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git commit: Template version number in client docs. Stub out Getting Started docs.

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 16d744b75 -> d09ef2583

Template version number in client docs.
Stub out Getting Started docs.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: d09ef2583197bacb31f579d17702cf7fa12ab370
Parents: 16d744b
Author: Kevin Minder <>
Authored: Wed Mar 20 00:17:45 2013 -0400
Committer: Kevin Minder <>
Committed: Wed Mar 20 00:17:45 2013 -0400

 gateway-site/src/site/markdown/    |  615 ----------------------
 gateway-site/src/site/markdown/ |  615 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 gateway-site/src/site/markdown/setup.html   |   34 ++
 gateway-site/src/site/site.xml              |    4 +-
 4 files changed, 650 insertions(+), 618 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/ b/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e3ae66..0000000
--- a/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Hadoop requires a client that can be used to interact remotely with the services provided by Hadoop cluster.
-This will also be true when using the Apache Knox Gateway to provide perimeter security and centralized access for these services.
-The two primary existing clients for Hadoop are the CLI (i.e. Command Line Interface, hadoop) and HUE (i.e. Hadoop User Environment).
-for several reasons however, neither of these clients can *currently* be used to access Hadoop services via the Apache Knox Gateway.
-This lead to thinking about a very simple client that could help people use and evaluate the gateway.
-The list below outline the general requirements for such a client.
-1. Promote the evaluation and adoption of the Apache Knox Gateway
-2. Simple to deploy and use on data worker desktops to access to remote Hadoop clusters
-3. Simple to extend with new commands both by other Hadoop projects and by the end user
-4. Support the notion of a SSO session for multiple Hadoop interactions
-5. Support the multiple authentication and federation token capabilities of the Apache Knox Gateway
-6. Promote the use of REST APIs as the dominant remote client mechanism for Hadoop services
-7. Promote the the sense of Hadoop as a single unified product
-8. Aligned with the Apache Knox Gateway's overall goals for security
-The result is a very simple DSL ([Domain Specific Language][1]) of sorts that is used via [Groovy][2] scripts.
-Here is an example of a command that copies a file from the local file system to HDFS.
-*Note: The variables session, localFile and remoteFile are assumed to be defined.*
-    Hdfs.put( session ).file( localFile ).to( remoteFile ).now()
-***This work is very early in development but is also very useful in its current state.***
-***We are very interested in receiving feedback about how to improve this feature and the DSL in particular.***
-A note of thanks to [REST-assured][3] which provides a [Fluent interface][4] style DSL for testing REST services.
-It served as the initial inspiration for the creation of this DSL.
-This document assumes a few things about your environment in order to simplify the examples.
-1. The JVM is executable as simply java.
-2. The Apache Knox Gateway is installed and functional.
-3. The example commands are executed within the context of the GATEWAY_HOME current directory.
-The GATEWAY_HOME directory is the directory within the Apache Knox Gateway installation that contains the README file and the bin, conf and deployments directories.
-4. A few examples require the use of commands from a standard Groovy installation.
-The DSL requires a shell to interpret the Groovy script.
-The shell can either be used interactively or to execute a script file.
-To simplify use, the distribution contains an embedded version of the Groovy shell.
-The shell can be run interactively.
-    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-The shell can also be used to execute a script by passing a single filename argument.
-    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sample/SmokeTestJob.groovy
-When running interactively it may be helpful to reduce some of the output generated by the shell console.
-Use the following command in the interactive shell to reduce that output.
-This only needs to be done once as these preferences are persisted.
-    set verbosity QUIET
-    set show-last-result false
-Also when running interactively use the `exit` command to terminate the shell.
-Using `^C` to exit can sometimes leaves the parent shell in a problematic state.
-Once the shell can be launched the DSL can be used to interact with the gateway and Hadoop.
-Below is a very simple example of an interactive shell session to upload a file to HDFS.
-    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-    knox:000> hadoop = Hadoop.login( "https://localhost:8443/gateway/sample", "hdfs", "hdfs-password" )
-    knox:000> Hdfs.put( hadoop ).file( "README" ).to( "/tmp/example/README" ).now()
-The `knox:000>` in the example above is the prompt from the embedded Groovy console.
-If you output doesn't look like this you may need to set the verbosity and show-last-result preferences as described above in the Usage section.
-Without using some other tool to browse HDFS it is impossible to tell that that this command did anything.
-Execute this to get a bit more feedback.
-    knox:000> println "Status=" + Hdfs.put( hadoop ).file( "README" ).to( "/tmp/example/README2" ).now().statusCode
-    Status=201
-Notice that a different filename is used for the destination.
-Without this an error would have resulted.
-Of course the DSL also provides a command to list the contents of a directory.
-    knox:000> println hadoop ).dir( "/tmp/example" ).now().string
-    {"FileStatuses":{"FileStatus":[{"accessTime":1363711366977,"blockSize":134217728,"group":"hdfs","length":19395,"modificationTime":1363711366977,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"README","permission":"644","replication":1,"type":"FILE"},{"accessTime":1363711375617,"blockSize":134217728,"group":"hdfs","length":19395,"modificationTime":1363711375617,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"README2","permission":"644","replication":1,"type":"FILE"}]}}
-It is a design decision of the DSL to not provide type safe classes for various request and response payloads.
-Doing so would provide an undesirable coupling between the DSL and the service implementation.
-It also would make adding new commands much more difficult.
-See the Groovy section below for a variety capabilities and tools for working with JSON and XML to make this easy.
-The example below shows the use of JsonSlurper and GPath to extract content from a JSON response.
