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Posted to by Fraser Adams <> on 2014/11/29 15:20:03 UTC

Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Hi Rafael,
Many thanks for that.

I've been thinking that it was getting close to a good time to get it
off the branch and into the main code base, so you've beaten me to it.
I've actually made a bunch of improvements recently, but I was in the
middle of some fairly subtle bug fixes that were caused by some quirks
of the ws WebSocket library when Proton moved from subversion to git, so
things rather built up a bit on my local copy whilst I procrastinated
over my move to git :-) .

You doing this gave me a much needed nudge and I've just got myself set
up to use git for Proton.

This morning I've migrated all of my latest updates into git (see I had a look in;h=39cd8c5 and
it *looks* like my first git commit went OK =-O

One of the improvements I've added is JavaScript ports of msgr-send and
msgr-recv, which I added so I could do soak/performance tests, they work
more or less like the C/Python versions, that is to say:

./msgr-recv.js -c 1000000
./msgr-send.js -c 1000000 -b 64

would push one million 64 octet messages.

There are a couple of features missing from the tests, but they are more
or less there.

It's probably a good time to remind people who might be reading this
that one quirk of the JavaScript binding is that the network transport
is WebSocket based *not* TCP sockets. This means that it won't "just
work" with qpidd, the Java broker or the proton-c examples.

I've provided a simple WebSocket->TCP proxy though and it also works
fine with the Java Broker's WebSocket transport. I've mentioned this in
the README, but people don't always read those.....;a=blob;f=proton-c/bindings/javascript/README

It's on my TODO list to get emscripten's network library working with
the Node.js net module and chrome packaged apps so that it'll be
possible to use native TCP sockets where available, but I've just not
had the time yet.

I've included a JavaScript port of qpid-config for fun to illustrate how
to do some slightly fancier asynchronous request/response stuff, it's
actually a pretty complete port of qpid-config and it also works with
the Java Broker if you install the QMF plugin that I wrote for that (OK,
so I am a little bit OCD).

The JavaScript binding is fairly well documented and you can generate
jsdoc HTML docs via:
make docs

So far I've tried it out on Node.js and Firefox, but it should work on
any modern(ish) browser that supports binary WebSockets and ArrayBuffers.

Browser performance varies *a lot* I was originally trying it on FF 24
and I was a bit disappointed by the performance compared to Node.js but
I upgraded my laptop the other week and I'm now running FF 33 which
*totally rocks* the reason that FF 33 runs so well is that emscripten
(the C->JavaScript compiler I used) generates asm.js, see and recent versions of FireFox are optimised for
asm.js and can do neat things such as ahead of time compilation.

As a heads up the JavaScript binding generates a node module called
qpid-proton containing a library called proton.js, I'm likely to change
that fairly soon to something like qpid-proton-messenger and
qpid-proton-messenger.js the reason for that is that it is really a
Messenger binding and with all the recent talk on the forums about
alternative reactive APIs based on Proton Engine that ought to be a
direction I should start looking into.

Hopefully this is useful to people, it's been something of a labour of
love over the last year.

On 28/11/14 16:18, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I managed to take advantage of a bit of my thanksgiving downtime to give
> fadams' javascript branch some attention. I'm happy to report that thanks
> mostly to his excellent work, it was fairly straightforward to bring his
> branch up to date with respect to trunk. I've done this and pushed the
> result to a new branch called 'javascript'. I then added the javascript
> tests to the main build and merged the javascript branch into trunk.
> Most of you probably won't notice a difference since it is fairly self
> contained and won't build without emscripten, but I would highly encourage
> you to check it out. There is a little bit of a manual process to get
> emscripten installed, but it is well documented and straightforward, and
> once you've done that, it all seems to work quite smoothly.
> As always, please let me know if I broke anything.
> --Rafael

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Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Fraser Adams <>.
On 12/12/14 18:30, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> Hmm, so I hacked websockify to ignore what is specifed in the 
> protocols header and hard coded it first to use binary, and second to 
> use base64. Neither option seemed to work.

