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Posted to by on 2007/06/07 18:21:17 UTC

[DAISY] Updated: Redirection

A document has been updated:

Document ID: 1378
Branch: main
Language: default
Name: Redirection (previously Redirects)
Document Type: Cocoon Document (unchanged)
Updated on: 6/7/07 4:21:03 PM
Updated by: Reinhard Pötz

A new version has been created, state: publish


This part has been updated.
Mime type: text/xml (unchanged)
File name:  (unchanged)
Size: 4262 bytes (previous version: 4267 bytes)
Content diff:
(8 equal lines skipped)
    <p>To redirect from <tt>page1.html</tt> to <tt>page2.html</tt>, you can use the
--- <pre>
---   &lt;map:match pattern="page1.html"&gt;
+++ <pre>  &lt;map:match pattern="page1.html"&gt;
        &lt;map:redirect-to uri="page2.html"/&gt;
(12 equal lines skipped)
    page that called it, not relative to the URI of the sitemap containing it. Thus,
    the following is incorrect:</p>
--- <pre>
---   &lt;map:match pattern="folder/page1.html"&gt;
+++ <pre>  &lt;map:match pattern="folder/page1.html"&gt;
        &lt;map:redirect-to uri="folder/page2.html"/&gt;
(2 equal lines skipped)
    <p>This will in fact redirect the user to folder/folder/page2.html, which is
    probably not intended. The correct version is:</p>
--- <pre>
---   &lt;map:match pattern="folder/page1.html"&gt;
+++ <pre>  &lt;map:match pattern="folder/page1.html"&gt;
        &lt;map:redirect-to uri="page2.html"/&gt;
(9 equal lines skipped)
    <p>Directory handling is the same here as for other sitemap components. So that:
--- <pre>
---   &lt;map:match pattern="folder/page1.html"&gt;
+++ <pre>  &lt;map:match pattern="folder/page1.html"&gt;
        &lt;map:redirect-to uri="cocoon:/folder/page2.html"/&gt;
(24 equal lines skipped)
    <tt>SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY</tt> (<tt>301</tt>). A permanent redirect can be
    specified as:</p>
--- <pre>
---   &lt;map:match pattern="page1.html"&gt;
+++ <pre>  &lt;map:match pattern="page1.html"&gt;
        &lt;map:redirect-to uri="page2.html" permanent="yes"/&gt;
(40 equal lines skipped)