-    knox:000> import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
-    knox:000> text = hadoop ).dir( "/tmp/example" ).now().string
-    knox:000> json = (new JsonSlurper()).parseText( json )
-    knox:000> println json.FileStatuses.FileStatus.pathSuffix
-*In the future, "built-in" methods to slurp JSON and XML may be added to make this a bit easier.*
-*This would allow for this type if single line interaction.*
-Shell session should always be ended with shutting down the session.
-The examples above do not touch on it but the DSL supports the simple execution of commands asynchronously.
-The shutdown command attempts to ensures that all asynchronous commands have completed before existing the shell.
-    knox:000> hadoop.shutdown()
-    knox:000> exit
-All of the commands above could have been combined into a script file and executed as a single line.
-    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0.jar samples/Example.groovy
-This script file is available in the distribution but for convenience, this is the content.
-    import
-    import
-    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
-    gateway = "https://localhost:8443/gateway/sample"
-    username = "mapred"
-    password = "mapred-password"
-    dataFile = "README"
-    hadoop = Hadoop.login( gateway, username, password )
-    Hdfs.rm( hadoop ).file( "/tmp/example" ).recursive().now()
-    Hdfs.put( hadoop ).file( dataFile ).to( "/tmp/example/README" ).now().string
-    text = hadoop ).dir( "/tmp/example" ).now().string
-    json = (new JsonSlurper()).parseText( text )
-    println json.FileStatuses.FileStatus.pathSuffix
-    hadoop.shutdown()
-Notice the Hdfs.rm command.  This is included simply to ensure that the script can be rerun.
-Without this an error would result the second time it is run.
-In order to understand the DSL there are three primary constructs that need to be understood.
-### Hadoop
-This construct encapsulates the client side session state that will be shared between all command invocations.
-In particular it will simplify the management of any tokens that need to be presented with each command invocation.
-It also manages a thread pool that is used by all asynchronous commands which is why it is important to call one of the shutdown methods.
-The syntax associated with this is expected to change we expect that credentials will not need to be provided to the gateway.
-Rather it is expected that some form of access token will be used to initialize the session.
-### Services
-Services are the primary extension point for adding new suites of commands.
-The built in examples are: Hdfs, Job and Workflow.
-The desire for extensibility is the reason for the slightly awkward syntax.
-Certainly something more like hadoop.hdfs().ls() would have been preferred but this would prevent adding new commands easily.
-At a minimum it would result in extension commands with a different syntax from the "built-in" commands.
-The service objects essentially function as a factory for a suite of commands.
-### Commands
-Commands provide the behavior of the DSL.
-They typically follow a Fluent interface style in order to allow for single line commands.
-There are really three parts to each command: Request, Invocation, Response
-#### Request
-The request is populated by all of the methods following the "verb" method and the "invoke" method.
-For example in Hdfs.rm(hadoop).ls(dir).now() the request is populated between the "verb" method rm() and the "invoke" method now().
-#### Invocation
-The invocation method controls how the request is invoked.
-Currently supported synchronous and asynchronous invocation.
-The now() method executes the request and returns the result immediately.
-The later() method submits the request to be executed later and returns a future from which the result can be retrieved.
-In addition later() invocation method can optionally be provided a closure to execute when the request is complete.
-See the Futures and Closures sections below for additional detail and examples.
-#### Response
-The response contains the results of the invocation of the request.
-In most cases the response is a thin wrapper over the HTTP response.
-In fact many commands will share a single BasicResponse type that only provides a few simple methods.
-    public int getStatusCode()
-    public long getContentLength()
-    public String getContentType()
-    public String getContentEncoding()
-    public InputStream getStream()
-    public String getString()
-    public byte[] getBytes()
-    public void close();
-Thanks to Groovy these methods can be accessed as attributes.
-In the some of the examples the staticCode was retrieved for example.
-    println Hdfs.put(hadoop).rm(dir).now().statusCode
-Groovy will invoke the getStatusCode method to retrieve the statusCode attribute.
-The three methods getStream(), getBytes() and getString deserve special attention.
-Care must be taken that the HTTP body is read only once.
-Therefore one of these methods (and only one) must be called once and only once.
-Calling one of these more than once will cause an error.
-Failing to call one of these methods once will result in lingering open HTTP connections.
-The close() method may be used if the caller is not interested in reading the result body.
-Most commands that do not expect a response body will call close implicitly.
-If the body is retrieved via getBytes() or getString(), the close() method need not be called.
-When using getStream(), care must be taken to consume the entire body otherwise lingering open HTTP connections will result.
-The close() method may be called after reading the body partially to discard the remainder of the body.
-There are three basic DSL services and commands bundled with the shell.
-### HDFS
-Provides basic HDFS commands.
-***Using these DSL commands requires that WebHDFS be running in the Hadoop cluster.***
-### Jobs (Templeton/WebHCat)
-Provides basic job submission and status commands.
-***Using these DSL commands requires that Templeton/WebHCat be running in the Hadoop cluster.***
-### Workflow (Oozie)
-Provides basic workflow submission and status commands.
-***Using these DSL commands requires that Oozie be running in the Hadoop cluster.***
-HDFS Commands (WebHDFS)
-### ls() - List the contents of a HDFS directory.
-* Request
-    * dir (String) - The HDFS directory to list.
-* Response
-    * BasicResponse
-* Example
-    * `"/").now()`
-### rm() - Remove a HDFS file or directory.
-* Request
-    * file (String) - The HDFS file or directory to remove.
