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Posted to by Uwe Schindler <> on 2023/03/06 13:53:50 UTC

HEADS UP: Creating the MR-JAR for MMapDircetory without JDK 19/20/21....

Hi committers,

this is a heads up. Please see the following PR:

In short: It is very complicated for a committer to actually compile our 
MR-JAR when a new Java version is not yet released on AdoptOpenJDK. This 
makes testing early hard. In addition on every Java version (19, 20, 21) 
the API of Panama-Foreign has slight differences, so we need to compile 
against each version and ship the files in our MR-JAR lucene-core.jar.

The aproach in that PR is to get away with requiring the compiler, as we 
just need to make sure that we compile against the correct classes and 
method signatures. The trick is to have a "stripped JAR file" with only 
the Project Panama class files in our Git repository, without any 
bytecode. This allows the java compiler (JDK 11 or JDK 17) to compile 
against those classes and produce a valid MR-JAR without having JDK 19, 
20, 21 available on developers computer. The only persons who would need 
thoseJava versions are those that want to regenerate our generated 
files. The API signatures JAR files are saved in src/generated/jdk, one 
for each Java version.

I am raising that issue on the mailing list to get some comments on the 
issue: Is this OK to have *.apijar files in Git repo (each approx 20 
KiB), are there any licensing problems? The bytecode is removed we only 
have the API signatures (in binary form, we could add a dump of all 
method descriptors for review next to the apijar files - I have some 
code for that available). We already compile against those class files 
so there's no "linking" problem, it is more the problem of if we can 
ship with those API signatures.

Please respond in the Github issue.


Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen

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