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Posted to by "pitrou (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/05/15 16:31:22 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow] pitrou commented on a diff in pull request #35197: GH-14946: [C++] Add flattening FieldPath/FieldRef::Get methods

pitrou commented on code in PR #35197:

@@ -1698,10 +1698,45 @@ class ARROW_EXPORT FieldPath {
   /// \brief Retrieve the referenced child from a ChunkedArray
   Result<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> Get(const ChunkedArray& chunked_array) const;
+  /// \brief Retrieve the referenced child/column from an Array, ArrayData, ChunkedArray,
+  /// RecordBatch, or Table
+  ///
+  /// Unlike `FieldPath::Get`, these variants are not zero-copy and the retrieved child's
+  /// null bitmap is ANDed with its parent's
+  Result<std::shared_ptr<Array>> GetFlattened(const Array& array,
+                                              MemoryPool* pool = NULLPTR) const;
+  Result<std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>> GetFlattened(const ArrayData& data,
+                                                  MemoryPool* pool = NULLPTR) const;
+  Result<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> GetFlattened(const ChunkedArray& chunked_array,
+                                                     MemoryPool* pool = NULLPTR) const;
+  Result<std::shared_ptr<Array>> GetFlattened(const RecordBatch& batch,
+                                              MemoryPool* pool = NULLPTR) const;
+  Result<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> GetFlattened(const Table& table,
+                                                     MemoryPool* pool = NULLPTR) const;
   std::vector<int> indices_;
+namespace internal {
+template <typename T>
+using FieldPathGetType =
+    decltype(std::declval<FieldPath>().Get(std::declval<T>()).ValueOrDie());
+template <bool Flattened, typename T>
+std::enable_if_t<!Flattened, Result<FieldPathGetType<T>>> GetChild(
+    const T& root, const FieldPath& path, MemoryPool* = NULLPTR) {
+  return path.Get(root);
+template <bool Flattened, typename T>
+std::enable_if_t<Flattened, Result<FieldPathGetType<T>>> GetChild(
+    const T& root, const FieldPath& path, MemoryPool* pool = NULLPTR) {
+  return path.GetFlattened(root, pool);

Review Comment:
   I'm not sure the indirection through these helpers and the `Flattened` templatization is useful (instead of simply duplicating the definition of e.g. `FieldRef::GetOne` into `FieldRef::GetOneFlattened`).
   But if it is, we can probably shorten this helper code with C++17 features:
   1) using `auto` and return type deduction to avoid the `decltype` dance
   2) using `if constexpr` to avoid SFINAE (not 100% it will work here, but worth a try)

@@ -1698,10 +1698,45 @@ class ARROW_EXPORT FieldPath {
   /// \brief Retrieve the referenced child from a ChunkedArray
   Result<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> Get(const ChunkedArray& chunked_array) const;
+  /// \brief Retrieve the referenced child/column from an Array, ArrayData, ChunkedArray,
+  /// RecordBatch, or Table
+  ///
+  /// Unlike `FieldPath::Get`, these variants are not zero-copy and the retrieved child's
+  /// null bitmap is ANDed with its parent's

Review Comment:
   Perhaps "ancestors" plural?
     /// null bitmap is ANDed with its ancestors'

@@ -364,152 +365,344 @@ TEST(TestField, TestMerge) {
-TEST(TestFieldPath, Basics) {
-  auto f0 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("beta", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f3 = field("beta", int32());
-  Schema s({f0, f1, f2, f3});
+struct FieldPathTestCase {
+  struct OutputValues {
+    explicit OutputValues(std::vector<int> indices = {})
+        : path(FieldPath(std::move(indices))) {}
-  // retrieving a field with single-element FieldPath is equivalent to Schema::field
-  for (int index = 0; index < s.num_fields(); ++index) {
-    ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(s.field(index), FieldPath({index}).Get(s));
+    template <typename T>
+    auto&& Get() const;
+    FieldPath path;
+    std::shared_ptr<Field> field;
+    std::shared_ptr<Array> array;
+    std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> chunked_array;
+  };
+  static constexpr int kNumColumns = 2;
+  static constexpr int kNumRows = 100;
+  static constexpr int kRandomSeed = 0xbeef;
+  // Input for the FieldPath::Get functions in multiple forms
+  std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema;
+  std::shared_ptr<DataType> type;
+  std::shared_ptr<Array> array;
+  std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> record_batch;
+  std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> chunked_array;
+  std::shared_ptr<Table> table;
+  template <typename T>
+  auto&& GetInput() const;
+  // Number of chunks for each column in the input Table
+  const std::array<int, kNumColumns> num_column_chunks = {15, 20};
+  // Number of chunks in the input ChunkedArray
+  const int num_chunks = 15;
+  // Expected outputs for each child;
+  OutputValues v0{{0}}, v1{{1}};
+  OutputValues v1_0{{1, 0}}, v1_1{{1, 1}};
+  OutputValues v1_1_0{{1, 1, 0}}, v1_1_1{{1, 1, 1}};
+  // Expected outputs for nested children with null flattening applied
+  OutputValues v1_0_flat{{1, 0}}, v1_1_flat{{1, 1}};
+  OutputValues v1_1_0_flat{{1, 1, 0}}, v1_1_1_flat{{1, 1, 1}};
+  static const FieldPathTestCase* Instance() {
