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svn commit: r1235555 - in /incubator/jena/site/trunk/content/jena/documentation/query: index.mdtext manipulating_sparql_using_arq.mdtext

Author: ijd
Date: Tue Jan 24 23:39:26 2012
New Revision: 1235555

Added missing tutorial on sparql manipulation from old wiki


Modified: incubator/jena/site/trunk/content/jena/documentation/query/index.mdtext
--- incubator/jena/site/trunk/content/jena/documentation/query/index.mdtext (original)
+++ incubator/jena/site/trunk/content/jena/documentation/query/index.mdtext Tue Jan 24 23:39:26 2012
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ SPARQL is the query language developed b
 -   [Command line utilities](cmds.html)
 -   [Logging](logging.html)
 -   [Explaining queries](explain.html)
+-   [Tutorial: manipulating SPARQL using ARQ](manipulating_sparql_using_arq.html)
 ## Advanced SPARQL use

Added: incubator/jena/site/trunk/content/jena/documentation/query/manipulating_sparql_using_arq.mdtext
--- incubator/jena/site/trunk/content/jena/documentation/query/manipulating_sparql_using_arq.mdtext (added)
+++ incubator/jena/site/trunk/content/jena/documentation/query/manipulating_sparql_using_arq.mdtext Tue Jan 24 23:39:26 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Title: Tutorial - Manipulating SPARQL using ARQ
+When you've been working with SPARQL you quickly find that static
+queries are restrictive. Maybe you want to vary a value, perhaps add a
+filter, alter the limit, etc etc. Being an impatient sort you dive in to
+the query string, and it works. But what about [little Bobby
+Tables]( And, even if you
+sanitise your inputs, string manipulation is a fraught process and
+syntax errors await you. Although it might seem harder than string
+munging, the ARQ API is your friend in the long run.
+*Originally published on the [Research Revealed project
+## Inserting values (simple prepared statements)
+Let's begin with something simple. Suppose we wanted to restrict the
+following query to a particular person:
+       select * { ?person <> ?name }
+`String#replaceAll` would work, but there is a safer way.
+`QueryExecutionFactory` in most cases lets you supply a `QuerySolution`
+with which you can prebind values.
+       QuerySolutionMap initialBinding = new QuerySolutionMap();
+       initialBinding.add("name", personResource);
+       qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset, initialBinding);
+This is often much simpler than the string equivalent since you don't
+have to escape quotes in literals. (Beware that this doesn't work for
+`sparqlService`, which is a great shame. It would be nice to spend some
+time remedying that.)
+## Making a Query from Scratch
+The previously mentioned limitation is due to the fact that prebinding
+doesn't actually change the query at all, but the execution of that
+query. So what how do we really alter queries?
+ARQ provides two ways to work with queries: at the syntax level (`Query`
+and `Element`), or the algebra level (`Op`). The distinction is clear in
+       SELECT ?s { ?s <> ?val . FILTER ( ?val < 20 ) }
+If you work at the syntax level you'll find that this looks (in pseudo
+code) like:
+       (GROUP (PATTERN ( ?s <> ?val )) (FILTER ( < ?val 20 ) ))
+That is there's a group containing a triple pattern and a filter, just
+as you see in the query. The algebra is different, and we can see it
+using `arq.qparse --print op`
+       $ java arq.qparse --print op 'SELECT ?s { ?s <> ?val . FILTER ( ?val < 20 ) }'
+       (base <file:///...>
+           (project (?s)
+               (filter (< ?val 20)
+                   (bgp (triple ?s <> ?val)))))
+Here the filter contains the pattern, rather than sitting next to it.
+This form makes it clear that the expression is filtering the pattern.
+Let's create that query from scratch using ARQ. We begin with some
+common pieces: the triple to match, and the expression for the filter.
+       // ?s ?p ?o .
+       Triple pattern =
+           Triple.create(Var.alloc("s"), Var.alloc("p"), Var.alloc("o"));
+       // ( ?s < 20 )
+       Expr e = new E_LessThan(new ExprVar("s"), new NodeValueInteger(20));
+`Triple` should be familiar from jena. `Var` is an extension of `Node`
+for variables. `Expr` is the root interface for expressions, those
+things that appear in `FILTER` and `LET`.
+First the syntax route:
+       ElementTriplesBlock block = new ElementTriplesBlock(); // Make a BGP
+       block.addTriple(pattern);                              // Add our pattern match
+       ElementFilter filter = new ElementFilter(e);           // Make a filter matching the expression
