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[GitHub] [trafficcontrol] ocket8888 commented on a change in pull request #3266: Added an implementation of the to-access functions to Python client package

ocket8888 commented on a change in pull request #3266: Added an implementation of the to-access functions to Python client package

 File path: traffic_control/clients/python/to_access/
 @@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+.. _toaccess:
+.. program:: toaccess
+This module provides a set of functions meant to provide ease-of-use functionality for interacting
+with the Traffic Ops API. It provides scripts named :file:`to{method}` where `method` is the name of
+an HTTP method (in lowercase). Collectively they are referred to as :program:`toaccess` Implemented
+methods thus far are:
+- delete
+- head
+- get
+- options
+- patch
+- post
+- put
+Arguments and Flags
+.. option:: PATH
+	This is the request path. By default, whatever is passed is considered to be relative to
+	:file:`/api/{api_version}/` where ``api_version`` is :option:`--api_version`. This behavior can
+	be disabled by using :option:`--raw_path`.
+.. option:: DATA
+	An optional positional argument that is a data payload to pass to the Traffic Ops server in the
+	request body. If this is the absolute or relative path to a file, the contents of the file will
+	instead be read and used as the request payload.
+.. option:: -h, --help
+	Print usage information and exit
+.. option:: -a API_VERSION, --api_version API_VERSION
+	Specifies the version of the Traffic Ops API that will be used for the request. Has no effect if
+	:option:`--raw_path` is used. (Default: 1.3)
+.. option:: -f, --full
+	Output the full HTTP exchange including request method line, request headers, request body (if
+	any), response status line, and response headers (as well as the response body, if any). This is
+	equivalent to using :option:`--request_headers`, :option:`--request_payload`, and
+	:option:`--response_headers` at the same time, and those options will have no effect if given.
+	(Default: false)
+.. option:: -k, --insecure
+	Do not verify SSL certificates - typically useful for making requests to development or testing
+	servers as they frequently have self-signed certificates. (Default: false)
+.. option:: -p, --pretty
+	Pretty-print any payloads that are output as formatted JSON. Has no effect on plaintext payloads.
+	Uses tab characters for indentation. (Default: false)
+.. option:: -r, --raw_path
+	Request exactly :option:`PATH`; do not preface the request path with :file:`/api/{api_version}`.
+	This effectively means that :option:`--api_version` will have no effect. (Default: false)
+.. option:: --request_headers
+	Output the request method line and any and all request headers. (Default: false)
+.. option:: --request_payload
+	Output the request body if any was sent. Will attempt to pretty-print the body as JSON if
+	:option:`--pretty` is used. (Default: false)
+.. option:: --response_headers
+	Output the response status line and any and all response headers. (Default: false)
+.. option:: --to_url URL
+	The :abbr:`FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)` and optionally the port and scheme of the Traffic
+	Ops server. This will override :envvar:`TO_URL`. The format is the same as for :envvar:`TO_URL`.
+	(Default: uses the value of :envvar:`TO_URL`)
+.. option:: --to_password PASSWORD
+	The password to use when authenticating to Traffic Ops. Overrides :envvar:`TO_PASSWORD`.
+	(Default: uses the value of :envvar:`TO_PASSWORD`)
+.. option:: --to_user USERNAME
+	The username to use when connecting to Traffic Ops. Overrides :envvar:`TO_USER`. (Default: uses
+	the value of :envvar:`TO_USER`)
+Environment Variables
+If defined, :program:`toaccess` scripts will use these environment variables to define their
+connection to and authentication with the Traffic Ops server. Typically, setting these is easier
+than using the long options :option:`--to_url`, :option:`--to_user`, and :option:`--to_password` on
+every invocation.
+.. envvar:: TO_PASSWORD
+	Will be used to authenticate the user defined by either :option:`--to_user` or :envvar:`TO_USER`.
+.. envvar:: TO_URL
+	The :abbr:`FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)` of the Traffic Ops server to which the script
+	will connect. The format of this should be :file:`[{http or https}://]{hostname}[:{port}]`. Note
+	that this may optionally start with ``http://`` or ``https://`` (case insensitive), but
+	typically this is unnecessary. Also notice that the port number may be specified, though again
+	this isn't usually required. All :program:`toaccess` scripts will assume that port 443 should be
+	used unless otherwise specified. They will further assume that the protocol is HTTPS unless
+	:envvar:`TO_URL` (or :option:`--to_url`) starts with ``http://``, in which case the default port
+	will also be set to 80 unless otherwise specified in the URL.
+.. envvar:: TO_USER
+	The name of the user as whom to connect to the Traffic Ops server. Overriden by
+	:option:`--to_user`.
+Exit Codes
+The exit code of a :program:`toaccess` script can sometimes be used by the caller to determine what
+the result of calling the script was without needing to parse the output. The exit codes used are:
+	The command executed successfully, and the result is on STDOUT.
+	Typically this exit code means that an error was encountered when parsing positional command
+	line arguments. However, this is also the exit code used by most Python interpreters to signal
+	an unhandled exception.
