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[1/45] properly ignored files
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/result-set.n3 b/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/result-set.n3
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-@prefix rdfs:   <> .
-@prefix rdf:    <> .
-@prefix dc:     <> .
-@prefix :       <> .
-@prefix xsd:    <> .
-:  rdfs:comment     "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
-   dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
-   dc:subject       "" ;
-   dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
-   dc:title         "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
-   dc:description   "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
-   dc:date          "2004-07-26" ;
-   dc:format        "RDF" ;
-   dc:identifier    : ;
-   .
-## ---- Class declarations ----
-:ResultSet rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent the result set" ;
-    .
-:ResultSolution rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent a row in the result table - one solution to the query" ;
-    .
-:ResultBinding rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent a single (variable, value) pairing" ;
-    .
-## =======================================
-## Modelling style: uses multiple instances of a property
-## to represent multiple results.
-## e.g. :ResultTable has many :hasSolution properties, one per row
-## ---- Properties ----
-## - Table level
-:solution rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:domain     :ResultSet ;
-    rdfs:range      :ResultSolution ;
-    .
-:boolean rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:domain     :ResultSet ;
-    rdfs:range      xsd:boolean ;
-    .
-## Useful information extracted
-:size rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Number of rows in the result table" ;
-    rdfs:range      xsd:integer ;
-    .
-## Can be convenient to list the variables beforehand
-:resultVariable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:domain     :ResultSet ;
-    rdfs:range      xsd:string ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Name of a variable used in the result set" ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Multivalued" ;
-    .
-## -- Row level
-:binding rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Multi-occurrence property associating a result solution (row) resource to a single (variable, value) binding " ;
-    rdfs:domain     :ResultSolution ;
-    rdfs:range      :ResultBinding ;
-    .
-## -- Single binding level
-:variable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Variable name" ;
-    rdfs:domain     :ResultBinding ;
-    rdfs:range      rdfs:Literal ;
-    .
-:value rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    ##rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:value ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Variable name" ;
-    rdfs:domain     :ResultBinding ;
-    # Range is anything
-    .
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/test-dawg.n3 b/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/test-dawg.n3
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-@prefix rdfs:   <> .
-@prefix rdf:    <> .
-@prefix dc:     <> .
-@prefix owl:    <> .
-@prefix dawgt:  <> .
-@prefix mf:     <> .
-# RDF Core tests
-@prefix rct:    <> .
-dawgt:   rdfs:comment     "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
-    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
-    dc:subject       "" ;
-    dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
-    dc:title         "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
-    dc:description   "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
-    dc:date          "2004-07" ;
-    dc:format        "RDF" ;
-    dc:identifier    dawgt: ;
-    .
-## ---- Classes ----
-dawgt:ResultForm    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment    "Super class of all result forms" ;
-    .
-dawgt:Status    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment     "Super class of all test status classes" ;
-    .
-## ---- Properties ----
-# Could be a subPropertyOf rdf:type
-# or could just use rdf:type.
-dawgt:resultForm    rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:range          dawgt:ResultForm ;
-    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
-    .
-#dawgt:status   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-#    rdfs:range          dawgt:Status ;
-#    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
-#    rdfs:label          "Status" ;
-#    .
-dawgt:approval rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:range          dawgt:Status ;
-    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
-    rdfs:comment        "The approval status of the test with respect to the working group." ;
-    rdfs:label          "Approval" ;
-    .
-dawgt:approvedBy rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Contains a reference to the minutes of the RDF Data Access Working Group where the test case status was last changed." ;
-    rdfs:label          "Approval" ;
-    owl:sameAs          rct:approval ;
-    .
-dawgt:description rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment        "A human-readable summary of the test case.";
-    rdfs:label          "Description" ;
-    owl:sameAs          rct:description ;
-    .
-dawgt:issue     rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Contains a pointer to the associated issue on the RDF Data Access Working Group Tracking document.";
-    owl:sameAs          rct:issue ;
-    rdfs:label          "Issue" .
-dawgt:warning   rdf:type rdf:Property;
-    rdfs:comment        "Indicates that while the test should pass, it may generate a warning.";
-    owl:sameAs          rct:warning ;
-    rdfs:label          "Warning" .
