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[3/7] qpid-dispatch git commit: DISPATCH-1199: move scraper tool to tools/scraper directory
diff --git a/tools/scraper/ b/tools/scraper/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..895db65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/scraper/
@@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import print_function
+from datetime import *
+import re
+import sys
+import traceback
+import test_data as td
+import common
+import text
+import router
+def colorize_bg(what):
+    # TODO: use the real colorize_bg
+    return what
+def proton_split(line):
+    """
+    Split a log line into fields.
+     * allow commas and spaces in quoted strings.
+     * split on ', ' and on ' '.
+       strip trailing commas between fields.
+     * quoted fields must have both quotes
+    :param line:
+    :return:
+    """
+    result = []
+    indqs = False
+    pending_comma = False
+    res = ""
+    for i in range(len(line)):
+        c = line[i]
+        if c == '\"':
+            if pending_comma:
+                res += ','
+                pending_comma = False
+            indqs = not indqs
+            res += c
+        elif c == ',':
+            if pending_comma:
+                res += c
+            pending_comma = True
+        elif c == ' ':
+            if indqs:
+                if pending_comma:
+                    res += ','
+                    pending_comma = False
+                res += c
+            else:
+                if res != '':
+                    if pending_comma:
+                        pending_comma = False
+                    result.append(res)
+                    res = ''
+        else:
+            res += c
+    if res != '':
+        result.append(str(res))
+    if indqs:
+        raise ValueError("SPLIT ODD QUOTES: %s", line)
+    # print ("SPLIT: line: %s" % line)
+    # print ("SPLIT: flds: %s" % result)
+    return result
+class LogLineData:
+    def direction_is_in(self):
+        return self.direction == text.direction_in()
+    def direction_is_out(self):
+        return self.direction == text.direction_out()
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.web_show_str = ""
+ = ""
+        self.conn_num = ""  # source router's undecorated conn num
+        self.conn_id = ""  # decorated routerPrefixLetter'instanceNumber-conn_num
+        self.conn_peer = ""  # display name of peer in seen in Open 'A - routerId.Test'
+ = ""  # undecorated number - '0'
+        self.direction = ""  # '<-' IN, or '->' OUT, or '--'
+        self.described_type = DescribedType()  # DescribedType object
+        self.handle = ""  # undecorated number - '1'
+        self.delivery_id = ""  # "0"
+        self.delivery_tag = ""  # "00:00:00:00"
+        self.remote = ""  # undecorated number - '2'
+        self.channel_handle = ""  # decorated - '[0,0]'
+        self.channel_remote = ""  # decorated - '[1,2]'
+        self.flow_deliverycnt = ""  # undecorated number - '50'
+        self.flow_linkcredit = ""  # undecorated number - '100'
+        self.flow_cnt_credit = ""  # decorated - '(50,100)'
+        self.flow_drain = False
+        self.transfer_id = ""
+        self.role = ""
+        self.is_receiver = False
+        self.source = ""
+ = ""
+        self.first = ""  # undecorated number - '10'
+        self.last = ""  # undecorated number - '20'
+        self.settled = ""  # Disposition or Transfer settled field
+        self.disposition_state = "?absent?"
+        self.snd_settle_mode = ""  # Attach
+        self.rcv_settle_mode = ""  # Attach
+        self.transfer_data = ""  # protonized transfer data value
+        self.transfer_bare = ""  # bare message from transfer_data
+        self.transfer_hdr_annos = ""  # header and annotation sections
+        self.transfer_size = ""  # size declared by number in parenthesis
+        self.transfer_short_name = ""
+        self.transfer_settled = False
+        self.transfer_more = False
+        self.transfer_resume = False
+        self.transfer_aborted = False
+        self.link_short_name = ""
+        self.link_short_name_popup = ""
+        self.is_policy_trace = False  # line is POLICY (trace)
+        self.is_server_info = False  # line is SERVER (info)
+        self.is_router_ls = False  # line is ROUTER_LS (info)
+        self.fid = ""  # Log line (frame) id as used in javascript code
+        self.amqp_error = False
+        self.link_class = "normal"  # attach sees: normal, router, router-data (, management?)
+        self.disposition_display = ""
+        self.final_disposition = None
+class DescribedType:
+    """
+    Given a line like:
+        @typename(00) [key1=val1, ...]
