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[15/83] [abbrv] [partial] start of lazy loading: axe all vendored-in libs
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/framework/test/unit/lib/webview.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/framework/test/unit/lib/webview.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e96eb18..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/framework/test/unit/lib/webview.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-describe("webview", function () {
-    var libPath = "./../../../lib/",
-        networkResourceRequested = require(libPath + "webkitHandlers/networkResourceRequested"),
-        webkitOriginAccess = require(libPath + "policy/webkitOriginAccess"),
-        webview,
-        mockedController,
-        mockedWebview,
-        mockedQnx,
-        globalCreate;
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        webview = require(libPath + "webview");
-        mockedController = {
-            enableWebInspector: undefined,
-            enableCrossSiteXHR: undefined,
-            visible: undefined,
-            active: undefined,
-            setGeometry: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            dispatchEvent : jasmine.createSpy(),
-            addEventListener : jasmine.createSpy()
-        };
-        mockedWebview = {
-            id: 42,
-            enableCrossSiteXHR: undefined,
-            visible: undefined,
-            active: undefined,
-            zOrder: undefined,
-            url: undefined,
-            reload: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            extraHttpHeaders: undefined,
-            setFileSystemSandbox: undefined,
-            addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            setGeometry: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            setApplicationOrientation: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            setExtraPluginDirectory: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            setEnablePlugins: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            getEnablePlugins: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            notifyApplicationOrientationDone: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            onContextMenuRequestEvent: undefined,
-            onContextMenuCancelEvent: undefined,
-            onNetworkResourceRequested: undefined,
-            destroy: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            executeJavaScript: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            windowGroup: undefined,
-            addEventListener: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            enableWebEventRedirect: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            addKnownSSLCertificate: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            continueSSLHandshaking: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            setSensitivity: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            getSensitivity: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            setBackgroundColor: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            getBackgroundColor: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            allowWebEvent: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            allowUserMedia: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            disallowUserMedia: jasmine.createSpy()
-        };
-        mockedQnx = {
-            callExtensionMethod: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            webplatform: {
-                getController: function () {
-                    return mockedController;
-                },
-                createWebView: function (options, createFunction) {
-                    //process.nextTick(createFunction);
-                    //setTimeout(createFunction,0);
-                    if (typeof options === 'function') {
-                        runs(options);
-                        globalCreate = options;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        runs(createFunction);
-                        globalCreate = createFunction;
-                    }
-                    return mockedWebview;
-                },
-                getApplication: jasmine.createSpy()
-            }
-        };
-        GLOBAL.qnx = mockedQnx;
-        GLOBAL.window = {
-            qnx: mockedQnx
-        };
-        GLOBAL.screen = {
-            width : 1024,
-            height: 768
-        };
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        delete GLOBAL.qnx;
-        delete GLOBAL.window;
-        delete GLOBAL.screen;
-    });
-    describe("create", function () {
-        it("sets up the visible webview", function () {
-            var mockNetworkHandler = { networkResourceRequestedHandler: function onNetworkResourceRequested() {} };
-            spyOn(networkResourceRequested, "createHandler").andReturn(mockNetworkHandler);
-            spyOn(webkitOriginAccess, "addWebView");
-            webview.create();
-            waits(1);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(mockedWebview.visible).toEqual(true);
-                expect(;
-                expect(mockedWebview.zOrder).toEqual(0);
-                expect(mockedWebview.setGeometry).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, 0, screen.width, screen.height);
-                expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(webview, 'onContextMenuRequestEvent')).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object));
-                expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(webview, 'onContextMenuCancelEvent')).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object));
-                expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(webview, 'onGeolocationPermissionRequest')).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object));
-                expect(networkResourceRequested.createHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockedWebview);
-                expect(mockedWebview.onNetworkResourceRequested).toEqual(mockNetworkHandler.networkResourceRequestedHandler);
-                expect(mockedWebview.allowWebEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith("DialogRequested");
-                expect(mockedController.dispatchEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith("webview.initialized", jasmine.any(Array));
-                //The default config.xml only has access to WIDGET_LOCAL
-                //and has permission for two apis
-                expect(webkitOriginAccess.addWebView).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockedWebview);
-            });
-        });
-        it("calls the ready function", function () {
-            var chuck = jasmine.createSpy();
-            webview.create(chuck);
-            waits(1);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(chuck).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            });
-        });
-    });
-    describe("file system sandbox", function () {
-        it("setSandbox", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.setSandbox(false);
