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Posted to by Marcus Christie <> on 2019/01/17 20:04:53 UTC

vue-cli integration with airavata-django-portal

Hi Dev,

Just a quick heads up that I've landed on master a migration to use
vue-cli for developing and building the frontend code of
airavata-django-portal. If you are updating you'll need to take note
of a couple of changes:

* run ./ in the root folder to update dependencies and
build all JS code
* to develop, run `npm run serve` (where previously you may have run
`npm run watch`). This will start a dev server on port 9000 that will
host the compiled code and automatically recompile on save. One
benefit with this new setup is "hot module replacement" [1] ( which
means your code changes are reflected without needing a page reload.

For additional information see the Developing the Frontend section of
the documentation [2].

Let me know if you have any questions.


