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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/12/04 19:17:19 UTC

[GitHub] [madlib] kaknikhil commented on a change in pull request #525: DL: Model Hopper Refactor

kaknikhil commented on a change in pull request #525:

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model.py_in
@@ -196,72 +195,110 @@ class FitMultipleModel():
             self.dist_key_mapping_valid, self.images_per_seg_valid = \
-        self.mst_weights_tbl = unique_string(desp='mst_weights')
-        self.mst_current_schedule_tbl = unique_string(desp='mst_current_schedule')
+        self.model_input_tbl = unique_string(desp='model_input')
+        self.schedule_tbl = unique_string(desp='schedule')
-        self.dist_keys = query_dist_keys(self.source_table, dist_key_col)
-        if len(self.msts) < len(self.dist_keys):
+        self.dist_keys = query_dist_keys(self.source_table, self.dist_key_col)
+"init_dist_keys = {0}".format(self.dist_keys))
+        self.max_dist_key = sorted(self.dist_keys)[-1]
+"sorted_dist_keys = {0}".format(sorted(self.dist_keys)))
+"max_dist_key = {0}".format(self.max_dist_key))
+        self.extra_dist_keys = []
+        num_msts = len(self.msts)
+        num_dist_keys = len(self.dist_keys)
+        if num_msts < num_dist_keys:
             self.msts_for_schedule = self.msts + [None] * \
-                                     (len(self.dist_keys) - len(self.msts))
+                                     (num_dist_keys - num_msts)
             self.msts_for_schedule = self.msts
+            if num_msts > num_dist_keys:
+                for i in range(num_msts - num_dist_keys):
+                    self.extra_dist_keys.append(self.max_dist_key + 1 + i)
+'dist_keys : {}'.format(self.dist_keys))
+'extra_dist_keys : {}'.format(self.extra_dist_keys))
-        self.grand_schedule = self.generate_schedule(self.msts_for_schedule)
-        self.gp_segment_id_col = '0' if is_platform_pg() else GP_SEGMENT_ID_COLNAME
-        self.unlogged_table = "UNLOGGED" if is_platform_gp6_or_up() else ''
-        if self.warm_start:
-            self.create_model_output_table_warm_start()
-        else:
-            self.create_model_output_table()
+        # Comma-separated list of the mst_keys, including NULL's
+        #  This will be used to pass the mst keys to the db as
+        #  a sql ARRAY[]
+        self.all_mst_keys = [ str(mst['mst_key']) if mst else 'NULL'\
+                for mst in self.msts_for_schedule ]
-        self.weights_to_update_tbl = unique_string(desp='weights_to_update')
-        self.fit_multiple_model()
+        # List of all dist_keys, including any extra dist keys beyond
+        #  the # segments we'll be training on--these represent the
+        #  segments models will rest on while not training, which
+        #  may overlap with the ones that will have training on them.
+        self.all_dist_keys = self.dist_keys + self.extra_dist_keys
-        # Update and cleanup metadata tables
-        self.insert_info_table()
-        self.create_model_summary_table()
-        if self.warm_start:
-            self.cleanup_for_warm_start()
-        reset_cuda_env(original_cuda_env)
+        self.gp_segment_id_col = '0' if is_platform_pg() else GP_SEGMENT_ID_COLNAME
+        self.unlogged_table = "UNLOGGED" if is_platform_gp6_or_up() else ''
     def fit_multiple_model(self):
+        self.init_schedule_tbl()
+        self.init_model_output_tbl()
+        self.init_model_info_tbl()
         # WARNING: set orca off to prevent unwanted redistribution
         with OptimizerControl(False):
             self.start_training_time =
             self.metrics_elapsed_start_time = time.time()
             self.end_training_time =
-    def cleanup_for_warm_start(self):
+        # Update and cleanup metadata tables
+        self.insert_info_table()
+        self.create_model_summary_table()
+        self.write_final_model_output_tbl()
+        reset_cuda_env(self.original_cuda_env)
+    def write_final_model_output_tbl(self):
-        1. drop original model table
+        1. drop original model table if exists
         2. rename temp to original
-        drop_query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}".format(
-            self.original_model_output_table)
-        plpy.execute(drop_query)
-        rename_table(self.schema_madlib, self.model_output_table,
-                     self.original_model_output_table)
+        final_output_table_create_query = """
+                                    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {self.original_model_output_tbl};
+                                    CREATE TABLE {self.original_model_output_tbl} AS

Review comment:
       why not drop the original model output table and then rename `model_output_tbl` to  `original_model_output_tbl` ?

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model.py_in
@@ -629,149 +794,187 @@ class FitMultipleModel():
         # Therefore we want to have queries that do not add motions and all the
         # sub-queries running Keras/tensorflow operations reuse the same slice(process)
         # that was used for initializing GPU memory.
-        use_gpus = self.use_gpus if self.use_gpus else False
-        mst_weights_query = """
-            CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.mst_weights_tbl} AS
-                SELECT mst_tbl.*, wgh_tbl.{self.model_weights_col},
-                       model_arch_tbl.{self.model_arch_col}
-                FROM
-                    {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl} mst_tbl
-                    LEFT JOIN {self.model_output_table} wgh_tbl
-                    ON mst_tbl.{self.mst_key_col} = wgh_tbl.{self.mst_key_col}
-                        LEFT JOIN {self.model_arch_table} model_arch_tbl
-                        ON mst_tbl.{self.model_id_col} = model_arch_tbl.{self.model_id_col}
-                DISTRIBUTED BY ({dist_key_col})
-        """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col,
-                   **locals())
-        plpy.execute(mst_weights_query)
-        use_gpus = self.use_gpus if self.use_gpus else False
-        dep_shape_col = self.dep_shape_col
-        ind_shape_col = self.ind_shape_col
+        DEBUG.start_timing("run_training")
+        if hop > 0:
+            DEBUG.print_mst_keys(self.model_output_tbl, 'before_hop')
+            DEBUG.start_timing("hop")
+            hop_query = """
+                CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.model_input_tbl} AS
+                    SELECT o.{self.mst_key_col},
+                           o.{self.model_weights_col},
+                           o.{self.model_arch_col},
+                           o.{self.compile_params_col},
+                           o.{self.fit_params_col},
+                           o.{self.object_map_col},
+                           s.{self.dist_key_col}
+                    FROM {self.model_output_tbl} o JOIN {self.schedule_tbl} s
+                        ON o.{self.dist_key_col} = s.{self.prev_dist_key_col}
+                    DISTRIBUTED BY ({self.dist_key_col});
+            """.format(self=self)
+            DEBUG.plpy.execute(hop_query)
+            DEBUG.print_timing("hop")
+            DEBUG.print_mst_keys(self.model_input_tbl, 'after_hop')
+            DEBUG.start_timing("truncate_output")
+            self.truncate_and_drop(self.model_output_tbl)
+            DEBUG.print_timing("truncate_output")
+        else:
+            # Skip hop if it's the first in an iteration, just rename
+            plpy.execute("""
+                ALTER TABLE {self.model_output_tbl}
+                    RENAME TO {self.model_input_tbl}
+            """.format(self=self))
+        ind_shape = self.ind_shape_col
+        dep_shape = self.dep_shape_col
         dep_var = mb_dep_var_col
         indep_var = mb_indep_var_col
         source_table = self.source_table
-        where_clause = "WHERE {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col} IS NOT NULL".format(self=self)
         if self.use_caching:
             # Caching populates the independent_var and dependent_var into the cache on the very first hop
             # For the very_first_hop, we want to run the transition function on all segments, including
-            # the one's where the mst_key is NULL (for #mst < #seg), therefore we remove the NOT NULL check
+            # the ones where the mst_key is NULL (for #mst < #seg), therefore we remove the NOT NULL check
             # on mst_key. Once the cache is populated, with the independent_var and dependent_var values
             # for all subsequent hops pass independent_var and dependent_var as NULL's and use a dummy src
             # table to join for referencing the dist_key
             if is_very_first_hop:
                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {self.cached_source_table};
-                    CREATE TABLE {self.cached_source_table} AS SELECT {dist_key_col} FROM {self.source_table} GROUP BY {dist_key_col} DISTRIBUTED BY({dist_key_col});
-                    """.format(self=self, dist_key_col=dist_key_col))
+                    CREATE TABLE {self.cached_source_table} AS
+                        SELECT {self.dist_key_col} FROM {self.source_table}
+                            GROUP BY {self.dist_key_col}
+                                DISTRIBUTED BY({self.dist_key_col});
+                    """.format(self=self))
-                dep_shape_col = 'ARRAY[0]'
-                ind_shape_col = 'ARRAY[0]'
-                dep_var = 'NULL'
-                indep_var = 'NULL'
+                dep_shape = ind_shape = 'NULL'
+                dep_var = indep_var = 'NULL'
                 source_table = self.cached_source_table
-            if is_very_first_hop or self.is_final_training_call:
-                where_clause = ""
-        uda_query = """
-            CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.weights_to_update_tbl} AS
-            SELECT {self.schema_madlib}.fit_step_multiple_model({mb_dep_var_col},
-                {mb_indep_var_col},
-                {dep_shape_col},
-                {ind_shape_col},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.model_arch_col}::TEXT,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.compile_params_col}::TEXT,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.fit_params_col}::TEXT,
-                src.{dist_key_col},
-                ARRAY{self.dist_key_mapping},
-                src.{self.gp_segment_id_col},
-                {self.segments_per_host},
-                ARRAY{self.images_per_seg_train},
-                {use_gpus}::BOOLEAN,
-                ARRAY{self.accessible_gpus_for_seg},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.model_weights_col}::BYTEA,
-                {is_final_training_call}::BOOLEAN,
-                {use_caching}::BOOLEAN,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.object_map_col}::BYTEA
-                )::BYTEA AS {self.model_weights_col},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col} AS {self.mst_key_col}
-                ,src.{dist_key_col} AS {dist_key_col}
-            FROM {source_table} src JOIN {self.mst_weights_tbl}
-                USING ({dist_key_col})
-            {where_clause}
-            GROUP BY src.{dist_key_col}, {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col}
-            DISTRIBUTED BY({dist_key_col})
-            """.format(mb_dep_var_col=dep_var,
-                       mb_indep_var_col=indep_var,
-                       dep_shape_col=dep_shape_col,
-                       ind_shape_col=ind_shape_col,
-                       is_final_training_call=self.is_final_training_call,
+        res = plpy.execute("""

