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[1/7] incubator-spot git commit: Replacing PHP index files with regular HTML due compatibility of extension on ASF

Repository: incubator-spot
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  refs/heads/asf-site 67c0416b4 -> 7bb4a3015
diff --git a/tag/open-source/index.php b/tag/open-source/index.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b8e749f..0000000
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-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
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-                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Apache Spot (Incubating): Three Most-Asked Questions</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        March 29, 2016
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-                            <section class="entry-content cf">
-                                <p>
-                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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[4/7] incubator-spot git commit: Replacing PHP index files with regular HTML due compatibility of extension on ASF

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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..193c5f1
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+                        <h1 class="page-title">Category: Ipython Notebooks</h1>
+                        <article id="post-136" class="cf post-136 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-data-science category-ipython-notebooks category-threat-analysis-tools" role="article">
+                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
+                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" rel="bookmark" title="Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</a></h3>
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+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-09-22" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        September 22, 2016
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+                                <p>
+                                    Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The iPython&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a>
+								</li>
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+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/">Apache Spot (Incubating): 3 Most-Asked Questions</a>
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-                    <main id="main" class="m-all t-2of3 d-5of7 cf" role="main" itemscope itemprop="mainContentOfPage" itemtype="">
-                        <h1 class="page-title">Category: Ipython Notebooks</h1>
-                        <article id="post-136" class="cf post-136 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-data-science category-ipython-notebooks category-threat-analysis-tools" role="article">
-                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" rel="bookmark" title="Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-09-22" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        September 22, 2016
-                                    </time>
-                                    </span>
-                                </p>
-                            </header>
-                            <section class="entry-content cf">
-                                <p>
-                                    Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The iPython&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                        <h1 class="page-title">Category: Security Analytics</h1>
+                        <article id="post-62" class="cf post-62 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-security-analytics tag-github tag-apache-spot tag-open-source" role="article">
+                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
+                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Apache Spot (Incubating): Three Most-Asked Questions</a></h3>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        March 29, 2016
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+                                </p>
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+                            <section class="entry-content cf">
+                                <p>
+                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/">Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics</a>
+								</li>
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+									<a href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</a>
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+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/">Apache Spot (Incubating): 3 Most-Asked Questions</a>
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-                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                    Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The iPython&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                                    Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The iPython&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                    By Rob Kent, Vice President of Marketing at Cybraics Competition is widely considered to be a healthy and positive thing, traditionally viewed as providing options for customers and fueling innovation. In the world of cybersecurity there is no shortage of competition, in fact cybersecurity is one of the most crowded and fast-growing areas of technology&#8230;. <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/" title="Read Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                    About four years ago, the era of the Big Data analytics began. Paired with advanced analytics, massive volumes of data can be culled to not only inform critical decisions, but also to simulate sophisticated \u201cwhat if\u201d scenarios that allow companies to gain competitive advantages by generating and predicting different scenarios. For example, a financial services&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" title="Read How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
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-                        <article id="post-149" class="cf post-149 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article">
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-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/" rel="bookmark" title="Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics">Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-10-21" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        October 21, 2016
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-                                <p>
-                                    By Rob Kent, Vice President of Marketing at Cybraics Competition is widely considered to be a healthy and positive thing, traditionally viewed as providing options for customers and fueling innovation. In the world of cybersecurity there is no shortage of competition, in fact cybersecurity is one of the most crowded and fast-growing areas of technology&#8230;. <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/" title="Read Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                        <article id="post-113" class="cf post-113 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article">
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-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" rel="bookmark" title="How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        August 8, 2016
-                                    </time>
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-                                <p>
-                                    About four years ago, the era of the Big Data analytics began. Paired with advanced analytics, massive volumes of data can be culled to not only inform critical decisions, but also to simulate sophisticated \u201cwhat if\u201d scenarios that allow companies to gain competitive advantages by generating and predicting different scenarios. For example, a financial services&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" title="Read How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+            			<h1 class="page-title">Proposed Apache-Spot (incubating) Commit Workflow</h1>
+            			<p><strong>NOTE: Most of this guide is based on ASF Documentation.</strong></p>
+            			<p>This guide is meant to provide a workflow for committers of Apache Spot. The proposed workflow is for using git with apache-spot codebase.</p>
+            			<p>Depending the nature of the change two different approaches can be used to commit to Apache Spot: <strong>Individual Push</strong> or <strong>Topic Branding</strong>.</p>
+            			<h3 class="center" style="margin-top:35px;">Individual Push (most commonly used by the community):</h3>
+            			<p><img src="../library/images/individual-push.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<p><strong>Steps:</strong></p>
+            			<ol>
+            				<li>For the Github repository at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> if you haven't already. For more information about Fork please go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
+            				<li>Clone your fork, create a new branch named after a Jira issue (i.e. <strong>spot-100</strong>).</li>
+            				<li>Push commits to your local branch.</li>
+            				<li>Test it!!!</li>
+            				<li>Create a pull request (PR) against the upstream repo (master) of apache-spot. For more information about how to create a pull request please go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</li>
+            				<li>Wait for the maintainers to review your PR.</li>
+            			</ol>
+            			<h3 class="center" style="margin-top:35px;">Topic Branching (upstream)</h3>
+            			<p>What are a topic branches?</p>
+            			<blockquote>According to the git definition: "<em>A topic branch is a short-lived branch that you create and use for a single particular feature or related work.</em>" (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)</blockquote>
+            			<p>Sometimes a new major feature will have dependencies between modules or developers that can't be separated into individual pushes, when this happens, a topic branch will be created to deliver the complete functionality before the merge with the upstream (encapsulated dev enviroment).</p>
+            			<p>In order to create a topic branch, three requirements are needed:</p>
+            			<ol>
+            				<li>A design document must be uploaded using Jira. This design must be approved by the maintainers.</li>
+            				<li>A voting process will be required to approve the topic branch creation, at least 3 maintainers need to approve it.</li>
+            				<li>A commitment to delete the branch after merging it into the upstream branch must be done. The topic branch should only exist while the work is still in progress.</li>
+            			</ol>
+            			<p>A meaningful name must be given to the branch. It is recommended to use JIRA issue created with the design document to link the branch.</p>
+            			<p><img src="../library/images/topic-branching.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<p><strong>IMPORTANT: There shouldn't be a push without a Jira created previously</strong></p>
+            			<h3>Approvals and Voting Process:</h3>
+            			<blockquote>
+            				<p>For code-modification, +1 votes are in favor of the proposal, but -1 votes are <u>vetos</u> and kill the proposal dead until all vetoers withdraw their -1 votes.</p> 
+            				<p>Unless a vote has been declared as using <u>lazy consensus</u>, three +1 votes are required for a code-modification proposal to pass.</p>
+            				<p>Whole numbers are recommended for this type of vote, as the opinion being expressed is Boolean: 'I approve/do not approve of this change.'</p>
+            				<p><strong>Source: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong></p>
+        				</blockquote>
+        				<h3>Useful links:</h3>
+        				<ul>
+        					<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
+        					<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
+        					<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
+        					<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
+        				</ul>
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+                        <a href="" class="y-btn" target="_blank">More Info</a>
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+                    <p style="margin-top:50px;"><img src="../library/images/apache-incubator.png" alt="Apache Incubator" />
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+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        Apache Spot is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        The contents of this website are � 2016 Apache Software Foundation under the terms of the Apache License v2. Apache Spot and its logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
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deleted file mode 100755
index aa92b45..0000000
--- a/contribute/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<?php include '../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "page";
-$pageTitle = "Contribute - Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'contribute';
-<?php include '../includes/header.php'; ?>
-            <div id="content">
-            	<div class="wrap cf"><!--if page has sidebar, add class "with-sidebar"-->
-            		<div class="main">
-            			<h1 class="page-title">Proposed Apache-Spot (incubating) Commit Workflow</h1>
-            			<p><strong>NOTE: Most of this guide is based on ASF Documentation.</strong></p>
-            			<p>This guide is meant to provide a workflow for committers of Apache Spot. The proposed workflow is for using git with apache-spot codebase.</p>
-            			<p>Depending the nature of the change two different approaches can be used to commit to Apache Spot: <strong>Individual Push</strong> or <strong>Topic Branding</strong>.</p>
-            			<h3 class="center" style="margin-top:35px;">Individual Push (most commonly used by the community):</h3>
-            			<p><img src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/library/images/individual-push.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<p><strong>Steps:</strong></p>
-            			<ol>
-            				<li>For the Github repository at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> if you haven't already. For more information about Fork please go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
-            				<li>Clone your fork, create a new branch named after a Jira issue (i.e. <strong>spot-100</strong>).</li>
-            				<li>Push commits to your local branch.</li>
-            				<li>Test it!!!</li>
-            				<li>Create a pull request (PR) against the upstream repo (master) of apache-spot. For more information about how to create a pull request please go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</li>
-            				<li>Wait for the maintainers to review your PR.</li>
-            			</ol>
-            			<h3 class="center" style="margin-top:35px;">Topic Branching (upstream)</h3>
-            			<p>What are a topic branches?</p>
-            			<blockquote>According to the git definition: "<em>A topic branch is a short-lived branch that you create and use for a single particular feature or related work.</em>" (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)</blockquote>
-            			<p>Sometimes a new major feature will have dependencies between modules or developers that can't be separated into individual pushes, when this happens, a topic branch will be created to deliver the complete functionality before the merge with the upstream (encapsulated dev enviroment).</p>
-            			<p>In order to create a topic branch, three requirements are needed:</p>
-            			<ol>
-            				<li>A design document must be uploaded using Jira. This design must be approved by the maintainers.</li>
-            				<li>A voting process will be required to approve the topic branch creation, at least 3 maintainers need to approve it.</li>
-            				<li>A commitment to delete the branch after merging it into the upstream branch must be done. The topic branch should only exist while the work is still in progress.</li>
-            			</ol>
-            			<p>A meaningful name must be given to the branch. It is recommended to use JIRA issue created with the design document to link the branch.</p>
-            			<p><img src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/library/images/topic-branching.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<p><strong>IMPORTANT: There shouldn't be a push without a Jira created previously</strong></p>
-            			<h3>Approvals and Voting Process:</h3>
-            			<blockquote>
-            				<p>For code-modification, +1 votes are in favor of the proposal, but -1 votes are <u>vetos</u> and kill the proposal dead until all vetoers withdraw their -1 votes.</p> 
-            				<p>Unless a vote has been declared as using <u>lazy consensus</u>, three +1 votes are required for a code-modification proposal to pass.</p>
-            				<p>Whole numbers are recommended for this type of vote, as the opinion being expressed is Boolean: 'I approve/do not approve of this change.'</p>
-            				<p><strong>Source: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong></p>
-        				</blockquote>
-        				<h3>Useful links:</h3>
-        				<ul>
-        					<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
-        					<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
-        					<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
-        					<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
-        				</ul>
-            		</div>
-            	</div>
-            </div>
-<?php include '../includes/prefooter.php'; ?>
-<?php include '../includes/footer.php'; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 91799f3..c7280f2 100755
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -59,22 +59,22 @@
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[6/7] incubator-spot git commit: Replacing PHP index files with regular HTML due compatibility of extension on ASF

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+                        <article id="post-117" class="cf post-117 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cybersecurity" role="article" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="">
+                            <header class="article-header entry-header">
+                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</h1>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        August 8, 2016
+                                    </time>
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+                            <section class="entry-content cf" itemprop="articleBody">
+                                <p>
+                                    The \u201cfirst\u201d documented cybersecurity case was the worm replication, which was initiated by Robert T. Morris on November 2, 1988. Wow! Here we are in 2016, 28 years later, with viruses and worms giving way to Trojan horses and polymorphic code. Nowadays, we are also fighting against DDoS, phishing, spear phishing attacks, command and controls along with APTs such as Aurora, Zeus, Red October and Stuxnet. What happened with our security controls on each attack?
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Despite heroic efforts, internal and external security controls, no matter if they are preventive, detective or corrective, can be bypassed by different situations or misconfigurations. Capabilities to detect bugs or vulnerabilities in code, protocol, etc. are still limited. When we consider how to close these gaps, we have two options:
+                                </p>
+                                <ol>
+                                    <li>
+                                        Collect information from each device that is part of the environment.
+                                    </li>
+                                    <li>
+                                        Collect information from the critical infrastructure that is used for most, if not all, of the systems.
