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Posted to by on 2014/01/22 18:02:47 UTC

git commit: AMBARI-4370. Modify for running test Component Scripts (Eugene Chekanskiy via aonishuk)

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk d48edfaa0 -> d125f7031

AMBARI-4370. Modify for running test Component Scripts
(Eugene Chekanskiy via aonishuk)


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: d125f703153ef48ac3122653dec4fdb7db713333
Parents: d48edfa
Author: Andrew Onischuk <>
Authored: Wed Jan 22 09:02:00 2014 -0800
Committer: Andrew Onischuk <>
Committed: Wed Jan 22 09:02:00 2014 -0800

 ambari-server/pom.xml                      |   4 +-
 ambari-server/src/test/python/ | 183 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/pom.xml b/ambari-server/pom.xml
index 02fd326..2972e94 100644
--- a/ambari-server/pom.xml
+++ b/ambari-server/pom.xml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
     <python.ver>python &gt;= 2.6</python.ver>
+    <custom.tests>false</custom.tests>
@@ -455,9 +456,10 @@
+                <argument>${custom.tests}</argument>
-                <PYTHONPATH>${project.basedir}/../ambari-common/src/test/python:${project.basedir}/src/main/python:${project.basedir}/src/main/python/ambari-server-state:${project.basedir}/src/test/python:$PYTHONPATH</PYTHONPATH>
+                <PYTHONPATH>${project.basedir}/../ambari-agent/src/main/python:${project.basedir}/../ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2:${project.basedir}/../ambari-common/src/test/python:${project.basedir}/src/main/python:${project.basedir}/src/main/python/ambari-server-state:${project.basedir}/src/test/python:$PYTHONPATH</PYTHONPATH>
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/test/python/ b/ambari-server/src/test/python/
index 9448bb6..c6eab75 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/test/python/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/test/python/
@@ -17,29 +17,194 @@ limitations under the License.
 import unittest
-import glob
+import multiprocessing
 import os
 import sys
 from random import shuffle
+import fnmatch
-TEST_MASK = 'Test*.py'
+#excluded directories with non-test staff from stack and service scanning,
+#also we can add service or stack to skip here
+STACK_EXCLUDE = ["utils"]
+SERVICE_EXCLUDE = ["configs"]
-def main():
+TEST_MASK = '[Tt]est*.py'
+CUSTOM_TEST_MASK = '_[Tt]est*.py'
+def get_parent_path(base, directory_name):
+  """
+  Returns absolute path for directory_name, if directory_name present in base.
+  For example, base=/home/user/test2, directory_name=user - will return /home/user
+  """
+  done = False
+  while not done:
+    base = os.path.dirname(base)
+    if base == "/":
+      return None
+    done = True if os.path.split(base)[-1] == directory_name else False
+  return base
+def get_test_files(path, mask = None, recursive=True):
+  """
+  Returns test files for path recursively
+  """
+  current = []
+  directory_items = os.listdir(path)
+  for item in directory_items:
+    add_to_pythonpath = False
+    if os.path.isfile(path + "/" + item):
+      if fnmatch.fnmatch(item, mask):
+        add_to_pythonpath = True
+        current.append(item)
+    elif os.path.isdir(path + "/" + item):
+      if recursive:
+        current.extend(get_test_files(path + "/" + item, mask = mask))
+    if add_to_pythonpath:
+      sys.path.append(path)
+  return current
+def stack_test_executor(base_folder, stack, service, custom_tests, executor_result):
+  """
+  Stack tests executor. Must be executed in separate process to prevent module
+  name conflicts in different stacks.
+  """
+  #extract stack scripts folders
+  if custom_tests:
+    test_mask = CUSTOM_TEST_MASK
+  else:
+    test_mask = TEST_MASK
+  server_src_dir = get_parent_path(base_folder,'src')
+  base_stack_folder = os.path.join(server_src_dir,
+                                   'main/resources/stacks/HDP/{0}'.format(stack))
-  pwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-  if pwd:
-    global TEST_MASK
-    TEST_MASK = pwd + os.sep + TEST_MASK
+  script_folders = set()
+  for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(base_stack_folder):
+    if os.path.split(root)[-1] == "scripts" and service in root:
+      script_folders.add(root)
+  sys.path.extend(script_folders)
+  tests = get_test_files(base_folder, mask = test_mask)
-  tests = glob.glob(TEST_MASK)
   modules = [os.path.basename(s)[:-3] for s in tests]
   suites = [unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(name) for name in
   testSuite = unittest.TestSuite(suites)
+  textRunner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(testSuite)
+  #for pretty output
+  sys.stdout.flush()
+  sys.stderr.flush()
+  exit_code = 0 if textRunner.wasSuccessful() else 1