+    Extract the typename and create a map of the key-val pairs
+    May recursively find embedded described types
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_dtype_name(name):
+        """
+        Return true if the name is a pn_trace described type name
+        :param name:
+        :return:
+        """
+        return (name.startswith('@') and
+                '(' in name and
+                name.endswith(')'))
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_key_and_val(kvp):
+        eqi = kvp.find('=')
+        return kvp[:eqi], kvp[eqi + 1:]
+    @staticmethod
+    def dtype_name(name):
+        if not DescribedType.is_dtype_name(name):
+            raise ValueError("Name '%s' is not a described type name" % name)
+        return name[1: name.find('(')]
+    @staticmethod
+    def dtype_number(name):
+        if not DescribedType.is_dtype_name(name):
+            raise ValueError("Name '%s' is not a described type name" % name)
+        return int(name[name.find('(') + 1: -1])
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.dict = {}
+        self.dtype_name = "unparsed"
+        self.dtype_number = 0
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self._representation()
+    def _representation(self):
+        return "DescribedType %s( %d ) : %s" % (self.dtype_name, self.dtype_number, self.dict)
+    def add_field_to_dict(self, f_text, expected_key=None):
+        if '=' not in f_text:
+            raise ValueError("Field does not contain equal sign '%s'" % self.line)
+        if expected_key is not None and not f_text.startswith(expected_key):
+            raise ValueError("Transfer field %s not in order from line: %s" % (expected_key, self.line))
+        key, val = DescribedType.get_key_and_val(f_text)
+        if val.endswith(','):
+            val = val[:-1]
+        self.dict[key] = val
+    def process_transfer_tail_key(self):
+        keys = ["batchable", "aborted", "resume", "state", "rcv-settle-mode", "more", "settled", "message-format"]
+        for key in keys:
+            idx = self.line.rfind(key)
+            if idx != -1:
+                field = self.line[idx:]
+                self.add_field_to_dict(field, key)
+                self.line = self.line[:idx].strip()
+                return True
+        return False
+    def parseTransfer(self):
+        """
+        Figure out the described type fields for the transfer.
+        Transfers are handled specially with the ill-formatted binary delivery-tag field
+        :return:
+        """
+        # strip leading '[' and trailing ']'
+        if not (self.line.startswith('[') and self.line.endswith(']')):
+            raise ValueError("Described type not delimited with square brackets: '%s'" % self.line)
+        self.line = self.line[1:]
+        self.line = self.line[:-1]
+        # process fields from head
+        fHandle = self.line.split()[0]
+        self.add_field_to_dict(fHandle)
+        self.line = self.line[(len(fHandle) + 1):]
+        fDelId = self.line.split()[0]
+        self.add_field_to_dict(fDelId)
+        self.line = self.line[(len(fDelId) + 1):]
+        # process fields from tail
+        while len(self.line) > 0 and self.process_transfer_tail_key():
+            pass
+        # the remainder, no matter how unlikely, must be the delivery-tag
+        self.add_field_to_dict(self.line, "delivery-tag")
+    def parse_dtype_line(self, _dtype, _line):
+        """
+        Figure out the fields for the described type.
+        The line format is:
+        Transfers are handled specially with the ill-formatted binary delivery-tag field
+        Note other performatives with ill-formatted binary data might get rejected. We
+        only struggle figuring out the delivery-tag because it happens so often.
+        :param _dtype: @describedtypename(num)
+        :param _line: [key=val [, key=val]...]
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.dtype = _dtype
+        self.oline = str(_line)
+        self.line = self.oline
+        self.dtype_name = DescribedType.dtype_name(self.dtype)
+        self.dtype_number = DescribedType.dtype_number(self.dtype)
+        # Process transfers separately..
+        # Transfer perfomatives will not call parse recursively while others might
+        if self.dtype_name == "transfer":
+            self.parseTransfer()
+            return
+        # strip leading '[' and trailing ']'
+        if not (self.line.startswith('[') and self.line.endswith(']')):
+            raise ValueError("Described type not delimited with square brackets: '%s'" % _line)
+        self.line = self.line[1:]
+        self.line = self.line[:-1]
+        # process fields
+        fields = proton_split(self.line)
+        while len(fields) > 0 and len(fields[0]) > 0:
+            if '=' not in fields[0]:
+                raise ValueError("Field does not contain equal sign '%s'" % fields[0])
+            key, val = DescribedType.get_key_and_val(fields[0])
+            del fields[0]
+            if DescribedType.is_dtype_name(val):
+                # recursing to process subtype
+                # pull subtype's data out of fields. The fields list belongs to parent.
+                subfields = []
+                if fields[0] == "[]":
+                    # degenerate case of empty subtype closing parent type
+                    #  @disposition .. state=@accepted(36) []]
+                    subfields.append("[]")
+                    del fields[0]
+                else:
+                    # While extracting this type's fields, include nested described types
+                    # and PN_SYMBOL data enclosed in brackets. Current type ends when close
+                    # bracket seen and nest level is zero.
+                    nest = 0
+                    while len(fields) > 0:
+                        if "=@" in fields[0] and "]" not in fields[0] and "=@:" not in fields[0]:
+                            nest += 1
+                        if nest == 0:
+                            if fields[0].endswith('],'):
+                                subfields.append(fields[0][:-2])
+                                subfields.append(']')
+                                del fields[0]
+                                break
+                            if fields[0].endswith(']'):
+                                subfields.append(fields[0][:-1])
+                                subfields.append(']')
+                                del fields[0]
+                                break
+                        elif fields[0].endswith('],') or fields[0].endswith(']'):
+                            nest -= 1
+                        if fields[0].endswith(']]'):
+                            subfields.append(fields[0])
+                            del fields[0]
+                            break
+                        subfields.append(fields[0])
+                        del fields[0]
+                subtype = DescribedType()
+                subtype.parse_dtype_line(val, ' '.join(subfields))
+                self.dict[key] = subtype
+            elif val.startswith("@PN_SYMBOL"):
+                # symbols may end in first field or some later field
+                while not val.endswith(']'):
+                    val += fields[0]
+                    del fields[0]
+                self.dict[key] = val
+            elif val.startswith('{'):
+                # handle some embedded map: properties={:product=\"qpid-dispatch-router\", :version=\"1.3.0-SNAPSHOT\"}
+                # pull subtype's data out of fields. The fields list belongs to parent.
