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[50/57] [partial] incubator-corinthia git commit: first cleanup of sources not to be released
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 9204de5..cc9f5b1 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ endif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows")
diff --git a/Editor/src/3rdparty/showdown/license.txt b/Editor/src/3rdparty/showdown/license.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e9c8672..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/3rdparty/showdown/license.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2007, John Fraser  
-All rights reserved.
-Original Markdown copyright (c) 2004, John Gruber  
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-  documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-* Neither the name "Markdown" nor the names of its contributors may
-  be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-  without specific prior written permission.
-This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as
-is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited
-to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
-particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright owner
-or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special,
-exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to,
-procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or
-profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of
-liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
-negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this
-software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
diff --git a/Editor/src/3rdparty/showdown/showdown.js b/Editor/src/3rdparty/showdown/showdown.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 734dabb..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/3rdparty/showdown/showdown.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1302 +0,0 @@
-// showdown.js -- A javascript port of Markdown.
-// Copyright (c) 2007 John Fraser.
-// Original Markdown Copyright (c) 2004-2005 John Gruber
-//   <>
-// Redistributable under a BSD-style open source license.
-// See license.txt for more information.
-// The full source distribution is at:
-//				A A L
-//				T C A
-//				T K B
-//   <>
-// Wherever possible, Showdown is a straight, line-by-line port
-// of the Perl version of Markdown.
-// This is not a normal parser design; it's basically just a
-// series of string substitutions.  It's hard to read and
-// maintain this way,  but keeping Showdown close to the original
-// design makes it easier to port new features.
-// More importantly, Showdown behaves like in most
-// edge cases.  So web applications can do client-side preview
-// in Javascript, and then build identical HTML on the server.
-// This port needs the new RegExp functionality of ECMA 262,
-// 3rd Edition (i.e. Javascript 1.5).  Most modern web browsers
-// should do fine.  Even with the new regular expression features,
-// We do a lot of work to emulate Perl's regex functionality.
-// The tricky changes in this file mostly have the "attacklab:"
-// label.  Major or self-explanatory changes don't.
-// Smart diff tools like Araxis Merge will be able to match up
-// this file with in a useful way.  A little tweaking
-// helps: in a copy of, replace "#" with "//" and
-// replace "$text" with "text".  Be sure to ignore whitespace
-// and line endings.
-// Showdown usage:
-//   var text = "Markdown *rocks*.";
-//   var converter = new Showdown.converter();
-//   var html = converter.makeHtml(text);
-//   alert(html);
-// Note: move the sample code to the bottom of this
-// file before uncommenting it.
-// Showdown namespace
-var Showdown = {};
-// converter
-// Wraps all "globals" so that the only thing
-// exposed is makeHtml().
-Showdown.converter = function() {
-// Globals:
-// Global hashes, used by various utility routines
-var g_urls;
-var g_titles;
-var g_html_blocks;
-// Used to track when we're inside an ordered or unordered list
-// (see _ProcessListItems() for details):
-var g_list_level = 0;
-this.makeHtml = function(text) {
-// Main function. The order in which other subs are called here is
-// essential. Link and image substitutions need to happen before
-// _EscapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes(), so that any *'s or _'s in the <a>
-// and <img> tags get encoded.
-	// Clear the global hashes. If we don't clear these, you get conflicts
-	// from other articles when generating a page which contains more than
-	// one article (e.g. an index page that shows the N most recent
-	// articles):
-	g_urls = new Array();
-	g_titles = new Array();
-	g_html_blocks = new Array();
-	// attacklab: Replace ~ with ~T
-	// This lets us use tilde as an escape char to avoid md5 hashes
-	// The choice of character is arbitray; anything that isn't
-    // magic in Markdown will work.
-	text = text.replace(/~/g,"~T");
-	// attacklab: Replace $ with ~D
-	// RegExp interprets $ as a special character
-	// when it's in a replacement string
-	text = text.replace(/\$/g,"~D");
-	// Standardize line endings
-	text = text.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n"); // DOS to Unix
-	text = text.replace(/\r/g,"\n"); // Mac to Unix
-	// Make sure text begins and ends with a couple of newlines:
-	text = "\n\n" + text + "\n\n";
-	// Convert all tabs to spaces.
