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Posted to by Dick <> on 2011/11/11 10:40:33 UTC

Seq .iterator() questions.

Hi all.

The following statements were created using the Jena API. I cast the
bNode of rdf:_1 to an OntResource and called addLiteral() to get the
rdfs:label. If I pass the resultant RDF/XML through the W3C RDF
Validator it passes.

@prefix u4convert:  <> .
@prefix rdfs:    <> .
@prefix owl:     <> .
@prefix xsd:     <> .
@prefix rdf:     <> .

      a       u4convert:Convert ;
              [ a       rdf:Bag ;
                rdf:_1  [ a       rdf:Seq ;
                          rdfs:label "Default"^^xsd:string
              ] .

If I cast the bNode of rdf:_1 to a Seq and call the iterator() method it
returns the rdfs:label.

Q1 I'm assuming the Seq.iterator() method returns all "other"
Property/RDFNode pairs for the Seq (i.e. it doesn't return the a rdf:Seq
pair) whether the pair is an rdf:_nnn or not?

Q2 Whilst the above is "valid" RDF is it "good" RDF?

FYI the above is to model a group (Bag) of named steps (Seq) i.e. the
model can be queried for a named set of steps which can then be read in

TIA DMurray.