+	Signifies a runtime error that caused the request to fail - this is **not** generally indicative
+	of an HTTP client or server error, but rather an underlying issue connecting to or
+	authenticating with Traffic Ops. This is distinct from an exit code of ``32`` in that the
+	*format* of the arguments was correct, but there was some problem with the *value*. For example,
+	passing ``https://test:`` to :option:`--to_url` will cause an exit code of ``2``, not ``32``.
+	An HTTP client error occurred. The HTTP stack will be printed to stdout as indicated by other
+	options - meaning by default it will only print the response payload if one was given, but will
+	respect options like e.g. :option:`--request_payload` as well as
+	:option:`-p`/:option:`--pretty`.
+	An HTTP server error occurred. The HTTP stack will be printed to stdout as indicated by other
+	options - meaning by default it will only print the response payload if one was given, but will
+	respect options like e.g. :option:`--request_payload` as well as
+	:option:`-p`/:option:`--pretty`.
+	This is the error code emitted by Python's :mod:`argparse` module when the passed arguments
+	could not be parsed successfully.
+.. note:: The way exit codes ``4`` and ``5`` are implemented is by returning the status code of the
+	HTTP request divided by 100 whenever it is at least 400. This means that if the Traffic Ops
+	server ever started returning e.g. 700 status codes, the exit code of the script would be 7.
+Module Reference
+from __future__ import print_function, raise_from
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from trafficops.restapi import LoginError, OperationError, InvalidJSONError
+from trafficops.tosession import TOSession
+l = logging.getLogger()
+l.disabled = True
+#: The full path to a file used to store the user's Mojolicious athentication cookie (currently unused)
+COOKIEFILE = "" #os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".to-auth.cookie"))
+def set_cookie(cookie):
+	"""
+	Writes the passed cookie to the :data:`COOKIEFILE` file for later use.
+	.. warning::
+		Currently this function is never used, and it depends on the value of :data:`COOKIEFILE`,
+		which at the moment is being set to an empty string.
+	"""
+	with open(COOKIEFILE, "w") as f:
+		f.write(cookie)
+def output(r, pretty, request_header, response_header, request_payload, indent = '\t'):
+	"""
+	Prints the passed response object in a format consistent with the other parameters.
+	:param r: The :mod:`requests` response object being printed
+	:param pretty: If :const:`True`, attempt to pretty-print payloads as JSON
+	:param reqHeader: If :const:`True`, print request line and request headers
+	:param respHeader: If :const:`True`, print response line and response headers
+	:param reqPayload: If :const:`True`, print the request payload
+	:param indent: An optional number of spaces for pretty-printing indentation (default is the tab character)
+	"""
+	if request_header:
+		print(r.request.method, r.request.path_url, "HTTP/1.1")
+		for h,v in r.request.headers.items():
+			print("%s:" % h, v)
+		print()
+	if request_payload and r.request.body:
+		try:
+			result = r.request.body if not pretty else json.dumps(json.loads(r.request.body))
+		except ValueError:
+			result = r.request.body
+		print(result, end="\n\n")
+	if response_header:
+		print("HTTP/1.1", r.status_code, end="")
+		print(" "+r.reason if r.reason else "")
+		for h,v in r.headers.items():
+			print("%s:" % h, v)
+		print()
+	try:
+		result = r.text if not pretty else json.dumps(r.json(), indent=indent)
+	except ValueError:
+		result = r.text
+	print(result)
+def parse_arguments(program):
+	"""
+	A common-use function that parses the command line arguments.
+	:param program: The name of the program being run - used for usage informational output
+	:returns: The Traffic Ops HTTP session object, the requested path, any data to be sent, an output
+	          format specification, whether or not the path is raw, and whether or not output should
+	          be prettified
+	"""
+	from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
+	parser = ArgumentParser(prog=program,
+	                        formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
+	                        description="A helper program for interfacing with the Traffic Ops API",
+	                        epilog=("Typically, one will want to connect and authenticate by defining "
+	                               "the 'TO_URL', 'TO_USER' and 'TO_PASSWORD' environment variables "
+	                               "rather than (respectively) the '--to_url', '--to_user' and "
+	                               "'--to_password' command-line flags. Those flags are only "
+	                               "required when said environment variables are not defined.\n"
+	                               "%(prog)s will exit with a success provided a response was "
+	                               "received and the status code of said response was less than 400. "
+	                               "The exit code will be 1 if command line arguments cannot be "
+	                               "parsed or authentication with the Traffic Ops server fails. "
+	                               "In the event of some unknown error occurring when waiting for a "
+	                               "response, the exit code will be 2. If the server responds with "
+	                               "a status code indicating a client or server error, that status "
+	                               "code will be used as the exit code."))
+	parser.add_argument("--to_url",
+	                    type=str,
+	                    help=("The fully qualified domain name of the Traffic Ops server. Overrides "
+	                         "'$TO_URL'. The format for both the environment variable and the flag "
+	                         "is '[scheme]hostname[:port]'. That is, ports should be specified here, "
+	                         "and they need not start with 'http://' or 'https://'. HTTPS is the "
+	                         "assumed protocol unless the scheme _is_ provided and is 'http://'."))