+                                    </li>
+                                </ol>
+                                <p>
+                                    This blog will describe the second approach.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Critical infrastructure, including nationally significant infrastructure, can be broadly defined as the systems, assets, facilities and networks that provide essential services. For nations, this means protecting the national security, economic security and prosperity as well as the health and safety of their citizenry. If we extrapolate this definition on the IT enterprise environments, we can define the critical infrastructure as the service, or services, that need to be up and running properly 99.99999% of the time, most of the time to support other critical infrastructure, such as databases, HR systems, manufacturing systems, etc.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Effectively protecting critical infrastructure means that millions, if not billions, of different scenarios must be identified and monitored. To do this, the cybersecurity problem must be broken into small pieces.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Let\u2019s consider DNS \u2014 your communications to the Web. How can you know which communications are being established by your critical servers? And, what if you want to do it for most of your infrastructure?
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    First idea: Use NetFlow, which is a network protocol that helps us collect IP traffic information and monitor network traffic. NetFlow has the details on the communications of all of your network traffic. However, the normal data on an enterprise environment includes billions of NetFlow events per day. To use this data to identify issues, it must be stored and analyzed. Storage alone is costly. Analyzing what amount Big Data stores is an entire other challenge.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Apache Spot offers a solution. It was designed to gather, store and analyze Big Data. In fact, Apache Spot is an ideal solution for this cybersecurity challenge. Apache Spot can integrate many different data sources in a data lake then add operational context to the data by linking configuration, inventory, service databases and other data stores. This helps you to prioritize the actions to take under different attack, malware, APT and hacking scenarios. With Apache Spot, attacks that bypass our external or internal security controls can be identified. By delivering risk-prioritized, actionable insights, Apache Spot can support the growing need for security analytics.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Not only can Apache Spot collect, store and analyze billions of NetFlow packets, but it can also be adapted to meet the unique requirements of your organization. How? Apache Spot is an open-source project.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong>But Wait, There\u2019s More</strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Check out \u201c<a href="../how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/"><u>How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</u></a>\u201d to learn more about the underlying Apache Spot architecture.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    This is the first of a series of blogs that we will be writing about cybersecurity, so check back to read more.
+                                </p>
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+                                filed under: <a href="../../category/cybersecurity/" rel="category tag">Cybersecurity</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
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deleted file mode 100755
index d32442d..0000000
--- a/blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "single single-post";
-$pageTitle = "Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to Critical Infrastructure - Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'blog';
-<?php include '../../includes/header.php'; ?>
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-                    <main id="main" class="m-all t-2of3 d-5of7 cf" role="main" itemscope itemprop="mainContentOfPage" itemtype="">
-                        <article id="post-117" class="cf post-117 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cybersecurity" role="article" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="">
-                            <header class="article-header entry-header">
-                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</h1>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        August 8, 2016
-                                    </time>
-                                    </span>
-                                </p>
-                            </header>
-                            <section class="entry-content cf" itemprop="articleBody">
-                                <p>
-                                    The \u201cfirst\u201d documented cybersecurity case was the worm replication, which was initiated by Robert T. Morris on November 2, 1988. Wow! Here we are in 2016, 28 years later, with viruses and worms giving way to Trojan horses and polymorphic code. Nowadays, we are also fighting against DDoS, phishing, spear phishing attacks, command and controls along with APTs such as Aurora, Zeus, Red October and Stuxnet. What happened with our security controls on each attack?
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Despite heroic efforts, internal and external security controls, no matter if they are preventive, detective or corrective, can be bypassed by different situations or misconfigurations. Capabilities to detect bugs or vulnerabilities in code, protocol, etc. are still limited. When we consider how to close these gaps, we have two options:
-                                </p>
-                                <ol>
-                                    <li>
-                                        Collect information from each device that is part of the environment.
-                                    </li>
-                                    <li>
-                                        Collect information from the critical infrastructure that is used for most, if not all, of the systems.
-                                    </li>
-                                </ol>
-                                <p>
-                                    This blog will describe the second approach.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Critical infrastructure, including nationally significant infrastructure, can be broadly defined as the systems, assets, facilities and networks that provide essential services. For nations, this means protecting the national security, economic security and prosperity as well as the health and safety of their citizenry. If we extrapolate this definition on the IT enterprise environments, we can define the critical infrastructure as the service, or services, that need to be up and running properly 99.99999% of the time, most of the time to support other critical infrastructure, such as databases, HR systems, manufacturing systems, etc.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Effectively protecting critical infrastructure means that millions, if not billions, of different scenarios must be identified and monitored. To do this, the cybersecurity problem must be broken into small pieces.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Let\u2019s consider DNS \u2014 your communications to the Web. How can you know which communications are being established by your critical servers? And, what if you want to do it for most of your infrastructure?
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    First idea: Use NetFlow, which is a network protocol that helps us collect IP traffic information and monitor network traffic. NetFlow has the details on the communications of all of your network traffic. However, the normal data on an enterprise environment includes billions of NetFlow events per day. To use this data to identify issues, it must be stored and analyzed. Storage alone is costly. Analyzing what amount Big Data stores is an entire other challenge.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Apache Spot offers a solution. It was designed to gather, store and analyze Big Data. In fact, Apache Spot is an ideal solution for this cybersecurity challenge. Apache Spot can integrate many different data sources in a data lake then add operational context to the data by linking configuration, inventory, service databases and other data stores. This helps you to prioritize the actions to take under different attack, malware, APT and hacking scenarios. With Apache Spot, attacks that bypass our external or internal security controls can be identified. By delivering risk-prioritized, actionable insights, Apache Spot can support the growing need for security analytics.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Not only can Apache Spot collect, store and analyze billions of NetFlow packets, but it can also be adapted to meet the unique requirements of your organization. How? Apache Spot is an open-source project.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong>But Wait, There\u2019s More</strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Check out \u201c<a href="../how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/"><u>How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</u></a>\u201d to learn more about the underlying Apache Spot architecture.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    This is the first of a series of blogs that we will be writing about cybersecurity, so check back to read more.
-                                </p>
-                            </section>
-                            <footer class="article-footer">
-                                filed under: <a href="../../category/cybersecurity/" rel="category tag">Cybersecurity</a>
-                            </footer>
-                        </article>
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-<!-- end of site. what a ride! -->
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79a8523
--- /dev/null
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+                        <article id="post-113" class="cf post-113 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="">
+                            <header class="article-header entry-header">
+                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</h1>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        August 8, 2016
+                                    </time>
+                                    </span>
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+                            <section class="entry-content cf" itemprop="articleBody">
+                                <p>
+                                    About four years ago, the era of the Big Data analytics began. Paired with advanced analytics, massive volumes of data can be culled to not only inform critical decisions, but also to simulate sophisticated \u201cwhat if\u201d scenarios that allow companies to gain competitive advantages by generating and predicting different scenarios. For example, a financial services company can more accurately determine what other products to offer a customer, and in what order, based on a wide variety of data, then use advanced analytics to gather insights. Creating a data lake that can be effectively used for predictive analytics raises tough questions \u2014 what data sources should we use?  How should this data be collected and ingested? What are the best algorithms to analyze the data, and how should we present these results to our decision maker?
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Apache Spot can help to solve most of these issues. Following is a description of the Apache Spot, which is designed to facilitate Big Data analytics scenarios like the financial services company\u2019s question about the right product to offer customers.
+                                </p>
+                                <a href="../../library/images/ONI_Architecture-Diagram_1300_v4.png"><img src="../../library/images/ONI_Architecture-Diagram_1300_v4.png" alt="oni_architecture-diagram_1300_v4" /></a>
+                                <h3><strong>Apache Spot Core Components</strong></h3>
+                                <p>
+                                    The Apache Spot Core is composed of three main components \u2014 data integration (collectors), data store (HDFS here, but can also be a non-SQL database) and machine learning.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    In this diagram, the top left shows Apache Spot Data Sources, which include the collection of the information that will be used to create a data lake. The process is simple. Define a pull or push from the source of information then capture this information on Apache Spot\u2019s \u201ccollectors.\u201d The collectors are processes that interpret the information that is sent, then write it to the HDFS system in the Apache Spot cluster. The HDFS stores the data lake and ensures that resources can grow while remaining economical at every size. The Apache Spot algorithms are part of machine learning and are used to detect the uncommon information in the data lake.
+                                </p>
+                                <h3><strong>Operational Analytics</strong></h3>
+                                <p>
+                                    As part of operational analytics, Apache Spot executes different batch processes that add information to machine learning results to provide meaning and context. Using the financial services product example, basic customer data could be augmented with information about other customers in the same region along with information about which products those customers recommended or complained about. Basically, the data scientists can \u201cplay\u201d with the data using different algorithms to identify insights.
+                                </p>
+                                <h3><strong>Visualizing Results</strong></h3>
+                                <p>
+                                    The Apache Spot GUI displays the results that the machine learning algorithms generate. Results are represented such that it is easy to identify both the most common things as well as find the most suspicious or uncommon information that is part of the data lake.
+                                </p>
+                                <h3><strong>Customizable Open Source</strong></h3>
+                                <p>
+                                    Because Apache Spot is an open-source project, most of the components depicted here can be modified by the end user.
+                                </p>
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-                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</h1>
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-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        August 8, 2016
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-                                <p>
-                                    About four years ago, the era of the Big Data analytics began. Paired with advanced analytics, massive volumes of data can be culled to not only inform critical decisions, but also to simulate sophisticated \u201cwhat if\u201d scenarios that allow companies to gain competitive advantages by generating and predicting different scenarios. For example, a financial services company can more accurately determine what other products to offer a customer, and in what order, based on a wide variety of data, then use advanced analytics to gather insights. Creating a data lake that can be effectively used for predictive analytics raises tough questions \u2014 what data sources should we use?  How should this data be collected and ingested? What are the best algorithms to analyze the data, and how should we present these results to our decision maker?
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Apache Spot can help to solve most of these issues. Following is a description of the Apache Spot, which is designed to facilitate Big Data analytics scenarios like the financial services company\u2019s question about the right product to offer customers.
-                                </p>
-                                <a href="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/library/images/ONI_Architecture-Diagram_1300_v4.png"><img src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/library/images/ONI_Architecture-Diagram_1300_v4.png" alt="oni_architecture-diagram_1300_v4" /></a>
-                                <h3><strong>Apache Spot Core Components</strong></h3>
-                                <p>
-                                    The Apache Spot Core is composed of three main components \u2014 data integration (collectors), data store (HDFS here, but can also be a non-SQL database) and machine learning.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    In this diagram, the top left shows Apache Spot Data Sources, which include the collection of the information that will be used to create a data lake. The process is simple. Define a pull or push from the source of information then capture this information on Apache Spot\u2019s \u201ccollectors.\u201d The collectors are processes that interpret the information that is sent, then write it to the HDFS system in the Apache Spot cluster. The HDFS stores the data lake and ensures that resources can grow while remaining economical at every size. The Apache Spot algorithms are part of machine learning and are used to detect the uncommon information in the data lake.
-                                </p>
-                                <h3><strong>Operational Analytics</strong></h3>
-                                <p>
-                                    As part of operational analytics, Apache Spot executes different batch processes that add information to machine learning results to provide meaning and context. Using the financial services product example, basic customer data could be augmented with information about other customers in the same region along with information about which products those customers recommended or complained about. Basically, the data scientists can \u201cplay\u201d with the data using different algorithms to identify insights.
-                                </p>
-                                <h3><strong>Visualizing Results</strong></h3>
-                                <p>
-                                    The Apache Spot GUI displays the results that the machine learning algorithms generate. Results are represented such that it is easy to identify both the most common things as well as find the most suspicious or uncommon information that is part of the data lake.
-                                </p>
-                                <h3><strong>Customizable Open Source</strong></h3>
-                                <p>
-                                    Because Apache Spot is an open-source project, most of the components depicted here can be modified by the end user.
