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Posted to by song xiaofei <> on 2005/03/02 13:30:18 UTC

base64binary to java type

Hi experts,
I am now integrating axis 1.2 to our product. One of the problem is that we found a regression in our product which integrated wih 1.1 to 1.2. The problem here is that we have case where the jsp will invoke a .net webservices and I found that the byte[] date type is handled by ArraySerializer and ArrayDeserialzier rather than the Base64 stuff. I checked the code and foudn that the Base64Serializer has been moved from the default type mapping and put to the soapencoding type mapping. The wsdl to java has generates a soap encoding with base64 rather than xsd:base64Binary that is why we get an error. Any hint to this problem?
So what is the policy for axis to convert byte[] type, to soap-enc:base64 and xsd:base64Binary.
Xiaofei Song

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