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Posted to by Frank Bille Jensen <> on 2009/02/10 12:05:52 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Wicket 1.4 release candidate 2

The Apache Wicket team is proud to present the second release  
candidate of Apache Wicket 1.4. This is the first Wicket version with  
java 1.5 as minimum requirement.

Eager people click here to download the distribution, others can read  


We thank you for your patience and support.

The Wicket Team

- Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket is a component oriented Java web application framework.  
With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a  
refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple  
and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and  
brittle code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java  
and HTML.
You can find out more about Apache Wicket on our website:


- This release
The Apache Wicket team is proud to announce the availability of the  
third milestone release of our first java 1.5 Wicket version: Apache  
Wicket 1.4-m3. This is the first release with java 1.5 as a minimum.  
Almost everything has been converted to java 1.5. If you find  
something missing, please help us and send a message to the dev@ or  
user@ list.

Migrating from 1.3
If you are coming from Wicket 1.3, you really want to read our  
migration guide, found on the wiki:


- Downloading the release
You can download the release from the official Apache mirror system,  
and you can find it through the following link:

For the Maven and Ivy fans out there: update your pom's to the  
following, and everything will be downloaded automatically:

Substitute the artifact ID with the projects of your liking to get the  
other projects.

Please note that we don't prescribe a Logging implementation for  
SLF4J. You need to specify yourself which one you prefer. Read more  
about SLF4J here:

- Validating the release
The release has been signed by Frank Bille, your release manager for  
today. The public key can be found in the KEYS file in the download  
area. Download the KEYS file only from the Apache website.

Instructions on how to validate the release can be found here:


- Reporting bugs
In case you do encounter a bug, we would appreciate a report in our  


- The distribution
In the distribution you will find a README. The README contains  
instructions on how to build from source yourself. You also find a  
CHANEGELOG-1.4 which contains a list of all things that have been  
fixed, added and/or removed since the first release in the 1.4 branch.

Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC2

	• WICKET-1678 - integrate code into extensions
	• WICKET-1875 - create javadoc for existing portal imeplementation
	• WICKET-2058 - Upgrade Wicket Portlet Support to only use native  
Portlet API 2.0
	• WICKET-693 - What to do with the wicket dtd?
	• WICKET-1314 - DateTimeField does not correct the timezone properly
	• WICKET-1360 - Wrong path separator in reloading classloader patterns
	• WICKET-1403 - Reinjection fails after Server restart
	• WICKET-1483 - Unusual ClassCastException (SimpleAttributeModifier  
to IBehaviorListener) processing onError.
	• WICKET-1504 - AutoCompleteTextField - javascript error "type  
mismatch" in line 227 in IE
	• WICKET-1513 - "input" tag with type="image" results in null pointer  
exception in AutoLinkResolver
	• WICKET-1605 - onclick is null or not an object in IE6, IE7;  
	• WICKET-1619 - PagingNavigator.setEnabled(false) doesn't work
	• WICKET-1621 - Misleading example works despite error
	• WICKET-1647 - SqlTimestampConverter drops the date portion of a  
	• WICKET-1663 - Wicket tries to decode servlet path that already has  
been decoded by servlet container
	• WICKET-1677 - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior affects  
checkboxes even if component uses radios and vice-versa
	• WICKET-1689 - style resources not looked up correctly in markup  
	• WICKET-1691 - StringResourceModel honors container's key (rather  
than its own)
	• WICKET-1718 - WebPage#onAfterRender erroneously reports missing  
	• WICKET-1750 - Inconsisting Handling of id mismatch on  
	• WICKET-1781 - ParentResourceEscapePathTest fails on OS X using cmd  
line maven
	• WICKET-1794 - WicketTester.clickLink and  
IndexedParamUrlCodingStrategy don't work together
	• WICKET-1812 - Header contributions occur even though rendering is  
not allowed by authorization strategy
	• WICKET-1851 - Default lookup keys don't work when  
UseDefaultOnMissingResource is false
	• WICKET-1855 - Using an AjaxSubmitLink outside of a Form does not  
set the form property
	• WICKET-1861 - Inevitable UnknownSizeException with HTTPS
	• WICKET-1863 - DateTimeField: small bugs
	• WICKET-1864 - MockHttpServletRequest does not support absolute  
redirection URLs.
	• WICKET-1868 - i18n package resource resolving depends too much on  
available locale
	• WICKET-1871 - org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings#stripJSessionId  
	• WICKET-1876 - RequestUtils.decodeParameters(String, ValueMap)  
doesn't follow the Servlet spec
	• WICKET-1879 - Generics in DateTextField
	• WICKET-1881 - RequestCycle.urlFor modifies page's parameters
	• WICKET-1890 - Palette.onBeforeRender() throws  
IllegalArgumentException in cases when Palette is invisible.
	• WICKET-1898 - WebRequestCycleProcessor.resolveHomePageTarget for  
empty path with enforceMounts=true provokes 403 - "Direct access not  
allowed for mounted targets"
	• WICKET-1906 - AutocompleteTextField throws javascript error Object  
	• WICKET-1908 - ResourceNameIterator problem with files with  
undescore in name
	• WICKET-1909 - Wrong translation for StringValidator.range in
	• WICKET-1914 - Form.appendDefaultButtonField produces invalid  
JavaScript if Ajax is disabled
	• WICKET-1915 - wicket:message sometimes broken
	• WICKET-1916 - setResponsePage(Application#getHomePage()) mounted  
as / (default) vs. ajax requests
	• WICKET-1919 - MarkupContainer.setEnabled() doesn't enable/disable  
child components
	• WICKET-1920 - Settings mounts as case insensitive causes 404 errors  
if case is included when mounting pages.
	• WICKET-1923 - use of replaceComponentTagBody in onComponentTag  
MarkupException: Tag expected
	• WICKET-1925 - SubmitLink javadoc is wrong. It states the javascript  
will be used in the href attribute of the tab, but it is actually in  
the onclick attribute.
	• WICKET-1926 - UrlValidator doesn't working when using a hostname in  
the url
	• WICKET-1927 - WicketTester.assertErrorMessages uses wrong encoding
	• WICKET-1930 - FileUpload.writeToTempFile uses field Id as filename  
- Windows doesn't support some characters
	• WICKET-1931 - FormTester doesn't correctly submit a form when a  
FileUploadField was not set (which is not required)
	• WICKET-1934 - Hard coded size=8 attribute in DateTimeField.html is  
too small
	• WICKET-1935 - SignInPanel_ja.html doesn't close span tag
	• WICKET-1939 - ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn forces column type  
parameter and choice type parameter to be the same
	• WICKET-1944 - Wicket-autocomplete.js does not invoke  
invokePostCallHandlers() when input string is 0 lenght or null
	• WICKET-1948 - rc1 generics - RatingPanel
	• WICKET-1953 - isEnabled called even if component is not Visible
	• WICKET-1955 - Error about misplaced <wicket:head> very  
uninformative and incorrect
	• WICKET-1959 - PropertyResolver causes memory leaks with proxies
	• WICKET-1961 - Bad javadoc for Request.getRelativePathPrefix* methods
	• WICKET-1963 - Outdated JavaDoc content in MarkupContainer class
	• WICKET-1976 - NPE when <wicket:link> embedding <input type="image"  
	• WICKET-1977 - Generics: IOptionRenderer vs IChioceRenderer
	• WICKET-1980 - Fixing JS error on autocomplete with preselect
	• WICKET-1988 - DatePicker is not thread-safe
	• WICKET-1989 - The method name 'renderOnEventJavacript' of  
IHeaderResponse is misspelling of 'renderOnEventJavascript'
	• WICKET-1991 - SharedResourceRequestTarget logs ERRORs to the  
logfile on 404 (client errors)
	• WICKET-1992 - SharedResourceRequestTarget allows access to almost  
arbitrary files under WEB-INF.
	• WICKET-1994 - String.replaceAll(regex, replacement). The dot in  
".html" I guess is meant to be literal
	• WICKET-1995 - Method called unnecessarily in FormComponent
	• WICKET-1997 - TextFilteredPropertyColumn needs different generic  
for FilterModel