-                                </p>
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+                                <h1 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/" rel="bookmark" title="Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics">Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics</a></h1>
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+                                        By Rob Kent, Vice President of Marketing at Cybraics Competition is widely considered to be a healthy and positive thing, traditionally viewed as providing options for customers and fueling innovation. In the world of cybersecurity there is no shortage of competition, in fact cybersecurity is one of the most crowded and fast-growing areas of technology&#8230;. <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/" title="Read Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                        Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                <h1 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a></h1>
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+                                        August 8, 2016
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+                                        The \u201cfirst\u201d documented cybersecurity case was the worm replication, which was initiated by Robert T. Morris on November 2, 1988. Wow! Here we are in 2016, 28 years later, with viruses and worms giving way to Trojan horses and polymorphic code. Nowadays, we are also fighting against DDoS, phishing, spear phishing attacks, command and controls&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" title="Read Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                        August 8, 2016
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+                                        About four years ago, the era of the Big Data analytics began. Paired with advanced analytics, massive volumes of data can be culled to not only inform critical decisions, but also to simulate sophisticated \u201cwhat if\u201d scenarios that allow companies to gain competitive advantages by generating and predicting different scenarios. For example, a financial services&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" title="Read How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                <h1 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Apache Spot (Incubating): Three Most-Asked Questions</a></h1>
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+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        March 29, 2016
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+                                        While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                                        By Rob Kent, Vice President of Marketing at Cybraics Competition is widely considered to be a healthy and positive thing, traditionally viewed as providing options for customers and fueling innovation. In the world of cybersecurity there is no shortage of competition, in fact cybersecurity is one of the most crowded and fast-growing areas of technology&#8230;. <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/" title="Read Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-09-22" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        September 22, 2016
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-                                        Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                        <article id="post-117" class="cf post-117 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cybersecurity" role="article">
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-                                <h1 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a></h1>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        August 8, 2016
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-                                        The \u201cfirst\u201d documented cybersecurity case was the worm replication, which was initiated by Robert T. Morris on November 2, 1988. Wow! Here we are in 2016, 28 years later, with viruses and worms giving way to Trojan horses and polymorphic code. Nowadays, we are also fighting against DDoS, phishing, spear phishing attacks, command and controls&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" title="Read Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                        <article id="post-113" class="cf post-113 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article">
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-                                <h1 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" rel="bookmark" title="How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a></h1>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        August 8, 2016
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-                                        About four years ago, the era of the Big Data analytics began. Paired with advanced analytics, massive volumes of data can be culled to not only inform critical decisions, but also to simulate sophisticated \u201cwhat if\u201d scenarios that allow companies to gain competitive advantages by generating and predicting different scenarios. For example, a financial services&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" title="Read How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                        <article id="post-62" class="cf post-62 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-security-analytics tag-github tag-apache-spot tag-open-source" role="article">
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-                                <h1 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Apache Spot (Incubating): Three Most-Asked Questions</a></h1>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        March 29, 2016
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-                                        While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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[3/7] incubator-spot git commit: Replacing PHP index files with regular HTML due compatibility of extension on ASF

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-                        <h2>Apache Spot (Incubating)
-                        <br>
-                        at a Glance</h2>
-                        <p>
-                            For organizations with dynamic data centers and networks, Apache Spot is an advanced threat detection solution that uses big data analytics, that perform at cloud scale, to provide actionable insights into operational and security threats. Running on Apache Hadoop, Apache Spot can analyze billions of events in order to detect unknown threats, insider threats, and gain a new level of visibility into the network.
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-                        <h1 class="center">Apache Spot Advantages</h1>
-                        <p style="text-align: center;"><img src="wp-content/uploads/2016/03/advantages-1.png" alt="advantages" width="958" height="433" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-139" srcset="wp-content/uploads/2016/03/advantages-1.png 958w, wp-content/uploads/2016/03/advantages-1-300x136.png 300w, wp-content/uploads/2016/03/advantages-1-768x347.png 768w" sizes="(max-width: 958px) 100vw, 958px" />
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-                                Apache Spot is functional after just one day and just keeps improving through feedback and machine learning.
-                            </p>
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-            <div id="how-it-works">
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-                        <h1>How It Works</h1>
-                        <p>
-                            Apache Spot uses machine learning as a filter for separating bad traffic from benign and to characterize the unique behavior of network traffic. A proven process, of context enrichment, noise filtering, whitelisting and heuristics, is also applied to network data to produce a shortlist of most likely security threats.
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-            <div id="key-features">
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-                    <h1>Key Features</h1>
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-                                    <img src="wp-content/uploads/2016/03/magnify-icon.png" alt="" />
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-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Suspicious DNS packets</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Apache Spot is capable of performing deep-packet inspection of DNS traffic to build a profile of probable and improbable DNS payloads. After visualizing, normalizing, and conducting pattern searches, the analyst has a shortlist of the most likely threats present in DNS traffic.
-                        </p>
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-                                    <img src="wp-content/uploads/2016/03/threat-icon.png" alt="" />
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-                                    <h3>Threat Incident and Response</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Given an IP address, Apache Spot gathers all the characteristics about the communication associated with it \u2013 the \u201csocial network\u201d of that IP address.  Then Apache Spot builds a timeline of the conversations that originated with that IP.
-                        </p>
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-                                    <img src="wp-content/uploads/2016/03/connects.png" alt="" />
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-                                    <h3>Suspicious Connects</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Apache Spot uses advanced machine learning to build a model of the machines on the network and their communication patterns.  The connections between the machines that are the lowest probability are then visualized, filtered for noise, and searched for known patterns.  The result is the most likely threat patterns in the data, a few hundred flows picked from billions.
-                        </p>
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-                                    <img src="wp-content/uploads/2016/03/storyboard-icon.png" alt="" />
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-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Storyboard</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            After an analyst has investigated a threat, the need still exists to communicate the event up and across the organization.  A \u201cdashboard\u201d gives quick answers to the questions you already know to ask.  What the analyst requires is a \u201cstoryboard,\u201d something that tells who, what, where, and how of the story in words and interactive visualizations.
-                        </p>
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-                                    <img src="wp-content/uploads/2016/03/SPOT_OpenDataModel-Icon_v1.png" alt="" />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Open Data Models</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Spot provides common open data model for network, endpoint, and user \u2013 Open Data Models. These Open Data Models provide a standard format of enriched event data that makes it easier to integrate cross application data to gain complete enterprise visibility and develop net new analytic functionality.  Spot\u2019s Open Data Models helps organizations quickly share new analytics with one another as new threats are discovered.
-                        </p>
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-                                    <img src="wp-content/uploads/2016/03/SPOT_Collabration-Icon_v2.png" alt="" />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Collaboration</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Spot\u2019s Open Data Models help organizations quickly share new analytics with one another as new threats are discovered.  And, with Hadoop, organizations able to run these analytics against comprehensive historic data sets, helping organizations identify past threats that have slipped through the cracks. With this capability, Spot aims to give security professionals the ability to collaborate like cybercriminals do.
-                        </p>
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-                        <a href="" class="y-btn">More Info</a>
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-                    <h1>Spot Fosters a Rich Application Ecosystem</h1>
-                    <p class="btn-margin center">
-                        Spot accelerates the development of cybersecurity applications by providing a cybersecurity analytics framework.  This means more solutions can be created faster. This is because Spot allows organizations to focus developing the analytics and visualizations for applications that discover cybercrime rather than spending time building systems to ingest, integrate, store, and process myriad volumes or varieties of security data.
-                    </p>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <div id="use-case">
-                <div class="wrap cf">
-                    <h1>Use Case</h1>
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-                                <div class="table-cell quote-man">
-                                    <img src="wp-content/themes/oni/library/images/quote-person.png" alt="" />
-                                    <h3>Senior Analyst</h3>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <p>
-                                        ...that allows me to see and customize the data and scripts to my enviroment. I want control over how the solution works.\u201d
-                                    </p>
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-                                    <img src="wp-content/themes/oni/library/images/quote-person.png" alt="" />
-                                    <h3>Junior Analyst</h3>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <p>
-                                        ...that automatically alerts me to actionable suspicious events and ways to optimize my network in a timely fashion. Help me investigate these events and tell the story across stakeholders in my organization.\u201d
-                                    </p>
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-                                    <h3>Decision Maker</h3>
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-                                        ...tells me the story of what happened in a way I can understand so I can make decisions as a result.\u201d
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-                        <p>
-                            Identify the needle in the haystack with <strong>patterns</strong> that provide insight into potential threats.
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-                    <p class="disclaimer">
-                        Apache Spot is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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-                        The contents of this website are � 2016 Apache Software Foundation under the terms of the Apache License v2. Apache Spot and its logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
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+                    <div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2">
+                        <h1>Apache Spot (Incubating)</h1>
+                        <h1 class="thin">A Community Approach to Fighting Cyber Threats</h1>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2 contribute">
+                        <h3>Help Spot expand his hunting ground to see deeper into the darkness of cyber threats.</h3>
+                        <p class="btn-margin"><a href="contribute" class="y-btn">Become a Contributor</a></p>
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+            <div id="at-a-glance">
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+            		<h1>Apache Spot at a Glance</h1>
+            		<p>Apache Spot is a community-driven cybersecurity project, built from the ground up, to bring advanced analytics to all IT Telemetry data on an open, scalable platform. Spot expedites threat detection, investigation, and remediation via machine learning and consolidates all enterprise security data into a comprehensive IT telemetry hub based on open data models. Spot\u2019s scalability and machine learning capabilities support an ecosystem of ML-based applications that can run simultaneously on a single, shared, enriched data set to provide organizations with maximum analytic flexibility. Spot harnesses a diverse community of expertise from Centrify, Cloudera, Cybraics, Endgame, Intel, Jask, Streamsets, and Webroot.</p>
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+                        <h1 class="center">Apache Spot Advantages</h1>
+                        <p style="text-align: center;"><img src="library/images/advantages-1.png" alt="advantages" width="958" height="433" class="aligncenter size-full" />
+                        </p>
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+                            <p>
+                                Apache Spot is functional after just one day and just keeps improving through feedback and machine learning.
+                            </p>
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+            <div id="how-it-works">
+                <div class="wrap cf">
+                    <div class="m-all t-1of3 d-1of3">
+                        <h1>How It Works</h1>
+                        <p>
+                            Apache Spot uses machine learning as a filter for separating bad traffic from benign and to characterize the unique behavior of network traffic. A proven process, of context enrichment, noise filtering, whitelisting and heuristics, is also applied to network data to produce a shortlist of most likely security threats.
+                        </p>
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+                            <a href="" class="y-btn">More Info</a>
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+                        <img src="library/images/how-it-works.png" alt="" />
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+            <div id="key-features">
+                <div class="wrap cf">
+                    <h1>Key Features</h1>
+                    <div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2">
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+                                    <img src="library/images/magnify-icon.png" alt="" />
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+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <h3>Suspicious DNS packets</h3>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <p>
+                            Apache Spot is capable of performing deep-packet inspection of DNS traffic to build a profile of probable and improbable DNS payloads. After visualizing, normalizing, and conducting pattern searches, the analyst has a shortlist of the most likely threats present in DNS traffic.
+                        </p>
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+                                    <img src="library/images/threat-icon.png" alt="" />
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+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <h3>Threat Incident and Response</h3>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <p>
+                            Given an IP address, Apache Spot gathers all the characteristics about the communication associated with it \u2013 the \u201csocial network\u201d of that IP address.  Then Apache Spot builds a timeline of the conversations that originated with that IP.
+                        </p>
+                    </div>
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+                                    <img src="library/images/connects.png" alt="" />
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+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <h3>Suspicious Connects</h3>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <p>
+                            Apache Spot uses advanced machine learning to build a model of the machines on the network and their communication patterns.  The connections between the machines that are the lowest probability are then visualized, filtered for noise, and searched for known patterns.  The result is the most likely threat patterns in the data, a few hundred flows picked from billions.
+                        </p>
+                    </div>
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+                                    <img src="library/images/storyboard-icon.png" alt="" />
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <h3>Storyboard</h3>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <p>
+                            After an analyst has investigated a threat, the need still exists to communicate the event up and across the organization.  A \u201cdashboard\u201d gives quick answers to the questions you already know to ask.  What the analyst requires is a \u201cstoryboard,\u201d something that tells who, what, where, and how of the story in words and interactive visualizations.
+                        </p>
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+                                    <img src="library/images/SPOT_OpenDataModel-Icon_v1.png" alt="" />
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <h3>Open Data Models</h3>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <p>
+                            Spot provides common open data model for network, endpoint, and user \u2013 Open Data Models. These Open Data Models provide a standard format of enriched event data that makes it easier to integrate cross application data to gain complete enterprise visibility and develop net new analytic functionality.  Spot\u2019s Open Data Models helps organizations quickly share new analytics with one another as new threats are discovered.
+                        </p>
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+                                    <img src="library/images/SPOT_Collabration-Icon_v2.png" alt="" />
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+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <h3>Collaboration</h3>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <p>
+                            Spot\u2019s Open Data Models help organizations quickly share new analytics with one another as new threats are discovered.  And, with Hadoop, organizations able to run these analytics against comprehensive historic data sets, helping organizations identify past threats that have slipped through the cracks. With this capability, Spot aims to give security professionals the ability to collaborate like cybercriminals do.
