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Posted to by Thomas Koch <> on 2011/05/29 13:46:43 UTC

Keysigning @ Berlin Buzzwords

From my blog:

Whenever you download some software from the Apache Software Foundation, there 
is a small .asc file besides every software release. This tiny file is a 
cryptographic signature to protect you from accidentally downloading and 
running malware.
However this signature is only as good as the web-of-trust between you and the 
Release Manager of the Software project.
At BerlinBuzzWords many developers and users will gather at one place. This is 
a unique occasion to strengthen the web-of-trust. Therefor we want to 
encourage and remind you to use the occassion for keysigning! For lack of time 
there won't be an official keysigning party, but you have occassion during 
lunch, coffee break or the barbecue to do quick one-to-one keysignings.
You should bring print-outs of your key fingerprints and identification 
documents. If you put the fingerprints in your batch (see picture) everyone 
can easily see
them and ask you for a quick trust exchange. We may also mark a "keysigning 
corner" somewhere where people can go and meet others for key signing.


    * under Debian (and Ubuntu) you can get a PDF to print out your 
fingerprints many times via:
      sudo aptitude install signing-party ghostscript 
      gpg-key2ps KEYID | ps2pdf - fingerprints.pdf
    * the signing-party package also contains the tool "caff" to batch process 
the signing of keys after the event
    * please only use keys with at least 2024 bits!
    * please make sure that you've uploaded your key to a public keyserver
    * I'm happy to answer all remaining questions at the BarCamp on Sunday or 
during the event

Best regards,

Thomas Koch,