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[2/2] lucene-solr:branch_7x: Beef up testing of json.facet 'refine:simple' when dealing with 'Long Tail' terms

Beef up testing of json.facet 'refine:simple' when dealing with 'Long Tail' terms

In an attempt to get more familiar with json.facet refinement, I set out to try and refactor/generalize/clone
some of the existing facet.pivot refinement tests to assert that json.facet could produce the same results.
This test is a baby step towards doing that: Cloning DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest into
DistributedFacetSimpleRefinementLongTailTest (with shared index building code).

Along the way, I learned that the core logic of 'refine:simple' is actually quite different then how facet.field
& facet.pivot work (see discussion in SOLR-11733), so they do *NOT* produce the same results in many "Long Tail"
Sitautions.  As a result, many of the logic/assertions inDistributedFacetSimpleRefinementLongTailTest are very
differnet then their counter parts in DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest, with detailed explanations in comments.

Hopefully this test will prove useful down the road to anyone who might want to compare/contrast facet.pivot
with json.facet, and to prevent regressions in 'refine:simple' if/when we add more complex refinement
approaches in the future.

There are also a few TODOs in the test related to some other small discrepencies between json.facet and
stats.field that I opened along the way, indicating where the tests should be modified once those issues are
addressed in json.facet...

 - SOLR-11706: support for multivalued numeric fields in stats
 - SOLR-11695: support for 'missing()' & 'num_vals()' (aka: 'count' from stats.field) numeric stats
 - SOLR-11725: switch from 'uncorrected stddev' to 'corrected stddev'

(cherry picked from commit 2990c88a927213177483b61fe8e6971df04fc3ed)


Branch: refs/heads/branch_7x
Commit: 53f2d4aa3aa171d5f37284eba9ca56d987729796
Parents: 76b7bc3
Author: Chris Hostetter <>
Authored: Tue Dec 12 11:50:20 2017 -0700
Committer: Chris Hostetter <>
Committed: Tue Dec 12 11:50:52 2017 -0700

 .../      | 115 ++--- | 428 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 468 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
diff --git a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/handler/component/ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/handler/component/
index f18f551..996ae2e 100644
--- a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/handler/component/
+++ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/handler/component/
@@ -19,93 +19,57 @@ package org.apache.solr.handler.component;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.solr.BaseDistributedSearchTestCase;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
 import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FieldStatsInfo;
 import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.PivotField;
 import org.apache.solr.common.params.FacetParams;
 import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
 import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
 import org.junit.Test;
+ * <p>
  * test demonstrating how overrequesting helps finds top-terms in the "long tail" 
  * of shards that don't have even distributions of terms (something that can be common
  * in cases of custom sharding -- even if you don't know that there is a corrolation 
  * between the property you are sharding on and the property you are faceting on).
- *
- * NOTE: This test ignores the control collection (in single node mode, there is no 
+ * <p>
+ * <b>NOTE:</b> This test ignores the control collection (in single node mode, there is no 
  * need for the overrequesting, all the data is local -- so comparisons with it wouldn't 
  * be valid in the cases we are testing here)
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>NOTE:</b> uses the same indexed documents as {@link DistributedFacetSimpleRefinementLongTailTest} -- 
+ * however the behavior of <code>refine:simple</code> is "simpler" then the refinement logic used by 
+ * <code>facet.pivot</code> so the assertions in this test vary from that test.
