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[CONF] Apache Solr Reference Guide > Running Solr on Tomcat

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Solr comes with an example schema and scripts for running on [Jetty|Running Solr on Jetty]. The next section describes some of the details of how things work "under the hood," and covers running multiple Solr instances and deploying Solr using the Tomcat application manager.

For more information about running Solr on Tomcat, see the [basic installation instructions|] and the [Solr Tomcat|] page on the Solr wiki.

h2. How Solr Works with Tomcat

The two basic steps for running Solr in any Web application container are as follows:

# Make the Solr classes available to the container. In many cases, the Solr Web application archive (WAR) file can be placed into a special directory of the application container. In the case of Tomcat, you need to place the Solr WAR file in Tomcat's {{webapps}} directory. If you installed Tomcat with Solr, take a look in {{tomcat/webapps}}:you'll see the {{solr.war}} file is already there.
# Point Solr to the Solr home directory that contains {{conf/solrconfig.xml}} and {{conf/schema.xml}}. There are a few ways to get this done. One of the best is to define the {{solr.solr.home}} Java system property. With Tomcat, the best way to do this is via a shell environment variable, {{JAVA_OPTS}}. Tomcat puts the value of this variable on the command line upon startup. Here is an example: \\
{{export JAVA_OPTS="-Dsolr.solr.home=/Users/jonathan/Desktop/solr"}}

Port 8983 is the default Solr listening port. If you are using Tomcat and wish to change this port, edit the file {{tomcat/conf/server.xml}} in the Solr distribution. You'll find the port in this part of the file:

 <Connector port="8983" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" />

Modify the port number as desired and restart Tomcat if it is already running.

Modifying the port number will leave some of the samples and help file links pointing to the default port. It is out of the scope of this reference guide to provide full details of how to change all of the examples and other resources to the new port.

h2. Running Multiple Solr Instances

The standard way to deploy multiple Solr index instances in a single Web application is to use the multicore API described in [Solr Cores and solr.xml]. 

An alternative approach, which provides more code isolation, uses Tomcat context fragments. A context fragment is a file that contains a single {{<context>}} element and any subelements required for your application. The file omits all other XML elements. 

Each context fragment specifies where to find the Solr WAR and the path to the solr home directory. The name of the context fragment file determines the URL used to access that instance of Solr. For example, a context fragment named {{harvey.xml}} would deploy Solr to be accessed at {{http://localhost:8983/harvey}}.

In Tomcat's {{conf/Catalina/localhost}} directory, store one context fragment per instance of Solr. If the {{conf/Catalina/localhost}} directory doesn't exist, go ahead and create it.

Using Tomcat context fragments, you could run multiple instances of Solr on the same server, each with its own schema and configuration. For full details and examples of context fragments, take a look at the Solr Wiki: [].

Here are examples of context fragments which would set up two Solr instances, each with its own {{solr.home}} directory:

{code:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#666666|title=harvey.xml (http://localhost:8983/harvey using /some/path/solr1home)}
<Context docBase="/some/path/solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
  <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/some/path/solr1home" override="true" />
{code:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#666666|title=rupert.xml (http://localhost:8983/rupert using /some/path/solr2home)}
<Context docBase="/some/path/solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
  <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/some/path/solr2home" override="true" />

h2. Deploying Solr with the Tomcat Manager

If your instance of Tomcat is running the Tomcat Web Application Manager, you can use its browser interface to deploy Solr.

Just as before, you have to tell Solr where to find the solr home directory. You can do this by setting JAVA_OPTS before starting Tomcat.

Once Tomcat is running, navigate to the Web application manager, probably available at a URL like this:


You will see the main screen of the manager.


To add Solr, scroll down to the *Deploy* section, specifically *WAR file to deploy*. Click *Browse...* and find the Solr WAR file, usually something like {{dist/apache-solr-3.x.0.war}} within your Solr installation. Click *Deploy*. Tomcat will load the WAR file and start running it. Click the link in the application path column of the manager to see Solr. You won't see much, just a welcome screen, but it contains a link for the Admin Console.

Tomcat's manager screen, in its application list, has links so you can stop, start, reload, or undeploy the Solr application.


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