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[GitHub] [beam] rohdesamuel commented on a change in pull request #15647: [BEAM-10708] Enable submit beam_sql built jobs to Dataflow

rohdesamuel commented on a change in pull request #15647:

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/runners/interactive/sql/
@@ -194,45 +220,72 @@ def beam_sql(self, line: str, cell: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[PValue]:
       register_coder_for_schema(pcoll.element_type, verbose=verbose)
-    output_name, output = apply_sql(query, output_name, found)
+      # Only care about schemas defined by the user in the main module.
+      if hasattr(main_session, pcoll.element_type.__name__):
+        schemas.add(pcoll.element_type)
+    if runner and runner != 'DirectRunner':

Review comment:
       Why do we condition based on if the runner is the DirectRunner?

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/runners/interactive/sql/
@@ -181,11 +196,22 @@ def beam_sql(self, line: str, cell: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[PValue]:
     if not query:
       on_error('Please supply the SQL query to be executed.')
+    if runner and runner not in _SUPPORTED_RUNNERS:
+      on_error(
+          'Runner "%s" is not supported. Supported runners are %s.',
+          runner,
     query = ' '.join(query)
-    found = find_pcolls(query, pcoll_by_name(), verbose=verbose)
+    found = find_pcolls(
+        query,
+        pcoll_by_name(),
+        run=runner in ('DirectRunner', None),
+        verbose=verbose)
+    schemas = set()
+    main_session = importlib.import_module('__main__')

Review comment:
       Move this line to right before the hasattr(main_session), since it's not used elsewhere

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/runners/interactive/sql/
@@ -123,3 +134,299 @@ def pformat_namedtuple(schema: NamedTuple) -> str:
           '{}: {}'.format(k, v.__name__) for k,
           v in schema.__annotations__.items()
+class OptionsEntry:
+  """An entry of PipelineOptions that can be visualized through ipywidgets to
+  take inputs in IPython notebooks interactively.
+  Attributes:
+    label: The value of the Label widget.
+    help: The help message of the entry, usually the same to the help in
+      PipelineOptions.
+    cls: The PipelineOptions class/subclass the options belong to.
+    arg_builder: Builds the argument/option. If it's a str, this entry
+      assigns the input ipywidget's value directly to the argument. If it's a
+      Dict, use the corresponding Callable to assign the input value to each
+      argument. If Callable is None, fallback to assign the input value
+      directly. This allows building multiple similar PipelineOptions
+      arguments from a single input, such as staging_location and
+      temp_location in GoogleCloudOptions.
+    default: The default value of the entry, None if absent.
+  """
+  label: str
+  help: str
+  cls: Type[PipelineOptions]
+  arg_builder: Union[str, Dict[str, Optional[Callable]]]
+  default: Optional[str] = None
+  def __post_init__(self):
+    # The attribute holds an ipywidget, currently only supports Text.
+    # The str value can be accessed by self.input.value.
+    self.input = None
+class OptionsForm:
+  """A form visualized to take inputs from users in IPython Notebooks and
+  generate PipelineOptions to run pipelines.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.options = PipelineOptions()
+    self.entries = []
+  def add(self, entry: OptionsEntry) -> 'OptionsForm':
+    """Adds an OptionsEntry to the form.
+    """
+    self.entries.append(entry)
+    return self
+  def to_options(self) -> PipelineOptions:
+    """Builds the PipelineOptions based on user inputs.
+    Can only be invoked after display_for_input.
+    """
+    for entry in self.entries:
+      assert entry.input, (
+          'to_options invoked before display_for_input. '
+          'Wrong usage.')
+      view = self.options.view_as(entry.cls)
+      if isinstance(entry.arg_builder, str):
+        setattr(view, entry.arg_builder, entry.input.value)
+      else:
+        for arg, builder in entry.arg_builder.items():
+          if builder:
+            setattr(view, arg, builder(entry.input.value))
+          else:
+            setattr(view, arg, entry.input.value)
+    self.additional_options()
+    return self.options
+  def additional_options(self):
+    """Alters the self.options with additional config."""
+    pass

Review comment:
       Is this method overridden somewhere?