+ * </p>
 public class DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
-  private int docNumber = 0;
+  private String STAT_FIELD = null; // will be randomized single value vs multivalued
   public DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest() {
     // we need DVs on point fields to compute stats & facets
     if (Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP)) System.setProperty(NUMERIC_DOCVALUES_SYSPROP,"true");
+    STAT_FIELD = random().nextBoolean() ? "stat_i1" : "stat_i";
-  public int getDocNum() {
-    docNumber++;
-    return docNumber;
-  }
   @ShardsFixed(num = 3)
   public void test() throws Exception {
-    final SolrClient shard0 = clients.get(0);
-    final SolrClient shard1 = clients.get(1);
-    final SolrClient shard2 = clients.get(2);
-    // the 5 top foo_s terms have 100 docs each on every shard
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-      for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
-        shard0.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "aaa"+j, "stat_i", j * 13 - i));
-        shard1.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "aaa"+j, "stat_i", j * 3 + i));
-        shard2.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "aaa"+j, "stat_i", i * 7 + j));
-      }
-    }
-    // 20 foo_s terms that come in "second" with 50 docs each 
-    // on both shard0 & shard1 ("bbb_")
-    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
-      for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
-        shard0.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "bbb"+j, "stat_i", 0));
-        shard1.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "bbb"+j, "stat_i", 1));
-      }
-      // distracting term appears on only on shard2 50 times
-      shard2.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "junkA"));
-    }
-    // put "bbb0" on shard2 exactly once to sanity check refinement
-    shard2.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "bbb0", "stat_i", -2));
-    // long 'tail' foo_s term appears in 45 docs on every shard
-    // foo_s:tail is the only term with bar_s sub-pivot terms
-    for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
-      // for sub-pivot, shard0 & shard1 have 6 docs each for "tailB"
-      // but the top 5 terms are ccc(0-4) -- 7 on each shard
-      // (4 docs each have junk terms)
-      String sub_term = (i < 35) ? "ccc"+(i % 5) : ((i < 41) ? "tailB" : "junkA");
-      shard0.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "tail", "bar_s", sub_term, "stat_i", i));
-      shard1.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "tail", "bar_s", sub_term, "stat_i", i));
-      // shard2's top 5 sub-pivot terms are junk only it has with 8 docs each
-      // and 5 docs that use "tailB"
-      // NOTE: none of these get stat_i ! !
-      sub_term = (i < 40) ? "junkB"+(i % 5) : "tailB";
-      shard2.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "tail", "bar_s", sub_term));
-    }
-    // really long tail uncommon foo_s terms on shard2
-    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
-      shard2.add(sdoc("id", getDocNum(), "foo_s", "zzz"+i));
-    }
+    DistributedFacetSimpleRefinementLongTailTest.buildIndexes(clients, STAT_FIELD);
+    sanityCheckIndividualShards();
+    checkRefinementAndOverrequesting();
+    doTestDeepPivotStats();
+  }
+  private void sanityCheckIndividualShards() throws Exception {
+    assertEquals("This test assumes exactly 3 shards/clients", 3, clients.size());
     SolrParams req = params( "q", "*:*", 
                              "distrib", "false",
                              "facet", "true", 
@@ -116,10 +80,11 @@ public class DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTest
     PivotField pivot = null;
     List<PivotField> pivots = null;
-    List<PivotField>[] shardPivots = new List[3];
-    shardPivots[0] = shard0.query( req ).getFacetPivot().get("foo_s,bar_s");
-    shardPivots[1] = shard1.query( req ).getFacetPivot().get("foo_s,bar_s");
-    shardPivots[2] = shard2.query( req ).getFacetPivot().get("foo_s,bar_s");
+    List<PivotField>[] shardPivots = new List[clients.size()];
+    for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++) {
+      shardPivots[i] = clients.get(i).query( req ).getFacetPivot().get("foo_s,bar_s");
+    }
     // top 5 same on all shards
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
@@ -143,11 +108,9 @@ public class DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTest
     assertEquals(50, shardPivots[2].get(5).getCount());
     assertEquals("tail", shardPivots[2].get(6).getValue());
     assertEquals(45, shardPivots[2].get(6).getCount());