+                submap = {}
+                fields.insert(0, val)
+                skey, sval = DescribedType.get_key_and_val(fields[0][1:])
+                submap[skey] = sval
+                del fields[0]
+                while len(fields) > 0:
+                    if fields[0].endswith('},'):
+                        skey, sval = DescribedType.get_key_and_val(fields[0][:-2])
+                        submap[skey] = sval
+                        del fields[0]
+                        break
+                    if fields[0].endswith('}'):
+                        skey, sval = DescribedType.get_key_and_val(fields[0][:-1])
+                        submap[skey] = sval
+                        del fields[0]
+                        break
+                    skey, sval = DescribedType.get_key_and_val(fields[0])
+                    submap[skey] = sval
+                    del fields[0]
+                self.dict[key] = submap
+            else:
+                self.dict[key] = val
+class ParsedLogLine(object):
+    """
+    Grind through the log line and record some facts about it.
+    * Constructor returns Null if the log line is to be ignored
+    * Constructor args:
+    ** log_index          0 for 'A', 1 for 'B'
+    ** routerInstance     which instance in log file
+    ** lineno             line number
+    ** line               the log line
+    ** common             common block object
+    """
+    server_trace_key = "SERVER (trace) ["
+    server_info_key = "SERVER (info) ["
+    policy_trace_key = "POLICY (trace) ["
+    router_ls_key = "ROUTER_LS (info)"
+    transfer_key = "@transfer(20)"
+    def sender_settle_mode_of(self, value):
+        if value == "0":
+            return "unsettled(0)"
+        elif value == "1":
+            return "settled(1)"
+        elif value == "2":
+            return "mixed(2)"  # default
+        else:
+            return "unknown(%s) % value"
+    def receiver_settle_mode_of(self, value):
+        if value == "0":
+            return "first(0)"
+        elif value == "1":
+            return "second(1)"
+        else:
+            return "unknown(%s) % value"
+    def resdict_value(self, resdict, key, if_absent):
+        return resdict[key] if key in resdict else if_absent
+    def highlighted(self, name, value, color):
+        result = ""
+        if value:
+            result = "<span style=\"background-color:%s\">%s</span>" % (color, name)
+        return result
+    def extract_facts(self):
+        perf =
+        res =
+        resdict =
+        # the performatives
+        # Note: is already populated
+        if perf == 0x10:
+            # Performative: open [0] always channel 0
+   = "open"
+   = "0"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+            if res.direction == text.direction_in():
+                res.conn_peer = self.resdict_value(resdict, "container-id", "unknown")
+                res.web_show_str += (" (peer: %s)" % res.conn_peer)
+        elif perf == 0x11:
+            # Performative: begin [channel,remoteChannel]
+            # TODO: This has a bug where the local and remote channel numbers are confused.
+            #       Usually they are the same. See if anyone notices!
+            #
+   = "begin"
+            res.remote = self.resdict_value(resdict, "remote-channel", "None)")
+            res.channel_remote = "[%s,%s]" % (, res.remote)
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> %s" % (, res.channel_remote)
+        elif perf == 0x12:
+            # Performative:  attach [channel,handle] role name (source: src, target: tgt)
+   = "attach"
+            res.handle = resdict["handle"]
+            res.role = "receiver" if resdict["role"] == "true" else "sender"
+            res.is_receiver = res.role == "receiver"
+            name = self.resdict_value(resdict, "name", "None")
+            res.link_short_name_popup = self.shorteners.short_link_names.translate(name, True)
+            res.link_short_name = self.shorteners.short_link_names.translate(name, False)
+            tmpsrc = self.resdict_value(resdict, "source", None)
+            tmptgt = self.resdict_value(resdict, "target", None)
+            res.snd_settle_mode = self.sender_settle_mode_of(
+                resdict["snd-settle-mode"]) if "snd-settle-mode" in resdict else "mixed"
+            res.rcv_settle_mode = self.receiver_settle_mode_of(
+                resdict["rcv-settle-mode"]) if "rcv-settle-mode" in resdict else "first"
+            caps = ""
+            if tmpsrc is not None:
+                res.source = self.resdict_value(tmpsrc.dict, "address", "none")
+                caps = self.resdict_value(tmpsrc.dict, "capabilities", "")
+            else:
+                res.source = "none"
+            if tmptgt is not None:
+       = self.resdict_value(tmptgt.dict, "address", "none")
+                if caps == "":
+                    caps = self.resdict_value(tmptgt.dict, "capabilities", "")
+            else:
+       = "none"
+            res.channel_handle = "[%s,%s]" % (, res.handle)
+            if 'qd.router-data' in caps:
+                res.link_class = 'router-data'
+            elif 'qd.router' in caps:
+                res.link_class = 'router'
+            """
+            TODO:
+            res.source = short_endp_names.translate(res.source)
+   = short_endp_names.translate(
+            res.snd_settle_mode = extract_name(tmpssm)
+            res.rcv_settle_mode = extract_name(tmprsm)
+            """
+            res.web_show_str = ("<strong>%s</strong> %s %s %s (source: %s, target: %s, class: %s)" %
+                                (, colorize_bg(res.channel_handle), res.role, res.link_short_name_popup,
+                                 res.source,, res.link_class))
+        elif perf == 0x13:
+            # Performative: flow [channel,handle]
+   = "flow"
+            res.handle = resdict["handle"]
+            res.flow_deliverycnt = self.resdict_value(resdict, "delivery-count", "0")
+            res.flow_linkcredit = self.resdict_value(resdict, "link-credit", "0")