-    * recursive (Boolean) - If the file is a directory also remove any contained files and directories. Optional: default=false
-* Response
-    * EmptyResponse - Implicit close().
-* Example
-    * `Hdfs.rm(hadoop).file("/tmp/example").recursive().now()`
-### put() - Copy a file from the local file system to HDFS.
-* Request
-    * text (String) - The text to copy to the remote file.
-    * file (String) - The name of a local file to copy to the remote file.
-    * to (String) - The name of the remote file create.
-* Response
-    * EmptyResponse - Implicit close().
-* Example
-    * `Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("localFile").to("/tmp/example/remoteFile").now()`
-### get() - Copy a file from HDFS to the local file system.
-* Request
-    * file (String) - The name of the local file to create from the remote file.  If this isn't specified the file content must be read from the response.
-    * from (String) - The name of the remote file to copy.
-* Response
-    * BasicResponse
-* Example
-    * `Hdfs.get(hadoop).file("localFile").from("/tmp/example/remoteFile").now()`
-### mkdir() - Create a directory in HDFS.
-* Request
-    * dir (String) - The name of the remote directory to create.
-    * perm (String) - The permissions to create the remote directory with.  Optional: default="777"
-* Response
-    * EmptyResponse - Implicit close().
-* Example
-    * `Hdfs.mkdir(hadoop).dir("/tmp/example").perm("777").now()`
-Job Commands (WebHCat/Templeton)
-### submitJava() - Submit a Java MapReduce job.
-* Request
-    * jar (String) - The remote file name of the JAR containing the app to execute.
-    * app (String) - The app name to execute.  This is wordcount for example not the class name.
-    * input (String) - The remote directory name to use as input for the job.
-    * output (String) - The remote directory name to store output from the job.
-* Response
-    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
-* Example
-    * `Job.submitJava(hadoop).jar(remoteJarName).app(appName).input(remoteInputDir).output(remoteOutputDir).now().jobId`
-### submitPig() - Submit a Pig job.
-* Request
-    * file (String) - The remote file name of the pig script.
-    * arg (String) - An argument to pass to the script.
-    * statusDir (String) - The remote directory to store status output.
-* Response
-    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
-* Example
-    * `Job.submitPig(hadoop).file(remotePigFileName).arg("-v").statusDir(remoteStatusDir).now()`
-### submitHive() - Submit a Hive job.
-* Request
-    * file (String) - The remote file name of the hive script.
-    * arg (String) - An argument to pass to the script.
-    * statusDir (String) - The remote directory to store status output.
-* Response
-    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
-* Example
-    * `Job.submitHive(hadoop).file(remoteHiveFileName).arg("-v").statusDir(remoteStatusDir).now()`
-### queryQueue() - Return a list of all job IDs registered to the user.
-* Request
-    * No request parameters.
-* Response
-    * BasicResponse
-* Example
-    * `Job.queryQueue(hadoop).now().string`
-### queryStatus() - Check the status of a job and get related job information given its job ID.
-* Request
-    * jobId (String) - The job ID to check. This is the ID received when the job was created.
-* Response
-    * BasicResponse
-* Example
-    * `Job.queryStatus(hadoop).jobId(jobId).now().string`
-Workflow Commands (Oozie)
-### submit() - Submit a workflow job.
-* Request
-    * text (String) - XML formatted workflow configuration string.
-    * file (String) - A filename containing XML formatted workflow configuration.
-    * action (String) - The initial action to take on the job.  Optional: Default is "start".
-* Response
-    * BasicResponse
-* Example
-    * `Workflow.submit(hadoop).file(localFile).action("start").now()`
-### status() - Query the status of a workflow job.
-* Request
-    * jobId (String) - The job ID to check. This is the ID received when the job was created.
-* Response
-    * BasicResponse
-* Example
-    * `Workflow.status(hadoop).jobId(jobId).now().string`
-The DSL supports the ability to invoke commands asynchronously via the later() invocation method.
-The object returned from the later() method is a java.util.concurrent.Future parametrized with the response type of the command.
-This is an example of how to asynchronously put a file to HDFS.
-    future = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("README").to("tmp/example/README").later()
-    println future.get().statusCode
-The future.get() method will block until the asynchronous command is complete.
-To illustrate the usefullness of this however multiple concurrent commands are required.
-    readmeFuture = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("README").to("tmp/example/README").later()
-    licenseFuture = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("LICENSE").to("tmp/example/LICENSE").later()
-    hadoop.waitFor( readmeFuture, licenseFuture )
-    println readmeFuture.get().statusCode
-    println licenseFuture.get().statusCode
-The hadoop.waitFor() method will wait for one or more asynchronous commands to complete.
-Futures alone only provide asynchronous invocation of the command.
-What if some processing should also occur asynchronously once the command is complete.
-Support for this is provided by closures.
-Closures are blocks of code that are passed into the later() invocation method.
-In Groovy these are contained within {} immediately after a method.
-These blocks of code are executed once the asynchronous command is complete.
-    Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("README").to("tmp/example/README").later(){ println it.statusCode }
-In this example the put() command is executed on a separate thread and once complete the { println it.statusCode } block is executed on that thread.
-The it variable is automatically populated by Groovy and is a reference to the result that is returned from the future or now() method.
-The future example above can be rewritten to illustrate the use of closures.
-    readmeFuture = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("README").to("tmp/example/README").later() { println it.statusCode }
-    licenseFuture = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("LICENSE").to("tmp/example/LICENSE").later() { println it.statusCode }
-    hadoop.waitFor( readmeFuture, licenseFuture )
-Again, the hadoop.waitFor() method will wait for one or more asynchronous commands to complete.
