (fn [_] "All time"))]
-     [{:text "Window" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                             :title (:window tips)}}
-      {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                              :title (:emitted tips)}}
-      {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                  :title (:transferred tips)}}
-      {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                            :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
-      {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                            :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
-      {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                            :title (:spout-failed tips)}}]
-     (for [k (concat times [":all-time"])
-           :let [disp ((display-map k) k)]]
-       [(link-to (if (= k window) {:class "red"} {})
-                 (url-format "/topology/%s/component/%s?window=%s" topology-id id k)
-                 (escape-html disp))
-        (get-in stats [:emitted k])
-        (get-in stats [:transferred k])
-        (float-str (get-in stats [:complete-latencies k]))
-        (get-in stats [:acked k])
-        (get-in stats [:failed k])
-        ])
-     :time-cols [0])))
-(defn spout-output-summary-table [stream-summary window]
+      [{:text "Window" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                              :title (:window tips)}}
+       {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                               :title (:emitted tips)}}
+       {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                   :title (:transferred tips)}}
+       {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                             :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
+       {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
+       {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                              :title (:spout-failed tips)}}]
+      (for [k (concat times [":all-time"])
+            :let [disp ((display-map k) k)]]
+        [(link-to (if (= k window) {:class "red"} {})
+                  (url-format "/topology/%s/component/%s?window=%s" topology-id id k)
+                  (escape-html disp))
+         (get-in stats [:emitted k])
+         (get-in stats [:transferred k])
+         (float-str (get-in stats [:complete-latencies k]))
+         (get-in stats [:acked k])
+         (get-in stats [:failed k])])
+      :time-cols [0])))
+(defn spout-output-summary-table
+  [stream-summary window]
   (let [stream-summary (map-val swap-map-order (swap-map-order stream-summary))]
-     [{:text "Stream" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                             :title (:stream tips)}}
-      {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                              :title (:emitted tips)}}
-      {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                  :title (:transferred tips)}}
-      {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                            :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
-      {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                            :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
-      {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                            :title (:spout-failed tips)}}]
-     (for [[s stats] (stream-summary window)]
-       [s
-        (nil-to-zero (:emitted stats))
-        (nil-to-zero (:transferred stats))
-        (float-str (:complete-latencies stats))
-        (nil-to-zero (:acked stats))
-        (nil-to-zero (:failed stats))])
-     )))
-(defn spout-executor-table [topology-id executors window include-sys?]
+      [{:text "Stream" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                              :title (:stream tips)}}
+       {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                               :title (:emitted tips)}}
+       {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                   :title (:transferred tips)}}
+       {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                             :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
+       {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
+       {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                              :title (:spout-failed tips)}}]
+      (for [[s stats] (stream-summary window)]
+        [s
+         (nil-to-zero (:emitted stats))
+         (nil-to-zero (:transferred stats))
+         (float-str (:complete-latencies stats))
+         (nil-to-zero (:acked stats))
+         (nil-to-zero (:failed stats))]))))
+(defn spout-executor-table
+  [topology-id executors window include-sys?]
-   [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                       :title (:exec-id tips)}}
-    {:text "Uptime" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                           :title (:exec-uptime tips)}}
-    {:text "Host" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                         :title (:sup-host tips)}}
-    {:text "Port" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                         :title (:port tips)}}
-    {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                            :title (:emitted tips)}}
-    {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                :title (:transferred tips)}}
-    {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                          :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
-    {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                          :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
-    {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                          :title (:spout-failed tips)}}]
-   (for [^ExecutorSummary e executors
-         :let [stats (.get_stats e)
-               stats (if stats
-                       (-> stats
-                           (aggregate-spout-stats include-sys?)
-                           aggregate-spout-streams
-                           swap-map-order
-                           (get window)))]]
-     [(pretty-executor-info (.get_executor_info e))
-      (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs e))
-      (.get_host e)
-      (worker-log-link (.get_host e) (.get_port e))
-      (nil-to-zero (:emitted stats))
-      (nil-to-zero (:transferred stats))
-      (float-str (:complete-latencies stats))
-      (nil-to-zero (:acked stats))
-      (nil-to-zero (:failed stats))
-      ]
-     )
-   :time-cols [1]
-   ))
-(defn spout-page [window ^TopologyInfo topology-info component executors include-sys?]