Review comment:
       Is this plpy.execute only for the plpy info commands ? If yes, then maybe we should consider if we really need to run this plpy.execute and the plpy info prints

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_wrapper.py_in
@@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ def reset_cuda_env(value):
         if CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES_KEY in os.environ:
             del os.environ[CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES_KEY]
+def enable_xla():
+    os.environ['TF_XLA_FLAGS'] = '--tf_xla_auto_jit=2 --tf_xla_cpu_global_jit'
+    try:
+    except:
+        plpy.warning("This version of tensorflow does not support XLA auto-cluster JIT optimization.  HINT:  upgrading tensorflow may improve performance.")

Review comment:
       maybe we should be more specific with the upgrading hint since we don't support tf 2.0 yet.

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras.py_in
@@ -518,111 +567,130 @@ def fit_transition(state, dependent_var, independent_var, dependent_var_shape,
     # Fit segment model on data
     #TODO consider not doing this every time
     fit_params = parse_and_validate_fit_params(fit_params)
-, y_train, **fit_params)
+    with
+, y_train, **fit_params)
     # Aggregating number of images, loss and accuracy
     agg_image_count += len(x_train)
+    SD[SD_STORE.AGG_IMAGE_COUNT] = agg_image_count
     total_images = get_image_count_per_seg_from_array(dist_key_mapping.index(dist_key),
     is_last_row = agg_image_count == total_images
     return_state = get_state_to_return(segment_model, is_last_row, is_multiple_model,
                                        agg_image_count, total_images)
     if is_last_row:
+        SD[SD_STORE.AGG_IMAGE_COUNT] = 0  # Must be reset after each pass through images
         if is_final_iteration or is_multiple_model:
+    trans_exit_time = time.time()
+"|_fit_transition_time_|{}|".format(trans_exit_time - trans_enter_time))
+    SD[SD_STORE.TRANS_EXIT_TIME] = trans_exit_time
     return return_state
-def fit_multiple_transition_caching(state, dependent_var, independent_var, dependent_var_shape,
-                             independent_var_shape, model_architecture,
-                             compile_params, fit_params, dist_key, dist_key_mapping,
-                             current_seg_id, segments_per_host, images_per_seg, use_gpus,
-                             accessible_gpus_for_seg, prev_serialized_weights,
-                             is_final_training_call, custom_function_map=None, **kwargs):
+def fit_multiple_transition_caching(
+    dependent_var, independent_var, dependent_var_shape, independent_var_shape,
+    model_architecture, compile_params, fit_params, dist_key, dist_key_mapping,
+    current_seg_id, segments_per_host, images_per_seg, use_gpus, accessible_gpus_for_seg,
+    serialized_weights, is_final_training_call, custom_function_map=None, **kwargs):
     This transition function is called when caching is called for
-    The input params: dependent_var, independent_var are passed in
-    as None and dependent_var_shape, independent_var_shape as [0]
-    for all hops except the very first hop
+    The input params: dependent_var, independent_var,
+    dependent_var_shape and independent_var_shape are passed
+    in as None for all hops except the very first hop
     Some things to note in this function are:
-    - prev_serialized_weights can be passed in as None for the
+    - weights can be passed in as None for the
       very first hop and the final training call
     - x_train, y_train and cache_set is cleared from SD for
-      final_training_call = TRUE
+      is_final_training_call = True
-    if not state:
-        agg_image_count = 0
+    SD = kwargs['SD']
+    trans_enter_time = time.time()
+    trans_exit_time = None
+        trans_exit_time = SD[SD_STORE.TRANS_EXIT_TIME]
+        SD[SD_STORE.TRANS_EXIT_TIME] = trans_enter_time
+        agg_image_count = SD[SD_STORE.AGG_IMAGE_COUNT]
-        agg_image_count = float(state)
+        agg_image_count = 0
+        SD[SD_STORE.AGG_IMAGE_COUNT] = agg_image_count
-    SD = kwargs['SD']
-    is_cache_set = 'cache_set' in SD
+    if agg_image_count > 0:
+        if trans_exit_time:
+  "|_gpdb_btw_rows_time_|{}|".format(trans_enter_time - trans_exit_time))
+    else:
+        if trans_exit_time:
+  "|_gpdb_btw_hops_end_time_|{}|".format(trans_enter_time - trans_exit_time))
     # Prepare the data
-    if is_cache_set:
+    if dependent_var_shape is None:
         if 'x_train' not in SD or 'y_train' not in SD:
             plpy.error("cache not populated properly.")
-        total_images = None
         is_last_row = True
+        total_images = None
-        if not independent_var or not dependent_var:
-            return state
-        if 'x_train' not in SD:
+        if 'x_train' not in SD or 'y_train' not in SD:
             SD['x_train'] = list()
             SD['y_train'] = list()
         agg_image_count += independent_var_shape[0]
-        total_images = get_image_count_per_seg_from_array(dist_key_mapping.index(dist_key),
-                                                          images_per_seg)
+        SD[SD_STORE.AGG_IMAGE_COUNT] = agg_image_count
+        total_images = get_image_count_per_seg_from_array(
+            dist_key_mapping.index(dist_key), images_per_seg
+        )
         is_last_row = agg_image_count == total_images
-        if is_last_row:
-            SD['cache_set'] = True
         x_train_current = np_array_float32(independent_var, independent_var_shape)
         y_train_current = np_array_int16(dependent_var, dependent_var_shape)
     # Passed in weights can be None. Irrespective of the weights, we want to populate the cache for the very first hop.
     # But if the weights are None, we do not want to set any model. So early return in that case
-    if prev_serialized_weights is None:
+    if serialized_weights is None:
         if is_final_training_call:
             del SD['x_train']
             del SD['y_train']
-            del SD['cache_set']
-        return float(agg_image_count)
+        return None
     segment_model = None
     if is_last_row:
         device_name = get_device_name_and_set_cuda_env(accessible_gpus_for_seg[current_seg_id], current_seg_id)
-        segment_model, sess = get_init_model_and_sess(SD, device_name,
-                                                      accessible_gpus_for_seg[current_seg_id],
-                                                      segments_per_host,
-                                                      model_architecture, compile_params,
-                                                      custom_function_map)
-        set_model_weights(segment_model, prev_serialized_weights)
+        with

Review comment:
       we already wrap the code with inside the get_init_model_and_sess function. We don't really need to do it here as well.

