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+# Apache Slider Role History: how Slider brings back nodes in the same location
+### Last updated  2013-12-06
+* This document uses the pre-slider terminology of role/cluster and not
+component and application instance *
+## Outstanding issues
+1. Can we use the history to implement anti-affinity: for any role with this flag,
+use our knowledge of the cluster to ask for all nodes that aren't in use already
+1. How to add blacklisting here? We are tracking failures and startup failures
+per node (not persisted), but not using this in role placement requests yet.
+## Introduction
+Slider needs to bring up instances of a given role on the machine(s) on which
+they last ran -it should remember after shrinking or freezing a cluster  which
+servers were last used for a role -and use this (persisted) data to select
+clusters next time
+It does this in the basis that the role instances prefer node-local
+access to data previously persisted to HDFS. This is precisely the case
+for Apache HBase, which can use Unix Domain Sockets to talk to the DataNode
+without using the TCP stack. The HBase master persists to HDFS the tables
+assigned to specific Region Servers, and when HBase is restarted its master
+tries to reassign the same tables back to Region Servers on the same machine.
+For this to work in a dynamic cluster, Slider needs to bring up Region Servers
+on the previously used hosts, so that the HBase Master can re-assign the same
+Note that it does not need to care about the placement of other roles, such
+as the HBase masters -there anti-affinity between other instances is
+the key requirement.
+### Terminology
+* **Role Instance** : a single instance of a role.
+* **Node** : A server in the YARN Physical (or potentially virtual) Cluster of servers.
+* **Slider Cluster**: The set of role instances deployed by Slider so as to 
+ create a single aggregate application.
+* **Slider AM**: The Application Master of Slider: the program deployed by YARN to
+manage its Slider Cluster.
+* **RM** YARN Resource Manager
+### Assumptions
+Here are some assumptions in Slider's design
+1. Instances of a specific role should preferably be deployed onto different
+servers. This enables Slider to only remember the set of server nodes onto
+which instances were created, rather than more complex facts such as "two Region
+Servers were previously running on Node #17. On restart Slider can simply request
+one instance of a Region Server on a specific node, leaving the other instance
+to be arbitrarily deployed by YARN. This strategy should help reduce the *affinity*
+in the role deployment, so increase their resilience to failure.
+1. There is no need to make sophisticated choices on which nodes to request
+re-assignment -such as recording the amount of data persisted by a previous
+instance and prioritizing nodes based on such data. More succinctly 'the
+only priority needed when asking for nodes is *ask for the most recently used*.
+1. Different roles are independent: it is not an issue if a role of one type
+ (example, an Accumulo Monitor and an Accumulo Tablet Server) are on the same
+ host. This assumption allows Slider to only worry about affinity issues within
+ a specific role, rather than across all roles.
+1. After a cluster has been started, the rate of change of the cluster is
+low: both node failures and cluster flexing happen at the rate of every few
+hours, rather than every few seconds. This allows Slider to avoid needing
+data structures and layout persistence code designed for regular and repeated changes.
+1. Instance placement is best-effort: if the previous placement cannot be satisfied,
+the application will still perform adequately with role instances deployed
+onto new servers. More specifically, if a previous server is unavailable
+for hosting a role instance due to lack of capacity or availability, Slider
+will not decrement the number of instances to deploy: instead it will rely
+on YARN to locate a new node -ideally on the same rack.
+1. If two instances of the same role do get assigned to the same server, it
+is not a failure condition. (This may be problematic for some roles 
+-we may need a role-by-role policy here, so that master nodes can be anti-affine)
+[specifically, >1 HBase master mode will not come up on the same host]
+1. If a role instance fails on a specific node, asking for a container on
+that same node for the replacement instance is a valid recovery strategy.
+This contains assumptions about failure modes -some randomness here may
+be a valid tactic, especially for roles that do not care about locality.
+1. Tracking failure statistics of nodes may be a feature to add in future;
+designing the Role History datastructures to enable future collection
+of rolling statistics on recent failures would be a first step to this 
+### The Role History
+The `RoleHistory` is a datastructure which models the role assignment, and
+can persist it to and restore it from the (shared) filesystem.
+* For each role, there is a list of cluster nodes which have supported this role
+used in the past.
+* This history is used when selecting a node for a role.
+* This history remembers when nodes were allocated. These are re-requested
+when thawing a cluster.
+* It must also remember when nodes were released -these are re-requested
+when returning the cluster size to a previous size during flex operations.
+* It has to track nodes for which Slider has an outstanding container request
+with YARN. This ensures that the same node is not requested more than once
+due to outstanding requests.
+* It does not retain a complete history of the role -and does not need to.
+All it needs to retain is the recent history for every node onto which a role
+instance has been deployed. Specifically, the last allocation or release
+operation on a node is all that needs to be persisted.
+* On AM startup, all nodes in the history are considered candidates, even those nodes currently marked
+as active -as they were from the previous instance.
+* On AM restart, nodes in the role history marked as active have to be considered
+still active -the YARN RM will have to provide the full list of which are not.
+* During cluster flexing, nodes marked as released -and for which there is no
+outstanding request - are considered candidates for requesting new instances.
+* When choosing a candidate node for hosting a role instance, it from the head
+of the time-ordered list of nodes that last ran an instance of that role
+### Persistence
+The state of the role is persisted to HDFS on changes -but not on cluster
+1. When nodes are allocated, the Role History is marked as dirty
+1. When container release callbacks are received, the Role History is marked as dirty
+1. When nodes are requested or a release request made, the Role History is *not*
+ marked as dirty. This information is not relevant on AM restart.
+As at startup, a large number of allocations may arrive in a short period of time,
+the Role History may be updated very rapidly -yet as the containers are
+only recently activated, it is not likely that an immediately restarted Slider
+cluster would gain by re-requesting containers on them -their historical
+value is more important than their immediate past.
+Accordingly, the role history may be persisted to HDFS asynchronously, with
+the dirty bit triggering an flushing of the state to HDFS. The datastructure
+will still need to be synchronized for cross thread access, but the 
+sync operation will not be a major deadlock, compared to saving the file on every
+container allocation response (which will actually be the initial implementation).
+There's no need to persist the format in a human-readable form; while protobuf
+might seem the approach most consistent with the rest of YARN, it's not
+an easy structure to work with.
+The initial implementation will use Apache Avro as the persistence format,
+with the data saved in JSON or compressed format.
+## Weaknesses in this design
+**Blacklisting**: even if a node fails repeatedly, this design will still try to re-request
+instances on this node; there is no blacklisting. As a central blacklist
+for YARN has been proposed, it is hoped that this issue will be addressed centrally,
+without Slider having to remember which nodes are unreliable *for that particular
+Slider cluster*.
+**Anti-affinity**: If multiple role instances are assigned to the same node,
+Slider has to choose on restart or flexing whether to ask for multiple
+nodes on that node again, or to pick other nodes. The assumed policy is
+"only ask for one node"
+**Bias towards recent nodes over most-used**: re-requesting the most
+recent nodes, rather than those with the most history of use, may
+push Slider to requesting nodes that were only briefly in use -and so have
+on a small amount of local state, over nodes that have had long-lived instances.
+This is a problem that could perhaps be addressed by preserving more
+history of a node -maintaining some kind of moving average of
+node use and picking the heaviest used, or some other more-complex algorithm.
+This may be possible, but we'd need evidence that the problem existed before
+trying to address it.
+# The NodeMap: the core of the Role History
+The core data structure, the `NodeMap` is a map of every known node in the cluster, tracking
+how many containers are allocated to specific roles in it, and, when there
+are no active instances, when it was last used. This history is used to
+choose where to request new containers. Because of the asynchronous
+allocation and release of containers, the Role History also needs to track
+outstanding release requests --and, more critically, outstanding allocation
+requests. If Slider has already requested a container for a specific role
+on a host, then asking for another container of that role would break
+anti-affinity requirements. Note that not tracking outstanding requests would
+radically simplify some aspects of the design, especially the complexity
+of correlating allocation responses with the original requests -and so the
+actual hosts originally requested.
+1. Slider builds up a map of which nodes have recently been used.
+1. Every node counts the number. of active containers in each role.
+1. Nodes are only chosen for allocation requests when there are no
+active or requested containers on that node.
+1. When choosing which instances to release, Slider could pick the node with the
+most containers on it. This would spread the load.
+1. When there are no empty nodes to request containers on, a request would
+let YARN choose.