-Extensibility is a key design goal of the KnoxShell and DSL.
-There are two ways to provide extended functionality for use with the shell.
-The first is to simply create Groovy scripts that use the DSL to perform a useful task.
-The second is to add new services and commands.
-In order to add new service and commands new classes must be written in either Groovy or Java and added to the classpath of the shell.
-Fortunately there is a very simple way to add classes and JARs to the shell classpath.
-The first time the shell is executed it will create a configuration file in the same directory as the JAR with the same base name and a `.cfg` extension.
-    bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-    bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.cfg
-That file contains both the main class for the shell as well as a definition of the classpath.
-Currently that file will by default contain the following.
-    class.path=../lib; ../lib/*.jar; ../ext; ../ext/*.jar
-Therefore to extend the shell you should copy any new service and command class either to the `ext` directory or if they are packaged within a JAR copy the JAR to the `ext` directory.
-The `lib` directory is reserved for JARs that may be delivered with the product.
-Below are samples for the service and command classes that would need to be written to add new commands to the shell.
-These happen to be Groovy source files but could with very minor changes be Java files.
-The easiest way to add these to the shell is to compile them directory into the `ext` directory.
-*Note: This command depends upon having the Groovy compiler installed and available on the execution path.*
-    groovyc -d ext -cp bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar samples/SampleService.groovy samples/SampleSimpleCommand.groovy samples/SampleComplexCommand.groovy
-These source files are available in the samples directory of the distribution but these are included here for convenience.
-### Sample Service (Groovy)
-    import
-    class SampleService {
-      static String PATH = "/namenode/api/v1"
-      static SimpleCommand simple( Hadoop hadoop ) {
-        return new SimpleCommand( hadoop )
-      }
-      static ComplexCommand.Request complex( Hadoop hadoop ) {
-        return new ComplexCommand.Request( hadoop )
-      }
-    }
-### Sample Simple Command (Groovy)
-    import
-    import
-    import
-    import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
-    import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder
-    import java.util.concurrent.Callable
-    class SimpleCommand extends AbstractRequest<BasicResponse> {
-      SimpleCommand( Hadoop hadoop ) {
-        super( hadoop )
-      }
-      private String param
-      SimpleCommand param( String param ) {
-        this.param = param
-        return this
-      }
-      @Override
-      protected Callable<BasicResponse> callable() {
-        return new Callable<BasicResponse>() {
-          @Override
-          BasicResponse call() {
-            URIBuilder uri = uri( SampleService.PATH, param )
-            addQueryParam( uri, "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
-            HttpGet get = new HttpGet( )
-            return new BasicResponse( execute( get ) )
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-### Sample Complex Command (Groovy)
-    import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath
-    import
-    import
-    import
-    import org.apache.http.HttpResponse
-    import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
-    import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder
-    import java.util.concurrent.Callable
-    class ComplexCommand {
-      static class Request extends AbstractRequest<Response> {
-        Request( Hadoop hadoop ) {
-          super( hadoop )
-        }
-        private String param;
-        Request param( String param ) {
-          this.param = param;
-          return this;
-        }
-        @Override
-        protected Callable<Response> callable() {
-          return new Callable<Response>() {
-            @Override
-            Response call() {
-              URIBuilder uri = uri( SampleService.PATH, param )
-              addQueryParam( uri, "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
-              HttpGet get = new HttpGet( )
-              return new Response( execute( get ) )
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      static class Response extends BasicResponse {
-        Response(HttpResponse response) {
-          super(response)
-        }
-        public List<String> getNames() {
-          return string, "\$.FileStatuses.FileStatus[*].pathSuffix" )
-        }
-      }
-    }
-The shell included in the distribution is basically an unmodified packaging of the Groovy shell.
-Therefore these command are functionally equivalent if you have Groovy installed.
-    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sample/SmokeTestJob.groovy
-    groovy -cp bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sample/SmokeTestJob.groovy
-The interactive shell isn't exactly equivalent.
-However the only difference is that the shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar automatically executes some additional imports that are useful for the KnoxShell DSL.
-So these two sets of commands should be functionality equivalent.
-***However there is currently a class loading issue that prevents the groovysh command from working propertly.***
-    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-    groovysh -cp bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar # BROKEN, CLASS LOADING ISSUE
-    import
-    import
-    import
-    import
-    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
-Alternatively, you can use the Groovy Console which does not appear to have the same class loading issue.
-    groovyConsole -cp bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-    import
-    import
-    import
-    import
-    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
-In addition because the DSL can be used via standard Groovy, the Groovy integrations in many popular IDEs (e.g. IntelliJ , Eclipse) can also be used.
-This makes it particularly nice to develop and execute scripts to interact with Hadoop.
-The code-completion feature in particular provides immense value.
-All that is required is to add the shell-0.2.0.jar to the projects class path.
-There are a variety of Groovy tools that make it very easy to work with the standard interchange formats (i.e. JSON and XML).
-In Groovy the creation of XML or JSON is typically done via a "builder" and parsing done via a "slurper".
-In addition once JSON or XML is "slurped" the GPath, an XPath like feature build into Groovy can be used to access data.
-* XML
-  * Markup Builder [Overview]('s+MarkupBuilder), [API](
-  * XML Slurper [Overview]('s+XmlSlurper), [API](
-  * XPath [Overview](, [API]
-  * JSON Builder [API](
-  * JSON Slurper [API](
-* GPath [Overview](
-The Apache Knox Gateway is an effort undergoing incubation at the
-Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.
-Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review
-indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process
-have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects.