+            res.flow_drain = resdict.get("drain", "") == "true"
+            res.channel_handle = "[%s,%s]" % (, res.handle)
+            res.flow_cnt_credit = "(%s,%s)" % (res.flow_deliverycnt, res.flow_linkcredit)
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> %s (%s,%s) %s" % (
+      , colorize_bg(res.channel_handle), res.flow_deliverycnt, res.flow_linkcredit,
+                self.highlighted("drain", res.flow_drain, "yellow"))
+        elif perf == 0x14:
+            # Performative: transfer [channel,handle] (id)
+   = "transfer"
+            res.handle = resdict["handle"]
+            res.channel_handle = "[%s,%s]" % (, res.handle)
+            res.delivery_id = self.resdict_value(resdict, "delivery-id", "none")
+            res.delivery_tag = self.resdict_value(resdict, "delivery-tag", "none")
+            res.settled = self.resdict_value(resdict, "settled", "false")
+            res.transfer_settled = resdict.get("settled", "") == "true"
+            res.transfer_more = resdict.get("more", "") == "true"
+            res.transfer_resume = resdict.get("resume", "") == "true"
+            res.transfer_aborted = resdict.get("aborted", "") == "true"
+            self.transfer_short_name = self.shorteners.short_data_names.translate(res.transfer_bare, customer=self)
+            showdat = "<a href=\"#%s_dump\">%s</a>" % (self.transfer_short_name, self.transfer_short_name)
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong>  %s (%s) %s %s %s %s %s - %s bytes" % (
+      , colorize_bg(res.channel_handle), res.delivery_id,
+                self.highlighted("settled", res.transfer_settled, "green"),
+                self.highlighted("more", res.transfer_more, "purple"),
+                self.highlighted("resume", res.transfer_resume, "orange"),
+                self.highlighted("aborted", res.transfer_aborted, "yellow"),
+                showdat, res.transfer_size)
+        elif perf == 0x15:
+            # Performative: disposition [channel] (role first-last)
+   = "disposition"
+            res.role = "receiver" if resdict["role"] == "true" else "sender"
+            res.is_receiver = res.role == "receiver"
+            res.first = self.resdict_value(resdict, "first", "0")
+            res.last = self.resdict_value(resdict, "last", res.first)
+            res.settled = self.resdict_value(resdict, "settled", "false")
+            state = resdict.get("state")
+            if state is not None:
+                res.disposition_state = state.dtype_name
+            ###    colorize_dispositions_not_accepted(proto, res, global_vars, count_anomalies)
+            res.web_show_str = ("<strong>%s</strong>  [%s] (%s %s-%s)" %
+                                (,, res.role, res.first, res.last))
+        elif perf == 0x16:
+            # Performative: detach [channel, handle]
+   = "detach"
+            res.handle = resdict["handle"]
+            ### TODO: colorize_performative_error(proto, res, global_vars, count_anomalies)
+            res.channel_handle = "[%s,%s]" % (, res.handle)
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> %s" % (, colorize_bg(res.channel_handle))
+        elif perf == 0x17:
+            # Performative: end [channel]
+   = "end"
+            ### TODO: colorize_performative_error(proto, res, global_vars, count_anomalies)
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x18:
+            # Performative: close [0] always channel 0
+   = "0"
+   = "close"
+            ### colorize_performative_error(proto, res, global_vars, count_anomalies)
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x1d:
+            # transport:definitions error
+   = "error"
+            descr = self.resdict_value(resdict, "description", "none")
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s] %s" % (,, descr)
+        elif perf == 0x23:
+            # messaging:delivery-state received
+   = "received"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x24:
+            # messaging:delivery-state accepted
+   = "accepted"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x25:
+            # messaging:delivery-state rejected
+   = "rejected"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x26:
+            # messaging:delivery-state released
+   = "released"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x27:
+            # messaging:delivery-state modified
+   = "modified"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x28:
+            # messaging:addressing source
+   = "source"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x29:
+            # messaging:addressing target
+   = "target"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x2b:
+            # messaging:addressing delete-on-close
+   = "delete-on-close"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x2c:
+            # messaging:addressing delete-on-no-links
+   = "delete-on-no-links"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x2d:
+            # messaging:addressing delete-on-no-messages
+   = "delete-on-no-messages"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x2e:
+            # messaging:addressing delete-on-no-links-or-messages
+   = "delete-on-no-links-or-messages"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x30:
+            # transactions:coordination coordinator
+   = "coordinator"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x31:
+            # transactions:coordination declare
+   = "declare"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x32:
+            # transactions:coordination discharge
+   = "discharge"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x33:
+            # transactions:coordination declared
+   = "declared"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x34:
+            # transactions:coordination transactional-state
+   = "transactional-state"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x40:
+            # security:sasl sasl-mechanisms
+   = "sasl-mechanisms"
+            mechs = self.resdict_value(resdict, "sasl-server-mechanisms", "none")
