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Posted to by Linuxhippy <> on 2005/05/18 15:40:49 UTC

Thankes! - Re: Strange cookie problem with httpclient (2 cookies are suddenly 3..)

Hi Roland,

>the first cookie contains a comma in it's value, which
>is interpreted as a separator character by the cookie
>policy you have installed. To solve this issue, play
>around with the various cookie policies. Especially
>with the Netscape-compatible cookie policy.
Well, I am using 2.02 and there are only 3 policies namely Netscape, 
RCF??? and Compatibility and non worked :-(
I found out that splitting the stream in various cookies happens in 
HederElement.parse(), so I hacked this class a bit to ignore ','-Characters.
This seems to work well for my useage, so I'll keep this approach.

Thanks a lot for all the help!

lg Clemens

PS: That's typically Microsoft, I searched 3 weeks in my code not 
realizing that its a bug in exchange. It seems the guy who created the 
form-based authetication did not have much knowlesge about cookies in 
general :-(

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