-            expect(mockedWebview.setFileSystemSandbox).toBeFalsy();
-        });
-        it("getSandbox", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.setSandbox(false);
-            expect(webview.getSandbox()).toBeFalsy();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("id", function () {
-        it("can get the id for the webiew", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            expect(;
-        });
-    });
-    describe("enableCrossSiteXHR", function () {
-        it("can set enableCrossSiteXHR", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.enableCrossSiteXHR = true;
-            expect(mockedWebview.enableCrossSiteXHR).toBe(true);
-            webview.enableCrossSiteXHR = false;
-            expect(mockedWebview.enableCrossSiteXHR).toBe(false);
-        });
-    });
-    describe("geometry", function () {
-        it("can set geometry", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.setGeometry(0, 0, 100, 200);
-            expect(mockedWebview.setGeometry).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, 0, 100, 200);
-        });
-        it("can get geometry", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.setGeometry(0, 0, 100, 100);
-            expect(webview.getGeometry()).toEqual({x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100});
-        });
-    });
-    describe("application orientation", function () {
-        it("can set application orientation", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.setApplicationOrientation(90);
-            expect(mockedWebview.setApplicationOrientation).toHaveBeenCalledWith(90);
-        });
-        it("can notifyApplicationOrientationDone", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.notifyApplicationOrientationDone();
-            expect(mockedWebview.notifyApplicationOrientationDone).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("plugins", function () {
-        it("can set an extra plugin directory", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.setExtraPluginDirectory('/usr/lib/browser/plugins');
-            expect(mockedWebview.setExtraPluginDirectory).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/usr/lib/browser/plugins');
-        });
-        it("can enable plugins for the webview", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.setEnablePlugins(true);
-            expect(mockedWebview.pluginsEnabled).toBeTruthy();
-        });
-        it("can retrieve whether plugins are enabled", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            webview.setEnablePlugins(true);
-            expect(webview.getEnablePlugins()).toBeTruthy();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("SSL Exception Methods", function () {
-        it("addKnownSSLException", function () {
-            var url = '',
-                certificateInfo = {
-                    test : 'test'
-                };
-            webview.create();
-            webview.addKnownSSLCertificate(url, certificateInfo);
-            expect(mockedWebview.addKnownSSLCertificate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(url, certificateInfo);
-        });
-        it("continue SSL Hanshaking", function () {
-            var streamId = 8,
-                SSLAction = 'SSLActionReject';
-            webview.create();
-            webview.continueSSLHandshaking(streamId, SSLAction);
-            expect(mockedWebview.continueSSLHandshaking).toHaveBeenCalledWith(streamId, SSLAction);
-        });
-    });
-    describe("User Media", function () {
-        it("has allowUserMedia defined", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            expect(webview.allowUserMedia).toBeDefined();
-        });
-        it("has disallowUserMedia defined", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            expect(webview.disallowUserMedia).toBeDefined();
-        });
-        it("calls allowUserMedia on WebView", function () {
-            var evtId = 10,
-                cameraName = "CAMERA_UNIT_FRONT";
-            webview.create();
-            webview.allowUserMedia(evtId, cameraName);
-            expect(mockedWebview.allowUserMedia).toHaveBeenCalledWith(evtId, cameraName);
-        });
-        it("calls disallowUserMedia on WebView", function () {
-            var evtId = 10;
-            webview.create();
-            webview.disallowUserMedia(evtId);
-            expect(mockedWebview.disallowUserMedia).toHaveBeenCalledWith(evtId);
-        });
-    });
-    describe("methods other than create", function () {
-        it("calls the underlying destroy", function () {
-            webview.create(mockedWebview);
-            webview.destroy();
-            expect(mockedWebview.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-        it("sets the url property", function () {
-            var url = "";
-            webview.create(mockedWebview);
-            webview.setURL(url);
-            expect(mockedWebview.url).toEqual(url);
-        });
-        it("calls the underlying executeJavaScript", function () {
-            var js = "var awesome='Jasmine BDD'";
-            webview.create(mockedWebview);
-            webview.executeJavascript(js);
-            expect(mockedWebview.executeJavaScript).toHaveBeenCalledWith(js);
-        });
-        it("calls the underlying windowGroup property", function () {
-            webview.create(mockedWebview);
-            expect(webview.windowGroup()).toEqual(mockedWebview.windowGroup);
-        });
-        it("expect the config to set the extraHttpHeader", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            waits(1);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(mockedWebview.extraHttpHeaders).toEqual({"rim-header": "RIM-Widget:rim/widget"});
-            });
-        });
-        it("expect the config to set the user agent", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            waits(1);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(mockedWebview.userAgent).toEqual("Some extremely long user agent (with) spe/cial, characters");
-            });
-        });
-        it("expect reload to be defined", function () {
-            webview.create();
-            waits(1);
-            expect(webview.reload).toBeDefined();
-            webview.reload();
-            expect(mockedWebview.reload).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("methods for sensitivity", function () {
-        it("setter getter for sensitivity", function () {
-            webview.create(mockedWebview);
-            webview.setSensitivity("Something");
-            expect(mockedWebview.setSensitivity).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            webview.getSensitivity();
-            expect(mockedWebview.getSensitivity).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-        it("setter getter for background", function () {
-            webview.create(mockedWebview);
-            webview.setBackgroundColor("Something");
-            expect(mockedWebview.setBackgroundColor).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            webview.getBackgroundColor();
-            expect(mockedWebview.getBackgroundColor).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-    });