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Posted to by on 2018/01/02 22:23:58 UTC

[maven-deploy-plugin] annotated tag maven-deploy-plugin-2.0 updated (2f7357b -> 6581f87)

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

hboutemy pushed a change to annotated tag maven-deploy-plugin-2.0
in repository

*** WARNING: tag maven-deploy-plugin-2.0 was modified! ***

    from 2f7357b  (tag)
      to 6581f87  (tag)
 tagging 8f36b2364f87f3ef36cdf83b8badeacea6fecd10 (commit)
      by Hervé Boutemy
      on Thu Jan 5 21:29:34 2006 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
maven-deploy-plugin-2.0 reworked after migration from aggregate svn to split git

 discard 885ec16  copying plugin tag to new location
 discard 6eb3a38  [maven-scm] copy for tag maven-deploy-plugin-2.0
 discard e7557a4  update versions in plugins
 discard cec775c  more error diagnostics improvements
 discard 9c04e57  PR: MNG-122 cleanup artifact metadata retrieval exceptions
 discard 024a81e  PR: MNG-653 use the file assigned by the packager for installation/deployment. Error out if that isn't done.
 discard bb080d6  PR: MNG-644 remove use of deprecated artifact method (retain signature for backwards compat until next release of install/deploy plugins)
 discard a289af9  ignore and more
 discard 80d889b  [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
 discard d3a16af  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-deploy-plugin-2.0-beta-1
 discard 04898d0  update dependency and parent versions
 discard b2db469  Resolving MNG-851. Using MavenProject.getFile() rather than constructing new. Also fixed maven-deploy-plugin with similar bug.
 discard 8fea867  PR: MNG-613 make sure versions are aggregated
 discard 8473022  PR: MNG-613 deploy snapshot information to the correct directory and fix some other minor issues
 discard 7bd3c65  PR: MNG-613 changes versioning to use repository metadata
 discard cf0b9bd  better error message for missing deployment repository
 discard eaf102f  PR: MNG-456 allow separate snapshot and release repositories deprecate existing snapshotPolicy and checksumPolicy in favour of updatePolicy and checksumPolicy within the <releases> and <snapshots> elements in the <repository> element.
 discard d7cb54f  PR: MNG-596 add XSD definition to m2 poms and archetypes
 discard 5004e9e  Fix svn properties
 discard cc5250a  Resolving:
 discard adc9647  Update all versions to beta-1-SNAPSHOT
 discard 710bd88  Resolving: MNG-495
 discard 4bb3371  refactoring of the resolveTransitiveDependencies call. simplified by removing a bunch of duplicated code in addArtifacts - no need to merge, you have the full list. separated the original artifacts (dependency artifacts) from the resolved artifacts (getArtifacts)
 discard 54f2d58  change <model> to <project> in root tag.
 discard 3aa2e37  PR: MNG-257
 discard 460afd0  o Adding support for <executions/>, which means multiple runs of the same goal/set-of-goals with different configs. o Adding @phase declarations for those mojos that seem to be part of the main build, just for completeness o Added two ITs, to test that <executions/> doesn't mess up the normal operation, and to test multi-execution for a goal.
 discard 7e9f16a  update parent references to get access to the ci settings
 discard 766aaf8  remove old cvs ignore files
 discard c256494  o Removed dependency on plexus-container-artifact, using nested DefaultPlexusContainer instances instead for plugin isolation. o Moved marmalade support dependencies out of maven-core, since they can be supported on demand now o changed the ordering of the ant and assembly plugins, to show that the classloader (plugin param) bug is fixed. o added a method in PluginDescriptor which is similar to o.a.m.model.Plugin.getId() (I think that's the method; it's the one that resu [...]
 discard 91b7753  PR: MNG-378 Only deploy the release information at the point of release
 discard 092c47e  bump versions
 discard 477d25c  update to released versions
 discard 950145d  set consistent versions
 discard eda3293  Renamed,, PluginExecutionRe(quest|sponse) PluginExecutionException to Mojo*
 discard f4e985f  o Cleaned up field-level annotation support (especially descriptor extraction, generation, and building) o Converted all "core" plugins (including maven-core-it-plugin) to use field-level annotations o Removed generation of parameter descriptors for ${/#component.* param specifications. o Added @readonly for parameters that cannot be overridden by user configuration (List override was dangerous here) o Added validation against pom-derived configuration for @readonly para [...]
 discard b763760  fix more references to the old package
 discard e59afdc  remove unnecessary maven-core dependencies
 discard 4a02812  add more use of ${} expressions, fix problem when } was not at end
