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[39/50] [abbrv] incubator-predictionio git commit: Unbundle 3rd party documentation components
diff --git a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/scroll-lock.html b/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/scroll-lock.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 90109f5..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/scroll-lock.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
-<html class="sb-scroll-lock">
-	<head>
-		<title>Site Scroll Lock Example</title>
-		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
-		<!-- Slidebars CSS -->
-		<link rel="stylesheet" href="slidebars/slidebars.css">
-		<!-- Example Styles -->
-		<link rel="stylesheet" href="example-styles.css">
-	</head>
-	<body>	
-		<div id="sb-site">
-			<h1>Site Scroll Lock Example</h1>
-			<p>By default this plugin permits you to scroll both a Slidebar and the main site content simultaneously. You can prevent site scrolling when a Slidebar is open, by adding class '.sb-scroll-lock' to the html tag, or by setting scrollLock to true when initiating the plugin.</p>
-			<p>This demo has site locking enabled, <a href="#" class="sb-toggle-left">open a Slidebar</a> and try to scroll the site. Check any other example to see the default behaviour.</p>
-			<p>Site locking currently only works on desktop browsers.</p>
-			<ul>
-				<li class="sb-toggle-left">Toggle left Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-toggle-right">Toggle right Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-open-left">Open left Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-open-right">Open right Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-close">Close either Slidebar</li>
-			</ul>
-			<h2>More Examples</h2>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="control-classes.html">Control Classes</a></li>
-				<li><a href="api-usage.html">API Usage</a></li>
-				<li><a href="mobile-only.html">Mobile Only</a></li>
-				<li><a href="animation-styles.html">Animation Styles</a></li>
-				<li><a href="optional-widths.html">Optional Widths</a></li>
-				<li><a href="custom-widths.html">Custom Widths</a></li>
-				<li><a href="scroll-lock.html">Scroll Lock</a></li>
-				<li><a href="slidebar-links.html">Slidebar Links</a></li>
-				<li><a href="static-slidebars.html">Static Slidebars</a></li>
-				<li><a href="momentum-scrolling.html">Momentum Scrolling</a></li>
-				<li><a href="left-slidebar-only.html">Left Slidebar Only</a></li>
-				<li><a href="right-slidebar-only.html">Right Slidebar Only</a></li>
-			</ul>
-			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et nisl eget tellus dignissim commodo. Donec euismod malesuada dolor, eu euismod massa fermentum non. Morbi eleifend lorem vel nisi scelerisque iaculis. Etiam feugiat nibh in leo porttitor, non tempor felis varius. Vivamus feugiat lobortis justo vel pharetra. Donec varius convallis metus ac venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi bibendum eget mi eu bibendum. Vestibulum et augue dapibus, pharetra neque in, semper nisl. Morbi arcu lacus, suscipit sit amet tincidunt eget, mattis eget nunc. Cras eu elit at mauris consequat ullamcorper a in diam. Donec dapibus sed magna sed malesuada. Maecenas quis eleifend purus. Maecenas condimentum arcu quis purus luctus ultrices. Aliquam dictum pellentesque nisi nec placerat. Donec interdum magna eget purus dictum, nec venenatis odio posuere.</p>
-			<p>Nunc tincidunt libero eu velit accumsan, sit amet vulputate turpis lacinia. Aenean quis tincidunt velit. Proin ultricies risus nec lectus cursus ultrices. Nulla a tincidunt neque. Aliquam commodo metus euismod mauris tincidunt facilisis. Quisque a congue lorem. Curabitur condimentum turpis urna, vitae dignissim risus tincidunt non. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum varius odio in mi elementum pharetra. Aenean condimentum ultricies velit, vitae bibendum turpis vehicula vulputate. Phasellus posuere, dolor sit amet tempus scelerisque, ligula nisi egestas lectus, nec cursus nunc risus varius lorem. Sed non ipsum at erat mollis cursus vitae ac est. Cras nec mauris metus. Aliquam euismod velit eros, et adipiscing leo gravida vitae.</p>
-			<p>Mauris eu dui commodo, ultrices arcu sed, fringilla ante. Praesent pellentesque erat sed sodales viverra. Vestibulum molestie, augue non egestas vestibulum, velit sapien viverra augue, quis tempus odio augue quis massa. Integer id ultricies sapien, a bibendum turpis. Praesent facilisis eros orci, eu rhoncus risus feugiat in. Curabitur euismod auctor tincidunt. Duis laoreet ligula id elit pretium accumsan. Ut aliquam sapien nulla, nec feugiat lacus sollicitudin non.</p>
-			<p>Aliquam nec lectus urna. Morbi sit amet enim sem. Phasellus fringilla sem a nibh dignissim scelerisque. Sed a elementum dolor, vel pharetra enim. In posuere convallis odio, a luctus risus euismod a. Ut in mauris eget massa consequat interdum. Cras tempor, magna id rutrum tincidunt, augue eros molestie diam, varius gravida urna nulla in nunc. Maecenas sapien orci, malesuada ac ligula sed, consectetur ullamcorper massa. Donec purus risus, dignissim ornare adipiscing vel, sollicitudin in lorem. Donec tristique ut diam at interdum. Maecenas iaculis massa dolor, pellentesque vehicula augue elementum et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi congue elementum eros, vitae placerat augue posuere pulvinar. Etiam sit amet gravida arcu. Nullam eget risus sapien. Pellentesque in velit in felis laoreet tincidunt sit amet non libero.</p>
-			<p>Nulla commodo ornare metus id posuere. Aenean fringilla nisi id massa dictum, et lobortis sem scelerisque. Donec vulputate, nibh a consectetur tincidunt, tellus lectus fringilla risus, id ullamcorper ligula metus sit amet mauris. Pellentesque ornare mauris sit amet elit fermentum, quis congue ipsum interdum. Nulla malesuada libero nisl, sed accumsan justo feugiat in. Sed tincidunt, lectus ac convallis blandit, lorem mauris dictum risus, sed iaculis libero felis ut orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam porta velit tincidunt enim dignissim aliquet. Ut blandit eget lacus nec ullamcorper. Vestibulum malesuada rhoncus commodo. Suspendisse faucibus ipsum eget posuere iaculis. Mauris eu purus a leo aliquam consectetur a non ipsum. Sed eget hendrerit neque. Vestibulum aliquet leo ut nisi elementum luctus.</p>
-			<p>Sed neque metus, ullamcorper eget ante eget, volutpat vehicula elit. Morbi tempor, est et lobortis feugiat, turpis augue suscipit odio, et porta leo tortor id magna. In pulvinar turpis non condimentum varius. In in tortor tortor. Vivamus lacinia iaculis scelerisque. Duis commodo, urna sed porta laoreet, enim tortor venenatis ante, in commodo dui lacus ut tortor. Morbi a mi vel mauris luctus luctus vitae a felis. Maecenas interdum lorem purus, in dapibus leo dictum nec. Morbi convallis neque eget dui eleifend dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>
-			<p>Ut odio dui, viverra ac velit sed, accumsan tempus diam. Integer varius, massa vitae vestibulum imperdiet, erat libero suscipit lorem, nec consectetur sem libero a magna. Suspendisse elementum orci in odio varius aliquam. Quisque lacinia massa vitae arcu fringilla gravida. Ut quis facilisis nunc. Pellentesque ornare ornare urna vel dignissim. Mauris venenatis ante erat, et volutpat metus adipiscing vel. Donec vitae sapien rhoncus, aliquam nisl sit amet, mattis nunc.</p>
-			<p>Sed nec libero ac est rutrum faucibus in quis risus. Ut accumsan et tellus posuere venenatis. Aliquam vitae lacus ac quam placerat volutpat. Cras mauris nulla, ultricies vel aliquet vel, bibendum non felis. Integer non ornare justo, nec ornare orci. Nullam bibendum velit non dignissim auctor. Mauris condimentum orci nec libero fermentum, vitae placerat magna convallis.</p>