+#### Strengths
+* Handles the multi-container on one node problem
+* By storing details about every role, cross-role decisions could be possible
+* Simple counters can track the state of pending add/release requests
+* Scales well to a rapidly flexing cluster
+* Simple to work with and persist
+* Easy to view and debug
+* Would support cross-role collection of node failures in future
+#### Weaknesses
+* Size of the data structure is `O(nodes * role-instances`). This
+could be mitigated by regular cleansing of the structure. For example, at
+thaw time (or intermittently) all unused nodes > 2 weeks old could be dropped.
+* Locating a free node could take `O(nodes)` lookups -and if the criteria of "newest"
+is included, will take exactly `O(nodes)` lookups. As an optimization, a list
+of recently explicitly released nodes can be maintained.
+* Need to track outstanding requests against nodes, so that if a request
+was satisfied on a different node, the original node's request count is
+ decremented, *not that of the node actually allocated*. 
+* In a virtual cluster, may fill with node entries that are no longer in the cluster.
+Slider should query the RM (or topology scripts?) to determine if nodes are still
+parts of the YARN cluster. 
+## Data Structures
+### RoleHistory
+    startTime: long
+    saveTime: long
+    dirty: boolean
+    nodemap: NodeMap
+    roles: RoleStatus[]
+    outstandingRequests: transient OutstandingRequestTracker
+    availableNodes: transient List<NodeInstance>[]
+This is the aggregate data structure that is persisted to/from file
+### NodeMap
+    clusterNodes: Map: NodeId -> NodeInstance
+    clusterNodes(): Iterable<NodeInstance>
+    getOrCreate(NodeId): NodeInstance
+  Maps a YARN NodeID record to a Slider `NodeInstance` structure
+### NodeInstance
+Every node in the cluster is modeled as an ragged array of `NodeEntry` instances, indexed
+by role index -
+    NodeEntry[roles]
+    get(roleId): NodeEntry or null
+    create(roleId): NodeEntry
+    getNodeEntries(): NodeEntry[roles]
+    getOrCreate(roleId): NodeEntry
+    remove(roleId): NodeEntry
+This could be implemented in a map or an indexed array; the array is more
+efficient but it does mandate that the number of roles are bounded and fixed.
+### NodeEntry
+Records the details about all of a roles containers on a node. The
+`active` field records the number of containers currently active.
+    active: int
+    requested: transient int
+    releasing: transient int
+    last_used: long
+    NodeEntry.available(): boolean = active - releasing == 0 && requested == 0
+The two fields `releasing` and `requested` are used to track the ongoing
+state of YARN requests; they do not need to be persisted across freeze/thaw
+cycles. They may be relevant across AM restart, but without other data
+structures in the AM, not enough to track what the AM was up to before
+it was restarted. The strategy will be to ignore unexpected allocation
+responses (which may come from pre-restart) requests, while treating
+unexpected container release responses as failures.
+The `active` counter is only decremented after a container release response
+has been received.
+### RoleStatus
+This is the existing `org.apache.hoya.yarn.appmaster.state.RoleStatus` class
+### RoleList
+A list mapping role to int enum is needed to index NodeEntry elements in
+the NodeInstance arrays. Although such an enum is already implemented in the Slider
+Providers, explicitly serializing and deserializing it would make
+the persistent structure easier to parse in other tools, and resilient
+to changes in the number or position of roles.
+This list could also retain information about recently used/released nodes,
+so that the selection of containers to request could shortcut a search
+### ContainerPriority
+The container priority field (a 32 bit integer) is used by Slider (0.5.x)
+to index the specific role in a container so as to determine which role
+has been offered in a container allocation message, and which role has
+been released on a release event.
+The Role History needs to track outstanding requests, so that
+when an allocation comes in, it can be mapped back to the original request.
+Simply looking up the nodes on the provided container and decrementing
+its request counter is not going to work -the container may be allocated
+on a different node from that requested.
+**Proposal**: The priority field of a request is divided by Slider into 8 bits for
+`roleID` and 24 bits for `requestID`. The request ID will be a simple
+rolling integer -Slider will assume that after 2^24 requests per role, it can be rolled,
+-though as we will be retaining a list of outstanding requests, a clash should not occur.
+The main requirement  is: not have > 2^24 outstanding requests for instances of a specific role,
+which places an upper bound on the size of a Slider cluster.
+The splitting and merging will be implemented in a ContainerPriority class,
+for uniform access.
+### OutstandingRequest ###
+Tracks an outstanding request. This is used to correlate an allocation response
+(whose Container Priority file is used to locate this request), with the
+node and role used in the request.
+      roleId:  int
+      requestID :  int
+      node: string (may be null)
+      requestedTime: long
+      priority: int = requestID << 24 | roleId
+The node identifier may be null -which indicates that a request was made without
+a specific target node
+### OutstandingRequestTracker ###
+Contains a map from requestID to the specific `OutstandingRequest` made,
+and generates the request ID
+    nextRequestId: int
+    requestMap(RequestID) -> OutstandingRequest
+    addRequest(NodeInstance, RoleId): OutstandingRequest
+        (and an updated request Map with a new entry)
+    lookup(RequestID): OutstandingRequest
+    remove(RequestID): OutstandingRequest
+    listRequestsForNode(ClusterID): [OutstandingRequest]
+The list operation can be implemented inefficiently unless it is found
+to be important -if so a more complex structure will be needed.
+### AvailableNodes
+This is a field in `RoleHistory`
+    availableNodes: List<NodeInstance>[]
+For each role, lists nodes that are available for data-local allocation,
+ordered by more recently released - To accelerate node selection
+The performance benefit is most significant when requesting multiple nodes,
+as the scan for M locations from N nodes is reduced from `M*N` comparisons
+to 1 Sort + M list lookups.
+Each list can be created off the Node Map by building for each role a sorted
+list of all Nodes which are available for an instance of that role, 
+using a comparator that places the most recently released node ahead of older
+This list is not persisted -when a Slider Cluster is frozen it is moot, and when
+an AM is restarted this structure will be rebuilt.
+1. When a node is needed for a new request, this list is consulted first.
+1. After the request is issued it can be removed from the list
+1. Whenever a container is released, if the node is now available for
+requests for that node, should be added to to the front
+of the list for that role.
+If the list is empty during a container request operation, it means
+that the Role History does not know of any nodes
+in the cluster that have hosted instances of that role and which are not
+in use. There are then two possible strategies to select a role
+1. Ask for an instance anywhere in the cluster (policy in Slider 0.5)
+1. Search the node map to identify other nodes which are (now) known about,
+but which are not hosting instances of a specific role -this can be used
+as the target for the next resource request.
+Strategy #1 is simpler; Strategy #2 *may* decrease the affinity in the cluster,
+as the AM will be explicitly requesting an instance on a node which it knows
+is not running an instance of that role.
+#### ISSUE What to do about failing nodes?
+Should a node whose container just failed be placed at the
+top of the stack, ready for the next request? 
+If the container failed due to an unexpected crash in the application, asking
+for that container back *is the absolute right strategy* -it will bring
+back a new role instance on that machine. 
+If the container failed because the node is now offline, the container request 
+will not be satisfied by that node.
+If there is a problem with the node, such that containers repeatedly fail on it,
+then re-requesting containers on it will amplify the damage.
+## Actions
+### Bootstrap
+1. Persistent Role History file not found; empty data structures created.
+### Thaw
+When thawing, the Role History should be loaded -if it is missing Slider
+must revert to the bootstrap actions.
+If found, the Role History will contain Slider's view of the Slider Cluster's
+state at the time the history was saved, explicitly recording the last-used
+time of all nodes no longer hosting a role's container. By noting which roles
+were actually being served, it implicitly notes which nodes have a `last_used`
+value greater than any of the `last_used` fields persisted in the file. That is:
+all node entries listed as having active nodes at the time the history was
+saved must have more recent data than those nodes listed as inactive.
+When rebuilding the data structures, the fact that nodes were active at
+save time must be converted into the data that indicates that the nodes
+were at least in use *at the time the data was saved*. The state of the cluster
+after the last save is unknown.
+1: Role History loaded; Failure => Bootstrap.
+2: Future: if role list enum != current enum, remapping could take place. Until then: fail.