+    static const auto maybe_instance = Make();
+    return &maybe_instance.ValueOrDie();
-                                  testing::HasSubstr("empty indices cannot be traversed"),
-                                  FieldPath().Get(s));
-  EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(IndexError, testing::HasSubstr("index out of range"),
-                                  FieldPath({s.num_fields() * 2}).Get(s));
-TEST(TestFieldPath, GetForTable) {
-  using testing::HasSubstr;
-  constexpr int kNumRows = 4;
-  auto f0 = field("a", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("b", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("c", struct_({f1}));
-  auto f3 = field("d", struct_({f0, f2}));
-  auto table_schema = schema({f0, f1, f2, f3});
-  // Each column has a different chunking
-  ChunkedArrayVector columns(4);
-  columns[0] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f0->type(), {"[0,1,2,3]"});
-  columns[1] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f1->type(), {"[3,2,1]", "[0]"});
-  columns[2] =
-      ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f2->type(), {R"([{"b":3},{"b":2}])", R"([{"b":1},{"b":0}])"});
-  columns[3] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(
-      f3->type(), {R"([{"a":0,"c":{"b":3}},{"a":1,"c":{"b":2}}])",
-                   R"([{"a":2,"c":{"b":1}}])", R"([{"a":3,"c":{"b":0}}])"});
-  auto table = Table::Make(table_schema, columns, kNumRows);
-  ASSERT_OK(table->ValidateFull());
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v0, FieldPath({0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v1, FieldPath({1}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2, FieldPath({2}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_0, FieldPath({2, 0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3, FieldPath({3}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_0, FieldPath({3, 0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_1, FieldPath({3, 1}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_1_0, FieldPath({3, 1, 0}).Get(*table));
-  EXPECT_EQ(v0->num_chunks(), columns[0]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v1->num_chunks(), columns[1]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v2->num_chunks(), columns[2]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v2_0->num_chunks(), columns[2]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_0->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_1->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_1_0->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[0]->Equals(v0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[0]->Equals(v3_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v2_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v3_1_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[2]->Equals(v2));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[2]->Equals(v3_1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[3]->Equals(v3));
-  for (const auto& path :
-       {FieldPath({4, 1, 0}), FieldPath({3, 2, 0}), FieldPath{3, 1, 1}}) {
-    EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(IndexError, HasSubstr("index out of range"),
-                                    path.Get(*table));
+  static Result<FieldPathTestCase> Make() {
+    // Generate test input based on a single schema. First by creating a StructArray,
+    // then deriving the other input types (ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, Table, etc) from
+    // it. We also compute the expected outputs for each child individually (for each
+    // output type).
+    FieldPathTestCase out;
+    random::RandomArrayGenerator gen(kRandomSeed);
+    // Define child fields and input schema
+    out.v1_1_1.field = field("b", boolean());
+    out.v1_1_0.field = field("f", float32());
+    out.v1_1.field = field("s1", struct_({out.v1_1_0.field, out.v1_1_1.field}));
+    out.v1_0.field = field("i", int32());
+    out.v1.field = field("s0", struct_({out.v1_0.field, out.v1_1.field}));
+    out.v0.field = field("u", utf8());
+    out.schema = arrow::schema({out.v0.field, out.v1.field});
+    out.type = struct_(out.schema->fields());
+    // Create null bitmaps for the struct fields independent of its childrens'
+    // bitmaps. For FieldPath::GetFlattened, parent/child bitmaps should be combined
+    // - for FieldPath::Get, higher-level nulls are ignored.
+    auto bitmap1_1 = gen.NullBitmap(kNumRows, 0.15);
+    auto bitmap1 = gen.NullBitmap(kNumRows, 0.30);
+    // Generate raw leaf arrays
+    out.v1_1_1.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_1_1.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v1_1_0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_1_0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v1_0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    // Make struct fields from leaf arrays (we use the custom bitmaps here)
+        out.v1_1.array,
+        StructArray::Make({out.v1_1_0.array, out.v1_1_1.array},
+                          {out.v1_1_0.field, out.v1_1_1.field}, bitmap1_1));
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.v1.array,
+                          StructArray::Make({out.v1_0.array, out.v1_1.array},
+                                            {out.v1_0.field, out.v1_1.field}, bitmap1));
+    // Not used to create the test input, but pre-compute flattened versions of nested
+    // arrays for comparisons in the GetFlattened tests.
