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Posted to by Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <> on 2012/10/04 15:03:14 UTC

Apply for discount on regular tickets for ApacheCon EU 2012, Nov. 5th - 8th, Sinsheim, Germany

Dear Apache OpenOffice (incubating) community member,

we are pleased to announce the following funding on the ApacheCon EU 2012 ticket 
prices for non-Apache committers.
For up to 30 Apache OpenOffice (incubating) community members which are not an 
Apache committer we are providing a 100,00 EUR discount on the regular ticket price.

You need to apply for the discount by sending an email to the public mailing 
list <> until 2012-10-12, 12:00 (Central European 
time, GMT+2).
The subject of this email have to be "[ACEU 2012 - ticket discount] <YourName>".
In the content of the email please fill the following fields:
- full name
- email address
- affiliation to the OpenOffice community (something like: "user", "contributing 
X", "translator", ...)
- description why applying for the ticket discount and why support is needed
- job or eduation status (something like: "student", "employee", "freeflancer", ...)

A selection committee will decide on the applications and is aiming to send out 
notifications until 2012-10-16.

See you soon in Sinsheim,

member of the Apache OpenOffice (incubating) community

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