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s] %s" % (,, mechs)
+        elif perf == 0x41:
+            # security:sasl sasl-init
+   = "sasl-init"
+            mech = self.resdict_value(resdict, "mechanism", "none")
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s] %s" % (,, mech)
+        elif perf == 0x42:
+            # security:sasl sasl-challenge
+   = "sasl-challenge"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x43:
+            # security:sasl sasl-response
+   = "sasl-response"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x44:
+            # security:sasl sasl-outcome
+   = "sasl-outcome"
+            code = self.resdict_value(resdict, "code", "none")
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s] code=%s" % (,, code)
+        elif perf == 0x70:
+            # messaging:message-format header
+   = "header"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x71:
+            # messaging:message-format delivery-annotations
+   = "delivery-annotations"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x72:
+            # messaging:message-format message-annotations
+   = "message-annotations"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x73:
+            # messaging:message-format properties
+   = "properties"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x74:
+            # messaging:message-format application-properties
+   = "application-properties"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x75:
+            # messaging:message-format data
+   = "data"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x76:
+            # messaging:message-format amqp-sequence
+   = "amqp-sequence"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x77:
+            # messaging:message-format amqp-value
+   = "amqp-value"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        elif perf == 0x78:
+            # messaging:message-format footer
+   = "footer"
+            res.web_show_str = "<strong>%s</strong> [%s]" % (,
+        else:
+            res.web_show_str = "HELP I'M A ROCK - Unknown performative: %s" % perf
+        if "error" in resdict:
+            res.amqp_error = True
+            res.web_show_str += (" <span style=\"background-color:yellow\">error</span> "
+                                 "%s %s" % (resdict["error"].dict["condition"], resdict["error"].dict["description"]))
+    def adverbl_link_to(self):
+        """
+        :return: html link to the main adverbl data display for this line
+        """
+        return "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>" % (self.fid, "%s%d_%s" %
+                                           (common.log_letter_of(self.index), self.instance, str(self.lineno)))
+    def __init__(self, _log_index, _instance, _lineno, _line, _comn, _router):
+        """
+        Process a naked qpid-dispatch log line
+        A log line looks like this:
+          2018-07-20 10:58:40.179187 -0400 SERVER (trace) [2]:0 -> @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=0, incoming-window=2147483647, outgoing-window=2147483647] (/home/chug/git/qpid-dispatch/src/server.c:106)
+        The process is:
+         1. If the line ends with a filename:fileline then strip that away
+         2. Peel off the leading time of day and put that into data.datetime.
+            Lines with no datetime are presumed start-of-epoch.
+         3. Find (SERVER) or (POLICY). If absent then raise to reject message.
+         4. If connection number in square brackets '[2]' is missing then raise.
+         5. Extract connection number; save in data.conn_num
+         6. Create decorated data.conn_id "A0_2"
+         7. Extract if present. Raise if malformed.
+         8. Create a web_show_str for lines that may not parse any further. Like policy lines.
+         9. Extract the direction arrows
+        The log line is now reduced to a described type:
+          @describedtypename(num) [key=val [, key=val ...]]
+            except for transfers that have the funky transfer data at end.
+        :param _log_index:   The router prefix index 0 for A, 1 for B, ...
+        :param _instance     The router instance
+        :param _lineno:
+        :param _line:
+        :param _comn:
+        :param _router:
+        """
+        if not (ParsedLogLine.server_trace_key in _line or
+                (ParsedLogLine.policy_trace_key in _line and "lookup_user:" in _line) or  # open (not begin, attach)
+                ParsedLogLine.server_info_key in _line or
+                ParsedLogLine.router_ls_key in _line):
+            raise ValueError("Line is not a candidate for parsing")
+        self.oline = _line  # original line
+        self.index = _log_index  # router prefix 0 for A, 1 for B
+        self.instance = _instance  # router instance in log file
+        self.lineno = _lineno  # log line number
+        self.comn = _comn
+        self.router = _router
+        self.prefixi = common.log_letter_of(self.index) + str(self.instance)  # prefix+instance A0
+        self.fid = "f_" + self.prefixi + "_" + str(self.lineno)  # frame id A0_100
+        self.shorteners = _comn.shorteners  # name shorteners
+        self.line = _line  # working line chopped, trimmed
+ = LogLineData()  # parsed line fact store
+        # strip optional trailing file:line field
+        self.line = self.line.rstrip()
+        hasFileLine = False
+        if self.line.endswith(')'):
+            idxOP = self.line.rfind('(')
+            idxColon = self.line.rfind(':')
+            if idxOP != -1 and idxColon != -1:
+                if idxColon > idxOP:
+                    lNumStr = self.line[(idxColon + 1): (-1)]
+                    try:
+                        lnum = int(lNumStr)
+                        hasFileLine = True
+                    except:
+                        pass
+        if hasFileLine:
+            self.line = self.line[:self.line.rfind('(')].rstrip()
+        # Handle optional timestamp
+        # This whole project is brain dead without a timestamp. Just sayin'.