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/runners/interactive/sql/
@@ -123,3 +134,299 @@ def pformat_namedtuple(schema: NamedTuple) -> str:
           '{}: {}'.format(k, v.__name__) for k,
           v in schema.__annotations__.items()
+class OptionsEntry:
+  """An entry of PipelineOptions that can be visualized through ipywidgets to
+  take inputs in IPython notebooks interactively.
+  Attributes:
+    label: The value of the Label widget.
+    help: The help message of the entry, usually the same to the help in
+      PipelineOptions.
+    cls: The PipelineOptions class/subclass the options belong to.
+    arg_builder: Builds the argument/option. If it's a str, this entry
+      assigns the input ipywidget's value directly to the argument. If it's a
+      Dict, use the corresponding Callable to assign the input value to each
+      argument. If Callable is None, fallback to assign the input value
+      directly. This allows building multiple similar PipelineOptions
+      arguments from a single input, such as staging_location and
+      temp_location in GoogleCloudOptions.
+    default: The default value of the entry, None if absent.
+  """
+  label: str
+  help: str
+  cls: Type[PipelineOptions]
+  arg_builder: Union[str, Dict[str, Optional[Callable]]]
+  default: Optional[str] = None
+  def __post_init__(self):
+    # The attribute holds an ipywidget, currently only supports Text.
+    # The str value can be accessed by self.input.value.
+    self.input = None
+class OptionsForm:
+  """A form visualized to take inputs from users in IPython Notebooks and
+  generate PipelineOptions to run pipelines.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.options = PipelineOptions()
+    self.entries = []
+  def add(self, entry: OptionsEntry) -> 'OptionsForm':
+    """Adds an OptionsEntry to the form.
+    """
+    self.entries.append(entry)
+    return self
+  def to_options(self) -> PipelineOptions:
+    """Builds the PipelineOptions based on user inputs.
+    Can only be invoked after display_for_input.
+    """
+    for entry in self.entries:
+      assert entry.input, (
+          'to_options invoked before display_for_input. '
+          'Wrong usage.')
+      view = self.options.view_as(entry.cls)
+      if isinstance(entry.arg_builder, str):
+        setattr(view, entry.arg_builder, entry.input.value)
+      else:
+        for arg, builder in entry.arg_builder.items():
+          if builder:
+            setattr(view, arg, builder(entry.input.value))
+          else:
+            setattr(view, arg, entry.input.value)
+    self.additional_options()
+    return self.options
+  def additional_options(self):
+    """Alters the self.options with additional config."""
+    pass
+  def display_for_input(self) -> 'OptionsForm':
+    """Displays the widgets to take user inputs."""
+    from IPython.display import display
+    from ipywidgets import GridBox
+    from ipywidgets import Label
+    from ipywidgets import Layout
+    from ipywidgets import Text
+    widgets = []
+    for entry in self.entries:
+      text_label = Label(value=entry.label)
+      text_input = entry.input if entry.input else Text(
+          value=entry.default if entry.default else '')
+      text_help = Label(
+      entry.input = text_input
+      widgets.append(text_label)
+      widgets.append(text_input)
+      widgets.append(text_help)
+    grid = GridBox(widgets, layout=Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr 2fr 6fr'))
+    display(grid)
+    self.display_actions()
+    return self
+  def display_actions(self):
+    """Displays actionable widgets to utilize the options, run pipelines and
+    etc."""
+    pass
+class DataflowOptionsForm(OptionsForm):
+  """A form to take inputs from users in IPython Notebooks to build
+  PipelineOptions to run pipelines on Dataflow.
+  Only contains minimum fields needed.
+  """
+  @staticmethod
+  def _build_default_project() -> str:
+    """Builds a default project id."""
+    try:
+      # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
+      import google.auth
+      return google.auth.default()[1]
+    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+      raise
+    except Exception as e:
+      _LOGGER.warning('There is some issue with your gcloud auth: %s', e)
+      return 'your-project-id'
+  @staticmethod
+  def _build_req_file_from_pkgs(pkgs) -> Optional[str]:
+    """Builds a requirements file that contains all additional PYPI packages
+    needed."""
+    if pkgs:
+      deps = pkgs.split()
+      req_file = os.path.join(
+          tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='beam-sql-dataflow-'), 'req.txt')
+      with open(req_file, 'a') as f:
+        for dep in deps:
+          f.write(dep + '\n')
+      return req_file
+    return None
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      output_name: str,
+      output_pcoll: beam.PCollection,
+      verbose: bool = False):
+    """Inits the OptionsForm for setting up Dataflow jobs."""
+    super().__init__()
+    self.p = output_pcoll.pipeline
+    self.output_name = output_name
+    self.output_pcoll = output_pcoll
+    self.verbose = verbose
+    self.notice_shown = False
+    self.add(
+        OptionsEntry(
+            label='Project Id',
+            help='Name of the Cloud project owning the Dataflow job.',
+            cls=GoogleCloudOptions,
+            arg_builder='project',
+            default=DataflowOptionsForm._build_default_project())
+    ).add(
+        OptionsEntry(
+            label='Region',
+            help='The Google Compute Engine region for creating Dataflow job.',
+            cls=GoogleCloudOptions,
+            arg_builder='region',
+            default='us-central1')
+    ).add(
+        OptionsEntry(
+            label='GCS Bucket',
+            help=(
+                'GCS path to stage code packages needed by workers and save '
+                'temporary workflow jobs.'),
+            cls=GoogleCloudOptions,
+            arg_builder={
+                'staging_location': lambda x: x + '/staging',
+                'temp_location': lambda x: x + '/temp'
+            },
+            default='gs://YOUR_GCS_BUCKET_HERE')
+    ).add(
+        OptionsEntry(
+            label='Additional Packages',
+            help=(
+                'PYPI packages installed, whitespace separated. If None, leave '
+                'this field empty.'),
+            cls=SetupOptions,
+            arg_builder={
+                'requirements_file': lambda x: DataflowOptionsForm.
+                _build_req_file_from_pkgs(x)
+            },
+            default=''))
+  def additional_options(self):
+    # Use the latest Java SDK by default.
+    sdk_overrides = self.options.view_as(
+        WorkerOptions).sdk_harness_container_image_overrides
+    override = '.*java.*,apache/beam_java11_sdk:latest'
+    if sdk_overrides and override not in sdk_overrides:
+      sdk_overrides.append(override)
+    else:
+      self.options.view_as(
+          WorkerOptions).sdk_harness_container_image_overrides = [override]
+  def display_actions(self):
+    from IPython.display import HTML
+    from IPython.display import display
+    from ipywidgets import Button
+    from ipywidgets import GridBox
+    from ipywidgets import Layout
+    from ipywidgets import Output
+    output_area = Output()
+    run_btn = Button(
+        description='Run on Dataflow',
+        button_style='success',
+        tooltip=(
+            'Submit to Dataflow for execution with the configured options. The '
+            'output PCollection\'s data will be written to the GCS bucket you '
+            'configure.'))
+    show_options_btn = Button(
+        description='Show Options',
+        button_style='info',
+        tooltip='Show current pipeline options configured.')
+    def _run_on_dataflow(btn):
+      with output_area:
+        @progress_indicated
+        def _inner():
+          options = self.to_options()
+          # Caches the output_pcoll to a GCS bucket.
+          try:
+            output_location = '{}/{}'.format(
+                options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).staging_location,
+                self.output_name)
+            _ = self.output_pcoll | 'WriteOuput{}ToGCS'.format(
+                self.output_name) >> WriteToText(output_location)
+                'Data of output PCollection %s will be written to %s',
+                self.output_name,
+                output_location)
+          except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+            raise
+          except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
+            # The transform has been added before, noop.
+            pass
+          if self.verbose:
+                'Running the pipeline on Dataflow with pipeline options %s.',
+                options.display_data())