-    assertEquals("bbb0", shardPivots[2].get(7).getValue());
-    assertEquals(1, shardPivots[2].get(7).getCount());
-    for (int j = 8; j < 10; j++) {
+    for (int j = 7; j < 10; j++) {
       pivot = shardPivots[2].get(j);
-      assertTrue(pivot.toString(), pivot.getValue().toString().startsWith("zzz"));
+      assertTrue(pivot.toString(), pivot.getValue().toString().startsWith("ZZZ"));
       assertEquals(pivot.toString(), 1, pivot.getCount());
     // check sub-shardPivots on "tail" from shard2
@@ -161,9 +124,12 @@ public class DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTest
     pivot = pivots.get(5);
     assertEquals("tailB", pivot.getValue());
     assertEquals(5, pivot.getCount());
+  }
+  private void checkRefinementAndOverrequesting() throws Exception {
     // if we disable overrequesting, we don't find the long tail
+    List<PivotField> pivots = null;
+    PivotField pivot = null;
     pivots = queryServer( params( "q", "*:*",
                                   "shards", getShardsString(),
                                   FacetParams.FACET_OVERREQUEST_COUNT, "0",
@@ -172,7 +138,7 @@ public class DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTest
                                   "facet.limit", "6",
                                   "facet.pivot", "{!stats=sxy}foo_s,bar_s",
                                   "stats", "true",
-                                  "stats.field", "{!tag=sxy}stat_i")
+                                  "stats.field", "{!tag=sxy}" + STAT_FIELD)
     assertEquals(6, pivots.size());
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
@@ -185,8 +151,8 @@ public class DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTest
       assertTrue(pivot.toString(), pivot.getValue().equals("bbb0"));
       assertEquals(pivot.toString(), 101, pivot.getCount());
       // basic check of refined stats
-      FieldStatsInfo bbb0Stats = pivot.getFieldStatsInfo().get("stat_i");
-      assertEquals("stat_i", bbb0Stats.getName());
+      FieldStatsInfo bbb0Stats = pivot.getFieldStatsInfo().get(STAT_FIELD);
+      assertEquals(STAT_FIELD, bbb0Stats.getName());
       assertEquals(-2.0, bbb0Stats.getMin());
       assertEquals(1.0, bbb0Stats.getMax());
       assertEquals(101, (long) bbb0Stats.getCount());
@@ -295,11 +261,10 @@ public class DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTest
       assertTrue(pivot.toString(), pivot.getValue().toString().startsWith("ccc"));
       assertEquals(pivot.toString(), 14, pivot.getCount());
-    doTestDeepPivotStats();
-  public void doTestDeepPivotStats() throws Exception {
+  private void doTestDeepPivotStats() throws Exception {
     // Deep checking of some Facet stats - no refinement involved here
     List<PivotField> pivots = 
@@ -309,7 +274,7 @@ public class DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTest
             "rows" , "0",
             "stats", "true",
-            "stats.field", "{!key=avg_price tag=s1}stat_i").getFacetPivot().get("foo_s,bar_s");
+            "stats.field", "{!key=avg_price tag=s1}" + STAT_FIELD).getFacetPivot().get("foo_s,bar_s");
     PivotField aaa0PivotField = pivots.get(0);
     assertEquals("aaa0", aaa0PivotField.getValue());
     assertEquals(300, aaa0PivotField.getCount());
diff --git a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/facet/ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/facet/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0612755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/facet/
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
+import org.apache.solr.BaseDistributedSearchTestCase;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
+import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
+import org.junit.Test;
+ * A test the demonstrates some of the expected behavior fo "long tail" terms when using <code>refine:simple</code>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>NOTE:</b> This test ignores the control collection (in single node mode, there is no 
+ * need for the overrequesting, all the data is local -- so comparisons with it wouldn't 
+ * be valid in the cases we are testing here)
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>NOTE:</b> This test is heavily inspired by (and uses the same indexed documents) as 
+ * {@link org.apache.solr.handler.component.DistributedFacetPivotLongTailTest} -- however the behavior of 
+ * <code>refine:simple</code> is "simpler" then the refinement logic used by 
+ * <code>facet.pivot</code> so the assertions in this test vary from that test.
+ * </p>
+ */
+public class DistributedFacetSimpleRefinementLongTailTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
+  // TODO: SOLR-11695: need "num_values" and "missing"...