-## ---- Defined terms ----
-## ---- Test statuses
-dawgt:NotClassified     rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that have not been classified" ;
-    rdfs:label          "NotClassified" .
-dawgt:Approved          rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Approved" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Approved" .
-dawgt:Rejected          rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Rejected" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Rejected" .
-dawgt:Obsoleted         rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Obsolete" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Obsoleted" .
-dawgt:Withdrawn         rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that have been Withdrawn" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Withdrawn" .
-## ---- Result forms
-## The result may still be encoded in RDF - classifying it helps
-## check for expected form.
-dawgt:ResultSet         rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be from a SELECT query" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Result Set" .
-dawgt:ResultGraph       rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be a graph" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Graph Result" .
-dawgt:ResultBoolean     rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be a boolean" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Boolean Result" .
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/test-manifest.n3 b/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/test-manifest.n3
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-@prefix rdfs:   <> .
-@prefix rdf:    <> .
-@prefix dc:     <> .
-@prefix :       <> .
-## A Manifest is typically a list (RDF Collection) of manifest entries.
-## The :entries property has an object of the list.
-## There may be more than one list per file.
-:   rdfs:comment     "Manifest vocabulary for test cases" ;
-    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
-    dc:subject       "" ;
-    dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
-    dc:title         "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
-    dc:description   "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
-    dc:date          "2004-07" ;
-    dc:format        "RDF" ;
-    dc:identifier    : ;
-    .
-## ---- Class declarations ----
-:Manifest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment "The class of manifests" .
-:ManifestEntry rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment "One entry in rdf:type list of entries" .
-## ---- Property declarations for the manifest ----
-:include rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to rdf:type list of manifests" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :Manifest ;
-    rdfs:range   rdf:List ;
-    .
-:entries rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to rdf:type list of entries" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :Manifest ;
-    rdfs:range   rdf:List ;
-    .
-## ---- Property declarations for each test ----
-:name rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Optional name of this entry" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
-    rdfs:range   rdfs:Literal ;
-    .	
-:action rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Action to perform" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
-    # rdfs:range   ?? ;
-    .	
-:result rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "The expected outcome" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
-    # rdfs:range   ?? ;
-    .	
-:result rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "The test status" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
-    rdfs:range   :TestStatus ;
-    .
-:requires rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Required functionality for execution of this test" ;
-    rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ;
-    rdfs:range	:Requirement .
-:notable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Notable feature of this test (advisory)" ;
-    rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry .
-:resultCardinality rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Specifies whether passing the test requires strict or lax cardinality adherence" ;
-    rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ;
-    rdfs:range :ResultCardinality .
-## ---- Test Case Type ---
-:PositiveSyntaxTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-      rdfs:label "Positive Syntax Test" ;
-      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for syntax testing. Syntax
-      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
-      action." .
-:NegativeSyntaxTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-      rdfs:label "Negative Syntax Test" ;
-      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for syntax testing. Syntax
-      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
-      action. Negative syntax tests are tests of which the result should
-      be a parser error." .
-:QueryEvaluationTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-      rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test" ;
-      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for query evaluation
-      testing. Query evaluation tests are required to have an associated
-      input dataset, a query, and an expected output dataset." .
-## ---- Test Statuses ----
-:TestStatus rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment "Statuses a test can have" ;
-    .
-:proposed rdf:type :TestStatus ;
-    rdfs:label "proposed" ;
-    .
-:accepted rdf:type :TestStatus ;
-    rdfs:label "accepted" ;
-    .
-:rejected rdf:type :TestStatus ;
-    rdfs:label "rejected" ;
-    .
-## ---- Required functions ----
-:Requirement rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-     rdfs:comment "Requirements for a  particular test" .
-:Notable rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-     rdfs:comment "Requirements for a  particular test" .
-:XsdDateOperations	rdf:type :Requirement ;
-    rdfs:comment "Tests that require xsd:date operations" .
-:StringSimpleLiteralCmp	rdf:type :Requirement ;
-    rdfs:comment "Tests that require simple literal is the same value as an xsd:string of the same lexicial form" .