+        out.v1_0_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1.array)->GetFlattenedField(0));
+        out.v1_1_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1.array)->GetFlattenedField(1));
+        out.v1_1_0_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1_1_flat.array)->GetFlattenedField(0));
+        out.v1_1_1_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1_1_flat.array)->GetFlattenedField(1));
+    // Sanity check
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_0_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_0.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_0_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1_0.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_1_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1_1.array));
+    // Finalize the input Array
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.array, StructArray::Make({out.v0.array, out.v1.array},
+                                                       {out.v0.field, out.v1.field}));
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.array->ValidateFull());
+    // Finalize the input RecordBatch
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.record_batch, RecordBatch::FromStructArray(out.array));
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.record_batch->ValidateFull());
+    // Finalize the input ChunkedArray
+    out.chunked_array = SliceToChunkedArray(*out.array, out.num_chunks);
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.chunked_array->ValidateFull());
+    // For each expected child array, create a chunked equivalent (we use a different
+    // chunk layout for each top-level column to make the Table test more interesting)
+    for (OutputValues* v :
+         {&out.v0, &out.v1, &out.v1_0, &out.v1_1, &out.v1_1_0, &out.v1_1_1,
+          &out.v1_0_flat, &out.v1_1_flat, &out.v1_1_0_flat, &out.v1_1_1_flat}) {
+      v->chunked_array =
+          SliceToChunkedArray(*v->array, out.num_column_chunks[v->path[0]]);
+    }
+    // Finalize the input Table
+    out.table =
+        Table::Make(out.schema, {out.v0.chunked_array, out.v1.chunked_array}, kNumRows);
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.table->ValidateFull());
+    return std::move(out);
-  EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(Invalid, HasSubstr("empty indices cannot be traversed"),
-                                  FieldPath().Get(*table));
-TEST(TestFieldPath, GetForChunkedArray) {
-  using testing::HasSubstr;
-  auto f0 = field("a", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("b", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("c", struct_({f1}));
-  auto f3 = field("d", struct_({f0, f2}));
-  auto type = struct_({f0, f1, f3});
-  auto column0 = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f0->type(), {"[0,1,2,3]"});
-  auto column1 = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f1->type(), {"[3,2,1,0]"});
-  auto column2_1 =
-      ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f2->type(), {R"([{"b":3},{"b":2},{"b":1},{"b":0}])"});
-  auto chunked_array = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(
-      type,
-      {
-          R"([{"a":0,"b":3,"d":{"a":0,"c":{"b":3}}}])",
-          R"([{"a":1,"b":2,"d":{"a":1,"c":{"b":2}}},{"a":2,"b":1,"d":{"a":2,"c":{"b":1}}}])",
-          R"([{"a":3,"b":0,"d":{"a":3,"c":{"b":0}}}])",
-      });
-  ASSERT_OK(chunked_array->ValidateFull());
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v0, FieldPath({0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v1, FieldPath({1}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_0, FieldPath({2, 0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_1, FieldPath({2, 1}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_1_0, FieldPath({2, 1, 0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  for (const auto& v : {v0, v1, v2_0, v2_1, v2_1_0}) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(v->num_chunks(), chunked_array->num_chunks());
+  static std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> SliceToChunkedArray(const Array& array,
+                                                           int num_chunks) {
+    ARROW_CHECK(num_chunks > 0 && array.length() >= num_chunks);

Review Comment:
   Generally we should favor `ASSERT` or `EXPECT` macros in tests, since they should arrow the tests to proceed (unless the test would otherwise crash just after the failed check).

@@ -364,152 +365,344 @@ TEST(TestField, TestMerge) {
-TEST(TestFieldPath, Basics) {
-  auto f0 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("beta", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f3 = field("beta", int32());
-  Schema s({f0, f1, f2, f3});
+struct FieldPathTestCase {
+  struct OutputValues {
+    explicit OutputValues(std::vector<int> indices = {})
+        : path(FieldPath(std::move(indices))) {}
-  // retrieving a field with single-element FieldPath is equivalent to Schema::field
-  for (int index = 0; index < s.num_fields(); ++index) {
-    ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(s.field(index), FieldPath({index}).Get(s));
+    template <typename T>
+    auto&& Get() const;
+    FieldPath path;
+    std::shared_ptr<Field> field;
+    std::shared_ptr<Array> array;
+    std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> chunked_array;
+  };
+  static constexpr int kNumColumns = 2;
+  static constexpr int kNumRows = 100;
+  static constexpr int kRandomSeed = 0xbeef;
+  // Input for the FieldPath::Get functions in multiple forms
+  std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema;
+  std::shared_ptr<DataType> type;
+  std::shared_ptr<Array> array;
+  std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> record_batch;
+  std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> chunked_array;
+  std::shared_ptr<Table> table;
+  template <typename T>
+  auto&& GetInput() const;
+  // Number of chunks for each column in the input Table