+  // TODO: add hll & variance - update all assertions to test their values (right after any mention of 'stddev')
+  private static List<String> ALL_STATS = Arrays.asList("min", "max", "sum", "stddev", "avg", "sumsq", "unique");
+  private String STAT_FIELD = "stat_i1";
+  private String ALL_STATS_JSON = "";
+  public DistributedFacetSimpleRefinementLongTailTest() {
+    // we need DVs on point fields to compute stats & facets
+    if (Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP)) System.setProperty(NUMERIC_DOCVALUES_SYSPROP,"true");
+    // TODO: randomizing STAT_FIELD to be multiValued=true blocked by SOLR-11706
+    // STAT_FIELD = random().nextBoolean() ? "stat_i1" : "stat_i";
+    for (String stat : ALL_STATS) {
+      ALL_STATS_JSON += stat + ":'" + stat + "(" + STAT_FIELD + ")',";
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  @ShardsFixed(num = 3)
+  public void test() throws Exception {
+    buildIndexes(clients, STAT_FIELD);
+    commit();
+    sanityCheckIndividualShards();
+    checkRefinementAndOverrequesting();
+    checkSubFacetStats();
+  }
+  public static void buildIndexes(final List<SolrClient> clients, final String statField) throws Exception {
+    assertEquals("This indexing code assumes exactly 3 shards/clients", 3, clients.size());
+    final AtomicInteger docNum = new AtomicInteger();
+    final SolrClient shard0 = clients.get(0);
+    final SolrClient shard1 = clients.get(1);
+    final SolrClient shard2 = clients.get(2);
+    // the 5 top foo_s terms have 100 docs each on every shard
+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
+        shard0.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "aaa"+j, statField, j * 13 - i));
+        shard1.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "aaa"+j, statField, j * 3 + i));
+        shard2.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "aaa"+j, statField, i * 7 + j));
+      }
+    }
+    // 20 foo_s terms that come in "second" with 50 docs each 
+    // on both shard0 & shard1 ("bbb_")
+    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
+        shard0.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "bbb"+j, statField, 0));
+        shard1.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "bbb"+j, statField, 1));
+      }
+      // distracting term appears on only on shard2 50 times
+      shard2.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "junkA"));
+    }
+    // put "bbb0" on shard2 exactly once to sanity check refinement
+    shard2.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "bbb0", statField, -2));
+    // long 'tail' foo_s term appears in 45 docs on every shard
+    // foo_s:tail is the only term with bar_s sub-pivot terms
+    for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
+      // for sub-pivot, shard0 & shard1 have 6 docs each for "tailB"
+      // but the top 5 terms are ccc(0-4) -- 7 on each shard
+      // (4 docs each have junk terms)
+      String sub_term = (i < 35) ? "ccc"+(i % 5) : ((i < 41) ? "tailB" : "junkA");
+      shard0.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "tail", "bar_s", sub_term, statField, i));
+      shard1.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "tail", "bar_s", sub_term, statField, i));
+      // shard2's top 5 sub-pivot terms are junk only it has with 8 docs each
+      // and 5 docs that use "tailB"
+      // NOTE: none of these get statField ! !
+      sub_term = (i < 40) ? "junkB"+(i % 5) : "tailB";
+      shard2.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "tail", "bar_s", sub_term));
+    }
+    // really long tail uncommon foo_s terms on shard2
+    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
+      // NOTE: using "Z" here so these sort before bbb0 when they tie for '1' instance each on shard2
+      shard2.add(sdoc("id", docNum.incrementAndGet(), "foo_s", "ZZZ"+i));
+    }
+  }
+  private void sanityCheckIndividualShards() throws Exception {
+    // sanity check that our expectations about each shard (non-distrib) are correct
+    SolrParams req = params( "q", "*:*", "distrib", "false", "json.facet",
+                             " { foo:{ type:terms, limit:10, field:foo_s, facet:{ bar:{ type:terms, limit:10, field:bar_s }}}}");
+    List<NamedList>[] shardFooBuckets = new List[clients.size()];
+    for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++) {
+      shardFooBuckets[i] = (List<NamedList>)
+        ((NamedList<NamedList>)clients.get(i).query( req ).getResponse().get("facets")).get("foo").get("buckets");
+    }
+    // top 5 same on all shards
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+      assertEquals(10, shardFooBuckets[i].size());
+      for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
+        NamedList bucket = shardFooBuckets[i].get(j);
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), "aaa"+j, bucket.get("val"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 100, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+    }
+    // top 6-10 same on shard0 & shard1
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      for (int j = 5; j < 10; j++) {
+        NamedList bucket = shardFooBuckets[i].get(j);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("bbb"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 50, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+    }
+    // 6-10 on shard2
+    assertEquals("junkA", shardFooBuckets[2].get(5).get("val"));
+    assertEquals(50, shardFooBuckets[2].get(5).get("count"));
+    assertEquals("tail", shardFooBuckets[2].get(6).get("val"));
+    assertEquals(45, shardFooBuckets[2].get(6).get("count"));
+    for (int j = 7; j < 10; j++) {
+      NamedList bucket = shardFooBuckets[2].get(j);
+      assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("ZZZ"));
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 1, bucket.get("count"));
+    }
+    // check 'bar' sub buckets on "tail" from shard2
+    { List<NamedList> bar_buckets = (List<NamedList>)  ((NamedList<NamedList>) shardFooBuckets[2].get(6).get("bar")).get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(6, bar_buckets.size());
+      for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
+        NamedList bucket = bar_buckets.get(j);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("junkB"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 8, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+      NamedList bucket = bar_buckets.get(5);
+      assertEquals("tailB", bucket.get("val"));
+      assertEquals(5, bucket.get("count"));
+    }
+  }
+  private void checkRefinementAndOverrequesting() throws Exception {
+    // // distributed queries // //
+    { // w/o refinement, the default overrequest isn't enough to find the long 'tail' *OR* the correct count for 'bbb0'...
