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[18/77] [abbrv] [partial] moving files to new dist directory
diff --git a/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/entities/css/theme.min.css b/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/entities/css/theme.min.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f685dd..0000000
--- a/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/entities/css/theme.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
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-* Git HEAD hash: f09aae0e035d6805e461a7be246d04a0dbc98f69 <> Date: Thu Dec 19 2013 17:34:22 UTC
-* Copyright 2010, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
-* Released under the MIT license.
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/entities/js/index.js b/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/entities/js/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a99c0ff..0000000
--- a/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/entities/js/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-This sample app will show you how to perform basic entity operation using the Apigee JavaScript SDK, including:
-	- creating an entity
-	- retrieving an entity
-	- updating/altering an entity
-	- deleting an entity
-This file contains the functions that make the actual API requests. To run the app, open index.html in your browser. */
-/* Before we make any requests, we prompt the user for their Apigee organization name, then initialize the SDK by
-   instantiating the Apigee.Client class. 
-   Note that this app is designed to use the unsecured 'sandbox' application that was included when you created your organization. */
-var dataClient;
-var entityUuid; //saves the UUID of the entity we create so we can perform retrieve, update and delete operations on it 
-function promptClientCredsAndInitializeSDK(){
-	var APIGEE_APPNAME='sandbox';
-	if("undefined"===typeof APIGEE_ORGNAME){
-	    APIGEE_ORGNAME=prompt("What is the Organization Name you registered at");
-	}
-function initializeSDK(ORGNAME,APPNAME){	
-	dataClient = new Apigee.Client({
-	    orgName:ORGNAME,
-	    appName:APPNAME,
-		logging: true, //optional - turn on logging, off by default
-		buildCurl: true //optional - log network calls in the console, off by default
-	});	
-/* 1. Create a new entity
-	To start, let's create a function to create an entity and save it on Apigee. */
-function createEntity () {
-	/* First, we specify the properties for your new entity:
-    - The type property associates your entity with a collection. When the entity, 
-      is created, if the corresponding collection doesn't exist a new collection 
-      will automatically be created to hold any entities of the same type. 
-      Collection names are the pluralized version of the entity type,
-      e.g. all entities of type book will be saved in the books collection. 
-    - Let's also specify some properties for your entity. Properties are formatted 
-      as key-value pairs. We've started you off with three properties in addition 
-      to type, but you can add any properties you want.    */
-	var properties = {
-        type:'book',
-        title:'The Old Man and the Sea',
-        price: 5.50,
-        currency: 'USD'
-    };
-    /* Next, we call the createEntity() method. Notice that the method is prepended 
-       by dataClient, so that the Apigee API knows what data store we want to work with. */
-    dataClient.createEntity(properties, function (errorStatus, entity, errorMessage) { 
-        if (errorStatus) { 
-           // Error - there was a problem creating the entity
-           document.getElementById('result-text').innerHTML
-            +=  "Error! Unable to create your entity. "
-            +   "Did you enter the correct organization name?"
-            +   "<br/><br/>"
-            +   "Error message:" 
-            +	"<pre>" + JSON.stringify(errorMessage) + "</pre>";
-        } else { 
-            // Success - the entity was created properly
-            document.getElementById('result-text').innerHTML
-            +=  "Success!"
-            +	"<br /><br />"
-            +	"Here is the UUID (universally unique identifier of the"
-            +	"entity you created. We've saved it to reference the entity "
-            + 	"when we perform retrieve update and delete operations on it:"
-            +	"<br /><br />"
-            +   JSON.stringify(entity.get('uuid'))
-            +	"<br /><br />"
-            + 	"And here is the full API response. The entity is stored in the _data property:"
-            +   "<br/><br/>"
-            +   "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(entity, undefined, 4) + "</pre>";
-           entityUuid = entity._data.uuid; //saving the UUID so it's available for our other operations in this app
-        }
-    });
-/* 2. Retrieve an entity
-   Now that we can create entities, let's define a function to retrieve them: */
-function retrieveEntity () {
-	/*
-	- Specify the 'type' of the entity to be retrieved, 'book' in this case.