-	text = _Detab(text);
-	// Strip any lines consisting only of spaces and tabs.
-	// This makes subsequent regexen easier to write, because we can
-	// match consecutive blank lines with /\n+/ instead of something
-	// contorted like /[ \t]*\n+/ .
-	text = text.replace(/^[ \t]+$/mg,"");
-	// Turn block-level HTML blocks into hash entries
-	text = _HashHTMLBlocks(text);
-	// Strip link definitions, store in hashes.
-	text = _StripLinkDefinitions(text);
-	text = _RunBlockGamut(text);
-	text = _UnescapeSpecialChars(text);
-	// attacklab: Restore dollar signs
-	text = text.replace(/~D/g,"$$");
-	// attacklab: Restore tildes
-	text = text.replace(/~T/g,"~");
-	return text;
-var _StripLinkDefinitions = function(text) {
-// Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in
-// hash references.
-	// Link defs are in the form: ^[id]: url "optional title"
-	/*
-		var text = text.replace(/
-				^[ ]{0,3}\[(.+)\]:  // id = $1  attacklab: g_tab_width - 1
-				  [ \t]*
-				  \n?				// maybe *one* newline
-				  [ \t]*
-				<?(\S+?)>?			// url = $2
-				  [ \t]*
-				  \n?				// maybe one newline
-				  [ \t]*
-				(?:
-				  (\n*)				// any lines skipped = $3 attacklab: lookbehind removed
-				  ["(]
-				  (.+?)				// title = $4
-				  [")]
-				  [ \t]*
-				)?					// title is optional
-				(?:\n+|$)
-			  /gm,
-			  function(){...});
-	*/
-	var text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}\[(.+)\]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*<?(\S+?)>?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["(](.+?)[")][ \t]*)?(?:\n+|\Z)/gm,
-		function (wholeMatch,m1,m2,m3,m4) {
-			m1 = m1.toLowerCase();
-			g_urls[m1] = _EncodeAmpsAndAngles(m2);  // Link IDs are case-insensitive
-			if (m3) {
-				// Oops, found blank lines, so it's not a title.
-				// Put back the parenthetical statement we stole.
-				return m3+m4;
-			} else if (m4) {
-				g_titles[m1] = m4.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
-			}
-			// Completely remove the definition from the text
-			return "";
-		}
-	);
-	return text;
-var _HashHTMLBlocks = function(text) {
-	// attacklab: Double up blank lines to reduce lookaround
-	text = text.replace(/\n/g,"\n\n");
-	// Hashify HTML blocks:
-	// We only want to do this for block-level HTML tags, such as headers,
-	// lists, and tables. That's because we still want to wrap <p>s around
-	// "paragraphs" that are wrapped in non-block-level tags, such as anchors,
-	// phrase emphasis, and spans. The list of tags we're looking for is
-	// hard-coded:
-	var block_tags_a = "p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|ins|del"
-	var block_tags_b = "p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math"
-	// First, look for nested blocks, e.g.:
-	//   <div>
-	//     <div>
-	//     tags for inner block must be indented.
-	//     </div>
-	//   </div>
-	//
-	// The outermost tags must start at the left margin for this to match, and
-	// the inner nested divs must be indented.
-	// We need to do this before the next, more liberal match, because the next
-	// match will start at the first `<div>` and stop at the first `</div>`.
-	// attacklab: This regex can be expensive when it fails.
-	/*
-		var text = text.replace(/
-		(						// save in $1
-			^					// start of line  (with /m)
-			<($block_tags_a)	// start tag = $2
-			\b					// word break
-								// attacklab: hack around khtml/pcre bug...
