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Posted to by on 2013/08/27 07:35:49 UTC

svn commit: r1517753 [8/33] - in /incubator/climate/branches/rcmet-2.1.1: ./ src/ src/main/ src/main/python/ src/main/python/bin/ src/main/python/docs/ src/main/python/docs/_static/ src/main/python/docs/_templates/ src/main/python/rcmes/ src/main/pytho...

Added: incubator/climate/branches/rcmet-2.1.1/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/
--- incubator/climate/branches/rcmet-2.1.1/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/ (added)
+++ incubator/climate/branches/rcmet-2.1.1/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/ Tue Aug 27 05:35:42 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+"""Prepare Datasets both model and observations for analysis using metrics"""
+import numpy as np
+import as ma
+import sys, os
+from storage import db, files
+import process
+from utils import misc
+import scipy.interpolate
+# TODO:  swap gridBox for Domain
+def prep_data(settings,obsSource,obsDatasetList,obsList,obsVarName,obsLonName,obsLatName,obsTimeName,obsTimestep,gridBox,modelList):
+    """
+    returns numOBSs,numMDLs,nT,ngrdY,ngrdX,Times,lons,lats,obsData,modelData,obsList
+        numOBSs - number of Observational Datasets.  Really need to look at using len(obsDatasetList) instead
+        numMDLs - number of Models used.  Again should use the len(modelList) instead
+        nT - Time value count after temporal regridding. Should use length of the time axis for a given dataset
+        ngrdY - size of the Y-Axis grid after spatial regridding
+        ngrdX - size of the X-Axis grid after spatial regridding
+        Times - list of python datetime objects the represent the list of time to be used in further calculations
+        lons - 
+        lats - 
+        obsData - 
+        modelData - 
+        obsList - 
+    # 5/28/2013: Add 'obsSource' to indicate the source of the reference data file(s)
+    """
+    # TODO:  Stop the object Deserialization and work on refactoring the core code here
+    cachedir = settings.cacheDir
+    workdir = settings.workDir
+    # Use list comprehensions to deconstruct obsDatasetList
+    #  ['TRMM_pr_mon', 'CRU3.1_pr']    Basically a list of Dataset NAME +'_' + parameter name - THE 'CRU*' one triggers unit conversion issues later
+    # the plan here is to use the obsDatasetList which contains a longName key we can use.
+    if obsSource == 0:              # reference data from RCMED
+        obsList = [str(x['longname']) for x in obsDatasetList]
+        # Also using the obsDatasetList with a key of ['dataset_id']
+        obsDatasetId = [str(x['dataset_id']) for x in obsDatasetList]
+        # obsDatasetList ['paramter_id'] list
+        obsParameterId = [str(x['parameter_id']) for x in obsDatasetList]
+        obsTimestep = [str(x['timestep']) for x in obsDatasetList]
+    elif obsSource == 1:              # reference data from users' disk
+        # in this case, obsList and obsTimestep have been defined in the calling routine and passed into this routine
+        pass
+    elif obsSource < 0:               # no reference data are involved
+        pass
+    mdlList = [model.filename for model in modelList]
+    # Since all of the model objects in the modelList have the same VarName and PrecipFlag, I am going to merely 
+    # pull this from modelList[0] for now
+    modelVarName = modelList[0].varName
+    precipFlag = modelList[0].precipFlag
+    modelTimeVarName = modelList[0].timeVariable
+    modelLatVarName = modelList[0].latVariable
+    modelLonVarName = modelList[0].lonVariable
+    regridOption = settings.spatialGrid
+    timeRegridOption = settings.temporalGrid
+    print 'model parameter names ',modelVarName,modelTimeVarName,modelLatVarName,modelLonVarName
+    """
+     Routine to read-in and re-grid both obs and mdl datasets.
+     Processes both single and multiple files of obs and mdl or combinations in a general way.
