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[12/51] [partial] kafka-site git commit: KAFKA-2425: Initial upload of Kafka documentation to git repository with intent to replace SVN$.html
diff --git a/api-docs/0.6/kafka/api/FetchRequest$.html b/api-docs/0.6/kafka/api/FetchRequest$.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..995034c
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@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
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+          <title>Scaladoc for kafka.api.FetchRequest</title>
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+      <p id="owner"><a href="../package.html" class="extype" name="kafka">kafka</a>.<a href="package.html" class="extype" name="kafka.api">api</a></p>
+      <div id="definition">
+        <img src="../../lib/object_big.png" />
+        <h1>FetchRequest</h1>
+      </div>
+      <h4 class="signature" id="signature">
+      <span class="kind">object</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">FetchRequest</span><span class="result"> extends AnyRef</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+      <div class="fullcomment" id="comment"><div class="block">
+            go to: <a href="FetchRequest.html">companion</a>
+          </div></div>
+      <div id="template">
+        <div id="mbrsel">
+          <div id="ancestors">
+                <span class="filtertype">Inherited</span>
+                <ol><li class="hideall">Hide All</li><li class="showall">Show all</li></ol>
+                <ol id="linearization"><li class="in" name="scala.AnyRef">AnyRef</li><li class="in" name="scala.Any">Any</li></ol>
+              </div>
+          <div id="visbl">
+            <span class="filtertype">Visibility</span>
+            <ol><li class="public in">Public</li><li class="all out">All</li></ol>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="members" id="values">
+              <h3>Value Members</h3>
+              <ol><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#!=">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">!=</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#!=">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">!=</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o != arg0</code> is the same as <code>!(o == (arg0))</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o != arg0</code> is the same as <code>!(o == (arg0))</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for dis-equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>false</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>true</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef###">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">##</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#$asInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">$asInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#$isInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">$isInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#==">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">==</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0)</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0)</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#==">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">==</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>o.equals(arg0)</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>o.equals(arg0)</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#asInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">asInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type <code>T0</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type <code>T0</code>.</p><p>Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics.  Therefore the expression<code>1.asInstanceOf[String]</code> will throw a <code>ClassCastException</code> at runtime, while the expression<code>List(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]]</code> will not.  In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as
+part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="prt" name="scala.AnyRef#clone">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">clone</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: AnyRef</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.</p><p>The default implementation of the <code>clone</code> method is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a copy of the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: protected 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#eq">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">eq</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to test whether the argument (<code>arg0</code>) is a reference to the
+receiver object (<code>this</code>).</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to test whether the argument (<code>arg0</code>) is a reference to the
+receiver object (<code>this</code>).</p><p>The <code>eq</code> method implements an [ equivalence relation] on
+non-null instances of <code>AnyRef</code>:
+ * It is reflexive: for any non-null instance <code>x</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is symmetric: for any non-null instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(y)</code> returns <code>true</code> if and
+   only if <code>y.eq(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is transitive: for any non-null instances <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, and <code>z</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code> if <code>x.eq(y)</code> returns <code>true</code>   and <code>y.eq(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>, then <code>x.eq(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>.</p><p>Additionally, the <code>eq</code> method has three other properties.
+ * It is consistent: for any non-null instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, multiple invocations of
+   <code>x.eq(y)</code> consistently returns <code>true</code> or consistently returns <code>false</code>.
+ * For any non-null instance <code>x</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(null)</code> and <code>null.eq(x)</code> returns <code>false</code>.
+ * <code>null.eq(null)</code> returns <code>true</code>.</p><p>When overriding the <code>equals</code> or <code>hashCode</code> methods, it is important to ensure that their behavior is
+consistent with reference equality.  Therefore, if two objects are references to each other (<code>o1 eq o2</code>), they
+should be equal to each other (<code>o1 == o2</code>) and they should hash to the same value (<code>o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode</code>).
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for reference equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the argument is a reference to the receiver object; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#equals">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">equals</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to compare the receiver object (<code>this</code>) with the argument object (<code>arg0</code>) for equivalence.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to compare the receiver object (<code>this</code>) with the argument object (<code>arg0</code>) for equivalence.</p><p>The default implementations of this method is an [ equivalence
+ * It is reflexive: for any instance <code>x</code> of type <code>Any</code>, <code>x.equals(x)</code> should return <code>true</code>.
