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Posted to by Marcel Offermans <> on 2013/01/23 11:05:38 UTC

Heads-up: Configuring Jira...

Just a quick heads-up that I'm going to configure Jira a bit more:

1) Clean up old, non-existing versions, replacing them with the ones we actually released so far. Next step there is to decide on a new version for the upcoming release.

2) Define a set of components. We had 2 in there, but that was by no means a full set. My proposal (which I'll start entering and update if further suggestions come in):
Authentication - Plugable system for adding authentication.
Client Repository - Client representation of the repositories.
Connection Factory - Unified way to create connections.
Deployment - Deployment subsystem on server and target.
Discovery - Discovery API and implementations.
Log - Audit log mechanism.
Identification - Identification subsystem.
Launcher - An OSGi framework with integrated management agent.
Management Agent - A single bundle version of the management agent.
Node Launcher - Jclouds based compute node launcher.
OBR - Bundle repository.
Process Launcher - Launches and monitors processes.
Repository - Server side versioned blob store repositories.
Scheduler - A simple task scheduler.
UI - User interface for ACE.
3) Going through the existing open issues, and re-evaluating them to clean up our backlog.

Greetings, Marcel