+3: Mark all nodes as active at save time to that of the
+   //define a threshold
+   threshold = rolehistory.saveTime - 7*24*60*60* 1000
+    for (clusterId, clusternode) in rolehistory.clusterNodes().entries() :
+      for (role, nodeEntry) in clusterNode.getNodeEntries():
+        nodeEntry.requested = 0
+        nodeEntry.releasing = 0
+        if > 0 :
+          nodeEntry.last_used = rolehistory.saveTime;
+ = 0
+        if nodeEntry.last_used < threshold :
+          clusterNode.remove(role)
+        else:
+         availableNodes[role].add(clusterId)
+       if clusterNode.getNodeEntries() isEmpty :
+         rolehistory.clusterNodes.remove(clusterId)
+    for availableNode in availableNodes:
+      sort(availableNode,new last_used_comparator())
+After this operation, the structures are purged with all out of date entries,
+and the available node list contains a sorted list of the remainder.
+### AM Restart
+1: Create the initial data structures as the thaw operation
+2: update the structure with the list of live nodes, removing those nodes
+from the list of available nodes
+    now = time()
+    activeContainers = RM.getActiveContainers()
+    for container in activeContainers:
+       nodeId = container.nodeId
+       clusterNode = roleHistory.nodemap.getOrCreate(nodeId)
+       role = extractRoleId(container.getPriority)
+       nodeEntry = clusterNode.getOrCreate(role)
+       nodeEntry.last_used = now
+       availableNodes[role].remove(nodeId)
+There's no need to resort the available node list -all that has happened
+is that some entries have been removed
+**Issue**: what if requests come in for a `(role, requestID)` for
+the previous instance of the AM? Could we just always set the initial
+requestId counter to a random number and hope the collision rate is very, very 
+low (2^24 * #(outstanding_requests)). If YARN-1041 ensures that
+a restarted AM does not receive outstanding requests, this issue goes away.
+### Teardown
+1. If dirty, save role history to its file.
+1. Issue release requests
+1. Maybe update data structures on responses, but do not mark Role History
+as dirty or flush it to disk.
+This strategy is designed to eliminate the expectation that there will ever
+be a clean shutdown -and so that the startup-time code should expect
+the Role History to have been written during shutdown. Instead the code
+should assume that the history was saved to disk at some point during the life
+of the Slider Cluster -ideally after the most recent change, and that the information
+in it is only an approximate about what the previous state of the cluster was.
+### Flex: Requesting a container in role `role`
+    node = availableNodes[roleId].pop() 
+    if node != null :
+      node.nodeEntry[roleId].requested++;
+    outstanding = outstandingRequestTracker.addRequest(node, roleId)
+    request.node = node
+    request.priority = outstanding.priority
+    //update existing Slider role status
+    roleStatus[roleId].incRequested();
+There is a bias here towards previous nodes, even if the number of nodes
+in the cluster has changed. This is why a node is picked where the number
+of `active-releasing == 0 and requested == 0`, rather than where it is simply the lowest
+value of `active + requested - releasing`: if there is no node in the nodemap that
+is not running an instance of that role, it is left to the RM to decide where
+the role instance should be instantiated.
+This bias towards previously used nodes also means that (lax) requests
+will be made of nodes that are currently unavailable either because they
+are offline or simply overloaded with other work. In such circumstances,
+the node will have an active count of zero -so the search will find these
+nodes and request them -even though the requests cannot be satisfied.
+As a result, the request will be downgraded to a rack-local or cluster-wide,
+request -an acceptable degradation on a cluster where all the other entries
+in the nodemap have instances of that specific node -but not when there are
+empty nodes. 
+#### Solutions
+1. Add some randomness in the search of the datastructure, rather than simply
+iterate through the values. This would prevent the same unsatisfiable
+node from being requested first.
+1. Keep track of requests, perhaps through a last-requested counter -and use
+this in the selection process. This would radically complicate the selection
+algorithm, and would not even distinguish "node recently released that was
+also the last requested" from "node that has not recently satisfied requests
+even though it was recently requested".
+1. Keep track of requests that weren't satisfied, so identify a node that
+isn't currently satisfying requests.
+#### History Issues 
+Without using that history, there is a risk that a very old assignment
+is used in place of a recent one and the value of locality decreased.
+But there are consequences:
+Using the history to pick a recent node may increase selection times on a
+large cluster, as for every instance needed, a scan of all nodes in the
+nodemap is required (unless there is some clever bulk assignment list being built
+up), or a sorted version of the nodemap is maintained, with a node placed
+at the front of this list whenever its is updated.
+**Thaw-time problems**
+There is also the risk that while thawing, the `rolehistory.saved`
+flag may be updated while the cluster flex is in progress, so making the saved
+nodes appear out of date. Perhaps the list of recently released nodes could
+be rebuilt at thaw time.
+The proposed `recentlyReleasedList` addresses this, though it creates
+another data structure to maintain and rebuild at cluster thaw time
+from the last-used fields in the node entries.
+### AM Callback : onContainersAllocated 
+    void onContainersAllocated(List<Container> allocatedContainers) 
+This is the callback received when containers have been allocated.
+Due to (apparently) race conditions, the AM may receive duplicate
+container allocations -Slider already has to recognize this and 
+currently simply discards any surplus.
+If the AM tracks outstanding requests made for specific hosts, it
+will need to correlate allocations with the original requests, so as to decrement
+the node-specific request count. Decrementing the request count
+on the allocated node will not work, as the allocation may not be
+to the node originally requested.
+    assignments = []
+    operations =  []
+    for container in allocatedContainers:
+      cid = container.getId();
+      roleId = container.priority & 0xff
+      nodeId = container.nodeId
+      outstanding = outstandingRequestTracker.remove(C.priority)
+      roleStatus = lookupRoleStatus(container);
+      roleStatus.decRequested();
+      allocated = roleStatus.incActual();
+      if outstanding == null || allocated > desired :
+        operations.add(new ContainerReleaseOperation(cid))
+        surplusNodes.add(cid);
+        surplusContainers++
+        roleStatus.decActual();
+      else:
+        assignments.add(new ContainerAssignment(container, role))
+        node = nodemap.getOrCreate(nodeId)
+        nodeentry = node.get(roleId)
+        if nodeentry == null :
+          nodeentry = new NodeEntry()
+          node[roleId] = nodeentry
+ = 1
+        else:
+          if nodeentry.requested > 0 :
+            nodeentry.requested--
+        nodemap.dirty = true
+        // work back from request ID to node where the 
+        // request was outstanding
+        requestID = outstanding != null? outstanding.nodeId : null
+        if requestID != null:
+          reqNode = nodeMap.get(requestID)
+          reqNodeEntry = reqNode.get(roleId)
+          reqNodeEntry.requested--
+          if reqNodeEntry.available() :
+            availableNodeList.insert(reqNodeEntry)
+1. At end of this, there is a node in the nodemap, which has recorded that
+there is now an active node entry for that role. The outstanding request has
+been removed.
+1. If a callback comes in for which there is no outstanding request, it is rejected
+(logged, ignored, etc). This handles duplicate responses as well as any
+other sync problem.
+1. The node selected for the original request has its request for a role instance
+decremented, so that it may be viewed as available again. The node is also
+re-inserted into the AvailableNodes list -not at its head, but at its position
+in the total ordering of the list.
+### NMClientAsync Callback:  onContainerStarted()
+    onContainerStarted(ContainerId containerId)
+The AM uses this as a signal to remove the container from the list
+of starting containers, moving it into the map of live nodes; the counters
+in the associated `RoleInstance` are updated accordingly; the node entry
+adjusted to indicate it has one more live node and one less starting node.
+### NMClientAsync Callback:  onContainerStartFailed()
+The AM uses this as a signal to remove the container from the list
+of starting containers -the count of starting containers for the relevant
+NodeEntry is decremented. If the node is now available for instances of this
+container, it is returned to the queue of available nodes.
+### Flex: Releasing a  role instance from the cluster
+Simple strategy: find a node with at least one active container
+    select a node N in nodemap where for NodeEntry[roleId]: active > releasing; 
+    nodeentry = node.get(roleId)
+Advanced Strategy:
+    Scan through the map looking for a node where active >1 && active > releasing.
+    If none are found, fall back to the previous strategy
+This is guaranteed to release a container on any node with >1 container in use,
+if such a node exists. If not, the scan time has increased to #(nodes).
+Once a node has been identified
+1. a container on it is located (via the existing container map). This container
+must: be of the target role, and not already be queued for release.
+1. A release operation is queued trigger a request for the RM.
