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svn commit: r1626817 - /mina/site/trunk/content/mina-project/news.mdtext

Author: elecharny
Date: Mon Sep 22 16:16:24 2014
New Revision: 1626817

Updated the news page


Modified: mina/site/trunk/content/mina-project/news.mdtext
--- mina/site/trunk/content/mina-project/news.mdtext (original)
+++ mina/site/trunk/content/mina-project/news.mdtext Mon Sep 22 16:16:24 2014
@@ -17,6 +17,134 @@ Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Softwa
 # News
+## MINA 2.0.8 released _posted on September, 22, 2014_
+It's 2 years we haven't had a release of MINA 2.0, it's about time.
+We have tried to fix as much issues as we could in the last 3 weeks. As a result, we have closed around 90 JIRAs (fixed, postponed or simply discarded).
+There is one change that might break the build for those switching from MINA 2.0.7 to MINA 2.0.8 : the _IoHandler_ interface now has a method called _inputClosed()_, so either you have to implement this method if you are directly implementing the _IoHandler_ interface, or better, you can extends _IoHandlerAdapter_, which implements a placeholder for this method.
+You can check the list of fixes for this version there :
+[Release note](
+### Bug
+* [DIRMINA-539]( - NioDatagramConnector doesn't takes the TrafficClass value set to his DatagramSessionConfig
+* [DIRMINA-574]( - ClassCastException when a message is written on a closed session.
+* [DIRMINA-604]( - Deadlock occurs when implementing two mina StateMachine
+* [DIRMINA-639]( - WriteFuture are updated long after a session.write() is done
+* [DIRMINA-738]( - Using IoEventQueueThrottler with a WriteRequestFilter can lead to hangs
+* [DIRMINA-760]( - Client fails to detect disconnection
+* [DIRMINA-764]( - DDOS possible in only a few seconds...
+* [DIRMINA-777]( - IoSessionConfig.setUseReadOperation(true) doesn't seem to work
+* [DIRMINA-779]( - SSLHandler can re-order data that it reads
+* [DIRMINA-782]( - Combination of SslFilter & FileRegionWriteFilter causes messageSent events to be lost
+* [DIRMINA-785]( - Half-duplex close of TCP channel
+* [DIRMINA-789]( - Possible Deadlock/Out of memory when sending large amounts of data using Nio
+* [DIRMINA-792]( - await() forever
+* [DIRMINA-804]( - NioDatagramAcceptor.unbind does not unbind cleanly
+* [DIRMINA-805]( - No cipher suites and protocols in SslFilter
+* [DIRMINA-813]( - Starvation occures sometimes in SerialSession#close()
+* [DIRMINA-818]( - Loosing connects on NioSocketConnector
+* [DIRMINA-833]( - LoggingFilter does not log SENT bytes when used with a ProtocolCodecFilter
+* [DIRMINA-843]( - NioSocketAcceptor doesnot provide an interface to input connectiontimeout parameter.
+* [DIRMINA-844]( - Http Proxy Authentication failed to complete (see description for exact point of failure)
+* [DIRMINA-845]( - ProtocolEncoderOutputImpl isn't thread-safe
+* [DIRMINA-891]( - SSLHandler throws SSLException during handshake that sequence number triggers
+* [DIRMINA-899]( - IoSession.getAttribute() doesn't store default value
+* [DIRMINA-902]( - Buffer read incorrectly when reading after a NEED_DATA trigger.
+* [DIRMINA-905]( - mina serial close
+* [DIRMINA-911]( - Surprising behaviour with ConnectFuture
+* [DIRMINA-912]( - Different instances of OrderedThreadPoolExecutor may use same task queue
+* [DIRMINA-920]( - HTTP server decoding is broken
+* [DIRMINA-926]( - IoSession IP Error when Socket Server Communicate With Microcomputer In LAN and Internet.
+* [DIRMINA-928]( - when client want to connect to server by binding wrong ip address,there is a bug.
+* [DIRMINA-931]( - HTTP header decoding is broken
+* [DIRMINA-932]( - HTTP Request decoding is broken if request headers are received in several messages
+* [DIRMINA-933]( - subtle HttpServerDecoder problems
+* [DIRMINA-937]( - sslfilter hangs with openjdk works with oracle?
+* [DIRMINA-940]( - HTTP Client decoder does not support responses without Content-Length header
+* [DIRMINA-942]( - Infinite loop flushing to broken pipe
+* [DIRMINA-948]( - Performance recession when invoke session.write concurrent
+* [DIRMINA-956]( - Status code match bug in AbstractHttpLogicHandler
+* [DIRMINA-957]( - MINA build in BlacklistFilter does not support IPV6 address
+* [DIRMINA-962]( - Immediate session close with a SSL filter
+* [DIRMINA-963]( - Socks5 and ProxyConnector don't work with InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved
+* [DIRMINA-965]( - HttpServerDecoder is broken in certain condition