+                        </p>
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+                        <a href="" class="y-btn">More Info</a>
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+            <div id="open-data-models">
+            	<div class="wrap cf">
+            		<h1 class="center">Apache Spot Open Data Models (ODM)</h1>
+            		<div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2 center">
+            			<img src="library/images/odm.png" alt="Apache Spot Open Data Models">
+            		</div>
+            		<div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2">
+            			<p>The primary use case initially supported by Spot includes Network Traffic Analysis for network flows (Netflow, sflow, etc.), DNS and Proxy.� The Spot open data model strategy aims to extend Spot capabilities to support a broader set of cybersecurity use cases.</p>
+            			<h3>ODM at a Glance</h3>
+            			<ul>
+            				<li>Includes a growing catalog of packaged ingestion pipelines for common data sources</li>
+            				<li>Enriched events provide full context leading to better analytics and faster incident response</li>
+            				<li>Organizations maintain and control a single copy of their security data</li>
+            			</ul>
+            			<p class="btn-margin"><a href="project-components/open-data-models/" class="y-btn">Read More</a></p>
+            		</div>
+            	</div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="user-stories">
+                <div class="wrap cf">
+                    <h1>Spot Fosters a Rich Application Ecosystem</h1>
+                    <p class="btn-margin center">
+                        Spot accelerates the development of cybersecurity applications by providing a cybersecurity analytics framework.  This means more solutions can be created faster. This is because Spot allows organizations to focus developing the analytics and visualizations for applications that discover cybercrime rather than spending time building systems to ingest, integrate, store, and process myriad volumes or varieties of security data.
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="center">Join the Apache Spot community and collaborate with us using a common framework.</p>
+                    <div class="community">
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/endgame.png" alt="Endgame" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/intel.png" alt="Intel" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/webroot.png" alt="Webroot" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/jask.png" alt="Jask" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/cloudera.png" alt="Cloudera" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/cloudwick.png" alt="Cloudwick" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/cybraics.png" alt="Cybraics" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/centrify.png" alt="Centrify" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/ebay.png" alt="Ebay" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/semantix.png" alt="Ebay" />
+                    	<img src="library/images/community/rich-it.png" alt="Ebay" />
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="use-case">
+                <div class="wrap cf">
+                    <h1>Use Case</h1>
+                    <div class="quotes">
+                        <div class="table">
+                            <div class="table-row">
+                                <div class="table-cell quote-man">
+                                    <img src="library/images/quote-person.png" alt="" />
+                                    <h3>Senior Analyst</h3>
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <p>
+                                        ...that allows me to see and customize the data and scripts to my enviroment. I want control over how the solution works.\u201d
+                                    </p>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
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+                        <div class="table">
+                            <div class="table-row">
+                                <div class="table-cell quote-man">
+                                    <img src="library/images/quote-person.png" alt="" />
+                                    <h3>Junior Analyst</h3>
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <p>
+                                        ...that automatically alerts me to actionable suspicious events and ways to optimize my network in a timely fashion. Help me investigate these events and tell the story across stakeholders in my organization.\u201d
+                                    </p>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
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+                            <div class="table-row">
+                                <div class="table-cell quote-man">
+                                    <img src="library/images/quote-person.png" alt="" />
+                                    <h3>Decision Maker</h3>
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="table-cell">
+                                    <p>
+                                        ...tells me the story of what happened in a way I can understand so I can make decisions as a result.\u201d
+                                    </p>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
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+                        <p>
+                            Identify the needle in the haystack with <strong>patterns</strong> that provide insight into potential threats.
+                        </p>
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+                        <a href="" class="y-btn" target="_blank">More Info</a>
+                    </p>
+                    <p style="margin-top:50px;"><img src="library/images/apache-incubator.png" alt="Apache Incubator" />
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        Apache Spot is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        The contents of this website are � 2016 Apache Software Foundation under the terms of the Apache License v2. Apache Spot and its logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c20ba8..0000000
--- a/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-<?php include 'includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "home";
-$pageTitle = "Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'home';
-<?php include 'includes/header.php'; ?>
-            <div id="masthead">
-                <div class="wrap cf">
-                    <div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2">
-                        <h1>Apache Spot (Incubating)</h1>
-                        <h1 class="thin">A Community Approach to Fighting Cyber Threats</h1>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2 contribute">
-                        <h3>Help Spot expand his hunting ground to see deeper into the darkness of cyber threats.</h3>
-                        <p class="btn-margin"><a href="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/contribute" class="y-btn">Become a Contributor</a></p>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <div id="at-a-glance">
-            	<div class="wrap cf">
-            		<h1>Apache Spot at a Glance</h1>
-            		<p>Apache Spot is a community-driven cybersecurity project, built from the ground up, to bring advanced analytics to all IT Telemetry data on an open, scalable platform. Spot expedites threat detection, investigation, and remediation via machine learning and consolidates all enterprise security data into a comprehensive IT telemetry hub based on open data models. Spot\u2019s scalability and machine learning capabilities support an ecosystem of ML-based applications that can run simultaneously on a single, shared, enriched data set to provide organizations with maximum analytic flexibility. Spot harnesses a diverse community of expertise from Centrify, Cloudera, Cybraics, Endgame, Intel, Jask, Streamsets, and Webroot.</p>
-            	</div>
-            </div>
-            <div id="content">
-                <div id="inner-content" class="wrap cf">
-                    <main id="main" class="m-all t-all d-all cf" role="main" itemscope itemprop="mainContentOfPage" itemtype="">
-                        <h1 class="center">Apache Spot Advantages</h1>
-                        <p style="text-align: center;"><img src="library/images/advantages-1.png" alt="advantages" width="958" height="433" class="aligncenter size-full" />
-                        </p>
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-                            <img src="library/images/and.png" alt="" />
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="and-cell">
-                            <p>
-                                Apache Spot is functional after just one day and just keeps improving through feedback and machine learning.
-                            </p>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <div id="how-it-works">
-                <div class="wrap cf">
-                    <div class="m-all t-1of3 d-1of3">
-                        <h1>How It Works</h1>
-                        <p>
-                            Apache Spot uses machine learning as a filter for separating bad traffic from benign and to characterize the unique behavior of network traffic. A proven process, of context enrichment, noise filtering, whitelisting and heuristics, is also applied to network data to produce a shortlist of most likely security threats.
-                        </p>
-                        <p class="btn-margin">
-                            <a href="" class="y-btn">More Info</a>
-                        </p>
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-                    <div class="m-all t-2of3 d-2of3">
-                        <img src="library/images/how-it-works.png" alt="" />
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <div id="key-features">
-                <div class="wrap cf">
-                    <h1>Key Features</h1>
-                    <div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2">
-                        <div class="table">
-                            <div class="table-row">
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <img src="library/images/magnify-icon.png" alt="" />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Suspicious DNS packets</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Apache Spot is capable of performing deep-packet inspection of DNS traffic to build a profile of probable and improbable DNS payloads. After visualizing, normalizing, and conducting pattern searches, the analyst has a shortlist of the most likely threats present in DNS traffic.
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
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-                        <div class="table">
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-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <img src="library/images/threat-icon.png" alt="" />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Threat Incident and Response</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Given an IP address, Apache Spot gathers all the characteristics about the communication associated with it \u2013 the \u201csocial network\u201d of that IP address.  Then Apache Spot builds a timeline of the conversations that originated with that IP.
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2">
-                        <div class="table">
-                            <div class="table-row">
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <img src="library/images/connects.png" alt="" />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Suspicious Connects</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Apache Spot uses advanced machine learning to build a model of the machines on the network and their communication patterns.  The connections between the machines that are the lowest probability are then visualized, filtered for noise, and searched for known patterns.  The result is the most likely threat patterns in the data, a few hundred flows picked from billions.
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
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-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <img src="library/images/storyboard-icon.png" alt="" />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Storyboard</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            After an analyst has investigated a threat, the need still exists to communicate the event up and across the organization.  A \u201cdashboard\u201d gives quick answers to the questions you already know to ask.  What the analyst requires is a \u201cstoryboard,\u201d something that tells who, what, where, and how of the story in words and interactive visualizations.
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2">
-                        <div class="table">
-                            <div class="table-row">
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <img src="library/images/SPOT_OpenDataModel-Icon_v1.png" alt="" />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Open Data Models</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Spot provides common open data model for network, endpoint, and user \u2013 Open Data Models. These Open Data Models provide a standard format of enriched event data that makes it easier to integrate cross application data to gain complete enterprise visibility and develop net new analytic functionality.  Spot\u2019s Open Data Models helps organizations quickly share new analytics with one another as new threats are discovered.
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
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-                        <div class="table">
-                            <div class="table-row">
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <img src="library/images/SPOT_Collabration-Icon_v2.png" alt="" />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <h3>Collaboration</h3>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <p>
-                            Spot\u2019s Open Data Models help organizations quickly share new analytics with one another as new threats are discovered.  And, with Hadoop, organizations able to run these analytics against comprehensive historic data sets, helping organizations identify past threats that have slipped through the cracks. With this capability, Spot aims to give security professionals the ability to collaborate like cybercriminals do.
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="cf"></div>
-                    <p class="btn-margin">
-                        <a href="" class="y-btn">More Info</a>
-                    </p>
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-            </div>
-            <div id="open-data-models">
-            	<div class="wrap cf">
-            		<h1 class="center">Apache Spot Open Data Models (ODM)</h1>
-            		<div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2 center">
-            			<img src="library/images/odm.png" alt="Apache Spot Open Data Models">
-            		</div>
-            		<div class="m-all t-1of2 d-1of2">
-            			<p>The primary use case initially supported by Spot includes Network Traffic Analysis for network flows (Netflow, sflow, etc.), DNS and Proxy.� The Spot open data model strategy aims to extend Spot capabilities to support a broader set of cybersecurity use cases.</p>
-            			<h3>ODM at a Glance</h3>
-            			<ul>
-            				<li>Includes a growing catalog of packaged ingestion pipelines for common data sources</li>
-            				<li>Enriched events provide full context leading to better analytics and faster incident response</li>
-            				<li>Organizations maintain and control a single copy of their security data</li>
-            			</ul>
-            			<p class="btn-margin"><a href="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/project-components/open-data-models/" class="y-btn">Read More</a></p>
-            		</div>
-            	</div>
-            </div>
-            <div id="user-stories">
-                <div class="wrap cf">
-                    <h1>Spot Fosters a Rich Application Ecosystem</h1>
-                    <p class="btn-margin center">
-                        Spot accelerates the development of cybersecurity applications by providing a cybersecurity analytics framework.  This means more solutions can be created faster. This is because Spot allows organizations to focus developing the analytics and visualizations for applications that discover cybercrime rather than spending time building systems to ingest, integrate, store, and process myriad volumes or varieties of security data.
-                    </p>
-                    <p class="center">Join the Apache Spot community and collaborate with us using a common framework.</p>
-                    <div class="community">
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/endgame.png" alt="Endgame" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/intel.png" alt="Intel" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/webroot.png" alt="Webroot" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/jask.png" alt="Jask" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/cloudera.png" alt="Cloudera" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/cloudwick.png" alt="Cloudwick" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/cybraics.png" alt="Cybraics" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/centrify.png" alt="Centrify" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/ebay.png" alt="Ebay" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/semantix.png" alt="Ebay" />
-                    	<img src="library/images/community/rich-it.png" alt="Ebay" />
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-            <div id="use-case">
-                <div class="wrap cf">
-                    <h1>Use Case</h1>
-                    <div class="quotes">
-                        <div class="table">
-                            <div class="table-row">
-                                <div class="table-cell quote-man">
-                                    <img src="library/images/quote-person.png" alt="" />
-                                    <h3>Senior Analyst</h3>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <p>
-                                        ...that allows me to see and customize the data and scripts to my enviroment. I want control over how the solution works.\u201d
-                                    </p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="table">
-                            <div class="table-row">
-                                <div class="table-cell quote-man">
-                                    <img src="library/images/quote-person.png" alt="" />
-                                    <h3>Junior Analyst</h3>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <p>
-                                        ...that automatically alerts me to actionable suspicious events and ways to optimize my network in a timely fashion. Help me investigate these events and tell the story across stakeholders in my organization.\u201d
-                                    </p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="table">
-                            <div class="table-row">
-                                <div class="table-cell quote-man">
-                                    <img src="library/images/quote-person.png" alt="" />
-                                    <h3>Decision Maker</h3>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="table-cell">
-                                    <p>
-                                        ...tells me the story of what happened in a way I can understand so I can make decisions as a result.\u201d
-                                    </p>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
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-                        <p>
-                            Identify the needle in the haystack with <strong>patterns</strong> that provide insight into potential threats.
