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Posted to by Marko Rodriguez <> on 2015/06/04 19:24:50 UTC

[TinkerPop3] The Beauty of Bulking


TinkerPop3 introduces the concept of a Traverser which encapsulates not only represents the current element it is "at," but also metadata like where it has been before (path), a local, side-effect data structure (sack), and how many traversers it represents (bulk). Bulk is a key concept that we required when we needed to do OLAP graph algorithms. With traversers emanating from every vertex in the graph, the number of traversers grows fast. However, if your traversal doesn't require the traversers history (path) or its local data structure (sack), then well, where its current "at" is the only uniquely identifying characteritic and thus, 100 traversers at v[1] is the same as 1 traverser at v[1] with "long bulk = 100," where counting requires much less space (a 64-bit long) than enumeration.

While this concept was great for OLAP, it is also great for OLTP.

Check this out:

gremlin> graph =
==>tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0]
gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:808 edges:8049], standard]
gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().count().next()}
	// CNTRL-C as this will take the life of the universe to compute
gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().repeat(out()).times(10).count().next()}
gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().count().next()}

There are three traversal above. All of them yield the same result -- that is, there are 4,947,356,572,210,703,772 length-10 paths in the Grateful Dead graph. Or, there are 4.9 sextillion length 10-paths.

What makes the traversals above different is their respective use of bulking -- and ultimately their runtime in milliseconds.

	1. This is a sequential traversal where each of the 4.9 sextillion objects ultimately touched much be enumerated.
	2. This is a repeating traversal where the emanations from any one vertex are iterated before the next vertex is processed. However, for that one vertex's branch, results are bulked.
	3. This is a barrier traversal where all the traversers are bulked at each outgoing step (i.e. a BSP computation, though in sequential form).

All of these traversals are single threaded and over the same data. However, look at the run times --- sometimes computing power is not the key, but the way in which data is represented.

To brag -- I can determine that there are 4,947,356,572,210,703,772 length-10 paths in the Grateful Dead graph in 27 milliseconds. 


Bulking is crucial when you have recurrence in your traversal --- in other words, when your traversal touches the same elements over and over again. One place this happens a lot is in recommendation algorithms. Lets take the MovieLens dataset. Lets recommend movies to user "u2590."


Here is the runtime of that traversal:

gremlin> clock(5){g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().aggregate('userLibrary').inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').next()}

However, I bet another user probably rated the same movies as user u2590. Thus, lets add a barrier() on those people. Finally, I bet those users also rated many of the same movies. Thus, lets barrier those movies.


Here is the runtime of this new traversal which yields the exact same result:

gremlin> clock(5){g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().aggregate('userLibrary').inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().barrier().outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().barrier().where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').next()}

From 13.5 seconds down to 0.5 seconds. Now that is the beauty of bulking.




Re: [TinkerPop3] The Beauty of Bulking

Posted by Marko Rodriguez <>.

I was interested to see how consistent LazyBarrierStrategy was in the MovieLens recommendation scenario. As such, I took "the first" 25 users in the MovieLens dataset and calculated their recommendations using and not-using LazyBarrierStrategy.

noLazy = graph.traversal()
lazy = graph.traversal(
times = [];
g.V().has(label,'user').limit(25).forEachRemaining{ user ->
   temp = []
   g = noLazy
   g = lazy

Here are the runtimes calculated where the first column is without LazyBarrierStrategy and the second is with it. In every instance, using LazyBarrierStrategy is significantly faster that without it.

gremlin> times
==>[13999.353023, 450.689434]
==>[10542.223952, 425.302257]
==>[11071.591249, 419.38044099999996]
==>[17027.139231999998, 467.55589499999996]
==>[2805.7487699999997, 352.16767899999996]
==>[31102.009551, 537.647733]
==>[4584.469966, 384.308581]
==>[16788.467617, 459.42238899999995]
==>[10753.991812999999, 427.419588]
==>[47468.688998, 652.944036]
==>[14083.812865, 506.90151399999996]
==>[15580.792864, 458.823214]
==>[9645.832747999999, 449.04409]
==>[11381.738593, 464.385542]
==>[13237.242909999999, 490.935812]
==>[2142.835126, 367.29828399999997]
==>[45372.748350999995, 568.501034]
==>[7209.624532999999, 405.968438]
==>[22556.824235, 487.382746]
==>[15064.135717, 478.760474]
==>[7029.503852999999, 410.060832]
==>[9033.066171999999, 462.697269]
==>[10691.243585, 455.077389]
==>[3089.741913, 369.11348]
==>[3723.592992, 385.54621099999997]