-			<p>Morbi vel enim vitae lectus pharetra pharetra consectetur id enim. Cras in nisl condimentum, porttitor ante quis, malesuada nisl. Nulla molestie quam in sapien tempus, in pharetra purus consectetur. Nam venenatis dapibus turpis id vulputate. Etiam tortor odio, vestibulum ac adipiscing vitae, vestibulum id enim. Donec non consequat velit. Donec elementum imperdiet tortor, non facilisis mi vestibulum et. Proin vehicula sollicitudin risus vitae elementum. Curabitur justo justo, suscipit sit amet laoreet eu, dictum a diam. Donec neque justo, rutrum in velit nec, tempus congue nisl. Donec pulvinar tempus ante, semper mollis neque vulputate vestibulum. Sed suscipit, magna fermentum ornare pellentesque, eros quam elementum sem, vehicula venenatis nulla nulla sit amet quam. In tincidunt, ante et scelerisque iaculis, massa ante tempor nunc, ut sollicitudin magna metus in sapien.</p>
-			<p>Morbi mattis bibendum interdum. Nulla sed dolor faucibus, euismod diam vel, blandit magna. Ut eu mauris posuere, mattis leo id, venenatis augue. In ut auctor felis. Morbi congue pulvinar convallis. Pellentesque blandit leo vitae auctor posuere. Fusce sodales vel tortor eu vestibulum. Suspendisse condimentum nunc nec turpis semper, quis rutrum sapien suscipit. Cras lacus orci, elementum vitae suscipit sit amet, tincidunt ut ipsum. Quisque vestibulum, nunc vitae vehicula ultricies, lorem enim gravida tortor, et tempus leo risus id tellus. Quisque non sem risus. Curabitur sed lorem ac turpis feugiat adipiscing a vel neque. Nunc in lectus est. Fusce hendrerit, lacus a ullamcorper bibendum, ligula ante lacinia dolor, sollicitudin porta lectus nulla nec enim. Nam at convallis metus, a facilisis sem. Mauris vehicula placerat lorem, et consectetur leo sollicitudin consectetur.</p>
-		</div>
-		<div class="sb-slidebar sb-left">
-			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae lorem eleifend, ultricies nisi tempor, dapibus dui. Ut iaculis adipiscing mi, at lacinia augue pulvinar in. Pellentesque et nunc a libero cursus posuere. Fusce semper metus id nunc laoreet vulputate. Maecenas sit amet augue ornare, tempus augue eget, scelerisque arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec quis diam ac est ultricies vestibulum. Aenean nec rhoncus lorem. Nam velit elit, mollis in blandit vel, pellentesque id augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc placerat est eget vulputate tristique. Sed turpis libero, aliquam at dolor eu, consectetur tincidunt est. Nulla vel semper dui, porttitor gravida lacus. Mauris lacinia pharetra tincidunt. Nunc varius mattis molestie.</p>
-			<p>Sed quis velit leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam malesuada lobortis commodo. Maecenas egestas augue diam, eget semper massa sodales nec. Nunc fermentum suscipit augue, at sagittis mauris. Vestibulum in turpis elementum, facilisis ipsum vitae, fermentum erat. Integer sodales at dolor vitae porttitor. Pellentesque tempus in eros eu elementum. Phasellus molestie, ligula et elementum feugiat, libero purus mollis metus, quis semper tellus velit ut risus. Nullam adipiscing erat ac tortor rutrum, eu laoreet libero sollicitudin. Nunc auctor et sem quis fringilla. In erat lacus, rutrum in erat id, lacinia cursus velit. Pellentesque consequat sit amet justo non aliquet. Donec ligula eros, convallis sit amet vehicula et, dignissim id velit.</p>
-			<p>Suspendisse sodales ornare dui sed tincidunt. Praesent bibendum nisl ac neque posuere ultrices. Sed ac nisl id augue lobortis venenatis. Morbi eros urna, sollicitudin tristique justo ac, sodales feugiat sem. Donec auctor placerat leo, quis auctor lorem laoreet vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur viverra nulla ac fringilla dictum. Maecenas sed dapibus arcu. Morbi nec feugiat tellus. Donec rutrum, tellus vitae sollicitudin tincidunt, ligula elit feugiat ligula, eget sollicitudin libero felis vel augue. Duis et massa fringilla, vehicula arcu sed, ultricies ligula. Praesent porttitor gravida posuere.</p>
-		</div>
-		<div class="sb-slidebar sb-right">
-			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae lorem eleifend, ultricies nisi tempor, dapibus dui. Ut iaculis adipiscing mi, at lacinia augue pulvinar in. Pellentesque et nunc a libero cursus posuere. Fusce semper metus id nunc laoreet vulputate. Maecenas sit amet augue ornare, tempus augue eget, scelerisque arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec quis diam ac est ultricies vestibulum. Aenean nec rhoncus lorem. Nam velit elit, mollis in blandit vel, pellentesque id augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc placerat est eget vulputate tristique. Sed turpis libero, aliquam at dolor eu, consectetur tincidunt est. Nulla vel semper dui, porttitor gravida lacus. Mauris lacinia pharetra tincidunt. Nunc varius mattis molestie.</p>
-			<p>Sed quis velit leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam malesuada lobortis commodo. Maecenas egestas augue diam, eget semper massa sodales nec. Nunc fermentum suscipit augue, at sagittis mauris. Vestibulum in turpis elementum, facilisis ipsum vitae, fermentum erat. Integer sodales at dolor vitae porttitor. Pellentesque tempus in eros eu elementum. Phasellus molestie, ligula et elementum feugiat, libero purus mollis metus, quis semper tellus velit ut risus. Nullam adipiscing erat ac tortor rutrum, eu laoreet libero sollicitudin. Nunc auctor et sem quis fringilla. In erat lacus, rutrum in erat id, lacinia cursus velit. Pellentesque consequat sit amet justo non aliquet. Donec ligula eros, convallis sit amet vehicula et, dignissim id velit.</p>
-			<p>Suspendisse sodales ornare dui sed tincidunt. Praesent bibendum nisl ac neque posuere ultrices. Sed ac nisl id augue lobortis venenatis. Morbi eros urna, sollicitudin tristique justo ac, sodales feugiat sem. Donec auctor placerat leo, quis auctor lorem laoreet vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur viverra nulla ac fringilla dictum. Maecenas sed dapibus arcu. Morbi nec feugiat tellus. Donec rutrum, tellus vitae sollicitudin tincidunt, ligula elit feugiat ligula, eget sollicitudin libero felis vel augue. Duis et massa fringilla, vehicula arcu sed, ultricies ligula. Praesent porttitor gravida posuere.</p>
-		</div>
-		<!-- jQuery -->
-		<script src=""></script>
-		<!-- Slidebars -->
-		<script src="slidebars/slidebars.js"></script>
-		<script>
-			(function($) {
-				$(document).ready(function() {
-					$.slidebars({
-						scrollLock: true
-					});
-				});
-			}) (jQuery);
-		</script>
-	</body>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/slidebar-links.html b/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/slidebar-links.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d1cde3..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/slidebar-links.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
-	<head>
-		<title>Slidebar Links Example</title>
-		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
-		<!-- Slidebars CSS -->
-		<link rel="stylesheet" href="slidebars/slidebars.css">
-		<!-- Example Styles -->
-		<link rel="stylesheet" href="example-styles.css">
-	</head>
-	<body>	
-		<div id="sb-site">
-			<h1>Slidebar Links Example</h1>
-			<p>As of version 0.10, Slidebars no longer changes the default behaviour of links. If you want a link to close the Slidebar before following the link, you must add class '.sb-close' to the a, or the parent containing the a.</p>
-			<ul>
-				<li class="sb-toggle-left">Toggle left Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-toggle-right">Toggle right Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-open-left">Open left Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-open-right">Open right Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-close">Close either Slidebar</li>
-			</ul>