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
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-<?php include 'includes/footer.php'; ?>
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new file mode 100755
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+            			<h1 class="page-title">Apache Spot Ingestion</h1>
+            			<p>Apache Spot overcomes the challenge of how to enhance data collection from different sources when most of the time our collectors are sending thousands of events per second overflowing available server resources (CPU, memory).  With Spot, you can ensure service availability near to 100% without losing data. Spot enables a faster, scalable and distributed service when required. Because of its distributed architecture, data loss does not occur when data queuing on the data node that is executing the collector daemon when peak workloads crashes the process.  This architecture ensures availability near 99.99999%, without losing information in the effort.</p>
+            			<p><img src="../../library/images/ingestion.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<h3>Inside the Ingest</h3>
+            			<h4><em>Spot-Collectors</em></h4>
+            			<p>Daemons running in the background monitor/collect from file system paths. Collectors detect new files generated by network tools or data generated previously and left in the path for its collection. Collectors then translate this data into a human-readable format by using dissection tools, such as nfdump and tshark.</p>
+            			<p>Once the data is transformed, collectors store the data in HDFS with the original format (for forensics) and in Hive, in Avro-parquet format, so the data can be accessible by SQL queries.</p>
+            			<p>Once a file has been uploaded there two paths are available.</p>
+            			<ol>
+            				<li>Data size > 1mb: File name and location in HDFS is sent to Kafka.</li>
+            				<li>Data size < 1mb: the data event is sent to Kafka to be processed with Spark Streaming.</li>
+            			</ol>
+            			<h4><em>Kafka</em></h4>
+            			<p>A new topic is created for each instance of the ingest process. Partitions are defined by the number of Spot Workers in the ingest.  Kafka stores data sent by the collectors, so the Spot Workers can parse the data.</p>
+            			<h4><em>Spot Workers</em></h4>
+            			<p>Just like the collectors, Spot Workers are daemons running in the background subscribed to a specific Kafka topic and partition. The Spot Workers read, parse and store the data in a specific Hive tables that will be consumed by the machine learning algorithm later.</p>
+            			<p>Currently there are two types of Spot Workers.</p>
+            			<ol>
+            				<li>Python workers use multithreading to process data with the defined parsers.</li>
+            				<li>Spark-Streaming workers execute a Spark application to read data from Kafka, using spark-streaming context (micro batching).</li>
+            			</ol>          			
+            		</div>
+            	</div>
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+                    <p style="margin-top:50px;"><img src="../../library/images/apache-incubator.png" alt="Apache Incubator" />
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        Apache Spot is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
+                    </p>
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+                        The contents of this website are � 2016 Apache Software Foundation under the terms of the Apache License v2. Apache Spot and its logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
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deleted file mode 100755
index 6305506..0000000
--- a/project-components/ingestion/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "page";
-$pageTitle = "Ingestion - Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'ingestion';
-<?php include '../../includes/header.php'; ?>
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-            <div id="content">
-            	<div class="wrap cf"><!--if page has sidebar, add class "with-sidebar"-->
-            		<div class="main">
-            			<h1 class="page-title">Apache Spot Ingestion</h1>
-            			<p>Apache Spot overcomes the challenge of how to enhance data collection from different sources when most of the time our collectors are sending thousands of events per second overflowing available server resources (CPU, memory).  With Spot, you can ensure service availability near to 100% without losing data. Spot enables a faster, scalable and distributed service when required. Because of its distributed architecture, data loss does not occur when data queuing on the data node that is executing the collector daemon when peak workloads crashes the process.  This architecture ensures availability near 99.99999%, without losing information in the effort.</p>
-            			<p><img src="../../library/images/ingestion.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<h3>Inside the Ingest</h3>
-            			<h4><em>Spot-Collectors</em></h4>
-            			<p>Daemons running in the background monitor/collect from file system paths. Collectors detect new files generated by network tools or data generated previously and left in the path for its collection. Collectors then translate this data into a human-readable format by using dissection tools, such as nfdump and tshark.</p>
-            			<p>Once the data is transformed, collectors store the data in HDFS with the original format (for forensics) and in Hive, in Avro-parquet format, so the data can be accessible by SQL queries.</p>
-            			<p>Once a file has been uploaded there two paths are available.</p>
-            			<ol>
-            				<li>Data size > 1mb: File name and location in HDFS is sent to Kafka.</li>
-            				<li>Data size < 1mb: the data event is sent to Kafka to be processed with Spark Streaming.</li>
-            			</ol>
-            			<h4><em>Kafka</em></h4>
-            			<p>A new topic is created for each instance of the ingest process. Partitions are defined by the number of Spot Workers in the ingest.  Kafka stores data sent by the collectors, so the Spot Workers can parse the data.</p>
-            			<h4><em>Spot Workers</em></h4>
-            			<p>Just like the collectors, Spot Workers are daemons running in the background subscribed to a specific Kafka topic and partition. The Spot Workers read, parse and store the data in a specific Hive tables that will be consumed by the machine learning algorithm later.</p>
-            			<p>Currently there are two types of Spot Workers.</p>
-            			<ol>
-            				<li>Python workers use multithreading to process data with the defined parsers.</li>
-            				<li>Spark-Streaming workers execute a Spark application to read data from Kafka, using spark-streaming context (micro batching).</li>
-            			</ol>          			
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[2/7] incubator-spot git commit: Replacing PHP index files with regular HTML due compatibility of extension on ASF

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new file mode 100755
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+            			<h1 class="page-title">Apache Spot Machine Learning</h1>
+            			<p>The machine learning component of Apache Spot contains routines for performing suspicious connections analyses on netflow, DNS or proxy logs gathered from a network. These analyses consume a collection of network events and produce a list of the events that are considered to be the least probable, and these are consider the most suspicious.  They rely on the ingest component of Spot to collect and load netflow, DNS, and proxy records.</p>
+            			<p>Apache Spot uses topic modeling to discover normal and abnormal behavior. It treats the collection of logs related to an IP as a document and uses Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to discover hidden semantic structures in the collection of such documents.   </p>
+            			<p>LDA is a generative probabilistic model used for discrete data, such as text corpora. LDA is a three-level Bayesian model in which each word of a document is generated from a mixture of an underlying set of topics [1]. We apply LDA to network traffic by converting network log entries into words through aggregation and discretization. In this manner, documents correspond to IP addresses, words to log entries (related to an IP address) and topics to profiles of common network activity.</p>
+            			<p><img src="../../library/images/machine-learning.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<p>Apache Spot infers a probabilistic model for the network behavior of each IP address. Each network log entry is assigned an estimated probability (score) by the model. The events with lower scores are flagged as \u201csuspicious\u201d for further analysis.</p>
+						<p class="citation">[1] Blei, David M., Andrew Y. Ng, and Michael I. Jordan. "Latent dirichlet allocation." Journal of machine Learning research 3, no. Jan (2003): 993-1022.</p>
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+                    <p style="margin-top:50px;"><img src="../../library/images/apache-incubator.png" alt="Apache Incubator" />
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+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        Apache Spot is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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+                        The contents of this website are � 2016 Apache Software Foundation under the terms of the Apache License v2. Apache Spot and its logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
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deleted file mode 100755
index 72de1ed..0000000
--- a/project-components/machine-learning/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "page";
-$pageTitle = "Machine Learning - Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'machine-learning';
-<?php include '../../includes/header.php'; ?>
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-            <div id="content">
-            	<div class="wrap cf"><!--if page has sidebar, add class "with-sidebar"-->
-            		<div class="main">
-            			<h1 class="page-title">Apache Spot Machine Learning</h1>
-            			<p>The machine learning component of Apache Spot contains routines for performing suspicious connections analyses on netflow, DNS or proxy logs gathered from a network. These analyses consume a collection of network events and produce a list of the events that are considered to be the least probable, and these are consider the most suspicious.  They rely on the ingest component of Spot to collect and load netflow, DNS, and proxy records.</p>
-            			<p>Apache Spot uses topic modeling to discover normal and abnormal behavior. It treats the collection of logs related to an IP as a document and uses Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to discover hidden semantic structures in the collection of such documents.   </p>
-            			<p>LDA is a generative probabilistic model used for discrete data, such as text corpora. LDA is a three-level Bayesian model in which each word of a document is generated from a mixture of an underlying set of topics [1]. We apply LDA to network traffic by converting network log entries into words through aggregation and discretization. In this manner, documents correspond to IP addresses, words to log entries (related to an IP address) and topics to profiles of common network activity.</p>
-            			<p><img src="../../library/images/machine-learning.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<p>Apache Spot infers a probabilistic model for the network behavior of each IP address. Each network log entry is assigned an estimated probability (score) by the model. The events with lower scores are flagged as \u201csuspicious\u201d for further analysis.</p>
-						<p class="citation">[1] Blei, David M., Andrew Y. Ng, and Michael I. Jordan. "Latent dirichlet allocation." Journal of machine Learning research 3, no. Jan (2003): 993-1022.</p>
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+            			<h1 class="page-title">Apache Spot Open Data Model</h1>
+            			<p>Many organizations have built threat detection capabilities leveraging myriad vendor solutions.  This approach leads to many silos of data corresponding to each vendor and often results in storing multiple copies of the same data, as each vendor\u2019s capability operates independently from the others. There is no single vendor able to cost-effectively store and analyze all the data required to detect threats and facilitate incident investigations and remediation.</p>
+            			<p>Apache Spot ODM brings together all security-related data (event, user, network, endpoint, etc.) into a singular view that can be used to detect threats more effectively than ever before.  This consolidated view can be leveraged to create new analytic models that were not previously possible and to provide needed context at the event level to effectively determine whether or not there is a threat.  The Apache Spot ODM enables the sharing and reuse of threat detection models, algorithms and analytics, because of a shared, open data model.</p>
+            			<p>The open data model (ODM) provides a common taxonomy for describing security telemetry data used to detect threats. It uses schemas, data structures, file formats and configurations in the underlying CDH platform for collecting, storing and analyzing security telemetry data at scale. Spot defines relationships amongst the various security data types for joining log data with user, network and endpoint entity data.</p>
+            			<p>The Apache Spot ODM enables organizations to:</p>
+            			<ul>
+            				<li>Store one copy of the security telemetry data and apply UNLIMITED analytics
+            					<ul>
+            						<li>Leverage out-of-the-box analytics powered by machine learning to detect threats in DNS, Flow and Proxy data</li>
+            						<li>Build custom analytics to your desired specification</li>
+            						<li>Plug-in third-party vendor analytics that interoperate with the ODM</li>
+            					</ul>	
+        					</li>
+            				<li>Share and/or reuse threat detection models, algorithms, ingest pipelines, visualizations and analytics across the Apache Spot community, due to a common data model.</li>
+            				<li>Leverage all your security telemetry data to establish the context needed to better detect threats
+            					<ul>
+            						<li>Security logs</li>
+            						<li>User, endpoint and network entity data</li>
+            						<li>Threat intelligence data</li>
+            					</ul>	
+        					</li>
+        					<li>Avoid \u201clock-in\u201d to a specific technology and gain needed analytic flexibility resultant from a shared, open data model.</li>
+            			</ul>
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+                    <p style="margin-top:50px;"><img src="../../library/images/apache-incubator.png" alt="Apache Incubator" />
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+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        Apache Spot is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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+                        The contents of this website are � 2016 Apache Software Foundation under the terms of the Apache License v2. Apache Spot and its logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
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index 9b95d9f..0000000
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-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "page";
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-            			<h1 class="page-title">Apache Spot Open Data Model</h1>
-            			<p>Many organizations have built threat detection capabilities leveraging myriad vendor solutions.  This approach leads to many silos of data corresponding to each vendor and often results in storing multiple copies of the same data, as each vendor\u2019s capability operates independently from the others. There is no single vendor able to cost-effectively store and analyze all the data required to detect threats and facilitate incident investigations and remediation.</p>
-            			<p>Apache Spot ODM brings together all security-related data (event, user, network, endpoint, etc.) into a singular view that can be used to detect threats more effectively than ever before.  This consolidated view can be leveraged to create new analytic models that were not previously possible and to provide needed context at the event level to effectively determine whether or not there is a threat.  The Apache Spot ODM enables the sharing and reuse of threat detection models, algorithms and analytics, because of a shared, open data model.</p>
-            			<p>The open data model (ODM) provides a common taxonomy for describing security telemetry data used to detect threats. It uses schemas, data structures, file formats and configurations in the underlying CDH platform for collecting, storing and analyzing security telemetry data at scale. Spot defines relationships amongst the various security data types for joining log data with user, network and endpoint entity data.</p>
-            			<p>The Apache Spot ODM enables organizations to:</p>
-            			<ul>
-            				<li>Store one copy of the security telemetry data and apply UNLIMITED analytics
-            					<ul>
-            						<li>Leverage out-of-the-box analytics powered by machine learning to detect threats in DNS, Flow and Proxy data</li>
-            						<li>Build custom analytics to your desired specification</li>
-            						<li>Plug-in third-party vendor analytics that interoperate with the ODM</li>
-            					</ul>	
-        					</li>
-            				<li>Share and/or reuse threat detection models, algorithms, ingest pipelines, visualizations and analytics across the Apache Spot community, due to a common data model.</li>
-            				<li>Leverage all your security telemetry data to establish the context needed to better detect threats
-            					<ul>
-            						<li>Security logs</li>
-            						<li>User, endpoint and network entity data</li>
-            						<li>Threat intelligence data</li>
-            					</ul>	
-        					</li>
-        					<li>Avoid \u201clock-in\u201d to a specific technology and gain needed analytic flexibility resultant from a shared, open data model.</li>