+    [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                        :title (:exec-id tips)}}
+     {:text "Uptime" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                            :title (:exec-uptime tips)}}
+     {:text "Host" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                          :title (:sup-host tips)}}
+     {:text "Port" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                          :title (:port tips)}}
+     {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:emitted tips)}}
+     {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                 :title (:transferred tips)}}
+     {:text "Complete latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                           :title (:complete-lat tips)}}
+     {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                           :title (:spout-acked tips)}}
+     {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                            :title (:spout-failed tips)}}]
+    (for [^ExecutorSummary e executors
+          :let [stats (.get_stats e)
+                stats (if stats
+                        (-> stats
+                            (aggregate-spout-stats include-sys?)
+                            aggregate-spout-streams
+                            swap-map-order
+                            (get window)))]]
+      [(pretty-executor-info (.get_executor_info e))
+       (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs e))
+       (.get_host e)
+       (worker-log-link (.get_host e) (.get_port e))
+       (nil-to-zero (:emitted stats))
+       (nil-to-zero (:transferred stats))
+       (float-str (:complete-latencies stats))
+       (nil-to-zero (:acked stats))
+       (nil-to-zero (:failed stats))])
+    :time-cols [1]))
+(defn spout-page
+  [window ^TopologyInfo topology-info component executors include-sys?]
   (let [window-hint (str " (" (window-hint window) ")")
         stats (get-filled-stats executors)
         stream-summary (-> stats (aggregate-spout-stats include-sys?))
         summary (-> stream-summary aggregate-spout-streams)]
-     [[:h2 "Spout stats"]]
-     (spout-summary-table (.get_id topology-info) component summary window)
-     [[:h2 "Output stats" window-hint]]
-     (spout-output-summary-table stream-summary window)
-     [[:h2 "Executors" window-hint]]
-     (spout-executor-table (.get_id topology-info) executors window include-sys?)
-     ;; task id, task uptime, stream aggregated stats, last error
-     )))
-(defn bolt-output-summary-table [stream-summary window]
+      [[:h2 "Spout stats"]]
+      (spout-summary-table (.get_id topology-info) component summary window)
+      [[:h2 "Output stats" window-hint]]
+      (spout-output-summary-table stream-summary window)
+      [[:h2 "Executors" window-hint]]
+      ;; task id, task uptime, stream aggregated stats, last error
+      (spout-executor-table (.get_id topology-info) executors window include-sys?))))
+(defn bolt-output-summary-table
+  [stream-summary window]
   (let [stream-summary (-> stream-summary
                            (get window)
                            (select-keys [:emitted :transferred])
-     [{:text "Stream" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                             :title (:stream tips)}}
-      {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                              :title (:emitted tips)}}
-      {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                  :title (:transferred tips)}}]
-     (for [[s stats] stream-summary]
-       [s
-        (nil-to-zero (:emitted stats))
-        (nil-to-zero (:transferred stats))
-        ])
-     )))
-(defn bolt-input-summary-table [stream-summary window]
+      [{:text "Stream" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                              :title (:stream tips)}}
+       {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                               :title (:emitted tips)}}
+       {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                   :title (:transferred tips)}}]
+      (for [[s stats] stream-summary]
+        [s
+         (nil-to-zero (:emitted stats))
+         (nil-to-zero (:transferred stats))]))))
+(defn bolt-input-summary-table
+  [stream-summary window]
   (let [stream-summary (-> stream-summary
                            (get window)
                            (select-keys [:acked :failed :process-latencies :executed :execute-latencies])
-     [{:text "Component" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                         :title (:comp-id tips)}}
-      {:text "Stream" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                             :title (:stream tips)}}
-      {:text "Execute latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                           :title (:exec-lat tips)}}
-      {:text "Executed" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                               :title (:num-executed tips)}}
-      {:text "Process latency (ms)":attr {:class "tip above"
-                                          :title (:proc-lat tips)}}
-      {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                            :title (:bolt-acked tips)}}
-      {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                             :title (:bolt-failed tips)}}]
-     (for [[^GlobalStreamId s stats] stream-summary]
-       [(escape-html (.get_componentId s))
-        (.get_streamId s)
-        (float-str (:execute-latencies stats))
-        (nil-to-zero (:executed stats))
-        (float-str (:process-latencies stats))
-        (nil-to-zero (:acked stats))
-        (nil-to-zero (:failed stats))
-        ])
-     )))
-(defn bolt-executor-table [topology-id executors window include-sys?]