-			<h2>More Examples</h2>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="control-classes.html">Control Classes</a></li>
-				<li><a href="api-usage.html">API Usage</a></li>
-				<li><a href="mobile-only.html">Mobile Only</a></li>
-				<li><a href="animation-styles.html">Animation Styles</a></li>
-				<li><a href="optional-widths.html">Optional Widths</a></li>
-				<li><a href="custom-widths.html">Custom Widths</a></li>
-				<li><a href="scroll-lock.html">Scroll Lock</a></li>
-				<li><a href="slidebar-links.html">Slidebar Links</a></li>
-				<li><a href="static-slidebars.html">Static Slidebars</a></li>
-				<li><a href="momentum-scrolling.html">Momentum Scrolling</a></li>
-				<li><a href="left-slidebar-only.html">Left Slidebar Only</a></li>
-				<li><a href="right-slidebar-only.html">Right Slidebar Only</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="sb-slidebar sb-left">
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="#">Normal Link</a></li>
-				<li><a href="#">Normal Link</a></li>
-				<li><a href="#">Normal Link</a></li>
-				<li><a href="#">Normal Link</a></li>
-				<li><a href="#" class="sb-close">Close Enabled Link</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="sb-slidebar sb-right">
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="#">Normal Link</a></li>
-				<li><a href="#">Normal Link</a></li>
-				<li><a href="#">Normal Link</a></li>
-				<li><a href="#">Normal Link</a></li>
-				<li class="sb-close"><a href="#">Close Enabled Parent</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-		<!-- jQuery -->
-		<script src=""></script>
-		<!-- Slidebars -->
-		<script src="slidebars/slidebars.js"></script>
-		<script>
-			(function($) {
-				$(document).ready(function() {
-					$.slidebars();
-				});
-			}) (jQuery);
-		</script>
-	</body>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/slidebars/slidebars.css b/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/slidebars/slidebars.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 691242b..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/slidebars/slidebars.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------
- * Slidebars
- * Version 0..10
- *
- *
- * Written by Adam Smith
- *
- *
- * Released under MIT License
- *
- *
- * -------------------
- * Slidebars CSS Index
- *
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- * 002 - Site
- * 003 - Slidebars
- * 004 - Animation
- * 005 - Helper Classes
- *
- * ----------------------------
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- */
-html, body, #sb-site, .sb-site-container, .sb-slidebar {
-	/* Set box model to prevent any user added margins or paddings from altering the widths or heights. */
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-	   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-	        box-sizing: border-box;
-html, body {
-	width: 100%;
-	overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */
-html {
-	height: 100%; /* Site is as tall as device. */
-body {
-	min-height: 100%;
-	height: auto;
-	position: relative; /* Required for static Slidebars to function properly. */
- {
-	overflow: hidden; /* Prevent site from scrolling when a Slidebar is open, except when static Slidebars are only available. */
-/* ----------
- * 002 - Site
- */
-#sb-site, .sb-site-container {
-	/* You may now use class .sb-site-container instead of #sb-site and use your own id. However please make sure you don't set any of the following styles any differently on your id. */
-	width: 100%;
-	position: relative;
-	z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */
-	background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. I suggest moving your html or body background styling here. Making this transparent will allow the Slidebars beneath to be visible. */
-/* ---------------
- * 003 - Slidebars
- */
- {
-	height: 100%;
-	overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */
-	position: fixed;
-	top: 0;
-	z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */
-	display: none; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. Changed from visibility to display to allow -webkit-overflow-scrolling. */
-	background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
-	-webkit-transform: translate(0px); /* Fixes issues with translated and z-indexed elements on iOS 7. */
- {
-	left: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the left. */
- {
-	right: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the right. */
- .sb-slidebar, {
-	position: absolute; /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser < 3 and iOS < 5. */
- {
-	display: block; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. Changed from visibility to display to allow -webkit-overflow-scrolling. */
- {
-	z-index: 9999; /* Set z-index high to ensure it overlays any other site elements. */
- {
-	-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; /* Adds native momentum scrolling for iOS & Android devices. */
-/* Slidebar widths for browsers/devices that don't support media queries. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 30%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 15%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 45%;
-	}
-@media (max-width: 480px) { /* Slidebar widths on extra small screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 70%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 55%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 85%;
-	}
-@media (min-width: 481px) { /* Slidebar widths on small screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 55%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 40%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 70%;
-	}
-@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Slidebar widths on medium screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 40%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 25%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 55%;
-	}
-@media (min-width: 992px) { /* Slidebar widths on large screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 30%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 15%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 45%;
-	}
-@media (min-width: 1200px) { /* Slidebar widths on extra large screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 20%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 5%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 35%;
-	}
-/* ---------------
- * 004 - Animation
- */
-, #sb-site, .sb-site-container, .sb-slidebar {
-	-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease;
-	   -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease;
-	     -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease;
-	        transition: transform 400ms ease;
-	-webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left, right; /* Add left/right for Android < 4.4. */
-	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. This is non essential, and you may remove it if your having problems with fixed background images in Chrome. */
-/* --------------------
- * 005 - Helper Classes
- */
- { 
-	display: none; /* Optionally applied to control classes when Slidebars is disabled over a certain width. */
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-// -----------------------------------
-// Slidebars
-// Version 0.10
-// Written by Adam Smith
-// Released under MIT License
-// ---------------------
-// Index of Slidebars.js
-// 001 - Default Settings
-// 002 - Feature Detection
-// 003 - User Agents
-// 004 - Setup
-// 005 - Animation
-// 006 - Operations
-// 007 - API
-// 008 - User Input
-;(function($) {
-	$.slidebars = function(options) {
-		// ----------------------
-		// 001 - Default Settings
-		var settings = $.extend({
-			siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site.