+           i)    retrieve observations from the database
+           ii)   load in model data
+           iii)  temporal regridding
+           iv)   spatial regridding
+           v)    area-averaging
+           Input:
+                   cachedir 	- string describing directory path
+                   workdir 	- string describing directory path
+                   obsList        - string describing the observation data files
+                   obsDatasetId 	- int, db dataset id
+                   obsParameterId	- int, db parameter id 
+                   latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax, dLat, dLon, naLats, naLons: define the evaluation/analysis domain/grid system
+    	         latMin		- float
+                   latMax		- float
+                   lonMin		- float
+                   lonMax		- float
+                   dLat  		- float
+                   dLon  		- float
+                   naLats		- integer
+                   naLons		- integer
+                   mdlList	- string describing model file name + path
+                   modelVarName	- string describing name of variable to evaluate (as written in model file)
+    	         precipFlag	- bool  (is this precipitation data? True/False)
+                   modelTimeVarName - string describing name of time variable in model file 	
+                   modelLatVarName  - string describing name of latitude variable in model file 
+                   modelLonVarName  - string describing name of longitude variable in model file 
+                   regridOption 	 - string: 'obs'|'model'|'user'
+                   timeRegridOption -string: 'full'|'annual'|'monthly'|'daily'
+                   maskOption - Boolean
+                   # TODO:  This isn't true in the current codebase.
+                   Instead the SubRegion's are being used.  You can see that these values are not
+                   being used in the code, at least they are not being passed in from the function
+                   maskLatMin - float (only used if maskOption=1)
+                   maskLatMax - float (only used if maskOption=1)
+    	         maskLonMin - float (only used if maskOption=1)
+                   maskLonMax - float (only used if maskOption=1)
+           Output: image files of plots + possibly data
+           Jinwon Kim, 7/11/2012
+    """
+    # check the number of obs & model data files
+    numOBSs = len(obsList)
+    numMDLs = len(mdlList)
+    # assign parameters that must be preserved throughout the process
+    print 'start & end time = ', settings.startDate, settings.endDate
+    yymm0 = settings.startDate.strftime("%Y%m")
+    yymm1 = settings.endDate.strftime("%Y%m")
+    print 'start & end eval period = ', yymm0, yymm1
+    #TODO: Wrap in try except blocks instead
+    # 2b expanded to encompass mdl-only or obs-only cases (post 2.1 item)
+    if numMDLs < 1: 
+        print 'No input model data file. EXIT'
+        sys.exit()
+    if numOBSs < 1: 
+        print 'No input observation data file. EXIT'
+        sys.exit()
+    ## Part 1: retrieve observation data from the database and regrid them
+    ##       NB. automatically uses local cache if already retrieved.
+    # preparation for spatial re-gridding: define the size of horizontal array of the target interpolation grid system (ngrdX and ngrdY)
+    print 'regridOption in prep_data= ', regridOption
+    if regridOption == 'model':
+        ifile = mdlList[0]
+        typeF = 'nc'
+        lats, lons, mTimes = files.read_lolaT_from_file(ifile, modelLatVarName, modelLonVarName, modelTimeVarName, typeF)
+        modelObject = modelList[0]
+        latMin = modelObject.latMin
+        latMax = modelObject.latMax
+        lonMin = modelObject.lonMin
+        lonMax = modelObject.lonMax
+    elif regridOption == 'user':
+        # Use the GridBox Object
+        latMin = gridBox.latMin
+        latMax = gridBox.latMax
+        lonMin = gridBox.lonMin
+        lonMax = gridBox.lonMax
+        naLats = gridBox.latCount
+        naLons = gridBox.lonCount
+        dLat = gridBox.latStep
+        dLon = gridBox.lonStep
+        lat = np.arange(naLats) * dLat + latMin
+        lon = np.arange(naLons) * dLon + lonMin
+        lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
+        lon = 0.
+        lat = 0.
+    else:
+        sys.exit()
+    ngrdY = lats.shape[0]
+    ngrdX = lats.shape[1]
+    # All user-provided reference data are to be in netCDF format
+    if obsSource == 1:
+        typeF = 'nc'
+    regObsData = []
+    print ''
+    regularGrid = raw_input('OBS data are on regular grids? [y/n] \n>')
+    for n in np.arange(numOBSs):
+        # read-in obs data and first do spatial regridding
+        if obsSource == 0:         # reference data from RCMED
+            oLats, oLons, _, oTimes, oData = db.extractData(obsDatasetId[n],
+                                                            obsParameterId[n],
+                                                            latMin, latMax,
+                                                            lonMin, lonMax,
+                                                            settings.startDate, settings.endDate,
+                                                            cachedir, obsTimestep[n])
+            # TODO: modify this if block with new metadata usage.
