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[GitHub] reminisce closed pull request #10139: [REQUEST FOR REVIEW] [MXNET-109] Logging APIs for Visualizing MXNet Data in TensorBoard

reminisce closed pull request #10139: [REQUEST FOR REVIEW] [MXNET-109] Logging APIs for Visualizing MXNet Data in TensorBoard

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diff --git a/docs/api/python/contrib/ b/docs/api/python/contrib/
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+# Logging MXNet Data for Visualization in TensorBoard
+## Overview
+The module `mxnet.contrib.summary` enables MXNet users to visualize data in
+Please note that this module only provides the APIs for data logging. For visualization,
+users still need to install TensorBoard.
+### How to install TensorBoard
+To launch TensorBoard for visualization, make sure you have the
+[official release of TensorBoard]( installed.
+You can type `pip install tensorboard` on you machine to install TensorBoard.
+### How to launch TensorBoard
+After you installed the TensorBoar Python package, type the following command in the terminal
+to launch TensorBoard:
+tensorborad --logdir=/path/to/your/log/dir --host=your_host_ip --port=your_port_number
+As an example of visualizing data using the browser on your machine, you can type
+tensorborad --logdir=/path/to/your/log/dir --host= --port=8888
+Then in the browser, type address ``. Note that in some situations,
+the port number `8888` may be occupied by other applications and launching TensorBoard
+may fail. You may choose a different port number that is available in those situations.
+### How to use TensorBoard GUI for data visualization
+Please find the tutorials on
+[TensorFlow website]( for details.
+### What are other required packages for using the MXNet logging APIs
+Please make sure the following Python packages have been installed before using
+the MXNet logging APIs:
+- [protobuf3](
+- [six](
+- [pillow](
+### What data types in TensorBoard GUI are supported by MXNet logging APIs
+We currently support the following data types that you can find on the TensorBoard GUI:
+.. warning:: This package contains experimental APIs and may change in the near future.
+The `summary` module provides the logging APIs through the `SummaryWriter` class.
+.. autosummary::
+    :nosignatures:
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.add_audio
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.add_embedding
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.add_histogram
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.add_image
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.add_pr_curve
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.add_scalar
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.add_text
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.close
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.flush
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.get_logdir
+    mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter.reopen
+## Examples
+Let's take a look at several simple examples demonstrating how to use the MXNet logging APIs.
+### Scalar
+Scalar values are often plotted in terms of curves, such as training accuracy as time evolves. Here
+is an example of plotting the curve of `y=sin(x/100)` where `x` is in the range of `[0, 2*pi]`.
+import numpy as np
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+x_vals = np.arange(start=0, stop=2 * np.pi, step=0.01)
+y_vals = np.sin(x_vals)
+with SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs') as sw:
+    for x, y in zip(x_vals, y_vals):
+        sw.add_scalar(tag='sin_function_curve', value=y, global_step=x * 100)
+### Histogram
+We can visulize the value distributions of tensors by logging `NDArray`s in terms of histograms.
+The following code snippet generates a series of normal distributions with smaller and smaller standard deviations.
+import mxnet as mx
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+with SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs') as sw:
+    for i in range(10):
+        data = mx.nd.normal(loc=0, scale=10.0/(i+1), shape=(10, 3, 8, 8))
+        sw.add_histogram(tag='norml_dist', values=data, bins=200, global_step=i)
+### Image
+The image logging API can take MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray` of 2-4 dimensions.
+It will preprocess the input image and write the processed image to the event file.
+When the input image data is 2D or 3D, it represents a single image.
+When the input image data is a 4D tensor, which represents a batch of images, the logging
+API would make a grid of those images by stitching them together before write
+them to the event file. The following code snippet saves 15 same images
+for visualization in TensorBoard.
+import mxnet as mx
+import numpy as np
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+from scipy import misc
+face = misc.face().transpose((2, 0, 1))
+face = face.reshape((1,) + face.shape)
+faces = [face] * 15
+faces = np.concatenate(faces, axis=0)
+img = mx.nd.array(faces, dtype=faces.dtype)
+with SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs') as sw:
+    sw.add_image(tag='faces', image=img)
+### Embedding
+Embedding visualization enables people to get an intuition on how data is clustered
+in 2D or 3D space. The following code takes 2,560 images of handwritten digits
+from the [MNIST dataset]( and log them
+as embedding vectors with labels and original images.
+import numpy as np
+import mxnet as mx
+from mxnet import gluon
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+batch_size = 128
+def transformer(data, label):
+    data = data.reshape((-1,)).astype(np.float32)/255
+    return data, label
+train_data =
+'./data', train=True, transform=transformer),
+    batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, last_batch='discard')
+initialized = False
+embedding = None
+labels = None
+images = None
+for i, (data, label) in enumerate(train_data):
+    if i >= 20:
+        break
+    if initialized:
+        embedding = mx.nd.concat(*(embedding, data), dim=0)
+        labels = mx.nd.concat(*(labels, label), dim=0)
+        images = mx.nd.concat(*(images, data.reshape(batch_size, 1, 28, 28)), dim=0)
+    else:
+        embedding = data
+        labels = label
+        images = data.reshape(batch_size, 1, 28, 28)
+        initialized = True
+with SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs') as sw:
+    sw.add_embedding(tag='mnist', embedding=embedding, labels=labels, images=images)
+### Audio
+The following code generates audio data uniformly sampled in range `[-1, 1]`
+and write the data to the event file for TensorBoard to playback.
+import mxnet as mx
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+frequency = 44100
+# 44100 random samples between -1 and 1
+data = mx.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, shape=(frequency,))
+max_abs_val = data.abs().max()
+# rescale the data to the range [-1, 1]
+data = data / max_abs_val
+with SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs') as sw:
+    sw.add_audio(tag='uniform_audio', audio=data, global_step=0)
+### Text
+TensorBoard is able to render plain text as well as text in the markdown format.
+The following code demonstrates these two use cases.
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+def simple_example(sw, step):
+    greeting = 'Hello MXNet from step {}'.format(str(step))
+    sw.add_text(tag='simple_example', text=greeting, global_step=step)
+def markdown_table(sw):
+    header_row = 'Hello | MXNet,\n'
+    delimiter = '----- | -----\n'
+    table_body = 'This | is\n' + 'so | awesome!'
+    sw.add_text(tag='markdown_table', text=header_row+delimiter+table_body)
+with SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs') as sw:
+    simple_example(sw, 100)
+    markdown_table(sw)
+### PR Curve
+Precision-Recall is a useful metric of success of prediction when the categories are imbalanced.
+The relationship between recall and precision can be visualized in terms of precision-recall curves.
+The following code snippet logs the data of predictions and labels for visualizing
+the precision-recall curve in TensorBoard. It generates 100 numbers uniformly distributed in range `[0, 1]` representing
+the predictions of 100 examples. The labels are also generated randomly by picking either 0 or 1.
+import mxnet as mx
+import numpy as np
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+with SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs') as sw:
+    predictions = mx.nd.uniform(low=0, high=1, shape=(100,), dtype=np.float32)
+    labels = mx.nd.uniform(low=0, high=2, shape=(100,), dtype=np.float32).astype(np.int32)
+    sw.add_pr_curve(tag='pseudo_pr_curve', predictions=predictions, labels=labels, num_thresholds=120)
+## API Reference
+<script type="text/javascript" src='../../_static/js/auto_module_index.js'></script>
+.. autoclass:: mxnet.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter
+    :members:
\ No newline at end of file
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index f65d3abfb15..140de352828 100644
--- a/docs/api/python/
+++ b/docs/api/python/
@@ -151,4 +151,5 @@ imported by running:
+   contrib/
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+Visualizing Training MNIST Model
+This folder contains an example of logging MXNet data for visualization in TensorBoard
+in the process of training the MNIST model using Gluon interfaces. To run the example,
+type `python` in the terminal. While the training program is running, launch
+TensorBoard by typing the following command under the current path:
+tensorboard --logdir=./logs --host= --port=8888
+Then open the browser and enter the address ``.
+You would be able to see the figures of training/validation accuracy curves,
+histograms of the gradients of all the parameters evolving with time, and training images
+of the first mini-batch of each epoch.
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+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# pylint: skip-file
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import mxnet as mx
+from mxnet import gluon, autograd
+from mxnet.gluon import nn
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+# Parse CLI arguments
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MXNet Gluon MNIST Example')
+parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=100,
+                    help='batch size for training and testing (default: 100)')
+parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=10,
+                    help='number of epochs to train (default: 10)')
+parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.1,
+                    help='learning rate (default: 0.1)')
+parser.add_argument('--momentum', type=float, default=0.9,
+                    help='SGD momentum (default: 0.9)')
+parser.add_argument('--cuda', action='store_true', default=False,
+                    help='Train on GPU with CUDA')
+parser.add_argument('--log-interval', type=int, default=100, metavar='N',
+                    help='how many batches to wait before logging training status')
+opt = parser.parse_args()
+# define network
+net = nn.Sequential()
+with net.name_scope():
+    net.add(nn.Dense(128, activation='relu'))
+    net.add(nn.Dense(64, activation='relu'))
+    net.add(nn.Dense(10))
+# data
+def transformer(data, label):
+    data = data.reshape((-1,)).astype(np.float32) / 255
+    return data, label
+train_data =
+'./data', train=True, transform=transformer),
+    batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, last_batch='discard')
+val_data =
+'./data', train=False, transform=transformer),
+    batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=False)
+def test(ctx):
+    metric = mx.metric.Accuracy()
+    for data, label in val_data:
+        data = data.as_in_context(ctx)
+        label = label.as_in_context(ctx)
+        output = net(data)
+        metric.update([label], [output])
+    return metric.get()
+def train(epochs, ctx):
+    # Collect all parameters from net and its children, then initialize them.
+    net.initialize(mx.init.Xavier(magnitude=2.24), ctx=ctx)
+    # Trainer is for updating parameters with gradient.
+    trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd',
+                            {'learning_rate':, 'momentum': opt.momentum})
+    metric = mx.metric.Accuracy()
+    loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
+    # collect parameter names for logging the gradients of parameters in each epoch
+    params = net.collect_params()
+    param_names = params.keys()
+    # define the number of bins for logging histograms
+    num_bins = 1000
+    # define a summary writer that logs data and flushes to the file every 5 seconds
+    sw = SummaryWriter(logdir='logs', flush_secs=5)
+    for epoch in range(epochs):
+        # reset data iterator and metric at begining of epoch.
+        metric.reset()
+        for i, (data, label) in enumerate(train_data):
+            # Copy data to ctx if necessary
+            data = data.as_in_context(ctx)
+            label = label.as_in_context(ctx)
+            # Start recording computation graph with record() section.
+            # Recorded graphs can then be differentiated with backward.
+            with autograd.record():
+                output = net(data)
+                L = loss(output, label)
+            L.backward()
+            # take a gradient step with batch_size equal to data.shape[0]
+            trainer.step(data.shape[0])
+            # update metric at last.
+            metric.update([label], [output])
+            if i % opt.log_interval == 0 and i > 0:
+                name, acc = metric.get()
+                print('[Epoch %d Batch %d] Training: %s=%f' % (epoch, i, name, acc))
+            # log the first batch of images of each epoch to make sure that we are
+            # training based upon the correct examples and dataset as well as
+            # the dataset is really shuffled in each epoch.