-			scrollLock: false, // true or false - Prevent scrolling of site when a Slidebar is open.
-			disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width.
-			hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver.
-		}, options);
-		// -----------------------
-		// 002 - Feature Detection
-		var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on.
-		supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions.
-		supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms.
-		// Test for CSS Transitions
-		if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true;
-		// Test for CSS Transforms
-		if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true;
-		// -----------------
-		// 003 - User Agents
-		var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string.
-		android = false, // Variable for storing android version.
-		iOS = false; // Variable for storing iOS version.
-		if (/Android/.test(ua)) { // Detect Android in user agent string.
-			android = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('Android')+8, 3); // Set version of Android.
-		} else if (/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(ua)) { // Detect iOS in user agent string.
-			iOS = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('OS ')+3, 3).replace('_', '.'); // Set version of iOS.
-		}
-		if (android && android < 3 || iOS && iOS < 5) $('html').addClass('sb-static'); // Add helper class for older versions of Android & iOS.
-		// -----------
-		// 004 - Setup
-		// Site container
-		var $site = $('#sb-site, .sb-site-container'); // Cache the selector.
-		// Left Slidebar	
-		if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists.
-			var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector.
-			leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed.
-		}
-		// Right Slidebar
-		if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists.
-			var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector.
-			rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed.
-		}
-		var init = false, // Initialisation variable.
-		windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window.
-		$controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes.
-		$slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate.
-		// Initailise Slidebars
-		function initialise() {
-			if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. 
-				init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open.
-				$('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled.
-				css(); // Set required inline styles.
-			} else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size.
-				init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening.
-				$('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls
-				$site.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove minimum height.
-				if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open.
-			}
-		}
-		initialise();
-		// Inline CSS
-		function css() {
-			// Set minimum height.
-			$site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height.
-			$site.css('minHeight', $('html').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the html.
-			// Custom Slidebar widths.
-			if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-			if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-			// Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations.
-			if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width'));
-			if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width'));
-			// Site scroll locking.
-			if (settings.scrollLock) $('html').addClass('sb-scroll-lock');
-		}
-		// Resize Functions
-		$(window).resize(function() {
-			var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width.
-			if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) { // Slidebars is running and window was actually resized.
-				windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width.
-				initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running.
-				if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size.
-				if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size.
-			}
-		});
-		// I may include a height check along side a width check here in future.
-		// ---------------
-		// 005 - Animation
-		var animation; // Animation type.
-		// Set animation type.
-		if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms.
-			animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it.
-			if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead.
-		} else {
-			animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions.
-		}
-		// Animate mixin.
-		function animate(object, amount, side) {
-			// Choose selectors depending on animation style.
-			var selector;
-			if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) {
-				selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements.
-			} else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) {
-				selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only.
-			} else {
-				selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements.
-			}
-			// Apply animation
-			if (animation === 'translate') {
-				selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')'); // Apply the animation.
-			} else if (animation === 'side') {		
-				if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations.
-				if (amount !== '0px') selector.css(side, '0px'); // Add a 0 value so css transition works.
-				setTimeout(function() { // Set a timeout to allow the 0 value to be applied above.
-					selector.css(side, amount); // Apply the animation.
-				}, 1);
-			} else if (animation === 'jQuery') {
-				if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations.
-				var properties = {};
-				properties[side] = amount;
-				selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another.
-			}
-			// If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation.
-			setTimeout(function() {
-				if (amount === '0px') {
-					selector.removeAttr('style');
-					css();
-				}
-			}, 400);
-		}
-		// ----------------
-		// 006 - Operations
-		// Open a Slidebar
-		function open(side) {
-			// Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open.
-			if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue.
-				close();
-				setTimeout(proceed, 400);
-			} else { // Its not open, continue.
-				proceed();
-			}
-			// Open
-			function proceed() {
-				if (init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes.
-					$left.addClass('sb-active');
-					animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				} else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes.
-					$right.addClass('sb-active');
-					animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Close either Slidebar
-		function close(link) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open.
-				if (leftActive) {
-					animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation
-					leftActive = false;
-				}
-				if (rightActive) {
-					animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation
-					rightActive = false;
-				}
-				setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish.
-					$('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes.
-					if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active');
-					if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active');
-					if (typeof link !== 'undefined') window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it.
-				}, 400);
-			}
-		}
-		// Toggle either Slidebar
-		function toggle(side) {
-			if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (!leftActive) {
-					open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				} else {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				}
-			}
-			if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (!rightActive) {
-					open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				} else {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// ---------
-		// 007 - API
-		this.slidebars = {
-			open: open, // Maps user variable name to the open method.
-			close: close, // Maps user variable name to the close method.
-			toggle: toggle, // Maps user variable name to the toggle method.
-			init: function() { // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not.
-				return init; // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running.
-			},
-			active: function(side) { // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed.
-				if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive;
-				if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive;
-			},
-			destroy: function(side) { // Removes the Slidebar from the DOM.
-				if (side === 'left' && $left) {
-					if (leftActive) close(); // Close if its open.
-					setTimeout(function() {
-						$left.remove(); // Remove it.
-						$left = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again.
-					}, 400);
-				}
-				if (side === 'right' && $right) {
-					if (rightActive) close(); // Close if its open.
-					setTimeout(function() {
-						$right.remove(); // Remove it.
-						$right = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again.
-					}, 400);
-				}
-			}
-		};
-		// ----------------
-		// 008 - User Input
-		function eventHandler(event, selector) {
-			event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling.