Hi again Rafi,
My bet is that when you hacked Websockify you didn't update the 
response, my hack of websockify/ (do_websocket_handshake) 
looks like:

     def do_websocket_handshake(self, headers, path):
         h = self.headers = headers
         self.path = path

         prot = 'WebSocket-Protocol'
         protocols = h.get('Sec-'+prot, h.get(prot, '')).split(',')

         ver = h.get('Sec-WebSocket-Version')
         if ver:
             # HyBi/IETF version of the protocol

             # HyBi-07 report version 7
             # HyBi-08 - HyBi-12 report version 8
             # HyBi-13 reports version 13
             if ver in ['7', '8', '13']:
                 self.version = "hybi-%02d" % int(ver)
                 raise self.EClose('Unsupported protocol version %s' % ver)

             key = h['Sec-WebSocket-Key']

             # Choose binary unless the client explicityly asks for Base64
             if 'base64' in protocols:
                 self.base64 = True
                 self.base64 = False
                 #raise self.EClose("Client must support 'binary' or 
'base64' protocol")

             # Generate the hash value for the accept header
             accept = b64encode(sha1(s2b(key + self.GUID)).digest())

             response = self.server_handshake_hybi % b2s(accept)
             if self.base64:
                 response += "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: base64\r\n"
                 response += "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " + ', 
'.join(protocols) + "\r\n"
             response += "\r\n"

             # Hixie version of the protocol (75 or 76)

             if h.get('key3'):
                 trailer = self.gen_md5(h)
                 pre = "Sec-"
                 self.version = "hixie-76"
                 trailer = ""
                 pre = ""
                 self.version = "hixie-75"

             # We only support base64 in Hixie era
             self.base64 = True

             response = self.server_handshake_hixie % (pre,
                     h['Origin'], pre, self.scheme, h['Host'], path)

             if 'base64' in protocols:
                 response += "%sWebSocket-Protocol: base64\r\n" % pre
                 self.msg("Warning: client does not report 'base64' 
protocol support")
             response += "\r\n" + trailer

         return response

The changed bits are:

             # Choose binary unless the client explicitly asks for Base64
             if 'base64' in protocols:
                 self.base64 = True
                 self.base64 = False
                 #raise self.EClose("Client must support 'binary' or 
'base64' protocol")


             if self.base64:
                 response += "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: base64\r\n"
                 response += "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " + ', 
'.join(protocols) + "\r\n"

BTW for info I also tried hacking the JavaScript binding CMakeLists.txt 
to remove the

and that works too (emscripten defaults to 'binary' unless a WebSocket 
sub-protocol is specified, that's done mainly so Websockify works out of 
the box, 'cause Websockify is what's used on the emscripten tests). The 
relevant bits are in emscripten/src/settings.js:

// As well as being configurable at compile time via the "-s" option the 
// settings may configured at run time via the Module object e.g.
// Module['websocket'] = {subprotocol: 'base64, binary, text'};
// Module['websocket'] = {url: 'wss://', subprotocol: 'base64'};
// Run time configuration may be useful as it lets an application select 
multiple different services.
var WEBSOCKET_URL = 'ws://'; // A string containing either a WebSocket 
URL prefix (ws:// or wss://) or a complete
                              // RFC 6455 URL - "ws[s]:" "//" host [ ":" 
port ] path [ "?" query ].
                              // In the (default) case of only a prefix 
being specified the URL will be constructed from
                              // prefix + addr + ':' + port
                              // where addr and port are derived from 
the socket connect/bind/accept calls.
var WEBSOCKET_SUBPROTOCOL = 'binary'; // A string containing a comma 
separated list of WebSocket subprotocols
                                       // as would be present in the 
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header.

Less drastically than changing this at compile time it's also perfectly 
possible to do it at run time.
If you look in say send.js you'll see a line that looks like:

     var proton = require("qpid-proton");

if after that line you do:

proton['websocket']['subprotocol'] = 'binary';

That will make it work with an unhacked Websockify too, though as I 
mentioned yesterday by setting this to binary rather than AMQPWSB10 it 
will work with Websockify but not the Java Broker.

At least the last approach puts control firmly in your hands so you can 
make it configurable. Actually I've just this moment tried:

proton['websocket']['subprotocol'] = 'binary, AMQPWSB10';

and that actually works with WebSockify too, but I've not yet checked 
whether that would work with the Java Broker, if it does that might be 
worth changing the compile/link flag to (though I suspect that it would 
make it even more off-spec wrt. the AMQP JavaScript binding spec.).

proxy.js is tolerant to all these shenanigans though :-D I'd be the 
first to admit that it needs some work in the error handling department 
but it felt worth including 'cause it's pretty simple, is Node.js based 
(which is already needed to compile the JavaScript binding, so no extra 
dependencies), is Apache licensed.

HTH, and thanks for taking the time to have a play with the JavaScript 


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Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Rafael Schloming <>.
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Fraser Adams <> wrote:
> On 12/12/14 17:08, Rafael Schloming wrote:
>> As an aside, I attempted to use a different web sockets to tcp proxy and
>> I got an error because the protocol wasn't "binary" or "base64". What exact
>> protocol are you using and how is your proxy transcoding to/from web
>> sockets to tcp? --Rafael
> Are you using websockify?