+      List<NamedList> foo_buckets = (List<NamedList>)
+        ((NamedList<NamedList>)
+         queryServer( params( "q", "*:*", "shards", getShardsString(), "json.facet",
+                              "{ foo: { type:terms, refine:none, limit:6, field:foo_s } }"
+                              ) ).getResponse().get("facets")).get("foo").get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(6, foo_buckets.size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        NamedList bucket = foo_buckets.get(i);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("aaa"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 300L, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+      // this will be short the "+1" fo the doc added to shard2...
+      NamedList bucket = foo_buckets.get(5);
+      assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").equals("bbb0")); // 'tail' is missed
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 100L, bucket.get("count")); // will not include the "+1" for the doc added to shard2
+    }
+    // even if we enable refinement, we still won't find the long 'tail' ...
+    // regardless of wether we use either the default overrequest, or disable overrequesting...
+    for (String over : Arrays.asList( "", "overrequest:0,")) { 
+      List<NamedList> foo_buckets = (List<NamedList>)
+        ((NamedList<NamedList>)
+         queryServer( params( "q", "*:*", "shards", getShardsString(), "json.facet",
+                              "{ foo: { type:terms, refine:simple, limit:6, "+ over +" field:foo_s, facet:{ " + ALL_STATS_JSON + 
+                              "  bar: { type:terms, refine:simple, limit:6, "+ over +" field:bar_s, facet:{"+ALL_STATS_JSON+"}}}}}"
+                              ) ).getResponse().get("facets")).get("foo").get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(6, foo_buckets.size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        NamedList bucket = foo_buckets.get(i);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("aaa"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 300L, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+      // ...but it should have correctly asked shard2 to refine bbb0
+      NamedList bucket = foo_buckets.get(5);
+      assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").equals("bbb0"));
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 101L, bucket.get("count"));
+      // ...and the status under bbb0 should be correct to include the refinement
+      assertEquals(ALL_STATS.size() + 3, bucket.size()); // val,count,facet
+      assertEquals(-2L, bucket.get("min"));                                         // this min only exists on shard2
+      assertEquals(1L, bucket.get("max"));
+      // assertEquals(101L, bucket.get("num_values")); // TODO: SOLR-11695
+      // assertEquals(0L, bucket.get("missing")); // TODO: SOLR-11695
+      assertEquals(48.0D, bucket.get("sum"));
+      assertEquals(0.475247524752475D, (double) bucket.get("avg"), 0.1E-7);
+      assertEquals(54.0D, (double) bucket.get("sumsq"), 0.1E-7);
+      // assertEquals(0.55846323792D, bucket.getStddev(), 0.1E-7); // TODO: SOLR-11725
+      assertEquals(0.55569169111D, (double) bucket.get("stddev"), 0.1E-7); // json.facet is using the "uncorrected stddev"
+    }
+    // with a limit==6, we have to "overrequest >= 20" in order to ensure that 'tail' is included in the top 6
+    // this is because of how the "simple" refinement process works: the "top buckets" are determined based
+    // on the info available in the first pass request.
+    //
+    // Even though 'tail' is returned in the top6 for shard2, the cummulative total for 'bbb0' from shard0 and shard1 is
+    // high enough that the simple facet refinement ignores 'tail' because it assumes 'bbb0's final total will be greater.
+    //
+    // Meanwhile, for the sub-facet on 'bar', a limit==6 means we should correctly find 'tailB' as the top sub-term of 'tail',
+    // regardless of how much overrequest is used (or even if we don't have any refinement) since it's always in the top6...