-			event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour
-			if (event.type === 'touchend')'click'); // If event type was touch turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks.
-		}
-		// Toggle left Slidebar
-		$('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar.
-		});
-		// Toggle right Slidebar
-		$('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar.
-		});
-		// Open left Slidebar
-		$('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Open right Slidebar
-		$('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Close a Slidebar
-		$('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			var link;
-			// Close Slidebar via link
-			if ( $(this).parents('.sb-slidebar') ) {
-				if ( $(this).is('a') ) {
-					link = $(this).attr('href');
-				} else if ( $(this).children('a') ) {
-					link = $(this).children('a').attr('href');
-				}
-			}
-			close(link); // Close Slidebar and pass link.
-		});
-		// Close Slidebar via site
-		$site.on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open.
-				eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-				close(); // Close it.
-			}
-		});
-	}; // End Slidebars function.
-}) (jQuery);
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index d2f13c0..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/examples/static-slidebars.html
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-<!doctype html>
-	<head>
-		<title>Static Slidebars Example</title>
-		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
-		<!-- Slidebars CSS -->
-		<link rel="stylesheet" href="slidebars/slidebars.css">
-		<!-- Example Styles -->
-		<link rel="stylesheet" href="example-styles.css">
-	</head>
-	<body>	
-		<div id="sb-site">
-			<h1>Static Slidebars Example</h1>
-			<p>By default, Slidebars are fixed to the screen and scroll independently. However you can make them scroll naturally by adding the modifier class '.sb-static'. In this example the left Slidebar is static, and the right is fixed. Open them up and scroll down to see how they work.</p>
-			<ul>
-				<li class="sb-toggle-left">Toggle left Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-toggle-right">Toggle right Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-open-left">Open left Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-open-right">Open right Slidebar</li>
-				<li class="sb-close">Close either Slidebar</li>
-			</ul>
-			<h2>More Examples</h2>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="control-classes.html">Control Classes</a></li>
-				<li><a href="api-usage.html">API Usage</a></li>
-				<li><a href="mobile-only.html">Mobile Only</a></li>
-				<li><a href="animation-styles.html">Animation Styles</a></li>
-				<li><a href="optional-widths.html">Optional Widths</a></li>
-				<li><a href="custom-widths.html">Custom Widths</a></li>
-				<li><a href="scroll-lock.html">Scroll Lock</a></li>
-				<li><a href="slidebar-links.html">Slidebar Links</a></li>
-				<li><a href="static-slidebars.html">Static Slidebars</a></li>
-				<li><a href="momentum-scrolling.html">Momentum Scrolling</a></li>
-				<li><a href="left-slidebar-only.html">Left Slidebar Only</a></li>
-				<li><a href="right-slidebar-only.html">Right Slidebar Only</a></li>
-			</ul>
-			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et nisl eget tellus dignissim commodo. Donec euismod malesuada dolor, eu euismod massa fermentum non. Morbi eleifend lorem vel nisi scelerisque iaculis. Etiam feugiat nibh in leo porttitor, non tempor felis varius. Vivamus feugiat lobortis justo vel pharetra. Donec varius convallis metus ac venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi bibendum eget mi eu bibendum. Vestibulum et augue dapibus, pharetra neque in, semper nisl. Morbi arcu lacus, suscipit sit amet tincidunt eget, mattis eget nunc. Cras eu elit at mauris consequat ullamcorper a in diam. Donec dapibus sed magna sed malesuada. Maecenas quis eleifend purus. Maecenas condimentum arcu quis purus luctus ultrices. Aliquam dictum pellentesque nisi nec placerat. Donec interdum magna eget purus dictum, nec venenatis odio posuere.</p>
-			<p>Nunc tincidunt libero eu velit accumsan, sit amet vulputate turpis lacinia. Aenean quis tincidunt velit. Proin ultricies risus nec lectus cursus ultrices. Nulla a tincidunt neque. Aliquam commodo metus euismod mauris tincidunt facilisis. Quisque a congue lorem. Curabitur condimentum turpis urna, vitae dignissim risus tincidunt non. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum varius odio in mi elementum pharetra. Aenean condimentum ultricies velit, vitae bibendum turpis vehicula vulputate. Phasellus posuere, dolor sit amet tempus scelerisque, ligula nisi egestas lectus, nec cursus nunc risus varius lorem. Sed non ipsum at erat mollis cursus vitae ac est. Cras nec mauris metus. Aliquam euismod velit eros, et adipiscing leo gravida vitae.</p>
-			<p>Mauris eu dui commodo, ultrices arcu sed, fringilla ante. Praesent pellentesque erat sed sodales viverra. Vestibulum molestie, augue non egestas vestibulum, velit sapien viverra augue, quis tempus odio augue quis massa. Integer id ultricies sapien, a bibendum turpis. Praesent facilisis eros orci, eu rhoncus risus feugiat in. Curabitur euismod auctor tincidunt. Duis laoreet ligula id elit pretium accumsan. Ut aliquam sapien nulla, nec feugiat lacus sollicitudin non.</p>
-			<p>Aliquam nec lectus urna. Morbi sit amet enim sem. Phasellus fringilla sem a nibh dignissim scelerisque. Sed a elementum dolor, vel pharetra enim. In posuere convallis odio, a luctus risus euismod a. Ut in mauris eget massa consequat interdum. Cras tempor, magna id rutrum tincidunt, augue eros molestie diam, varius gravida urna nulla in nunc. Maecenas sapien orci, malesuada ac ligula sed, consectetur ullamcorper massa. Donec purus risus, dignissim ornare adipiscing vel, sollicitudin in lorem. Donec tristique ut diam at interdum. Maecenas iaculis massa dolor, pellentesque vehicula augue elementum et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi congue elementum eros, vitae placerat augue posuere pulvinar. Etiam sit amet gravida arcu. Nullam eget risus sapien. Pellentesque in velit in felis laoreet tincidunt sit amet non libero.</p>
-			<p>Nulla commodo ornare metus id posuere. Aenean fringilla nisi id massa dictum, et lobortis sem scelerisque. Donec vulputate, nibh a consectetur tincidunt, tellus lectus fringilla risus, id ullamcorper ligula metus sit amet mauris. Pellentesque ornare mauris sit amet elit fermentum, quis congue ipsum interdum. Nulla malesuada libero nisl, sed accumsan justo feugiat in. Sed tincidunt, lectus ac convallis blandit, lorem mauris dictum risus, sed iaculis libero felis ut orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam porta velit tincidunt enim dignissim aliquet. Ut blandit eget lacus nec ullamcorper. Vestibulum malesuada rhoncus commodo. Suspendisse faucibus ipsum eget posuere iaculis. Mauris eu purus a leo aliquam consectetur a non ipsum. Sed eget hendrerit neque. Vestibulum aliquet leo ut nisi elementum luctus.</p>
-			<p>Sed neque metus, ullamcorper eget ante eget, volutpat vehicula elit. Morbi tempor, est et lobortis feugiat, turpis augue suscipit odio, et porta leo tortor id magna. In pulvinar turpis non condimentum varius. In in tortor tortor. Vivamus lacinia iaculis scelerisque. Duis commodo, urna sed porta laoreet, enim tortor venenatis ante, in commodo dui lacus ut tortor. Morbi a mi vel mauris luctus luctus vitae a felis. Maecenas interdum lorem purus, in dapibus leo dictum nec. Morbi convallis neque eget dui eleifend dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>
-			<p>Ut odio dui, viverra ac velit sed, accumsan tempus diam. Integer varius, massa vitae vestibulum imperdiet, erat libero suscipit lorem, nec consectetur sem libero a magna. Suspendisse elementum orci in odio varius aliquam. Quisque lacinia massa vitae arcu fringilla gravida. Ut quis facilisis nunc. Pellentesque ornare ornare urna vel dignissim. Mauris venenatis ante erat, et volutpat metus adipiscing vel. Donec vitae sapien rhoncus, aliquam nisl sit amet, mattis nunc.</p>
-			<p>Sed nec libero ac est rutrum faucibus in quis risus. Ut accumsan et tellus posuere venenatis. Aliquam vitae lacus ac quam placerat volutpat. Cras mauris nulla, ultricies vel aliquet vel, bibendum non felis. Integer non ornare justo, nec ornare orci. Nullam bibendum velit non dignissim auctor. Mauris condimentum orci nec libero fermentum, vitae placerat magna convallis.</p>
-			<p>Morbi vel enim vitae lectus pharetra pharetra consectetur id enim. Cras in nisl condimentum, porttitor ante quis, malesuada nisl. Nulla molestie quam in sapien tempus, in pharetra purus consectetur. Nam venenatis dapibus turpis id vulputate. Etiam tortor odio, vestibulum ac adipiscing vitae, vestibulum id enim. Donec non consequat velit. Donec elementum imperdiet tortor, non facilisis mi vestibulum et. Proin vehicula sollicitudin risus vitae elementum. Curabitur justo justo, suscipit sit amet laoreet eu, dictum a diam. Donec neque justo, rutrum in velit nec, tempus congue nisl. Donec pulvinar tempus ante, semper mollis neque vulputate vestibulum. Sed suscipit, magna fermentum ornare pellentesque, eros quam elementum sem, vehicula venenatis nulla nulla sit amet quam. In tincidunt, ante et scelerisque iaculis, massa ante tempor nunc, ut sollicitudin magna metus in sapien.</p>