Yes, at least I was attempting to use it.

> The proxy isn't doing anything especially clever, the main code is in
> ws2tcp.js. It basically ignores the subprotocol when converting from
> WebSocket to TCP, though it allows you to specify a subprotocol when going
> from TCP to WebSocket. As for "transcoding" it's simply taking the raw
> octets off the WebSocket and putting them onto the TCP socket, i.e. it's a
> transparent proxy.

Hmm, so I hacked websockify to ignore what is specifed in the protocols
header and hard coded it first to use binary, and second to use base64.
Neither option seemed to work.

> To answer "what exact protocol are you using" presumably you mean the
> websocket sub-protocol? For that I'm using AMQPWSB10, which is the one
> specified by the AMQP JavaScript Binding. I'm pretty sure that the Java
> Broker WebSocket Transport requires that.
> It's also worth mentioning that because I've based the JavaScript stuff
> exactly on top of proton-c I'm literally pushing the same binary octets out
> over the WebSocket as would be pushed over a TCP socket - that's good in
> one sense as it makes proxying to TCP pretty trivial but the AMQP WebSocket
> spec IIRC makes use of the fact that WebSockets are frame based, so uses
> that instead of AMQP framing.

The WebSocket spec defines the websockets message payload to be exactly the
same bytes that constitute an AMQP frame, so if you concatenate all the web
sockets messages together as raw binary, you will get a valid sequence of
bytes to send over a TCP connection. The catch is that it goes further to
define an alignment requirement, specifying that every AMQP frame must map
one-to-one onto a websockets message. This complicates things for the tcp
-> ws direction of proxying because the proxy might do partial tcp reads
and end up fragmenting AMQP frames without realizing it.

> The Java Broker is tolerant of being sent full AMQP frames over a
> WebSocket and I personally think that is the best sort of behaviour. Making
> things "fully" compliant with the AMQP WebSocket spec is going to require
> changes to the underlying proton-c and that seemed overkill at this stage.

Given the way the spec is defined, what the javascript client is doing is
completely valid (I believe) and should be guaranteed to work with
anything. What the spec messes up is using a transparent proxy, i.e.
essentially forcing you to build/embed a web sockets implementation
directly into your AMQP endpoint (or build a custom proxy that understands
AMQP framing). I think the proper fix for this is to actually relax the
restriction in the proposed spec as it does more harm than good.

> Rob Godfrey mentioned that there was talk of adding an SCTP transport,
> which would also require some refactoring to separate out the framing, but
> IMHO at the moment I quite like it the way it is because *most* things want
> a TCP transport, so being able to proxy fairly transparently is currently a
> really useful thing.
> If you look in the CMakeLists.txt in qpid-proton/proton-c/bindings/javascript
> there's a bit that goes:
> I think that if you take out the
> bit it will default to specifying "binary" as the subprotocol, so would
> probably then work with websockify, but probably not then with the Java
> Broker.

Thanks, I might play with that if I get some time.


Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Fraser Adams <>.
On 12/12/14 17:08, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> As an aside, I attempted to use a different web sockets to tcp proxy 
> and I got an error because the protocol wasn't "binary" or "base64". 
> What exact protocol are you using and how is your proxy transcoding 
> to/from web sockets to tcp? --Rafael 
Are you using websockify?

The proxy isn't doing anything especially clever, the main code is in 
ws2tcp.js. It basically ignores the subprotocol when converting from 
WebSocket to TCP, though it allows you to specify a subprotocol when 
going from TCP to WebSocket. As for "transcoding" it's simply taking the 
raw octets off the WebSocket and putting them onto the TCP socket, i.e. 
it's a transparent proxy.

To answer "what exact protocol are you using" presumably you mean the 
websocket sub-protocol? For that I'm using AMQPWSB10, which is the one 
specified by the AMQP JavaScript Binding. I'm pretty sure that the Java 
Broker WebSocket Transport requires that.

It's also worth mentioning that because I've based the JavaScript stuff 
exactly on top of proton-c I'm literally pushing the same binary octets 
out over the WebSocket as would be pushed over a TCP socket - that's 
good in one sense as it makes proxying to TCP pretty trivial but the 
AMQP WebSocket spec IIRC makes use of the fact that WebSockets are frame 
based, so uses that instead of AMQP framing.

The Java Broker is tolerant of being sent full AMQP frames over a 
WebSocket and I personally think that is the best sort of behaviour. 
Making things "fully" compliant with the AMQP WebSocket spec is going to 
require changes to the underlying proton-c and that seemed overkill at 
this stage.