+            if precipFlag == True and obsList[n][0:3] == 'CRU':
+                oData = 86400.0 * oData
+        elif obsSource == 1:      # reference data from users' own file
+            ifile = obsDatasetList[n]
+            oLats, oLons, oTimes = files.read_lolaT_from_file(ifile, obsLatName, obsLonName, obsTimeName, typeF)
+            oTime, oData, ovUnit = files.read_data_from_one_file(ifile, obsVarName, obsTimeName, oLats, typeF)
+            if precipFlag & ((ovUnit=='KG M-2 S-1') or (ovUnit=='kg m-2 s-1') or (ovUnit == 'MM S-1') or (ovUnit == 'mm s-1')):
+                print 'convert model variable unit from mm/s to mm/day'
+                oData=86400.*oData
+            # extract the reference data for the specified period
+            obsT = []
+            oStp = len(oTimes)
+            for i in np.arange(oStp):
+                obsT.append(oTimes[i].strftime("%Y%m"))
+            wh = (np.array(obsT) >= yymm0) & (np.array(obsT) <= yymm1)
+            oTimes = list(np.array(oTimes)[wh])
+            oData = oData[wh,:,:]
+        nstOBSs = oData.shape[0]         # note that the length of obs data can vary for different obs intervals (e.g., daily vs. monthly)
+        print 'Regrid OBS dataset onto the ', regridOption, ' grid system: ngrdY, ngrdX, nstOBSs= ', ngrdY, ngrdX, nstOBSs
+        print 'For dataset: %s' % obsList[n]
+        tmpOBS = ma.zeros((nstOBSs, ngrdY, ngrdX))
+        print 'tmpOBS shape = ', tmpOBS.shape
+        if regularGrid == 'y':
+            for t in np.arange(nstOBSs):
+                tmpOBS[t, :, :] = process.do_regrid(oData[t, :, :], oLats, oLons, lats, lons)
+        else:
+            # new intetpolation scheme "scipy.interpolate.griddata" is used. note that masked values must be specified using "np.nan"
+            #     note that using "cubic" option causes problems in interpolation
+            for t in np.arange(nstOBSs):
+                inLats = oLats.flatten()
+                inLons = oLons.flatten()
+                length = len(inLats)
+                inPts = ma.zeros((length, 2))
+                inPts[:,0] = inLats
+                inPts[:,1] = inLons
+                inData = oData[t, :, :].flatten()
+                inData[inData < -999.] = np.nan
+                tmpOBS[t, :, :] = scipy.interpolate.griddata(inPts, inData, (lats, lons), method = 'linear')
+            inLats = 0.
+            inLons = 0.
+            inPts  = 0.
+            inData = 0.
+        print 'spatial regridding of the obs data ',n,' is completed'
+        # TODO:  Not sure this is needed with Python Garbage Collector
+        # The used memory should be freed when the objects are no longer referenced.  If this continues to be an issue we may need to look
+        # at using generators where possible.
+        oLats = 0.0
+        oLons = 0.0       # release the memory occupied by the temporary variables oLats and oLons.
+        # temporally regrid the spatially regridded obs data
+        oData, newObsTimes = process.calc_average_on_new_time_unit_K(tmpOBS, oTimes, unit=timeRegridOption)
+        tmpOBS = 0.0      # release temporary array after regridding
+        # check the consistency of temporally regridded obs data
+        if n == 0:
+            oldObsTimes = newObsTimes
+        else:
+            if oldObsTimes != newObsTimes:
+                print 'temporally regridded obs data time levels do not match at ', n - 1, n
+                print '%s Time through Loop' % (n + 1)
+                print 'oldObsTimes Count: %s' % len(oldObsTimes)
+                print 'newObsTimes Count: %s' % len(newObsTimes)
+                # TODO:  We need to handle these cases using Try Except Blocks or insert a sys.exit if appropriate
+                sys.exit()
+            else:
+                oldObsTimes = newObsTimes
+        # if everything's fine, append the spatially and temporally regridded data in the obs data array (obsData)
+        regObsData.append(oData)
+    """ all obs datasets have been read-in and regridded. convert the regridded obs data from 'list' to 'array'
+    also finalize 'obsTimes', the time coordinate values of the regridded obs data.