+ * It is symmetric: for any instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>Any</code>, <code>x.equals(y)</code> should return <code>true</code> if and
+   only if <code>y.equals(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is transitive: for any instances <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, and <code>z</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code> if <code>x.equals(y)</code> returns <code>true</code> and
+   <code>y.equals(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>, then <code>x.equals(z)</code> should return <code>true</code>.</p><p>If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation.
+Additionally, when overriding this method it is often necessary to override <code>hashCode</code> to ensure that objects
+that are &quot;equal&quot; (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>true</code>) hash to the same 
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="prt" name="scala.AnyRef#finalize">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">finalize</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that
+there are no more references to the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that
+there are no more references to the object.</p><p>The details of when and if the <code>finalize</code> method are invoked, as well as the interaction between <code>finalize</code>and non-local returns and exceptions, are all platform dependent.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: protected 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#getClass">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">getClass</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: java.lang.Class[_]</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p><p>The nature of the representation is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#hashCode">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">hashCode</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a hash code value for the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a hash code value for the object.</p><p>The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent.</p><p>Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (<code>o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)</code>) yet
+not be equal (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>false</code>).  A degenerate implementation could always return <code>0</code>.
+However, it is required that if two objects are equal (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>true</code>) that they have
+identical hash codes (<code>o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)</code>).  Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure
+to verify that the behavior is consistent with the <code>equals</code> method.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the hash code value for the object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#isInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">isInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is <code>T0</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is <code>T0</code>.</p><p>Note that the test result of the test is modulo Scala's erasure semantics.  Therefore the expression<code>1.isInstanceOf[String]</code> will return <code>false</code>, while the expression <code>List(1).isInstanceOf[List[String]]</code> will
+return <code>true</code>.  In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not
+possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is an instance of erasure of type <code>T0</code>; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#ne">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">ne</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code></code> is the same as <code>!(o.eq(arg0))</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code></code> is the same as <code>!(o.eq(arg0))</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for reference dis-equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>false</code> if the argument is not a reference to the receiver object; <code>true</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#notify">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">notify</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#notifyAll">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">notifyAll</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#readFrom">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">readFrom</span><span class="params">(<span name="buffer">buffer: <span class="extype" name="java.nio.ByteBuffer">ByteBuffer</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <a href="FetchRequest.html" class="extype" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest">FetchRequest</a></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#synchronized">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">synchronized</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: T0</span>)</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#toString">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">toString</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="java.lang.String">String</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a string representation of the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a string representation of the object.</p><p>The default representation is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a string representation of the object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>, <span name="arg1">arg1: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li></ol>
+            </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="tooltip"></div>
+    </body>
+      </html>
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+      <p id="owner"><a href="../package.html" class="extype" name="kafka">kafka</a>.<a href="package.html" class="extype" name="kafka.api">api</a></p>
+      <div id="definition">
+        <img src="../../lib/class_big.png" />
+        <h1>FetchRequest</h1>
+      </div>
+      <h4 class="signature" id="signature">
+      <span class="kind">class</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">FetchRequest</span><span class="result"> extends <span class="extype" name="">Request</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+      <div class="fullcomment" id="comment"><div class="block">
+            go to: <a href="FetchRequest$.html">companion</a>
+          </div></div>
+      <div id="template">
+        <div id="mbrsel">
+          <div id="ancestors">
+                <span class="filtertype">Inherited</span>
+                <ol><li class="hideall">Hide All</li><li class="showall">Show all</li></ol>
+                <ol id="linearization"><li class="in" name="">Request</li><li class="in" name="scala.AnyRef">AnyRef</li><li class="in" name="scala.Any">Any</li></ol>
+              </div>
+          <div id="visbl">
+            <span class="filtertype">Visibility</span>
+            <ol><li class="public in">Public</li><li class="all out">All</li></ol>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="members" id="constructors">
+              <h3>Instance constructors</h3>
+              <ol><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#this">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">new</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">FetchRequest</span><span class="params">(<span name="topic">topic: <span class="extype" name="java.lang.String">String</span></span>, <span name="partition">partition: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>, <span name="offset">offset: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>, <span name="maxSize">maxSize: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>)</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+    </li></ol>
+            </div>        
+        <div class="members" id="values">
+              <h3>Value Members</h3>
+              <ol><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#!=">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">!=</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#!=">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">!=</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o != arg0</code> is the same as <code>!(o == (arg0))</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o != arg0</code> is the same as <code>!(o == (arg0))</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for dis-equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>false</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>true</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef###">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">##</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#$asInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">$asInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#$isInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">$isInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#==">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">==</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0)</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0)</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#==">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">==</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>o.equals(arg0)</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>o.equals(arg0)</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#asInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">asInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type <code>T0</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type <code>T0</code>.</p><p>Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics.  Therefore the expression<code>1.asInstanceOf[String]</code> will throw a <code>ClassCastException</code> at runtime, while the expression<code>List(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]]</code> will not.  In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as
+part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="prt" name="scala.AnyRef#clone">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">clone</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: AnyRef</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.</p><p>The default implementation of the <code>clone</code> method is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a copy of the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: protected 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#eq">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">eq</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to test whether the argument (<code>arg0</code>) is a reference to the
+receiver object (<code>this</code>).</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to test whether the argument (<code>arg0</code>) is a reference to the
+receiver object (<code>this</code>).</p><p>The <code>eq</code> method implements an [ equivalence relation] on
+non-null instances of <code>AnyRef</code>:
+ * It is reflexive: for any non-null instance <code>x</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is symmetric: for any non-null instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(y)</code> returns <code>true</code> if and
+   only if <code>y.eq(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is transitive: for any non-null instances <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, and <code>z</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code> if <code>x.eq(y)</code> returns <code>true</code>   and <code>y.eq(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>, then <code>x.eq(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>.</p><p>Additionally, the <code>eq</code> method has three other properties.