Rob Godfrey mentioned that there was talk of adding an SCTP transport, 
which would also require some refactoring to separate out the framing, 
but IMHO at the moment I quite like it the way it is because *most* 
things want a TCP transport, so being able to proxy fairly transparently 
is currently a really useful thing.

If you look in the CMakeLists.txt in 
qpid-proton/proton-c/bindings/javascript there's a bit that goes:

   LINK_FLAGS "-s \"EXPORT_NAME='proton'\" -s 

I think that if you take out the

bit it will default to specifying "binary" as the subprotocol, so would 
probably then work with websockify, but probably not then with the Java 


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Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Rafael Schloming <>.
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Fraser Adams <> wrote:
> Yup pretty much exactly as Rafael says.
> If you are using the Qpid Java Broker you need to tweak the config.json in
> qpid-work, basically you need to add something like the following to the
> "ports" array (if you leave out the "id" I think a proper one should get
> created):
> {
>     "id" : "7f44acca-5de9-4cab-a167-8a1ef7e4119f",
>     "authenticationProvider" : "passwordFile",
>     "name" : "AMQP-WS",
>     "port" : "5673",
>     "transports" : [ "WS" ]
>   }
> Which will activate the WebSocket transport on port 5673
> If you are using the C++ broker there is a little Node.js WebSocket->TCP
> Socket proxy provided in:
> qpid-proton/examples/messenger/javascript
> called simply proxy.js
> If you fire that up it will accept a WebSocket connection and connect to a
> TCP socket
> ./proxy -h
> will show the options.
> In that directory there's a little send.html demo but it should be pretty
> easy to do receive too. If you look at recv.js that's set up as a "server"
> ( var address = "amqp://~";) but if you were to do say:
> ./recv.js amqp://
> that would receive messages off a broker - assuming that you had a queue
> called queue and you had enabled the Java Broker WebSocket transport or had
> the proxy running :-)
> Also (and this *still* bites me :-[ ) be careful of the ports. You
> normally use 5672 for AMQP, but that's the TCP transport, the proxy.js
> defaults to listen on 5673 and sends out on TCP 5672, so you'd generally
> need to do:
> ./recv.js amqp://
> so basically I've just done:
> 1. open a console and do qpidd --auth no
> 2. do qpid-config add queue queue
> 3. open another console and do (in qpid-proton/examples/messenger/javascript)
> ./proxy.js
> 4. open another console and do (in qpid-proton/examples/messenger/javascript)
> ./recv.js amqp://
> 5. open another console and do (in qpid-proton/examples/messenger/javascript)
> ./send.js -a amqp://
> It should be fairly easy to hack around with send.html to pull in the
> behaviour of recv.js
> Be aware that the proxy.js doesn't have much in the way of error handling
> yet if you use the proxy and qpidd and qpidd dies your client won't see it.
> It's on my TODO list, but I've been tied up an a whole bunch of family Xmas
> related things lately, so my weekends of coding have been a bit disrupted
> :-D

It should be *slightly* more robust now. I fixed it so that it wouldn't
fall over when you abort the websockets connection (e.g. from doing a page
reload or something).

As an aside, I attempted to use a different web sockets to tcp proxy and I
got an error because the protocol wasn't "binary" or "base64". What exact
protocol are you using and how is your proxy transcoding to/from web
sockets to tcp?


Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Fraser Adams <>.
Yup pretty much exactly as Rafael says.

If you are using the Qpid Java Broker you need to tweak the config.json 
in qpid-work, basically you need to add something like the following to 
the "ports" array (if you leave out the "id" I think a proper one should 
get created):

     "id" : "7f44acca-5de9-4cab-a167-8a1ef7e4119f",
     "authenticationProvider" : "passwordFile",
     "name" : "AMQP-WS",
     "port" : "5673",
     "transports" : [ "WS" ]

Which will activate the WebSocket transport on port 5673

If you are using the C++ broker there is a little Node.js WebSocket->TCP 
Socket proxy provided in:


called simply proxy.js

If you fire that up it will accept a WebSocket connection and connect to 
a TCP socket

./proxy -h

will show the options.