 discard a3a86cc  correct problem where anything with a modified finalName was not installed/deployed
 discard 378fc46  split the plugin API and the plugin descriptor code
 discard b83fd56  release alpha-1 plugins
 discard e410643  short comment
 discard 340d720  clean up dependencies.
 discard aad030d  update poms for releases
 discard 1236aeb  rewrite POM with new version on deployment
 discard be6f315  fix deploy/install os standalone POMs
 discard 1f15614  deploy/install POMs as a type of metadata so they are done atomically
 discard c60abde  transform deployment of SNAPSHOT. Currently, the POM and artifact are deployed separately, causing an inconsistent version to be written out.
 discard f74578b  change the maven group ID
 discard 6587f8c  convert deploy mojo to new execute()
 discard 649edf6  CHANGES ------------------------
 discard e612841  move log to AbstractPlugin, out of request. Request now contains only parameters (will move to fields) and marmalade context (can move to marmalade mojo wrapper)
 discard 982d7fc  o Changed maven-user-model/UserModel/UserModelBuilder to maven-settings/MavenSettings/MavenSettingsBuilder.
 discard fe53916  handle POMs correctly
 discard a87fcce  PR: MNG-52 change type of maven plugins to "maven-plugin" instead of plugin. This should allow other products to have different plugin types, if necessary.
 discard 29d5c93  o Removed AuthenticationInfoProvider stuff o Added ArtifactRepositoryFactory stuff to construct with AuthenticationInfo if possible. o Added UserModelBuilder stuff for componentizing UserModel construction.   -> DefaultUserModelBuilder has a configuration point 'userModelPath' which can redirect where it reads user.xml from (${user.home} is substitutable here). o Added warning message to deployment plugin when deployment repo has no authentication info available. o Added [...]
 discard 43e2dad  flip pom format
 discard abf1eff  o Changed Set to List for remote repo handling so that we can maintain declarative ordering in remote repos we use. o Added UserModel support, integrated with maven-artifact and wagon via AuthenticationInfoProvider implementation.
 discard c13a59c  scoping
 discard 066f882  depedency update
 discard 0400b67  typo
 discard ed84222  - Make install mojo to the same model like deploy mojo - Install and deploy always pom.
 discard e506f8a  Add a little deploy plugin
     add 1f1e983  Add a little deploy plugin
     add c4dc46a  - Make install mojo to the same model like deploy mojo - Install and deploy always pom.
     add 6f34235  typo
     add a395b66  depedency update
     add 5e4bccf  scoping
     add efff2eb  o Changed Set to List for remote repo handling so that we can maintain declarative ordering in remote repos we use. o Added UserModel support, integrated with maven-artifact and wagon via AuthenticationInfoProvider implementation.
     add 86f07d3  flip pom format
     add 9b1ab42  o Removed AuthenticationInfoProvider stuff o Added ArtifactRepositoryFactory stuff to construct with AuthenticationInfo if possible. o Added UserModelBuilder stuff for componentizing UserModel construction.   -> DefaultUserModelBuilder has a configuration point 'userModelPath' which can redirect where it reads user.xml from (${user.home} is substitutable here). o Added warning message to deployment plugin when deployment repo has no authentication info available. o Added [...]
     add 1061a50  PR: MNG-52 change type of maven plugins to "maven-plugin" instead of plugin. This should allow other products to have different plugin types, if necessary.
     add 4cc74ec  handle POMs correctly
     add d44dc34  o Changed maven-user-model/UserModel/UserModelBuilder to maven-settings/MavenSettings/MavenSettingsBuilder.
     add 2f86878  move log to AbstractPlugin, out of request. Request now contains only parameters (will move to fields) and marmalade context (can move to marmalade mojo wrapper)
     add 8d4f0bd  CHANGES ------------------------
     add db101ad  convert deploy mojo to new execute()
     add b608e4d  change the maven group ID
     add 0731ae9  transform deployment of SNAPSHOT. Currently, the POM and artifact are deployed separately, causing an inconsistent version to be written out.
     add 5c62d03  deploy/install POMs as a type of metadata so they are done atomically
     add 405f691  fix deploy/install os standalone POMs
     add a73bd37  rewrite POM with new version on deployment
     add 10f7e25  update poms for releases
     add a47f76a  clean up dependencies.
     add b7330e5  short comment
     add 37a08ce  release alpha-1 plugins
     add b5abe7c  split the plugin API and the plugin descriptor code
     add 9bdc619  correct problem where anything with a modified finalName was not installed/deployed