+  executor_result.put({'exit_code':exit_code,
+                  'tests_run':textRunner.testsRun,
+                  'errors':[(str(item[0]),str(item[1]),"ERROR") for item in textRunner.errors],
+                  'failures':[(str(item[0]),str(item[1]),"FAIL") for item in textRunner.failures],
+                  'skipped':[(str(item[0]),str(item[1]),"SKIPPED") for item in textRunner.skipped]})
+  executor_result.put(0) if textRunner.wasSuccessful() else executor_result.put(1)
+def main():
+  custom_tests = False
+  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "true":
+      custom_tests = True
+  pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+  ambari_server_folder = get_parent_path(pwd,'ambari-server')
+  ambari_agent_folder = os.path.join(ambari_server_folder,"../ambari-agent")
+  ambari_common_folder = os.path.join(ambari_server_folder,"../ambari-common")
+  sys.path.append(ambari_common_folder + "/src/main/python/jinja2")
+  sys.path.append(ambari_agent_folder + "/src/main/python")
+  stacks_folder = pwd+'/stacks'
+  #generate test variants(path, service, stack)
+  test_variants = []
+  for stack in os.listdir(stacks_folder):
+    current_stack_dir = stacks_folder+"/"+stack
+    if os.path.isdir(current_stack_dir) and stack not in STACK_EXCLUDE:
+      for service in os.listdir(current_stack_dir):
+        current_service_dir = current_stack_dir+"/"+service
+        if os.path.isdir(current_service_dir) and service not in SERVICE_EXCLUDE:
+          test_variants.append({'directory':current_service_dir,
+                                'service':service,
+                                'stack':stack})
+  #run tests for every service in every stack in separate process
+  has_failures = False
+  test_runs = 0
+  test_failures = []
+  test_errors = []
+  test_skipped = []
+  for variant in test_variants:
+    executor_result = multiprocessing.Queue()
+    sys.stderr.write( "Running tests for stack:{0} service:{1}\n"
+                      .format(variant['stack'],variant['service']))
+    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=stack_test_executor,
+                                      args=(variant['directory'],
+                                            variant['service'],
+                                            variant['stack'],
+                                            custom_tests,
+                                            executor_result)
+          )
+    process.start()
+    process.join()
+    #for pretty output
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    variant_result = executor_result.get()
+    test_runs += variant_result['tests_run']
+    test_errors.extend(variant_result['errors'])
+    test_failures.extend(variant_result['failures'])
+    test_skipped.extend(variant_result['skipped'])
+    if variant_result['exit_code'] != 0:
+      has_failures = True
+  #run base ambari-server tests
+  sys.stderr.write("Running tests for ambari-server\n")
+  if custom_tests:
+    test_mask = CUSTOM_TEST_MASK
+  else:
+    test_mask = TEST_MASK
+  tests = get_test_files(pwd, mask=test_mask, recursive=False)
+  shuffle(tests)
+  modules = [os.path.basename(s)[:-3] for s in tests]
+  suites = [unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(name) for name in
+    modules]
+  testSuite = unittest.TestSuite(suites)
   textRunner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(testSuite)
-  return 0 if textRunner.wasSuccessful() else 1
+  test_runs += textRunner.testsRun
+  test_errors.extend([(str(item[0]),str(item[1]),"ERROR") for item in textRunner.errors])
+  test_failures.extend([(str(item[0]),str(item[1]),"FAIL") for item in textRunner.failures])
+  test_skipped.extend([(str(item[0]),str(item[1]),"SKIPPED") for item in textRunner.skipped])
+  tests_status = textRunner.wasSuccessful() and not has_failures
+  if not tests_status:
+    sys.stderr.write("----------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("Failed tests:\n")
+  for failed_tests in [test_errors,test_failures,test_skipped]:
+    for err in failed_tests:
+      sys.stderr.write("{0}: {1}\n".format(err[2],err[0]))
+      sys.stderr.write("----------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+      sys.stderr.write("{0}\n".format(err[1]))
+  sys.stderr.write("----------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+  sys.stderr.write("Total run:{0}\n".format(test_runs))
+  sys.stderr.write("Total errors:{0}\n".format(len(test_errors)))
+  sys.stderr.write("Total failures:{0}\n".format(len(test_failures)))
+  sys.stderr.write("Total skipped:{0}\n".format(len(test_skipped)))
+  if tests_status:
+    sys.stderr.write("OK\n")
+    exit_code = 0
+  else:
+    sys.stderr.write("ERROR\n")
+    exit_code = 1
+  return exit_code
 if __name__ == "__main__":