+1. The (existing) `containersBeingReleased` Map has the container inserted into it
+After the AM processes the request, it triggers a callback
+### AM callback onContainersCompleted: 
+    void onContainersCompleted(List<ContainerStatus> completedContainers)
+This callback returns a list of containers that have completed.
+These need to be split into successful completion of a release request
+and containers which have failed. 
+This is currently done by tracking which containers have been queued
+for release, as well as which were rejected as surplus before even having
+any role allocated onto them.
+A container  is considered to  have failed if it  was an active  container which
+has completed although it wasn't on the list of containers to release
+    shouldReview = false
+    for container in completedContainers:
+      containerId = container.containerId
+      nodeId = container.nodeId
+      node = nodemap.get(nodeId)
+      if node == null :
+        // unknown node
+        continue
+      roleId = node.roleId
+      nodeentry = node.get(roleId)
+      nodemap.dirty = true
+      if getContainersBeingReleased().containsKey(containerId) :
+        // handle container completion
+        nodeentry.releasing --
+        // update existing Slider role status
+        roleStatus[roleId].decReleasing();
+        containersBeingReleased.remove(containerId)
+      else: 
+        //failure of a live node
+        roleStatus[roleId].decActual();
+        shouldReview = true
+      if nodeentry.available():
+        nodentry.last_used = now()
+        availableNodes[roleId].insert(node)      
+      //trigger a comparison of actual vs desired
+    if shouldReview :
+      reviewRequestAndReleaseNodes()
+By calling `reviewRequestAndReleaseNodes()` the AM triggers
+a re-evaluation of how many instances of each node a cluster has, and how many
+it needs. If a container has failed and that freed up all role instances
+on that node, it will have been inserted at the front of the `availableNodes` list.
+As a result, it is highly likely that a new container will be requested on 
+the same node. (The only way a node the list would be newer is 
+be if other containers were completed in the same callback)
+### Implementation Notes ###
+Notes made while implementing the design.
+`OutstandingRequestTracker` should also track requests made with
+no target node; this makes seeing what is going on easier. `ARMClientImpl`
+is doing something similar, on a priority-by-priority basis -if many
+requests are made, each with their own priority, that base class's hash tables
+may get overloaded. (it assumes a limited set of priorities)
+Access to the role history datastructures was restricted to avoid
+synchronization problems. Protected access is permitted so that a
+test subclass can examine (and change?) the internals.
+`NodeEntries need to add a launching value separate from active so that
+when looking for nodes to release, no attempt is made to release
+a node that has been allocated but is not yet live.
+We can't reliably map from a request to a response. Does that matter?
+If we issue a request for a host and it comes in on a different port, do we
+care? Yes -but only because we are trying to track nodes which have requests
+outstanding so as not to issue new ones. But if we just pop the entry
+off the available list, that becomes moot.
+Proposal: don't track the requesting numbers in the node entries, just
+in the role status fields.
+but: this means that we never re-insert nodes onto the available list if a
+node on them was requested but not satisfied.
+Other issues: should we place nodes on the available list as soon as all the entries
+have been released?  I.e. Before YARN has replied
+RoleStats were removed -left in app state. Although the rolestats would
+belong here, leaving them where they were reduced the amount of change
+in the `AppState` class, so risk of something breaking.
+## MiniYARNCluster node IDs
+Mini YARN cluster NodeIDs all share the same hostname , at least when running
+against file://; so mini tests with >1 NM don't have a 1:1 mapping of
+`NodeId:NodeInstance`. What will happen is that 
+`NodeInstance getOrCreateNodeInstance(Container container) '
+will always return the same (now shared) `NodeInstance`.
+## Releasing Containers when shrinking a cluster
+When identifying instances to release in a bulk downscale operation, the full
+list of targets must be identified together. This is not just to eliminate
+multiple scans of the data structures, but because the containers are not
+released until the queued list of actions are executed -the nodes' release-in-progress
+counters will not be incremented until after all the targets have been identified.
+It also needs to handle the scenario where there are many role instances on a
+single server -it should prioritize those. 
+The NodeMap/NodeInstance/NodeEntry structure is adequate for identifying nodes,
+at least provided there is a 1:1 mapping of hostname to NodeInstance. But it
+is not enough to track containers in need of release: the AppState needs
+to be able to work backwards from a NodeEntry to container(s) stored there.
+The `AppState` class currently stores this data in a `ConcurrentMap<ContainerId, RoleInstance>`
+To map from NodeEntry/NodeInstance to containers to delete, means that either
+a new datastructure is created to identify containers in a role on a specific host
+(e.g a list of ContainerIds under each NodeEntry), or we add an index reference
+in a RoleInstance that identifies the node. We already effectively have that
+in the container
+### dropping any available nodes that are busy
+When scanning the available list, any nodes that are no longer idle for that
+role should be dropped from the list.
+This can happen when an instance was allocated on a different node from
+that requested.
+### Finding a node when a role has instances in the cluster but nothing
+known to be available
+One condition found during testing is the following: 
+1. A role has one or more instances running in the cluster
+1. A role has no entries in its available list: there is no history of the 
+role ever being on nodes other than which is currently in use.
+1. A new instance is requested.
+In this situation, the `findNodeForNewInstance` method returns null: there
+is no recommended location for placement. However, this is untrue: all
+nodes in the cluster `other` than those in use are the recommended nodes. 
+It would be possible to build up a list of all known nodes in the cluster that
+are not running this role and use that in the request, effectively telling the
+AM to pick one of the idle nodes. By not doing so, we increase the probability
+that another instance of the same role will be allocated on a node in use,
+a probability which (were there capacity on these nodes and placement random), be
+`1/(clustersize-roleinstances)`. The smaller the cluster and the bigger the
+application, the higher the risk.
+This could be revisited, if YARN does not support anti-affinity between new
+requests at a given priority and existing ones: the solution would be to
+issue a relaxed placement request listing all nodes that are in the NodeMap and
+which are not running an instance of the specific role. [To be even more rigorous,
+the request would have to omit those nodes for which an allocation has already been
+made off the available list and yet for which no container has yet been
+## Reworked Outstanding Request Tracker
+The reworked request tracker behaves as follows
+1. outstanding requests with specific placements are tracked by `(role, hostname)`
+1. container assigments are attempted to be resolved against the same parameters.
+1. If found: that request is considered satisfied *irrespective of whether or not
+the request that satisfied the allocation was the one that requested that location.
+1. When all instances of a specific role have been allocated, the hostnames of
+all outstanding requests are returned to the available node list on the basis
+that they have been satisifed elswhere in the YARN cluster. This list is
+then sorted.
+This strategy returns unused hosts to the list of possible hosts, while retaining
+the ordering of that list in most-recent-first.
+### Weaknesses
+if one or more container requests cannot be satisifed, then all the hosts in
+the set of outstanding requests will be retained, so all these hosts in the
+will be considered unavailable for new location-specific requests.
+This may imply that new requests that could be explicity placed will now only
+be randomly placed -however, it is moot on the basis that if there are outstanding
+container requests it means the RM cannot grant resources: new requests at the
+same priority (i.e. same Slider Role ID) will not be granted either.
+The only scenario where this would be different is if the resource requirements
+of instances of the target role were decreated during a cluster flex such that
+the placement could now be satisfied on the target host. This is not considered
+a significant problem.
+# Persistence
+The initial implementation uses the JSON-formatted Avro format; while significantly
+less efficient than a binary format, it is human-readable
+Here are sequence of entries from a test run on a single node cluster; running 1 HBase Master
+and two region servers.
+Initial save; the instance of Role 1 (HBase master) is live, Role 2 (RS) is not.
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryHeader":{"version":1,"saved":1384183475949,"savedx":"14247c3aeed","roles":3}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":1,"active":true,"last_used":0}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":2,"active":false,"last_used":0}}}
+At least one RS is live: 
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryFooter":{"count":2}}}{"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryHeader":{"version":1,"saved":1384183476010,"savedx":"14247c3af2a","roles":3}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":1,"active":true,"last_used":0}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":2,"active":true,"last_used":0}}}
+Another entry is saved -presumably the second RS is now live, which triggered another write
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryFooter":{"count":2}}}{"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryHeader":{"version":1,"saved":1384183476028,"savedx":"14247c3af3c","roles":3}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":1,"active":true,"last_used":0}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":2,"active":true,"last_used":0}}}
+At this point the cluster was frozen and thawed. Slider does not save the cluster state
+at freeze time, but does as it is rebuilt.