+            if i == 0:
+                sw.add_image(('epoch%d_minibatch%d' % (epoch, i)),
+                             data.reshape((opt.batch_size, 1, 28, 28)), epoch)
+        grads = [i.grad() for i in net.collect_params().values()]
+        assert len(grads) == len(param_names)
+        # logging the gradients of parameters for checking convergence
+        for i, name in enumerate(param_names):
+            sw.add_histogram(tag=name, values=grads[i], global_step=epoch, bins=num_bins)
+        name, acc = metric.get()
+        print('[Epoch %d] Training: %s=%f' % (epoch, name, acc))
+        # logging training accuracy for visualizing the training accuracy curve
+        sw.add_scalar(tag='train_acc', value=acc, global_step=epoch)
+        name, val_acc = test(ctx)
+        # logging the validation accuracy for visualizing the validation accuracy curve
+        print('[Epoch %d] Validation: %s=%f' % (epoch, name, val_acc))
+        sw.add_scalar(tag='valid_acc', value=val_acc, global_step=epoch)
+    net.save_params('mnist.params')
+    sw.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if opt.cuda:
+        ctx = mx.gpu(0)
+    else:
+        ctx = mx.cpu()
+    train(opt.epochs, ctx)
+    print('finished training')
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb02d62b45c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Summary module for logging MXNet data for visualization in TensorBoard"""
+from .writer import SummaryWriter
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index 00000000000..db26bdfe83c
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@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Encoding serialized protobuf strings conforming tfrecord format. This file is copied from
+import array
+# CRC table copied from table0_ in
+    0x00000000, 0xf26b8303, 0xe13b70f7, 0x1350f3f4,
+    0xc79a971f, 0x35f1141c, 0x26a1e7e8, 0xd4ca64eb,
+    0x8ad958cf, 0x78b2dbcc, 0x6be22838, 0x9989ab3b,
+    0x4d43cfd0, 0xbf284cd3, 0xac78bf27, 0x5e133c24,
+    0x105ec76f, 0xe235446c, 0xf165b798, 0x030e349b,
+    0xd7c45070, 0x25afd373, 0x36ff2087, 0xc494a384,
+    0x9a879fa0, 0x68ec1ca3, 0x7bbcef57, 0x89d76c54,
+    0x5d1d08bf, 0xaf768bbc, 0xbc267848, 0x4e4dfb4b,
+    0x20bd8ede, 0xd2d60ddd, 0xc186fe29, 0x33ed7d2a,
+    0xe72719c1, 0x154c9ac2, 0x061c6936, 0xf477ea35,
+    0xaa64d611, 0x580f5512, 0x4b5fa6e6, 0xb93425e5,
+    0x6dfe410e, 0x9f95c20d, 0x8cc531f9, 0x7eaeb2fa,
+    0x30e349b1, 0xc288cab2, 0xd1d83946, 0x23b3ba45,
+    0xf779deae, 0x05125dad, 0x1642ae59, 0xe4292d5a,
+    0xba3a117e, 0x4851927d, 0x5b016189, 0xa96ae28a,
+    0x7da08661, 0x8fcb0562, 0x9c9bf696, 0x6ef07595,
+    0x417b1dbc, 0xb3109ebf, 0xa0406d4b, 0x522bee48,
+    0x86e18aa3, 0x748a09a0, 0x67dafa54, 0x95b17957,
+    0xcba24573, 0x39c9c670, 0x2a993584, 0xd8f2b687,
+    0x0c38d26c, 0xfe53516f, 0xed03a29b, 0x1f682198,
+    0x5125dad3, 0xa34e59d0, 0xb01eaa24, 0x42752927,
+    0x96bf4dcc, 0x64d4cecf, 0x77843d3b, 0x85efbe38,
+    0xdbfc821c, 0x2997011f, 0x3ac7f2eb, 0xc8ac71e8,
+    0x1c661503, 0xee0d9600, 0xfd5d65f4, 0x0f36e6f7,
+    0x61c69362, 0x93ad1061, 0x80fde395, 0x72966096,
+    0xa65c047d, 0x5437877e, 0x4767748a, 0xb50cf789,
+    0xeb1fcbad, 0x197448ae, 0x0a24bb5a, 0xf84f3859,
+    0x2c855cb2, 0xdeeedfb1, 0xcdbe2c45, 0x3fd5af46,
+    0x7198540d, 0x83f3d70e, 0x90a324fa, 0x62c8a7f9,
+    0xb602c312, 0x44694011, 0x5739b3e5, 0xa55230e6,
+    0xfb410cc2, 0x092a8fc1, 0x1a7a7c35, 0xe811ff36,
+    0x3cdb9bdd, 0xceb018de, 0xdde0eb2a, 0x2f8b6829,
+    0x82f63b78, 0x709db87b, 0x63cd4b8f, 0x91a6c88c,
+    0x456cac67, 0xb7072f64, 0xa457dc90, 0x563c5f93,
+    0x082f63b7, 0xfa44e0b4, 0xe9141340, 0x1b7f9043,
+    0xcfb5f4a8, 0x3dde77ab, 0x2e8e845f, 0xdce5075c,
+    0x92a8fc17, 0x60c37f14, 0x73938ce0, 0x81f80fe3,
+    0x55326b08, 0xa759e80b, 0xb4091bff, 0x466298fc,
+    0x1871a4d8, 0xea1a27db, 0xf94ad42f, 0x0b21572c,
+    0xdfeb33c7, 0x2d80b0c4, 0x3ed04330, 0xccbbc033,
+    0xa24bb5a6, 0x502036a5, 0x4370c551, 0xb11b4652,
+    0x65d122b9, 0x97baa1ba, 0x84ea524e, 0x7681d14d,
+    0x2892ed69, 0xdaf96e6a, 0xc9a99d9e, 0x3bc21e9d,
+    0xef087a76, 0x1d63f975, 0x0e330a81, 0xfc588982,
+    0xb21572c9, 0x407ef1ca, 0x532e023e, 0xa145813d,
+    0x758fe5d6, 0x87e466d5, 0x94b49521, 0x66df1622,
+    0x38cc2a06, 0xcaa7a905, 0xd9f75af1, 0x2b9cd9f2,
+    0xff56bd19, 0x0d3d3e1a, 0x1e6dcdee, 0xec064eed,
+    0xc38d26c4, 0x31e6a5c7, 0x22b65633, 0xd0ddd530,
+    0x0417b1db, 0xf67c32d8, 0xe52cc12c, 0x1747422f,
+    0x49547e0b, 0xbb3ffd08, 0xa86f0efc, 0x5a048dff,
+    0x8ecee914, 0x7ca56a17, 0x6ff599e3, 0x9d9e1ae0,
+    0xd3d3e1ab, 0x21b862a8, 0x32e8915c, 0xc083125f,
+    0x144976b4, 0xe622f5b7, 0xf5720643, 0x07198540,
+    0x590ab964, 0xab613a67, 0xb831c993, 0x4a5a4a90,
+    0x9e902e7b, 0x6cfbad78, 0x7fab5e8c, 0x8dc0dd8f,
+    0xe330a81a, 0x115b2b19, 0x020bd8ed, 0xf0605bee,
+    0x24aa3f05, 0xd6c1bc06, 0xc5914ff2, 0x37faccf1,
+    0x69e9f0d5, 0x9b8273d6, 0x88d28022, 0x7ab90321,
+    0xae7367ca, 0x5c18e4c9, 0x4f48173d, 0xbd23943e,
+    0xf36e6f75, 0x0105ec76, 0x12551f82, 0xe03e9c81,
+    0x34f4f86a, 0xc69f7b69, 0xd5cf889d, 0x27a40b9e,
+    0x79b737ba, 0x8bdcb4b9, 0x988c474d, 0x6ae7c44e,
+    0xbe2da0a5, 0x4c4623a6, 0x5f16d052, 0xad7d5351,
+_CRC_INIT = 0
+def crc_update(crc, data):
+    """Updates CRC-32C checksum with data. Copied from
+    Parameter
+    ---------
+      crc : int
+          32-bit checksum to update as long.
+      data : byte array
+          string or iterable over bytes.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    int
+        32-bit updated CRC-32C as long.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(data, array.array) or data.itemsize != 1:
+        buf = array.array("B", data)
+    else:
+        buf = data
+    crc ^= _MASK
+    for b in buf:
+        table_index = (crc ^ b) & 0xff
+        crc = (CRC_TABLE[table_index] ^ (crc >> 8)) & _MASK
+    return crc ^ _MASK
+def crc_finalize(crc):
+    """Finalizes CRC-32C checksum. Copied from
+    This function should be called as last step of crc calculation.
+    Parameter
+    ---------
+      crc : int
+          32-bit checksum to update as long.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    int
+        finalized 32-bit checksum as long
+    """
+    return crc & _MASK
+def crc32c(data):
+    """Compute CRC-32C checksum of the data. Copied from
+    Parameter
+    ---------
+      data : byte array
+          string or iterable over bytes.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    int
+        32-bit CRC-32C checksum of data as long.
+    """
+    return crc_finalize(crc_update(_CRC_INIT, data))
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b377a15b032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Writes events to disk in a logdir."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import logging
+import os.path
+import socket
+import threading
+import time
+import six
+from .proto import event_pb2
+from .record_writer import RecordWriter
+class EventsWriter(object):
+    """Writes `Event` protocol buffers to an event file. This class is ported from
+    EventsWriter defined in
+    def __init__(self, file_prefix):
+        """
+        Events files have a name of the form
+        '/file/path/events.out.tfevents.[timestamp].[hostname][file_suffix]'
+        """
+        self._file_prefix = file_prefix
+        self._file_suffix = ''
+        self._filename = None
+        self._recordio_writer = None
+        self._num_outstanding_events = 0
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.close()
+    def _init_if_needed(self):
+        if self._recordio_writer is not None:
+            return
+        self._filename = self._file_prefix + ".out.tfevents." + str(time.time())[:10] \
+                         + "." + socket.gethostname() + self._file_suffix
+        self._recordio_writer = RecordWriter(self._filename)
+        logging.basicConfig(filename=self._filename)
+'Successfully opened events file: %s', self._filename)
+        event = event_pb2.Event()
+        event.wall_time = time.time()
+        self.write_event(event)
+        self.flush()  # flush the first event
+    def init_with_suffix(self, file_suffix):
+        """Initializes the events writer with file_suffix"""
+        self._file_suffix = file_suffix
+        self._init_if_needed()
+    def write_event(self, event):
+        """Appends event to the file."""
+        # Check if event is of type event_pb2.Event proto.
+        if not isinstance(event, event_pb2.Event):
+            raise TypeError("Expected an event_pb2.Event proto, "
+                            " but got %s" % type(event))
+        return self._write_serialized_event(event.SerializeToString())
+    def _write_serialized_event(self, event_str):
+        if self._recordio_writer is None:
+            self._init_if_needed()
+        self._num_outstanding_events += 1
+        self._recordio_writer.write_record(event_str)
+    def flush(self):
+        """Flushes the event file to disk."""
+        if self._num_outstanding_events == 0 or self._recordio_writer is None:
+            return
+        self._recordio_writer.flush()
+        if self._num_outstanding_events != 1:
+  'Wrote %d events to disk', self._num_outstanding_events)
+        else:
+  'Wrote %d event to disk', self._num_outstanding_events)
+        self._num_outstanding_events = 0
+    def close(self):
+        """Flushes the pending events and closes the writer after it is done."""
+        self.flush()
+        if self._recordio_writer is not None:
+            self._recordio_writer.close()
+            self._recordio_writer = None
+class EventFileWriter(object):
+    """This class is adapted from EventFileWriter in Tensorflow:
+    Writes `Event` protocol buffers to an event file.
+    The `EventFileWriter` class creates an event file in the specified directory,
+    and asynchronously writes Event protocol buffers to the file. The Event file
+    is encoded using the tfrecord format, which is similar to RecordIO.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, logdir, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120, filename_suffix=None):
+        """Creates a `EventFileWriter` and an event file to write to.
+        On construction the summary writer creates a new event file in `logdir`.
+        This event file will contain `Event` protocol buffers, which are written to
+        disk via the add_event method.
+        The other arguments to the constructor control the asynchronous writes to
+        the event file:
+        """
+        self._logdir = logdir
+        if not os.path.exists(self._logdir):
+            os.makedirs(self._logdir)
+        self._event_queue = six.moves.queue.Queue(max_queue)
+        self._ev_writer = EventsWriter(os.path.join(self._logdir, "events"))
+        self._flush_secs = flush_secs
+        self._sentinel_event = self._get_sentinel_event()
+        if filename_suffix is not None:
+            self._ev_writer.init_with_suffix(filename_suffix)
+        self._closed = False
+        self._worker = _EventLoggerThread(self._event_queue, self._ev_writer,
+                                          self._flush_secs, self._sentinel_event)
+        self._worker.start()
+    def _get_sentinel_event(self):
+        """Generate a sentinel event for terminating worker."""
+        return event_pb2.Event()
+    def get_logdir(self):
+        """Returns the directory where event file will be written."""
+        return self._logdir
+    def reopen(self):
+        """Reopens the EventFileWriter.
+        Can be called after `close()` to add more events in the same directory.