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras.sql_in
@@ -1793,13 +1793,23 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MADLIB_SCHEMA.fit_transition(
     segments_per_host           INTEGER,
     images_per_seg              INTEGER[],
     use_gpus                    BOOLEAN,
-    accessible_gpus_for_seg                INTEGER[],
+    accessible_gpus_for_seg     INTEGER[],
     prev_serialized_weights     BYTEA,
     is_final_iteration          BOOLEAN,
-    custom_function_map        BYTEA
+    custom_function_map         BYTEA
 PythonFunctionBodyOnlyNoSchema(`deep_learning', `madlib_keras')
-    return madlib_keras.fit_transition(**globals())
+    import traceback
+    from sys import exc_info
+    import plpy
+    try:
+        return madlib_keras.fit_transition(**globals())
+    except Exception as e:
+        etype, _, tb = exc_info()
+        detail = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, e, tb))
+        message = e.args[0] + 'TransAggDetail' + detail

Review comment:
       Instead of adding`TransAggDetail` to the error message, why not use a keyword that is more relevant for the fit multiple UDF ? If there is a specific reason for adding this keyword, I would recommend documenting it.

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model.py_in
@@ -629,149 +794,187 @@ class FitMultipleModel():
         # Therefore we want to have queries that do not add motions and all the
         # sub-queries running Keras/tensorflow operations reuse the same slice(process)
         # that was used for initializing GPU memory.
-        use_gpus = self.use_gpus if self.use_gpus else False
-        mst_weights_query = """
-            CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.mst_weights_tbl} AS
-                SELECT mst_tbl.*, wgh_tbl.{self.model_weights_col},
-                       model_arch_tbl.{self.model_arch_col}
-                FROM
-                    {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl} mst_tbl
-                    LEFT JOIN {self.model_output_table} wgh_tbl
-                    ON mst_tbl.{self.mst_key_col} = wgh_tbl.{self.mst_key_col}
-                        LEFT JOIN {self.model_arch_table} model_arch_tbl
-                        ON mst_tbl.{self.model_id_col} = model_arch_tbl.{self.model_id_col}
-                DISTRIBUTED BY ({dist_key_col})
-        """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col,
-                   **locals())
-        plpy.execute(mst_weights_query)
-        use_gpus = self.use_gpus if self.use_gpus else False
-        dep_shape_col = self.dep_shape_col
-        ind_shape_col = self.ind_shape_col
+        DEBUG.start_timing("run_training")
+        if hop > 0:
+            DEBUG.print_mst_keys(self.model_output_tbl, 'before_hop')
+            DEBUG.start_timing("hop")
+            hop_query = """
+                CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.model_input_tbl} AS
+                    SELECT o.{self.mst_key_col},
+                           o.{self.model_weights_col},
+                           o.{self.model_arch_col},
+                           o.{self.compile_params_col},
+                           o.{self.fit_params_col},
+                           o.{self.object_map_col},
+                           s.{self.dist_key_col}
+                    FROM {self.model_output_tbl} o JOIN {self.schedule_tbl} s
+                        ON o.{self.dist_key_col} = s.{self.prev_dist_key_col}
+                    DISTRIBUTED BY ({self.dist_key_col});
+            """.format(self=self)
+            DEBUG.plpy.execute(hop_query)
+            DEBUG.print_timing("hop")
+            DEBUG.print_mst_keys(self.model_input_tbl, 'after_hop')
+            DEBUG.start_timing("truncate_output")
+            self.truncate_and_drop(self.model_output_tbl)
+            DEBUG.print_timing("truncate_output")
+        else:
+            # Skip hop if it's the first in an iteration, just rename
+            plpy.execute("""
+                ALTER TABLE {self.model_output_tbl}
+                    RENAME TO {self.model_input_tbl}
+            """.format(self=self))
+        ind_shape = self.ind_shape_col
+        dep_shape = self.dep_shape_col
         dep_var = mb_dep_var_col
         indep_var = mb_indep_var_col
         source_table = self.source_table
-        where_clause = "WHERE {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col} IS NOT NULL".format(self=self)
         if self.use_caching:
             # Caching populates the independent_var and dependent_var into the cache on the very first hop
             # For the very_first_hop, we want to run the transition function on all segments, including
-            # the one's where the mst_key is NULL (for #mst < #seg), therefore we remove the NOT NULL check
+            # the ones where the mst_key is NULL (for #mst < #seg), therefore we remove the NOT NULL check
             # on mst_key. Once the cache is populated, with the independent_var and dependent_var values
             # for all subsequent hops pass independent_var and dependent_var as NULL's and use a dummy src
             # table to join for referencing the dist_key
             if is_very_first_hop:
                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {self.cached_source_table};
-                    CREATE TABLE {self.cached_source_table} AS SELECT {dist_key_col} FROM {self.source_table} GROUP BY {dist_key_col} DISTRIBUTED BY({dist_key_col});
-                    """.format(self=self, dist_key_col=dist_key_col))
+                    CREATE TABLE {self.cached_source_table} AS
+                        SELECT {self.dist_key_col} FROM {self.source_table}
+                            GROUP BY {self.dist_key_col}
+                                DISTRIBUTED BY({self.dist_key_col});
+                    """.format(self=self))
-                dep_shape_col = 'ARRAY[0]'
-                ind_shape_col = 'ARRAY[0]'
-                dep_var = 'NULL'
-                indep_var = 'NULL'
+                dep_shape = ind_shape = 'NULL'
+                dep_var = indep_var = 'NULL'
                 source_table = self.cached_source_table
-            if is_very_first_hop or self.is_final_training_call:
-                where_clause = ""
-        uda_query = """
-            CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.weights_to_update_tbl} AS
-            SELECT {self.schema_madlib}.fit_step_multiple_model({mb_dep_var_col},
-                {mb_indep_var_col},
-                {dep_shape_col},
-                {ind_shape_col},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.model_arch_col}::TEXT,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.compile_params_col}::TEXT,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.fit_params_col}::TEXT,
-                src.{dist_key_col},
-                ARRAY{self.dist_key_mapping},
-                src.{self.gp_segment_id_col},
-                {self.segments_per_host},
-                ARRAY{self.images_per_seg_train},
-                {use_gpus}::BOOLEAN,
-                ARRAY{self.accessible_gpus_for_seg},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.model_weights_col}::BYTEA,
-                {is_final_training_call}::BOOLEAN,
-                {use_caching}::BOOLEAN,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.object_map_col}::BYTEA
-                )::BYTEA AS {self.model_weights_col},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col} AS {self.mst_key_col}
-                ,src.{dist_key_col} AS {dist_key_col}
-            FROM {source_table} src JOIN {self.mst_weights_tbl}
-                USING ({dist_key_col})
-            {where_clause}
-            GROUP BY src.{dist_key_col}, {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col}
-            DISTRIBUTED BY({dist_key_col})
-            """.format(mb_dep_var_col=dep_var,
-                       mb_indep_var_col=indep_var,
-                       dep_shape_col=dep_shape_col,
-                       ind_shape_col=ind_shape_col,
-                       is_final_training_call=self.is_final_training_call,
+        res = plpy.execute("""
+            SELECT count(*)
+            FROM {self.model_input_tbl}
+        """.format(self=self))
+        if res:
+  "rows in model_input table: {}".format(res[0]['count']))
+        else:
+            DEBUG.plpy.error("No rows in model_input table!")
+#TODO: prepare this statement once, then just fill in the params with execute()
+#      on all the rest of the hops / iterations
+        DEBUG.start_timing("udf")
+        udf_query = plpy.prepare("""
+            CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.model_output_tbl} AS
+            SELECT
+                model_in.{self.mst_key_col},
+                CASE WHEN model_in.{self.dist_key_col} > {self.max_dist_key}
+                THEN
+                    model_in.{self.model_weights_col}
+                ELSE
+                    {self.schema_madlib}.fit_transition_multiple_model(
+                        {dep_var_col},
+                        {indep_var_col},
+                        {dep_shape},
+                        {ind_shape},
+                        model_in.{self.model_arch_col}::TEXT,
+                        model_in.{self.compile_params_col}::TEXT,
+                        model_in.{self.fit_params_col}::TEXT,
+                        src.{self.dist_key_col},
+                        ARRAY{self.dist_key_mapping},
+                        src.{self.gp_segment_id_col},
+                        {self.segments_per_host},
+                        ARRAY{self.images_per_seg_train},
+                        {self.use_gpus}::BOOLEAN,
+                        ARRAY{self.accessible_gpus_for_seg},
+                        model_in.{self.model_weights_col}::BYTEA,
+                        {self.is_final_training_call}::BOOLEAN,
+                        {use_caching}::BOOLEAN,
+                        model_in.{self.object_map_col}::BYTEA
+                    )
+                END::BYTEA AS {self.model_weights_col},
+                model_in.{self.model_arch_col},
+                model_in.{self.compile_params_col},
+                model_in.{self.fit_params_col},
+                model_in.{self.object_map_col},
+                model_in.{self.dist_key_col}
+            FROM {self.model_input_tbl} model_in
+                FULL JOIN {source_table} src
+                USING ({self.dist_key_col}) 
+            DISTRIBUTED BY({self.dist_key_col})
+            """.format(dep_var_col=dep_var,
+                       indep_var_col=indep_var,
+                       dep_shape=dep_shape,
+                       ind_shape=ind_shape,
-                       dist_key_col=dist_key_col,
-                       use_gpus=use_gpus,
-                       where_clause=where_clause,
-        plpy.execute(uda_query)
+        )
+        try:
+            plpy.execute(udf_query)
+        except plpy.SPIError as e:
+            msg = e.message
+            if not 'TransAggDetail' in msg:
+                raise e
+            e.message, detail = msg.split('TransAggDetail')
+            # Extract Traceback from segment, add to
+            #  DETAIL of error message on coordinator
+            e.args = (e.message,)
+            spidata = list(e.spidata)
+            spidata[1] = detail
+            e.spidata = tuple(spidata)
+            raise e
+        DEBUG.print_timing("udf")
+        res = plpy.execute("""

