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Posted to by on 2019/11/25 00:18:31 UTC

[whimsy] branch master updated: Obsolete

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

sebb pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 53c8c74  Obsolete
53c8c74 is described below

commit 53c8c745abb98822879ff4d3295e4a3bc354fd39
Author: Sebb <>
AuthorDate: Mon Nov 25 00:18:28 2019 +0000

 www/treasurer/expenses.cgi | 409 ---------------------------------------------
 www/treasurer/index.cgi    |  36 ----
 www/treasurer/paypal.cgi   | 138 ---------------
 3 files changed, 583 deletions(-)

diff --git a/www/treasurer/expenses.cgi b/www/treasurer/expenses.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 423e902..0000000
--- a/www/treasurer/expenses.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'wunderbar'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'whimsy/asf'
-user =$USER)
-unless user.asf_member? or ASF.pmc_chairs.include? user or $USER=='ea'
-  print "Status: 401 Unauthorized\r\n"
-  print "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ASF Members and Officers\"\r\n\r\n"
-  exit
-categories = [
-  'Concom',
-  'Infrastructure',
-  'Public Relations',
-  'Secretary',
-  'Treasurer',
-  'President',
-  'TAC',
-  'Chair',
-  'Branding',
-  'Infrastructure Contractors',
-  'Public Relations Contractors',
-  'Executive Assistant',
-  'Uncategorized/Multiple',
-paid = ''
-statements = '/var/tools/statements'
-dates = Dir["#{statements}/*.pdf","#{statements}/*.yml"].
-  map {|name| File.basename(name).chomp('.pdf').chomp('.yml')}.uniq.sort
-class Numeric
-  def currency
-    ('%.2f' % self).gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/, '\1,')
-  end
-_html do
-  _head_ do
-    _title 'Statement'
-    _script src: '/jquery-min.js'
-    _script src: '/jquery.tablesorter.js'
-    _style %{
-      a {text-decoration: none}
-      tr:hover a {text-decoration: underline}
-      thead th {border-bottom: solid black}
-      tfoot th, tfoot td {border-top: solid black}
-      table {border-spacing: 1em 0.2em; float: left }
-      tbody tr:hover {background-color: #FF8}
-      th span {float: right}
-      .headerSortUp span:after {content: " \u2198"}
-      .headerSortDown span:after {content: " \u2197"}
-      svg {width: 30%; margin-left: 10%}
-      h2 {clear: both}
-    }
-  end
-  _body? do
-    # common banner
-    _a href: '/' do
-      _img title: "Logo", alt: "Logo",
-        src: ""
-    end
-    _h1_ 'Expenses'
-    @date ||= env['PATH_INFO'].to_s[/\/(\d{4}-\d\d)$/,1] || dates.last
-    @date = 'all' if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/all'
-    @date.untaint if @date =~ /^\d{4}-\d\d$/
-    if /expenses.*\/(?<category>.+)/ =~ env['REQUEST_URI']
-      @category = category unless category == 'all'
-      @date = 'all'
-    end
-    unless @category
-      request_uri = env['REQUEST_URI'].split('?').first
-      _form.month! method: 'post', action: request_uri.sub(/\d{4}-\d\d$/,'') do
-        _select name: 'date' do
-          dates.reverse.each do |date|
-            _option date, selected: (date == @date)
-          end
-          _option 'all', selected: (@date == 'all')
-        end
-        _input value: 'submit', type: 'submit'
-      end
-    end
-    if @date == 'all'
-      debits = []
-      Dir["#{statements}/*.yml"].sort.each do |statement|
-        debits += YAML.load_file statement.untaint
-      end
-      if @category
-! {|debit| debit['category'].gsub(/\W+/,'_') == @category}
-      end
-      statement = ''
-    elsif File.exist? "#{statements}/#{@date}.yml"
-      statement = ''
-      debits = YAML.load_file "#{statements}/#{@date}.yml"
-    else
-      statement = `pdftotext #{statements}/#{@date}.pdf -`
-      # credits = statement[/^Credits(.*)^Debits/m,1]
-      statement = statement[/^^Debits(.*)^Daily ledger/m,1].to_s
-      debits = []
-    end
-    if debits.empty? and not statement.empty?
-      dates = statement.scan(/^\d\d\/\d\d/)
-      amounts = statement.scan(/^[.,\d]+$/)
-      details = statement.