+        The events will go into a new events file.
+        Does nothing if the `EventFileWriter` was not closed.
+        """
+        if self._closed:
+            self._worker = _EventLoggerThread(self._event_queue, self._ev_writer,
+                                              self._flush_secs, self._sentinel_event)
+            self._worker.start()
+            self._closed = False
+    def add_event(self, event):
+        """Adds an event to the event file."""
+        if not self._closed:
+            self._event_queue.put(event)
+    def flush(self):
+        """Flushes the event file to disk.
+        Call this method to make sure that all pending events have been written to disk.
+        """
+        self._event_queue.join()
+        self._ev_writer.flush()
+    def close(self):
+        """Flushes the event file to disk and close the file.
+        Call this method when you do not need the summary writer anymore.
+        """
+        if not self._closed:
+            self.add_event(self._sentinel_event)
+            self.flush()
+            self._worker.join()
+            self._ev_writer.close()
+            self._closed = True
+class _EventLoggerThread(threading.Thread):
+    """Thread that logs events. Copied from
+    def __init__(self, queue, ev_writer, flush_secs, sentinel_event):
+        """Creates an _EventLoggerThread."""
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.daemon = True
+        self._queue = queue
+        self._ev_writer = ev_writer
+        self._flush_secs = flush_secs
+        # The first event will be flushed immediately.
+        self._next_event_flush_time = 0
+        self._sentinel_event = sentinel_event
+    def run(self):
+        while True:
+            event = self._queue.get()
+            if event is self._sentinel_event:
+                self._queue.task_done()
+                break
+            try:
+                self._ev_writer.write_event(event)
+                # Flush the event writer every so often.
+                now = time.time()
+                if now > self._next_event_flush_time:
+                    self._ev_writer.flush()
+                    # Do it again in two minutes.
+                    self._next_event_flush_time = now + self._flush_secs
+            finally:
+                self._queue.task_done()
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..908bb2d60b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Protobuf definitions for the logging data"""
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/attr_value.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/attr_value.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79c9d893686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/attr_value.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "AttrValueProtos";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor.proto";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor_shape.proto";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/types.proto";
+// Protocol buffer representing the value for an attr used to configure an Op.
+// Comment indicates the corresponding attr type.  Only the field matching the
+// attr type may be filled.
+message AttrValue {
+  // LINT.IfChange
+  message ListValue {
+    repeated bytes s = 2;                        // "list(string)"
+    repeated int64 i = 3 [packed = true];        // "list(int)"
+    repeated float f = 4 [packed = true];        // "list(float)"
+    repeated bool b = 5 [packed = true];         // "list(bool)"
+    repeated DataType type = 6 [packed = true];  // "list(type)"
+    repeated TensorShapeProto shape = 7;         // "list(shape)"
+    repeated TensorProto tensor = 8;             // "list(tensor)"
+    repeated NameAttrList func = 9;              // "list(attr)"
+  }
+  // LINT.ThenChange(
+  oneof value {
+    bytes s = 2;                 // "string"
+    int64 i = 3;                 // "int"
+    float f = 4;                 // "float"
+    bool b = 5;                  // "bool"
+    DataType type = 6;           // "type"
+    TensorShapeProto shape = 7;  // "shape"
+    TensorProto tensor = 8;      // "tensor"
+    ListValue list = 1;          // any "list(...)"
+    // "func" represents a function. is a function's name or
+    // a primitive op's name. func.attr.first is the name of an attr
+    // defined for that function. func.attr.second is the value for
+    // that attr in the instantiation.
+    NameAttrList func = 10;
+    // This is a placeholder only used in nodes defined inside a
+    // function.  It indicates the attr value will be supplied when
+    // the function is instantiated.  For example, let us suppose a
+    // node "N" in function "FN". "N" has an attr "A" with value
+    // placeholder = "foo". When FN is instantiated with attr "foo"
+    // set to "bar", the instantiated node N's attr A will have been
+    // given the value "bar".
+    string placeholder = 9;
+  }
+// A list of attr names and their values. The whole list is attached
+// with a string name.  E.g., MatMul[T=float].
+message NameAttrList {
+  string name = 1;
+  map<string, AttrValue> attr = 2;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/event.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/event.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f682331fd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/event.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "EventProtos";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.util";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/summary.proto";
+// Protocol buffer representing an event that happened during
+// the execution of a Brain model.
+message Event {
+  // Timestamp of the event.
+  double wall_time = 1;
+  // Global step of the event.
+  int64 step = 2;
+  oneof what {
+    // An event file was started, with the specified version.
+    // This is use to identify the contents of the record IO files
+    // easily.  Current version is "brain.Event:2".  All versions
+    // start with "brain.Event:".
+    string file_version = 3;
+    // An encoded version of a GraphDef.
+    bytes graph_def = 4;
+    // A summary was generated.
+    Summary summary = 5;
+    // The user output a log message. Not all messages are logged, only ones
+    // generated via the Python tensorboard_logging module.
+    LogMessage log_message = 6;
+    // The state of the session which can be used for restarting after crashes.
+    SessionLog session_log = 7;
+    // The metadata returned by running a call.
+    TaggedRunMetadata tagged_run_metadata = 8;
+    // An encoded version of a MetaGraphDef.
+    bytes meta_graph_def = 9;
+  }
+// Protocol buffer used for logging messages to the events file.
+message LogMessage {
+  enum Level {
+    UNKNOWN = 0;
+    DEBUG = 10;
+    INFO = 20;
+    WARN = 30;
+    ERROR = 40;
+    FATAL = 50;
+  }
+  Level level = 1;
+  string message = 2;
+// Protocol buffer used for logging session state.
+message SessionLog {
+  enum SessionStatus {
+    START = 1;
+    STOP = 2;
+    CHECKPOINT = 3;
+  }
+  SessionStatus status = 1;
+  // This checkpoint_path contains both the path and filename.
+  string checkpoint_path = 2;
+  string msg = 3;
+// For logging the metadata output for a single call.
+message TaggedRunMetadata {
+  // Tag name associated with this metadata.
+  string tag = 1;
+  // Byte-encoded version of the `RunMetadata` proto in order to allow lazy
+  // deserialization.
+  bytes run_metadata = 2;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/graph.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/graph.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d25f53bc86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/graph.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "GraphProtos";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/node_def.proto";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/versions.proto";
+// Represents the graph of operations
+message GraphDef {
+  repeated NodeDef node = 1;
+  // Compatibility versions of the graph.  See core/public/version.h for version
+  // history.  The GraphDef version is distinct from the TensorFlow version, and
+  // each release of TensorFlow will support a range of GraphDef versions.
+  VersionDef versions = 4;
+  // Deprecated single version field; use versions above instead.  Since all
+  // GraphDef changes before "versions" was introduced were forward
+  // compatible, this field is entirely ignored.
+  int32 version = 3 [deprecated = true];
+  //
+  // "library" provides user-defined functions.
+  //
+  // Naming:
+  //   * are in a flat namespace.
+  //     NOTE: We may need to change it to be hierarchical to support
+  //     different orgs. E.g.,
+  //     { "/google/nn", { ... }},
+  //     { "/google/vision", { ... }}
+  //     { "/org_foo/module_bar", { ... }}
+  //     map<string, FunctionDefLib> named_lib;
+  //   * If node[i].op is the name of one function in "library",
+  //     node[i] is deemed as a function call. Otherwise, node[i].op
+  //     must be a primitive operation supported by the runtime.
+  //
+  //
+  // Function call semantics:
+  //
+  //   * The callee may start execution as soon as some of its inputs
+  //     are ready. The caller may want to use Tuple() mechanism to
+  //     ensure all inputs are ready in the same time.
+  //
+  //   * The consumer of return values may start executing as soon as
+  //     the return values the consumer depends on are ready.  The
+  //     consumer may want to use Tuple() mechanism to ensure the
+  //     consumer does not start until all return values of the callee
+  //     function are ready.
+  //FunctionDefLibrary library = 2;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/node_def.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/node_def.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6335883bfd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/node_def.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "NodeProto";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/attr_value.proto";
+message NodeDef {
+  // The name given to this operator. Used for naming inputs,
+  // logging, visualization, etc.  Unique within a single GraphDef.
+  // Must match the regexp "[A-Za-z0-9.][A-Za-z0-9_./]*".
+  string name = 1;
+  // The operation name.  There may be custom parameters in attrs.
+  // Op names starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
+  string op = 2;
+  // Each input is "node:src_output" with "node" being a string name and
+  // "src_output" indicating which output tensor to use from "node". If
+  // "src_output" is 0 the ":0" suffix can be omitted.  Regular inputs
+  // may optionally be followed by control inputs that have the format
+  // "^node".
+  repeated string input = 3;
+  // A (possibly partial) specification for the device on which this
+  // node should be placed.
+  // The expected syntax for this string is as follows:
+  //
+  //
+  // CONSTRAINT ::= ("job:" JOB_NAME)
+  //              | ("replica:" [1-9][0-9]*)
+  //              | ("task:" [1-9][0-9]*)
+  //              | ( ("gpu" | "cpu") ":" ([1-9][0-9]* | "*") )
+  //
+  // Valid values for this string include:
+  // * "/job:worker/replica:0/task:1/gpu:3"  (full specification)
+  // * "/job:worker/gpu:3"                   (partial specification)
+  // * ""                                    (no specification)
+  //
+  // If the constraints do not resolve to a single device (or if this
+  // field is empty or not present), the runtime will attempt to
+  // choose a device automatically.
+  string device = 4;
+  // Operation-specific graph-construction-time configuration.
+  // Note that this should include all attrs defined in the
+  // corresponding OpDef, including those with a value matching
+  // the default -- this allows the default to change and makes
+  // NodeDefs easier to interpret on their own.  However, if
+  // an attr with a default is not specified in this list, the
+  // default will be used.
+  // The "names" (keys) must match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+" (and
+  // one of the names from the corresponding OpDef's attr field).
+  // The values must have a type matching the corresponding OpDef
+  // attr's type field.
+  // TODO(josh11b): Add some examples here showing best practices.
+  map<string, AttrValue> attr = 5;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/plugin_pr_curve.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/plugin_pr_curve.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33e0f91641f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/plugin_pr_curve.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+message PrCurvePluginData {
+  // Version `0` is the only supported version.
+  int32 version = 1;
+  uint32 num_thresholds = 2;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/resource_handle.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/resource_handle.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..17826e0085e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/resource_handle.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "ResourceHandle";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+// Protocol buffer representing a handle to a tensorflow resource. Handles are
+// not valid across executions, but can be serialized back and forth from within
+// a single run.
+message ResourceHandleProto {
+  // Unique name for the device containing the resource.
+  string device = 1;
+  // Container in which this resource is placed.
+  string container = 2;
+  // Unique name of this resource.
+  string name = 3;
+  // Hash code for the type of the resource. Is only valid in the same device
+  // and in the same execution.
+  uint64 hash_code = 4;
+  // For debug-only, the name of the type pointed to by this handle, if
+  // available.
+  string maybe_type_name = 5;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/summary.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/summary.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6603500632b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/summary.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "SummaryProtos";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor.proto";
+// Metadata associated with a series of Summary data
+message SummaryDescription {
+  // Hint on how plugins should process the data in this series.
+  // Supported values include "scalar", "histogram", "image", "audio"
+  string type_hint = 1;
+// Serialization format for histogram module in
+// core/lib/histogram/histogram.h
+message HistogramProto {
+  double min = 1;
+  double max = 2;
+  double num = 3;
+  double sum = 4;
+  double sum_squares = 5;
+  // Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values.
+  // bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i.  The range for
+  // a bucket is:
+  //   i == 0:  -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0)
+  //   i != 0:  bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
+  repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];
+  repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
+// A SummaryMetadata encapsulates information on which plugins are able to make
+// use of a certain summary value.
+message SummaryMetadata {
+  message PluginData {
+    // The name of the plugin this data pertains to.
+    string plugin_name = 1;
+    // The content to store for the plugin. The best practice is for this JSON
+    // string to be the canonical JSON serialization of a protocol buffer
+    // defined by the plugin. Converting that protobuf to and from JSON is the
+    // responsibility of the plugin code, and is not enforced by
+    // TensorFlow/TensorBoard.
+    string content = 2;
+  }
+  // A list of plugin data. A single summary value instance may be used by more
+  // than 1 plugin.