-            			</ul>
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+            			<h1 class="page-title">Visualization</h1>
+            			<h3>Take advantage of Apache Spot's tools to perform further analysis over the suspicious activity detected by our machine learning algorithm</h3>
+            			<h4>Suspicious</h4>
+            			<p>Study <strong>suspicious</strong> network activity by looking at a list of security threats detected by Apache Spot's machine learning algorithm.</p>
+            			<p><img src="../../library/images/suspicious.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<p>Have a nice view of your network, understand how devices interact with each other and easily spot threats while exploring a visual representation of suspicious activity.</p>
+            			<p><img src="../../library/images/network.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<p>The following feature is powered by IPython notebooks which allows the users to switch back and forth from the 'easy mode' to the 'expert mode', where they can view and edit the code behind this panel via the web browser.</p>
+            			<p>In the 'Notebook' panel, the form displayed is where the user can assign the level of risk for each connection and use that as feedback to train the Machine Learning model in future executions. Switching to the 'expert' mode, the user can adjust the criteria to filter the data, discarding results known to be non relevant to the analysis.</p>
+            			<p><img src="../../library/images/notebook.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<p>As your investigation moves forward, get <strong>detailed</strong> information about a threat whenever you want to dig into an especific threat.</p>
+            			<p><img src="../../library/images/details.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<h4>Threat Investigation</h4>
+            			<p>The threat investigation panel represents the last step of analysis before displaying the storyboard. At this point, the security analysts can enter a custom review for a given threat to display.</p>
+            			<h4>Storyboard</h4>
+            			<p>Ready to present your findings? Go over your high risk security threats and request further information, making it easy for executives to undestand what is going on. Here is a list of some of the information you will get when your analyses comes to the end.</p>
+            			<ul>
+            				<li>Incident Progression</li>
+            				<li>Impact Analysis</li>
+            				<li>Geographic location</li>
+            				<li>Incident Timeline</li>
+            			</ul>
+            			<h4>Ingest Summary</h4>
+            			<p>Wondering about how much data have been ingested on your cluster? We provide a nice visualization which allows you to get this information.</p>
+            			<p><img src="../../library/images/ingest-summary.png" alt="" /></p>
+            			<p>The "scoring panel" as well as the "Threat investigation panel" are powered by Jupyter notebooks, <a href="" target="_blank">(click here to learn more)</a>.</p>
+            		</div>
+            	</div>
+            </div>
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+                        <a href="" class="y-btn" target="_blank">More Info</a>
+                    </p>
+                    <p style="margin-top:50px;"><img src="../../library/images/apache-incubator.png" alt="Apache Incubator" />
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        Apache Spot is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="disclaimer">
+                        The contents of this website are � 2016 Apache Software Foundation under the terms of the Apache License v2. Apache Spot and its logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
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deleted file mode 100755
index cd6b0a7..0000000
--- a/project-components/visualization/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "page";
-$pageTitle = "Visualization - Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'visualization';
-<?php include '../../includes/header.php'; ?>
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-            <div id="content">
-            	<div class="wrap cf"><!--if page has sidebar, add class "with-sidebar"-->
-            		<div class="main">
-            			<h1 class="page-title">Visualization</h1>
-            			<h3>Take advantage of Apache Spot's tools to perform further analysis over the suspicious activity detected by our machine learning algorithm</h3>
-            			<h4>Suspicious</h4>
-            			<p>Study <strong>suspicious</strong> network activity by looking at a list of security threats detected by Apache Spot's machine learning algorithm.</p>
-            			<p><img src="../../library/images/suspicious.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<p>Have a nice view of your network, understand how devices interact with each other and easily spot threats while exploring a visual representation of suspicious activity.</p>
-            			<p><img src="../../library/images/network.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<p>The following feature is powered by IPython notebooks which allows the users to switch back and forth from the 'easy mode' to the 'expert mode', where they can view and edit the code behind this panel via the web browser.</p>
-            			<p>In the 'Notebook' panel, the form displayed is where the user can assign the level of risk for each connection and use that as feedback to train the Machine Learning model in future executions. Switching to the 'expert' mode, the user can adjust the criteria to filter the data, discarding results known to be non relevant to the analysis.</p>
-            			<p><img src="../../library/images/notebook.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<p>As your investigation moves forward, get <strong>detailed</strong> information about a threat whenever you want to dig into an especific threat.</p>
-            			<p><img src="../../library/images/details.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<h4>Threat Investigation</h4>
-            			<p>The threat investigation panel represents the last step of analysis before displaying the storyboard. At this point, the security analysts can enter a custom review for a given threat to display.</p>
-            			<h4>Storyboard</h4>
-            			<p>Ready to present your findings? Go over your high risk security threats and request further information, making it easy for executives to undestand what is going on. Here is a list of some of the information you will get when your analyses comes to the end.</p>
-            			<ul>
-            				<li>Incident Progression</li>
-            				<li>Impact Analysis</li>
-            				<li>Geographic location</li>
-            				<li>Incident Timeline</li>
-            			</ul>
-            			<h4>Ingest Summary</h4>
-            			<p>Wondering about how much data have been ingested on your cluster? We provide a nice visualization which allows you to get this information.</p>
-            			<p><img src="../../library/images/ingest-summary.png" alt="" /></p>
-            			<p>The "scoring panel" as well as the "Threat investigation panel" are powered by Jupyter notebooks, <a href="" target="_blank">(click here to learn more)</a>.</p>
-            		</div>
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new file mode 100755
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+                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
+                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Apache Spot (Incubating): Three Most-Asked Questions</a></h3>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        March 29, 2016
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+                                <p>
+                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/">Apache Spot (Incubating): 3 Most-Asked Questions</a>
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-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Apache Spot (Incubating): Three Most-Asked Questions</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        March 29, 2016
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-                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
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-                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
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+                        <article id="post-136" class="cf post-136 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="">
+                            <header class="article-header entry-header">
+                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</h1>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-09-22" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        September 22, 2016
+                                    </time>
+                                    </span>
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+                            <section class="entry-content cf" itemprop="articleBody">
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong>Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? </strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The iPython Notebook is an appropriate platform for easy data exploration. One of its biggest advantages is that it provides parallel and distributed computing to enable code execution and debugging in an interactive environment \u2013 thus the \u2018i\u2019 in iPython.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    The iPython notebook is a web based interactive computational environment that provides access to the Python shell. While iPython notebooks were originally designed to work with the Python language, they support a number of other programming languages, including Ruby, Scala, Julia, R, Go, C, C++, Java and Perl. There are also multiple additional packages that can be used to get the most out of this highly-customizable tool.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Starting on version 4.0, most notebook functionalities are now part of the Project Jupyter, while iPython remains as the kernel to work with Python code in the notebooks.
+                                </p>
+                                <img src="../../library/images/iPython-1.png" alt="ipython" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-140" />
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong>IPython with Apache Spot for Network Threat Detection</strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <em>NOTE:� This is not intended to be a step-by-step tutorial on how to code a threat analysis in Apache Spot, but more like an introduction on how to approach the suspicions of a security breach.</em>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Although machine learning (ML) will do most of the work detecting anomalies in the traffic, Apache Spot also includes two notebook templates that can get you started on this. The <em>Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb</em> is designed to query the raw data table to find all connections in a day that are related to any threat you select \u2013 even connections that were not necessarily flagged as suspicious by ML on a first run. This gives us the chance to get a new data subset and here is where the fun begins.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    If you suspect of a specific type of attack in your network, you can get the whole story by answering the Five \u2018W\u2019s.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong><em>What? </em></strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Maybe there\u2019s been an increase in the logs collected by the system, which indicates abnormal amounts of communication in your network. Or, the amount of POST requests in your network have risen overnight. This is the mystery that needs to be solved by researching through the anomalies previously detected by ML.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong><em>Who?</em></strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Assuming you have a network context, you can identify the name of the infected machine inside the network, as well as the name of the IP or DNS on the other side of the connection (if it is a known host). If you don\u2019t have a network context or are using DHCP, this can be a little tricky to detect using only Netflow logs. But, that\u2019s where DNS and Proxy logs, come in handy. Including a network context file with Apache Spot is really simple and can go a long way when identifying a threat.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong><em>When?</em></strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    To have a broader visibility on the attack, you can customize the queries on the Threat investigation notebook to review the data through a wider time lapse \u2013 instead of just checking through the current day. With this, you could find an increase of a certain type of requests to one (or many) URIs and predict its future behavior.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong><em>Where?</em></strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    When working only with DNS, having a destination URL might not say much about where your information is going to, but Apache Spot allows you to connect with a geolocation database to identify the location of the suspected attackers IP. Taking advantage of this option, you can visually locate the other end of the connection on a map. You might find that it\u2019s pointing to a country banned by your company, indicating a leak.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong><em>Why?</em></strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    This answer to \u201cwhy\u201d will depend highly on the result of the analysis. For instance, an excessive amount of POST requests from one machine inside the network to an unidentified URI can indicate a data mining attack. Tracing back to patient zero, you can find that this could have originated with a phishing email, malicious software installed by an employee or a one-time visitor\u2019s infected machine that connected to your network.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong>How to Get Answers to the Five Ws Questions</strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    All of the previous questions can be answered by looking at the raw data collected. Although performing elaborated queries directly to your database can seem tempting, this type of analysis with Hive, or even Impala, can be very time consuming. A better approach would be to use Pandas to read and transform your dataset into a relational structured dataframe. This lets you work with as if it were an offline structured relational database.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Once you have your desired results and data subsets, you can use MatplotLib to easily graph your findings. (We cover this subject in more depth in another post.) Another advantage of the notebook is that you can download it as HTML or a PDF file to store locally and use it in a presentation \u2013 or just keep it for future reference.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong>Wrap Up</strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    This post was meant to be just a brief introduction of how you can use iPython notebooks in Apache Spot to perform further data analysis and include it our executive report (in addition to the already included Story board). Although this is not the only way you can do this, it is a very interactive and fun way to do it. You\u2019ll also see that the overall processing time is very short \u2013 thanks to the iPython notebook task parallelism ability.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    We want to hear from YOU! Have you used iPython notebooks before? How do you feel about having this tool in Apache Spot? If you\u2019re interested in further data analysis through interactive charts, a new post is coming soon on D3 and jQuery data visualization. Also, check back soon to read more on this and other Cybersecurity subjects.
+                                </p>
+                            </section>
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diff --git a/blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/index.php b/blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/index.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 1931779..0000000
--- a/blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "single single-post";
-$pageTitle = "Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis - Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'blog';
-<?php include '../../includes/header.php'; ?>
-            <div id="content">
-                <div id="inner-content" class="wrap cf">
-                    <main id="main" class="m-all t-2of3 d-5of7 cf" role="main" itemscope itemprop="mainContentOfPage" itemtype="">
-                        <article id="post-136" class="cf post-136 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="">
-                            <header class="article-header entry-header">
-                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</h1>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-09-22" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        September 22, 2016
-                                    </time>
-                                    </span>
-                                </p>
-                            </header>
-                            <section class="entry-content cf" itemprop="articleBody">
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong>Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? </strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The iPython Notebook is an appropriate platform for easy data exploration. One of its biggest advantages is that it provides parallel and distributed computing to enable code execution and debugging in an interactive environment \u2013 thus the \u2018i\u2019 in iPython.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    The iPython notebook is a web based interactive computational environment that provides access to the Python shell. While iPython notebooks were originally designed to work with the Python language, they support a number of other programming languages, including Ruby, Scala, Julia, R, Go, C, C++, Java and Perl. There are also multiple additional packages that can be used to get the most out of this highly-customizable tool.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Starting on version 4.0, most notebook functionalities are now part of the Project Jupyter, while iPython remains as the kernel to work with Python code in the notebooks.