-        scan(/^(?:WT |Bill Pay|WF Bus|Client Anal|Safe Box|Online Transfer).*/)
-      _form_.debits! style: ('display: none' unless debits.empty?) do
-        _button 'File'
-        _select_.category! do
-          _option ''
-          categories.each do |category|
-            _option category
-          end
-        end
-! do
-          dates.sort.each do |date|
-            _option date, value: date
-          end
-        end
-        _select_.amount! do
-          amounts.each do |amount|
-            _option amount, value: amount
-          end
-        end
-        _select_.detail! do
-          details.each do |detail|
-            _option detail.strip, value: detail.strip
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    subtotals =
-    debits.each do |transaction|
-      subtotals[transaction['category']] += transaction['amount'] 
-    end
-    total = subtotals.values.reduce(&:+) || 0
-    unless @category
-      _h2_ 'Summary'
-      colors ='#000')
-      if total > 0
-        require 'color'
-        color = Color::RGB.from_html('#4488FF').to_hsl
-        step = 360.0 / ( PHI = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2 )
-        _svg_ viewBox: '-500 -500 1000 1000' do
-          _circle r: 480, stroke: '#000', fill: '#000'
-          theta = 0
-          subtotals.sort_by(&:last).reverse.each do |category, subtotal|
-            p1 = [Math.sin(theta)*475, -Math.cos(theta)*475].map(&:round)
-            theta += Math::PI*2 * subtotal/total
-            p2 = [Math.sin(theta)*475, -Math.cos(theta)*475].map(&:round)
-            arc = (subtotal*2 > total ? '1' : '0')
-            _path fill: color.html, title: category,
-              d: "M0,0 L#{p1.join(',')} A475,475 0 #{arc} 1 #{p2.join(',')} Z"
-            colors[category] = color.html
-            color.hue = (color.hue + step) % 360
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      _table do
-        _thead do
-          _tr do
-            _th 'Category'
-            _th 'Amount'
-          end
-        end
-        _tbody_ do
-          bullet = "\u25CF" unless total==0
-          (categories+subtotals.keys).sort.uniq.each do |category|
-            _tr_ style: ('display: none' if subtotals[category] == 0) do
-              _td!.category do
-                _a category, 
-                  href: "/treasurer/expenses/#{category.gsub(/\W+/,'_')}"
-              end
-              _td.subtotal subtotals[category].currency, align: 'right'
-              _td bullet, style: "color: #{colors[category]}"
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        _tfoot do
-          _tr do
-            _th 'Total'
-  ! total.currency, align: 'right'
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    if @date =~ /\d{4}-\d\d/ or @category
-      _h2_ categories.find {|category| category.gsub(/\W+/,'_')==@category} ||
-         @category || 'Detail'
-      _table do
-        _thead_ do
-          _tr do
-            _th 'Date'
-            _th 'Amount' 
-            _th 'Category' unless @category
-            _th 'Detail'
-          end
-        end
-        _tbody.categorized! do
-          debits.each do |transaction|
-            _tr_ do
-              _td transaction['date']
-              _td transaction['amount'].currency, align: 'right'
-              _td transaction['category'] unless @category
-              if transaction['link']
-                _td! do
-                  _a transaction['detail'], href: paid + transaction['link'],
-                    title: transaction['notes']
-                end
-              else
-                _td transaction['detail'], title: transaction['notes']
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        if @category
-          _tfoot do
-            _tr do
-              _th 'Total'
-    ! total.currency, align: 'right'
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    _script_ %q{
-      var year = null;
-      if (document.getElementById('month')) {
-        $('#month select').change(function() { 
-          location.href = "/treasurer/statements/" + $(this).val();
-          if ($(this).val()=='all') location.href = "/treasurer/expenses/all";
-        });
-        $('#month input').hide();
-        year = $('#month select').val().match(/(\d{4})-\d\d/);
-        if (year) year[1];
-      }
-      $('button').click(function() {
-        var tr = $('<tr></tr>');
-        var date = $('<td></td>').text($('#date').val());
-        $('#date option[value="'+date.text()+'"]:first').remove();
-        tr.append(date);
-        var category = $('<td></td>').text($('#category').val());
-        tr.append(category);
-        var amount = $('<td align="right"></td>').text($('#amount').val());
-        $('#amount option[value="'+amount.text()+'"]:first').remove();
-        tr.append(amount);
-        var detail = $('#detail').val();
-        $('#detail option[value="'+detail+'"]:first').remove();
-        detail = detail.replace(/WT \d+-\d+/,'WT');
-        detail = detail.replace(/WT Fed#\d+/,'WT Fed');
-        detail = detail.replace(/ Recurring.*/,'');
-        detail = detail.replace(/Auto Pay \d+ \d+/,'Auto Pay');
-        detail = detail.replace(/Srvc Chrg .*/,'Srvc Chrg');
-        detail = detail.replace(/on-Line [xX]\w* on .*/i,'');