Then some math calculate total and average time for each column.

gremlin> times.collect{it[0]}.sum()  // TOTAL TIME
gremlin> times.collect{it[1]}.sum()
gremlin> times.collect{it[0]}.sum() / times.size() // AVERAGE TIME
gremlin> times.collect{it[1]}.sum() / times.size()

How much faster (on average) is using LazyBarrierStrategy in the recommendation traversals on the MovieLens dataset? --- ~31x faster.

gremlin> times.collect{it[0]}.sum() / times.collect{it[1]}.sum()

So, there are 6040 MovieLens users. To calculate all the recommendations without LazyBarrierStrategy, it would take ~24 hours.

gremlin> (g.V().has(label,'user').count().next() * 14239.45682512) / 1000 / 60 / 60

With LazyBarrierStrategy, it would take ~45 minutes.

gremlin> (g.V().has(label,'user').count().next() * 453.49337448000006) / 1000 / 60 / 60

….assuming no sequential execution on both examples.

Pretty cool. Be scary if the same traversal gave radically different runtimes for different users -- then the logic in LazyBarrierStrategy would be mighty complicated.

Take care,

On Jun 5, 2015, at 2:11 PM, Marko Rodriguez <> wrote:

> Hi,
> The first ping that came through on IM was Bob Briody saying: "So you have to know when its appropriate to add a barrier()?"
> As of yesterday, yes. As of today, no.
> I did two things:
> 	1. CollectingBarrierStep (for which NoOpBarrierStep extends) now supports a maxBarrierSize so as to protect from OME (i.e. a "lazy barrier").
> 	2. LazyBarrierStrategy looks for traversals with a particular pattern (e.g. not OLAP, deep traversal, lots of starts, little head filtering, etc.) and inserts NoOpBarrierStep's accordingly.
> LazyBarrierStrategy is not a default strategy so you will have to turn it on to use it. However, how look at the same MovieLens recommendation traversal from yesterday when LazyBarrierStrategy is turned on -- no more need for manual barrier() additions!
> gremlin> graph =
> ==>tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0]
> gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
> ==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0], standard]
> gremlin> g = graph.traversal( // adding a non-default strategy
> ==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0], standard]
> gremlin>
> ////// some script to load the MovieLens data set into TinkerGraph //////
> gremlin>
> gremlin> g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
> gremlin>              aggregate('userLibrary').
> gremlin>           inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().
> gremlin>           outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
> gremlin>              where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').iterate().toString()
> ==>[TinkerGraphStep([u2590],vertex), VertexStep(OUT,[rated],edge), HasStep([stars.gte(4)]), EdgeVertexStep(IN), NoOpBarrierStep, AggregateStep(userLibrary), VertexStep(IN,[rated],edge), HasStep([stars.gte(4)]), EdgeVertexStep(OUT), NoOpBarrierStep, VertexStep(OUT,[rated],edge), HasStep([stars.gte(4)]), EdgeVertexStep(IN), NoOpBarrierStep, WhereStep(local,without([userLibrary])), GroupCountStep(value(name))] // barriers inserted automagically
> gremlin> clock(20){g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().aggregate('userLibrary').inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').next()}
> ==>520.97150945
> The logic behind LazyBarrierStrategy is still up in the air… however, hopefully this first push gets the discussing going.
> Take care,
> Marko.
> On Jun 4, 2015, at 11:24 AM, Marko Rodriguez <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> TinkerPop3 introduces the concept of a Traverser which encapsulates not only represents the current element it is "at," but also metadata like where it has been before (path), a local, side-effect data structure (sack), and how many traversers it represents (bulk). Bulk is a key concept that we required when we needed to do OLAP graph algorithms. With traversers emanating from every vertex in the graph, the number of traversers grows fast. However, if your traversal doesn't require the traversers history (path) or its local data structure (sack), then well, where its current "at" is the only uniquely identifying characteritic and thus, 100 traversers at v[1] is the same as 1 traverser at v[1] with "long bulk = 100," where counting requires much less space (a 64-bit long) than enumeration.
>> While this concept was great for OLAP, it is also great for OLTP.
>> Check this out:
>> gremlin> graph =