-While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness
-or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be
-fully endorsed by the ASF.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/ b/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cf66d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+Hadoop requires a client that can be used to interact remotely with the services provided by Hadoop cluster.
+This will also be true when using the Apache Knox Gateway to provide perimeter security and centralized access for these services.
+The two primary existing clients for Hadoop are the CLI (i.e. Command Line Interface, hadoop) and HUE (i.e. Hadoop User Environment).
+for several reasons however, neither of these clients can *currently* be used to access Hadoop services via the Apache Knox Gateway.
+This lead to thinking about a very simple client that could help people use and evaluate the gateway.
+The list below outline the general requirements for such a client.
+1. Promote the evaluation and adoption of the Apache Knox Gateway
+2. Simple to deploy and use on data worker desktops to access to remote Hadoop clusters
+3. Simple to extend with new commands both by other Hadoop projects and by the end user
+4. Support the notion of a SSO session for multiple Hadoop interactions
+5. Support the multiple authentication and federation token capabilities of the Apache Knox Gateway
+6. Promote the use of REST APIs as the dominant remote client mechanism for Hadoop services
+7. Promote the the sense of Hadoop as a single unified product
+8. Aligned with the Apache Knox Gateway's overall goals for security
+The result is a very simple DSL ([Domain Specific Language][1]) of sorts that is used via [Groovy][2] scripts.
+Here is an example of a command that copies a file from the local file system to HDFS.
+*Note: The variables session, localFile and remoteFile are assumed to be defined.*
+    Hdfs.put( session ).file( localFile ).to( remoteFile ).now()
+***This work is very early in development but is also very useful in its current state.***
+***We are very interested in receiving feedback about how to improve this feature and the DSL in particular.***
+A note of thanks to [REST-assured][3] which provides a [Fluent interface][4] style DSL for testing REST services.
+It served as the initial inspiration for the creation of this DSL.
+This document assumes a few things about your environment in order to simplify the examples.
+1. The JVM is executable as simply java.
+2. The Apache Knox Gateway is installed and functional.
+3. The example commands are executed within the context of the GATEWAY_HOME current directory.
+The GATEWAY_HOME directory is the directory within the Apache Knox Gateway installation that contains the README file and the bin, conf and deployments directories.
+4. A few examples require the use of commands from a standard Groovy installation.
+The DSL requires a shell to interpret the Groovy script.
+The shell can either be used interactively or to execute a script file.
+To simplify use, the distribution contains an embedded version of the Groovy shell.
+The shell can be run interactively.
+    java -jar bin/shell-${gateway-version}.jar
+The shell can also be used to execute a script by passing a single filename argument.
+    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sample/SmokeTestJob.groovy
+When running interactively it may be helpful to reduce some of the output generated by the shell console.
+Use the following command in the interactive shell to reduce that output.
+This only needs to be done once as these preferences are persisted.
+    set verbosity QUIET
+    set show-last-result false
+Also when running interactively use the `exit` command to terminate the shell.
+Using `^C` to exit can sometimes leaves the parent shell in a problematic state.
+Once the shell can be launched the DSL can be used to interact with the gateway and Hadoop.
+Below is a very simple example of an interactive shell session to upload a file to HDFS.
+    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
+    knox:000> hadoop = Hadoop.login( "https://localhost:8443/gateway/sample", "hdfs", "hdfs-password" )
+    knox:000> Hdfs.put( hadoop ).file( "README" ).to( "/tmp/example/README" ).now()
+The `knox:000>` in the example above is the prompt from the embedded Groovy console.
+If you output doesn't look like this you may need to set the verbosity and show-last-result preferences as described above in the Usage section.
+Without using some other tool to browse HDFS it is impossible to tell that that this command did anything.
+Execute this to get a bit more feedback.
+    knox:000> println "Status=" + Hdfs.put( hadoop ).file( "README" ).to( "/tmp/example/README2" ).now().statusCode
+    Status=201
+Notice that a different filename is used for the destination.
+Without this an error would have resulted.
+Of course the DSL also provides a command to list the contents of a directory.
+    knox:000> println hadoop ).dir( "/tmp/example" ).now().string
+    {"FileStatuses":{"FileStatus":[{"accessTime":1363711366977,"blockSize":134217728,"group":"hdfs","length":19395,"modificationTime":1363711366977,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"README","permission":"644","replication":1,"type":"FILE"},{"accessTime":1363711375617,"blockSize":134217728,"group":"hdfs","length":19395,"modificationTime":1363711375617,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"README2","permission":"644","replication":1,"type":"FILE"}]}}
+It is a design decision of the DSL to not provide type safe classes for various request and response payloads.
+Doing so would provide an undesirable coupling between the DSL and the service implementation.
+It also would make adding new commands much more difficult.
+See the Groovy section below for a variety capabilities and tools for working with JSON and XML to make this easy.
+The example below shows the use of JsonSlurper and GPath to extract content from a JSON response.
+    knox:000> import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
+    knox:000> text = hadoop ).dir( "/tmp/example" ).now().string
+    knox:000> json = (new JsonSlurper()).parseText( json )
+    knox:000> println json.FileStatuses.FileStatus.pathSuffix
+*In the future, "built-in" methods to slurp JSON and XML may be added to make this a bit easier.*
+*This would allow for this type if single line interaction.*
+Shell session should always be ended with shutting down the session.
+The examples above do not touch on it but the DSL supports the simple execution of commands asynchronously.
+The shutdown command attempts to ensures that all asynchronous commands have completed before existing the shell.