+ * It is consistent: for any non-null instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, multiple invocations of
+   <code>x.eq(y)</code> consistently returns <code>true</code> or consistently returns <code>false</code>.
+ * For any non-null instance <code>x</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(null)</code> and <code>null.eq(x)</code> returns <code>false</code>.
+ * <code>null.eq(null)</code> returns <code>true</code>.</p><p>When overriding the <code>equals</code> or <code>hashCode</code> methods, it is important to ensure that their behavior is
+consistent with reference equality.  Therefore, if two objects are references to each other (<code>o1 eq o2</code>), they
+should be equal to each other (<code>o1 == o2</code>) and they should hash to the same value (<code>o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode</code>).
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for reference equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the argument is a reference to the receiver object; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#equals">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">equals</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to compare the receiver object (<code>this</code>) with the argument object (<code>arg0</code>) for equivalence.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to compare the receiver object (<code>this</code>) with the argument object (<code>arg0</code>) for equivalence.</p><p>The default implementations of this method is an [ equivalence
+ * It is reflexive: for any instance <code>x</code> of type <code>Any</code>, <code>x.equals(x)</code> should return <code>true</code>.
+ * It is symmetric: for any instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>Any</code>, <code>x.equals(y)</code> should return <code>true</code> if and
+   only if <code>y.equals(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is transitive: for any instances <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, and <code>z</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code> if <code>x.equals(y)</code> returns <code>true</code> and
+   <code>y.equals(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>, then <code>x.equals(z)</code> should return <code>true</code>.</p><p>If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation.
+Additionally, when overriding this method it is often necessary to override <code>hashCode</code> to ensure that objects
+that are &quot;equal&quot; (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>true</code>) hash to the same 
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="prt" name="scala.AnyRef#finalize">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">finalize</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that
+there are no more references to the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that
+there are no more references to the object.</p><p>The details of when and if the <code>finalize</code> method are invoked, as well as the interaction between <code>finalize</code>and non-local returns and exceptions, are all platform dependent.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: protected 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#getClass">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">getClass</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: java.lang.Class[_]</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p><p>The nature of the representation is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#hashCode">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">hashCode</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a hash code value for the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a hash code value for the object.</p><p>The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent.</p><p>Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (<code>o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)</code>) yet
+not be equal (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>false</code>).  A degenerate implementation could always return <code>0</code>.
