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Posted to by Anthony Gardner <> on 2006/10/15 18:27:30 UTC

Am very cheesed oof now apache2 and ptkdb

I've even tried to get it running at home with the same luck .......... none (well, i get the gui but it's blank where the code should be)

The steps I've taked are those as described in my mail below this one.

Surely s.o out there must have an idea ;) please!! pretty please.

I'm also getting this error to my error_log ...

[notice] Apache::DB initialized in child 7164
Prototype mismatch: sub CORE::GLOBAL::exit: none vs (;$) at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.7/ line 397

Anthony Gardner <> wrote: okay, 

I've hacked Devel::ptkdb and Apache::DB a bit as suggested by

changed a bit for MP2


Now, I get the gui but no contents are displayed in it. If I step over a few times (blindly) I end up in .....

package IO::Handle::DESTROY

the gui then dies and the output is displayed in the browser.

If I manage to hit a process that's already run the debugger, i am able to see my program in the gui  all wrapped in the ModPerl namespace but I still can't manage to step through the code. 

I still end up at IO::Handle::DESTROY

Has everyone had to hack apache::DB and Devel::ptkdb ???

It's the same for a single or multi processess running.

Am really curious about this.

#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb

use strict;

sub BEGIN {
   $ENV{DISPLAY} = 'localhost:0.0';

print 'Content-type: text/html' . "\n\n";
print "$$<br />";
print 'Hello<br />';
print 'Goodbye';

my $struct = { key1 => [ qw| Hello World |, { key2 => 'At Last!!' } ] };

print; ## just so I can see the contents of $struct


Jeff Pang <> wrote: Hello,

Have you loaded the ModPerl::Registry?How can you know your modperl scripts can't be run?
When you meet problems,you can look at the error_log where you could find most of the problems.
And,here is my mp2 config,it can run well for me:

PerlModule ModPerl::Registry

    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
    PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
    Options +ExecCGI

Good  luck!

-----Original Message-----
>From: Anthony Gardner 
>Sent: Oct 13, 2006 3:53 AM
>To: mod_perl 
>Subject: apache2 and ptkdb
>I'm having problems getting ptkdb to work under ModPerl::Registry.
>this works but it won;t be running under mod_perl
>    AllowOverride Limit
>##    SetHandler perl-script
>##    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
>    PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
>    Options +ExecCGI
>the following won't work at all
>     AllowOverride Limit
>     SetHandler perl-script
>     PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
>     PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
>     Options +ExecCGI
>any ideas greatly appreciated
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