+      [{:text "Component" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                                 :title (:comp-id tips)}}
+       {:text "Stream" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                              :title (:stream tips)}}
+       {:text "Execute latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                            :title (:exec-lat tips)}}
+       {:text "Executed" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                :title (:num-executed tips)}}
+       {:text "Process latency (ms)":attr {:class "tip above"
+                                           :title (:proc-lat tips)}}
+       {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:bolt-acked tips)}}
+       {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                              :title (:bolt-failed tips)}}]
+      (for [[^GlobalStreamId s stats] stream-summary]
+        [(escape-html (.get_componentId s))
+         (.get_streamId s)
+         (float-str (:execute-latencies stats))
+         (nil-to-zero (:executed stats))
+         (float-str (:process-latencies stats))
+         (nil-to-zero (:acked stats))
+         (nil-to-zero (:failed stats))]))))
+(defn bolt-executor-table
+  [topology-id executors window include-sys?]
-   [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                       :title (:exec-id tips)}}
-    {:text "Uptime" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                           :title (:exec-uptime tips)}}
-    {:text "Host" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                         :title (:sup-host tips)}}
-    {:text "Port" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                         :title (:port tips)}}
-    {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                            :title (:emitted tips)}}
-    {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                :title (:transferred tips)}}
-    {:text "Capacity (last 10m)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                        :title (:capacity tips)}}
-    {:text "Execute latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                         :title (:exec-lat tips)}}
-    {:text "Executed" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                             :title (:num-executed tips)}}
-    {:text "Process latency (ms)":attr {:class "tip above"
-                                        :title (:proc-lat tips)}}
-    {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                          :title (:bolt-acked tips)}}
-    {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                           :title (:bolt-failed tips)}}]
-   (for [^ExecutorSummary e executors
-         :let [stats (.get_stats e)
-               stats (if stats
-                       (-> stats
-                           (aggregate-bolt-stats include-sys?)
-                           (aggregate-bolt-streams)
-                           swap-map-order
-                           (get window)))]]
-     [(pretty-executor-info (.get_executor_info e))
-      (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs e))
-      (.get_host e)
-      (worker-log-link (.get_host e) (.get_port e))
-      (nil-to-zero (:emitted stats))
-      (nil-to-zero (:transferred stats))
-      (render-capacity (compute-executor-capacity e))
-      (float-str (:execute-latencies stats))
-      (nil-to-zero (:executed stats))
-      (float-str (:process-latencies stats))
-      (nil-to-zero (:acked stats))
-      (nil-to-zero (:failed stats))
-      ]
-     )
-   :time-cols [1]
-   ))
-(defn bolt-summary-table [topology-id id stats window]
+    [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                        :title (:exec-id tips)}}
+     {:text "Uptime" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                            :title (:exec-uptime tips)}}
+     {:text "Host" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                          :title (:sup-host tips)}}
+     {:text "Port" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                          :title (:port tips)}}
+     {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:emitted tips)}}
+     {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                 :title (:transferred tips)}}
+     {:text "Capacity (last 10m)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                         :title (:capacity tips)}}
+     {:text "Execute latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                          :title (:exec-lat tips)}}
+     {:text "Executed" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                              :title (:num-executed tips)}}
+     {:text "Process latency (ms)":attr {:class "tip above"
+                                         :title (:proc-lat tips)}}
+     {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                           :title (:bolt-acked tips)}}
+     {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                            :title (:bolt-failed tips)}}]
+    (for [^ExecutorSummary e executors
+          :let [stats (.get_stats e)
+                stats (if stats
+                        (-> stats
+                            (aggregate-bolt-stats include-sys?)