+When the cluster is restarted, every node that was active for a role at the time the file was saved `1384183476028`
+is given a last_used timestamp of that time. 
+When the history is next saved, the master has come back onto the (single) node,
+it is active while its `last_used` timestamp is the previous file's timestamp.
+No region servers are yet live.
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryFooter":{"count":2}}}{"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryHeader":{"version":1,"saved":1384183512173,"savedx":"14247c43c6d","roles":3}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":1,"active":true,"last_used":1384183476028}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":2,"active":false,"last_used":1384183476028}}}
+Here a region server is live
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryFooter":{"count":2}}}{"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryHeader":{"version":1,"saved":1384183512199,"savedx":"14247c43c87","roles":3}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":1,"active":true,"last_used":1384183476028}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":2,"active":true,"last_used":1384183476028}}}
+And here, another region server has started. This does not actually change the contents of the file
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryFooter":{"count":2}}}{"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.RoleHistoryHeader":{"version":1,"saved":1384183512217,"savedx":"14247c43c99","roles":3}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":1,"active":true,"last_used":1384183476028}}}
+    {"entry":{"org.apache.hoya.avro.NodeEntryRecord":{"host":"","role":2,"active":true,"last_used":1384183476028}}}
+The `last_used` timestamps will not be changed until the cluster is shrunk or thawed, as the `active` flag being set
+implies that the server is running both roles at the save time of `1384183512217`.
+## Resolved issues
+> How best to distinguish at thaw time from nodes used just before thawing
+from nodes used some period before? Should the RoleHistory simply forget
+about nodes which are older than some threshold when reading in the history?
+we just track last used times
+> Is there a way to avoid tracking the outstanding requests?
+> What will the strategy of picking the most-recently-used node do if
+that node creates the container and then fails to start it up. Do we need
+to add blacklisting too? Or actually monitor the container start time, and
+if a container hasn't been there for very long, don't pick it.
+Startup failures drop the node from the ready-to-use list; the node is no longer
+trusted. We don't blacklist it (yet)
+> Should we prioritise a node that was used for a long session ahead of
+a node that was used more recently for a shorter session? Maybe, but
+it complicates selection as generating a strict order of nodes gets
+significantly harder.
+No: you need to start tracking aggregate execution time, for the last session.
+In a stable state, all servers recorded in the history will have spread the
+data amongst them, so its irrelevant.

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Added: incubator/slider/site/trunk/content/design/specification/
--- incubator/slider/site/trunk/content/design/specification/ (added)
+++ incubator/slider/site/trunk/content/design/specification/ Tue Jun 24 19:46:37 2014
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+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+# Apache Slider CLI Actions
+## Important
+1. This document is still being updated from the original hoya design
+2. The new cluster model of separated specification files for internal, resource and application configuration
+has not been incorporated.
+1. What is up to date is the CLI command list and arguments
+## client configuration
+As well as the CLI options, the `conf/slider-client.xml` XML file can define arguments used to communicate with the Application instance
+####    `fs.defaultFS`
+Equivalent to setting the filesystem with `--filesystem`
+## Common
+### System Properties
+Arguments of the form `-S key=value` define JVM system properties.
+These are supported primarily to define options needed for some Kerberos configurations.
+### Definitions
+Arguments of the form `-D key=value` define JVM system properties.
+These can define client options that are not set in `conf/slider-client.xml` - or to override them.
+### Cluster names
+All actions that must take an instance name will fail with `EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE`
+if one is not provided.
+## Action: Build
+Builds a cluster -creates all the on-filesystem datastructures, and generates a cluster description
+that is both well-defined and deployable -*but does not actually start the cluster*
+    build (instancename,
+      options:List[(String,String)],
+      components:List[(String, int)],
+      componentOptions:List[(String,String, String)],
+      resourceOptions:List[(String,String)],
+      resourceComponentOptions:List[(String,String, String)],
+      confdir: URI,
+      provider: String
+      zkhosts,
+      zkport,
+      image
+      apphome
+      appconfdir
+#### Preconditions
+(Note that the ordering of these preconditions is not guaranteed to remain constant)
+The instance name is valid
+    if not valid-instance-name(instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_COMMAND_ARGUMENT_ERROR)
+The instance must not be live. This is purely a safety check as the next test should have the same effect.
+    if slider-instance-live(YARN, instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_CLUSTER_IN_USE)
+The instance must not exist
+    if is-dir(HDFS, instance-path(FS, instancename)) : raise SliderException(EXIT_CLUSTER_EXISTS)
+The configuration directory must exist it does not have to be the instance's HDFS instance,
+as it will be copied there -and must contain only files
+    let FS = FileSystem.get(appconfdir)
+    if not isDir(FS, appconfdir) raise SliderException(EXIT_COMMAND_ARGUMENT_ERROR)
+    forall f in children(FS, appconfdir) :
+        if not isFile(f): raise IOException
+There's a race condition at build time where between the preconditions being met and the instance specification being saved, the instance
+is created by another process. This addressed by creating a lock file, `writelock.json` in the destination directory. If the file
+exists, no other process may acquire the lock.
+There is a less exclusive readlock file, `readlock.json` which may be created by any process that wishes to read the configuration.
+If it exists when another process wishes to access the files, the subsequent process may read the data, but MUST NOT delete it
+afterwards. A process attempting to acquire the writelock must check for the existence of this file before AND after creating the
+writelock file, failing if its present. This retains a small race condition: a second or later reader may still be reading the data
+when a process successfully acquires the write lock. If this proves to be an issue, a stricter model could be implemented, with each reading process creating a unique named readlock- file.
+#### Postconditions
+All the instance directories exist
+    is-dir(HDFS', instance-path(HDFS', instancename))
+    is-dir(HDFS', original-conf-path(HDFS', instancename))
+    is-dir(HDFS', generated-conf-path(HDFS', instancename))
+The application cluster specification saved is well-defined and deployable
+    let instance-description = parse(data(HDFS', instance-json-path(HDFS', instancename)))
+    well-defined-instance(instance-description)
+    deployable-application-instance(HDFS', instance-description)
+More precisely: the specification generated before it is saved as JSON is well-defined and deployable; no JSON file will be created
+if the validation fails.
+Fields in the cluster description have been filled in
+[""] == provider
+["zookeeper.port"]  == zkport
+["zookeeper.hosts"]  == zkhosts
+    package =>["agent.package"] = package
+Any `apphome` and `image` properties have propagated
+    apphome == null or clusterspec.options["cluster.application.home"] == apphome
+    image == null or clusterspec.options["cluster.application.image.path"] == image
+(The `well-defined-application-instance()` requirement above defines the valid states
+of this pair of options)
+All role sizes have been mapped to `component.instances` fields
+    forall (name, size) in components :
+        resources.components[name]["components.instances"] == size
+All option parameters have been added to the `options` map in the specification
+    forall (opt, val) in options :
+[opt] == val
+    forall (opt, val) in resourceOptions :
+[opt] == val
+All component option parameters have been added to the specific components's option map
+in the relevant configuration file
+    forall (name, opt, val) in componentOptions :
+        app_conf.components[name][opt] == val
+    forall (name, opt, val) in resourceComponentOptions :
+        resourceComponentOptions.components[name][opt] == val
+To avoid some confusion as to where keys go, all options beginning with the
+prefix `component.` are automatically copied into the resources file:
+    forall (opt, val) in options where startswith(opt, "component.") 
+            or startswith(opt, "role.") 
+            or startswith(opt, "yarn."): 
+[opt] == val
+    forall (name, opt, val) in componentOptions where startswith(opt, "component.") 
+            or startswith(opt, "role.") 
+            or startswith(opt, "yarn."):
+        resourceComponentOptions.components[name][opt] == val
+There's no explicit rejection of duplicate options, the outcome of that
+state is 'undefined'. 
+What is defined is that if Slider or its provider provided a default option value,
+the command-line supplied option will override it.