>> ==>tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0]
>> gremlin>'data/grateful-dead.kryo')
>> ==>null
>> gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
>> ==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:808 edges:8049], standard]
>> gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().count().next()}
>> 	// CNTRL-C as this will take the life of the universe to compute
>> gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().repeat(out()).times(10).count().next()}
>> ==>2880.6283869
>> ==>4947356572210703772
>> gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().count().next()}
>> ==>27.921249
>> ==>4947356572210703772
>> There are three traversal above. All of them yield the same result -- that is, there are 4,947,356,572,210,703,772 length-10 paths in the Grateful Dead graph. Or, there are 4.9 sextillion length 10-paths.
>> What makes the traversals above different is their respective use of bulking -- and ultimately their runtime in milliseconds.
>> 	1. This is a sequential traversal where each of the 4.9 sextillion objects ultimately touched much be enumerated.
>> 	2. This is a repeating traversal where the emanations from any one vertex are iterated before the next vertex is processed. However, for that one vertex's branch, results are bulked.
>> 	3. This is a barrier traversal where all the traversers are bulked at each outgoing step (i.e. a BSP computation, though in sequential form).
>> All of these traversals are single threaded and over the same data. However, look at the run times --- sometimes computing power is not the key, but the way in which data is represented.
>> To brag -- I can determine that there are 4,947,356,572,210,703,772 length-10 paths in the Grateful Dead graph in 27 milliseconds. 
>> Bulking is crucial when you have recurrence in your traversal --- in other words, when your traversal touches the same elements over and over again. One place this happens a lot is in recommendation algorithms. Lets take the MovieLens dataset. Lets recommend movies to user "u2590."
>> g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
>>              aggregate('userLibrary').
>>           inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().
>>           outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
>>              where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name')
>> Here is the runtime of that traversal:
>> gremlin> clock(5){g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().aggregate('userLibrary').inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').next()}
>> ==>13624.124757
>> However, I bet another user probably rated the same movies as user u2590. Thus, lets add a barrier() on those people. Finally, I bet those users also rated many of the same movies. Thus, lets barrier those movies.
>> g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
>>              aggregate('userLibrary').
>>           inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().barrier()
>>           outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().barrier()
>>              where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name')
>> Here is the runtime of this new traversal which yields the exact same result:
>> gremlin> clock(5){g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().aggregate('userLibrary').inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().barrier().outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().barrier().where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').next()}
>> ==>531.6441133999999
>> From 13.5 seconds down to 0.5 seconds. Now that is the beauty of bulking.
>> Enjoy!,
>> Marko.
>> References:
>> 	[1]

Re: [TinkerPop3] The Beauty of Bulking

Posted by Marko Rodriguez <>.

The first ping that came through on IM was Bob Briody saying: "So you have to know when its appropriate to add a barrier()?"

As of yesterday, yes. As of today, no.

I did two things:

	1. CollectingBarrierStep (for which NoOpBarrierStep extends) now supports a maxBarrierSize so as to protect from OME (i.e. a "lazy barrier").
	2. LazyBarrierStrategy looks for traversals with a particular pattern (e.g. not OLAP, deep traversal, lots of starts, little head filtering, etc.) and inserts NoOpBarrierStep's accordingly.

LazyBarrierStrategy is not a default strategy so you will have to turn it on to use it. However, how look at the same MovieLens recommendation traversal from yesterday when LazyBarrierStrategy is turned on -- no more need for manual barrier() additions!