+    NOTE: using 'list_to_array' assigns values to the missing points; this has become a problem in handling the CRU data.
+          this problem disappears by using 'ma.array'."""
+    obsData = ma.array(regObsData)
+    obsTimes = newObsTimes
+    regObsData = 0
+    oldObsTimes = 0
+    nT = len(obsTimes)
+    # TODO:  Refactor this into a function within the toolkit module
+    # compute the simple multi-obs ensemble if multiple obs are used
+    if numOBSs > 1:
+        print 'numOBSs = ', numOBSs
+        oData = obsData
+        print 'oData shape = ', oData.shape
+        obsData = ma.zeros((numOBSs + 1, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX))
+        print 'obsData shape = ', obsData.shape
+        avg = ma.zeros((nT, ngrdY, ngrdX))
+        for i in np.arange(numOBSs):
+            obsData[i, :, :, :] = oData[i, :, :, :]
+            avg[:, :, :] = avg[:, :, :] + oData[i, :, :, :]
+        avg = avg / float(numOBSs)
+        obsData[numOBSs, :, :, :] = avg[:, :, :]     # store the obs-ensemble data
+        numOBSs = numOBSs + 1                        # update the number of obs data to include the obs ensemble
+        obsList.append('ensOBS')
+    print 'OBS regridded: ', obsData.shape
+    ## Part 2: load in and regrid model data from file(s)
+    ## NOTE: tthe wo parameters, numMDLs and numMOmx are defined to represent the number of models (w/ all 240 mos) &
+    ##       the total number of months, respectively, in later multi-model calculations.
+    typeF = 'nc'
+    regridMdlData = []
+    # extract the model names and store them in the list 'mdlList'
+    mdlName = []
+    mdlListReversed=[]
+    if len(mdlList) >1:
+       for element in mdlList:
+           mdlListReversed.append(element[::-1])
+       prefix=os.path.commonprefix(mdlList)
+       postfix=os.path.commonprefix(mdlListReversed)[::-1]
+       for element in mdlList:
+           mdlName.append(element.replace(prefix,'').replace(postfix,''))
+    else:
+        mdlName.append('model') 
+    print ''
+    regularGrid = raw_input('MDL data are on regular grids? [y/n] \n>')
+    for n in np.arange(numMDLs):
+        # read model grid info, then model data
+        ifile = mdlList[n]
+        print 'ifile= ', ifile
+        modelLats, modelLons, mTimes = files.read_lolaT_from_file(ifile, modelLatVarName, modelLonVarName, modelTimeVarName, typeF)
+        mTime, mdlDat, mvUnit = files.read_data_from_one_file(ifile, modelVarName, modelTimeVarName, modelLats, typeF)
+        mdlT = []
+        mStep = len(mTimes)
+        for i in np.arange(mStep):
+            mdlT.append(mTimes[i].strftime("%Y%m"))
+        wh = (np.array(mdlT) >= yymm0) & (np.array(mdlT) <= yymm1)
+        modelTimes = list(np.array(mTimes)[wh])
+        mData = mdlDat[wh, :, :]
+        # determine the dimension size from the model time and latitude data.
+        nT = len(modelTimes)
+        # nmdlY=modelLats.shape[0]
+        # nmdlX=modelLats.shape[1]
+        #print 'nT, ngrdY, ngrdX = ',nT,ngrdY, ngrdX,min(modelTimes),max(modelTimes)
+        print '  The shape of model data to be processed= ', mData.shape, ' for the period ', min(modelTimes), max(modelTimes)
+        # spatial regridding of the modl data
+        tmpMDL = ma.zeros((nT, ngrdY, ngrdX))
+        if regridOption != 'model':
+            if regularGrid == 'y':
+                for t in np.arange(nT):
+                    tmpMDL[t, :, :] = process.do_regrid(mData[t, :, :], modelLats, modelLons, lats, lons)
+            else:
+                # new intetpolation scheme "scipy.interpolate.griddata" is used. note that masked values must be specified using "np.nan"
+                #     note that using "cubic" option causes problems in interpolation
+                for t in np.arange(nstOBSs):
+                    inLats = modelLats.flatten()
+                    inLons = modelLons.flatten()
+                    length = len(inLats)
+                    inPts = ma.zeros((length, 2))
+                    inPts[:,0] = inLats
+                    inPts[:,1] = inLons
+                    inData = mData[t, :, :].flatten()
+                    inData[inData < -999.] = np.nan
+                    tmpMDL[t, :, :] = scipy.interpolate.griddata(inPts, inData, (lats, lons), method = 'linear')
+                inLats = 0.