+	parser.add_argument("--to_user",
+	                    type=str,
+	                    help="The username to use when connecting to Traffic Ops. Overrides '$TO_USER")
+	parser.add_argument("--to_password",
+	                    type=str,
+	                    help="The password to use when authenticating to Traffic Ops. Overrides '$TO_PASSWORD'")
+	parser.add_argument("-k", "--insecure", action="store_true", help="Do not verify SSL certificates")
+	parser.add_argument("-f", "--full",
+	                    action="store_true",
+	                    help=("Also output HTTP request/response lines and headers, and request payload. "
+	                         "This is equivalent to using '--request_headers', '--response_headers' "
+	                         "and '--request_payload' at the same time."))
+	parser.add_argument("--request_headers",
+	                    action="store_true",
+	                    help="Output request method line and headers")
+	parser.add_argument("--response_headers",
+	                    action="store_true",
+	                    help="Output response status line and headers")
+	parser.add_argument("--request_payload",
+	                    action="store_true",
+	                    help="Output request payload (will try to pretty-print if '--pretty' is given)")
+	parser.add_argument("-r", "--raw_path",
+	                    action="store_true",
+	                    help="Request exactly PATH; it won't be prefaced with '/api/{{api_version}}/")
+	parser.add_argument("-a", "--api_version",
+	                    type=float,
+	                    default=1.3,
+	                    help="Specify the API version to request against")
+	parser.add_argument("-p", "--pretty",
+	                    action="store_true",
+	                    help=("Pretty-print payloads as JSON. "
+	                         "Note that this will make Content-Type headers \"wrong\", in general"))
+	parser.add_argument("PATH", help="The path to the resource being requested - omit '/api/1.x'")
+	parser.add_argument("DATA",
+	                    help=("An optional data string to pass with the request. If this is a "
+	                         "filename, the contents of the file will be sent instead."),
+	                    nargs='?')
+	args = parser.parse_args()
+	try:
+		to_host = args.to_host if args.to_host else os.environ["TO_URL"]
+	except KeyError as e:
+		raise KeyError("Traffic Ops hostname not set! Set the TO_URL environment variable or use "\
+		               "'--to_url'.") from e
+	useSSL = True
+	to_port = 443
+	if to_host.lower().startswith("http://"):
+		to_host = to_host[7:]
+		useSSL = False
+		to_port = 80
+	elif to_host.lower().startswith("https://"):
+		to_host = to_host[8:]
+	portpos = to_host.find(':')
+	if portpos > 0:
+		to_port = int(to_host[portpos+1:])
+		to_host = to_host[:portpos]
+	s = TOSession(to_host,
+	              host_port=to_port,
+	              ssl=useSSL,
+	              api_version=str(args.api_version),
+	              verify_cert=not args.insecure)
+	# s.create()
+	# The TOSession object's methods will handle '/' stripping for us, so it's only necessary with
+	# raw paths.
+	path = args.PATH if not args.raw_path else '/'.join((s.to_url.rstrip('/'), args.PATH.lstrip('/')))
+	data = args.DATA
+	if data and os.path.isfile(data):
+		with open(data) as f:
+			data =
+	if isinstance(data, str):
+		data = data.encode()
+	# if os.path.isfile(COOKIEFILE):
+	# 	with open(COOKIEFILE) as f:
+	# 		s._session.cookies.set("mojolicious",
+	# 	return s, path, data, args.full, args.raw_path
+	try:
+		to_user = args.to_user if args.to_user else os.environ["TO_USER"]
+	except KeyError as e:
+		raise KeyError("Traffic Ops user not set! Set the TO_USER environment variable or use "\
+		               "'--to_user'.") from e
+	try:
+		to_passwd = args.to_password if args.to_password else os.environ["TO_PASSWORD"]
+	except KeyError as e:
+		raise KeyError("Traffic Ops password not set! Set the TO_PASSWORD environment variable or "\
+		               "use '--to_password'") from e
+	try:
+		s.login(to_user, to_passwd)
+	except (OperationError, InvalidJSONError, LoginError) as e:
+		raise PermissionError from e
+	return (s,
+	       path,
+	       data,
+	       (
+	         args.request_headers or args.full,
+	         args.response_headers or args.full,
+	         args.request_payload or args.full
+	       ),
+	       args.raw_path,
+	       args.pretty)
+def get():
+	"""
+	Entry point for :program:`toget`
+	:returns: The program's exit code
+	"""
+	try:
+		s, path, data, full, raw, pretty = parse_arguments("toget")
+	except (PermissionError, KeyError) as e:
+		print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+		return 1
+	try:
+		if raw:
+			if data is not None:
 Review comment:
   That only works if you also want to skip the contained procedures _whenever_ `data` is a False-y value. In this case it could be an empty string, and while the meaning of that is unclear, the intention here is to reproduce exactly what is asked for on the command line.

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