-                                </p>
-                                <img src="<?php echo BASE_URL;?>/library/images/iPython-1.png" alt="ipython" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-140" />
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong>IPython with Apache Spot for Network Threat Detection</strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <em>NOTE:� This is not intended to be a step-by-step tutorial on how to code a threat analysis in Apache Spot, but more like an introduction on how to approach the suspicions of a security breach.</em>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Although machine learning (ML) will do most of the work detecting anomalies in the traffic, Apache Spot also includes two notebook templates that can get you started on this. The <em>Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb</em> is designed to query the raw data table to find all connections in a day that are related to any threat you select \u2013 even connections that were not necessarily flagged as suspicious by ML on a first run. This gives us the chance to get a new data subset and here is where the fun begins.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    If you suspect of a specific type of attack in your network, you can get the whole story by answering the Five \u2018W\u2019s.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong><em>What? </em></strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Maybe there\u2019s been an increase in the logs collected by the system, which indicates abnormal amounts of communication in your network. Or, the amount of POST requests in your network have risen overnight. This is the mystery that needs to be solved by researching through the anomalies previously detected by ML.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong><em>Who?</em></strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Assuming you have a network context, you can identify the name of the infected machine inside the network, as well as the name of the IP or DNS on the other side of the connection (if it is a known host). If you don\u2019t have a network context or are using DHCP, this can be a little tricky to detect using only Netflow logs. But, that\u2019s where DNS and Proxy logs, come in handy. Including a network context file with Apache Spot is really simple and can go a long way when identifying a threat.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong><em>When?</em></strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    To have a broader visibility on the attack, you can customize the queries on the Threat investigation notebook to review the data through a wider time lapse \u2013 instead of just checking through the current day. With this, you could find an increase of a certain type of requests to one (or many) URIs and predict its future behavior.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong><em>Where?</em></strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    When working only with DNS, having a destination URL might not say much about where your information is going to, but Apache Spot allows you to connect with a geolocation database to identify the location of the suspected attackers IP. Taking advantage of this option, you can visually locate the other end of the connection on a map. You might find that it\u2019s pointing to a country banned by your company, indicating a leak.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong><em>Why?</em></strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    This answer to \u201cwhy\u201d will depend highly on the result of the analysis. For instance, an excessive amount of POST requests from one machine inside the network to an unidentified URI can indicate a data mining attack. Tracing back to patient zero, you can find that this could have originated with a phishing email, malicious software installed by an employee or a one-time visitor\u2019s infected machine that connected to your network.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong>How to Get Answers to the Five Ws Questions</strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    All of the previous questions can be answered by looking at the raw data collected. Although performing elaborated queries directly to your database can seem tempting, this type of analysis with Hive, or even Impala, can be very time consuming. A better approach would be to use Pandas to read and transform your dataset into a relational structured dataframe. This lets you work with as if it were an offline structured relational database.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Once you have your desired results and data subsets, you can use MatplotLib to easily graph your findings. (We cover this subject in more depth in another post.) Another advantage of the notebook is that you can download it as HTML or a PDF file to store locally and use it in a presentation \u2013 or just keep it for future reference.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong>Wrap Up</strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    This post was meant to be just a brief introduction of how you can use iPython notebooks in Apache Spot to perform further data analysis and include it our executive report (in addition to the already included Story board). Although this is not the only way you can do this, it is a very interactive and fun way to do it. You\u2019ll also see that the overall processing time is very short \u2013 thanks to the iPython notebook task parallelism ability.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    We want to hear from YOU! Have you used iPython notebooks before? How do you feel about having this tool in Apache Spot? If you\u2019re interested in further data analysis through interactive charts, a new post is coming soon on D3 and jQuery data visualization. Also, check back soon to read more on this and other Cybersecurity subjects.
-                                </p>
-                            </section>
-                            <footer class="article-footer">
-                              filed under: <a href="../../category/data-science/" rel="category tag">Data Science</a>, <a href="../../category/ipython-notebooks/" rel="category tag">Ipython Notebooks</a>, <a href="../../category/threat-analysis-tools/" rel="category tag">Threat Analysis Tools</a>
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-                        </article>
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-<!-- end of site. what a ride! -->
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7aef5e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
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+                        <article id="post-149" class="cf post-149 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="">
+                            <header class="article-header entry-header">
+                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics</h1>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-10-21" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        October 21, 2016
+                                    </time>
+                                    </span>
+                                </p>
+                            </header>
+                            <section class="entry-content cf" itemprop="articleBody">
+                                <p>
+                                    By Rob Kent, Vice President of Marketing at Cybraics
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Competition is widely considered to be a healthy and positive thing, traditionally viewed as providing options for customers and fueling innovation. In the world of cybersecurity there is no shortage of competition, in fact cybersecurity is one of the most crowded and fast-growing areas of technology. The problem is, with so much competition, are we losing sight of the real goal: protecting our customers against the adversary? With so much focus on competing and winning customers, are we negating one of the most fundamental advantages that we could have in the fight against cybercrime? Cooperation. Our adversaries are not shy about working together\u2026 the community is strong and growing, and while there is no doubt some healthy competition, the sharing of tools and techniques is certainly far more common than in the commercial world. Like Open Source software, security can only benefit and grow through peer-reviewed submissions. Citing Linus Law b
 y Eric S. Raymond from his book The Cathedral and the Bazaar, &#8220;Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer base, almost every problem will be characterized quickly and the fix will be obvious to someone.&#8221;
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    This, of course, is not new information. People have been pointing this out for years. What is encouraging is that a few organizations are finally stepping up to the plate to try and change this paradigm in cybersecurity.  When it comes to cybersecurity, many have touted big data analytics as one of the key initiatives to combat adversaries. The problem is that big data in itself has its own set of challenges, one of the issues is that it is often looked at as a costly problem to store and scale as opposed to being used as another tool in an organization\u2019s arsenal. Apache Spot, a project pioneered by Intel and Cloudera, is aiming to fix this problem.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    By creating an open source community, the hope is that identifying security threats within large data sets will become a manageable task for all organizations, despite their size or scale. Organizations overwhelmed with their data or those that aren\u2019t seeing results will have a community to turn to along with a common reference to compare results. By working together on Apache Spot, organizations will be able to share their experiences on how they\u2019ve tackled or how they need to tackle these issues with a common system to reference.  Data is never going to get smaller across organizations\u2019 core systems, so in many ways an organization just now beginning to dig into their data stores is basically starting from scratch. Having the ability to reference an open common model gives the opportunity for both those starting out and those seasoned, to have an open exchange of varying knowledge.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    By supporting Apache Spot, Cybraics is hoping to learn as much as we contribute while we collaborate and take part in this Open Source Initiative. With the end result a set of guidelines for organizations to deploy a data analytics platform to find threats within their ecosystem, and a community that will share their experiences with the next generation of data and security professionals, perhaps we can all start actually working together to start leveling the playing field.
+                                </p>
+                            </section>
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+                                filed under: <a href="../../category/uncategorized/" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>
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+							<ul>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/">Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/">Apache Spot (Incubating): 3 Most-Asked Questions</a>
+								</li>
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+									<a href='../../2016/08/'>August 2016</a>
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+									<a href='../../2016/03/'>March 2016</a>
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deleted file mode 100755
index c86b518..0000000
--- a/blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "single single-post";
-$pageTitle = "Strength in Numbers: Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics - Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'blog';
-<?php include '../../includes/header.php'; ?>
-            <div id="content">
-                <div id="inner-content" class="wrap cf">
-                    <main id="main" class="m-all t-2of3 d-5of7 cf" role="main" itemscope itemprop="mainContentOfPage" itemtype="">
-                        <article id="post-149" class="cf post-149 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="">
-                            <header class="article-header entry-header">
-                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics</h1>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-10-21" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        October 21, 2016
-                                    </time>
-                                    </span>
-                                </p>
-                            </header>
-                            <section class="entry-content cf" itemprop="articleBody">
-                                <p>
-                                    By Rob Kent, Vice President of Marketing at Cybraics
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Competition is widely considered to be a healthy and positive thing, traditionally viewed as providing options for customers and fueling innovation. In the world of cybersecurity there is no shortage of competition, in fact cybersecurity is one of the most crowded and fast-growing areas of technology. The problem is, with so much competition, are we losing sight of the real goal: protecting our customers against the adversary? With so much focus on competing and winning customers, are we negating one of the most fundamental advantages that we could have in the fight against cybercrime? Cooperation. Our adversaries are not shy about working together\u2026 the community is strong and growing, and while there is no doubt some healthy competition, the sharing of tools and techniques is certainly far more common than in the commercial world. Like Open Source software, security can only benefit and grow through peer-reviewed submissions. Citing Linus Law b
 y Eric S. Raymond from his book The Cathedral and the Bazaar, &#8220;Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer base, almost every problem will be characterized quickly and the fix will be obvious to someone.&#8221;
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    This, of course, is not new information. People have been pointing this out for years. What is encouraging is that a few organizations are finally stepping up to the plate to try and change this paradigm in cybersecurity.  When it comes to cybersecurity, many have touted big data analytics as one of the key initiatives to combat adversaries. The problem is that big data in itself has its own set of challenges, one of the issues is that it is often looked at as a costly problem to store and scale as opposed to being used as another tool in an organization\u2019s arsenal. Apache Spot, a project pioneered by Intel and Cloudera, is aiming to fix this problem.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    By creating an open source community, the hope is that identifying security threats within large data sets will become a manageable task for all organizations, despite their size or scale. Organizations overwhelmed with their data or those that aren\u2019t seeing results will have a community to turn to along with a common reference to compare results. By working together on Apache Spot, organizations will be able to share their experiences on how they\u2019ve tackled or how they need to tackle these issues with a common system to reference.  Data is never going to get smaller across organizations\u2019 core systems, so in many ways an organization just now beginning to dig into their data stores is basically starting from scratch. Having the ability to reference an open common model gives the opportunity for both those starting out and those seasoned, to have an open exchange of varying knowledge.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    By supporting Apache Spot, Cybraics is hoping to learn as much as we contribute while we collaborate and take part in this Open Source Initiative. With the end result a set of guidelines for organizations to deploy a data analytics platform to find threats within their ecosystem, and a community that will share their experiences with the next generation of data and security professionals, perhaps we can all start actually working together to start leveling the playing field.