+    knox:000> hadoop.shutdown()
+    knox:000> exit
+All of the commands above could have been combined into a script file and executed as a single line.
+    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0.jar samples/Example.groovy
+This script file is available in the distribution but for convenience, this is the content.
+    import
+    import
+    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
+    gateway = "https://localhost:8443/gateway/sample"
+    username = "mapred"
+    password = "mapred-password"
+    dataFile = "README"
+    hadoop = Hadoop.login( gateway, username, password )
+    Hdfs.rm( hadoop ).file( "/tmp/example" ).recursive().now()
+    Hdfs.put( hadoop ).file( dataFile ).to( "/tmp/example/README" ).now().string
+    text = hadoop ).dir( "/tmp/example" ).now().string
+    json = (new JsonSlurper()).parseText( text )
+    println json.FileStatuses.FileStatus.pathSuffix
+    hadoop.shutdown()
+Notice the Hdfs.rm command.  This is included simply to ensure that the script can be rerun.
+Without this an error would result the second time it is run.
+In order to understand the DSL there are three primary constructs that need to be understood.
+### Hadoop
+This construct encapsulates the client side session state that will be shared between all command invocations.
+In particular it will simplify the management of any tokens that need to be presented with each command invocation.
+It also manages a thread pool that is used by all asynchronous commands which is why it is important to call one of the shutdown methods.
+The syntax associated with this is expected to change we expect that credentials will not need to be provided to the gateway.
+Rather it is expected that some form of access token will be used to initialize the session.
+### Services
+Services are the primary extension point for adding new suites of commands.
+The built in examples are: Hdfs, Job and Workflow.
+The desire for extensibility is the reason for the slightly awkward syntax.
+Certainly something more like hadoop.hdfs().ls() would have been preferred but this would prevent adding new commands easily.
+At a minimum it would result in extension commands with a different syntax from the "built-in" commands.
+The service objects essentially function as a factory for a suite of commands.
+### Commands
+Commands provide the behavior of the DSL.
+They typically follow a Fluent interface style in order to allow for single line commands.
+There are really three parts to each command: Request, Invocation, Response
+#### Request
+The request is populated by all of the methods following the "verb" method and the "invoke" method.
+For example in Hdfs.rm(hadoop).ls(dir).now() the request is populated between the "verb" method rm() and the "invoke" method now().
+#### Invocation
+The invocation method controls how the request is invoked.
+Currently supported synchronous and asynchronous invocation.
+The now() method executes the request and returns the result immediately.
+The later() method submits the request to be executed later and returns a future from which the result can be retrieved.
+In addition later() invocation method can optionally be provided a closure to execute when the request is complete.
+See the Futures and Closures sections below for additional detail and examples.
+#### Response
+The response contains the results of the invocation of the request.
+In most cases the response is a thin wrapper over the HTTP response.
+In fact many commands will share a single BasicResponse type that only provides a few simple methods.
+    public int getStatusCode()
+    public long getContentLength()
+    public String getContentType()
+    public String getContentEncoding()
+    public InputStream getStream()
+    public String getString()
+    public byte[] getBytes()
+    public void close();
+Thanks to Groovy these methods can be accessed as attributes.
+In the some of the examples the staticCode was retrieved for example.
+    println Hdfs.put(hadoop).rm(dir).now().statusCode
+Groovy will invoke the getStatusCode method to retrieve the statusCode attribute.
+The three methods getStream(), getBytes() and getString deserve special attention.
+Care must be taken that the HTTP body is read only once.
+Therefore one of these methods (and only one) must be called once and only once.
+Calling one of these more than once will cause an error.
+Failing to call one of these methods once will result in lingering open HTTP connections.
+The close() method may be used if the caller is not interested in reading the result body.
+Most commands that do not expect a response body will call close implicitly.
+If the body is retrieved via getBytes() or getString(), the close() method need not be called.
+When using getStream(), care must be taken to consume the entire body otherwise lingering open HTTP connections will result.
+The close() method may be called after reading the body partially to discard the remainder of the body.
+There are three basic DSL services and commands bundled with the shell.
+### HDFS
+Provides basic HDFS commands.
+***Using these DSL commands requires that WebHDFS be running in the Hadoop cluster.***
+### Jobs (Templeton/WebHCat)
+Provides basic job submission and status commands.
+***Using these DSL commands requires that Templeton/WebHCat be running in the Hadoop cluster.***
+### Workflow (Oozie)
+Provides basic workflow submission and status commands.
+***Using these DSL commands requires that Oozie be running in the Hadoop cluster.***
+HDFS Commands (WebHDFS)
+### ls() - List the contents of a HDFS directory.
+* Request
+    * dir (String) - The HDFS directory to list.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * `"/").now()`
+### rm() - Remove a HDFS file or directory.
+* Request
+    * file (String) - The HDFS file or directory to remove.
+    * recursive (Boolean) - If the file is a directory also remove any contained files and directories. Optional: default=false
+* Response
+    * EmptyResponse - Implicit close().
+* Example
+    * `Hdfs.rm(hadoop).file("/tmp/example").recursive().now()`
+### put() - Copy a file from the local file system to HDFS.
+* Request
+    * text (String) - The text to copy to the remote file.
+    * file (String) - The name of a local file to copy to the remote file.
+    * to (String) - The name of the remote file create.
+* Response
+    * EmptyResponse - Implicit close().
+* Example
+    * `Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("localFile").to("/tmp/example/remoteFile").now()`
+### get() - Copy a file from HDFS to the local file system.
+* Request
+    * file (String) - The name of the local file to create from the remote file.  If this isn't specified the file content must be read from the response.
