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Posted to by Justin Ross <> on 2014/03/05 14:05:25 UTC

Qpid dist tool

I've been working on a new tool to generate and test Qpid releases.  My
intentions are to

  - Improve automated testing of releases
  - Make it easier to establish continuous delivery of Qpid components
  - Treat Qpid's various source modules as independent parts of a bigger
Qpid distribution

What I have is an installable command-line tool for going from source URLs
at one end to tested release artefacts at the other.

  Generate all release artefacts
  % qpid-dist release

  Generate the qpid-cpp and qpid-java-* artefacts
  % qpid-dist release -m cpp -m java

  Test builds, installs, and release artefacts (implies producing each of
  % qpid-dist test

The source locations are controlled via a config file.  They can be
overriden for use from local checkouts.  The output is a directory
("output") that contains the source exports, build roots, install root, and
release artefacts.

  [jross@localhost baker]$ l output/
  total 16K
  drwxrwxr-x. 11 jross jross 4.0K Mar  4 18:44 source/
  drwxrwxr-x.  7 jross jross 4.0K Mar  4 18:44 build/
  drwxrwxr-x. 12 jross jross 4.0K Mar  4 18:21 install/
  drwxrwxr-x.  3 jross jross 4.0K Mar  4 18:44 release/

The default configuration is setup for periodic trunk builds.  Releases are
available as alternate configurations.

In general, the philosophy of the tool is to leave as much of the work as
possible to the existing build and test infrastructure of a given module.
 Right now, for instance, that means that the qpid-java build uses ant.  I
expect in the near future I will be switching it to use maven.

The source is available at the URL below.  I'd eventually like to find it a
home in the Qpid tree.



qpid-dist --help output:

[jross@localhost baker]$ qpid-dist --help
usage: qpid-dist [-h] [-m MODULE] [--output DIR] [--config FILE]
[--release-tag TAG]

A tool to build, test, and release the Qpid distribution

positional arguments:
  TASK                  Run TASK; see 'task arguments' below

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODULE, --module MODULE
                        Run task on MODULE; this argument may be repeated;
by default
                        all modules are used
  --output DIR          Send output to DIR; the default is 'output' in the
                        working directory
  --config FILE         Read configuration from FILE; the default is
  --release-tag TAG     Label each release artifact with TAG; the default
is 'trunk-

task arguments:
  status                Get information about the project
  export                Export module source code
  build                 Build the code
  install               Install the code
  release               Generate release artifacts
  test_build            Test the build
  test_install          Test the installation
  test_release          Test the release artifacts
  test                  Run all tests