+However, it is required that if two objects are equal (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>true</code>) that they have
+identical hash codes (<code>o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)</code>).  Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure
+to verify that the behavior is consistent with the <code>equals</code> method.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the hash code value for the object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">val</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">id</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Short">Short</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Request
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#isInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">isInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is <code>T0</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is <code>T0</code>.</p><p>Note that the test result of the test is modulo Scala's erasure semantics.  Therefore the expression<code>1.isInstanceOf[String]</code> will return <code>false</code>, while the expression <code>List(1).isInstanceOf[List[String]]</code> will
+return <code>true</code>.  In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not
+possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is an instance of erasure of type <code>T0</code>; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#maxSize">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">val</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">maxSize</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#ne">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">ne</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code></code> is the same as <code>!(o.eq(arg0))</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code></code> is the same as <code>!(o.eq(arg0))</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for reference dis-equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>false</code> if the argument is not a reference to the receiver object; <code>true</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#notify">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">notify</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#notifyAll">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">notifyAll</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#offset">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">val</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">offset</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#partition">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">val</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">partition</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#sizeInBytes">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">sizeInBytes</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          definition classes: <a href="" class="extype" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest">FetchRequest</a> → Request
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#synchronized">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">synchronized</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: T0</span>)</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#toString">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">toString</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="java.lang.String">String</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a string representation of the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a string representation of the object.</p><p>The default representation is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a string representation of the object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: <a href="" class="extype" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest">FetchRequest</a> → AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#topic">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">val</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">topic</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="java.lang.String">String</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>, <span name="arg1">arg1: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest#writeTo">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">writeTo</span><span class="params">(<span name="buffer">buffer: <span class="extype" name="java.nio.ByteBuffer">ByteBuffer</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          definition classes: <a href="" class="extype" name="kafka.api.FetchRequest">FetchRequest</a> → Request
+        </div></div>
+    </li></ol>
+            </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="tooltip"></div>
+    </body>
+      </html>
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+      <p id="owner"><a href="../package.html" class="extype" name="kafka">kafka</a>.<a href="package.html" class="extype" name="kafka.api">api</a></p>
+      <div id="definition">
+        <img src="../../lib/object_big.png" />
+        <h1>MultiFetchRequest</h1>
+      </div>
+      <h4 class="signature" id="signature">
+      <span class="kind">object</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">MultiFetchRequest</span><span class="result"> extends AnyRef</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+      <div class="fullcomment" id="comment"><div class="block">
+            go to: <a href="MultiFetchRequest.html">companion</a>
+          </div></div>
+      <div id="template">
+        <div id="mbrsel">
+          <div id="ancestors">
+                <span class="filtertype">Inherited</span>
+                <ol><li class="hideall">Hide All</li><li class="showall">Show all</li></ol>
+                <ol id="linearization"><li class="in" name="scala.AnyRef">AnyRef</li><li class="in" name="scala.Any">Any</li></ol>
+              </div>
+          <div id="visbl">
+            <span class="filtertype">Visibility</span>
+            <ol><li class="public in">Public</li><li class="all out">All</li></ol>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="members" id="values">
+              <h3>Value Members</h3>
+              <ol><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#!=">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">!=</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#!=">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">!=</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o != arg0</code> is the same as <code>!(o == (arg0))</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o != arg0</code> is the same as <code>!(o == (arg0))</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for dis-equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>false</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>true</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef###">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">##</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#$asInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">$asInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#$isInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">$isInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#==">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">==</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0)</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0)</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#==">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">==</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>o.equals(arg0)</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code>o == arg0</code> is the same as <code>o.equals(arg0)</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#asInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">asInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type <code>T0</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type <code>T0</code>.</p><p>Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics.  Therefore the expression<code>1.asInstanceOf[String]</code> will throw a <code>ClassCastException</code> at runtime, while the expression<code>List(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]]</code> will not.  In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as
+part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="prt" name="scala.AnyRef#clone">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">clone</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: AnyRef</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.</p><p>The default implementation of the <code>clone</code> method is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a copy of the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: protected 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#eq">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">eq</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to test whether the argument (<code>arg0</code>) is a reference to the
+receiver object (<code>this</code>).</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to test whether the argument (<code>arg0</code>) is a reference to the
+receiver object (<code>this</code>).</p><p>The <code>eq</code> method implements an [ equivalence relation] on
+non-null instances of <code>AnyRef</code>:
+ * It is reflexive: for any non-null instance <code>x</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is symmetric: for any non-null instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(y)</code> returns <code>true</code> if and
+   only if <code>y.eq(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is transitive: for any non-null instances <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, and <code>z</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code> if <code>x.eq(y)</code> returns <code>true</code>   and <code>y.eq(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>, then <code>x.eq(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>.</p><p>Additionally, the <code>eq</code> method has three other properties.
+ * It is consistent: for any non-null instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, multiple invocations of
+   <code>x.eq(y)</code> consistently returns <code>true</code> or consistently returns <code>false</code>.
+ * For any non-null instance <code>x</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code>, <code>x.eq(null)</code> and <code>null.eq(x)</code> returns <code>false</code>.