Review comment:
       Same as the previous comment
   `Is this plpy.execute only for the plpy info commands ? If yes, then maybe we should consider if we really need to run this plpy.execute and the plpy info prints`

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model.py_in
@@ -629,149 +794,187 @@ class FitMultipleModel():
         # Therefore we want to have queries that do not add motions and all the
         # sub-queries running Keras/tensorflow operations reuse the same slice(process)
         # that was used for initializing GPU memory.
-        use_gpus = self.use_gpus if self.use_gpus else False
-        mst_weights_query = """
-            CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.mst_weights_tbl} AS
-                SELECT mst_tbl.*, wgh_tbl.{self.model_weights_col},
-                       model_arch_tbl.{self.model_arch_col}
-                FROM
-                    {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl} mst_tbl
-                    LEFT JOIN {self.model_output_table} wgh_tbl
-                    ON mst_tbl.{self.mst_key_col} = wgh_tbl.{self.mst_key_col}
-                        LEFT JOIN {self.model_arch_table} model_arch_tbl
-                        ON mst_tbl.{self.model_id_col} = model_arch_tbl.{self.model_id_col}
-                DISTRIBUTED BY ({dist_key_col})
-        """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col,
-                   **locals())
-        plpy.execute(mst_weights_query)
-        use_gpus = self.use_gpus if self.use_gpus else False
-        dep_shape_col = self.dep_shape_col
-        ind_shape_col = self.ind_shape_col
+        DEBUG.start_timing("run_training")
+        if hop > 0:
+            DEBUG.print_mst_keys(self.model_output_tbl, 'before_hop')
+            DEBUG.start_timing("hop")
+            hop_query = """
+                CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.model_input_tbl} AS
+                    SELECT o.{self.mst_key_col},
+                           o.{self.model_weights_col},
+                           o.{self.model_arch_col},
+                           o.{self.compile_params_col},
+                           o.{self.fit_params_col},
+                           o.{self.object_map_col},
+                           s.{self.dist_key_col}
+                    FROM {self.model_output_tbl} o JOIN {self.schedule_tbl} s
+                        ON o.{self.dist_key_col} = s.{self.prev_dist_key_col}
+                    DISTRIBUTED BY ({self.dist_key_col});
+            """.format(self=self)
+            DEBUG.plpy.execute(hop_query)
+            DEBUG.print_timing("hop")
+            DEBUG.print_mst_keys(self.model_input_tbl, 'after_hop')
+            DEBUG.start_timing("truncate_output")
+            self.truncate_and_drop(self.model_output_tbl)
+            DEBUG.print_timing("truncate_output")
+        else:
+            # Skip hop if it's the first in an iteration, just rename
+            plpy.execute("""
+                ALTER TABLE {self.model_output_tbl}
+                    RENAME TO {self.model_input_tbl}
+            """.format(self=self))
+        ind_shape = self.ind_shape_col
+        dep_shape = self.dep_shape_col
         dep_var = mb_dep_var_col
         indep_var = mb_indep_var_col
         source_table = self.source_table
-        where_clause = "WHERE {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col} IS NOT NULL".format(self=self)
         if self.use_caching:
             # Caching populates the independent_var and dependent_var into the cache on the very first hop
             # For the very_first_hop, we want to run the transition function on all segments, including
-            # the one's where the mst_key is NULL (for #mst < #seg), therefore we remove the NOT NULL check
+            # the ones where the mst_key is NULL (for #mst < #seg), therefore we remove the NOT NULL check
             # on mst_key. Once the cache is populated, with the independent_var and dependent_var values
             # for all subsequent hops pass independent_var and dependent_var as NULL's and use a dummy src
             # table to join for referencing the dist_key
             if is_very_first_hop:
                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {self.cached_source_table};
-                    CREATE TABLE {self.cached_source_table} AS SELECT {dist_key_col} FROM {self.source_table} GROUP BY {dist_key_col} DISTRIBUTED BY({dist_key_col});
-                    """.format(self=self, dist_key_col=dist_key_col))
+                    CREATE TABLE {self.cached_source_table} AS
+                        SELECT {self.dist_key_col} FROM {self.source_table}
+                            GROUP BY {self.dist_key_col}
+                                DISTRIBUTED BY({self.dist_key_col});
+                    """.format(self=self))
-                dep_shape_col = 'ARRAY[0]'
-                ind_shape_col = 'ARRAY[0]'
-                dep_var = 'NULL'
-                indep_var = 'NULL'
+                dep_shape = ind_shape = 'NULL'
+                dep_var = indep_var = 'NULL'
                 source_table = self.cached_source_table
-            if is_very_first_hop or self.is_final_training_call:
-                where_clause = ""
-        uda_query = """
-            CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.weights_to_update_tbl} AS
-            SELECT {self.schema_madlib}.fit_step_multiple_model({mb_dep_var_col},
-                {mb_indep_var_col},
-                {dep_shape_col},
-                {ind_shape_col},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.model_arch_col}::TEXT,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.compile_params_col}::TEXT,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.fit_params_col}::TEXT,
-                src.{dist_key_col},
-                ARRAY{self.dist_key_mapping},
-                src.{self.gp_segment_id_col},
-                {self.segments_per_host},
-                ARRAY{self.images_per_seg_train},
-                {use_gpus}::BOOLEAN,
-                ARRAY{self.accessible_gpus_for_seg},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.model_weights_col}::BYTEA,
-                {is_final_training_call}::BOOLEAN,
-                {use_caching}::BOOLEAN,
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.object_map_col}::BYTEA
-                )::BYTEA AS {self.model_weights_col},
-                {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col} AS {self.mst_key_col}
-                ,src.{dist_key_col} AS {dist_key_col}
-            FROM {source_table} src JOIN {self.mst_weights_tbl}
-                USING ({dist_key_col})
-            {where_clause}
-            GROUP BY src.{dist_key_col}, {self.mst_weights_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col}
-            DISTRIBUTED BY({dist_key_col})
-            """.format(mb_dep_var_col=dep_var,
-                       mb_indep_var_col=indep_var,
-                       dep_shape_col=dep_shape_col,
-                       ind_shape_col=ind_shape_col,
-                       is_final_training_call=self.is_final_training_call,
+        res = plpy.execute("""
+            SELECT count(*)
+            FROM {self.model_input_tbl}
+        """.format(self=self))
+        if res:
+  "rows in model_input table: {}".format(res[0]['count']))
+        else:
+            DEBUG.plpy.error("No rows in model_input table!")
+#TODO: prepare this statement once, then just fill in the params with execute()
+#      on all the rest of the hops / iterations
+        DEBUG.start_timing("udf")
+        udf_query = plpy.prepare("""
+            CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.model_output_tbl} AS
+            SELECT
+                model_in.{self.mst_key_col},
+                CASE WHEN model_in.{self.dist_key_col} > {self.max_dist_key}
+                THEN
+                    model_in.{self.model_weights_col}
+                ELSE
+                    {self.schema_madlib}.fit_transition_multiple_model(
+                        {dep_var_col},
+                        {indep_var_col},
+                        {dep_shape},
+                        {ind_shape},
+                        model_in.{self.model_arch_col}::TEXT,
+                        model_in.{self.compile_params_col}::TEXT,
+                        model_in.{self.fit_params_col}::TEXT,
+                        src.{self.dist_key_col},
+                        ARRAY{self.dist_key_mapping},
+                        src.{self.gp_segment_id_col},
+                        {self.segments_per_host},
+                        ARRAY{self.images_per_seg_train},
+                        {self.use_gpus}::BOOLEAN,
+                        ARRAY{self.accessible_gpus_for_seg},
+                        model_in.{self.model_weights_col}::BYTEA,
+                        {self.is_final_training_call}::BOOLEAN,
+                        {use_caching}::BOOLEAN,
+                        model_in.{self.object_map_col}::BYTEA
+                    )
+                END::BYTEA AS {self.model_weights_col},
+                model_in.{self.model_arch_col},
+                model_in.{self.compile_params_col},
+                model_in.{self.fit_params_col},
+                model_in.{self.object_map_col},
+                model_in.{self.dist_key_col}
+            FROM {self.model_input_tbl} model_in
+                FULL JOIN {source_table} src
+                USING ({self.dist_key_col}) 
+            DISTRIBUTED BY({self.dist_key_col})
+            """.format(dep_var_col=dep_var,
+                       indep_var_col=indep_var,
+                       dep_shape=dep_shape,
+                       ind_shape=ind_shape,
-                       dist_key_col=dist_key_col,
-                       use_gpus=use_gpus,
-                       where_clause=where_clause,
-        plpy.execute(uda_query)
+        )
+        try:
+            plpy.execute(udf_query)
+        except plpy.SPIError as e:
+            msg = e.message
+            if not 'TransAggDetail' in msg:
+                raise e
+            e.message, detail = msg.split('TransAggDetail')
+            # Extract Traceback from segment, add to
+            #  DETAIL of error message on coordinator
+            e.args = (e.message,)
+            spidata = list(e.spidata)
+            spidata[1] = detail
+            e.spidata = tuple(spidata)
+            raise e
+        DEBUG.print_timing("udf")
+        res = plpy.execute("""
+            SELECT {self.mst_key_col} AS mst_key, {self.model_weights_col} IS NOT NULL AS weights
+                FROM {self.model_output_tbl}
+        """.format(self=self))
+        if res:
+            null_msts = len([None for row in res if row['mst_key'] is None])
+            null_weights = len([None for row in res if row['weights'] is False])
+                "{} rows total ({} mst_key=NULL and {} weights=NULL) in model_output table."\
+                    .format(res.nrows(), null_msts, null_weights))
+        else:
+            plpy.error("No rows in output of UDF!")
-        update_query = """
-            UPDATE {self.model_output_table}
-            SET {self.model_weights_col} = {self.weights_to_update_tbl}.{self.model_weights_col}
-            FROM {self.weights_to_update_tbl}
-            WHERE {self.model_output_table}.{self.mst_key_col} = {self.weights_to_update_tbl}.{self.mst_key_col}
-        """.format(self=self)
-        plpy.execute(update_query)
+        plpy.execute("DELETE FROM {self.model_output_tbl} WHERE model_weights IS NULL".format(self=self))