-			<p>Morbi mattis bibendum interdum. Nulla sed dolor faucibus, euismod diam vel, blandit magna. Ut eu mauris posuere, mattis leo id, venenatis augue. In ut auctor felis. Morbi congue pulvinar convallis. Pellentesque blandit leo vitae auctor posuere. Fusce sodales vel tortor eu vestibulum. Suspendisse condimentum nunc nec turpis semper, quis rutrum sapien suscipit. Cras lacus orci, elementum vitae suscipit sit amet, tincidunt ut ipsum. Quisque vestibulum, nunc vitae vehicula ultricies, lorem enim gravida tortor, et tempus leo risus id tellus. Quisque non sem risus. Curabitur sed lorem ac turpis feugiat adipiscing a vel neque. Nunc in lectus est. Fusce hendrerit, lacus a ullamcorper bibendum, ligula ante lacinia dolor, sollicitudin porta lectus nulla nec enim. Nam at convallis metus, a facilisis sem. Mauris vehicula placerat lorem, et consectetur leo sollicitudin consectetur.</p> 
-		</div>
-		<div class="sb-slidebar sb-left sb-static">
-			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae lorem eleifend, ultricies nisi tempor, dapibus dui. Ut iaculis adipiscing mi, at lacinia augue pulvinar in. Pellentesque et nunc a libero cursus posuere. Fusce semper metus id nunc laoreet vulputate. Maecenas sit amet augue ornare, tempus augue eget, scelerisque arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec quis diam ac est ultricies vestibulum. Aenean nec rhoncus lorem. Nam velit elit, mollis in blandit vel, pellentesque id augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc placerat est eget vulputate tristique. Sed turpis libero, aliquam at dolor eu, consectetur tincidunt est. Nulla vel semper dui, porttitor gravida lacus. Mauris lacinia pharetra tincidunt. Nunc varius mattis molestie.</p>
-			<p>Sed quis velit leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam malesuada lobortis commodo. Maecenas egestas augue diam, eget semper massa sodales nec. Nunc fermentum suscipit augue, at sagittis mauris. Vestibulum in turpis elementum, facilisis ipsum vitae, fermentum erat. Integer sodales at dolor vitae porttitor. Pellentesque tempus in eros eu elementum. Phasellus molestie, ligula et elementum feugiat, libero purus mollis metus, quis semper tellus velit ut risus. Nullam adipiscing erat ac tortor rutrum, eu laoreet libero sollicitudin. Nunc auctor et sem quis fringilla. In erat lacus, rutrum in erat id, lacinia cursus velit. Pellentesque consequat sit amet justo non aliquet. Donec ligula eros, convallis sit amet vehicula et, dignissim id velit.</p>
-			<p>Suspendisse sodales ornare dui sed tincidunt. Praesent bibendum nisl ac neque posuere ultrices. Sed ac nisl id augue lobortis venenatis. Morbi eros urna, sollicitudin tristique justo ac, sodales feugiat sem. Donec auctor placerat leo, quis auctor lorem laoreet vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur viverra nulla ac fringilla dictum. Maecenas sed dapibus arcu. Morbi nec feugiat tellus. Donec rutrum, tellus vitae sollicitudin tincidunt, ligula elit feugiat ligula, eget sollicitudin libero felis vel augue. Duis et massa fringilla, vehicula arcu sed, ultricies ligula. Praesent porttitor gravida posuere.</p>
-		</div>
-		<div class="sb-slidebar sb-right">
-			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae lorem eleifend, ultricies nisi tempor, dapibus dui. Ut iaculis adipiscing mi, at lacinia augue pulvinar in. Pellentesque et nunc a libero cursus posuere. Fusce semper metus id nunc laoreet vulputate. Maecenas sit amet augue ornare, tempus augue eget, scelerisque arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec quis diam ac est ultricies vestibulum. Aenean nec rhoncus lorem. Nam velit elit, mollis in blandit vel, pellentesque id augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc placerat est eget vulputate tristique. Sed turpis libero, aliquam at dolor eu, consectetur tincidunt est. Nulla vel semper dui, porttitor gravida lacus. Mauris lacinia pharetra tincidunt. Nunc varius mattis molestie.</p>
-			<p>Sed quis velit leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam malesuada lobortis commodo. Maecenas egestas augue diam, eget semper massa sodales nec. Nunc fermentum suscipit augue, at sagittis mauris. Vestibulum in turpis elementum, facilisis ipsum vitae, fermentum erat. Integer sodales at dolor vitae porttitor. Pellentesque tempus in eros eu elementum. Phasellus molestie, ligula et elementum feugiat, libero purus mollis metus, quis semper tellus velit ut risus. Nullam adipiscing erat ac tortor rutrum, eu laoreet libero sollicitudin. Nunc auctor et sem quis fringilla. In erat lacus, rutrum in erat id, lacinia cursus velit. Pellentesque consequat sit amet justo non aliquet. Donec ligula eros, convallis sit amet vehicula et, dignissim id velit.</p>
-			<p>Suspendisse sodales ornare dui sed tincidunt. Praesent bibendum nisl ac neque posuere ultrices. Sed ac nisl id augue lobortis venenatis. Morbi eros urna, sollicitudin tristique justo ac, sodales feugiat sem. Donec auctor placerat leo, quis auctor lorem laoreet vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur viverra nulla ac fringilla dictum. Maecenas sed dapibus arcu. Morbi nec feugiat tellus. Donec rutrum, tellus vitae sollicitudin tincidunt, ligula elit feugiat ligula, eget sollicitudin libero felis vel augue. Duis et massa fringilla, vehicula arcu sed, ultricies ligula. Praesent porttitor gravida posuere.</p>
-		</div>
-		<!-- jQuery -->
-		<script src=""></script>
-		<!-- Slidebars -->
-		<script src="slidebars/slidebars.js"></script>
-		<script>
-			(function($) {
-				$(document).ready(function() {
-					$.slidebars();
-				});
-			}) (jQuery);
-		</script>
-	</body>
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--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/license.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2014 Adam Smith
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/slidebars.jquery.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-	"name": "slidebars",
-	"title": "Slidebars",
-	"description": "A jQuery plugin for quickly and easily implementing mobile app-style revealing menus and sidebars into your website.",
-	"keywords": [
-		"mobile",
-		"webapp",
-		"responsive",
-		"menus",
-		"app",
-		"revealing",
-		"slide",
-		"slide-out",
-		"panel",
-		"panel-menu"
-	],
-	"version": "0.10.2",
-	"author": {
-		"name": "Adam Smith",
-		"url": ""
-	},
-	"licenses": [
-		{
-		"type": "MIT",
-		"url": ""
-		}
-	],
-	"bugs": "",
-	"homepage": "",
-	"docs": "",
-	"download": "",
-	"dependencies": {
-		"jquery": ">=1.8"
-	}
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--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Tabslet/.bower.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "Tabslet",
-  "version": "1.4.8",
-  "homepage": "",
-  "authors": [
-    "Dimitris Krestos <>"
-  ],
-  "description": "Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, lightweight, easy to use and with some extra features.",
-  "main": "jquery.tabslet.min.js",
-  "keywords": [
-    "jquery-plugin",
-    "tabs",
-    "jquery",
-    "plugin"
-  ],
-  "license": "Apache",
-  "_release": "1.4.8",
-  "_resolution": {
-    "type": "version",
-    "tag": "v1.4.8",
-    "commit": "fc1132416c16cb7f0831a2b9af9742e5a96ff713"
-  },
-  "_source": "git://",
-  "_target": "~1.4.8",
-  "_originalSource": "Tabslet"
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Project files #
-# OS generated files #
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--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Tabslet/LICENSE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-                                 Apache License
-                           Version 2.0, January 2004
-   1. Definitions.
-      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
-      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
-      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
-      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
-      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
-      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
-      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
-      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
-      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
-      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
-      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
-      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
-      exercising permissions granted by this License.
-      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
-      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
-      source, and configuration files.
-      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