+  repeated PluginData plugin_data = 1;
+// A Summary is a set of named values to be displayed by the
+// visualizer.
+// Summaries are produced regularly during training, as controlled by
+// the "summary_interval_secs" attribute of the training operation.
+// Summaries are also produced at the end of an evaluation.
+message Summary {
+  message Image {
+    // Dimensions of the image.
+    int32 height = 1;
+    int32 width = 2;
+    // Valid colorspace values are
+    //   1 - grayscale
+    //   2 - grayscale + alpha
+    //   3 - RGB
+    //   4 - RGBA
+    //   5 - DIGITAL_YUV
+    //   6 - BGRA
+    int32 colorspace = 3;
+    // Image data in encoded format.  All image formats supported by
+    // image_codec::CoderUtil can be stored here.
+    bytes encoded_image_string = 4;
+  }
+  message Audio {
+    // Sample rate of the audio in Hz.
+    float sample_rate = 1;
+    // Number of channels of audio.
+    int64 num_channels = 2;
+    // Length of the audio in frames (samples per channel).
+    int64 length_frames = 3;
+    // Encoded audio data and its associated RFC 2045 content type (e.g.
+    // "audio/wav").
+    bytes encoded_audio_string = 4;
+    string content_type = 5;
+  }
+  message Value {
+    // Name of the node that output this summary; in general, the name of a
+    // TensorSummary node. If the node in question has multiple outputs, then
+    // a ":\d+" suffix will be appended, like "some_op:13".
+    // Might not be set for legacy summaries (i.e. those not using the tensor
+    // value field)
+    string node_name = 7;
+    // Tag name for the data.  Will only be used by legacy summaries
+    // (ie. those not using the tensor value field)
+    // For legacy summaries, will be used as the title of the graph
+    // in the visualizer.
+    //
+    // Tag is usually "op_name:value_name", where "op_name" itself can have
+    // structure to indicate grouping.
+    string tag = 1;
+    SummaryMetadata metadata = 9;
+    // Value associated with the tag.
+    oneof value {
+      float simple_value = 2;
+      bytes obsolete_old_style_histogram = 3;
+      Image image = 4;
+      HistogramProto histo = 5;
+      Audio audio = 6;
+      TensorProto tensor = 8;
+    }
+  }
+  // Set of values for the summary.
+  repeated Value value = 1;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6312943e66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "TensorProtos";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/resource_handle.proto";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor_shape.proto";
+import "mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/types.proto";
+// Protocol buffer representing a tensor.
+message TensorProto {
+  DataType dtype = 1;
+  // Shape of the tensor.  TODO(touts): sort out the 0-rank issues.
+  TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;
+  // Only one of the representations below is set, one of "tensor_contents" and
+  // the "xxx_val" attributes.  We are not using oneof because as oneofs cannot
+  // contain repeated fields it would require another extra set of messages.
+  // Version number.
+  //
+  // In version 0, if the "repeated xxx" representations contain only one
+  // element, that element is repeated to fill the shape.  This makes it easy
+  // to represent a constant Tensor with a single value.
+  int32 version_number = 3;
+  // Serialized raw tensor content from either Tensor::AsProtoTensorContent or
+  // memcpy in tensorflow::grpc::EncodeTensorToByteBuffer. This representation
+  // can be used for all tensor types. The purpose of this representation is to
+  // reduce serialization overhead during RPC call by avoiding serialization of
+  // many repeated small items.
+  bytes tensor_content = 4;
+  // Type specific representations that make it easy to create tensor protos in
+  // all languages.  Only the representation corresponding to "dtype" can
+  // be set.  The values hold the flattened representation of the tensor in
+  // row major order.
+  // DT_HALF. Note that since protobuf has no int16 type, we'll have some
+  // pointless zero padding for each value here.
+  repeated int32 half_val = 13 [packed = true];
+  // DT_FLOAT.
+  repeated float float_val = 5 [packed = true];
+  // DT_DOUBLE.
+  repeated double double_val = 6 [packed = true];
+  // DT_INT32, DT_INT16, DT_INT8, DT_UINT8.
+  repeated int32 int_val = 7 [packed = true];
+  repeated bytes string_val = 8;
+  // DT_COMPLEX64. scomplex_val(2*i) and scomplex_val(2*i+1) are real
+  // and imaginary parts of i-th single precision complex.
+  repeated float scomplex_val = 9 [packed = true];
+  // DT_INT64
+  repeated int64 int64_val = 10 [packed = true];
+  // DT_BOOL
+  repeated bool bool_val = 11 [packed = true];
+  // DT_COMPLEX128. dcomplex_val(2*i) and dcomplex_val(2*i+1) are real
+  // and imaginary parts of i-th double precision complex.
+  repeated double dcomplex_val = 12 [packed = true];
+  repeated ResourceHandleProto resource_handle_val = 14;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor_shape.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor_shape.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7c7474387e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/tensor_shape.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Protocol buffer representing the shape of tensors.
+syntax = "proto3";
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "TensorShapeProtos";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+package tensorboard;
+// Dimensions of a tensor.
+message TensorShapeProto {
+  // One dimension of the tensor.
+  message Dim {
+    // Size of the tensor in that dimension.
+    // This value must be >= -1, but values of -1 are reserved for "unknown"
+    // shapes (values of -1 mean "unknown" dimension).  Certain wrappers
+    // that work with TensorShapeProto may fail at runtime when deserializing
+    // a TensorShapeProto containing a dim value of -1.
+    int64 size = 1;
+    // Optional name of the tensor dimension.
+    string name = 2;
+  };
+  // Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
+  // for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.  If an entry has size -1, this
+  // corresponds to a dimension of unknown size. The names are
+  // optional.
+  //
+  // The order of entries in "dim" matters: It indicates the layout of the
+  // values in the tensor in-memory representation.
+  //
+  // The first entry in "dim" is the outermost dimension used to layout the
+  // values, the last entry is the innermost dimension.  This matches the
+  // in-memory layout of RowMajor Eigen tensors.
+  //
+  // If "dim.size()" > 0, "unknown_rank" must be false.
+  repeated Dim dim = 2;
+  // If true, the number of dimensions in the shape is unknown.
+  //
+  // If true, "dim.size()" must be 0.
+  bool unknown_rank = 3;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/types.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/types.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..71e8ed7800e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/types.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "TypesProtos";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+// LINT.IfChange
+enum DataType {
+  // Not a legal value for DataType.  Used to indicate a DataType field
+  // has not been set.
+  DT_INVALID = 0;
+  // Data types that all computation devices are expected to be
+  // capable to support.
+  DT_FLOAT = 1;
+  DT_DOUBLE = 2;
+  DT_INT32 = 3;
+  DT_UINT8 = 4;
+  DT_INT16 = 5;
+  DT_INT8 = 6;
+  DT_STRING = 7;
+  DT_COMPLEX64 = 8;  // Single-precision complex
+  DT_INT64 = 9;
+  DT_BOOL = 10;
+  DT_QINT8 = 11;     // Quantized int8
+  DT_QUINT8 = 12;    // Quantized uint8
+  DT_QINT32 = 13;    // Quantized int32
+  DT_BFLOAT16 = 14;  // Float32 truncated to 16 bits.  Only for cast ops.
+  DT_QINT16 = 15;    // Quantized int16
+  DT_QUINT16 = 16;   // Quantized uint16
+  DT_UINT16 = 17;
+  DT_COMPLEX128 = 18;  // Double-precision complex
+  DT_HALF = 19;
+  DT_RESOURCE = 20;
+  // TODO(josh11b): DT_GENERIC_PROTO = ??;
+  // TODO(jeff,josh11b): DT_UINT64?  DT_UINT32?
+  // Do not use!  These are only for parameters.  Every enum above
+  // should have a corresponding value below (verified by types_test).
+  DT_FLOAT_REF = 101;
+  DT_DOUBLE_REF = 102;
+  DT_INT32_REF = 103;
+  DT_UINT8_REF = 104;
+  DT_INT16_REF = 105;
+  DT_INT8_REF = 106;
+  DT_STRING_REF = 107;
+  DT_COMPLEX64_REF = 108;
+  DT_INT64_REF = 109;
+  DT_BOOL_REF = 110;
+  DT_QINT8_REF = 111;
+  DT_QUINT8_REF = 112;
+  DT_QINT32_REF = 113;
+  DT_BFLOAT16_REF = 114;
+  DT_QINT16_REF = 115;
+  DT_QUINT16_REF = 116;
+  DT_UINT16_REF = 117;
+  DT_COMPLEX128_REF = 118;
+  DT_HALF_REF = 119;
+// LINT.ThenChange(,
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/versions.proto b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/versions.proto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb001426ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/proto/versions.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package tensorboard;
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "VersionsProtos";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
+// Version information for a piece of serialized data
+// There are different types of versions for each type of data
+// (GraphDef, etc.), but they all have the same common shape
+// described here.
+// Each consumer has "consumer" and "min_producer" versions (specified
+// elsewhere).  A consumer is allowed to consume this data if
+//   producer >= min_producer
+//   consumer >= min_consumer
+//   consumer not in bad_consumers
+message VersionDef {
+  // The version of the code that produced this data.
+  int32 producer = 1;
+  // Any consumer below this version is not allowed to consume this data.
+  int32 min_consumer = 2;
+  // Specific consumer versions which are disallowed (e.g. due to bugs).
+  repeated int32 bad_consumers = 3;
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a73646603e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Writer for writing events to the event file."""
+import struct
+from .crc32c import crc32c
+class RecordWriter(object):
+    """Write records in the following format for a single record event_str:
+    uint64 len(event_str)
+    uint32 masked crc of len(event_str)
+    byte event_str
+    uint32 masked crc of event_str
+    The implementation is ported from
+    Here we simply define a byte string _dest to buffer the record to be written to files.
+    The flush and close mechanism is totally controlled in this class.
+    In TensorFlow, _dest is a object instance of ZlibOutputBuffer (C++) which has its own flush
+    and close mechanism defined."""
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        self._writer = None
+        try:
+            self._writer = open(path, 'wb')
+        except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+            raise ValueError('failed to open file {}: {}'.format(path, str(e)))
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.close()
+    def write_record(self, event_str):
+        header = struct.pack('Q', len(event_str))
+        header += struct.pack('I', masked_crc32c(header))
+        footer = struct.pack('I', masked_crc32c(event_str))
+        self._writer.write(header + event_str + footer)
+    def flush(self):
+        assert self._writer is not None
+        self._writer.flush()
+    def close(self):
+        if self._writer is not None:
+            self.flush()
+            self._writer.close()
+            self._writer = None
+def masked_crc32c(data):
+    """Copied from
+    x = u32(crc32c(data))
+    return u32(((x >> 15) | u32(x << 17)) + 0xa282ead8)
+def u32(x):
+    """Copied from
+    return x & 0xffffffff
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4456726c0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Functions of generating summary protocol buffers. Adapted from
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import logging
+import io
+import wave
+import struct
+import re as _re
+import numpy as np
+from .proto.summary_pb2 import Summary
+from .proto.summary_pb2 import HistogramProto
+from .proto.summary_pb2 import SummaryMetadata
+from .proto.tensor_pb2 import TensorProto
+from .proto.tensor_shape_pb2 import TensorShapeProto
+from .proto.plugin_pr_curve_pb2 import PrCurvePluginData
+from .utils import _make_numpy_array, _prepare_image
+from ...ndarray import NDArray
+    from PIL import Image
+except ImportError:
+    Image = None
+_INVALID_TAG_CHARACTERS = _re.compile(r'[^-/\w\.]')
+def _clean_tag(name):
+    """Cleans a tag. Removes illegal characters for instance.
+    Adapted from the TensorFlow function `clean_tag()` at
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        name : str
+            The original tag name to be processed.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        The cleaned tag name.
+    """
+    # In the past, the first argument to summary ops was a tag, which allowed
+    # arbitrary characters. Now we are changing the first argument to be the node
+    # name. This has a number of advantages (users of summary ops now can
+    # take advantage of the tf name scope system) but risks breaking existing
+    # usage, because a much smaller set of characters are allowed in node names.
+    # This function replaces all illegal characters with _s, and logs a warning.
+    # It also strips leading slashes from the name.