+  const std::array<int, kNumColumns> num_column_chunks = {15, 20};
+  // Number of chunks in the input ChunkedArray
+  const int num_chunks = 15;
+  // Expected outputs for each child;
+  OutputValues v0{{0}}, v1{{1}};
+  OutputValues v1_0{{1, 0}}, v1_1{{1, 1}};
+  OutputValues v1_1_0{{1, 1, 0}}, v1_1_1{{1, 1, 1}};
+  // Expected outputs for nested children with null flattening applied
+  OutputValues v1_0_flat{{1, 0}}, v1_1_flat{{1, 1}};
+  OutputValues v1_1_0_flat{{1, 1, 0}}, v1_1_1_flat{{1, 1, 1}};
+  static const FieldPathTestCase* Instance() {
+    static const auto maybe_instance = Make();
+    return &maybe_instance.ValueOrDie();
-                                  testing::HasSubstr("empty indices cannot be traversed"),
-                                  FieldPath().Get(s));
-  EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(IndexError, testing::HasSubstr("index out of range"),
-                                  FieldPath({s.num_fields() * 2}).Get(s));
-TEST(TestFieldPath, GetForTable) {
-  using testing::HasSubstr;
-  constexpr int kNumRows = 4;
-  auto f0 = field("a", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("b", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("c", struct_({f1}));
-  auto f3 = field("d", struct_({f0, f2}));
-  auto table_schema = schema({f0, f1, f2, f3});
-  // Each column has a different chunking
-  ChunkedArrayVector columns(4);
-  columns[0] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f0->type(), {"[0,1,2,3]"});
-  columns[1] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f1->type(), {"[3,2,1]", "[0]"});
-  columns[2] =
-      ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f2->type(), {R"([{"b":3},{"b":2}])", R"([{"b":1},{"b":0}])"});
-  columns[3] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(
-      f3->type(), {R"([{"a":0,"c":{"b":3}},{"a":1,"c":{"b":2}}])",
-                   R"([{"a":2,"c":{"b":1}}])", R"([{"a":3,"c":{"b":0}}])"});
-  auto table = Table::Make(table_schema, columns, kNumRows);
-  ASSERT_OK(table->ValidateFull());
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v0, FieldPath({0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v1, FieldPath({1}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2, FieldPath({2}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_0, FieldPath({2, 0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3, FieldPath({3}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_0, FieldPath({3, 0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_1, FieldPath({3, 1}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_1_0, FieldPath({3, 1, 0}).Get(*table));
-  EXPECT_EQ(v0->num_chunks(), columns[0]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v1->num_chunks(), columns[1]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v2->num_chunks(), columns[2]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v2_0->num_chunks(), columns[2]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_0->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_1->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_1_0->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[0]->Equals(v0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[0]->Equals(v3_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v2_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v3_1_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[2]->Equals(v2));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[2]->Equals(v3_1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[3]->Equals(v3));
-  for (const auto& path :
-       {FieldPath({4, 1, 0}), FieldPath({3, 2, 0}), FieldPath{3, 1, 1}}) {
-    EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(IndexError, HasSubstr("index out of range"),
-                                    path.Get(*table));
+  static Result<FieldPathTestCase> Make() {
+    // Generate test input based on a single schema. First by creating a StructArray,
+    // then deriving the other input types (ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, Table, etc) from
+    // it. We also compute the expected outputs for each child individually (for each
+    // output type).
+    FieldPathTestCase out;
+    random::RandomArrayGenerator gen(kRandomSeed);
+    // Define child fields and input schema
+    out.v1_1_1.field = field("b", boolean());
+    out.v1_1_0.field = field("f", float32());
+    out.v1_1.field = field("s1", struct_({out.v1_1_0.field, out.v1_1_1.field}));
+    out.v1_0.field = field("i", int32());
+    out.v1.field = field("s0", struct_({out.v1_0.field, out.v1_1.field}));
+    out.v0.field = field("u", utf8());
+    out.schema = arrow::schema({out.v0.field, out.v1.field});
+    out.type = struct_(out.schema->fields());
+    // Create null bitmaps for the struct fields independent of its childrens'
+    // bitmaps. For FieldPath::GetFlattened, parent/child bitmaps should be combined
+    // - for FieldPath::Get, higher-level nulls are ignored.
+    auto bitmap1_1 = gen.NullBitmap(kNumRows, 0.15);
+    auto bitmap1 = gen.NullBitmap(kNumRows, 0.30);
+    // Generate raw leaf arrays
+    out.v1_1_1.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_1_1.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v1_1_0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_1_0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v1_0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    // Make struct fields from leaf arrays (we use the custom bitmaps here)
+        out.v1_1.array,
+        StructArray::Make({out.v1_1_0.array, out.v1_1_1.array},
+                          {out.v1_1_0.field, out.v1_1_1.field}, bitmap1_1));
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.v1.array,
+                          StructArray::Make({out.v1_0.array, out.v1_1.array},
+                                            {out.v1_0.field, out.v1_1.field}, bitmap1));
+    // Not used to create the test input, but pre-compute flattened versions of nested
+    // arrays for comparisons in the GetFlattened tests.