+        self.datetime = None
+        try:
+            self.datetime = datetime.strptime(self.line[:26], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+        except:
+            # old routers flub the timestamp and don't print leading zero in uS time
+            # 2018-11-18 11:31:08.269 should be 2018-11-18 11:31:08.000269
+            td = self.line[:26]
+            parts = td.split('.')
+            us = parts[1]
+            parts_us = us.split(' ')
+            if len(parts_us[0]) < 6:
+                parts_us[0] = '0' * (6 - len(parts_us[0])) + parts_us[0]
+            parts[1] = ' '.join(parts_us)
+            td = '.'.join(parts)
+            try:
+                self.datetime = datetime.strptime(td[:26], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+            except:
+                self.datetime = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
+        # Apply time-of-day filters
+        if self.datetime is not None:
+            if self.comn.args.time_start is not None:
+                if self.datetime < self.comn.args.time_start:
+                    raise ValueError("Line too early outside time-of-day limits")
+            if self.comn.args.time_end is not None:
+                if self.datetime > self.comn.args.time_end:
+                    raise ValueError("Line too late outside time-of-day limits")
+        # extract connection number
+        sti = self.line.find(self.server_trace_key)
+        if sti < 0:
+            sti = self.line.find(self.policy_trace_key)
+            if sti < 0:
+                sti = self.line.find(self.server_info_key)
+                if sti < 0:
+                    sti = self.line.find(self.router_ls_key)
+                    if sti < 0:
+                        raise ValueError("Log keyword/level not found in line %s" % (self.line))
+                    else:
+                        self.line = self.line[sti + len(self.router_ls_key):]
+               = True
+                        # this has no relationship to AMQP log lines
+                        return
+                else:
+                    self.line = self.line[sti + len(self.server_info_key):]
+           = True
+            else:
+                self.line = self.line[sti + len(self.policy_trace_key):]
+       = True
+        else:
+            self.line = self.line[sti + len(self.server_trace_key):]
+        ste = self.line.find(']')
+        if ste < 0:
+            print("Failed to parse line ", _lineno, " : ", _line)
+            raise ValueError("'%s' not found in line %s" % ("]", self.line))
+ = self.line[:ste]
+        self.line = self.line[ste + 1:]
+        # create decorated connection id
+ = self.prefixi + "_" +
+        # get the session (channel) number
+        if self.line.startswith(':'):
+            self.line = self.line[1:]
+        sti = self.line.find(' ')
+        if sti < 0:
+            raise ValueError("space not found after channel number at head of line %s" % (self.line))
+        if sti > 0:
+   = self.line[:sti]
+        self.line = self.line[sti + 1:]
+        self.line = self.line.lstrip()
+        # cover for traces that don't get any better
+ = ("<strong>%s</strong>" % self.line)
+        # policy lines have no direction and described type fields
+        if or
+            return
+        # direction
+        if self.line.startswith('<') or self.line.startswith('-'):
+   = self.line[:2]
+            self.line = self.line[3:]
+   = ("<strong>%s</strong>" % self.line)
+        # The log line is now reduced to a described type:
+        #  @describedtypename(num) [key=val [, key=val ...]]
+        # extract descriptor name
+        dname = self.line.split()[0]
+        self.line = self.line[(len(dname) + 1):]
+        # Dispose of the transfer data
+        if dname == self.transfer_key:
+            # Look for the '] (NNN) "' that separates the described type fields
+            # from the '(size) "data"'. Stick the required '(size) data' into
+            # data.transfer_data and delete it from the line.
+            rz = re.compile(r'\] \(\d+\) \"').search(self.line)
+            # aborted transfers may or may not have size/data in the log line
+            if rz is not None and len(rz.regs) > 0:
+                splitSt, splitTo = rz.regs[0]
+       = self.line[splitSt + 3: splitTo - 3]
+       = self.line[splitTo - 1:]  # discard (NNN) size field
+                self.line = self.line[: splitSt + 1]
+                # try to isolate the bare message
+                sti ="\x00Ss")
+                if sti > 0:
+           =[:sti]
+           =[sti:]
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError("Transfer with no properties. Not really an error but just checking...")
+            else:
+       = "0"
+       = "(none)"
+        if DescribedType.is_dtype_name(dname):
+  , self.line)
+            # data fron incoming line is now parsed out into facts in .data
+            # Now cook the data to get useful displays
+            self.extract_facts()
+def parse_log_file(fn, log_index, comn):
+    """
+    Given a file name, return an array of Routers that hold the parsed lines.
+    Lines that don't parse are identified on stderr and then discarded.
+    :param fn: file name
+    :param log_index: router id 0 for 'A', 1 for 'B', ...
+    :param comn: common data
+    :return: list of Routers
+    """
+    instance = 0
+    lineno = 0
+    search_for_in_progress = True
+    rtrs = []
+    rtr = None
+    key1 = "SERVER (trace) ["  # AMQP traffic
+    key2 = "SERVER (info) Container Name:"  # Normal 'router is starting' restart discovery line
+    key3 = "ROUTER_LS (info)"  # a log line placed in separate pool of lines
+    keys = [key1, key3]
+    key4 = "ROUTER (info) Version:"  # router version line
+    key5 = "ROUTER (info) Router started in " # router mode
+    with open(fn, 'r') as infile:
+        for line in infile:
+            if search_for_in_progress:
+                # What if the log file has no record of the router starting?