-        detail = detail.replace(/on-Line No Account Number on .*/,'');
-        detail = detail.replace(/:Fee \d.*/,':Fee');
-        detail = $('<td></td>').text(detail);
-        tr.append(detail);
-        $('#detail').change();
-        $('.category').each(function() {
-          if ($(this).text() == category.text()) {
-            var tr = $(this).parent();
-            var td = $('td:last', tr);
-            var subtotal =
-              parseFloat(td.text().replace(/,/g,'')) +
-              parseFloat(amount.text().replace(/,/g,''));
-            subtotal = subtotal.toFixed(2);
-            subtotal = subtotal.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,');
-            td.text(subtotal);
-  ;
-          }
-        });
-        var total = 0;
-        $('.subtotal').each(function() {
-          total += parseFloat($(this).text().replace(/,/g,''));
-        });
-        total = total.toFixed(2);
-        total = total.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,');
-        $('#total').text(total);
-        $('#categorized').append(tr);
-        if (!$('#date').val() && !$('#detail').val() && !$('#amount').val()) {
-          var data = {month: $('#month select').val(), debits: []};
-          $('#categorized tr').each(function() {
-            var cols = $('td', $(this));
-            data.debits.push({
-              date:     year + '-' + cols[0].textContent.replace('/', '-'),
-              category: cols[1].textContent,
-              amount:   parseFloat(cols[2].textContent.replace(/,/g, '')),
-              detail:   cols[3].textContent
-            });
-          });
-          data.debits = JSON.stringify(data.debits)
-          $.post(location.href, data, function(_) {
-            $('#debits').replaceWith($('<p></p>').text(_.message));
-          }, 'json');
-        }
-        return false;
-      });
-      $('#date option:first').attr('selected', true);
-      $('#amount option:first').attr('selected', true);
-      $('#detail option:first').attr('selected', true);
-      var patterns = {
-        'Traci.Net':         'Infrastructure',
-        'Pctony':            'Infrastructure Contractors',
-        'Shahaf':            'Infrastructure Contractors',
-        '16 Degrees':        'Infrastructure Contractors',
-        'Sunstar':           'Infrastructure Contractors',
-        'Warnkin Recurring': 'Executive Assistant',
-        'Khudairi':          'Public Relations Contractors',
-        'PR Newswire':       'Public Relations',
-        'Globenewswire':     'Public Relations',
-        'Srvc Chrg':         'Treasurer',
-        'WF Bus Banking':    'Treasurer',
-        'Safe Box':          'Treasurer',
-        'The Company Corp':  'President',
-        'Nicholas Burch':    'Concom',
-      }
-      $('#category').change(function() {
-        $('button').attr('disabled', $('#category').val() == '');
-      });
-      $('#detail').change(function() {
-        var detail = $(this).val();
-        $('#category').val('').attr('selected', true);
-        if (detail) {
-          for (var pattern in patterns) {
-            if (detail.match(pattern)) {
-              $('#category').val(patterns[pattern]).attr('selected', true);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        $('#category').change();
-      }).change();
-      $.tablesorter.addParser({ 
-        id: 'commafied', 
-        type: 'numeric',
-        is: function(s) { return s.match(/^[\d.,]+$/) }, 
-        format: function(s) { 
-          return jQuery.tablesorter.formatFloat(s.replace(/,/g, ""));
-        }
-      }); 
-      $('thead th').append('<span></span>');
-      $("table").tablesorter(
-        {sortList: [[0,0]], headers: {1: {sorter:'commafied'}}}
-      );
-      $('.category').each(function() {
-        var path = $('path[title="' + $('a', this).text() + '"]');
-        if (path.length == 0) return;
-        $(this).parents('tr').
-          mouseover(function() {
-            path.attr({'stroke-width': 35, stroke: path.attr('fill')});
-            path.parent().append(path);
-          }).
-          mouseout(function() {
-            path.removeAttr('stroke-width').removeAttr('stroke');
-          });
-      });
-      $('svg').attr('stroke-linejoin', 'round');
-      $(window).resize(function() {
-        $('svg').height($(window).width()/3);
-        $('svg').width($(window).width()/3);
-      }).trigger('resize');
-    }
-  end
-_json do
-  @month.untaint if @month =~ /^\d{4}-\d\d$/
-"#{statements}/#{@month}.yml",'w') do |file|
-    file.write YAML.dump(JSON.parse(@debits))
-  end
-  _message "Categorization complete"
diff --git a/www/treasurer/index.cgi b/www/treasurer/index.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index cacb31b..0000000
--- a/www/treasurer/index.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'whimsy/asf'
-$SAFE = 1
-user =$USER)
-unless user.asf_member? or ASF.pmc_chairs.include? user or $USER=='ea'
-  print "Status: 401 Unauthorized\r\n"
-  print "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ASF Members and Officers\"\r\n\r\n"
-  exit
-request = ENV['REQUEST_URI'].sub(/^\/treasurer\/paypal\/?/, '')
-request.untaint if request =~ /^\d{4}-\d\d$/
-if request.tainted?