-	- Specify the 'UUID' property of the entity to be retrieved. You can get this from the 
-	  response we showed you when the entity was created. */		              
-	var properties = { 
-		type:'book',
-		uuid:entityUuid
-	};
-	/* Next we pass our properties to getEntity(), which initiates our GET request: */
-	dataClient.getEntity(properties, function (errorStatus, entity, errorMessage) { 
-		if (errorStatus) { 
-		  // Error - there was a problem retrieving the entity
-          document.getElementById('result-text').innerHTML
-            +=  "Error! Unable to retrieve your entity. "
-            +   "Check that the 'uuid' of the entity you tried to retrieve is correct."
-            +   "<br/><br/>"
-            +   "Error message:" 
-            + 	"<pre>" + JSON.stringify(errorMessage); + "</pre>"		                  
-		} else { 
-		  // Success - the entity was found and retrieved by the Apigee API
-		  document.getElementById('result-text').innerHTML
-            +=  "Success! Here is the entity we retrieved: "
-            +   "<br/><br/>"
-            +   "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(entity, undefined, 4); + "</pre>"
-		} 
-	}); 
-/* 3. Update/alter an entity
-   We can easily add new properties to an entity or change existing properties by making a 
-   call to the Apigee API. Let's define a function to add a new property and update an existing 
-   property, then display the updated entity. */
-function updateEntity() {
-   /*
-		   - Specify your Apigee.Client object in the 'client' property. In this case, 'dataClient'.
-		   - Specify the following in the 'data' property:
-		   		- The 'type' and 'uuid' of the entity to be updated so that the API knows what 
-		   		  entity you are trying to update.
-		   		- New properties to add to the enitity. In this case, we'll add a property 
-		   		  to show whether the book is available.
-		   		- New values for existing properties. In this case, we are updating the 'price' property. */
-	var properties = {	           		
-		client:dataClient,
-		data:{
-			type:'book',
-			uuid: entityUuid,
-			price: 4.50, //our new price that will replace the existing value of 5.50
-			available: true //new property to be added
-		}
-	};	
-	/* We need to create a local Entity object to hold our update */
-	entity = new Apigee.Entity(properties);
-	/* Now we call save() to initiate the API PUT request on our Entity object */
- (errorStatus,entity,errorMessage) {
-	    if (errorStatus) { 
-		  /* Error - there was a problem updating the entity */
-          document.getElementById('result-text').innerHTML
-            +=  "Error! Unable to update your entity. "
-            +   "Check that the or 'uuid' of the entity you tried to retrieve is correct."
-            +   "<br/><br/>"
-            +   "Error message:" 
-            + 	"<pre>" + JSON.stringify(errorMessage); + "</pre>"		                 
-		} else { 
-		  /* Success - the entity was successfully updated */
-		  document.getElementById('result-text').innerHTML
-            +=  "Success! Here is the updated entity. Notice that the 'available' and "
-            + 	"'price' properties have been added:"
-            +   "<br/><br/>"            
-            +   "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(entity, undefined, 4); + "</pre>"			  
-		} 
-	});
-/* 4. Delete an entity
-   Now that we've created, retrieved and updated our entity, let's delete it. This will 
-   permanently remove the entity from your data store. */
-function deleteEntity () {
-	/* - Specify your Apigee.Client object in the 'client' property. In this case, 'dataClient'.
-			   - Specify the 'type' and 'uuid' of the entity to be deleted in the 'data' property so
-			     that the API knows what entity you are trying to delete. */
-	var properties = {
-		client:dataClient,	        			
-		data:{
-			type:'book',
-			uuid:entityUuid
-		}
-	};
-	/* We need to create a local Entity object that we can call destroy() on */
-	entity = new Apigee.Entity(properties);
-	/* Then we call the destroy() method to intitiate the API DELETE request */
-	entity.destroy(function (error,response) {
-	    if (error) { 
-			  // Error - there was a problem deleting the entity
-              document.getElementById('result-text').innerHTML
-                +=  "Error! Unable to delete your entity. "
-                +   "Check that the 'uuid' of the entity you tried to delete is correct."
-                +   "<br/><br/>"
-                +   "Error message:" + JSON.stringify(error);		                 
-			} else { 
-			  // Success - the entity was successfully deleted
-			  document.getElementById('result-text').innerHTML
-                +=  "Success! The entity has been deleted."
-		}
-	});	     
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