In that directory there's a little send.html demo but it should be 
pretty easy to do receive too. If you look at recv.js that's set up as a 
"server" ( var address = "amqp://~";) but if you were to do say:

./recv.js amqp://

that would receive messages off a broker - assuming that you had a queue 
called queue and you had enabled the Java Broker WebSocket transport or 
had the proxy running :-)

Also (and this *still* bites me :-[ ) be careful of the ports. You 
normally use 5672 for AMQP, but that's the TCP transport, the proxy.js 
defaults to listen on 5673 and sends out on TCP 5672, so you'd generally 
need to do:

./recv.js amqp://

so basically I've just done:
1. open a console and do qpidd --auth no
2. do qpid-config add queue queue
3. open another console and do (in 
qpid-proton/examples/messenger/javascript) ./proxy.js
4. open another console and do (in 
qpid-proton/examples/messenger/javascript) ./recv.js 
5. open another console and do (in 
qpid-proton/examples/messenger/javascript) ./send.js -a 

It should be fairly easy to hack around with send.html to pull in the 
behaviour of recv.js

Be aware that the proxy.js doesn't have much in the way of error 
handling yet if you use the proxy and qpidd and qpidd dies your client 
won't see it. It's on my TODO list, but I've been tied up an a whole 
bunch of family Xmas related things lately, so my weekends of coding 
have been a bit disrupted :-D


On 12/12/14 15:11, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> Yes, it is possible. The only caveat is that depending on whether your
> broker supports websockets or not you may need to put a websockets to tcp
> proxy in front of your broker.
> --Rafael
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Jan Rinze <> wrote:
>> I have read this thread with great interest.
>> Will it be possible to use this in a web-page and show incoming messages
>> from a queue as well as send messages to a queue? We use JSON based web
>> services to relay between javascript and qpid but sending and receiving
>> directly to a broker would make life much easier.
>> Best regards,
>> Jan Rinze.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the Apache Qpid users mailing list archive at
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Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Rafael Schloming <>.
Yes, it is possible. The only caveat is that depending on whether your
broker supports websockets or not you may need to put a websockets to tcp
proxy in front of your broker.


On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Jan Rinze <> wrote:
> I have read this thread with great interest.
> Will it be possible to use this in a web-page and show incoming messages
> from a queue as well as send messages to a queue? We use JSON based web
> services to relay between javascript and qpid but sending and receiving
> directly to a broker would make life much easier.
> Best regards,
> Jan Rinze.
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Apache Qpid users mailing list archive at
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Jan Rinze <>.
I have read this thread with great interest.
Will it be possible to use this in a web-page and show incoming messages
from a queue as well as send messages to a queue? We use JSON based web
services to relay between javascript and qpid but sending and receiving
directly to a broker would make life much easier.

Best regards,
Jan Rinze. 

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Sent from the Apache Qpid users mailing list archive at

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Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Fraser Adams <>.
On 29/11/14 16:00, Dominic Evans wrote:
> I'm looking forward to checking this out now it has dropped into master. It
> was only when you recently posted on the mailing list about it that I knew
> it was in development. Thanks for the instructions to get up and running
> with it too.
Yeah I should probably have been a bit more communicative about it, but 
I'm a bit obsessive and kept on adding "just one more thing" :-D . 
Rafael pulling what I had onto master was kind of the kick I needed...
> Will be interesting to compare the nodejs enscripten performance vs a
> swig-based proton-c nodejs addon too.
> Cheers
> Dom
As well as needing to get the Node.js net module support in emscripten 
sorted out another thing on my TODO list is to look at the latest swig 
JavaScript binding stuff. I think I've mentioned this previously, but 
the swig and emscripten approaches are complementary rather than 
competing, the swig approach is only ever going to work on things like 
Node.js not a browser, but it might eke a little extra performance.

The pure JavaScript emscripten approach is clearly very heavily 
influenced by the performance of the runtime. From what I've noticed 
from casual observation the asm.js optimisations in recent Firefox 
builds make a real difference though. FF 33 looks like it has more than 
double the throughput of the version of V8 running on Node.js 0.10.33, I 
need to try it out with Chrome to see if there's a difference there. An 
interesting "wet finger" is that my test on FF 33 using the pure 
JavaScript library and msgr-send.js seemed to have performance in the 
same ballpark as the, which obviously uses the swigged 
native C proton-c. I've not really properly compared apples with apples 
or anything but it empirically suggests that there might not be toooooo 
much gain using a swig based proton-c Node.js (well once V8 uses asm.js).

I must admit that I'm quite pleased with the way it has turned out, 
emscripten definitely ranks up there as one of my favourite things in 
the world of software - it really appeals to my twisted sense of the 
absurd :-D


Re: heads up: javascript has landed

Posted by Dominic Evans <>.

> On 29 Nov 2014, at 14:20, Fraser Adams <>
> Hopefully this is useful to people, it's been something of a labour of
love over the last year.

I'm looking forward to checking this out now it has dropped into master. It
was only when you recently posted on the mailing list about it that I knew
it was in development. Thanks for the instructions to get up and running
with it too.

Will be interesting to compare the nodejs enscripten performance vs a
swig-based proton-c nodejs addon too.