+        out.v1_0_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1.array)->GetFlattenedField(0));
+        out.v1_1_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1.array)->GetFlattenedField(1));
+        out.v1_1_0_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1_1_flat.array)->GetFlattenedField(0));
+        out.v1_1_1_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1_1_flat.array)->GetFlattenedField(1));
+    // Sanity check
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_0_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_0.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_0_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1_0.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_1_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1_1.array));
+    // Finalize the input Array
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.array, StructArray::Make({out.v0.array, out.v1.array},
+                                                       {out.v0.field, out.v1.field}));
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.array->ValidateFull());
+    // Finalize the input RecordBatch
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.record_batch, RecordBatch::FromStructArray(out.array));
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.record_batch->ValidateFull());
+    // Finalize the input ChunkedArray
+    out.chunked_array = SliceToChunkedArray(*out.array, out.num_chunks);
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.chunked_array->ValidateFull());
+    // For each expected child array, create a chunked equivalent (we use a different
+    // chunk layout for each top-level column to make the Table test more interesting)
+    for (OutputValues* v :
+         {&out.v0, &out.v1, &out.v1_0, &out.v1_1, &out.v1_1_0, &out.v1_1_1,
+          &out.v1_0_flat, &out.v1_1_flat, &out.v1_1_0_flat, &out.v1_1_1_flat}) {
+      v->chunked_array =
+          SliceToChunkedArray(*v->array, out.num_column_chunks[v->path[0]]);
+    }
+    // Finalize the input Table
+    out.table =
+        Table::Make(out.schema, {out.v0.chunked_array, out.v1.chunked_array}, kNumRows);
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.table->ValidateFull());
+    return std::move(out);
-  EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(Invalid, HasSubstr("empty indices cannot be traversed"),
-                                  FieldPath().Get(*table));
-TEST(TestFieldPath, GetForChunkedArray) {
-  using testing::HasSubstr;
-  auto f0 = field("a", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("b", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("c", struct_({f1}));
-  auto f3 = field("d", struct_({f0, f2}));
-  auto type = struct_({f0, f1, f3});
-  auto column0 = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f0->type(), {"[0,1,2,3]"});
-  auto column1 = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f1->type(), {"[3,2,1,0]"});
-  auto column2_1 =
-      ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f2->type(), {R"([{"b":3},{"b":2},{"b":1},{"b":0}])"});
-  auto chunked_array = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(
-      type,
-      {
-          R"([{"a":0,"b":3,"d":{"a":0,"c":{"b":3}}}])",
-          R"([{"a":1,"b":2,"d":{"a":1,"c":{"b":2}}},{"a":2,"b":1,"d":{"a":2,"c":{"b":1}}}])",
-          R"([{"a":3,"b":0,"d":{"a":3,"c":{"b":0}}}])",
-      });
-  ASSERT_OK(chunked_array->ValidateFull());
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v0, FieldPath({0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v1, FieldPath({1}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_0, FieldPath({2, 0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_1, FieldPath({2, 1}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_1_0, FieldPath({2, 1, 0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  for (const auto& v : {v0, v1, v2_0, v2_1, v2_1_0}) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(v->num_chunks(), chunked_array->num_chunks());
+  static std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> SliceToChunkedArray(const Array& array,
+                                                           int num_chunks) {
+    ARROW_CHECK(num_chunks > 0 && array.length() >= num_chunks);
+    ArrayVector chunks;
+    chunks.reserve(num_chunks);
+    for (int64_t inc = array.length() / num_chunks, beg = 0,
+                 end = inc + array.length() % num_chunks;
+         end <= array.length(); beg = end, end += inc) {
+      chunks.push_back(array.SliceSafe(beg, end - beg).ValueOrDie());
+    }
+    ARROW_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(chunks.size()), num_chunks);
+    return ChunkedArray::Make(std::move(chunks)).ValueOrDie();
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<Schema>() const {
+  return this->schema;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<DataType>() const {
+  return this->type;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<Array>() const {
+  return this->array;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<ArrayData>() const {
+  return this->array->data();
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<ChunkedArray>() const {
+  return this->chunked_array;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<RecordBatch>() const {
+  return this->record_batch;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<Table>() const {
+  return this->table;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column0->Equals(v0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column0->Equals(v2_0));
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::OutputValues::Get<Field>() const {
+  return this->field;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::OutputValues::Get<Array>() const {
+  return this->array;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::OutputValues::Get<ArrayData>() const {
+  return this->array->data();
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::OutputValues::Get<ChunkedArray>() const {
+  return this->chunked_array;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column1->Equals(v1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column1->Equals(v2_1_0));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(column1->Equals(v2_1));
+class FieldPathTestFixture : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+  FieldPathTestFixture() : case_(FieldPathTestCase::Instance()) {}
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column2_1->Equals(v2_1));
+ protected:
+  template <typename T>
+  using OutputType = typename internal::FieldPathGetType<T>::element_type;
-                                  HasSubstr("Get child data of non-struct chunked array"),
-                                  FieldPath({0}).Get(*column0));
+  template <typename I>
+  void AssertOutputsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<Field>& expected,
+                          const std::shared_ptr<Field>& actual) const {
+    AssertFieldEqual(*expected, *actual);
+  }
+  template <typename I>
+  void AssertOutputsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& expected,
+                          const std::shared_ptr<Array>& actual) const {
+    AssertArraysEqual(*expected, *actual);
+  }
+  template <typename I>
+  void AssertOutputsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>& expected,
+                          const std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>& actual) const {
+    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<I, ChunkedArray>) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(case_->chunked_array->num_chunks(), actual->num_chunks());
+    } else {
+      EXPECT_EQ(expected->num_chunks(), actual->num_chunks());
+    }
+    AssertChunkedEquivalent(*expected, *actual);
+  }
+  const FieldPathTestCase* case_;
+class TestFieldPath : public FieldPathTestFixture {
+ protected:
+  template <typename I, bool Flattened = false>
+  void TestGetWithInvalidIndex() const {
+    const auto& input = case_->GetInput<I>();
+    for (const auto& path :
+         {FieldPath({2, 1, 0}), FieldPath({1, 2, 0}), FieldPath{1, 1, 2}}) {
+                                      ::testing::HasSubstr("index out of range"),
+                                      internal::GetChild<Flattened>(*input, path));

Review Comment:
   Since the `IndexError` has a more detailed error message, is it possible to test it precisely at least for a hard-coded case?