+       ElementGroup body = new ElementGroup();                // Group our pattern match and filter
+       body.addElement(block);
+       body.addElement(filter);
+       Query q = QueryFactory.make();
+       q.setQueryPattern(body);                               // Set the body of the query to our group
+       q.setQuerySelectType();                                // Make it a select query
+       q.addResultVar("s");                                   // Select ?s
+Now the algebra:
+       Op op;
+       BasicPattern pat = new BasicPattern();                 // Make a pattern
+       pat.add(pattern);                                      // Add our pattern match
+       op = new OpBGP(pat);                                   // Make a BGP from this pattern
+       op = OpFilter.filter(e, op);                           // Filter that pattern with our expression
+       op = new OpProject(op, Arrays.asList(Var.alloc("s"))); // Reduce to just ?s
+       Query q = OpAsQuery.asQuery(op);                       // Convert to a query
+       q.setQuerySelectType();                                // Make is a select query
+Notice that the query form (`SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, ASK`) isn't
+part of the algebra, and we have to set this in the query (although
+SELECT is the default). `FROM` and `FROM NAMED` are similarly absent.
+## Navigating and Tinkering: Visitors
+You can also look around the algebra and syntax using visitors. Start by
+extending `OpVisitorBase` (`ElementVisitorBase`) which stubs out the
+interface so you can concentrate on the parts of interest, then walk
+using `OpWalker.walk(Op, OpVisitor)`
+(`ElementWalker.walk(Element, ElementVisitor)`). These work bottom up.
+For some alterations, like manipulating triple matches in place,
+visitors will do the trick. They provide a simple way to get to the
+right parts of the query, and you can alter the pattern backing BGPs in
+both the algebra and syntax. Mutation isn't consistently available,
+however, so don't depend on it.
+## Transforming the Algebra
+So far there is no obvious advantage in using the algebra. The real
+power is visible in transformers, which allow you to reorganise an
+algebra completely. ARQ makes extensive use of transformations to
+simplify and optimise query execution.
+In Research Revealed I wrote some code to take a number of constraints
+and produce a query. There were a number of ways to do this, but one way
+I found was to generate ops from each constraint and join the results:
+       for (Constraint con: cons) {
+           op = OpJoin.create(op, consToOp(cons)); // join
+       }
+The result was a perfectly correct mess, which is only barely readable
+with just three conditions:
+       (join
+           (join
+               (filter (< ?o0 20) (bgp (triple ?s <urn:ex:prop0> ?o0)))
+               (filter (< ?o1 20) (bgp (triple ?s <urn:ex:prop1> ?o1))))
+           (filter (< ?o2 20) (bgp (triple ?s <urn:ex:prop2> ?o2))))
+Each of the constraints is a filter on a bgp. This can be made much more
+readable by moving the filters out, and merging the triple patterns. We
+can do this with the following `Transform`:
+       class QueryCleaner extends TransformBase
+       {
+           @Override
+           public Op transform(OpJoin join, Op left, Op right) {
+               // Bail if not of the right form
+               if (!(left instanceof OpFilter && right instanceof OpFilter)) return join;
+               OpFilter leftF = (OpFilter) left;
+               OpFilter rightF = (OpFilter) right;
+               // Add all of the triple matches to the LHS BGP
+               ((OpBGP) leftF.getSubOp()).getPattern().addAll(((OpBGP) rightF.getSubOp()).getPattern());
+               // Add the RHS filter to the LHS
+               leftF.getExprs().addAll(rightF.getExprs());
+               return leftF;
+           }
+       }
+       ...
+       op = Transformer.transform(new QueryCleaner(), op); // clean query
+This looks for joins of the form:
+       (join
+           (filter (exp1) (bgp1))
+           (filter (exp2) (bgp2)))
+And replaces it with:
+       (filter (exp1 && exp2) (bgp1 && bgp2))
+As we go through the original query all joins are removed, and the
+result is:
+       (filter (exprlist (< ?o0 20) (< ?o1 20) (< ?o2 20))
+           (bgp
+               (triple ?s <urn:ex:prop0> ?o0)
+               (triple ?s <urn:ex:prop1> ?o1)
+               (triple ?s <urn:ex:prop2> ?o2)
+       ))
+That completes this brief introduction. There is much more to ARQ, of
+course, but hopefully you now have a taste for what it can do.