+                            (aggregate-bolt-streams)
+                            swap-map-order
+                            (get window)))]]
+      [(pretty-executor-info (.get_executor_info e))
+       (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs e))
+       (.get_host e)
+       (worker-log-link (.get_host e) (.get_port e))
+       (nil-to-zero (:emitted stats))
+       (nil-to-zero (:transferred stats))
+       (render-capacity (compute-executor-capacity e))
+       (float-str (:execute-latencies stats))
+       (nil-to-zero (:executed stats))
+       (float-str (:process-latencies stats))
+       (nil-to-zero (:acked stats))
+       (nil-to-zero (:failed stats))])
+    :time-cols [1]))
+(defn bolt-summary-table
+  [topology-id id stats window]
   (let [times (stats-times (:emitted stats))
         display-map (into {} (for [t times] [t pretty-uptime-sec]))
         display-map (assoc display-map ":all-time" (fn [_] "All time"))]
-     [{:text "Window" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                             :title (:window tips)}}
-      {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                              :title (:emitted tips)}}
-      {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                  :title (:transferred tips)}}
-      {:text "Execute latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                           :title (:exec-lat tips)}}
-      {:text "Executed" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                               :title (:num-executed tips)}}
-      {:text "Process latency (ms)":attr {:class "tip above"
-                                          :title (:proc-lat tips)}}
-      {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                            :title (:bolt-acked tips)}}
-      {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
-                             :title (:bolt-failed tips)}}]
-     (for [k (concat times [":all-time"])
-           :let [disp ((display-map k) k)]]
-       [(link-to (if (= k window) {:class "red"} {})
-                 (url-format "/topology/%s/component/%s?window=%s" topology-id id k)
-                 (escape-html disp))
-        (get-in stats [:emitted k])
-        (get-in stats [:transferred k])
-        (float-str (get-in stats [:execute-latencies k]))
-        (get-in stats [:executed k])
-        (float-str (get-in stats [:process-latencies k]))
-        (get-in stats [:acked k])
-        (get-in stats [:failed k])
-        ])
-     :time-cols [0])))
-(defn bolt-page [window ^TopologyInfo topology-info component executors include-sys?]
+      [{:text "Window" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                              :title (:window tips)}}
+       {:text "Emitted" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                               :title (:emitted tips)}}
+       {:text "Transferred" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                   :title (:transferred tips)}}
+       {:text "Execute latency (ms)" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                            :title (:exec-lat tips)}}
+       {:text "Executed" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                :title (:num-executed tips)}}
+       {:text "Process latency (ms)":attr {:class "tip above"
+                                           :title (:proc-lat tips)}}
+       {:text "Acked" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                             :title (:bolt-acked tips)}}
+       {:text "Failed" :attr {:class "tip left"
+                              :title (:bolt-failed tips)}}]
+      (for [k (concat times [":all-time"])
+            :let [disp ((display-map k) k)]]
+        [(link-to (if (= k window) {:class "red"} {})
+                  (url-format "/topology/%s/component/%s?window=%s" topology-id id k)
+                  (escape-html disp))
+         (get-in stats [:emitted k])
+         (get-in stats [:transferred k])
+         (float-str (get-in stats [:execute-latencies k]))
+         (get-in stats [:executed k])
+         (float-str (get-in stats [:process-latencies k]))
+         (get-in stats [:acked k])
+         (get-in stats [:failed k])])
+      :time-cols [0])))
+(defn bolt-page
+  [window ^TopologyInfo topology-info component executors include-sys?]
   (let [window-hint (str " (" (window-hint window) ")")
         stats (get-filled-stats executors)
         stream-summary (-> stats (aggregate-bolt-stats include-sys?))
         summary (-> stream-summary aggregate-bolt-streams)]
-     [[:h2 "Bolt stats"]]
-     (bolt-summary-table (.get_id topology-info) component summary window)
+      [[:h2 "Bolt stats"]]
+      (bolt-summary-table (.get_id topology-info) component summary window)
-     [[:h2 "Input stats" window-hint]]
-     (bolt-input-summary-table stream-summary window)
+      [[:h2 "Input stats" window-hint]]
+      (bolt-input-summary-table stream-summary window)
-     [[:h2 "Output stats" window-hint]]
-     (bolt-output-summary-table stream-summary window)
+      [[:h2 "Output stats" window-hint]]
+      (bolt-output-summary-table stream-summary window)
-     [[:h2 "Executors"]]
-     (bolt-executor-table (.get_id topology-info) executors window include-sys?)