Review comment:
       Can we pretty print the options? They're a little hard to read at the moment.

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/runners/interactive/sql/
@@ -77,21 +86,23 @@ def find_pcolls(
     if verbose:'Found PCollections used in the magic: %s.', found)'Collecting data...')
-    for name, pcoll in found.items():
-      try:
-        _ = ib.collect(pcoll)
-      except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
-        raise
-      except:
-        _LOGGER.error(
-            'Cannot collect data for PCollection %s. Please make sure the '
-            'PCollections queried in the sql "%s" are all from a single '
-            'pipeline using an InteractiveRunner. Make sure there is no '
-            'ambiguity, for example, same named PCollections from multiple '
-            'pipelines or notebook re-executions.',
-            name,
-            sql)
-        raise
+    if run:
+      from apache_beam.runners.interactive import interactive_beam as ib
+      for name, pcoll in found.items():
+        try:
+          _ = ib.collect(pcoll)
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+          raise
+        except:
+          _LOGGER.error(
+              'Cannot collect data for PCollection %s. Please make sure the '
+              'PCollections queried in the sql "%s" are all from a single '
+              'pipeline using an InteractiveRunner. Make sure there is no '
+              'ambiguity, for example, same named PCollections from multiple '
+              'pipelines or notebook re-executions.',
+              name,
+              sql)
+          raise

Review comment:
       It feels weird to also be running a pipeline when the method is named "find_pcolls". Can you please move this functionality out from the find_pcolls into its own method?

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/runners/interactive/sql/
@@ -123,3 +134,299 @@ def pformat_namedtuple(schema: NamedTuple) -> str:
           '{}: {}'.format(k, v.__name__) for k,
           v in schema.__annotations__.items()
+class OptionsEntry:
+  """An entry of PipelineOptions that can be visualized through ipywidgets to
+  take inputs in IPython notebooks interactively.
+  Attributes:
+    label: The value of the Label widget.
+    help: The help message of the entry, usually the same to the help in
+      PipelineOptions.
+    cls: The PipelineOptions class/subclass the options belong to.
+    arg_builder: Builds the argument/option. If it's a str, this entry
+      assigns the input ipywidget's value directly to the argument. If it's a
+      Dict, use the corresponding Callable to assign the input value to each
+      argument. If Callable is None, fallback to assign the input value
+      directly. This allows building multiple similar PipelineOptions
+      arguments from a single input, such as staging_location and
+      temp_location in GoogleCloudOptions.
+    default: The default value of the entry, None if absent.
+  """
+  label: str
+  help: str
+  cls: Type[PipelineOptions]
+  arg_builder: Union[str, Dict[str, Optional[Callable]]]
+  default: Optional[str] = None
+  def __post_init__(self):
+    # The attribute holds an ipywidget, currently only supports Text.
+    # The str value can be accessed by self.input.value.
+    self.input = None
+class OptionsForm:
+  """A form visualized to take inputs from users in IPython Notebooks and
+  generate PipelineOptions to run pipelines.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.options = PipelineOptions()
+    self.entries = []
+  def add(self, entry: OptionsEntry) -> 'OptionsForm':
+    """Adds an OptionsEntry to the form.
+    """
+    self.entries.append(entry)
+    return self
+  def to_options(self) -> PipelineOptions:
+    """Builds the PipelineOptions based on user inputs.
+    Can only be invoked after display_for_input.
+    """
+    for entry in self.entries:
+      assert entry.input, (
+          'to_options invoked before display_for_input. '
+          'Wrong usage.')
+      view = self.options.view_as(entry.cls)
+      if isinstance(entry.arg_builder, str):
+        setattr(view, entry.arg_builder, entry.input.value)
+      else:
+        for arg, builder in entry.arg_builder.items():
+          if builder:
+            setattr(view, arg, builder(entry.input.value))
+          else:
+            setattr(view, arg, entry.input.value)
+    self.additional_options()
+    return self.options
+  def additional_options(self):
+    """Alters the self.options with additional config."""
+    pass
+  def display_for_input(self) -> 'OptionsForm':
+    """Displays the widgets to take user inputs."""
+    from IPython.display import display
+    from ipywidgets import GridBox
+    from ipywidgets import Label
+    from ipywidgets import Layout
+    from ipywidgets import Text
+    widgets = []
+    for entry in self.entries:
+      text_label = Label(value=entry.label)
+      text_input = entry.input if entry.input else Text(
+          value=entry.default if entry.default else '')
+      text_help = Label(
+      entry.input = text_input
+      widgets.append(text_label)
+      widgets.append(text_input)
+      widgets.append(text_help)
+    grid = GridBox(widgets, layout=Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr 2fr 6fr'))
+    display(grid)
+    self.display_actions()
+    return self
+  def display_actions(self):
+    """Displays actionable widgets to utilize the options, run pipelines and
+    etc."""
+    pass
+class DataflowOptionsForm(OptionsForm):
+  """A form to take inputs from users in IPython Notebooks to build
+  PipelineOptions to run pipelines on Dataflow.
+  Only contains minimum fields needed.
+  """
+  @staticmethod
+  def _build_default_project() -> str:
+    """Builds a default project id."""
+    try:
+      # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
+      import google.auth
+      return google.auth.default()[1]
+    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+      raise
+    except Exception as e:
+      _LOGGER.warning('There is some issue with your gcloud auth: %s', e)
+      return 'your-project-id'
+  @staticmethod
+  def _build_req_file_from_pkgs(pkgs) -> Optional[str]:
+    """Builds a requirements file that contains all additional PYPI packages
+    needed."""
+    if pkgs:
+      deps = pkgs.split()
+      req_file = os.path.join(
+          tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='beam-sql-dataflow-'), 'req.txt')
+      with open(req_file, 'a') as f:
+        for dep in deps:
+          f.write(dep + '\n')
+      return req_file
+    return None
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      output_name: str,
+      output_pcoll: beam.PCollection,
+      verbose: bool = False):
+    """Inits the OptionsForm for setting up Dataflow jobs."""
+    super().__init__()
+    self.p = output_pcoll.pipeline
+    self.output_name = output_name
+    self.output_pcoll = output_pcoll
+    self.verbose = verbose
+    self.notice_shown = False
+    self.add(
+        OptionsEntry(
+            label='Project Id',
+            help='Name of the Cloud project owning the Dataflow job.',
+            cls=GoogleCloudOptions,
+            arg_builder='project',
+            default=DataflowOptionsForm._build_default_project())
+    ).add(
+        OptionsEntry(
+            label='Region',
+            help='The Google Compute Engine region for creating Dataflow job.',
+            cls=GoogleCloudOptions,
+            arg_builder='region',
+            default='us-central1')
+    ).add(
+        OptionsEntry(
+            label='GCS Bucket',
+            help=(
+                'GCS path to stage code packages needed by workers and save '
+                'temporary workflow jobs.'),
+            cls=GoogleCloudOptions,
+            arg_builder={
+                'staging_location': lambda x: x + '/staging',
+                'temp_location': lambda x: x + '/temp'
+            },
+            default='gs://YOUR_GCS_BUCKET_HERE')
+    ).add(
+        OptionsEntry(
+            label='Additional Packages',
+            help=(
+                'PYPI packages installed, whitespace separated. If None, leave '
+                'this field empty.'),