Review comment:
       Instead of running a DELETE command, can't we filter out the null model_weights when executing the udf query?

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model.py_in
@@ -337,183 +376,308 @@ class FitMultipleModel():
             local_loss = compile_dict['loss'].lower() if 'loss' in compile_dict else None
             local_metric = compile_dict['metrics'].lower()[2:-2] if 'metrics' in compile_dict else None
             if local_loss and (local_loss not in [a.lower() for a in builtin_losses]):
-                custom_fn_names.append(local_loss)
-                custom_fn_mst_idx.append(mst_idx)
+                custom_fn_names.add(local_loss)
+                custom_msts.append(mst)
             if local_metric and (local_metric not in [a.lower() for a in builtin_metrics]):
-                custom_fn_names.append(local_metric)
-                custom_fn_mst_idx.append(mst_idx)
-        if len(custom_fn_names) > 0:
-            # Pass only unique custom_fn_names to query from object table
-            custom_fn_object_map = query_custom_functions_map(self.object_table, list(set(custom_fn_names)))
-            for mst_idx in custom_fn_mst_idx:
-                self.msts[mst_idx][self.object_map_col] = custom_fn_object_map
-    def create_mst_schedule_table(self, mst_row):
-        mst_temp_query = """
-                         CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl}
-                                ({self.model_id_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.compile_params_col} VARCHAR,
-                                 {self.fit_params_col} VARCHAR,
-                                 {dist_key_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.mst_key_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.object_map_col} BYTEA)
-                         """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col, **locals())
-        plpy.execute(mst_temp_query)
-        for mst, dist_key in zip(mst_row, self.dist_keys):
-            if mst:
-                model_id = mst[self.model_id_col]
-                compile_params = mst[self.compile_params_col]
-                fit_params = mst[self.fit_params_col]
-                mst_key = mst[self.mst_key_col]
-                object_map = mst[self.object_map_col]
-            else:
-                model_id = "NULL"
-                compile_params = "NULL"
-                fit_params = "NULL"
-                mst_key = "NULL"
-                object_map = None
-            mst_insert_query = plpy.prepare(
-                               """
-                               INSERT INTO {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl}
-                                   VALUES ({model_id},
-                                           $madlib${compile_params}$madlib$,
-                                           $madlib${fit_params}$madlib$,
-                                           {dist_key},
-                                           {mst_key},
-                                           $1)
-                                """.format(**locals()), ["BYTEA"])
-            plpy.execute(mst_insert_query, [object_map])
-    def create_model_output_table(self):
-        output_table_create_query = """
-                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table}
-                                    ({self.mst_key_col} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-                                     {self.model_weights_col} BYTEA,
-                                     {self.model_arch_col} JSON)
-                                    """.format(self=self)
-        plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
-        self.initialize_model_output_and_info()
+                custom_fn_names.add(local_metric)
+                custom_msts.append(mst)
+        self.custom_fn_object_map = query_custom_functions_map(self.object_table, custom_fn_names)
+        for mst in custom_msts:
+            mst[self.object_map_col] = self.custom_fn_object_map
+        self.custom_mst_keys = { mst['mst_key'] for mst in custom_msts }
+    def init_schedule_tbl(self):
+        self.prev_dist_key_col = '__prev_dist_key__'
+        mst_key_list = '[' + ','.join(self.all_mst_keys) + ']'
+        create_sched_query = """
+            CREATE TABLE {self.schedule_tbl} AS
+                WITH map AS
+                    (SELECT
+                        unnest(ARRAY{mst_key_list}) {self.mst_key_col},
+                        unnest(ARRAY{self.all_dist_keys}) {self.dist_key_col}
+                    )
+                SELECT
+                    map.{self.mst_key_col},
+                    {self.model_id_col},
+                    map.{self.dist_key_col} AS {self.prev_dist_key_col},
+                    map.{self.dist_key_col}
+                FROM map LEFT JOIN {self.model_selection_table}
+                    USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+            DISTRIBUTED BY ({self.dist_key_col})
+        """.format(self=self, mst_key_list=mst_key_list)
+        DEBUG.plpy.execute(create_sched_query)

Review comment:
       In the current implementation of `DEBUG.plpy.execute`, we still execute the query but don't print the plan or the timing.
   It's a bit confusing to see the word DEBUG in front of plpy.execute and not assume that this query will only be executed when the debug flag is turned on.
   So I would suggest the following
   1. Reduce the number of DEBUG.plpy.executes to only a couple maybe just the hop and the udf query
   2. Not use the word DEBUG but something like `plpy_execute` so as to not confuse the reader

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras.py_in
@@ -495,21 +500,45 @@ def fit_transition(state, dependent_var, independent_var, dependent_var_shape,
         b. keras session is cleared at the end of the final iteration,
         i.e, last row of last iteration.
-    if not independent_var or not dependent_var:
+    if not dependent_var_shape:
+        plpy.error("fit_transition called with no data")
+    if not prev_serialized_weights or not model_architecture:
         return state
     SD = kwargs['SD']
+    trans_enter_time = time.time()
+    trans_exit_time = None
+        trans_exit_time = SD[SD_STORE.TRANS_EXIT_TIME]
     device_name = get_device_name_and_set_cuda_env(accessible_gpus_for_seg[current_seg_id], current_seg_id)
-    segment_model, sess = get_init_model_and_sess(SD, device_name,
-                                                  accessible_gpus_for_seg[current_seg_id],
-                                                  segments_per_host,
-                                                  model_architecture, compile_params,
-                                                  custom_function_map)
-    if not state:
+    with

Review comment:
       we already wrap the code with `` inside the `get_init_model_and_sess` function. We don't really need to do it here as well. 