-     )))
+      [[:h2 "Executors"]]
+      (bolt-executor-table (.get_id topology-info) executors window include-sys?))))
-(defn errors-table [errors-list]
+(defn errors-table
+  [errors-list]
   (let [errors (->> errors-list
                     (sort-by #(.get_error_time_secs ^ErrorInfo %))
-     ["Time" "Error"]
-     (for [^ErrorInfo e errors]
-       [(date-str (.get_error_time_secs e))
-        [:pre (.get_error e)]])
-     :sort-list "[[0,1]]"
-     )))
-(defn component-page [topology-id component window include-sys?]
+      ["Time" "Error"]
+      (for [^ErrorInfo e errors]
+        [(date-str (.get_error_time_secs e))
+         [:pre (.get_error e)]])
+      :sort-list "[[0,1]]")))
+(defn component-page
+  [topology-id component window include-sys?]
   (with-nimbus nimbus
-    (let [window (if window window ":all-time")
-          summ (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus topology-id)
-          topology (.getTopology ^Nimbus$Client nimbus topology-id)
-          type (component-type topology component)
-          summs (component-task-summs summ topology component)
-          spec (cond (= type :spout) (spout-page window summ component summs include-sys?)
-                     (= type :bolt) (bolt-page window summ component summs include-sys?))]
-      (concat
-       [[:h2 "Component summary"]
-        (table [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
-                                   :title (:comp-id tips)}}
-                {:text "Topology" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                   :title (str (:name tips) " " (:name-link tips))}}
-                {:text "Executors" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                                   :title (:num-execs tips)}}
-                {:text "Tasks" :attr {:class "tip above"
-                               :title (:num-tasks tips)}}]
-               [[(escape-html component)
-                 (topology-link (.get_id summ) (.get_name summ))
-                 (count summs)
-                 (sum-tasks summs)
-                 ]])]
-       spec
-       [[:h2 "Errors"]
-        (errors-table (get (.get_errors summ) component))]
-       ))))
-(defn get-include-sys? [cookies]
+               (let [window (if window window ":all-time")
+                     summ (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus topology-id)
+                     topology (.getTopology ^Nimbus$Client nimbus topology-id)
+                     type (component-type topology component)
+                     summs (component-task-summs summ topology component)
+                     spec (cond (= type :spout) (spout-page window summ component summs include-sys?)
+                                (= type :bolt) (bolt-page window summ component summs include-sys?))]
+                 (concat
+                   [[:h2 "Component summary"]
+                    (table [{:text "Id" :attr {:class "tip right"
+                                               :title (:comp-id tips)}}
+                            {:text "Topology" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                                     :title (str (:name tips) " " (:name-link tips))}}
+                            {:text "Executors" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                                      :title (:num-execs tips)}}
+                            {:text "Tasks" :attr {:class "tip above"
+                                                  :title (:num-tasks tips)}}]
+                           [[(escape-html component)
+                             (topology-link (.get_id summ) (.get_name summ))
+                             (count summs)
+                             (sum-tasks summs)
+                             ]])]
+                   spec
+                   [[:h2 "Errors"]
+                    (errors-table (get (.get_errors summ) component))]))))
+(defn get-include-sys?
+  [cookies]
   (let [sys? (get cookies "sys")
         sys? (if (or (nil? sys?) (= "false" (:value sys?))) false true)]
@@ -1017,81 +1020,84 @@
   (GET "/topology/:id" [:as {cookies :cookies} id & m]
        (let [include-sys? (get-include-sys? cookies)
-            id (url-decode id)]
+             id (url-decode id)]
            (-> (topology-page (url-decode id) (:window m) include-sys?)
-             (concat [(mk-system-toggle-button include-sys?)])
-             ui-template)
+               (concat [(mk-system-toggle-button include-sys?)])
+               ui-template)
            (catch Exception e (resp/redirect "/")))))
   (GET "/topology/:id/component/:component" [:as {cookies :cookies} id component & m]
        (let [include-sys? (get-include-sys? cookies)
-            id (url-decode id)
-            component (url-decode component)]
+             id (url-decode id)
+             component (url-decode component)]
          (-> (component-page id component (:window m) include-sys?)
              (concat [(mk-system-toggle-button include-sys?)])