gremlin> graph =
==>tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0]
gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0], standard]
gremlin> g = graph.traversal( // adding a non-default strategy
==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0], standard]
////// some script to load the MovieLens data set into TinkerGraph //////
gremlin> g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
gremlin>              aggregate('userLibrary').
gremlin>           inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().
gremlin>           outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
gremlin>              where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').iterate().toString()
==>[TinkerGraphStep([u2590],vertex), VertexStep(OUT,[rated],edge), HasStep([stars.gte(4)]), EdgeVertexStep(IN), NoOpBarrierStep, AggregateStep(userLibrary), VertexStep(IN,[rated],edge), HasStep([stars.gte(4)]), EdgeVertexStep(OUT), NoOpBarrierStep, VertexStep(OUT,[rated],edge), HasStep([stars.gte(4)]), EdgeVertexStep(IN), NoOpBarrierStep, WhereStep(local,without([userLibrary])), GroupCountStep(value(name))] // barriers inserted automagically
gremlin> clock(20){g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().aggregate('userLibrary').inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').next()}

The logic behind LazyBarrierStrategy is still up in the air… however, hopefully this first push gets the discussing going.

Take care,

On Jun 4, 2015, at 11:24 AM, Marko Rodriguez <> wrote:

> Hello,
> TinkerPop3 introduces the concept of a Traverser which encapsulates not only represents the current element it is "at," but also metadata like where it has been before (path), a local, side-effect data structure (sack), and how many traversers it represents (bulk). Bulk is a key concept that we required when we needed to do OLAP graph algorithms. With traversers emanating from every vertex in the graph, the number of traversers grows fast. However, if your traversal doesn't require the traversers history (path) or its local data structure (sack), then well, where its current "at" is the only uniquely identifying characteritic and thus, 100 traversers at v[1] is the same as 1 traverser at v[1] with "long bulk = 100," where counting requires much less space (a 64-bit long) than enumeration.
> While this concept was great for OLAP, it is also great for OLTP.
> Check this out:
> gremlin> graph =
> ==>tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0]
> gremlin>'data/grateful-dead.kryo')
> ==>null
> gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
> ==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:808 edges:8049], standard]
> gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().out().count().next()}
> 	// CNTRL-C as this will take the life of the universe to compute
> gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().repeat(out()).times(10).count().next()}
> ==>2880.6283869
> ==>4947356572210703772
> gremlin> clockWithResult(20){g.V().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().out().barrier().count().next()}
> ==>27.921249
> ==>4947356572210703772
> There are three traversal above. All of them yield the same result -- that is, there are 4,947,356,572,210,703,772 length-10 paths in the Grateful Dead graph. Or, there are 4.9 sextillion length 10-paths.
> What makes the traversals above different is their respective use of bulking -- and ultimately their runtime in milliseconds.
> 	1. This is a sequential traversal where each of the 4.9 sextillion objects ultimately touched much be enumerated.
> 	2. This is a repeating traversal where the emanations from any one vertex are iterated before the next vertex is processed. However, for that one vertex's branch, results are bulked.
> 	3. This is a barrier traversal where all the traversers are bulked at each outgoing step (i.e. a BSP computation, though in sequential form).
> All of these traversals are single threaded and over the same data. However, look at the run times --- sometimes computing power is not the key, but the way in which data is represented.
> To brag -- I can determine that there are 4,947,356,572,210,703,772 length-10 paths in the Grateful Dead graph in 27 milliseconds. 
> Bulking is crucial when you have recurrence in your traversal --- in other words, when your traversal touches the same elements over and over again. One place this happens a lot is in recommendation algorithms. Lets take the MovieLens dataset. Lets recommend movies to user "u2590."
> g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
>              aggregate('userLibrary').
>           inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().
>           outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
>              where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name')
> Here is the runtime of that traversal:
> gremlin> clock(5){g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().aggregate('userLibrary').inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').next()}
> ==>13624.124757
> However, I bet another user probably rated the same movies as user u2590. Thus, lets add a barrier() on those people. Finally, I bet those users also rated many of the same movies. Thus, lets barrier those movies.
> g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().
>              aggregate('userLibrary').
>           inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().barrier()
>           outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().barrier()
>              where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name')
> Here is the runtime of this new traversal which yields the exact same result:
> gremlin> clock(5){g.V('u2590').outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().aggregate('userLibrary').inE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).outV().barrier().outE('rated').has('stars',gte(4)).inV().barrier().where(not(within('userLibrary'))).groupCount().by('name').next()}
> ==>531.6441133999999
> From 13.5 seconds down to 0.5 seconds. Now that is the beauty of bulking.
> Enjoy!,
> Marko.
> References:
> 	[1]