@@ -693,25 +851,6 @@ TEST(TestFieldRef, DotPathRoundTrip) {
   check_roundtrip(FieldRef("foo", 1, FieldRef("bar", 2, 3), FieldRef()));
-TEST(TestFieldPath, Nested) {
-  auto f0 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f1_0 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("beta", struct_({f1_0}));
-  auto f2_0 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f2_1_0 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f2_1_1 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f2_1 = field("gamma", struct_({f2_1_0, f2_1_1}));
-  auto f2 = field("beta", struct_({f2_0, f2_1}));
-  Schema s({f0, f1, f2});
-  // retrieving fields with nested indices
-  EXPECT_EQ(FieldPath({0}).Get(s), f0);
-  EXPECT_EQ(FieldPath({1, 0}).Get(s), f1_0);
-  EXPECT_EQ(FieldPath({2, 0}).Get(s), f2_0);
-  EXPECT_EQ(FieldPath({2, 1, 0}).Get(s), f2_1_0);
-  EXPECT_EQ(FieldPath({2, 1, 1}).Get(s), f2_1_1);
 TEST(TestFieldRef, Nested) {

Review Comment:
   It seems quite a lot of effort was expended to test `FieldPath` comprehensively (thanks a lot for that!), but the additional `FieldRef` methods do not seem to be exercised here? (am I mistaken?)

@@ -364,152 +365,344 @@ TEST(TestField, TestMerge) {
-TEST(TestFieldPath, Basics) {
-  auto f0 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("beta", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("alpha", int32());
-  auto f3 = field("beta", int32());
-  Schema s({f0, f1, f2, f3});
+struct FieldPathTestCase {
+  struct OutputValues {
+    explicit OutputValues(std::vector<int> indices = {})
+        : path(FieldPath(std::move(indices))) {}
-  // retrieving a field with single-element FieldPath is equivalent to Schema::field
-  for (int index = 0; index < s.num_fields(); ++index) {
-    ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(s.field(index), FieldPath({index}).Get(s));
+    template <typename T>
+    auto&& Get() const;
+    FieldPath path;
+    std::shared_ptr<Field> field;
+    std::shared_ptr<Array> array;
+    std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> chunked_array;
+  };
+  static constexpr int kNumColumns = 2;
+  static constexpr int kNumRows = 100;
+  static constexpr int kRandomSeed = 0xbeef;
+  // Input for the FieldPath::Get functions in multiple forms
+  std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema;
+  std::shared_ptr<DataType> type;
+  std::shared_ptr<Array> array;
+  std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> record_batch;
+  std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> chunked_array;
+  std::shared_ptr<Table> table;
+  template <typename T>
+  auto&& GetInput() const;
+  // Number of chunks for each column in the input Table
+  const std::array<int, kNumColumns> num_column_chunks = {15, 20};
+  // Number of chunks in the input ChunkedArray
+  const int num_chunks = 15;
+  // Expected outputs for each child;
+  OutputValues v0{{0}}, v1{{1}};
+  OutputValues v1_0{{1, 0}}, v1_1{{1, 1}};
+  OutputValues v1_1_0{{1, 1, 0}}, v1_1_1{{1, 1, 1}};
+  // Expected outputs for nested children with null flattening applied
+  OutputValues v1_0_flat{{1, 0}}, v1_1_flat{{1, 1}};
+  OutputValues v1_1_0_flat{{1, 1, 0}}, v1_1_1_flat{{1, 1, 1}};
+  static const FieldPathTestCase* Instance() {
+    static const auto maybe_instance = Make();
+    return &maybe_instance.ValueOrDie();
-                                  testing::HasSubstr("empty indices cannot be traversed"),
-                                  FieldPath().Get(s));
-  EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(IndexError, testing::HasSubstr("index out of range"),
-                                  FieldPath({s.num_fields() * 2}).Get(s));
-TEST(TestFieldPath, GetForTable) {
-  using testing::HasSubstr;
-  constexpr int kNumRows = 4;
-  auto f0 = field("a", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("b", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("c", struct_({f1}));
-  auto f3 = field("d", struct_({f0, f2}));
-  auto table_schema = schema({f0, f1, f2, f3});
-  // Each column has a different chunking
-  ChunkedArrayVector columns(4);
-  columns[0] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f0->type(), {"[0,1,2,3]"});
-  columns[1] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f1->type(), {"[3,2,1]", "[0]"});
-  columns[2] =
-      ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f2->type(), {R"([{"b":3},{"b":2}])", R"([{"b":1},{"b":0}])"});