+All files that were in the configuration directory are now copied into the "original" configuration directory
+    let FS = FileSystem.get(appconfdir)
+    let dest = original-conf-path(HDFS', instancename)
+    forall [c in children(FS, confdir) :
+        data(HDFS', dest + [filename(c)]) == data(FS, c)
+All files that were in the configuration directory now have equivalents in the generated configuration directory
+    let FS = FileSystem.get(appconfdir)
+    let dest = generated-conf-path(HDFS', instancename)
+    forall [c in children(FS, confdir) :
+        isfile(HDFS', dest + [filename(c)])
+## Action: Thaw
+    thaw <instancename> [--wait <timeout>]
+Thaw takes an application instance with configuration and (possibly) data on disk, and
+attempts to create a live application with the specified number of nodes
+#### Preconditions
+    if not valid-instance-name(instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_COMMAND_ARGUMENT_ERROR)
+The cluster must not be live. This is purely a safety check as the next test should have the same effect.
+    if slider-instance-live(YARN, instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_CLUSTER_IN_USE)
+The cluster must not exist
+    if is-dir(HDFS, application-instance-path(FS, instancename)) : raise SliderException(EXIT_CLUSTER_EXISTS)
+The cluster specification must exist, be valid and deployable
+    if not is-file(HDFS, cluster-json-path(HDFS, instancename)) : SliderException(EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE)
+    if not well-defined-application-instance(HDFS, application-instance-path(HDFS, instancename)) : raise SliderException(EXIT_BAD_CLUSTER_STATE)
+    if not deployable-application-instance(HDFS, application-instance-path(HDFS, instancename)) : raise SliderException(EXIT_BAD_CLUSTER_STATE)
+### Postconditions
+After the thaw has been performed, there is now a queued request in YARN
+for the chosen (how?) queue
+    YARN'.Queues'[amqueue] = YARN.Queues[amqueue] + [launch("slider", instancename, requirements, context)]
+If a wait timeout was specified, the cli waits until the application is considered
+running by YARN (the AM is running), the wait timeout has been reached, or
+the application has failed
+    waittime < 0 or (exists a in slider-running-application-instances(yarn-application-instances(YARN', instancename, user))
+        where a.YarnApplicationState == RUNNING)
+## Outcome: AM-launched state
+Some time after the AM was queued, if the relevant
+prerequisites of the launch request are met, the AM will be deployed
+#### Preconditions
+* The resources referenced in HDFS (still) are accessible by the user
+* The requested YARN memory and core requirements could be met on the YARN cluster and 
+specific YARN application queue.
+* There is sufficient capacity in the YARN cluster to create a container for the AM.
+#### Postconditions
+Define a YARN state at a specific time `t` as `YARN(t)`; the fact that
+an AM is launched afterwards
+The AM is deployed if there is some time `t` after the submission time `t0`
+where the application is listed 
+    exists t1 where t1 > t0 and slider-instance-live(YARN(t1), user, instancename)
+At which time there is a container in the cluster hosting the AM -it's
+context is the launch context
+    exists c in containers(YARN(t1)) where container.context = launch.context
+There's no way to determine when this time `t1` will be reached -or if it ever
+will -its launch may be postponed due to a lack of resources and/or higher priority
+requests using resources as they become available.
+For tests on a dedicated YARN cluster, a few tens of seconds appear to be enough
+for the AM-launched state to be reached, a failure to occur, or to conclude
+that the resource requirements are unsatisfiable.
+## Outcome: AM-started state
+A (usually short) time after the AM is launched, it should start
+* The node hosting the container is working reliably
+* The supplied command line could start the process
+* the localized resources in the context could be copied to the container (which implies
+that they are readable by the user account the AM is running under)
+* The combined classpath of YARN, extra JAR files included in the launch context,
+and the resources in the slider client 'conf' dir contain all necessary dependencies
+to run Slider.
+* There's no issue with the cluster specification that causes the AM to exit
+with an error code.
+Node failures/command line failures are treated by YARN as an AM failure which
+will trigger a restart attempt -this may be on the same or a different node.
+#### preconditions
+The AM was launched at an earlier time, `t1`
+    exists t1 where t1 > t0 and am-launched(YARN(t1)
+#### Postconditions
+The application is actually started if it is listed in the YARN application list
+as being in the state `RUNNING`, an RPC port has been registered with YARN (visible as the `rpcPort`
+attribute in the YARN Application Report,and that port is servicing RPC requests
+from authenticated callers.
+    exists t2 where:
+        t2 > t1 
+        and slider-instance-live(YARN(t2), YARN, instancename, user)
+        and slider-live-instances(YARN(t2))[0].rpcPort != 0
+        and rpc-connection(slider-live-instances(YARN(t2))[0], SliderClusterProtocol)
+A test for accepting cluster requests is querying the cluster status
+with `SliderClusterProtocol.getJSONClusterStatus()`. If this returns
+a parseable cluster description, the AM considers itself live.
+## Outcome: Applicaton Instance operational state
+Once started, Slider enters the operational state of trying to keep the numbers
+of live role instances matching the numbers specified in the cluster specification.
+The AM must request the a container for each desired instance of a specific roles of the
+application, wait for those requests to be granted, and then instantiate
+the specific application roles on the allocated containers.
+Such a request is made on startup, whenever a failure occurs, or when the
+cluster size is dynamically updated.
+The AM releases containers when the cluster size is shrunk during a flex operation,
+or during teardown.
+### steady state condition
+The steady state of a Slider cluster is that the number of live instances of a role,
+plus the number of requested instances , minus the number of instances for
+which release requests have been made must match that of the desired number.
+If the internal state of the Slider AM is defined as `AppState`
+    forall r in clusterspec.roles :
+        r["yarn.component.instances"] ==
+          AppState.Roles[r].live + AppState.Roles[r].requested - AppState.Roles[r].released
+The `AppState` represents Slider's view of the external YARN system state, based on its
+history of notifications received from YARN. 
+It is indirectly observable from the cluster state which an AM can be queried for
+    forall r in AM.getJSONClusterStatus().roles :
+        r["yarn.component.instances"] ==
+          r["role.actual.instances"] + r["role.requested.instances"] - r["role.releasing.instances"]
+Slider does not consider it an error if the number of actual instances remains below
+the desired value (i.e. outstanding requests are not being satisfied) -this is
+an operational state of the cluster that Slider cannot address.
+### Cluster startup
+On a healthy dedicated test cluster, the time for the requests to be satisfied is
+a few tens of seconds at most: a failure to achieve this state is a sign of a problem.
+### Node or process failure
+After a container or node failure, a new container for a new instance of that role
+is requested.
+The failure count is incremented -it can be accessed via the `"role.failed.instances"`
+attribute of a role in the status report.
+The number of failures of a role is tracked, and used by Slider as to when to
+conclude that the role is somehow failing consistently -and it should fail the
+entire application.
+This has initially been implemented as a simple counter, with the cluster
+option: `"slider.container.failure.threshold"` defining that threshold.
+    let status = AM.getJSONClusterStatus() 
+    forall r in in status.roles :
+        r["role.failed.instances"] < status.options["slider.container.failure.threshold"]
+### Instance startup failure
+Startup failures are measured alongside general node failures.
+A container is deemed to have failed to start if either of the following conditions
+were met:
+1. The AM received an `onNodeManagerContainerStartFailed` event.
+1. The AM received an `onCompletedNode` event on a node that started less than 
+a specified number of seconds earlier -a number given in the cluster option
+More sophisticated failure handling logic than is currently implemented may treat
+startup failures differently from ongoing failures -as they can usually be
+treated as a sign that the container is failing to launch the program reliably -
+either the generated command line is invalid, or the application is failing
+to run/exiting on or nearly immediately.
+## Action: Create
+Create is simply `build` + `thaw` in sequence  - the postconditions from the first
+action are intended to match the preconditions of the second.
+## Action: Freeze
+    freeze instancename [--wait time] [--message message]
+The *freeze* action "freezes" the cluster: all its nodes running in the YARN
+cluster are stopped, leaving all the persistent state.
+The operation is intended to be idempotent: it is not an error if 
+freeze is invoked on an already frozen cluster
+#### Preconditions
+The cluster name is valid and it matches a known cluster 
+    if not valid-instance-name(instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_COMMAND_ARGUMENT_ERROR)
+    if not is-file(HDFS, application-instance-path(HDFS, instancename)) :
+        raise SliderException(EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE)
+#### Postconditions
+If the cluster was running, an RPC call has been sent to it `stopCluster(message)`
+If the `--wait` argument specified a wait time, then the command will block
+until the cluster has finished or the wait time was exceeded. 
+If the `--message` argument specified a message -it must appear in the
+YARN logs as the reason the cluster was frozen.