	• WICKET-2002 - Palette's Choice and Selection component break XHTML  
	• WICKET-2003 - Palette's AbstractOption component break XHTML  
	• WICKET-2004 - tests failed - last trunk revision - 731610
	• WICKET-2005 - pb to access to this on event onchange on the  
	• WICKET-2006 - The page set by setReponsePage does not process its  
own response.
	• WICKET-2008 -  
org.apache.wicket.util.license.PropertiesLicenseHeaderHandler failed
	• WICKET-2011 - FormComponent cookie persistent issue
	• WICKET-2012 - Not possible to call getRowCount() in override of  
isVisible() for DataView
	• WICKET-2013 - Session doesn't get invalidated when using  
	• WICKET-2016 - FormTester  
(BaseWicketTester.executeAjaxEventcomponent,event) submits also  
buttons that are hidden (isVisible=false) resulting in exception
	• WICKET-2019 - Validation messages aren't cleared on success.
	• WICKET-2025 - isVisible should not be called after detach
	• WICKET-2026 - Forms are not validated correctly inside a border
	• WICKET-2027 - FormComponentPanel does not work correctly inside a  
	• WICKET-2030 - BaseWicketTester can't find the pageLink field using  
reflection when you override the PageLink class.
	• WICKET-2032 - CLONE -Wicket-autocomplete.js does not invoke  
invokePostCallHandlers() when input string is 0 lenght or null
	• WICKET-2037 - Should adding AJAX behaviour to a page make it  
	• WICKET-2038 - Missing redirects in AjaxPagingNavigationLink and  
	• WICKET-2039 - Fragment#getAssociatedMarkupStream() doesn't look for  
Parent in the proper way
	• WICKET-2040 - Wrong log message text in RequestCycle#prepare
	• WICKET-2042 - CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy produces Sessions  
on stateless pages
	• WICKET-2043 - Tab (\t) character in a DropDownChoice value causes  
the returned selected value to be null
	• WICKET-2044 - MarkupContainer - Method-variable children was  
stepping-on/masking the global-variable children
	• WICKET-2045 - FileUploadField.onDetach() causes  
	• WICKET-2047 - typo in
	• WICKET-2048 - HtmlProblemFinder documentation bug
	• WICKET-2050 - KittenCaptchaPanel generates a Ajax callback image  
url which potentially breaks when used in a Portlet
	• WICKET-2057 - AjaxPreprocessingCallDecorator calls the delegate  
decorator before itself (same behavior as  
	• WICKET-2063 - Wizard buttons (previous / finish) aren't enabled  
when they should be
	• WICKET-2065 - Generated urls for mounted pages contain redundant  
trailing "/"
	• WICKET-2067 - SmartLinkLabel does not handle ~ in urls
	• WICKET-2069 - KittenCaptcha filter declared twice in wicket- 
examples web.xml
	• WICKET-543 - need javadocs embedded in the Wicket 1.3 zip file
	• WICKET-910 - Add forXXX family of factories for  
StringHeaderContributor too
	• WICKET-918 - allow for pluggable javascript compression algorithms
	• WICKET-1192 - move static factory methods off of HeaderContributer  
and onto related classes
	• WICKET-1206 - Change BaseWicketTester.getTagByXXX return value from  
TagTester to TagTester[]
	• WICKET-1281 - DateTextField does not use user locale for parse and  
display data
	• WICKET-1367 - Not all of SignInPanel is properly localized
	• WICKET-1380 - (Simple)AttributeModifier abuse check
	• WICKET-1431 - Make the Source Code pages for examples stateless
	• WICKET-1490 - Small iprovement to the generated by the  
maven archtype
	• WICKET-1538 - WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender rename to  
	• WICKET-1553 - Pass the event to the event handler in  
	• WICKET-1564 - filter-restore script-tag isn't xhtml-valid
	• WICKET-1642 - Fix default localizations
	• WICKET-1675 - Widen Generics for Lists/Iteratos
	• WICKET-1763 - GuiceComponentInjector overhead for non-injectable  
	• WICKET-1784 - Enhance IDataProvider to support applications using  
the Transfer Object J2EE pattern
	• WICKET-1850 - UrlValidator disallow http://user:password@host:port/ 
path urls
	• WICKET-1860 - Please provide Model.valueOf(java.util.Set)
	• WICKET-1893 - Extend FormTester to easily handle CheckBox components.
	• WICKET-1910 - ServletWebRequest.isAjax Should be cached
	• WICKET-1913 - Upgrade spring dependency to 2.5.6
	• WICKET-1921 - Add an extension of AutoCompleteTextField which  
includes default css
	• WICKET-1929 - PagingNavigator.newPagingNavigationIncrementLink and  
PagingNavigator.newPagingNavigationLink should return AbstractLink
	• WICKET-1938 - Use XMLUnit for framework tests
	• WICKET-1941 - Add getter and setter for data provider to  
	• WICKET-1946 - Please make RequestLogger.log(RequestData,  
SessionData) protected
	• WICKET-1962 - setters on FeedbackPanel do not return self, which  
prevents chaining
	• WICKET-1982 - Palette's AbstractOptions should localize values as  
AbstractChoice does
	• WICKET-1984 - MarkupContainer's add(final Component child) does not  
initially check for a child null reference
	• WICKET-1986 - MarkupContainer's addOrReplace(final Component child)  
does not initially check for a child null reference
	• WICKET-2018 - Buttom subclasses getForm with a different sematic
	• WICKET-2020 - Callback after detaching the page but before the  
PageMap lock is released
	• WICKET-2023 - Allow extending SmartLinkMultiLineLabel (remove  
	• WICKET-2028 - New Russian file
New Feature
	• WICKET-1584 - FragmentColumn
	• WICKET-1610 - Kitten authentication
	• WICKET-1666 - contribution: provide indexed urls for shared  
resources (with optional query string parameters)
	• WICKET-1900 - Implement isEscapeLabalMarkup for RadioChoice
	• WICKET-1917 - Automatically Load CSS files based on name matching
	• WICKET-1918 - Automatically Load JavaScript files based on name  
	• WICKET-1993 - remove eclipse settings from svn
	• WICKET-1966 - Autocomplete assumes there will be other parameters  
in the callback url when appending its query

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