-  columns[3] = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(
-      f3->type(), {R"([{"a":0,"c":{"b":3}},{"a":1,"c":{"b":2}}])",
-                   R"([{"a":2,"c":{"b":1}}])", R"([{"a":3,"c":{"b":0}}])"});
-  auto table = Table::Make(table_schema, columns, kNumRows);
-  ASSERT_OK(table->ValidateFull());
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v0, FieldPath({0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v1, FieldPath({1}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2, FieldPath({2}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_0, FieldPath({2, 0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3, FieldPath({3}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_0, FieldPath({3, 0}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_1, FieldPath({3, 1}).Get(*table));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v3_1_0, FieldPath({3, 1, 0}).Get(*table));
-  EXPECT_EQ(v0->num_chunks(), columns[0]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v1->num_chunks(), columns[1]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v2->num_chunks(), columns[2]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v2_0->num_chunks(), columns[2]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_0->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_1->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_EQ(v3_1_0->num_chunks(), columns[3]->num_chunks());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[0]->Equals(v0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[0]->Equals(v3_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v2_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[1]->Equals(v3_1_0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[2]->Equals(v2));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[2]->Equals(v3_1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(columns[3]->Equals(v3));
-  for (const auto& path :
-       {FieldPath({4, 1, 0}), FieldPath({3, 2, 0}), FieldPath{3, 1, 1}}) {
-    EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(IndexError, HasSubstr("index out of range"),
-                                    path.Get(*table));
+  static Result<FieldPathTestCase> Make() {
+    // Generate test input based on a single schema. First by creating a StructArray,
+    // then deriving the other input types (ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, Table, etc) from
+    // it. We also compute the expected outputs for each child individually (for each
+    // output type).
+    FieldPathTestCase out;
+    random::RandomArrayGenerator gen(kRandomSeed);
+    // Define child fields and input schema
+    out.v1_1_1.field = field("b", boolean());
+    out.v1_1_0.field = field("f", float32());
+    out.v1_1.field = field("s1", struct_({out.v1_1_0.field, out.v1_1_1.field}));
+    out.v1_0.field = field("i", int32());
+    out.v1.field = field("s0", struct_({out.v1_0.field, out.v1_1.field}));
+    out.v0.field = field("u", utf8());
+    out.schema = arrow::schema({out.v0.field, out.v1.field});
+    out.type = struct_(out.schema->fields());
+    // Create null bitmaps for the struct fields independent of its childrens'
+    // bitmaps. For FieldPath::GetFlattened, parent/child bitmaps should be combined
+    // - for FieldPath::Get, higher-level nulls are ignored.
+    auto bitmap1_1 = gen.NullBitmap(kNumRows, 0.15);
+    auto bitmap1 = gen.NullBitmap(kNumRows, 0.30);
+    // Generate raw leaf arrays
+    out.v1_1_1.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_1_1.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v1_1_0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_1_0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v1_0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v1_0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    out.v0.array = gen.ArrayOf(out.v0.field->type(), kNumRows);
+    // Make struct fields from leaf arrays (we use the custom bitmaps here)
+        out.v1_1.array,
+        StructArray::Make({out.v1_1_0.array, out.v1_1_1.array},
+                          {out.v1_1_0.field, out.v1_1_1.field}, bitmap1_1));
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.v1.array,
+                          StructArray::Make({out.v1_0.array, out.v1_1.array},
+                                            {out.v1_0.field, out.v1_1.field}, bitmap1));
+    // Not used to create the test input, but pre-compute flattened versions of nested
+    // arrays for comparisons in the GetFlattened tests.