+The outcome should be the same:
+    not slider-instance-live(YARN', instancename)
+## Action: Flex
+Flex the cluster size: add or remove roles. 
+    flex instancename 
+    components:List[(String, int)]
+1. The JSON cluster specification in the filesystem is updated
+1. if the cluster is running, it is given the new cluster specification,
+which will change the desired steady-state of the application
+#### Preconditions
+    if not is-file(HDFS, cluster-json-path(HDFS, instancename)) :
+        raise SliderException(EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE)
+#### Postconditions
+    let originalSpec = data(HDFS, cluster-json-path(HDFS, instancename))
+    let updatedSpec = originalspec where:
+        forall (name, size) in components :
+            updatedSpec.roles[name]["yarn.component.instances"] == size
+    data(HDFS', cluster-json-path(HDFS', instancename)) == updatedSpec
+    rpc-connection(slider-live-instances(YARN(t2))[0], SliderClusterProtocol)
+    let flexed = rpc-connection(slider-live-instances(YARN(t2))[0], SliderClusterProtocol).flexClusterupdatedSpec)
+#### AM actions on flex
+    boolean SliderAppMaster.flexCluster(ClusterDescription updatedSpec)
+If the  cluster is in a state where flexing is possible (i.e. it is not in teardown),
+then `AppState` is updated with the new desired role counts. The operation will
+return once all requests to add or remove role instances have been queued,
+and be `True` iff the desired steady state of the cluster has been changed.
+#### Preconditions
+      well-defined-application-instance(HDFS, updatedSpec)
+#### Postconditions
+    forall role in AppState.Roles.keys:
+        AppState'.Roles'[role].desiredCount = updatedSpec[roles]["yarn.component.instances"]
+    result = AppState' != AppState
+The flexing may change the desired steady state of the cluster, in which
+case the relevant requests will have been queued by the completion of the
+action. It is not possible to state whether or when the requests will be
+## Action: Destroy
+Idempotent operation to destroy a frozen cluster -it succeeds if the 
+cluster has already been destroyed/is unknown, but not if it is
+actually running.
+#### Preconditions
+    if not valid-instance-name(instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_COMMAND_ARGUMENT_ERROR)
+    if slider-instance-live(YARN, instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_CLUSTER_IN_USE)
+#### Postconditions
+The cluster directory and all its children do not exist
+    not is-dir(HDFS', application-instance-path(HDFS', instancename))
+## Action: Status
+    status instancename [--out outfile]
+    2
+#### Preconditions
+    if not slider-instance-live(YARN, instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE)
+#### Postconditions
+The status of the application has been successfully queried and printed out:
+    let status = slider-live-instances(YARN).rpcPort.getJSONClusterStatus()
+if the `outfile` value is not defined then the status appears part of stdout
+    status in STDOUT'
+otherwise, the outfile exists in the local filesystem
+    (outfile != "") ==>  data(LocalFS', outfile) == body
+    (outfile != "") ==>  body in STDOUT'
+## Action: Exists
+This probes for a named cluster being defined or actually being in the running
+In the running state; it is essentially the status
+operation with only the exit code returned
+#### Preconditions
+    if not is-file(HDFS, application-instance-path(HDFS, instancename)) :
+        raise SliderException(EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE)
+#### Postconditions
+The operation succeeds if the cluster is running and the RPC call returns the cluster
+    if live and not slider-instance-live(YARN, instancename):
+      retcode = -1
+    else:  
+      retcode = 0
+## Action: getConf
+This returns the live client configuration of the cluster -the
+site-xml file.
+    getconf --format (xml|properties) --out [outfile]
+*We may want to think hard about whether this is needed*
+#### Preconditions
+    if not slider-instance-live(YARN, instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE)
+#### Postconditions
+The operation succeeds if the cluster status can be retrieved and saved to 
+the named file/printed to stdout in the format chosen
+    let status = slider-live-instances(YARN).rpcPort.getJSONClusterStatus()
+    let conf = status.clientProperties
+    if format == "xml" : 
+        let body = status.clientProperties.asXmlDocument()
+    else:
+        let body = status.clientProperties.asProperties()
+    if outfile != "" :
+        data(LocalFS', outfile) == body
+    else
+        body in STDOUT'
+## Action: list
+    list [instancename]
+Lists all clusters of a user, or only the one given
+#### Preconditions
+If a instancename is specified it must be in YARNs list of active or completed applications
+of that user:
+    if instancename != "" and [] == yarn-application-instances(YARN, instancename, user) 
+        raise SliderException(EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE)
+#### Postconditions
+If no instancename was given, all slider applications of that user are listed,
+else only the one running (or one of the finished ones)
+    if instancename == "" :
+        forall a in yarn-application-instances(YARN, user) :
+            a.toString() in STDOUT'
+    else
+       let e = yarn-application-instances(YARN, instancename, user) 
+       e.toString() in STDOUT'
+## Action: killcontainer
+This is an operation added for testing. It will kill a container in the cluster
+*without flexing the cluster size*. As a result, the cluster will detect the
+failure and attempt to recover from the failure by instantiating a new instance
+of the cluster
+    killcontainer cluster --id container-id
+#### Preconditions
+    if not slider-instance-live(YARN, instancename) : raise SliderException(EXIT_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE)
+    exists c in slider-app-containers(YARN, instancename, user) where == container-id 
+    let status := AM.getJSONClusterStatus() 
+    exists role = status.instances where container-id in status.instances[role].values
+#### Postconditions
+The container is not in the list of containers in the cluster
+    not exists c in containers(YARN) where == container-id 
+And implicitly, not in the running containers of that application
+    not exists c in slider-app-containers(YARN', instancename, user) where == container-id 
+At some time `t1 > t`, the status of the application (`AM'`) will be updated to reflect
+that YARN has notified the AM of the loss of the container
+    let status' = AM'.getJSONClusterStatus() 
+    len(status'.instances[role]) < len(status.instances[role]) 
+    status'.roles[role]["role.failed.instances"] == status'.roles[role]["role.failed.instances"]+1
+At some time `t2 > t1` in the future, the size of the containers of the application
+in the YARN cluster `YARN''` will be as before 
+    let status'' = AM''.getJSONClusterStatus() 
+    len(status''.instances[r] == len(status.instances[r]) 

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+++ incubator/slider/site/trunk/content/design/specification/ Tue Jun 24 19:46:37 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+# Specification of Apache Slider behaviour
+This is a a "more rigorous" definition of the behavior of Slider in terms
+of its state and its command-line operations -by defining a 'formal' model
+of HDFS, YARN and Slider's internal state, then describing the operations
+that can take place in terms of their preconditions and postconditions.
+This is to show what tests we can create to verify that an action
+with a valid set of preconditions results in an outcome whose postconditions
+can be verified. It also makes more apparent what conditions should be
+expected to result in failures, as well as what the failure codes should be.
+Specifying the behavior has also helped identify areas where there was ambiguity,
+where clarification and more tests were needed.
+The specification depends on ongoing work in [HADOOP-9361]( 
+to define the Hadoop Filesytem APIs --This specification uses [the same notation](
+1. [Model: YARN And Slider](slider-model.html)
+1. [CLI actions](cli-actions.html)
+Exceptions and operations may specify exit codes -these are listed in
+[Client Exit Codes](/docs/exitcodes.html)

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+++ incubator/slider/site/trunk/content/design/specification/ Tue Jun 24 19:46:37 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+# Formal Apache Slider Model
+This is the model of Slider and YARN for the rest of the specification.
+## File System
+A File System `HDFS` represents a Hadoop FileSystem -either HDFS or another File
+System which spans the cluster. There are also other filesystems that
+can act as sources of data that is then copied into HDFS. These will be marked
+as `FS` or with the generic `FileSystem` type.
+There's ongoing work in [HADOOP-9361](
+to define the Hadoop Filesytem APIs using the same notation as here,
+the latest version being available on [github](
+Two key references are
+ 1. [The notation reused in the Slider specifications](
+ 1. [The model of the filesystem](
+ The model and its predicates and invariants will be used in these specifications.
+## YARN
+From the perspective of YARN application, The YARN runtime is a state, `YARN`, 
+comprised of: ` (Apps, Queues, Nodes)`
+    Apps: Map[AppId, ApplicationReport]
+An application has a name, an application report and a list of outstanding requests
+    App: (Name, report: ApplicationReport, Requests:List[AmRequest])
+An application report contains a mixture of static and dynamic state of the application
+and the AM.