+                # This is an in_progress router and it is a pre-existing router instance
+                # and not one found by restart discovery.
+                # Any key or AMQP line indicates a router in-progress
+                if any(s in line for s in keys) or ("[" in line and "]" in line):
+                    assert rtr is None
+                    rtr = router.Router(fn, log_index, instance)
+                    rtrs.append(rtr)
+                    search_for_in_progress = False
+                    rtr.restart_rec = router.RestartRecord(rtr, line, lineno + 1)
+            lineno += 1
+            if key2 in line:
+                # This line closes the current router, if any, and opens a new one
+                if rtr is not None:
+                    instance += 1
+                rtr = router.Router(fn, log_index, instance)
+                rtrs.append(rtr)
+                rtr.restart_rec = router.RestartRecord(rtr, line, lineno)
+                search_for_in_progress = False
+                rtr.container_name = line[(line.find(key2) + len(key2)):].strip().split()[0]
+            elif key3 in line:
+                pl = ParsedLogLine(log_index, instance, lineno, line, comn, rtr)
+                if pl is not None:
+                    if
+                        rtr.router_ls.append(pl)
+            elif key4 in line:
+                rtr.version = line[(line.find(key4) + len(key4)):].strip().split()[0]
+            elif key5 in line:
+                rtr.mode = line[(line.find(key5) + len(key5)):].strip().split()[0].lower()
+            elif "[" in line and "]" in line:
+                try:
+                    if lineno == 130:
+                        pass
+                    do_this = True if not hasattr(comn.args, 'skip_all_data') else not comn.args.skip_all_data
+                    if not do_this:
+                        # not indexing data. maybe do this line anyway
+                        do_this = not any(s in line for s in [' @transfer', ' @disposition', ' @flow', 'EMPTY FRAME'])
+                    if do_this:
+                        pl = ParsedLogLine(log_index, instance, lineno, line, comn, rtr)
+                        if pl is not None:
+                            rtr.lines.append(pl)
+                    else:
+                        comn.data_skipped += 1
+                except ValueError as ve:
+                    pass
+                except Exception as e:
+                    # t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
+                    if hasattr(e, 'message'):
+                        sys.stderr.write("Failed to parse file '%s', line %d : %s\n" % (fn, lineno, e.message))
+                    else:
+                        sys.stderr.write("Failed to parse file '%s', line %d : %s\n" % (fn, lineno, e))
+                    # raise t, v, tb
+            else:
+                # ignore this log line
+                pass
+    return rtrs
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print("Line-by-line split test")
+    try:
+        for line in td.TestData().data():
+            if "transfer" not in line:
+                print(proton_split(line))
+            else:
+                pass  # splitter does not split transfers
+        pass
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+        pass
+    print("Canned data parse test")
+    data = td.TestData().data()
+    log_index = 0  # from file for router A
+    instance = 0  # all from router instance 0
+    comn = common.Common()
+    try:
+        for i in range(len(data)):
+            temp = ParsedLogLine(log_index, instance, i, data[i], comn, None)
+            print(temp.datetime,,,
+        pass
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+        pass
+    print("Read two-instance file test")
+    comn2 = common.Common()
+    routers = parse_log_file('test_data/A-two-instances.log', 0, comn2)
+    if len(routers) != 2:
+        print("ERROR: Expected two router instances in log file")
+    t_b4_0 = datetime.strptime('2018-10-15 10:57:32.151673', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+    t_in_0 = datetime.strptime('2018-10-15 10:57:32.338183', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+    t_in_1 = datetime.strptime('2018-10-15 10:59:07.584498', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+    t_af_1 = datetime.strptime('2019-10-15 10:59:07.584498', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+    rtr, idx = router.which_router_tod(routers, t_b4_0)
+    assert rtr is routers[0] and idx == 0
+    rtr, idx = router.which_router_tod(routers, t_in_0)
+    assert rtr is routers[0] and idx == 0
+    rtr, idx = router.which_router_tod(routers, t_in_1)
+    assert rtr is routers[1] and idx == 1
+    rtr, idx = router.which_router_tod(routers, t_af_1)
+    assert rtr is routers[1] and idx == 1
+    pass
diff --git a/tools/scraper/ b/tools/scraper/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f27682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/scraper/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# A single router log file may contain data from multiple instances of
+# that router booting and running. Thus there may be several different
+# connections labeled [0] and these connections may be to different
+# routers on each run.
+# The 'router' class defined here represents a single boot-and-run
+# instance from the log file.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import traceback
+import datetime
+import amqp_detail
+import common
+import text
+class RestartRecord():
+    def __init__(self, _router, _line, _lineno):
+        self.router = _router
+        self.line = _line
+        self.lineno = _lineno
+        try:
+            self.datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.line[:26], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+        except:
+            self.datetime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%d instance %d start %s #%d" % (self.router.log_index, self.router.instance,
+                                                self.datetime, self.lineno)
+class Router():
+    '''A single dispatch boot-and-run instance from a log file'''
+    def __init__(self, _fn, _log_index, _instance):
+        self.fn = _fn                 # log file name
+        self.log_index = _log_index   # 0=A, 1=B, ...