     add 30b9b6f  add more use of ${} expressions, fix problem when } was not at end
     add 6ca658e  remove unnecessary maven-core dependencies
     add a8d7727  fix more references to the old package
     add cc8370a  o Cleaned up field-level annotation support (especially descriptor extraction, generation, and building) o Converted all "core" plugins (including maven-core-it-plugin) to use field-level annotations o Removed generation of parameter descriptors for ${/#component.* param specifications. o Added @readonly for parameters that cannot be overridden by user configuration (List override was dangerous here) o Added validation against pom-derived configuration for @readonly para [...]
     add 3189bde  Renamed,, PluginExecutionRe(quest|sponse) PluginExecutionException to Mojo*
     add 66da3ee  set consistent versions
     add 91d422e  update to released versions
     add 6d55d31  bump versions
     add d421276  PR: MNG-378 Only deploy the release information at the point of release
     add cf62a98  o Removed dependency on plexus-container-artifact, using nested DefaultPlexusContainer instances instead for plugin isolation. o Moved marmalade support dependencies out of maven-core, since they can be supported on demand now o changed the ordering of the ant and assembly plugins, to show that the classloader (plugin param) bug is fixed. o added a method in PluginDescriptor which is similar to o.a.m.model.Plugin.getId() (I think that's the method; it's the one that resu [...]
     add ee32ffd  remove old cvs ignore files
     add 1ca2630  update parent references to get access to the ci settings
     add 3ea428f  o Adding support for <executions/>, which means multiple runs of the same goal/set-of-goals with different configs. o Adding @phase declarations for those mojos that seem to be part of the main build, just for completeness o Added two ITs, to test that <executions/> doesn't mess up the normal operation, and to test multi-execution for a goal.
     add 4c17c3b  PR: MNG-257
     add 1972377  change <model> to <project> in root tag.
     add f9e4fb3  refactoring of the resolveTransitiveDependencies call. simplified by removing a bunch of duplicated code in addArtifacts - no need to merge, you have the full list. separated the original artifacts (dependency artifacts) from the resolved artifacts (getArtifacts)
     add 4ac71ec  Resolving: MNG-495
     add c57cbb7  Update all versions to beta-1-SNAPSHOT
     add 3a133a5  Resolving:
     add caaaeb0  PR: MNG-596 add XSD definition to m2 poms and archetypes
     add 5ec6488  PR: MNG-456 allow separate snapshot and release repositories deprecate existing snapshotPolicy and checksumPolicy in favour of updatePolicy and checksumPolicy within the <releases> and <snapshots> elements in the <repository> element.
     add fd8f3fd  better error message for missing deployment repository
     add 4ad48d8  PR: MNG-613 changes versioning to use repository metadata
     add 78106a0  PR: MNG-613 deploy snapshot information to the correct directory and fix some other minor issues
     add 765c61e  PR: MNG-613 make sure versions are aggregated
     add d6f6444  Resolving MNG-851. Using MavenProject.getFile() rather than constructing new. Also fixed maven-deploy-plugin with similar bug.
     add c507355  update dependency and parent versions
     add ae658f0  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-deploy-plugin-2.0-beta-1
     add a9badcd  [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
     add e43ca84  PR: MNG-644 remove use of deprecated artifact method (retain signature for backwards compat until next release of install/deploy plugins)
     add 77c0406  PR: MNG-653 use the file assigned by the packager for installation/deployment. Error out if that isn't done.
     add a2deb80  PR: MNG-122 cleanup artifact metadata retrieval exceptions
     add 30f3ab3  more error diagnostics improvements
     add f55cc05  update versions in plugins
     add 8f36b23  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-deploy-plugin-2.0

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.
That is to say, some revisions that were in the old version of the
annotated tag are not in the new version.  This situation occurs
when a user --force pushes a change and generates a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O   (2f7357b)
             N -- N -- N   refs/tags/maven-deploy-plugin-2.0 (6581f87)

You should already have received notification emails for all of the O
revisions, and so the following emails describe only the N revisions
from the common base, B.

Any revisions marked "omit" are not gone; other references still
refer to them.  Any revisions marked "discard" are gone forever.

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:

To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
['"" <>'].