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model.py_in
@@ -337,183 +377,307 @@ class FitMultipleModel():
             local_loss = compile_dict['loss'].lower() if 'loss' in compile_dict else None
             local_metric = compile_dict['metrics'].lower()[2:-2] if 'metrics' in compile_dict else None
             if local_loss and (local_loss not in [a.lower() for a in builtin_losses]):
-                custom_fn_names.append(local_loss)
-                custom_fn_mst_idx.append(mst_idx)
+                custom_fn_names.add(local_loss)
+                custom_msts.append(mst)
             if local_metric and (local_metric not in [a.lower() for a in builtin_metrics]):
-                custom_fn_names.append(local_metric)
-                custom_fn_mst_idx.append(mst_idx)
-        if len(custom_fn_names) > 0:
-            # Pass only unique custom_fn_names to query from object table
-            custom_fn_object_map = query_custom_functions_map(self.object_table, list(set(custom_fn_names)))
-            for mst_idx in custom_fn_mst_idx:
-                self.msts[mst_idx][self.object_map_col] = custom_fn_object_map
-    def create_mst_schedule_table(self, mst_row):
-        mst_temp_query = """
-                         CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl}
-                                ({self.model_id_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.compile_params_col} VARCHAR,
-                                 {self.fit_params_col} VARCHAR,
-                                 {dist_key_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.mst_key_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.object_map_col} BYTEA)
-                         """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col, **locals())
-        plpy.execute(mst_temp_query)
-        for mst, dist_key in zip(mst_row, self.dist_keys):
-            if mst:
-                model_id = mst[self.model_id_col]
-                compile_params = mst[self.compile_params_col]
-                fit_params = mst[self.fit_params_col]
-                mst_key = mst[self.mst_key_col]
-                object_map = mst[self.object_map_col]
-            else:
-                model_id = "NULL"
-                compile_params = "NULL"
-                fit_params = "NULL"
-                mst_key = "NULL"
-                object_map = None
-            mst_insert_query = plpy.prepare(
-                               """
-                               INSERT INTO {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl}
-                                   VALUES ({model_id},
-                                           $madlib${compile_params}$madlib$,
-                                           $madlib${fit_params}$madlib$,
-                                           {dist_key},
-                                           {mst_key},
-                                           $1)
-                                """.format(**locals()), ["BYTEA"])
-            plpy.execute(mst_insert_query, [object_map])
-    def create_model_output_table(self):
-        output_table_create_query = """
-                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table}
-                                    ({self.mst_key_col} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-                                     {self.model_weights_col} BYTEA,
-                                     {self.model_arch_col} JSON)
-                                    """.format(self=self)
-        plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
-        self.initialize_model_output_and_info()
+                custom_fn_names.add(local_metric)
+                custom_msts.append(mst)
-    def create_model_output_table_warm_start(self):
+        self.custom_fn_object_map = query_custom_functions_map(self.object_table, custom_fn_names)
+        for mst in custom_msts:
+            mst[self.object_map_col] = self.custom_fn_object_map
+        self.custom_mst_keys = { mst['mst_key'] for mst in custom_msts }
+    def init_schedule_tbl(self):
+        self.prev_dist_key_col = '__prev_dist_key__'
+        mst_key_list = '[' + ','.join(self.all_mst_keys) + ']'
+        create_sched_query = """
+            CREATE TABLE {self.schedule_tbl} AS
+                WITH map AS
+                    (SELECT
+                        unnest(ARRAY{mst_key_list}) {self.mst_key_col},
+                        unnest(ARRAY{self.all_dist_keys}) {self.dist_key_col}
+                    )
+                SELECT
+                    map.{self.mst_key_col},
+                    {self.model_id_col},
+                    map.{self.dist_key_col} AS {self.prev_dist_key_col},
+                    map.{self.dist_key_col}
+                FROM map LEFT JOIN {self.model_selection_table}
+                    USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+            DISTRIBUTED BY ({self.dist_key_col})
+        """.format(self=self, mst_key_list=mst_key_list)
+        DEBUG.plpy.execute(create_sched_query)
+    def rotate_schedule_tbl(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, 'rotate_schedule_plan'):
+            self.next_schedule_tbl = unique_string('next_schedule')
+            rotate_schedule_tbl_query = """
+                CREATE TABLE {self.next_schedule_tbl} AS
+                    SELECT
+                        {self.mst_key_col},
+                        {self.model_id_col},
+                        {self.dist_key_col} AS {self.prev_dist_key_col},
+                        COALESCE(
+                            LEAD({self.dist_key_col})
+                                OVER(ORDER BY {self.dist_key_col}),
+                            FIRST_VALUE({self.dist_key_col})
+                                OVER(ORDER BY {self.dist_key_col})
+                        ) AS {self.dist_key_col}
+                    FROM {self.schedule_tbl};
+            """.format(self=self)
+            self.rotate_schedule_tbl_plan = plpy.prepare(rotate_schedule_tbl_query)
+        plpy.execute(self.rotate_schedule_tbl_plan)
+        self.truncate_and_drop(self.schedule_tbl)
+        plpy.execute("""
+            ALTER TABLE {self.next_schedule_tbl}
+            RENAME TO {self.schedule_tbl}
+        """.format(self=self))
+    def load_warm_start_weights(self):
-        For warm start, we need to copy the model output table to a temp table
-        because we call truncate on the model output table while training.
-        If the query gets aborted, we need to make sure that the user passed
-        model output table can be recovered.
+        For warm start, we need to copy any rows of the model output
+        table provided by the user whose mst keys appear in the
+        supplied model selection table.  We also copy over the 
+        compile & fit params from the model_selection_table, and
+        the dist_key's from the schedule table.
-        plpy.execute("""
-            CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table} (
-            LIKE {self.original_model_output_table} INCLUDING indexes);
-            """.format(self=self))
+        load_warm_start_weights_query = """
+            INSERT INTO {self.model_output_tbl}
+                SELECT s.{self.mst_key_col},
+                    o.{self.model_weights_col},
+                    o.{self.model_arch_col},
+                    m.{self.compile_params_col},
+                    m.{self.fit_params_col},
+                    NULL AS {self.object_map_col}, -- Fill in later
+                    s.{self.dist_key_col}
+                FROM {self.schedule_tbl} s
+                    JOIN {self.model_selection_table} m
+                        USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+                    JOIN {self.original_model_output_tbl} o
+                        USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+        """.format(self=self)
+        DEBUG.plpy.execute(load_warm_start_weights_query)
-        plpy.execute("""INSERT INTO {self.model_output_table}
-            SELECT * FROM {self.original_model_output_table};
-            """.format(self=self))
+        plpy.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}".format(self.model_info_tbl))
-        plpy.execute(""" DELETE FROM {self.model_output_table}
-                WHERE {self.mst_key_col} NOT IN (
-                    SELECT {self.mst_key_col} FROM {self.model_selection_table})
-                """.format(self=self))
-        self.warm_start_msts = plpy.execute(
-            """ SELECT array_agg({0}) AS a FROM {1}
-            """.format(self.mst_key_col, self.model_output_table))[0]['a']
-        plpy.execute("DROP TABLE {0}".format(self.model_info_table))
-        self.initialize_model_output_and_info()
-    def initialize_model_output_and_info(self):
+    def load_xfer_learning_weights(self, warm_start=False):
+        """
+            Copy transfer learning weights from
+            model_arch table.  Ignore models with
+            no xfer learning weights, these will
+            be generated by keras and added one at a
+            time later.
+        """
+        load_xfer_learning_weights_query = """
+            INSERT INTO {self.model_output_tbl}
+                SELECT s.{self.mst_key_col},
+                    a.{self.model_weights_col},
+                    a.{self.model_arch_col},
+                    m.{self.compile_params_col},
+                    m.{self.fit_params_col},
+                    NULL AS {self.object_map_col}, -- Fill in later
+                    s.{self.dist_key_col}
+                FROM {self.schedule_tbl} s
+                    JOIN {self.model_selection_table} m
+                        USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+                    JOIN {self.model_arch_table} a
+                        ON m.{self.model_id_col} = a.{self.model_id_col}
+                WHERE a.{self.model_weights_col} IS NOT NULL;
+        """.format(self=self)
+        DEBUG.plpy.execute(load_xfer_learning_weights_query)
+    def init_model_output_tbl(self):
+        DEBUG.start_timing('init_model_output_and_info')
+        output_table_create_query = """
+                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_tbl}
+                                    ({self.mst_key_col} INTEGER,
+                                     {self.model_weights_col} BYTEA,
+                                     {self.model_arch_col} JSON,
+                                     {self.compile_params_col} TEXT,
+                                     {self.fit_params_col} TEXT,
+                                     {self.object_map_col} BYTEA,
+                                     {self.dist_key_col} INTEGER,
+                                     PRIMARY KEY ({self.mst_key_col}, {self.dist_key_col}))
+                                     DISTRIBUTED BY ({self.dist_key_col})
+                                    """.format(self=self)
+        plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
+        if self.warm_start:

Review comment:
       1. Maybe consider renaming these two functions since their only purpose is not to load the weights but also model_arch, compile_params, fit_params etc.
   1. Also consider not including the keyword `xfer_learning` in the function name since it is also used in the case where model_weights are null in the model arch table.

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_wrapper.py_in
@@ -81,6 +88,7 @@ def set_keras_session(device_name, gpu_count, segments_per_host):
         session = get_keras_session(device_name, gpu_count, segments_per_host)
+        enable_xla()

Review comment:
       enable_xla() is already called inside of `get_keras_session`. Since set_keras_session calls `get_keras_session`, we don't really need to call enable_xla() here

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/utilities/debug.py_in
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import plpy as plpy_orig
+import time
+from deep_learning.madlib_keras_model_selection import ModelSelectionSchema
+from deep_learning.madlib_keras_helper import DISTRIBUTION_KEY_COLNAME
+mst_key_col = ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY
+start_times = dict()
+timings_enabled = False
+def start_timing(msg, force=False):
+    if timings_enabled or force:
+        start_times[msg] = time.time()
+"|_{}_time_HDR|Elapsed (s)|Current|Current (s)|Start|Start (s)|".format(msg))
+def print_timing(msg, force=False):
+    if timings_enabled or force:
+        try:
+            start_time = start_times[msg]
+        except:
+            raise Exception(
+                "print_timing({msg}) called with no start_timing({msg})!".format(msg=msg)
+            )
+        current_time = time.time() 
+            '|_{0}_time|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}'.format(
+                msg,
+                current_time - start_time,
+                time.ctime(current_time),
+                current_time,
+                time.ctime(start_time),
+                start_time
+            )
+        )
+mst_keys_enabled = False
+def print_mst_keys(table, label, force=False):
+    if not (mst_keys_enabled or force):
+        return
+    res = plpy_orig.execute("""
+        SELECT gp_segment_id AS seg_id,
+               {mst_key_col},
+               {dist_key_col}
+        FROM {table} ORDER BY {dist_key_col}
+    """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col,
+               table=table,
+               mst_key_col=mst_key_col))
+    if not res:
+        plpy_orig.error("{table} is empty!  Aborting".format(table=table))
+    for r in res:
+        seg_id = r['seg_id']
+        mst_key = r['mst_key']
+        dist_key = r[dist_key_col]
+plpy_execute_enabled = False
+def plpy_execute(*args, **kwargs):
+    """ debug.plpy.execute(sql, ..., force=False)
+        Replace plpy.execute(sql, ...) with
+        debug.plpy.execute(sql, ...) to debug
+        a query.  Shows the query itself, the
+        EXPLAIN of it, and how long the query
+        takes to execute.
+    """
+    force = False
+    if 'force' in kwargs:
+        force = kwargs['force']
+        del kwargs['force']
+    plpy = plpy_orig # override global plpy,
+                     # to avoid infinite recursion
+    if not (plpy_execute_enabled or force):
+        return plpy.execute(*args, **kwargs)
+    if len(args) > 0:
+        sql = args[0]
+    else:
+        raise TypeError('debug.plpy.execute() takes at least 1 parameter, 0 passed')
+    if type(sql) == str: # can't print if a PLyPlan object
+        # Print EXPLAIN of sql command
+        res = plpy.execute("EXPLAIN " + sql, *args[1:], **kwargs)
+        for r in res:
+  ['QUERY PLAN'])
+    # Run actual sql command, with timing
+    start = time.time()
+    res = plpy.execute(*args, **kwargs)
+    # Print how long execution of query took
+"Query took {0}s".format(time.time() - start))
+    if res:
+"Query returned {} row(s)".format(len(res)))
+    else:
+"Query returned 0 rows")
+    return res
+plpy_info_enabled = False
+def plpy_info(*args, **kwargs):
+    """ plpy_info(..., force=False)
+ if enabled, otherwise do nothing   
+    """
+    force = False
+    if 'force' in kwargs:
+        force = kwargs['force']
+        del kwargs['force']
+    if plpy_info_enabled or force:
+*args, **kwargs)
+plpy_debug_enabled = False
+def plpy_debug(*args, **kwargs):
+    """ debug.plpy.debug(..., force=False)
+        Behaves like plpy.debug() if disabled (printing only
+        if DEBUG level is set high enough), but becomes a
+ if enabled.
+    """
+    force = False
+    if 'force' in kwargs:
+        force = kwargs['force']
+        del kwargs['force']
+    if plpy_debug_enabled or force:
+*args, **kwargs)
+    else:
+        plpy_orig.debug(*args, **kwargs)
+class plpy:
+    execute = staticmethod(plpy_execute)
+    info = staticmethod(plpy_info)
+    debug = staticmethod(plpy_debug)

Review comment:
       Since this function is never used, do you think it makes sense to can delete this line and the `plpy_debug` function as well (given that developers can still use plpy_info for printing purposes) ?

