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Posted to by Plorks mail <> on 2005/05/03 17:23:54 UTC

Does this make sense

I'm trying to do the following.  Can someone tell me whether it is 
OK/possible  doing it this way
Is there a better way of doing it

I'm writing server-side web services, exposing methods to clients (these can 
be anything).

I need to create a custom soap header.  Would it be best for the client to 
do this?

I then need to add a value to the SOAP header.  Is the below code the right 
wya of doing this?

public static String addSOAPHeader(String token) throws Exception
        URL endpoint = new URL("http://localhost:8080/somwhere");
        Service service = new Service();
        Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
        SOAPHeaderElement TokenHeader = new 



With every call the client makes, will this value disappear or will it keep 
it.  How do i make sure the value is kept, until the client is closed ?

Also i'm ok with setting a vlaue (i think), how do i 'grab' the value?

Many thanks

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