+    if name is not None:
+        new_name = _INVALID_TAG_CHARACTERS.sub('_', name)
+        new_name = new_name.lstrip('/')  # Remove leading slashes
+        if new_name != name:
+            logging.warning('Summary name %s is illegal; using %s instead.', name, new_name)
+            name = new_name
+    return name
+def scalar_summary(tag, scalar):
+    """Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer containing a single scalar value.
+    The generated Summary has a Tensor.proto containing the input Tensor.
+    Adapted from the TensorFlow function `scalar()` at
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+      tag : str
+          A name for the generated summary. Will also serve as the series name in TensorBoard.
+      scalar : int, MXNet `NDArray`, or `numpy.ndarray`
+          A scalar value or an ndarray of shape (1,).
+    Returns
+    -------
+      A `Summary` protobuf of the `scalar` value.
+    Raises
+    ------
+      ValueError: If the scalar has the wrong shape or type.
+    """
+    tag = _clean_tag(tag)
+    scalar = _make_numpy_array(scalar)
+    assert(scalar.squeeze().ndim == 0), 'scalar should be 0D'
+    scalar = float(scalar)
+    return Summary(value=[Summary.Value(tag=tag, simple_value=scalar)])
+def histogram_summary(tag, values, bins):
+    """Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer with a histogram.
+    Adding a histogram summary makes it possible to visualize the data's distribution in
+    TensorBoard. See detailed explanation of the TensorBoard histogram dashboard at
+    This op reports an `InvalidArgument` error if any value is not finite.
+    Adapted from the TensorFlow function `histogram()` at
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        tag : str
+            A name for the summary of the histogram. Will also serve as a series name in
+            TensorBoard.
+        values : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`
+            Values for building the histogram.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A `Summary` protobuf of the histogram.
+    """
+    tag = _clean_tag(tag)
+    values = _make_numpy_array(values)
+    hist = _make_histogram(values.astype(float), bins)
+    return Summary(value=[Summary.Value(tag=tag, histo=hist)])
+def _make_histogram(values, bins):
+    """Converts values into a histogram proto using logic from
+    values = values.reshape(-1)
+    counts, limits = np.histogram(values, bins=bins)
+    limits = limits[1:]
+    sum_sq =
+    return HistogramProto(min=values.min(),
+                          max=values.max(),
+                          num=len(values),
+                          sum=values.sum(),
+                          sum_squares=sum_sq,
+                          bucket_limit=limits,
+                          bucket=counts)
+def image_summary(tag, image):
+    """Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer with image(s).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        tag : str
+            A name for the generated summary. Will also serve as a series name in TensorBoard.
+        image : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`
+            Image data that is one of the following layout: (H, W), (C, H, W), (N, C, H, W).
+            The pixel values of the image are assumed to be normalized in the range [0, 1].
+            The image will be rescaled to the range [0, 255] and cast to `np.uint8` before creating
+            the image protobuf.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A `Summary` protobuf of the image.
+    """
+    tag = _clean_tag(tag)
+    image = _prepare_image(image)
+    image = _make_image(image)
+    return Summary(value=[Summary.Value(tag=tag, image=image)])
+def _make_image(tensor):
+    """Converts an NDArray type image to Image protobuf"""
+    assert isinstance(tensor, NDArray)
+    if Image is None:
+        raise ImportError('need to install PIL for visualizing images')
+    height, width, channel = tensor.shape
+    tensor = _make_numpy_array(tensor)
+    image = Image.fromarray(tensor)
+    output = io.BytesIO()
+, format='PNG')
+    image_string = output.getvalue()
+    output.close()
+    return Summary.Image(height=height, width=width, colorspace=channel,
+                         encoded_image_string=image_string)
+def audio_summary(tag, audio, sample_rate=44100):
+    """Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer with audio data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        tag : str
+            A name for the generated summary. Will also serve as a series name in TensorBoard.
+        audio : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`
+            Audio data that can be squeezed into 1D array. The values are in the range [-1, 1].
+        sample_rate : int
+            Sampling frequency. 44,100Hz is a common sampling frequency.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A `Summary` protobuf of the audio data.
+    """
+    audio = audio.squeeze()
+    if audio.ndim != 1:
+        raise ValueError('input audio must be squeezable to 1D, input audio squeezed '
+                         'shape is {}'.format(audio.shape))
+    audio = _make_numpy_array(audio)
+    tensor_list = [int(32767.0 * x) for x in audio]
+    fio = io.BytesIO()
+    wave_writer =, 'wb')
+    wave_writer.setnchannels(1)
+    wave_writer.setsampwidth(2)
+    wave_writer.setframerate(sample_rate)
+    tensor_enc = b''
+    for v in tensor_list:
+        tensor_enc += struct.pack('<h', v)
+    wave_writer.writeframes(tensor_enc)
+    wave_writer.close()
+    audio_string = fio.getvalue()
+    fio.close()
+    audio = Summary.Audio(sample_rate=sample_rate,
+                          num_channels=1,
+                          length_frames=len(tensor_list),
+                          encoded_audio_string=audio_string,
+                          content_type='audio/wav')
+    return Summary(value=[Summary.Value(tag=tag, audio=audio)])
+def text_summary(tag, text):
+    """Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer with audio data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        tag : str
+            A name for the generated summary. Will also serve as a series name in TensorBoard.
+        text : str
+            Text data.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A `Summary` protobuf of the audio data.
+    """
+    plugin_data = [SummaryMetadata.PluginData(plugin_name='text')]
+    smd = SummaryMetadata(plugin_data=plugin_data)
+    tensor = TensorProto(dtype='DT_STRING',
+                         string_val=[text.encode(encoding='utf_8')],
+                         tensor_shape=TensorShapeProto(dim=[TensorShapeProto.Dim(size=1)]))
+    return Summary(value=[Summary.Value(node_name=tag, metadata=smd, tensor=tensor)])
+def pr_curve_summary(tag, labels, predictions, num_thresholds, weights=None):
+    """Outputs a precision-recall curve `Summary` protocol buffer.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        tag : str
+            A tag attached to the summary. Used by TensorBoard for organization.
+        labels : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`.
+            The ground truth values. A tensor of 0/1 values with arbitrary shape.
+        predictions : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`.
+            A float32 tensor whose values are in the range `[0, 1]`. Dimensions must
+            match those of `labels`.
+        num_thresholds : int
+            Number of thresholds, evenly distributed in `[0, 1]`, to compute PR metrics for.
+            Should be `>= 2`. This value should be a constant integer value, not a tensor
+            that stores an integer.
+            The thresholds for computing the pr curves are calculated in the following way:
+            `width = 1.0 / (num_thresholds - 1),
+            thresholds = [0.0, 1*width, 2*width, 3*width, ..., 1.0]`.
+        weights : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`.
+            Optional float32 tensor. Individual counts are multiplied by this value.
+            This tensor must be either the same shape as or broadcastable to the `labels` tensor.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A `Summary` protobuf of the pr_curve.
+    """
+    # num_thresholds > 127 results in failure of creating protobuf,
+    # probably a bug of protobuf
+    if num_thresholds > 127:
+        logging.warning('num_thresholds>127 would result in failure of creating pr_curve protobuf,'
+                        ' clipping it at 127')
+        num_thresholds = 127
+    labels = _make_numpy_array(labels)
+    predictions = _make_numpy_array(predictions)
+    if weights is not None:
+        weights = _make_numpy_array(weights)
+    data = _compute_curve(labels, predictions, num_thresholds=num_thresholds, weights=weights)
+    pr_curve_plugin_data = PrCurvePluginData(version=0,
+                                             num_thresholds=num_thresholds).SerializeToString()
+    plugin_data = [SummaryMetadata.PluginData(plugin_name='pr_curves',
+                                              content=pr_curve_plugin_data)]
+    smd = SummaryMetadata(plugin_data=plugin_data)
+    tensor = TensorProto(dtype='DT_FLOAT',
+                         float_val=data.reshape(-1).tolist(),
+                         tensor_shape=TensorShapeProto(
+                             dim=[TensorShapeProto.Dim(size=data.shape[0]),
+                                  TensorShapeProto.Dim(size=data.shape[1])]))
+    return Summary(value=[Summary.Value(tag=tag, metadata=smd, tensor=tensor)])
+# A value that we use as the minimum value during division of counts to prevent
+# division by 0. 1.0 does not work: Certain weights could cause counts below 1.
+def _compute_curve(labels, predictions, num_thresholds, weights=None):
+    """This function is another implementation of functions in
+    if weights is None:
+        weights = 1.0
+    # Compute bins of true positives and false positives.
+    bucket_indices = np.int32(np.floor(predictions * (num_thresholds - 1)))
+    float_labels = labels.astype(np.float)
+    histogram_range = (0, num_thresholds - 1)
+    tp_buckets, _ = np.histogram(
+        bucket_indices,
+        bins=num_thresholds,
+        range=histogram_range,
+        weights=float_labels * weights)
+    fp_buckets, _ = np.histogram(
+        bucket_indices,
+        bins=num_thresholds,
+        range=histogram_range,
+        weights=(1.0 - float_labels) * weights)
+    # Obtain the reverse cumulative sum.
+    tp = np.cumsum(tp_buckets[::-1])[::-1]
+    fp = np.cumsum(fp_buckets[::-1])[::-1]
+    tn = fp[0] - fp
+    fn = tp[0] - tp
+    precision = tp / np.maximum(_MINIMUM_COUNT, tp + fp)
+    recall = tp / np.maximum(_MINIMUM_COUNT, tp + fn)
+    return np.stack((tp, fp, tn, fn, precision, recall))
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..22d1adf8588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Util functions for writing summaries."""
+import os
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+    from PIL import Image
+except ImportError:
+    Image = None
+from ...ndarray import NDArray
+from ...ndarray import ndarray as nd
+from ...ndarray import op
+def _make_numpy_array(x):
+    if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
+        return x
+    elif np.isscalar(x):
+        return np.array([x])
+    elif isinstance(x, NDArray):
+        return x.asnumpy()
+    else:
+        raise TypeError('_make_numpy_array only accepts input types of numpy.ndarray, scalar,'
+                        ' and MXNet NDArray, while received type {}'.format(str(type(x))))
+def make_image_grid(tensor, nrow=8, padding=2, normalize=False, norm_range=None,
+                    scale_each=False, pad_value=0):
+    """Make a grid of images. This is an MXNet version of torchvision.utils.make_grid
+    Ref:
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        tensor : `NDArray` or list of `NDArray`s
+            Input image(s) in the format of HW, CHW, or NCHW.
+        nrow : int
+            Number of images displayed in each row of the grid. The Final grid size is
+            (batch_size / `nrow`, `nrow`).
+        padding : int
+            Padding value for each image in the grid.
+        normalize : bool
+            If True, shift the image to the range (0, 1), by subtracting the
+            minimum and dividing by the maximum pixel value.
+        norm_range : tuple
+            Tuple of (min, max) where min and max are numbers. These numbers are used
+            to normalize the image. By default, `min` and `max` are computed from the `tensor`.
+        scale_each : bool
+            If True, scale each image in the batch of images separately rather than the
+            `(min, max)` over all images.