+    for (String bar_opts : Arrays.asList( "refine:none,",
+                                          "refine:simple,",
+                                          "refine:none,   overrequest:0,",
+                                          "refine:simple, overrequest:0," )) {
+      List<NamedList> buckets = (List<NamedList>)
+        ((NamedList<NamedList>)
+         queryServer( params( "q", "*:*", "shards", getShardsString(), "json.facet",
+                              "{ foo: { type:terms, limit:6, overrequest:20, refine:simple, field:foo_s, facet:{ " +
+                              "  bar: { type:terms, limit:6, " + bar_opts + " field:bar_s }}}}"
+                              ) ).getResponse().get("facets")).get("foo").get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(6, buckets.size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        NamedList bucket = buckets.get(i);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("aaa"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 300L, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+      NamedList bucket = buckets.get(5);
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), "tail", bucket.get("val"));
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 135L, bucket.get("count"));
+      // check the sub buckets
+      buckets = ((NamedList<NamedList<List<NamedList>>>) bucket).get("bar").get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(6, buckets.size());
+      bucket = buckets.get(0);
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), "tailB", bucket.get("val"));
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 17L, bucket.get("count"));
+      for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { // ccc(0-4)
+        bucket = buckets.get(i);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("ccc"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 14L, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+    }
+    // if we lower the limit on the sub-bucket to '5', overrequesting of at least 1 should still ensure 
+    // that we get the correct top5 including "tailB" -- even w/o refinement
+    for (String bar_opts : Arrays.asList( "refine:none,",
+                                          "refine:simple,",
+                                          "refine:none,   overrequest:1,",
+                                          "refine:simple, overrequest:1," )) {
+      List<NamedList> buckets = (List<NamedList>)
+        ((NamedList<NamedList>)
+         queryServer( params( "q", "*:*", "shards", getShardsString(), "json.facet",
+                              "{ foo: { type:terms, limit:6, overrequest:20, refine:simple, field:foo_s, facet:{ " +
+                              "  bar: { type:terms, limit:5, " + bar_opts + " field:bar_s }}}}"
+                              ) ).getResponse().get("facets")).get("foo").get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(6, buckets.size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        NamedList bucket = buckets.get(i);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("aaa"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 300L, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+      NamedList bucket = buckets.get(5);
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), "tail", bucket.get("val"));
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 135L, bucket.get("count"));
+      // check the sub buckets
+      buckets = ((NamedList<NamedList<List<NamedList>>>) bucket).get("bar").get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(5, buckets.size());
+      bucket = buckets.get(0);
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), "tailB", bucket.get("val"));
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 17L, bucket.get("count"));
+      for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { // ccc(0-3)
+        bucket = buckets.get(i);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("ccc"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 14L, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+    }
+    // however: with a lower sub-facet limit==5, and overrequesting disabled, 
+    // we're going to miss out on tailB even if we have refinement
+    for (String bar_opts : Arrays.asList( "refine:none,   overrequest:0,",
+                                          "refine:simple, overrequest:0," )) {
+      List<NamedList> buckets = (List<NamedList>)
+        ((NamedList<NamedList>)
+         queryServer( params( "q", "*:*", "shards", getShardsString(), "json.facet",
+                              "{ foo: { type:terms, limit:6, overrequest:20, refine:simple, field:foo_s, facet:{ " +
+                              "  bar: { type:terms, limit:5, " + bar_opts + " field:bar_s }}}}"
