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Posted to by Chris Hostetter <> on 2008/02/06 22:42:56 UTC

RE: Indexing Directly, searching with solr

: Sending URI: http://text4:8983/solr/@10324_1_155/update

first off ... i'm not sure which version of Solr you are using, but that 
@corename syntax isn't in the trunk now .. it's just "corename" so maybe 
the commit isn't getting to the core you think it is?

Second: make really, really, really sure that solr is looking at the 
directory you think it is ... if you restart Solr does it pick up the new 
docs you've indexed?  if not then i'm 99% certain Solr is not looking at 
the index you think it is.  /admin/stats.jsp will show you the 
"readerDir" which should match up with the "real" path of your index.  
(and if you send Solr a <commit/> message to reopen the index, you should 
see "indexVersion" change to match exactly what you get when you call the 
getVersion() method on the index in your direct Lucene code ... not to 
mention you'll know solr did *something* with your commit if you see 
"openedAt" change"

: numDocs of the core :-/ hmm and the response was interesting:
: Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
: <response>
: <lst name="responseHeader"><int name="status">0</int><int name="QTime">5</int></lst><str name="WARNING">This response format is experimental.  It is likely to change in the future.</str>

this is expected ... the warning is just that the format of hte response 
might change in the fugure (to return additional info), but you'd get an 
HTTP error if the commit "failed"