+    * from (String) - The name of the remote file to copy.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * `Hdfs.get(hadoop).file("localFile").from("/tmp/example/remoteFile").now()`
+### mkdir() - Create a directory in HDFS.
+* Request
+    * dir (String) - The name of the remote directory to create.
+    * perm (String) - The permissions to create the remote directory with.  Optional: default="777"
+* Response
+    * EmptyResponse - Implicit close().
+* Example
+    * `Hdfs.mkdir(hadoop).dir("/tmp/example").perm("777").now()`
+Job Commands (WebHCat/Templeton)
+### submitJava() - Submit a Java MapReduce job.
+* Request
+    * jar (String) - The remote file name of the JAR containing the app to execute.
+    * app (String) - The app name to execute.  This is wordcount for example not the class name.
+    * input (String) - The remote directory name to use as input for the job.
+    * output (String) - The remote directory name to store output from the job.
+* Response
+    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
+* Example
+    * `Job.submitJava(hadoop).jar(remoteJarName).app(appName).input(remoteInputDir).output(remoteOutputDir).now().jobId`
+### submitPig() - Submit a Pig job.
+* Request
+    * file (String) - The remote file name of the pig script.
+    * arg (String) - An argument to pass to the script.
+    * statusDir (String) - The remote directory to store status output.
+* Response
+    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
+* Example
+    * `Job.submitPig(hadoop).file(remotePigFileName).arg("-v").statusDir(remoteStatusDir).now()`
+### submitHive() - Submit a Hive job.
+* Request
+    * file (String) - The remote file name of the hive script.
+    * arg (String) - An argument to pass to the script.
+    * statusDir (String) - The remote directory to store status output.
+* Response
+    * jobId : String - The job ID of the submitted job.  Consumes body.
+* Example
+    * `Job.submitHive(hadoop).file(remoteHiveFileName).arg("-v").statusDir(remoteStatusDir).now()`
+### queryQueue() - Return a list of all job IDs registered to the user.
+* Request
+    * No request parameters.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * `Job.queryQueue(hadoop).now().string`
+### queryStatus() - Check the status of a job and get related job information given its job ID.
+* Request
+    * jobId (String) - The job ID to check. This is the ID received when the job was created.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * `Job.queryStatus(hadoop).jobId(jobId).now().string`
+Workflow Commands (Oozie)
+### submit() - Submit a workflow job.
+* Request
+    * text (String) - XML formatted workflow configuration string.
+    * file (String) - A filename containing XML formatted workflow configuration.
+    * action (String) - The initial action to take on the job.  Optional: Default is "start".
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * `Workflow.submit(hadoop).file(localFile).action("start").now()`
+### status() - Query the status of a workflow job.
+* Request
+    * jobId (String) - The job ID to check. This is the ID received when the job was created.
+* Response
+    * BasicResponse
+* Example
+    * `Workflow.status(hadoop).jobId(jobId).now().string`
+The DSL supports the ability to invoke commands asynchronously via the later() invocation method.
+The object returned from the later() method is a java.util.concurrent.Future parametrized with the response type of the command.
+This is an example of how to asynchronously put a file to HDFS.
+    future = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("README").to("tmp/example/README").later()
+    println future.get().statusCode
+The future.get() method will block until the asynchronous command is complete.
+To illustrate the usefullness of this however multiple concurrent commands are required.
+    readmeFuture = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("README").to("tmp/example/README").later()
+    licenseFuture = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("LICENSE").to("tmp/example/LICENSE").later()
+    hadoop.waitFor( readmeFuture, licenseFuture )
+    println readmeFuture.get().statusCode
+    println licenseFuture.get().statusCode
+The hadoop.waitFor() method will wait for one or more asynchronous commands to complete.
+Futures alone only provide asynchronous invocation of the command.
+What if some processing should also occur asynchronously once the command is complete.
+Support for this is provided by closures.
+Closures are blocks of code that are passed into the later() invocation method.
+In Groovy these are contained within {} immediately after a method.
+These blocks of code are executed once the asynchronous command is complete.
+    Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("README").to("tmp/example/README").later(){ println it.statusCode }
+In this example the put() command is executed on a separate thread and once complete the { println it.statusCode } block is executed on that thread.
+The it variable is automatically populated by Groovy and is a reference to the result that is returned from the future or now() method.
+The future example above can be rewritten to illustrate the use of closures.
+    readmeFuture = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("README").to("tmp/example/README").later() { println it.statusCode }
+    licenseFuture = Hdfs.put(hadoop).file("LICENSE").to("tmp/example/LICENSE").later() { println it.statusCode }
+    hadoop.waitFor( readmeFuture, licenseFuture )
+Again, the hadoop.waitFor() method will wait for one or more asynchronous commands to complete.
+Extensibility is a key design goal of the KnoxShell and DSL.
+There are two ways to provide extended functionality for use with the shell.
+The first is to simply create Groovy scripts that use the DSL to perform a useful task.
+The second is to add new services and commands.
+In order to add new service and commands new classes must be written in either Groovy or Java and added to the classpath of the shell.
+Fortunately there is a very simple way to add classes and JARs to the shell classpath.
+The first time the shell is executed it will create a configuration file in the same directory as the JAR with the same base name and a `.cfg` extension.
+    bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
+    bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.cfg
+That file contains both the main class for the shell as well as a definition of the classpath.
+Currently that file will by default contain the following.
+    class.path=../lib; ../lib/*.jar; ../ext; ../ext/*.jar
+Therefore to extend the shell you should copy any new service and command class either to the `ext` directory or if they are packaged within a JAR copy the JAR to the `ext` directory.