-  print "Status: 401 Forbidden\r\n"
-  print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
-  print "Forbidden"
-  exit
-if File.exist?("/var/tools/treasurer/paypal/#{request}.html")
-  print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n"
-  print"/var/tools/treasurer/#{request}.html")
-  exit
-if File.exist?("/var/tools/treasurer/paypal/#{request}.txt")
-  print "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n"
-  print"/var/tools/treasurer/#{request}.txt")
-  exit
-print "Status: 404 Not-Found\r\n"
-print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
-print "Not here"
diff --git a/www/treasurer/paypal.cgi b/www/treasurer/paypal.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index b0fe8e8..0000000
--- a/www/treasurer/paypal.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'wunderbar'
-require 'csv'
-require 'whimsy/asf'
-user =$USER)
-unless user.asf_member? or ASF.pmc_chairs.include? user or $USER=='ea'
-  print "Status: 401 Unauthorized\r\n"
-  print "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ASF Members and Officers\"\r\n\r\n"
-  exit
-csv = []
-Dir['/var/tools/paypal/2*.csv'].sort.reverse.each do |month|
-  csv +=,'r').to_a[1..-1]
-download ='/var/tools/paypal/Download.csv','r')
-headers = download.take(1).flatten
-csv += download.to_a
-skip = [2,6,10,11,12,13,14,16]
-_html do
-  _head_ do
-    _title 'Paypal Donations'
-    _style %{
-      thead th {border-bottom: solid black}
-      tbody tr:hover {background-color: #FF8}
-      tfoot th {border-top: solid black}
-      table {border-spacing: 0.3em 0.2em }
-      .issue {background-color: yellow}
-      .large {background-color: #7FFF00}
-    }
-  end
-  _body? do
-    # common banner
-    _a href: '/' do
-      _img alt: "Logo", src: ""
-    end
-    _h1_ 'Paypal donations'
-    if ENV['PATH_INFO'] == '/'
-      pattern = :index
-    elsif ENV['PATH_INFO'] =~ /(\d{4})-0?(\d\d?)/
-      pattern ="#{$2}/..?/#{$1}")
-    else
-      pattern = /^$/
-    end
-    _table do
-      _thead_ do
-        _tr do
-          if pattern == :index
-            _th 'Month'
-            _th 'Balance'
-            _th 'Transactions'
-          else
-            headers.each_with_index do |header, index|
-              next if skip.include? index
-              _th header
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      month = nil
-      entries = []
-      count = 0
-      old_balance = nil
-      _tbody do
-        csv.each do |transaction|
-          if pattern == :index
-            m,d,y = transaction[0].split('/')
-            if m != month
-              entries.last[-1] = count if not entries.empty?
-              entries << ["#{y}-#{m.rjust(2,'0')}", transaction[15], 0]
-              count = 0
-              month = m
-            end
-            count += 1
-          elsif pattern =~ transaction[0] 
-            new_balance = (transaction[15].gsub(',','').to_f*100).round
-            old_balance ||= new_balance
-            amount = (transaction[9].gsub(',','').to_f*100).round
-            color = nil
-            color = 'large' if amount >= 200_00
-            color = 'issue' if new_balance != old_balance
-            _tr_ class: color do
-              transaction.each_with_index do |col, index|
-                next if skip.include? index
-                if index > 6 or index == 0
-                  _td col, align: 'right'
-                else
-                  _td col
-                end
-              end
-            end
-            next if transaction[4] == 'Web Accept Payment Received' and
-              transaction[5] == 'Cleared'
-            next if transaction[4] == 'Web Accept Payment Received' and
-              transaction[5] == 'Canceled'
-            next if transaction[4] == 'Cancelled Fee' and
-              transaction[5] == 'Completed'
-            next if transaction[4] == 'Update to eCheck Received' and
-              transaction[5] == 'Canceled'
-            old_balance = new_balance - amount
-          end
-        end
-        if pattern == :index
-          entries.last[-1] = count
-          entries.each do |month, balance, transactions|
-            _tr_ do
-              _td! {_a month, href: month}
-              _td balance, align: 'right'
-              _td transactions, align: 'right'
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      if pattern == :index
-        _tfoot_ do
-          _tr do
-            _th 'Total', colspan: 2, align: 'right'
-            _th, align: 'right'
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end