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Posted to by Super-User <> on 2001/05/28 15:53:40 UTC

jsp files "waiting for reply"

Hello Tomcat users,

I have recently installed tomcat 3.2.1 at my I386 solaris machine and am
experiening some problems.  The installation of the package went (of
course) just fine. I extracted the tar.gz file and ran
afterwards. Everything startsup just fine. When connecting to the server
@:8080 I get the default webpage. When going to servlet examples I am
not experiencing any problem with anyone of them. However, when I try to
use the jsp examples (from either the local solaris host, a linux
netscape 4.77 browser or a IE4.01) the browser connects and keeps
waiting for a reply. Quite strange, because I have installed tomcat
exactly in the same way on a linux host a while ago and there's no
problem there. Have to mention that on the linux host I am using
j2sdk1.3.0 and on the solaris java1.2.

Of course I set the JAVA_HOME, TOMCAT_HOME, messed arround with the
classpath.... nothing works. The onlything that's really working is my
harddrive, which is filling my disk with data on $TOMCAT_HOME/work/
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    207192064 May 28 14:43

and it keeps on doing that till the disk is full, even when I stop my
browser from trying (after >30 minutes)
Running top gives a CPU load of 80-90% for java(which drop after running
a shutdown)

It doesn't mather whether I am using the build in webserver or apache. I
compiled the mod_jk module and tryed the same under apache... no result.
I also changed ajp12 in mod_jk.conf-auto to ajp13 (after changing
server.xml ofcourse) still no results....

has anyone experienced the same problem and know how to solve this? I
have found nothing (execpt the same question without an answer) at
usenet, google or the faq.

kind regards, maarten hartsuijker

solaris 2.8 INTEL
tomcat 3.2.1
apache 1.3.20