+        out.v1_0_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1.array)->GetFlattenedField(0));
+        out.v1_1_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1.array)->GetFlattenedField(1));
+        out.v1_1_0_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1_1_flat.array)->GetFlattenedField(0));
+        out.v1_1_1_flat.array,
+        checked_pointer_cast<StructArray>(out.v1_1_flat.array)->GetFlattenedField(1));
+    // Sanity check
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_0_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_0.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_0_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1_0.array));
+    ARROW_CHECK(!out.v1_1_1_flat.array->Equals(out.v1_1_1.array));
+    // Finalize the input Array
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.array, StructArray::Make({out.v0.array, out.v1.array},
+                                                       {out.v0.field, out.v1.field}));
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.array->ValidateFull());
+    // Finalize the input RecordBatch
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(out.record_batch, RecordBatch::FromStructArray(out.array));
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.record_batch->ValidateFull());
+    // Finalize the input ChunkedArray
+    out.chunked_array = SliceToChunkedArray(*out.array, out.num_chunks);
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.chunked_array->ValidateFull());
+    // For each expected child array, create a chunked equivalent (we use a different
+    // chunk layout for each top-level column to make the Table test more interesting)
+    for (OutputValues* v :
+         {&out.v0, &out.v1, &out.v1_0, &out.v1_1, &out.v1_1_0, &out.v1_1_1,
+          &out.v1_0_flat, &out.v1_1_flat, &out.v1_1_0_flat, &out.v1_1_1_flat}) {
+      v->chunked_array =
+          SliceToChunkedArray(*v->array, out.num_column_chunks[v->path[0]]);
+    }
+    // Finalize the input Table
+    out.table =
+        Table::Make(out.schema, {out.v0.chunked_array, out.v1.chunked_array}, kNumRows);
+    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(out.table->ValidateFull());
+    return std::move(out);
-  EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(Invalid, HasSubstr("empty indices cannot be traversed"),
-                                  FieldPath().Get(*table));
-TEST(TestFieldPath, GetForChunkedArray) {
-  using testing::HasSubstr;
-  auto f0 = field("a", int32());
-  auto f1 = field("b", int32());
-  auto f2 = field("c", struct_({f1}));
-  auto f3 = field("d", struct_({f0, f2}));
-  auto type = struct_({f0, f1, f3});
-  auto column0 = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f0->type(), {"[0,1,2,3]"});
-  auto column1 = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f1->type(), {"[3,2,1,0]"});
-  auto column2_1 =
-      ChunkedArrayFromJSON(f2->type(), {R"([{"b":3},{"b":2},{"b":1},{"b":0}])"});
-  auto chunked_array = ChunkedArrayFromJSON(
-      type,
-      {
-          R"([{"a":0,"b":3,"d":{"a":0,"c":{"b":3}}}])",
-          R"([{"a":1,"b":2,"d":{"a":1,"c":{"b":2}}},{"a":2,"b":1,"d":{"a":2,"c":{"b":1}}}])",
-          R"([{"a":3,"b":0,"d":{"a":3,"c":{"b":0}}}])",
-      });
-  ASSERT_OK(chunked_array->ValidateFull());
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v0, FieldPath({0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v1, FieldPath({1}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_0, FieldPath({2, 0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_1, FieldPath({2, 1}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto v2_1_0, FieldPath({2, 1, 0}).Get(*chunked_array));
-  for (const auto& v : {v0, v1, v2_0, v2_1, v2_1_0}) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(v->num_chunks(), chunked_array->num_chunks());
+  static std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> SliceToChunkedArray(const Array& array,
+                                                           int num_chunks) {
+    ARROW_CHECK(num_chunks > 0 && array.length() >= num_chunks);
+    ArrayVector chunks;
+    chunks.reserve(num_chunks);
+    for (int64_t inc = array.length() / num_chunks, beg = 0,
+                 end = inc + array.length() % num_chunks;
+         end <= array.length(); beg = end, end += inc) {
+      chunks.push_back(array.SliceSafe(beg, end - beg).ValueOrDie());
+    }
+    ARROW_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(chunks.size()), num_chunks);
+    return ChunkedArray::Make(std::move(chunks)).ValueOrDie();
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<Schema>() const {
+  return this->schema;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<DataType>() const {
+  return this->type;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<Array>() const {
+  return this->array;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<ArrayData>() const {
+  return this->array->data();
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<ChunkedArray>() const {
+  return this->chunked_array;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<RecordBatch>() const {
+  return this->record_batch;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::GetInput<Table>() const {
+  return this->table;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column0->Equals(v0));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column0->Equals(v2_0));
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::OutputValues::Get<Field>() const {
+  return this->field;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::OutputValues::Get<Array>() const {
+  return this->array;
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::OutputValues::Get<ArrayData>() const {
+  return this->array->data();
+template <>
+auto&& FieldPathTestCase::OutputValues::Get<ChunkedArray>() const {
+  return this->chunked_array;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column1->Equals(v1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column1->Equals(v2_1_0));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(column1->Equals(v2_1));
+class FieldPathTestFixture : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+  FieldPathTestFixture() : case_(FieldPathTestCase::Instance()) {}
-  EXPECT_TRUE(column2_1->Equals(v2_1));
+ protected:
+  template <typename T>
+  using OutputType = typename internal::FieldPathGetType<T>::element_type;
-                                  HasSubstr("Get child data of non-struct chunked array"),
-                                  FieldPath({0}).Get(*column0));
+  template <typename I>
+  void AssertOutputsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<Field>& expected,
+                          const std::shared_ptr<Field>& actual) const {
+    AssertFieldEqual(*expected, *actual);
+  }
+  template <typename I>
+  void AssertOutputsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& expected,
+                          const std::shared_ptr<Array>& actual) const {
+    AssertArraysEqual(*expected, *actual);
+  }
+  template <typename I>
+  void AssertOutputsEqual(const std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>& expected,
+                          const std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>& actual) const {
+    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<I, ChunkedArray>) {

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