+* [DIRMINA-966]( - NIO Datagram messages can get duplicated when unable to be sent by the underlying DatagramChannel
+* [DIRMINA-967]( - IoSession updateThroughput not automatically called
+* [DIRMINA-968]( - Memory leak in SSL Handshake errors
+* [DIRMINA-970]( - ProtocolEncoderOutputImpl.flush() occur a IllegalArgumentException
+* [DIRMINA-972]( - NPE during handshake on Android using SSLFilter
+* [DIRMINA-973]( - IllegalArgumentException thrown on ProtocolCodecFilter.flush
+* [DIRMINA-976]( - ScheduledWriteBytes Increases after Exception on Writing
+* [DIRMINA-977]( - DefaultIoFilterChain.replace does not call register/deregister
+* [DIRMINA-978]( - ClosedSelectorException handling in AbstractPollingIoProcessor
+* [DIRMINA-980]( - Missing implementation of write() method in SerialSessionImpl.SerialIoProcessor
+* [DIRMINA-981]( - IoBuffer GetSlice throw an IllegalArgumentException
+* [DIRMINA-982]( - ProtocolEncoderOutputImpl.flush() throws an IllegalArgumentException if buffers queue is empty
+* [DIRMINA-983]( - Problems with TextLineDecoder and special characters
+### Improvement
+* [DIRMINA-210]( - Investigate removal of static methods in ByteBuffer
+* [DIRMINA-237]( - Improve Spring integration
+* [DIRMINA-572]( - Add Spring support for Mina statemachine
+* [DIRMINA-586]( - Dynamic delimiter support for TextLineCodecFactory
+* [DIRMINA-593]( - Javadoc & documentation for org/apache/mina/filter/reqres
+* [DIRMINA-629]( - The IoServiceStatistics methods are called for every new session creation
+* [DIRMINA-631]( - AbstractIoFilter: increment writen- and receivedMessages statistics on application end of filter chain
+* [DIRMINA-668]( - Modify the way we use IoProcessors
+* [DIRMINA-682]( - We need a better documentation for the ExecutorFilter [was :Writing more than one message will block until the MessageReceived as been fully proceced]
+* [DIRMINA-723]( - OrderedThreadPoolExecutor behavior: configurable queue size, corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize
+* [DIRMINA-752]( - maybe move SerialAddressEditor.class to the mina beans project
+* [DIRMINA-761]( - how to shutdown a mina application
+* [DIRMINA-766]( - Read does not exploit buffer optimally
+* [DIRMINA-767]( - Move encoder/decoder out of the session Attributes
+* [DIRMINA-773]( - org.apache.mina.filter.firewall.Subnet should consider as a subnet that contains 'all the ipv4 addresses'
+* [DIRMINA-780]( - Writing null objects to the Session should raise an Exception
+* [DIRMINA-825]( - Add host and port info to BindException thrown by NioSocketAcceptor#open
+* [DIRMINA-838]( - Redundant AttributeKey allocation resulting in high garbage collector activity
+* [DIRMINA-913]( - Add a method IoSession.isSecured() to tell the user if the SSL filter has been started or not
+* [DIRMINA-921]( - Maven build fails if test phase is given
+* [DIRMINA-929]( - AbstractPollingIoProcessor patch to mark buffer as free
+* [DIRMINA-934]( - Replace synchronized with a Semaphore for better performance
+* [DIRMINA-941]( - DefaultIoFilterChain (or any other class) should not catch Throwable without re-throwing
+* [DIRMINA-945]( - DefaultVmPipeSessionConfig is empty
+### New Feature
+* [DIRMINA-23]( - New transport type: non-NIO sockets
+* [DIRMINA-68]( - Automatic reconnect configuration for client channels.
+* [DIRMINA-389]( - Create a Connection Throttle Filter
+* [DIRMINA-453]( - Multiple IoServices for one java.nio.Selector
+* [DIRMINA-485]( - SCTP Transport based on APR (Apache Portable Runtime)
+* [DIRMINA-489]( - Composite IoBuffer
+* [DIRMINA-507]( - IoBuffer: Support prepending data
+* [DIRMINA-554]( - A hook between bind() and accept()
+* [DIRMINA-655]( - Add a more general purpose text based decoder
+* [DIRMINA-816]( - NioSocketConnector missing defaultLocalAddress
+* [DIRMINA-964]( - Custom NIO SelectorProvider for NioSocketAcceptor
+### Task
+* [DIRMINA-56]( - Create a Benchmark Suite That Generates HTML Reports.
+* [DIRMINA-188]( - All-in-one JAR
+* [DIRMINA-477]( - Update page about differences between 1.x and 2.x
+* [DIRMINA-721]( - Get rid of multiton iohandler and netty2 codec as proposed on ML
+### Test
+* [DIRMINA-922]( - Add a benchmark project to compare with other IO frameworks
+### Wish
+* [DIRMINA-250]( - Provide a test suite for a transport implementor.
+* [DIRMINA-916]( - Adding Http Status code 101 "101 Switching Protocols" in org.apache.mina.http.api.HttpStatus
 ## MINA 2.0.7 released _posted on October, 12, 2012_
 The Apache MINA project is pleased to announce MINA 2.0.7 ! This version is a bug fix release.