+                inLons = 0.
+                inPts  = 0.
+                inData = 0.
+        else:
+            tmpMDL = mData
+        # temporally regrid the model data
+        mData, newMdlTimes = process.regrid_in_time(tmpMDL, modelTimes, unit=timeRegridOption)
+        tmpMDL = 0.0
+        # check data consistency for all models 
+        if n == 0:
+            oldMdlTimes = newMdlTimes
+        else:
+            if oldMdlTimes != newMdlTimes:
+                print 'temporally regridded mdl data time levels do not match at ', n - 1, n
+                print len(oldMdlTimes), len(newMdlTimes)
+                sys.exit()
+            else:
+                oldMdlTimes = newMdlTimes
+        # if everything's fine, append the spatially and temporally regridded data in the obs data array (obsData)
+        regridMdlData.append(mData)
+    modelData = ma.array(regridMdlData)
+    modelTimes = newMdlTimes
+    regridMdlData = 0
+    oldMdlTimes = 0
+    newMdlTimes = 0
+    if precipFlag & ((mvUnit=='KG M-2 S-1') or (mvUnit=='kg m-2 s-1') or (mvUnit == 'MM S-1') or (mvUnit == 'mm s-1')):
+        print 'convert model variable unit from mm/s to mm/day'
+        modelData = 86400.*modelData
+    # check consistency between the time levels of the model and obs data
+    #   this is the final update of time levels: 'Times' and 'nT'
+    if obsTimes != modelTimes:
+        print 'time levels of the obs and model data are not consistent. EXIT'
+        print 'obsTimes'
+        print obsTimes
+        print 'modelTimes'
+        print modelTimes
+        sys.exit()
+    #  'Times = modelTimes = obsTimes' has been established and modelTimes and obsTimes will not be used hereafter. (de-allocated)
+    Times = modelTimes
+    nT = len(modelTimes)
+    modelTimes = 0
+    obsTimes = 0
+    print 'Reading and regridding model data are completed'
+    print 'numMDLs, modelData.shape= ', numMDLs, modelData.shape
+    # TODO: Do we need to make this a user supplied flag, or do we just create an ensemble ALWAYS
+    # TODO: Add in Kyo's code here as well
+    # TODO:  Commented out until I can talk with Jinwon about this
+    # compute the simple multi-model ensemble if multiple models are evaluated
+    if numMDLs > 1:
+        mdlData=modelData
+        modelData=ma.zeros((numMDLs+1,nT,ngrdY,ngrdX))
+        avg=ma.zeros((nT,ngrdY,ngrdX))
+        for i in np.arange(numMDLs):
+            modelData[i,:,:,:]=mdlData[i,:,:,:]
+            avg[:,:,:]=avg[:,:,:]+mdlData[i,:,:,:]
+        avg=avg/float(numMDLs)
+        modelData[numMDLs,:,:,:]=avg[:,:,:]     # store the model-ensemble data
+        # i0mdl=0
+        # i1mdl=numMDLs
+        numMDLs=numMDLs+1
+        mdlName.append('ensMDL')
+        print 'Eval mdl-mean timeseries for the obs periods: modelData.shape= ',modelData.shape
+    # GOODALE:  This ensemble code should be refactored into module since it's purpose is data processing
+    # Processing complete
+    print 'data_prep is completed: both obs and mdl data are re-gridded to a common analysis grid'
+    return numOBSs, numMDLs, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX, Times, lons, lats, obsData, modelData, obsList, mdlName

Propchange: incubator/climate/branches/rcmet-2.1.1/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/
    svn:executable = *