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Posted to by Andrew Purtell <> on 2015/03/12 19:01:12 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] HBase 0.98.11 is now available for download

Apache HBase 0.98.11 is now available for download. Get it from an Apache
mirror [1] or Maven repository.

The list of changes in this release can be found in the release notes [2]
or following this announcement.

Thanks to all who contributed to this release.

The HBase Dev Team


HBASE-7332 [webui] HMaster webui should display the number of regions a
table has.
HBASE-8329 Limit compaction speed
HBASE-9531 a command line (hbase shell) interface to retreive the
replication metrics and show replication lag
HBASE-9910 TestHFilePerformance and HFilePerformanceEvaluation should be
merged in a single HFile performance test class.
HBASE-12070 Add an option to hbck to fix ZK inconsistencies
HBASE-12102 Duplicate keys in HBase.RegionServer metrics JSON
HBASE-12108 HBaseConfiguration: set classloader before loading xml files
HBASE-12747 IntegrationTestMTTR will OOME if launched with mvn verify
HBASE-12795 Backport HBASE-12429 (Add port to ClusterManager's actions) to
HBASE-12869 Add a REST API implementation of the ClusterManager interface
HBASE-12897 Minimum memstore size is a percentage
HBASE-12914 Mark public features that require HFilev3 Unstable in 0.98,
warn in upgrade section
HBASE-12948 Calling Increment#addColumn on the same column multiple times
produces wrong result
HBASE-12957 region_mover#isSuccessfulScan may be extremely slow on region
with lots of expired data
HBASE-12958 SSH doing hbase:meta get but hbase:meta not assigned
HBASE-12961 Negative values in read and write region server metrics
HBASE-12964 Add the ability for to start in the foreground
HBASE-12973 RegionCoprocessorEnvironment should provide HRegionInfo directly
HBASE-12976 Set default value for hbase.client.scanner.max.result.size
HBASE-12979 Use setters instead of return values for handing back
statistics from HRegion methods
HBASE-12980 Delete of a table may not clean all rows from hbase:meta
HBASE-12989 region_mover.rb unloadRegions method uses ArrayList
concurrently resulting in errors
HBASE-12995 Document that HConnection#getTable methods do not check table
existence since 0.98.1
HBASE-12996 Reversed field on Filter should be transient
HBASE-12997 FSHLog should print pipeline on low replication
HBASE-12998 Compilation with Hdfs-2.7.0-SNAPSHOT is broken after HDFS-7647
HBASE-12999 Make foreground_start return the correct exit code
HBASE-13000 Backport HBASE-11240 (Print hdfs pipeline when hlog's sync is
slow) to 0.98
HBASE-13001 NullPointer in master logs for table.jsp
HBASE-13002 Make encryption cipher configurable
HBASE-13005 TestDeleteTableHandler failing in 0.98 hadoop 1 builds
HBASE-13008 Better default for hbase.regionserver.regionSplitLimit
HBASE-13009 HBase REST UI inaccessible
HBASE-13010 HFileOutputFormat2 partitioner's path is hard-coded as '/tmp'
HBASE-13020 Add 'patchprocess/*' to RAT excludes on all branches
HBASE-13026 Wrong error message in case incorrect snapshot name OR
Incorrect table name
HBASE-13037 LoadIncrementalHFile should try to verify the content of
unmatched families
HBASE-13039 Add patchprocess/* to .gitignore to fix builds of branches
HBASE-13044 Configuration option for disabling coprocessor loading
HBASE-13045 Ensure MapReduce javadoc example works
HBASE-13047 Add "HBase Configuration" link missing on the table details
HBASE-13048 Use hbase.crypto.wal.algorithm in SecureProtobufLogReader while
decrypting the data
HBASE-13049 wal_roll ruby command doesn't work.
HBASE-13050 Hbase shell create_namespace command throws
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException for (invalid) empty text input.
HBASE-13054 Provide more tracing information for locking/latching events.
HBASE-13055 HRegion FIXED_OVERHEAD missed one boolean
HBASE-13056 Refactor table.jsp code to remove repeated code and make it
easier to add new checks
HBASE-13059 Set executable bit for scripts in dev-support
HBASE-13065 Increasing -Xmx when running TestDistributedLogSplitting
HBASE-13070 Fix TestCacheOnWrite
HBASE-13072 BucketCache.evictBlock returns true if block does not exist
HBASE-13080 Hbase shell message containing extra quote at the end of error
HBASE-13085 Security issue in the implementation of Rest gataway 'doAs'
proxy user support
HBASE-13086 Show ZK root node on Master WebUI
HBASE-13104 ZooKeeper session timeout cannot be changed for standalone HBase
HBASE-13106 Ensure endpoint-only table coprocessors can be dynamically
HBASE-13111 truncate_preserve command is failing with undefined method error
HBASE-13123 Minor bug in ROW bloom filter
HBASE-13131 ReplicationAdmin leaks connections if there's an error in the
HBASE-13134 mutateRow and checkAndMutate apis don't throw region level
HBASE-13137 [0.98] Backport HBASE-13057 - Provide client utility to easily
enable and disable table replication

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
(via Tom White)