-                                </p>
-                            </section>
-                            <footer class="article-footer">
-                                filed under: <a href="../../category/uncategorized/" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>
-                            </footer>
-                        </article>
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-    </body>
-<!-- end of site. what a ride! -->
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..60493e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/category/cybersecurity/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
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+                        <h1 class="page-title">Category: Cybersecurity</h1>
+                        <article id="post-117" class="cf post-117 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cybersecurity" role="article">
+                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
+                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a></h3>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        August 8, 2016
+                                    </time>
+                                    </span>
+                                </p>
+                            </header>
+                            <section class="entry-content cf">
+                                <p>
+                                    The \u201cfirst\u201d documented cybersecurity case was the worm replication, which was initiated by Robert T. Morris on November 2, 1988. Wow! Here we are in 2016, 28 years later, with viruses and worms giving way to Trojan horses and polymorphic code. Nowadays, we are also fighting against DDoS, phishing, spear phishing attacks, command and controls&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" title="Read Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Read more &raquo;</a>
+                                </p>
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+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/">Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
+								</li>
+								<li>
+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/">Apache Spot (Incubating): 3 Most-Asked Questions</a>
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deleted file mode 100755
index 1021e91..0000000
--- a/category/cybersecurity/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<?php include '../../includes/config.php'; ?>
-$bodyclass = "archive category";
-$pageTitle = "Cybersecurity - Apache Spot";
-$description = "";
-$currentPage = 'blog';
-<?php include '../../includes/header.php'; ?>
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-                    <main id="main" class="m-all t-2of3 d-5of7 cf" role="main" itemscope itemprop="mainContentOfPage" itemtype="">
-                        <h1 class="page-title">Category: Cybersecurity</h1>
-                        <article id="post-117" class="cf post-117 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cybersecurity" role="article">
-                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        August 8, 2016
-                                    </time>
-                                    </span>
-                                </p>
-                            </header>
-                            <section class="entry-content cf">
-                                <p>
-                                    The \u201cfirst\u201d documented cybersecurity case was the worm replication, which was initiated by Robert T. Morris on November 2, 1988. Wow! Here we are in 2016, 28 years later, with viruses and worms giving way to Trojan horses and polymorphic code. Nowadays, we are also fighting against DDoS, phishing, spear phishing attacks, command and controls&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" title="Read Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                    Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The iPython&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/">Apache Spot (Incubating): 3 Most-Asked Questions</a>
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-                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" rel="bookmark" title="Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-09-22" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        September 22, 2016
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-                                <p>
-                                    Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The iPython&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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new file mode 100755
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index e69de29..0000000

[7/7] incubator-spot git commit: Replacing PHP index files with regular HTML due compatibility of extension on ASF

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Replacing PHP index files with regular HTML due compatibility of extension on ASF


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: 7bb4a30158479db2c1bad819b5bbf3e755808cea
Parents: 67c0416
Author: Cesar <>
Authored: Wed Jan 18 01:18:50 2017 -0600
Committer: Cesar <>
Committed: Wed Jan 18 01:18:50 2017 -0600

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 60 files changed, 5750 insertions(+), 2516 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
index e14de31..8dcc55c 100644
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/2016/03/index.html b/2016/03/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb685ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2016/03/index.html
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+                        <h1 class="page-title">Month: March 2016</h1>
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+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        March 29, 2016
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+                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+								<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a>
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+								<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
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+								<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/">Apache Spot (Incubating): 3 Most-Asked Questions</a>
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-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        March 29, 2016
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-                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-3-most-asked-questions/" title="Read Apache Spot: Three Most-Asked Questions">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                        <h1 class="page-title">Month: August 2016</h1>
+                        <article id="post-117" class="cf post-117 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cybersecurity" role="article">
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+                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a></h3>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        August 8, 2016
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+                                <p>
+                                    The \u201cfirst\u201d documented cybersecurity case was the worm replication, which was initiated by Robert T. Morris on November 2, 1988. Wow! Here we are in 2016, 28 years later, with viruses and worms giving way to Trojan horses and polymorphic code. Nowadays, we are also fighting against DDoS, phishing, spear phishing attacks, command and controls&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" title="Read Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                        <article id="post-113" class="cf post-113 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article">
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+                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" rel="bookmark" title="How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a></h3>
+                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
+                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
+                                        August 8, 2016
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+                                    About four years ago, the era of the Big Data analytics began. Paired with advanced analytics, massive volumes of data can be culled to not only inform critical decisions, but also to simulate sophisticated \u201cwhat if\u201d scenarios that allow companies to gain competitive advantages by generating and predicting different scenarios. For example, a financial services&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" title="Read How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a>
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+									<a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a>
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-                        <h1 class="page-title">Month: August 2016</h1>
-                        <article id="post-117" class="cf post-117 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cybersecurity" role="article">
-                            <header class="entry-header article-header">
-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" rel="bookmark" title="Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Apache Spot (Incubating) and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        August 8, 2016
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-                            <section class="entry-content cf">
-                                <p>
-                                    The \u201cfirst\u201d documented cybersecurity case was the worm replication, which was initiated by Robert T. Morris on November 2, 1988. Wow! Here we are in 2016, 28 years later, with viruses and worms giving way to Trojan horses and polymorphic code. Nowadays, we are also fighting against DDoS, phishing, spear phishing attacks, command and controls&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/apache-spot-and-cybersecurity-using-netflows-to-detect-threats-to-critical-infrastructure/" title="Read Apache Spot and Cybersecurity \u2014 Using NetFlows to Detect Threats to  Critical Infrastructure">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                        <article id="post-113" class="cf post-113 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" role="article">
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-                                <h3 class="h2 entry-title"><a href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" rel="bookmark" title="How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">How Apache Spot (Incubating) Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights</a></h3>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-08-08" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        August 8, 2016
-                                    </time>
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-                            <section class="entry-content cf">
-                                <p>
-                                    About four years ago, the era of the Big Data analytics began. Paired with advanced analytics, massive volumes of data can be culled to not only inform critical decisions, but also to simulate sophisticated \u201cwhat if\u201d scenarios that allow companies to gain competitive advantages by generating and predicting different scenarios. For example, a financial services&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/how-apache-spot-helps-create-well-stocked-data-lakes-and-catch-powerful-insights/" title="Read How Apache Spot Helps Create Well-Stocked Data Lakes and Catch Powerful Insights">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                        <h1 class="page-title">Month: September 2016</h1>
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+                                        September 22, 2016
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+                                    Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot needs to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                                    Why Does Apache Spot Include iPython notebooks? The project team wants Apache Spot needs to be a versatile tool that can be used by anyone. This means that data scientists and developers need to be able to query and handle the source data to find all the information they need for their decision making. The&#8230; <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/jupyter-notebooks-for-data-analysis/" title="Read Jupyter Notebooks for Data Analysis">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                    By Rob Kent, Vice President of Marketing at Cybraics Competition is widely considered to be a healthy and positive thing, traditionally viewed as providing options for customers and fueling innovation. In the world of cybersecurity there is no shortage of competition, in fact cybersecurity is one of the most crowded and fast-growing areas of technology&#8230;. <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/" title="Read Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics">Read more &raquo;</a>
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-                                    By Rob Kent, Vice President of Marketing at Cybraics Competition is widely considered to be a healthy and positive thing, traditionally viewed as providing options for customers and fueling innovation. In the world of cybersecurity there is no shortage of competition, in fact cybersecurity is one of the most crowded and fast-growing areas of technology&#8230;. <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="../../blog/strength-in-numbers-why-consider-open-source-cybersecurity-analytics/" title="Read Strength in Numbers:  Why Consider Open Source Cybersecurity Analytics">Read more &raquo;</a>
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+                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">Apache Spot (Incubating): Three Most-Asked Questions</h1>
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+                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that effort, came Apache Spot. Since we started talking about the project, these are the three questions I am asked the most.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong>What Is Apache Spot?</strong>
+                                    <br />
+                                    Apache Spot is an open source, flow and packet analytics solution built on Hadoop. It combines big data processing, at-scale machine learning, and unique security analytics to put potential threats in front of defenders. While I am a data scientist today, I was a security investigator just a few years ago. I wanted to develop a solution that would put new tools and technology in play for defenders, but without requiring them to walk away from security and get a math degree.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    We wanted to start with the hard problems, so we looked at the emerging need to analyze data that was produced at a scale outside what a lot of security solutions could handle. The data is being created today, and lack of visibility into that data gives attackers a profound advantage. Also, in this new era of security, many defenders (public and private sector) have to answer to their citizens and customers when these threats occur. In other words, an event that says &#8220;this attack was blocked&#8221; is insufficient; an organization needs to see what happened before, during, and after a particular machine was attacked at a particular time. The problem is summarized in a slide from a <a href="" target="_blank">FloCon talk</a>
+                                    <br />
+                                    <a href="../../library/images/FloCon2015.png" rel="attachment wp-att-66"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-66" src="../../library/images/FloCon2015.png" alt="open source packet and flow analytics" /></a>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    The gist is that while processing is a challenge at higher scales, the amount of insight gained is higher when analyzing flows and packets from key protocols (like DNS). And that&#8217;s how we got here.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong>Why Intel?</strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    At Intel, I have worked in IT, for a security product company (McAfee), and in the Data Center Group. Intel IT was an early pioneer of the concept of proactive investigations to protect intellectual property. McAfee (now Intel Security Group) has a broad customer base in the realms of network, endpoint, and content security, to name only a few. And the Intel Data Center group has strategic partnerships with Cloudera and Accenture, as well as some pretty cool analytics efforts of their own. Add the performance benefits we achieve with Intel Architecture, especially the Intel MPI Library and Intel Math Kernel Library, and it certainly makes sense to me.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    <strong>Why Open Source?</strong>
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    I learned from my earlier efforts in security analytics, that to invite collaboration from academia, the public sector, and the private sector, open source software is an excellent choice. We are now seeking to build a community of developers, data scientists, and security enthusiasts to grow Apache Spot into something we can all be proud of. We have also chosen an Apache software license, so that it can enrich commercial software offerings as well.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    The greatest thing for me since we announced at RSA is to hear OTHER people talk about Apache Spot (formerly Open Network Insight or ONI), here are some of my favorites, from <a href="" target="_blank">a Data Scientist @ eBay </a>, <a href="" target="_blank">a Security Provider</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">a Big Data company</a>.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Fork us on Github!
+                                </p>
+                                <p>
+                                    Grant Babb
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-                        <article id="post-62" class="cf post-62 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-security-analytics tag-github tag-open-network-insight tag-open-source" role="article" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="">
-                            <header class="article-header entry-header">
-                                <h1 class="entry-title single-title" itemprop="headline" rel="bookmark">Apache Spot (Incubating): Three Most-Asked Questions</h1>
-                                <p class="byline entry-meta vcard">
-                                    <time class="updated entry-time" datetime="2016-03-29" itemprop="datePublished">
-                                        March 29, 2016
-                                    </time>
-                                    </span>
-                                </p>
-                            </header>
-                            <section class="entry-content cf" itemprop="articleBody">
-                                <p>
-                                    While this is not the first blog post about Apache Spot, it is the first one by a creator of the solution. As a security data scientist in Intel&#8217;s Data Center Group, I joined a small team to start thinking about solving really hard problems in cloud analytics. The team grew, and out of that effort, came Apache Spot. Since we started talking about the project, these are the three questions I am asked the most.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong>What Is Apache Spot?</strong>
-                                    <br />
-                                    Apache Spot is an open source, flow and packet analytics solution built on Hadoop. It combines big data processing, at-scale machine learning, and unique security analytics to put potential threats in front of defenders. While I am a data scientist today, I was a security investigator just a few years ago. I wanted to develop a solution that would put new tools and technology in play for defenders, but without requiring them to walk away from security and get a math degree.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    We wanted to start with the hard problems, so we looked at the emerging need to analyze data that was produced at a scale outside what a lot of security solutions could handle. The data is being created today, and lack of visibility into that data gives attackers a profound advantage. Also, in this new era of security, many defenders (public and private sector) have to answer to their citizens and customers when these threats occur. In other words, an event that says &#8220;this attack was blocked&#8221; is insufficient; an organization needs to see what happened before, during, and after a particular machine was attacked at a particular time. The problem is summarized in a slide from a <a href="" target="_blank">FloCon talk</a>
-                                    <br />
-                                    <a href="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/library/images/FloCon2015.png" rel="attachment wp-att-66"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-66" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/library/images/FloCon2015.png" alt="open source packet and flow analytics" /></a>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    The gist is that while processing is a challenge at higher scales, the amount of insight gained is higher when analyzing flows and packets from key protocols (like DNS). And that&#8217;s how we got here.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong>Why Intel?</strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    At Intel, I have worked in IT, for a security product company (McAfee), and in the Data Center Group. Intel IT was an early pioneer of the concept of proactive investigations to protect intellectual property. McAfee (now Intel Security Group) has a broad customer base in the realms of network, endpoint, and content security, to name only a few. And the Intel Data Center group has strategic partnerships with Cloudera and Accenture, as well as some pretty cool analytics efforts of their own. Add the performance benefits we achieve with Intel Architecture, especially the Intel MPI Library and Intel Math Kernel Library, and it certainly makes sense to me.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    <strong>Why Open Source?</strong>
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    I learned from my earlier efforts in security analytics, that to invite collaboration from academia, the public sector, and the private sector, open source software is an excellent choice. We are now seeking to build a community of developers, data scientists, and security enthusiasts to grow Apache Spot into something we can all be proud of. We have also chosen an Apache software license, so that it can enrich commercial software offerings as well.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    The greatest thing for me since we announced at RSA is to hear OTHER people talk about Apache Spot (formerly Open Network Insight or ONI), here are some of my favorites, from <a href="" target="_blank">a Data Scientist @ eBay </a>, <a href="" target="_blank">a Security Provider</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">a Big Data company</a>.
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Fork us on Github!
-                                </p>
-                                <p>
-                                    Grant Babb
-                                </p>
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-                                filed under: <a href="../../category/security-analytics/" rel="category tag">Security Analytics</a>
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-                                    <span class="tags-title">Tags:</span><a href="../../tag/github/" rel="tag">github</a>, <a href="../../tag/open-network-insight/" rel="tag">open network insight</a>, <a href="../../tag/open-source/" rel="tag">open source</a>
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