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Posted to by Ming Zhao <> on 2015/04/28 20:13:38 UTC

Writing Spark RDDs into Kafka


I wonder if anyone has a good example of how to write Spark RDDs into
Kafka.  Specifically, my question is if there is an advantage of sending a
list of messages each time over sending one message at a time.

Sample code for sending one message at a time:

dStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
  rdd.collect().foreach(myObj => {
    val keyedMessage:KeyedMessage[String, String] = ??? //do something
to convert mObj to KeyedMessage

Sample code for sending a list of messages:

dStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
  var messages = new ListBuffer[KeyedMessage[String, String]]()
  rdd.collect().foreach(myObj => {
    val keyedMessage:KeyedMessage[String, String] = ??? //do something
to convert mObj to KeyedMessage
    messages +=  keyedMessage

I noticed in, the KafkaProducer class only sends one ProducerRecord
at a time.  I don't know if there is another way to send a list.  So, I am
really interested to know if there are any examples of writing Spark RDDs
into Kafka with the latest Kafka library.


Ming Zhao