+    ApplicationReport: AppId, Type, User, YarnApplicationState, AmContainer, RpcPort, TrackingURL,
+YARN applications have a number of states. These are ordered such that if the
+`state.ordinal() > RUNNING.ordinal()  ` then the application has entered an exit state.
+AMs can request containers to be added or released    
+    AmRequest = { add-container(priority, requirements), release(containerId)}
+Job queues are named queues of job requests; there is always a queue called `"default"`
+    Queues: Map[String:Queue]
+        Queue:  List[Requests]
+        Request = {
+          launch(app-name, app-type, requirements, context)
+        }
+        Context: (localized-resources: Map[String,URL], command)
+This is doesn't completely model the cluster from the AM perspective -there's no
+notion of node operations (launching code in a container) or events coming from YARN.
+The `Nodes` structure models the nodes in a cluster
+    Nodes:  Map[nodeID,(name, containers:List[Container])] 
+A container contains some state
+    Container: (containerId, appId, context)
+The containers in a cluster are the aggregate set of all containers across
+all nodes
+    def containers(YARN) =
+        [c for n in keys(YARN.Nodes) for c in YARN.Nodes[n].Containers ]
+The containers of an application are all containers that are considered owned by it,
+    def app-containers(YARN, appId: AppId) =
+        [c in containers(YARN) where c.appId == appId ]
+### Operations & predicates used the specifications
+    def applications(YARN, type) = 
+        [ for app in YARN.Apps.values where == type]
+    def user-applications(YARN, type, user)
+        [a in applications(YARN, type) where: a.User == user]
+## UserGroupInformation
+Applications are launched and executed on hosts computers: either client machines
+or nodes in the cluster, these have their own state which may need modeling
+    HostState: Map[String, String]
+A key part of the host state is actually the identity of the current user,
+which is used to define the location of the persistent state of the cluster -including
+its data, and the identity under which a deployed container executes.
+In a secure cluster, this identity is accompanied by kerberos tokens that grant the caller
+access to the filesystem and to parts of YARN itself.
+This specification does not currently explicitly model the username and credentials.
+If it did they would be used throughout the specification to bind to a YARN or HDFS instance.
+`UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(): UserGroupInformation`
+Returns the current user information. This information is immutable and fixed for the duration of the process.
+## Slider Model
+### Cluster name
+A valid cluster name is a name of length > 1 which follows the internet hostname scheme of letter followed by letter or digit
+    def valid-cluster-name(c) =
+        len(c)> 0
+        and c[0] in ['a'..'z']
+        and c[1] in (['a'..'z'] + ['-'] + ['0..9']) 
+### Persistent Cluster State
+A Slider cluster's persistent state is stored in a path
+    def cluster-path(FS, clustername) = user-home(FS) + ["clusters", clustername]
+    def cluster-json-path(FS, clustername) = cluster-path(FS, clustername) + ["cluster.json"]
+    def original-conf-path(FS, clustername) = cluster-path(FS, clustername) + ["original"] 
+    def generated-conf-path(FS, clustername) = cluster-path(FS, clustername) + ["generated"]
+    def data-path(FS, clustername) = cluster-path(FS, clustername) + ["data"]
+When a cluster is built/created the specified original configuration directory
+is copied to `original-conf-path(FS, clustername)`; this is patched for the
+specific instance bindings and saved into `generated-conf-path(FS, clustername)`.
+A cluster *exists* if all of these paths are found:
+    def cluster-exists(FS, clustername) =
+        is-dir(FS, cluster-path(FS, clustername))
+        and is-file(FS, cluster-json-path(FS, clustername))
+        and is-dir(FS, original-conf-path(FS, clustername))
+        and generated-conf-path(FS, original-conf-path(FS, clustername))
+A cluster is considered `running` if there is a Slider application type belonging to the current user in one of the states
+    def final-yarn-states = {FINISHED, FAILED, KILLED }
+    def slider-app-instances(YARN, clustername, user) =
+        [a in user-applications(YARN, "slider", user) where:
+             and a.Name == clustername]
+    def slider-app-running-instances(YARN, clustername, user) =
+        [a in slider-app-instances(YARN, user, clustername) where:
+             not a.YarnApplicationState in final-yarn-state]
+    def slider-app-running(YARN, clustername, user) =
+        [] != slider-app-running-instances(YARN, clustername, user) 
+    def slider-app-live-instances(YARN, clustername, user) =
+        [a in slider-app-instances(YARN, user, clustername) where:
+             a.YarnApplicationState == RUNNING]
+    def slider-app-live(YARN, clustername, user) =
+       [] != slider-app-live-instances(YARN, clustername, user) 
+### Invariant: there must never be more than one running instance of a named Slider cluster
+There must never be more than one instance of the same Slider cluster running:
+    forall a in user-applications(YARN, "slider", user):
+        len(slider-app-running-instances(YARN, a.Name, user)) <= 1
+There may be multiple instances in a finished state, and one running instance alongside multiple finished instances -the applications
+that work with Slider MUST select a running cluster ahead of any terminated clusters.
+### Containers of an application 
+The containers of a slider application are the set of containers of that application
+    def slider-app-containers(YARN, clustername, user) =
+      app-containers(YARN, appid where
+        appid = slider-app-running-instances(YARN, clustername, user)[0])
+### RPC Access to a slider cluster
+ An application is accepting RPC requests for a given protocol if there is a port binding
+ defined and it is possible to authenticate a connection using the specified protocol
+     def rpc-connection(appReport, protocol) =
+ != null 
+         appReport.rpcPort != 0 
+         and RPC.getProtocolProxy(, appReport.rpcPort, protocol)
+ Being able to open an RPC port is the strongest definition of liveness possible
+ to make: if the AM responds to RPC operations, it is doing useful work.
+### Valid Cluster Description
+The `cluster.json` file of a cluster configures Slider to deploy the application. 
+#### well-defined-cluster(cluster-description)
+A Cluster Description is well-defined if it is valid JSON and required properties are present
+Irrespective of specific details for deploying the Slider AM or any provider-specific role instances,
+a Cluster Description defined in a `cluster.json` file at the path `cluster-json-path(FS, clustername)`
+is well-defined if
+1. It is parseable by the jackson JSON parser.
+1. Root elements required of a Slider cluster specification must be defined, and, where appropriate, non-empty
+1. It contains the extensible elements required of a Slider cluster specification. For example, `options` and `roles`
+1. The types of the extensible elements match those expected by Slider.
+1. The `version` element matches a supported version
+1. Exactly one of `options/cluster.application.home` and `options/cluster.application.image.path` must exist.
+1. Any cluster options that are required to be integers must be integers
+This specification is very vague here to avoid duplication: the cluster description structure is currently implicitly defined in 
+Currently Slider ignores unknown elements during parsing. This may be changed.
+The test for this state does not refer to the cluster filesystem
+#### deployable-cluster(FS, cluster-description)
+A  Cluster Description defines a deployable cluster if it is well-defined cluster and the contents contain valid information to deploy a cluster
+This defines how a cluster description is valid in the extends the valid configuration with 
+* The entry `name` must match a supported provider
+* Any elements that name the cluster match the cluster name as defined by the path to the cluster:
+        originConfigurationPath == original-conf-path(FS, clustername)
+        generatedConfigurationPath == generated-conf-path(FS, clustername)
+        dataPath == data-path(FS, clustername)
+* The paths defined in `originConfigurationPath` , `generatedConfigurationPath` and `dataPath` must all exist.
+* `options/zookeeper.path` must be defined and refer to a path in the ZK cluster
+defined by (`options/zookeeper.hosts`, `zookeeper.port)` to which the user has write access (required by HBase and Accumulo)
+* If `options/cluster.application.image.path` is defined, it must exist and be readable by the user.
+* It must declare a type that maps to a provider entry in the Slider client's XML configuration:
+        len(clusterspec["type"]) > 0 
+        clientconfig["slider.provider."+ clusterspec["type"]] != null
+* That entry must map to a class on the classpath which can be instantiated
+and cast to `SliderProviderFactory`.
+        let classname = clientconfig["slider.provider."+ clusterspec["type"]] 
+        (Class.forName(classname).newInstance()) instanceof SliderProviderFactory 
+#### valid-for-provider(cluster-description, provider)
+A provider considers a specification valid if its own validation logic is satisfied. This normally
+consists of rules about the number of instances of different roles; it may include other logic.

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