+The `lib` directory is reserved for JARs that may be delivered with the product.
+Below are samples for the service and command classes that would need to be written to add new commands to the shell.
+These happen to be Groovy source files but could with very minor changes be Java files.
+The easiest way to add these to the shell is to compile them directory into the `ext` directory.
+*Note: This command depends upon having the Groovy compiler installed and available on the execution path.*
+    groovyc -d ext -cp bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar samples/SampleService.groovy samples/SampleSimpleCommand.groovy samples/SampleComplexCommand.groovy
+These source files are available in the samples directory of the distribution but these are included here for convenience.
+### Sample Service (Groovy)
+    import
+    class SampleService {
+      static String PATH = "/namenode/api/v1"
+      static SimpleCommand simple( Hadoop hadoop ) {
+        return new SimpleCommand( hadoop )
+      }
+      static ComplexCommand.Request complex( Hadoop hadoop ) {
+        return new ComplexCommand.Request( hadoop )
+      }
+    }
+### Sample Simple Command (Groovy)
+    import
+    import
+    import
+    import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
+    import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder
+    import java.util.concurrent.Callable
+    class SimpleCommand extends AbstractRequest<BasicResponse> {
+      SimpleCommand( Hadoop hadoop ) {
+        super( hadoop )
+      }
+      private String param
+      SimpleCommand param( String param ) {
+        this.param = param
+        return this
+      }
+      @Override
+      protected Callable<BasicResponse> callable() {
+        return new Callable<BasicResponse>() {
+          @Override
+          BasicResponse call() {
+            URIBuilder uri = uri( SampleService.PATH, param )
+            addQueryParam( uri, "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
+            HttpGet get = new HttpGet( )
+            return new BasicResponse( execute( get ) )
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+### Sample Complex Command (Groovy)
+    import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath
+    import
+    import
+    import
+    import org.apache.http.HttpResponse
+    import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
+    import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder
+    import java.util.concurrent.Callable
+    class ComplexCommand {
+      static class Request extends AbstractRequest<Response> {
+        Request( Hadoop hadoop ) {
+          super( hadoop )
+        }
+        private String param;
+        Request param( String param ) {
+          this.param = param;
+          return this;
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected Callable<Response> callable() {
+          return new Callable<Response>() {
+            @Override
+            Response call() {
+              URIBuilder uri = uri( SampleService.PATH, param )
+              addQueryParam( uri, "op", "LISTSTATUS" )
+              HttpGet get = new HttpGet( )
+              return new Response( execute( get ) )
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      static class Response extends BasicResponse {
+        Response(HttpResponse response) {
+          super(response)
+        }
+        public List<String> getNames() {
+          return string, "\$.FileStatuses.FileStatus[*].pathSuffix" )
+        }
+      }
+    }
+The shell included in the distribution is basically an unmodified packaging of the Groovy shell.
+Therefore these command are functionally equivalent if you have Groovy installed.
+    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sample/SmokeTestJob.groovy
+    groovy -cp bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sample/SmokeTestJob.groovy
+The interactive shell isn't exactly equivalent.
+However the only difference is that the shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar automatically executes some additional imports that are useful for the KnoxShell DSL.
+So these two sets of commands should be functionality equivalent.
+***However there is currently a class loading issue that prevents the groovysh command from working propertly.***
+    java -jar bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
+    groovysh -cp bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar # BROKEN, CLASS LOADING ISSUE
+    import
+    import
+    import
+    import
+    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+Alternatively, you can use the Groovy Console which does not appear to have the same class loading issue.
+    groovyConsole -cp bin/shell-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
+    import
+    import
+    import
+    import
+    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+In addition because the DSL can be used via standard Groovy, the Groovy integrations in many popular IDEs (e.g. IntelliJ , Eclipse) can also be used.
+This makes it particularly nice to develop and execute scripts to interact with Hadoop.
+The code-completion feature in particular provides immense value.
+All that is required is to add the shell-0.2.0.jar to the projects class path.
+There are a variety of Groovy tools that make it very easy to work with the standard interchange formats (i.e. JSON and XML).
+In Groovy the creation of XML or JSON is typically done via a "builder" and parsing done via a "slurper".
+In addition once JSON or XML is "slurped" the GPath, an XPath like feature build into Groovy can be used to access data.
+* XML
+  * Markup Builder [Overview]('s+MarkupBuilder), [API](
+  * XML Slurper [Overview]('s+XmlSlurper), [API](
+  * XPath [Overview](, [API]
+  * JSON Builder [API](
+  * JSON Slurper [API](
+* GPath [Overview](
+The Apache Knox Gateway is an effort undergoing incubation at the
+Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.
+Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review
+indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process
+have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects.
+While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness
+or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be
+fully endorsed by the ASF.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/setup.html b/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/setup.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2888af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gateway-site/src/site/markdown/setup.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+Getting Started
+TODO: Describe the setup of the Apache Knox Gateway and some basic usage.
+The Apache Knox Gateway is an effort undergoing incubation at the
+Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.
+Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review
+indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process
+have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects.
+While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness
+or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be
+fully endorsed by the ASF.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gateway-site/src/site/site.xml b/gateway-site/src/site/site.xml
index a8cdf1c..d67c594 100644
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         <menu name="Documentation">
-            <!--
-            <item name="Install" href="install"/>
-            -->
+            <item name="Getting Started" href="setup.html"/>
             <item name="Client (KnoxShell DSL)" href="client.html"/>
             <item name="Wiki" href=""/>