   (POST "/topology/:id/activate" [id]
-    (with-nimbus nimbus
-      (let [id (url-decode id)
-            tplg (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
-            name (.get_name tplg)]
-        (.activate nimbus name)
-        (log-message "Activating topology '" name "'")))
-    (resp/redirect (str "/topology/" id)))
+        (with-nimbus nimbus
+                     (let [id (url-decode id)
+                           tplg (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
+                           name (.get_name tplg)]
+                       (.activate nimbus name)
+                       (log-message "Activating topology '" name "'")))
+        (resp/redirect (str "/topology/" id)))
   (POST "/topology/:id/deactivate" [id]
-    (with-nimbus nimbus
-      (let [id (url-decode id)
-            tplg (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
-            name (.get_name tplg)]
-        (.deactivate nimbus name)
-        (log-message "Deactivating topology '" name "'")))
-    (resp/redirect (str "/topology/" id)))
+        (with-nimbus nimbus
+                     (let [id (url-decode id)
+                           tplg (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
+                           name (.get_name tplg)]
+                       (.deactivate nimbus name)
+                       (log-message "Deactivating topology '" name "'")))
+        (resp/redirect (str "/topology/" id)))
   (POST "/topology/:id/rebalance/:wait-time" [id wait-time]
-    (with-nimbus nimbus
-      (let [id (url-decode id)
-            tplg (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
-            name (.get_name tplg)
-            options (RebalanceOptions.)]
-        (.set_wait_secs options (Integer/parseInt wait-time))
-        (.rebalance nimbus name options)
-        (log-message "Rebalancing topology '" name "' with wait time: " wait-time " secs")))
-    (resp/redirect (str "/topology/" id)))
+        (with-nimbus nimbus
+                     (let [id (url-decode id)
+                           tplg (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
+                           name (.get_name tplg)
+                           options (RebalanceOptions.)]
+                       (.set_wait_secs options (Integer/parseInt wait-time))
+                       (.rebalance nimbus name options)
+                       (log-message "Rebalancing topology '" name "' with wait time: " wait-time " secs")))
+        (resp/redirect (str "/topology/" id)))
   (POST "/topology/:id/kill/:wait-time" [id wait-time]
-    (with-nimbus nimbus
-      (let [id (url-decode id)
-            tplg (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
-            name (.get_name tplg)
-            options (KillOptions.)]
-        (.set_wait_secs options (Integer/parseInt wait-time))
-        (.killTopologyWithOpts nimbus name options)
-        (log-message "Killing topology '" name "' with wait time: " wait-time " secs")))
-    (resp/redirect (str "/topology/" id)))
+        (with-nimbus nimbus
+                     (let [id (url-decode id)
+                           tplg (.getTopologyInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
+                           name (.get_name tplg)
+                           options (KillOptions.)]
+                       (.set_wait_secs options (Integer/parseInt wait-time))
+                       (.killTopologyWithOpts nimbus name options)
+                       (log-message "Killing topology '" name "' with wait time: " wait-time " secs")))
+        (resp/redirect (str "/topology/" id)))
   (route/resources "/")
   (route/not-found "Page not found"))
-(defn exception->html [ex]
+(defn exception->html
+  [ex]
     [[:h2 "Internal Server Error"]]
     [[:pre (let [sw (]
-      (.printStackTrace ex ( sw))
-      (.toString sw))]]))
+             (.printStackTrace ex ( sw))
+             (.toString sw))]]))
-(defn catch-errors [handler]
+(defn catch-errors
+  [handler]
   (fn [request]
       (handler request)
       (catch Exception ex
         (-> (resp/response (ui-template (exception->html ex)))
-          (resp/status 500)
-          (resp/content-type "text/html"))
-        ))))
+            (resp/status 500)
+            (resp/content-type "text/html"))))))
 (def app
   (handler/site (-> main-routes
                     (wrap-reload '[backtype.storm.ui.core])
-(defn start-server! [] (run-jetty app {:port (Integer. (*STORM-CONF* UI-PORT))
-                                       :join? false}))
+(defn start-server!
+  []
+  (run-jetty app {:port (Integer. (*STORM-CONF* UI-PORT))
+                  :join? false}))
 (defn -main [] (start-server!))