-      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
-      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
-      and conversions to other media types.
-      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
-      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
-      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
-      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
-      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
-      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
-      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
-      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
-      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
-      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
-      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
-      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
-      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
-      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
-      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
-      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
-      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
-      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
-      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
-      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
-      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
-      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
-      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
-      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
-      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
-      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
-      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
-   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
-      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
-      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
-      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
-      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
-      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
-   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
-      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
-      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
-      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
-      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
-      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
-      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
-      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
-      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
-      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
-      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
-      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
-      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
-      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
-      as of the date such litigation is filed.
-   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
-      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
-      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
-      meet the following conditions:
-      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
-          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
-      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
-          stating that You changed the files; and
-      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
-          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
-          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
-          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
-          the Derivative Works; and
-      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
-          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
-          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
-          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
-          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
-          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
-          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
-          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
-          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
-          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
-          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
-          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
-          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
-          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
-          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
-          as modifying the License.
-      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
-      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
-      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
-      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
-      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
-      the conditions stated in this License.
-   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
-      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
-      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
-      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
-      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
-      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
-      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
-   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
-      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
-      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
-      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
-   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
-      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
-      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
-      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
-      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
-      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
-   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
-      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
-      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
-      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
-      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
-      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
-      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
-      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
-      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
-      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
-      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
-   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
-      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
-      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
-      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
-      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
-      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
-      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
-      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
-      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
-      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
-   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
-      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
-      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
-      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
-      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
-      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
-      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
-      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
-      identification within third-party archives.
-   Copyright 2012 Dimitris Krestos
-   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-   You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-   limitations under the License.
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-# Tabslet
-[![npm version](](
-[![Bower version](](
-Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, lightweight, easy to use and with some extra features
-* [Demonstration page][1]
-* [Documentation (wiki)][3]
-## Features
-Beyond the standard tabs functionality:
-* Custom events
-* Data attribute initialization and configuration
-* Controls (next, previous)
-* Rotation (usefull for banner rotators/carousels)
-* Change tabs on mouse over
-* Use animation effect for tabs' changing
-* Ability to use either _href_ or _alt_ attribute to target tab
-## Compatibility/Dependencies
-Compatible with IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
-and jQuery 1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.11.0, 2.1.0.
-No additional dependencies are required.