+        pad_value : float
+            Value for the padded pixels.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    NDArray
+        A image grid made of the input images.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(tensor, NDArray) or not (isinstance(tensor, NDArray) and
+                                               all(isinstance(t, NDArray) for t in tensor)):
+        raise TypeError('MXNet NDArray or list of NDArrays expected, got {}'.format(
+            str(type(tensor))))
+    # if list of tensors, convert to a 4D mini-batch Tensor
+    if isinstance(tensor, list):
+        tensor = op.stack(tensor, axis=0)
+    if tensor.ndim <= 1 or tensor.ndim > 4:
+        raise ValueError('expected 2D, 3D, or 4D NDArrays, while received ndim={}'.format(
+            tensor.ndim))
+    if tensor.ndim == 2:  # single image H x W
+        tensor = tensor.reshape(((1,) + tensor.shape))
+    if tensor.ndim == 3:  # single image
+        if tensor.shape[0] == 1:  # if single-channel, convert to 3-channel
+            tensor = op.concat(*(tensor, tensor, tensor), dim=0)
+        tensor = tensor.reshape((1,) + tensor.shape)
+    if tensor.ndim == 4 and tensor.shape[1] == 1:  # single-channel images
+        tensor = op.concat(*(tensor, tensor, tensor), dim=1)
+    if normalize is True:
+        tensor = tensor.copy()  # avoid modifying tensor in-place
+        if norm_range is not None:
+            assert isinstance(norm_range, tuple) and len(norm_range) == 2, \
+                "norm_range has to be a tuple (min, max) if specified. min and max are numbers"
+        def norm_ip(img, val_min, val_max):
+            op.clip(img, a_min=val_min, a_max=val_max, out=img)
+            img -= val_min
+            img /= (val_max - val_min)
+        def norm_range_helper(t, val_range):
+            if val_range is not None:
+                norm_ip(t, val_range[0], val_range[1])
+            else:
+                norm_ip(t, t.min(), t.max())
+        if scale_each is True:
+            for t in tensor:  # loop over mini-batch dimension
+                norm_range_helper(t, norm_range)
+        else:
+            norm_range_helper(tensor, norm_range)
+    # if single image, just return
+    if tensor.shape[0] == 1:
+        return tensor.squeeze(axis=0)
+    # make the batch of images into a grid
+    nmaps = tensor.shape[0]
+    xmaps = min(nrow, nmaps)
+    ymaps = int(np.ceil(float(nmaps) / xmaps))
+    height, width = int(tensor.shape[2] + padding), int(tensor.shape[3] + padding)
+    grid = nd.empty(shape=(3, height * ymaps + padding, width * xmaps + padding),
+                    dtype=tensor.dtype, ctx=tensor.context)
+    grid[:] = pad_value
+    k = 0
+    for y in range(ymaps):
+        for x in range(xmaps):
+            if k >= nmaps:
+                break
+            start1 = y * height + padding
+            end1 = start1 + height - padding
+            start2 = x * width + padding
+            end2 = start2 + width - padding
+            grid[:, start1:end1, start2:end2] = tensor[k]
+            k = k + 1
+    return grid
+def _save_image(image, filename, nrow=8, padding=2):
+    """Saves a given Tensor into an image file. If the input tensor contains multiple images,
+    a grid of images will be saved.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        image : `NDArray`
+            Input image(s) in the format of HW, CHW, or NCHW.
+        filename : str
+            Filename of the saved image(s).
+        nrow : int
+            Number of images displayed in each row of the grid. The Final grid size is
+            (batch_size / `nrow`, `nrow`).
+        padding : int
+            Padding value for each image in the grid.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(image, NDArray):
+        raise TypeError('MXNet NDArray expected, received {}'.format(str(type(image))))
+    image = _prepare_image(image, nrow=nrow, padding=padding)
+    if Image is None:
+        raise ImportError('saving image failed because PIL is not found')
+    im = Image.fromarray(image.asnumpy())
+def _prepare_image(img, nrow=8, padding=2):
+    """Given an image of format HW, CHW, or NCHW, returns a image of format HWC.
+    If the input is a batch of images, a grid of images is made by stitching them together.
+    For float input data types, the values are normalized one image at a time to fit in the range
+    `[0, 255]`. 'uint8` values are unchanged. The following two normalization algorithms are used
+    for different conditions:
+    1. If the input values are all positive, they are rescaled so that the largest one is 255.
+    2. If any input value is negative, the values are shifted so that the input value 0.0 is at 127.
+    They are then rescaled so that either the smallest value is 0, or the largest one is 255.
+    This logic is adapted from the `image()` function in
+    It returns an image with as `NDArray` with the color channel in the end of the dimensions.
+    """
+    assert img.ndim == 2 or img.ndim == 3 or img.ndim == 4
+    if isinstance(img, NDArray):
+        if img.dtype == np.uint8:
+            return make_image_grid(img, nrow=nrow, padding=padding).transpose((1, 2, 0))
+        elif img.dtype == np.float16 or img.dtype == np.float32 or img.dtype == np.float64:
+            min_val = img.min().asscalar()
+            max_val = img.max().asscalar()
+            if min_val >= 0:
+                min_val = 0.0
+            else:
+                min_val += 127.0
+                max_val += 127.0
+                img = img + 127.0
+            return (make_image_grid(img, nrow=nrow, padding=padding, normalize=True,
+                                    norm_range=(min_val, max_val),
+                                    scale_each=True) * 255.0).astype(np.uint8).transpose((1, 2, 0))
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('expected input image dtype is one of uint8, float16, float32, '
+                             'and float64, received dtype {}'.format(str(img.dtype)))
+    else:
+        raise TypeError('expected MXNet NDArray, while received type {}'.format(str(type(img))))
+def _make_metadata_tsv(metadata, save_path):
+    """Given an `NDArray` or a `numpy.ndarray` as metadata e.g. labels, save the flattened array
+    into the file metadata.tsv under the path provided by the user. Made to satisfy the requirement
+    in the following link:
+    if isinstance(metadata, NDArray):
+        metadata = metadata.asnumpy().flatten()
+    elif isinstance(metadata, np.ndarray):
+        metadata = metadata.flatten()
+    else:
+        raise TypeError('expected NDArray of np.ndarray, while received '
+                        'type {}'.format(str(type(metadata))))
+    metadata = [str(x) for x in metadata]
+    with open(os.path.join(save_path, 'metadata.tsv'), 'w') as f:
+        for x in metadata:
+            f.write(x + '\n')
+def _make_sprite_image(images, save_path):
+    """Given an NDArray as a batch images, make a sprite image out of it following the rule
+    defined in
+    and save it in sprite.png under the path provided by the user."""
+    assert isinstance(images, NDArray)
+    shape = images.shape
+    nrow = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(shape[0])))
+    _save_image(images, os.path.join(save_path, 'sprite.png'), nrow=nrow, padding=0)
+def _add_embedding_config(file_path, global_step, has_metadata=False,
+                          label_img_shape=None, tag='default'):
+    """Creates a config file used by the embedding projector.
+    Adapted from the TensorFlow function `visualize_embeddings()` at
+    with open(os.path.join(file_path, 'projector_config.pbtxt'), 'a') as f:
+        s = 'embeddings {\n'
+        s += 'tensor_name: "{}:{}"\n'.format(tag, global_step)
+        s += 'tensor_path: "{}"\n'.format(os.path.join(global_step, 'tensors.tsv'))
+        if has_metadata:
+            s += 'metadata_path: "{}"\n'.format(os.path.join(global_step, 'metadata.tsv'))
+        if label_img_shape is not None:
+            if len(label_img_shape) != 4:
+                logging.warning('expected 4D sprite image in the format NCHW, while received image'
+                                ' ndim=%d, skipping saving sprite'
+                                ' image info', len(label_img_shape))
+            else:
+                s += 'sprite {\n'
+                s += 'image_path: "{}"\n'.format(os.path.join(global_step, 'sprite.png'))
+                s += 'single_image_dim: {}\n'.format(label_img_shape[3])
+                s += 'single_image_dim: {}\n'.format(label_img_shape[2])
+                s += '}\n'
+        s += '}\n'
+        f.write(s)
+def _save_embedding_tsv(data, file_path):
+    """Given a 2D `NDarray` or a `numpy.ndarray` as embeding,
+    save it in tensors.tsv under the path provided by the user."""
+    if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+        data_list = data.tolist()
+    elif isinstance(data, NDArray):
+        data_list = data.asnumpy().tolist()
+    else:
+        raise TypeError('expected NDArray of np.ndarray, while received type {}'.format(
+            str(type(data))))
+    with open(os.path.join(file_path, 'tensors.tsv'), 'w') as f:
+        for x in data_list:
+            x = [str(i) for i in x]
+            f.write('\t'.join(x) + '\n')
diff --git a/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e33dd5da212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mxnet/contrib/summary/
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""APIs for logging data in the event file."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import time
+import json
+import os
+import logging
+from .proto import event_pb2
+from .proto import summary_pb2
+from .event_file_writer import EventFileWriter
+from .summary import scalar_summary, histogram_summary, image_summary, audio_summary
+from .summary import text_summary, pr_curve_summary
+from .utils import _save_embedding_tsv, _make_sprite_image, _make_metadata_tsv
+from .utils import _add_embedding_config, _make_numpy_array
+class SummaryToEventTransformer(object):
+    """This class is adapted with minor modifications from
+    Users should not use this class directly for logging MXNet data.
+    This class abstractly implements the SummaryWriter API: add_summary.
+    The endpoint generates an event protobuf from the Summary object, and passes
+    the event protobuf to _event_writer, which is of type EventFileWriter, for logging.
+    """
+    # TODO(junwu): Need to check its compatibility with using ONNX for visualizing MXNet graphs.
+    def __init__(self, event_writer):
+        """Initializes the _event_writer with the passed-in value.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+          event_writer: EventFileWriter
+              An event file writer writing events to the files in the path `logdir`.
+        """
+        self._event_writer = event_writer
+        # This set contains tags of Summary Values that have been encountered
+        # already. The motivation here is that the SummaryWriter only keeps the
+        # metadata property (which is a SummaryMetadata proto) of the first Summary
+        # Value encountered for each tag. The SummaryWriter strips away the
+        # SummaryMetadata for all subsequent Summary Values with tags seen
+        # previously. This saves space.
+        self._seen_summary_tags = set()
+    def add_summary(self, summary, global_step=None):
+        """Adds a `Summary` protocol buffer to the event file.
+        This method wraps the provided summary in an `Event` protocol buffer and adds it
+        to the event file.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+          summary : A `Summary` protocol buffer
+              Optionally serialized as a string.
+          global_step: Number
+              Optional global step value to record with the summary.
+        """
+        if isinstance(summary, bytes):
+            summ = summary_pb2.Summary()
+            summ.ParseFromString(summary)
+            summary = summ
+        # We strip metadata from values with tags that we have seen before in order
+        # to save space - we just store the metadata on the first value with a
+        # specific tag.
+        for value in summary.value:
+            if not value.metadata:
+                continue
+            if value.tag in self._seen_summary_tags:
+                # This tag has been encountered before. Strip the metadata.
+                value.ClearField("metadata")
+                continue
+            # We encounter a value with a tag we have not encountered previously. And
+            # it has metadata. Remember to strip metadata from future values with this
+            # tag string.
+            self._seen_summary_tags.add(value.tag)
+        event = event_pb2.Event(summary=summary)
+        self._add_event(event, global_step)
+    def _add_event(self, event, step):
+        event.wall_time = time.time()
+        if step is not None:
+            event.step = int(step)
+        self._event_writer.add_event(event)
+class FileWriter(SummaryToEventTransformer):
+    """This class is adapted from
+    Even though this class provides user-level APIs in TensorFlow, it is recommended to use the
+    interfaces defined in the class `SummaryWriter` (see below) for logging in MXNet as they are
+    directly compatible with the MXNet NDArray type.
+    This class writes `Summary` protocol buffers to event files. The `FileWriter` class provides
+    a mechanism to create an event file in a given directory and add summaries and events to it.
+    The class updates the file contents asynchronously.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, logdir, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120, filename_suffix=None):
+        """Creates a `FileWriter` and an event file.
+        On construction the summary writer creates a new event file in `logdir`.
+        This event file will contain `Event` protocol buffers constructed when you
+        call one of the following functions: `add_summary()`, or `add_event()`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            logdir : str
+                Directory where event file will be written.
+            max_queue : int
+                Size of the queue for pending events and summaries.
+            flush_secs: Number
+                How often, in seconds, to flush the pending events and summaries to disk.
+            filename_suffix : str
+                Every event file's name is suffixed with `filename_suffix` if provided.
+        """
+        event_writer = EventFileWriter(logdir, max_queue, flush_secs, filename_suffix)
+        super(FileWriter, self).__init__(event_writer)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        """Make usable with "with" statement."""
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, unused_type, unused_value, unused_traceback):
+        """Make usable with "with" statement."""
+        self.close()
+    def get_logdir(self):
+        """Returns the directory where event file will be written."""
+        return self._event_writer.get_logdir()
+    def add_event(self, event):
+        """Adds an event to the event file.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            event : An `Event` protocol buffer.
+        """
+        self._event_writer.add_event(event)
+    def flush(self):
+        """Flushes the event file to disk.
+        Call this method to make sure that all pending events have been written to disk.
+        """
+        self._event_writer.flush()
+    def close(self):
+        """Flushes the event file to disk and close the file.
+        Call this method when you do not need the summary writer anymore.