+        self.instance = _instance     # log file instance of router
+        self.iletter = common.log_letter_of(self.log_index)  # A
+        self.iname = self.iletter + str(self.instance)       # A0
+        # discovered Container Name
+        self.container_name = None
+        # discovered Version
+        self.version = None
+        # discovered mode
+        self.mode = None
+        # restart_rec - when this router was identified in log file
+        self.restart_rec = None
+        # lines - the log lines as ParsedLogLine objects
+        self.lines = []
+        # conn_list - List of connections discovered in log lines
+        # Sorted in ascending order and not necessarily in packed sequence.
+        self.conn_list = []
+        # conn_log_lines - count of log lines per connection
+        self.conn_log_lines = {}
+        # conn_transfer_bytes - count of bytes transfered over this connection
+        self.conn_xfer_bytes = {}
+        # connection_to_frame_map
+        self.conn_to_frame_map = {}
+        # conn_peer - peer container long name
+        #   key= connection id '1', '2'
+        #   val= original peer container name
+        self.conn_peer = {}
+        # conn_peer_display - peer container display name
+        #   key= connection id '1', '2'
+        #   val= display name
+        # Peer display name shortened with popup if necessary
+        self.conn_peer_display = {}
+        # conn_peer_connid - display value for peer's connection id
+        #   key= connection id '1', '2'
+        #   val= peer's connid 'A.0_3', 'D.3_18'
+        self.conn_peer_connid = {}
+        # conn_dir - arrow indicating connection origin direction
+        #   key= connection id '1', '2'
+        #   val= '<-' peer created conn, '->' router created conn
+        self.conn_dir = {}
+        # router_ls - link state 'ROUTER_LS (info)' lines
+        self.router_ls = []
+        # open and close times
+        self.conn_open_time = {}   # first log line with [N] seen
+        self.conn_close_time = {}  # last close log line seen
+        # details: for each connection, for each session, for each link, whaaa?
+        self.details = None
+    def discover_connection_facts(self, comn):
+        '''
+        Discover all the connections in this router-instance log
+        For each connection:
+         * determine connection direction
+         * discover name of peer container
+         * generate html to use to display the peer nickname
+         * count log lines
+         * count transfer bytes
+        :param comn:
+        :return:
+        '''
+        for item in self.lines:
+            conn_num = int(
+            id =           # full name A0_3
+            if conn_num not in self.conn_list:
+                cdir = ""
+                if != "":
+                    cdir =
+                else:
+                    if "Connecting" in
+                        cdir = text.direction_out()
+                    elif "Accepting" in
+                        cdir = text.direction_in()
+                self.conn_list.append(conn_num)
+                self.conn_to_frame_map[id] = []
+                self.conn_dir[id] = cdir
+                self.conn_log_lines[id] = 0   # line counter
+                self.conn_xfer_bytes[id] = 0  # byte counter
+                self.conn_open_time[id] = item
+            self.conn_to_frame_map[id].append(item)
+            # inbound open handling
+            if == "open" and == text.direction_in():
+                if in self.conn_peer:
+                    sys.exit('ERROR: file: %s connection %s has multiple connection peers' % (
+                    self.fn, id))
+                self.conn_peer[id] =
+                self.conn_peer_display[id] = comn.shorteners.short_peer_names.translate(
+          , True)
+            # close monitor
+            if == "close":
+                self.conn_close_time[id] = item
+            # connection log-line count
+            self.conn_log_lines[id] += 1
+            # transfer byte count
+            if == "transfer":
+                self.conn_xfer_bytes[id] += int(
+        self.conn_list = sorted(self.conn_list)
+        self.details = amqp_detail.AllDetails(self, comn)
+    def conn_id(self, conn_num):
+        '''
+        Given this router's connection number return the global connection id
+        :param conn_num: connection number
+        :return: conn_id in the for A0_3
+        '''
+        return self.iname + "_" + str(conn_num)
+    def is_interior(self):
+        return self.mode == "interior"
+def which_router_tod(router_list, at_time):
+    '''
+    Find a router in a list based on time of day
+    :param router_list: a list of Router objects
+    :param at_time: the datetime record identifying the router
+    :return: tuple: (a router from the list or None, router index)
+    '''
+    if len(router_list) == 0:
+        return (None, 0)
+    if len(router_list) == 1:
+        return (router_list[0], 0)
+    for i in range(1, len(router_list)):
+        if at_time < router_list[i].restart_rec.datetime:
+            return (router_list[i-1], i-1)
+    return (router_list[-1], len(router_list)-1)
+def which_router_id_tod(routers, id, at_time):
+    '''
+    Find a router by container_name and time of day
+    :param routers: a list of router instance lists
+    :param id: the container name
+    :param at_time: datetime of interest
+    :return: the router that had that container name at that time; None if not found
+    '''
+    for routerlist in routers:
+        if routerlist[0].container_name == id:
+            return which_router_tod(routerlist, at_time)
+    return (None, 0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        pass
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+        pass

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