-:KnownTypesDefault2Neq	rdf:type :Requirement ;
-    rdfs:comment "Values in disjoint value spaces are not equal" .
-:LangTagAwareness	rdf:type :Requirement ;
-    rdfs:comment "Tests that require langauge tag handling in FILTERs" .
-## ---- Notable features ----
-:IllFormedLiterals	rdf:type :Notable ;
-    rdfs:comment "Tests that involve lexical forms which are illegal for the datatype" .
-## ---- Test cardinality ----
-:ResultCardinality rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment "Potential modes of evaluating a test's results with respect to solution cardinality" .
-:LaxCardinality rdf:type :ResultCardinality ;
-    rdfs:comment
-"""The given mf:result for a test with an mf:resultCardinality of mf:ReducedCardinalityTest 
-is the results as if the REDUCED keyword were omitted. To pass such
-a test, an implementation must produce a result set 
-with each solution in the expected results appearing at least once and 
-no more than the number of times it appears in the expected results. Of 
-course, there must also be no results produced that are not in the 
-expected results.""" .
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/test-query.n3 b/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/test-query.n3
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-@prefix rdfs:   <> .
-@prefix rdf:    <> .
-@prefix owl:    <> .
-@prefix dc:     <> .
-@prefix mf:     <> .
-@prefix :       <> .
-## Query-specific test vocabulary for a manifest action.
-:   rdfs:comment     "Vocabulary for query test cases" ;
-    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
-    dc:subject       "" ;
-    dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
-    dc:title         "Query test case vocabulary" ;
-    dc:description   "Query test case vocabulary" ;
-    dc:date          "2004-07" ;
-    dc:format        "RDF" ;
-    dc:identifier    : ;
-    .
-## ---- Class declarations ----
-:QueryTest a rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment "The class of query tests" .
-:QueryForm    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment   "Super class of all query forms" ;
-    .
-## ---- Property declarations ----
-:query a rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "The query to ask" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :QueryTest ;
-    ## rdfs:range   ?? ;
-    .	
-:data a rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Optional: data for the query test" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :QueryTest ;
-    rdfs:range   rdfs:Resource ;
-    .
-:graphData a rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:comment "Optional: named-graph only data for the query test (ie. not loaded into the background graph)" ;
-    rdfs:domain	 :QueryTest ;
-    rdfs:range   rdfs:Resource ;
-    .
-# Could be a subPropertyOf rdf:type
-# or could just use rdf:type.
-:queryForm   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
-    rdfs:range          :QueryForm ;
-    rdfs:isDefinedBy    : ;
-    .
-## ---- Query forms 
-## The types of query there are
-:QuerySelect       rdfs:subClassOf :QueryForm ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking variable bindings" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Variable Binding Query" .
-:QueryConstruct    rdfs:subClassOf :QueryForm ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a constructed graph" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Defined Graph Query" .
-:QueryDescribe     rdfs:subClassOf :QueryForm ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a descriptive graph" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Open Graph Query" .
-:QueryAsk          rdfs:subClassOf :QueryForm ;
-    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a yes/no question" ;
-    rdfs:label          "Boolean Query" .
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/tests.css b/platform/marmotta-sparql/target/test-classes/test-suite-archive/tests.css
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-table.results {
-  border: 1px solid black;
-  border-collapse: collapse;
-  border-padding: 1ex;
-  margin-left: 2.5em;
-  margin-right: 2.5em;
-table.results > tbody th {
-  border: 1px solid #8888aa; 
-  text-align: center;
-  font-weight: bold;
-table.results > tbody td {
-  border: 1px solid #8888aa; 
-  background-color: #f7f8ff;
-  padding: 0.5ex;
-  font-family: courier,monospace;
-div.query {
-  white-space: pre;
-  border: 1px solid #8888aa; 
-  font-family: courier,monospace;
-  background-color: #f7f8ff;
-  padding: 5px;
-  font-size: 88%; 
-  margin-top: 1em;
-  margin-left: 2.5em;
-  margin-right: 2.5em;
-  color: black;
-div.approval {
-  font-weight: bold;