+                              ) ).getResponse().get("facets")).get("foo").get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(6, buckets.size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        NamedList bucket = buckets.get(i);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("aaa"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 300L, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+      NamedList bucket = buckets.get(5);
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), "tail", bucket.get("val"));
+      assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 135L, bucket.get("count"));
+      // check the sub buckets
+      buckets = ((NamedList<NamedList<List<NamedList>>>) bucket).get("bar").get("buckets");
+      assertEquals(5, buckets.size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // ccc(0-4)
+        bucket = buckets.get(i);
+        assertTrue(bucket.toString(), bucket.get("val").toString().startsWith("ccc"));
+        assertEquals(bucket.toString(), 14L, bucket.get("count"));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private void checkSubFacetStats() throws Exception { 
+    // Deep checking of some Facet stats
+    // the assertions only care about the first 5 results of each facet, but to get the long tail more are needed
+    // from the sub-shards.  results should be the same regardless of: "high limit" vs "low limit + high overrequest"
+    checkSubFacetStats("refine:simple, limit: 100,");
+    checkSubFacetStats("refine:simple, overrequest: 100,");
+    // and the results shouldn't change if we explicitly disable refinement
+    checkSubFacetStats("refine:none, limit: 100,");
+    checkSubFacetStats("refine:none, overrequest: 100,");
+  }
+  private void checkSubFacetStats(String extraJson) throws Exception {
+    String commonJson = "type: terms, " + extraJson;
+    NamedList<NamedList> all_facets = (NamedList) queryServer
+      ( params( "q", "*:*", "shards", getShardsString(), "rows" , "0", "json.facet",
+                "{ foo : { " + commonJson + " field: foo_s, facet: { " +
+                ALL_STATS_JSON + " bar: { " + commonJson + " field: bar_s, facet: { " + ALL_STATS_JSON + "} } } } }"
+      ) ).getResponse().get("facets");
+    assertNotNull(all_facets);
+    List<NamedList> foo_buckets = (List) ((NamedList)all_facets.get("foo")).get("buckets");
+    NamedList aaa0_Bucket = foo_buckets.get(0);
+    assertEquals(ALL_STATS.size() + 3, aaa0_Bucket.size()); // val,count,facet
+    assertEquals("aaa0", aaa0_Bucket.get("val"));
+    assertEquals(300L, aaa0_Bucket.get("count"));
+    assertEquals(-99L, aaa0_Bucket.get("min"));
+    assertEquals(693L, aaa0_Bucket.get("max"));
+    // assertEquals(300L, aaa0_Bucket.get("num_values")); // TODO: SOLR-11695
+    // assertEquals(0L, aaa0_Bucket.get("missing")); // TODO: SOLR-11695
+    assertEquals(34650.0D, aaa0_Bucket.get("sum"));
+    assertEquals(115.5D, (double) aaa0_Bucket.get("avg"), 0.1E-7);
+    assertEquals(1.674585E7D, (double) aaa0_Bucket.get("sumsq"), 0.1E-7);
+    // assertEquals(206.4493184076D, (double) aaa0_Bucket.get("stddev"), 0.1E-7); // TODO: SOLR-11725
+    assertEquals(206.1049489944D, (double) aaa0_Bucket.get("stddev"), 0.1E-7); // json.facet is using the "uncorrected stddev"
+    NamedList tail_Bucket = foo_buckets.get(5);
+    assertEquals(ALL_STATS.size() + 3, tail_Bucket.size()); // val,count,facet
+    assertEquals("tail", tail_Bucket.get("val"));
+    assertEquals(135L, tail_Bucket.get("count"));
+    assertEquals(0L, tail_Bucket.get("min"));
+    assertEquals(44L, tail_Bucket.get("max"));
+    // assertEquals(90L, tail_Bucket.get("num_values")); // TODO: SOLR-11695
+    // assertEquals(45L, tail_Bucket.get("missing")); // TODO: SOLR-11695
+    assertEquals(1980.0D, tail_Bucket.get("sum"));
+    assertEquals(22.0D, (double) tail_Bucket.get("avg"), 0.1E-7);
+    assertEquals(58740.0D, (double) tail_Bucket.get("sumsq"), 0.1E-7);
+    // assertEquals(13.0599310011D, (double) tail_Bucket.get("stddev"), 0.1E-7); // TODO: SOLR-11725
+    assertEquals(12.9871731592D, (double) tail_Bucket.get("stddev"), 0.1E-7); // json.facet is using the "uncorrected stddev"
+    List<NamedList> tail_bar_buckets = (List) ((NamedList)tail_Bucket.get("bar")).get("buckets");
+    NamedList tailB_Bucket = tail_bar_buckets.get(0);
+    assertEquals(ALL_STATS.size() + 2, tailB_Bucket.size()); // val,count ... NO SUB FACETS
+    assertEquals("tailB", tailB_Bucket.get("val"));
+    assertEquals(17L, tailB_Bucket.get("count"));
+    assertEquals(35L, tailB_Bucket.get("min"));
+    assertEquals(40L, tailB_Bucket.get("max"));
+    // assertEquals(12L, tailB_Bucket.get("num_values")); // TODO: SOLR-11695
+    // assertEquals(5L, tailB_Bucket.get("missing")); // TODO: SOLR-11695
+    assertEquals(450.0D, tailB_Bucket.get("sum"));
+    assertEquals(37.5D, (double) tailB_Bucket.get("avg"), 0.1E-7);
+    assertEquals(16910.0D, (double) tailB_Bucket.get("sumsq"), 0.1E-7);
+    // assertEquals(1.78376517D, (double) tailB_Bucket.get("stddev"), 0.1E-7); // TODO: SOLR-11725
+    assertEquals(1.70782513D, (double) tailB_Bucket.get("stddev"), 0.1E-7); // json.facet is using the "uncorrected stddev"
+  }