+ * <code>null.eq(null)</code> returns <code>true</code>.</p><p>When overriding the <code>equals</code> or <code>hashCode</code> methods, it is important to ensure that their behavior is
+consistent with reference equality.  Therefore, if two objects are references to each other (<code>o1 eq o2</code>), they
+should be equal to each other (<code>o1 == o2</code>) and they should hash to the same value (<code>o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode</code>).
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for reference equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the argument is a reference to the receiver object; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#equals">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">equals</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to compare the receiver object (<code>this</code>) with the argument object (<code>arg0</code>) for equivalence.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to compare the receiver object (<code>this</code>) with the argument object (<code>arg0</code>) for equivalence.</p><p>The default implementations of this method is an [ equivalence
+ * It is reflexive: for any instance <code>x</code> of type <code>Any</code>, <code>x.equals(x)</code> should return <code>true</code>.
+ * It is symmetric: for any instances <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of type <code>Any</code>, <code>x.equals(y)</code> should return <code>true</code> if and
+   only if <code>y.equals(x)</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ * It is transitive: for any instances <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, and <code>z</code> of type <code>AnyRef</code> if <code>x.equals(y)</code> returns <code>true</code> and
+   <code>y.equals(z)</code> returns <code>true</code>, then <code>x.equals(z)</code> should return <code>true</code>.</p><p>If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation.
+Additionally, when overriding this method it is often necessary to override <code>hashCode</code> to ensure that objects
+that are &quot;equal&quot; (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>true</code>) hash to the same 
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="prt" name="scala.AnyRef#finalize">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">finalize</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that
+there are no more references to the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that
+there are no more references to the object.</p><p>The details of when and if the <code>finalize</code> method are invoked, as well as the interaction between <code>finalize</code>and non-local returns and exceptions, are all platform dependent.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: protected 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#getClass">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">getClass</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: java.lang.Class[_]</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p><p>The nature of the representation is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#hashCode">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">hashCode</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a hash code value for the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a hash code value for the object.</p><p>The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent.</p><p>Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (<code>o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)</code>) yet
+not be equal (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>false</code>).  A degenerate implementation could always return <code>0</code>.
+However, it is required that if two objects are equal (<code>o1.equals(o2)</code> returns <code>true</code>) that they have
+identical hash codes (<code>o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)</code>).  Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure
+to verify that the behavior is consistent with the <code>equals</code> method.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the hash code value for the object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.Any#isInstanceOf">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">isInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is <code>T0</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is <code>T0</code>.</p><p>Note that the test result of the test is modulo Scala's erasure semantics.  Therefore the expression<code>1.isInstanceOf[String]</code> will return <code>false</code>, while the expression <code>List(1).isInstanceOf[List[String]]</code> will
+return <code>true</code>.  In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not
+possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>true</code> if the receiver object is an instance of erasure of type <code>T0</code>; <code>false</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#ne">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">ne</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: AnyRef</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt"><code></code> is the same as <code>!(o.eq(arg0))</code>.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p><code></code> is the same as <code>!(o.eq(arg0))</code>.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt class="param">arg0</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>the object to compare against this object for reference dis-equality.</p></dd><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p><code>false</code> if the argument is not a reference to the receiver object; <code>true</code> otherwise.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#notify">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">notify</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#notifyAll">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">notifyAll</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.</p></div><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="kafka.api.MultiFetchRequest#readFrom">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">readFrom</span><span class="params">(<span name="buffer">buffer: <span class="extype" name="java.nio.ByteBuffer">ByteBuffer</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <a href="MultiFetchRequest.html" class="extype" name="kafka.api.MultiFetchRequest">MultiFetchRequest</a></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#synchronized">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">synchronized</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: T0</span>)</span><span class="result">: T0</span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#toString">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">toString</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="java.lang.String">String</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <p class="shortcomment cmt">Returns a string representation of the object.</p>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="comment cmt"><p>Returns a string representation of the object.</p><p>The default representation is platform dependent.
+</p></div><dl class="paramcmts block"><dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>a string representation of the object.</p></dd></dl><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef → Any
+        </div>
+          </div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>, <span name="arg1">arg1: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li><li visbl="pub" name="scala.AnyRef#wait">
+      <h4 class="signature">
+      <span class="kind">def</span>
+      <span class="symbol">
+        <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span>
+      </span>
+      </h4>
+            <div class="fullcomment"><div class="block">
+          attributes: final 
+        </div><div class="block">
+          definition classes: AnyRef
+        </div></div>
+    </li></ol>
+            </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="tooltip"></div>
+    </body>
+      </html>
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