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model.py_in
@@ -337,183 +376,308 @@ class FitMultipleModel():
             local_loss = compile_dict['loss'].lower() if 'loss' in compile_dict else None
             local_metric = compile_dict['metrics'].lower()[2:-2] if 'metrics' in compile_dict else None
             if local_loss and (local_loss not in [a.lower() for a in builtin_losses]):
-                custom_fn_names.append(local_loss)
-                custom_fn_mst_idx.append(mst_idx)
+                custom_fn_names.add(local_loss)
+                custom_msts.append(mst)
             if local_metric and (local_metric not in [a.lower() for a in builtin_metrics]):
-                custom_fn_names.append(local_metric)
-                custom_fn_mst_idx.append(mst_idx)
-        if len(custom_fn_names) > 0:
-            # Pass only unique custom_fn_names to query from object table
-            custom_fn_object_map = query_custom_functions_map(self.object_table, list(set(custom_fn_names)))
-            for mst_idx in custom_fn_mst_idx:
-                self.msts[mst_idx][self.object_map_col] = custom_fn_object_map
-    def create_mst_schedule_table(self, mst_row):
-        mst_temp_query = """
-                         CREATE {self.unlogged_table} TABLE {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl}
-                                ({self.model_id_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.compile_params_col} VARCHAR,
-                                 {self.fit_params_col} VARCHAR,
-                                 {dist_key_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.mst_key_col} INTEGER,
-                                 {self.object_map_col} BYTEA)
-                         """.format(dist_key_col=dist_key_col, **locals())
-        plpy.execute(mst_temp_query)
-        for mst, dist_key in zip(mst_row, self.dist_keys):
-            if mst:
-                model_id = mst[self.model_id_col]
-                compile_params = mst[self.compile_params_col]
-                fit_params = mst[self.fit_params_col]
-                mst_key = mst[self.mst_key_col]
-                object_map = mst[self.object_map_col]
-            else:
-                model_id = "NULL"
-                compile_params = "NULL"
-                fit_params = "NULL"
-                mst_key = "NULL"
-                object_map = None
-            mst_insert_query = plpy.prepare(
-                               """
-                               INSERT INTO {self.mst_current_schedule_tbl}
-                                   VALUES ({model_id},
-                                           $madlib${compile_params}$madlib$,
-                                           $madlib${fit_params}$madlib$,
-                                           {dist_key},
-                                           {mst_key},
-                                           $1)
-                                """.format(**locals()), ["BYTEA"])
-            plpy.execute(mst_insert_query, [object_map])
-    def create_model_output_table(self):
-        output_table_create_query = """
-                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table}
-                                    ({self.mst_key_col} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-                                     {self.model_weights_col} BYTEA,
-                                     {self.model_arch_col} JSON)
-                                    """.format(self=self)
-        plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
-        self.initialize_model_output_and_info()
+                custom_fn_names.add(local_metric)
+                custom_msts.append(mst)
+        self.custom_fn_object_map = query_custom_functions_map(self.object_table, custom_fn_names)
+        for mst in custom_msts:
+            mst[self.object_map_col] = self.custom_fn_object_map
+        self.custom_mst_keys = { mst['mst_key'] for mst in custom_msts }
+    def init_schedule_tbl(self):
+        self.prev_dist_key_col = '__prev_dist_key__'
+        mst_key_list = '[' + ','.join(self.all_mst_keys) + ']'
+        create_sched_query = """
+            CREATE TABLE {self.schedule_tbl} AS
+                WITH map AS
+                    (SELECT
+                        unnest(ARRAY{mst_key_list}) {self.mst_key_col},
+                        unnest(ARRAY{self.all_dist_keys}) {self.dist_key_col}
+                    )
+                SELECT
+                    map.{self.mst_key_col},
+                    {self.model_id_col},
+                    map.{self.dist_key_col} AS {self.prev_dist_key_col},
+                    map.{self.dist_key_col}
+                FROM map LEFT JOIN {self.model_selection_table}
+                    USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+            DISTRIBUTED BY ({self.dist_key_col})
+        """.format(self=self, mst_key_list=mst_key_list)
+        DEBUG.plpy.execute(create_sched_query)
+    def rotate_schedule_tbl(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, 'rotate_schedule_plan'):
+            self.next_schedule_tbl = unique_string('next_schedule')
+            rotate_schedule_tbl_query = """
+                CREATE TABLE {self.next_schedule_tbl} AS
+                    SELECT
+                        {self.mst_key_col},
+                        {self.model_id_col},
+                        {self.dist_key_col} AS {self.prev_dist_key_col},
+                        COALESCE(
+                            LEAD({self.dist_key_col})
+                                OVER(ORDER BY {self.dist_key_col}),
+                            FIRST_VALUE({self.dist_key_col})
+                                OVER(ORDER BY {self.dist_key_col})
+                        ) AS {self.dist_key_col}
+                    FROM {self.schedule_tbl};
+            """.format(self=self)
+            self.rotate_schedule_tbl_plan = plpy.prepare(rotate_schedule_tbl_query)
+        DEBUG.plpy.execute(self.rotate_schedule_tbl_plan)
+        self.truncate_and_drop(self.schedule_tbl)
+        plpy.execute("""
+            ALTER TABLE {self.next_schedule_tbl}
+            RENAME TO {self.schedule_tbl}
+        """.format(self=self))
-    def create_model_output_table_warm_start(self):
+    def load_warm_start_weights(self):
-        For warm start, we need to copy the model output table to a temp table
-        because we call truncate on the model output table while training.
-        If the query gets aborted, we need to make sure that the user passed
-        model output table can be recovered.
+        For warm start, we need to copy any rows of the model output
+        table provided by the user whose mst keys appear in the
+        supplied model selection table.  We also copy over the 
+        compile & fit params from the model_selection_table, and
+        the dist_key's from the schedule table.
-        plpy.execute("""
-            CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table} (
-            LIKE {self.original_model_output_table} INCLUDING indexes);
-            """.format(self=self))
+        load_warm_start_weights_query = """
+            INSERT INTO {self.model_output_tbl}
+                SELECT s.{self.mst_key_col},
+                    o.{self.model_weights_col},
+                    o.{self.model_arch_col},
+                    m.{self.compile_params_col},
+                    m.{self.fit_params_col},
+                    NULL AS {self.object_map_col}, -- Fill in later
+                    s.{self.dist_key_col}
+                FROM {self.schedule_tbl} s
+                    JOIN {self.model_selection_table} m
+                        USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+                    JOIN {self.original_model_output_tbl} o
+                        USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+        """.format(self=self)
+        DEBUG.plpy.execute(load_warm_start_weights_query)
-        plpy.execute("""INSERT INTO {self.model_output_table}
-            SELECT * FROM {self.original_model_output_table};
-            """.format(self=self))
+        plpy.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}".format(self.model_info_tbl))
-        plpy.execute(""" DELETE FROM {self.model_output_table}
-                WHERE {self.mst_key_col} NOT IN (
-                    SELECT {self.mst_key_col} FROM {self.model_selection_table})
-                """.format(self=self))
-        self.warm_start_msts = plpy.execute(
-            """ SELECT array_agg({0}) AS a FROM {1}
-            """.format(self.mst_key_col, self.model_output_table))[0]['a']
-        plpy.execute("DROP TABLE {0}".format(self.model_info_table))
-        self.initialize_model_output_and_info()
-    def initialize_model_output_and_info(self):
+    def load_xfer_learning_weights(self, warm_start=False):
+        """
+            Copy transfer learning weights from
+            model_arch table.  Ignore models with
+            no xfer learning weights, these will
+            be generated by keras and added one at a
+            time later.
+        """
+        load_xfer_learning_weights_query = """
+            INSERT INTO {self.model_output_tbl}
+                SELECT s.{self.mst_key_col},
+                    a.{self.model_weights_col},
+                    a.{self.model_arch_col},
+                    m.{self.compile_params_col},
+                    m.{self.fit_params_col},
+                    NULL AS {self.object_map_col}, -- Fill in later
+                    s.{self.dist_key_col}
+                FROM {self.schedule_tbl} s
+                    JOIN {self.model_selection_table} m
+                        USING ({self.mst_key_col})
+                    JOIN {self.model_arch_table} a
+                        ON m.{self.model_id_col} = a.{self.model_id_col}
+                WHERE a.{self.model_weights_col} IS NOT NULL;
+        """.format(self=self)
+        DEBUG.plpy.execute(load_xfer_learning_weights_query)
+    def init_model_output_tbl(self):
+        DEBUG.start_timing('init_model_output_and_info')
+        output_table_create_query = """
+                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_tbl}
+                                    ({self.mst_key_col} INTEGER,
+                                     {self.model_weights_col} BYTEA,
+                                     {self.model_arch_col} JSON,
+                                     {self.compile_params_col} TEXT,
+                                     {self.fit_params_col} TEXT,
+                                     {self.object_map_col} BYTEA,
+                                     {self.dist_key_col} INTEGER,
+                                     PRIMARY KEY ({self.dist_key_col}, {self.mst_key_col})
+                                    )
+                                    DISTRIBUTED BY ({self.dist_key_col})
+                                    """.format(self=self)
+        plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
+        if self.warm_start:
+            self.load_warm_start_weights()
+        else:  # Note:  We only support xfer learning when warm_start=False
+            self.load_xfer_learning_weights()
+        res = DEBUG.plpy.execute("""
+            SELECT {self.mst_key_col} AS mst_keys FROM {self.model_output_tbl}
+        """.format(self=self))
+        if res:
+            initialized_msts = set([ row['mst_keys'] for row in res ])
+        else:
+            initialized_msts = set()
+"Pre-initialized mst keys: {}".format(initialized_msts))

Review comment:
       We should try to reduce the frequency of `` code lines since they can be feature specific. Having a lot of these code lines might make the code slightly harder to read. 
   Any developer working on a feature can add their own `` as needed.

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