+        """
+        self._event_writer.close()
+    def reopen(self):
+        """Reopens the EventFileWriter.
+        Can be called after `close()` to add more events in the same directory.
+        The events will go into a new events file. Does nothing if the EventFileWriter
+        was not closed.
+        """
+        self._event_writer.reopen()
+class SummaryWriter(object):
+    """This class is adapted with modifications in support of the MXNet NDArray types from
+    The `SummaryWriter` class provides a high-level api to create an event file in a
+    given directory and add summaries and events to it. This class writes data to the
+    event file asynchronously.
+    This class is a wrapper of the FileWriter class. It's recommended that users use
+    the APIs of this class to log MXNet data for visualization as they are directly compatible with
+    the MXNet data types.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> data = mx.nd.random.uniform(size=(10, 10))
+    >>> with SummaryWriter(logdir='logs') as sw:
+    >>>     sw.add_histogram(tag='my_hist', values=data, global_step=0, bins=100)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, logdir, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120, filename_suffix=None):
+        """
+        Creates a `SummaryWriter` and an event file.
+        On construction the summary writer creates a new event file in `logdir`.
+        This event file will contain `Event` protocol buffers constructed when you
+        call one of the following functions: `add_audio()`, `add_embedding()`,
+        `add_histogram()`, `add_image()`, `add_pr_curve()`, `add_scalar()`, and `add_text()`.
+        Please make sure that the `logdir` used here for initiailizing `SummaryWriter`
+        matches the `--logdir` parameter you passed to the `tensorboard` binary in the command line
+        for launching TensorBoard.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            logdir : str
+                Directory where event file will be written.
+            max_queue : int
+                Size of the queue for pending events and summaries.
+            flush_secs: Number
+                How often, in seconds, to flush the pending events and summaries to disk.
+            filename_suffix : str
+                Every event file's name is suffixed with `filename_suffix` if provided.
+        """
+        self._file_writer = FileWriter(logdir=logdir, max_queue=max_queue,
+                                       flush_secs=flush_secs, filename_suffix=filename_suffix)
+        self._default_bins = None
+        self._text_tags = []
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        self.close()
+    def _get_default_bins(self):
+        """Ported from the C++ function InitDefaultBucketsInner() in the following file.
+        See the following tutorial for more details on how TensorFlow initialize bin distribution.
+        if self._default_bins is None:
+            v = 1E-12
+            buckets = []
+            neg_buckets = []
+            while v < 1E20:
+                buckets.append(v)
+                neg_buckets.append(-v)
+                v *= 1.1
+            self._default_bins = neg_buckets[::-1] + [0] + buckets
+        return self._default_bins
+    def get_logdir(self):
+        """Returns the logging directory associated with this `SummaryWriter`."""
+        return self._file_writer.get_logdir()
+    def add_scalar(self, tag, value, global_step=None):
+        """Adds scalar data to the event file.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            tag : str
+                Name for the `value`.
+            value : float
+                Value to be saved.
+            global_step : int
+                Global step value to record.
+        """
+        self._file_writer.add_summary(scalar_summary(tag, value), global_step)
+    def add_histogram(self, tag, values, global_step=None, bins='default'):
+        """Add histogram data to the event file.
+        Note: This function internally calls `asnumpy()` if `values` is an MXNet NDArray.
+        Since `asnumpy()` is a blocking function call, this function would block the main
+        thread till it returns. It may consequently affect the performance of async execution
+        of the MXNet engine.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            tag : str
+                Name for the `values`.
+            values : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`
+                Values for building histogram.
+            global_step : int
+                Global step value to record.
+            bins : int or sequence of scalars or str
+                If `bins` is an int, it defines the number equal-width bins in the range
+                `(values.min(), values.max())`.
+                If `bins` is a sequence, it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge,
+                allowing for non-uniform bin width.
+                If `bins` is a str equal to 'default', it will use the bin distribution
+                defined in TensorFlow for building histogram.
+                Ref:
+                The rest of supported strings for `bins` are 'auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott',
+                'rice', 'sturges', and 'sqrt'. etc. See the documentation of `numpy.histogram`
+                for detailed definitions of those strings.
+        """
+        if bins == 'default':
+            bins = self._get_default_bins()
+        self._file_writer.add_summary(histogram_summary(tag, values, bins), global_step)
+    def add_image(self, tag, image, global_step=None):
+        """Add image data to the event file.
+        This function supports input as a 2D, 3D, or 4D image.
+        If the input image is 2D, a channel axis is prepended as the first dimension
+        and image will be replicated three times and concatenated along the channel axis.
+        If the input image is 3D, it will be replicated three times and concatenated along
+        the channel axis. If the input image is 4D, which is a batch images, all the
+        images will be spliced as a big square image for display.
+        Note: This function requires the ``pillow`` package.
+        Note: This function internally calls `asnumpy()` if `values` is an MXNet NDArray.
+        Since `asnumpy()` is a blocking function call, this function would block the main
+        thread till it returns. It may consequently affect the performance of async execution
+        of the MXNet engine.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            tag : str
+                Name for the `image`.
+            image : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`
+                Image is one of the following formats: (H, W), (C, H, W), (N, C, H, W).
+                For float image data types, the values are normalized one image at a time to fit
+                in the range `[0, 255]`. 'uint8` values are unchanged. The following two
+                normalization algorithms are used for different conditions:
+                1. If the input values are all positive, they are rescaled so that the largest one
+                is 255.
+                2. If any input value is negative, the values are shifted so that the input value
+                0.0 is at 127.
+                They are then rescaled so that either the smallest value is 0, or the largest
+                one is 255.
+            global_step : int
+                Global step value to record.
+        """
+        self._file_writer.add_summary(image_summary(tag, image), global_step)
+    def add_audio(self, tag, audio, sample_rate=44100, global_step=None):
+        """Add audio data to the event file.
+        Note: This function internally calls `asnumpy()` if `values` is an MXNet NDArray.
+        Since `asnumpy()` is a blocking function call, this function would block the main
+        thread till it returns. It may consequently affect the performance of async execution
+        of the MXNet engine.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            tag : str
+                Name for the `audio`.
+            audio : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`
+                Audio data squeezable to a 1D tensor. The values of the tensor are in the range
+                `[-1, 1]`.
+            sample_rate : int
+                Sample rate in Hz.
+            global_step : int
+                Global step value to record.
+        """
+        self._file_writer.add_summary(audio_summary(tag, audio, sample_rate=sample_rate),
+                                      global_step)
+    def add_text(self, tag, text, global_step=None):
+        """Add text data to the event file.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            tag : str
+                Name for the `text`.
+            text : str
+                Text to be saved to the event file.
+            global_step : int
+                Global step value to record.
+        """
+        self._file_writer.add_summary(text_summary(tag, text), global_step)
+        if tag not in self._text_tags:
+            self._text_tags.append(tag)
+            extension_dir = self.get_logdir() + '/plugins/tensorboard_text/'
+            if not os.path.exists(extension_dir):
+                os.makedirs(extension_dir)
+            with open(extension_dir + 'tensors.json', 'w') as fp:
+                json.dump(self._text_tags, fp)
+    def add_embedding(self, tag, embedding, labels=None, images=None, global_step=None):
+        """Adds embedding projector data to the event file. It will also create a config file
+        used by the embedding projector in TensorBoard.
+        See the following reference for the meanings of labels and images.
+        Ref:
+        Note: This function internally calls `asnumpy()` if `values` is an MXNet NDArray.
+        Since `asnumpy()` is a blocking function call, this function would block the main
+        thread till it returns. It may consequently affect the performance of async execution
+        of the MXNet engine.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            tag : str
+                Name for the `embedding`.
+            embedding : MXNet `NDArray` or  `numpy.ndarray`
+                A matrix whose each row is the feature vector of a data point.
+            labels : list of elements that can be converted to strings
+                Labels corresponding to the data points in the `embedding`.
+            images : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`
+                Images of format NCHW corresponding to the data points in the `embedding`.
+            global_step : int
+                Global step value to record.
+        """
+        embedding_shape = embedding.shape
+        if len(embedding_shape) != 2:
+            raise ValueError('expected 2D NDArray as embedding data, while received an array with'
+                             ' ndim=%d' % len(embedding_shape))
+        if global_step is None:
+            global_step = 0
+        save_path = os.path.join(self.get_logdir(), str(global_step).zfill(5))
+        try:
+            os.makedirs(save_path)
+        except OSError:
+            logging.warning('embedding dir exists, did you set global_step for add_embedding()?')
+        if labels is not None:
+            if labels.ndim != 1:
+                raise ValueError('expected 1D ndarray as labels')
+            if embedding_shape[0] != len(labels):
+                raise ValueError('expected equal values of embedding first dim and length of '
+                                 'labels, while received %d and %d for each'
+                                 % (embedding_shape[0], len(labels)))
+            _make_metadata_tsv(labels, save_path)
+        if images is not None:
+            img_labels_shape = images.shape
+            if embedding_shape[0] != img_labels_shape[0]:
+                raise ValueError('expected equal first dim size of embedding and images,'
+                                 ' while received %d and %d for each' % (embedding_shape[0],
+                                                                         img_labels_shape[0]))
+            _make_sprite_image(images, save_path)
+        _save_embedding_tsv(embedding, save_path)
+        _add_embedding_config(self.get_logdir(), str(global_step).zfill(5), labels is not None,
+                              images.shape, tag)
+    def add_pr_curve(self, tag, labels, predictions, num_thresholds,
+                     global_step=None, weights=None):
+        """Adds precision-recall curve.
+        Note: This function internally calls `asnumpy()` if `values` is an MXNet NDArray.
+        Since `asnumpy()` is a blocking function call, this function would block the main
+        thread till it returns. It may consequently affect the performance of async execution
+        of the MXNet engine.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            tag : str
+                A tag attached to the summary. Used by TensorBoard for organization.
+            labels : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`.
+                The ground truth values. A tensor of 0/1 values with arbitrary shape.
+            predictions : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`.
+                A float32 tensor whose values are in the range `[0, 1]`. Dimensions must match
+                those of `labels`.
+            num_thresholds : int
+                Number of thresholds, evenly distributed in `[0, 1]`, to compute PR metrics for.
+                Should be `>= 2`. This value should be a constant integer value, not a tensor
+                that stores an integer.
+                The thresholds for computing the pr curves are calculated in the following way:
+                `width = 1.0 / (num_thresholds - 1),
+                thresholds = [0.0, 1*width, 2*width, 3*width, ..., 1.0]`.
+            global_step : int
+                Global step value to record.
+            weights : MXNet `NDArray` or `numpy.ndarray`.
+                Optional float32 tensor. Individual counts are multiplied by this value.
+                This tensor must be either the same shape as or broadcastable to the `labels`
+                tensor.
+        """
+        if num_thresholds < 2:
+            raise ValueError('num_thresholds must be >= 2')
+        labels = _make_numpy_array(labels)
+        predictions = _make_numpy_array(predictions)
+        self._file_writer.add_summary(pr_curve_summary(tag, labels, predictions,
+                                                       num_thresholds, weights), global_step)
+    def flush(self):
+        """Flushes pending events to the file."""
+        self._file_writer.flush()
+    def close(self):
+        """Closes the event file for writing."""
+        self._file_writer.close()
+    def reopen(self):
+        """Reopens the event file for writing."""
+        self._file_writer.reopen()
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index cf94adf982d..d8d5f204ea4 100644
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -99,6 +99,19 @@ def config_cython():
         return []
+def compile_summary_protobuf():
+    proto_path = 'mxnet/contrib/summary/proto'
+    proto_files = os.path.join(proto_path, '*.proto')
+    cmd = 'protoc ' + proto_files + ' --python_out=.'