Review comment:
       Can this instead be comma-separated? This feels more natural

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/runners/interactive/sql/
@@ -81,5 +73,35 @@ def test_pformat_namedtuple(self):
         'ANamedTuple(a: int, b: str)', pformat_namedtuple(ANamedTuple))
+    not ie.current_env().is_interactive_ready,
+    '[interactive] dependency is not installed.')
+    not ie.current_env().is_interactive_ready,
+    reason='[interactive] dependency is not installed.')
+class OptionsFormTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_dataflow_options_form(self):
+    p = beam.Pipeline()
+    pcoll = p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3])
+    with patch('google.auth') as ga:
+      ga.default = lambda: ['', 'default_project_id']
+      df_form = DataflowOptionsForm('pcoll', pcoll)
+      df_form.display_for_input()
+      df_form.entries[2].input.value = 'gs://test-bucket'
+      df_form.entries[3].input.value = 'a-pkg'
+      options = df_form.to_options()
+      self.assertEqual(
+          options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).project, 'default_project_id')
+      self.assertEqual(
+          options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).region, 'us-central1')
+      self.assertEqual(
+          options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).staging_location,
+          'gs://test-bucket/staging')
+      self.assertEqual(
+          options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location,
+          'gs://test-bucket/temp')

Review comment:
       It's cleaner to set a local variable from the options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions) then do assertions on it.

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