-## Credits
-* [][4]
-* [][5]
-## Copyright and license
-Copyright 2012 Dimitris Krestos
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-  [1]:
-  [2]:
-  [3]:
-  [4]:
-  [5]:
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--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Tabslet/bower.json
+++ /dev/null
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-  "name": "Tabslet",
-  "version": "1.4.8",
-  "homepage": "",
-  "authors": [
-    "Dimitris Krestos <>"
-  ],
-  "description": "Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, lightweight, easy to use and with some extra features.",
-  "main": "jquery.tabslet.min.js",
-  "keywords": [
-    "jquery-plugin",
-    "tabs",
-    "jquery",
-    "plugin"
-  ],
-  "license": "Apache"
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--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Tabslet/demo/index.html
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-<!doctype html>
-<html lang="en">
-	<meta charset="utf-8">
-	<title>Tabslet jQuery plugin | Yet another plugin for tabs</title>
-	<meta name="description" content="Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, lightweight, easy-to-use and with some extra features">
-	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
-	<!-- MODERNIZR -->
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/vendor/modernizr.custom.js"></script>
-	<!-- STYLES -->
-	<link href=',300,600,700,800' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
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-<div id="wrapper">
-<!-- 	<div class="top_bar">
-		Tabslet
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-	<!-- HEADER -->
-	<div id="header_wrapper">
-		<header>
-			<h1><img src="images/tabslet_logo.png" class="logo">Tabslet</h1>
-			<h2>A jQuery plugin for tabs</h2>
-			<a class="button" href="">download</a>
-			<a class="link" href="">or view on GitHub</a>
-		</header>
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-	<!-- HEADER ends -->
-	<div id="body_wrapper">
-		<!-- <h3>About</h3> -->
-		<section id="body" role="main">
-			<article>
-				<h2>
-					Tabslet is yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, is lightweight, is easy-to-use, is compatible with IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and jQuery 1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.11.0, 2.1.0. and
-					supports <a class="anchorLink" href="#custom_event">custom events</a>, <a class="anchorLink" href="#rotation">rotation</a>, <a class="anchorLink" href="#animation">animation</a> and <a class="anchorLink" href="#controls">controls</a></h2>
-			</article>
-		</section>
-		<h3>Demonstration</h3>
-		<!-- CONTENT -->
-		<section>
-			<!-- CONTENT BLOCK -->
-			<article>
-				<h2>Default</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-				<div class='tabs tabs_default'>
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>This is the default tab functionality.</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>Tab 2</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>Tab 3</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-			<article>
-				<h2>Active</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-	active: 2
-				<div class='tabs tabs_active'>
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>Tab 1</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>The second tab is active when page loads.</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>Tab 3</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-			<article>
-				<h2>Hover</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-	mouseevent: 'hover',
-	attribute: 'href',
-	animation: false
-				<div class='tabs tabs_hover'>
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>Tabs change on mouse over...</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>Tab 2</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>Tab 3</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-			<article id="animation">
-				<h2>Animation</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-	mouseevent: 'click',
-	attribute: 'href',
-	animation: true
-				<div class='tabs tabs_animate'>
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>Change the tab to see that there is an animation.</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>Tab 2</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>Tab 3</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-			<article id="rotation">
-				<h2>Rotation</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-	autorotate: true,
-	delay: 3000
-				<div class='tabs tabs_rotate'>
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>It's alive!</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>It's alive!!</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>It's alive!!!</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-			<article id="controls">
-				<h2>Controls</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-	controls: {
-		prev: '.prev',
-		next: '.next'
-	}
-				<div class='tabs tabs_controls'>
-					<a class="prev">previous</a>
-					<a class="next">next</a>
-					<span class='clear'></span>
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>Tab 1</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>Tab 2</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>Tab 3</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-			<!-- CONTENT BLOCK ends -->
-		</section>
-		<!-- CONTENT ends-->
-		<h3 id="custom_event">Custom Events</h3>
-		<section>
-			<!-- CONTENT BLOCK -->
-			<article>
-				<h2>Custom event "_before"</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-$('.before_event').on("_before", function() {
-	// do stuff here
-				<div class='tabs before_event'>
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>An alert message before the tab change...</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>TAB 2</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>TAB 3</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-			<article>
-				<h2>Custom event "_after"</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-	animation: true
-$('.after_event').on("_after", function() {
-	// do stuff here
-				<div class='tabs after_event'>
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>An alert message is coming after the animation...</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>TAB 2</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>TAB 3</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-		</section>
-		<!-- CONTENT ends-->
-		<h3>Use of data attribute to load</h3>
-		<section>
-			<!-- CONTENT BLOCK -->
-			<article>
-				<h2>The attribute "data-toggle"</h2>
-<pre data-language="javascript">
-<div data-toggle="tabslet" data-animation="true"></div>
-				<div class='tabs' data-toggle="tabslet" data-animation="true">
-					<ul class='horizontal'>
-						<li><a href="#tab-1">information</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-2">tab</a></li>
-						<li><a href="#tab-3">tab</a></li>
-					</ul>
-					<div id='tab-1'><h3>Just include the plugin and add the data attribute to your html tag!</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-2'><h3>TAB 2</h3></div>
-					<div id='tab-3'><h3>TAB 3</h3></div>
-				</div>
-			</article>
-		</section>
-	</div>
-	<!-- MAIN CONTAINER ends -->
-	<!-- FOOTER -->
-	<footer>
-		<div class="footer_wrapper">
-			<p>Built by <a href="">vdw</a> aka <a href="" target="_blank">Dimitris Krestos</a><br />Code licensed under <a href="" target="_blank">Apache License v2.0</a></p>
-		</div>
-		<!-- FOOTER CONTAINER ends -->
-	</footer>
-	<!-- JQuery -->
-	<script src=""></script>
-	<script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="javascripts/vendor/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script>
-	<!-- JS -->
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/vendor/waypoints.min.js"></script>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/vendor/waypoints-sticky.min.js"></script>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/vendor/jquery.tabslet.min.js"></script>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/vendor/rainbow-custom.min.js"></script>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/vendor/jquery.anchor.js"></script>
-	<script src="javascripts/initializers.js"></script>
-	<!-- JS ends -->
diff --git a/docs/manual/bower_components/Tabslet/demo/javascripts/initializers.js b/docs/manual/bower_components/Tabslet/demo/javascripts/initializers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4952c58..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Tabslet/demo/javascripts/initializers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Run javascript after DOM is initialized
-$(document).ready(function() {
-	$('#body').waypoint('sticky');
-	$('.tabs_default').tabslet();
-	$('.tabs_active').tabslet({
-		active: 2
-	});
-	$('.tabs_hover').tabslet({
-		mouseevent: 'hover',
-		attribute: 'href',
-		animation: false
-	});
-	$('.tabs_animate').tabslet({
-		mouseevent: 'click',
-		attribute: 'href',
-		animation: true
-	});
-	$('.tabs_rotate').tabslet({
-		autorotate: true,
-		delay: 3000
-	});
-	$('.tabs_controls').tabslet();
-	$('.before_event').tabslet();
-	$('.before_event').on("_before", function() {
-		alert('This alert comes before the tab change!')
-	});
-	$('.after_event').tabslet({
-		animation: true
-	});
-	$('.after_event').on("_after", function() {
-		alert('This alert comes after the tab change!')
-	});
\ No newline at end of file