+    return os.system(cmd)
+if compile_summary_protobuf() != 0:
+    print('WARNING: Compiling summary protocol buffers failed. You will not be '
+          'able to use the summary logging APIs for visualizing data in TensorBoard. '
+          'Please make sure that you have installed protobuf3 compiler and runtime correctly.')
       description=open(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, '')).read(),
diff --git a/tests/python/gpu/ b/tests/python/gpu/
index ef025e4b938..978bf1c4c73 100644
--- a/tests/python/gpu/
+++ b/tests/python/gpu/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 from test_sparse_ndarray import test_sparse_nd_setitem, test_sparse_nd_binary_scalar_op
 from test_sparse_operator import *
 from test_ndarray import *
+from test_summary import *
 del test_support_vector_machine_l1_svm
diff --git a/tests/python/unittest/ b/tests/python/unittest/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df815aaabcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/python/unittest/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import shutil
+from mxnet.contrib.summary import SummaryWriter
+from mxnet.contrib.summary.utils import _make_metadata_tsv, make_image_grid, _make_sprite_image
+from mxnet.contrib.summary.utils import _add_embedding_config, _save_embedding_tsv
+from mxnet.test_utils import *
+from common import with_seed
+_LOGDIR = './logs_for_tensorboard'
+_METADATA_TSV = 'metadata.tsv'
+_SPRITE_PNG = 'sprite.png'
+_PROJECTOR_CONFIG_PBTXT = 'projector_config.pbtxt'
+_TENSORS_TSV = 'tensors.tsv'
+_EVENT_FILE_PREFIX = 'events.out.tfevents'
+_PLUGINS = 'plugins'
+_TENSORBOARD_TEXT = 'tensorboard_text'
+_TENSORS_JSON = 'tensors.json'
+def make_logdir():
+    if not os.path.exists(_LOGDIR):
+        try:
+            os.mkdir(_LOGDIR)
+        except:
+            raise OSError('failed to make dir at {}'.format(_LOGDIR))
+def safe_remove_file(file_path):
+    if file_exists(file_path):
+        try:
+            os.remove(file_path)
+        except:
+            raise OSError('failed to remove file at {}'.format(file_path))
+def remove_logdir():
+    if dir_exists(_LOGDIR):
+        try:
+            shutil.rmtree(_LOGDIR)
+        except:
+            raise OSError('failed to remove dir {}'.format(_LOGDIR))
+def safe_remove_dir(dir_path):
+    if dir_empty(dir_path):
+        try:
+            shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+        except:
+            raise OSError('failed to remove dir {}'.format(dir_path))
+def safe_remove_logdir():
+    safe_remove_dir(_LOGDIR)
+def file_exists(file_path):
+    return os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.isfile(file_path)
+def dir_exists(dir_path):
+    return os.path.exists(dir_path) and os.path.isdir(dir_path)
+def file_exists_with_prefix(file_path, prefix=None):
+    if prefix is None:
+        return file_exists(file_path)
+    filename = os.path.basename(file_path)
+    if filename.startswith(prefix):
+        return True
+    return False
+def dir_empty(dir_path):
+    for _, dirnames, files in os.walk(dir_path):
+        if len(dirnames) != 0 or len(files) != 0:
+            return False
+    return True
+def logdir_empty():
+    return dir_empty(_LOGDIR)
+def test_make_metadata_tsv():
+    make_logdir()
+    shape = rand_shape_nd(num_dim=4, dim=10)
+    data = rand_ndarray(shape=shape, stype='default')
+    _make_metadata_tsv(data, _LOGDIR)
+    file_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, 'metadata.tsv')
+    data_loaded = np.loadtxt(file_path, dtype=data.dtype)
+    assert same(data.asnumpy(), data_loaded.reshape(data.shape))
+    safe_remove_file(file_path)
+    safe_remove_logdir()
+def test_make_image_grid():
+    def test_2d_input():
+        shape = rand_shape_2d()
+        data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default')
+        grid = make_image_grid(data)
+        assert grid.ndim == 3
+        assert grid.shape[0] == 3
+        assert grid.shape[1:] == data.shape
+        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), grid[1].asnumpy())
+        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), grid[2].asnumpy())
+        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), data.asnumpy())
+    def test_3d_single_channel_input():
+        shape = rand_shape_3d(dim0=1)
+        data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default')
+        assert data.shape[0] == 1  # single channel
+        grid = make_image_grid(data)
+        assert grid.ndim == 3
+        assert grid.shape[0] == 3
+        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), grid[1].asnumpy())
+        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), grid[2].asnumpy())
+        assert same(grid[0:1].asnumpy(), data.asnumpy())
+    def test_3d_three_channel_input():
+        shape = rand_shape_3d()
+        shape = (3,) + shape[1:]
+        data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default')
+        grid = make_image_grid(data)
+        assert grid.ndim == 3
+        assert grid.shape[0] == 3
+        assert same(grid.asnumpy(), data.asnumpy())
+    def test_4d_single_batch_single_channel_input():
+        shape = list(rand_shape_nd(4))
+        shape[0] = 1
+        shape[1] = 1
+        shape = tuple(shape)
+        data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default')
+        grid = make_image_grid(data)
+        assert grid.ndim == 3
+        assert grid.shape[0] == 3
+        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), grid[1].asnumpy())
+        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), grid[2].asnumpy())
+        assert same(grid[0].reshape(data.shape).asnumpy(), data.asnumpy())
+    def test_4d_multiple_batch_input():
+        shape_list = list(rand_shape_nd(4))
+        shape_list[0] = 10
+        num_channels = [1, 3]
+        for c in num_channels:
+            shape_list[1] = c
+            shape = tuple(shape_list)
+            data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default')
+            grid = make_image_grid(data)
+            assert grid.ndim == 3
+            assert grid.shape[0] == 3
+    test_2d_input()
+    test_3d_single_channel_input()
+    test_3d_three_channel_input()
+    test_4d_single_batch_single_channel_input()
+    test_4d_multiple_batch_input()
+def test_make_sprite_image():
+    dtypes = [np.uint8, np.float32, np.float64]
+    ndims = [2, 3, 4]
+    for dtype in dtypes:
+        for ndim in ndims:
+            shape_list = list(rand_shape_nd(num_dim=ndim))
+            if ndim == 3:
+                shape_list[0] = 3
+            elif ndim == 4:
+                shape_list[1] = 3
+            data = rand_ndarray(tuple(shape_list), 'default', dtype=dtype)
+            make_logdir()
+            _make_sprite_image(data, _LOGDIR)
+            file_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, _SPRITE_PNG)
+            assert file_exists(file_path)
+            safe_remove_file(file_path)
+            safe_remove_logdir()
+def test_add_embedding_config():
+    make_logdir()
+    _add_embedding_config(_LOGDIR, str(10000), True, (4, 3, 5, 5))
+    file_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, _PROJECTOR_CONFIG_PBTXT)
+    assert file_exists(file_path)
+    safe_remove_file(file_path)
+    safe_remove_logdir()
+def test_save_ndarray_tsv():
+    dtypes = [np.uint8, np.float32, np.float64]
+    ndims = [2, 3, 4]
+    for dtype in dtypes:
+        for ndim in ndims:
+            shape = rand_shape_nd(ndim)
+            data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default', dtype=dtype)
+            make_logdir()
+            _save_embedding_tsv(data, _LOGDIR)
+            file_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, _TENSORS_TSV)
+            safe_remove_file(file_path)
+            safe_remove_logdir()
+def check_event_file_and_remove_logdir():
+    """Check whether the event file exists and then remove the logdir."""
+    files = os.listdir(_LOGDIR)
+    assert len(files) == 1
+    file_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, files[0])
+    assert file_exists_with_prefix(file_path, _EVENT_FILE_PREFIX)
+    safe_remove_file(file_path)
+    safe_remove_logdir()
+def test_add_scalar():
+    sw = SummaryWriter(logdir=_LOGDIR)
+    sw.add_scalar(tag='test_add_scalar', value=np.random.uniform(), global_step=0)
+    sw.close()
+    check_event_file_and_remove_logdir()
+def test_add_histogram():
+    shape = rand_shape_nd(4)
+    sw = SummaryWriter(logdir=_LOGDIR)
+    sw.add_histogram(tag='test_add_histogram', values=mx.nd.random.normal(shape=shape), global_step=0, bins=100)
+    sw.close()
+    check_event_file_and_remove_logdir()
+def test_add_image():
+    shape = list(rand_shape_nd(4))
+    shape[1] = 3
+    shape = tuple(shape)
+    sw = SummaryWriter(logdir=_LOGDIR)
+    sw.add_image(tag='test_add_image', image=mx.nd.random.normal(shape=shape), global_step=0)
+    sw.close()
+    check_event_file_and_remove_logdir()
+def test_add_audio():
+    shape = (100,)
+    data = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape=shape)
+    sw = SummaryWriter(logdir=_LOGDIR)
+    sw.add_audio(tag='test_add_audio', audio=data)
+    sw.close()
+    check_event_file_and_remove_logdir()
+def check_and_remove_logdir_for_text():
+    """1. verify that tensors.json exists under _LOGDIR/plugins/tensorboard_text.
+    2. verify that the event files exists and remove it."""
+    # step 1
+    plugins_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, _PLUGINS)
+    tensorboard_text_path = os.path.join(plugins_path, _TENSORBOARD_TEXT)
+    file_path = os.path.join(tensorboard_text_path, _TENSORS_JSON)
+    assert file_exists(file_path)
+    safe_remove_file(file_path)
+    safe_remove_dir(tensorboard_text_path)
+    safe_remove_dir(plugins_path)
+    # step 2
+    event_files = os.listdir(_LOGDIR)
+    assert len(event_files) == 1
+    event_file_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, event_files[0])
+    assert file_exists_with_prefix(event_file_path, _EVENT_FILE_PREFIX)
+    safe_remove_file(event_file_path)
+    # remove logdir
+    safe_remove_logdir()
+def test_add_text():
+    # this will generate an event file under _LOGDIR and
+    # a json file called tensors.json under _LOGDIR/plugins/tensorboard_text/tensors.json
+    sw = SummaryWriter(logdir=_LOGDIR)
+    sw.add_text(tag='test_add_text', text='Hello MXNet!')
+    sw.close()
+    check_and_remove_logdir_for_text()
+def check_and_remove_for_embedding(global_step):
+    """1. verify projector_config.pbtxt exists under _LOGDIR.
+    2. verify folder str(global_step).zfill(5) exists under _LOGDIR.
+    3. verify metadata.tsv exists under _LOGDIR/str(global_step).zfill(5).
+    4. verify sprinte.png exists under _LOGDIR/str(global_step).zfill(5).
+    5. verify tensors.tsv exists under _LOGDIR/str(global_step).zfill(5).
+    6. remove all of them and _LOGDIR."""
+    # step 1
+    projector_file_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, _PROJECTOR_CONFIG_PBTXT)
+    assert file_exists(projector_file_path)
+    global_step_dir_path = os.path.join(_LOGDIR, str(global_step).zfill(5))
+    assert dir_exists(global_step_dir_path)
+    metadata_tsv_path = os.path.join(global_step_dir_path, _METADATA_TSV)
+    assert file_exists(metadata_tsv_path)
+    sprint_png_path = os.path.join(global_step_dir_path, _SPRITE_PNG)
+    assert file_exists(sprint_png_path)
+    tensors_tsv_path = os.path.join(global_step_dir_path, _TENSORS_TSV)
+    assert file_exists(tensors_tsv_path)
+    safe_remove_file(projector_file_path)
+    safe_remove_file(metadata_tsv_path)
+    safe_remove_file(sprint_png_path)
+    safe_remove_file(tensors_tsv_path)
+    safe_remove_dir(global_step_dir_path)
+    safe_remove_logdir()
+def test_add_embedding():
+    batch_size = 10
+    embedding = mx.nd.uniform(shape=(batch_size, 20))
+    labels = mx.nd.uniform(low=1, high=2, shape=(batch_size,)).astype('int32')
+    images = mx.nd.uniform(shape=(batch_size, 3, 10, 10))
+    global_step = np.random.randint(low=0, high=999999)
+    with SummaryWriter(logdir=_LOGDIR) as sw:
+        sw.add_embedding(tag='test_add_embedding', embedding=embedding, labels=labels,
+                         images=images, global_step=global_step)
+    check_and_remove_for_embedding(global_step)
+def test_add_pr_curve():
+    shape = (100,)
+    predictions = mx.nd.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=shape)
+    labels = mx.nd.uniform(low=0, high=2, shape=shape).astype('int32')
+    num_threshodls = 100
+    with SummaryWriter(_LOGDIR) as sw:
+        sw.add_pr_curve(tag='test_add_pr_curve', labels=labels, predictions=predictions, num_thresholds=num_threshodls)
+    check_event_file_and_remove_logdir()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    remove_logdir()
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()


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