-			[^\r]*?\n			// any number of lines, minimally matching
-			</\2>				// the matching end tag
-			[ \t]*				// trailing spaces/tabs
-			(?=\n+)				// followed by a newline
-		)						// attacklab: there are sentinel newlines at end of document
-		/gm,function(){...}};
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/^(<(p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|ins|del)\b[^\r]*?\n<\/\2>[ \t]*(?=\n+))/gm,hashElement);
-	//
-	// Now match more liberally, simply from `\n<tag>` to `</tag>\n`
-	//
-	/*
-		var text = text.replace(/
-		(						// save in $1
-			^					// start of line  (with /m)
-			<($block_tags_b)	// start tag = $2
-			\b					// word break
-								// attacklab: hack around khtml/pcre bug...
-			[^\r]*?				// any number of lines, minimally matching
-			.*</\2>				// the matching end tag
-			[ \t]*				// trailing spaces/tabs
-			(?=\n+)				// followed by a newline
-		)						// attacklab: there are sentinel newlines at end of document
-		/gm,function(){...}};
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/^(<(p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math)\b[^\r]*?.*<\/\2>[ \t]*(?=\n+)\n)/gm,hashElement);
-	// Special case just for <hr />. It was easier to make a special case than
-	// to make the other regex more complicated.  
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-		(						// save in $1
-			\n\n				// Starting after a blank line
-			[ ]{0,3}
-			(<(hr)				// start tag = $2
-			\b					// word break
-			([^<>])*?			// 
-			\/?>)				// the matching end tag
-			[ \t]*
-			(?=\n{2,})			// followed by a blank line
-		)
-		/g,hashElement);
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(\n[ ]{0,3}(<(hr)\b([^<>])*?\/?>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g,hashElement);
-	// Special case for standalone HTML comments:
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-		(						// save in $1
-			\n\n				// Starting after a blank line
-			[ ]{0,3}			// attacklab: g_tab_width - 1
-			<!
-			(--[^\r]*?--\s*)+
-			>
-			[ \t]*
-			(?=\n{2,})			// followed by a blank line
-		)
-		/g,hashElement);
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(\n\n[ ]{0,3}<!(--[^\r]*?--\s*)+>[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g,hashElement);
-	// PHP and ASP-style processor instructions (<?...?> and <%...%>)
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-		(?:
-			\n\n				// Starting after a blank line
-		)
-		(						// save in $1
-			[ ]{0,3}			// attacklab: g_tab_width - 1
-			(?:
-				<([?%])			// $2
-				[^\r]*?
-				\2>
-			)
-			[ \t]*
-			(?=\n{2,})			// followed by a blank line
-		)
-		/g,hashElement);
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(?:\n\n)([ ]{0,3}(?:<([?%])[^\r]*?\2>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g,hashElement);
-	// attacklab: Undo double lines (see comment at top of this function)
-	text = text.replace(/\n\n/g,"\n");
-	return text;
-var hashElement = function(wholeMatch,m1) {
-	var blockText = m1;
-	// Undo double lines
-	blockText = blockText.replace(/\n\n/g,"\n");
-	blockText = blockText.replace(/^\n/,"");
-	// strip trailing blank lines
-	blockText = blockText.replace(/\n+$/g,"");
-	// Replace the element text with a marker ("~KxK" where x is its key)
-	blockText = "\n\n~K" + (g_html_blocks.push(blockText)-1) + "K\n\n";
-	return blockText;
-var _RunBlockGamut = function(text) {
-// These are all the transformations that form block-level
-// tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items.
-	text = _DoHeaders(text);
-	// Do Horizontal Rules:
-	var key = hashBlock("<hr />");
-	text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,2}([ ]?\*[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$/gm,key);
-	text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,2}([ ]?\-[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$/gm,key);
-	text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,2}([ ]?\_[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$/gm,key);
-	text = _DoLists(text);
-	text = _DoCodeBlocks(text);
-	text = _DoBlockQuotes(text);
-	// We already ran _HashHTMLBlocks() before, in Markdown(), but that
-	// was to escape raw HTML in the original Markdown source. This time,
-	// we're escaping the markup we've just created, so that we don't wrap
-	// <p> tags around block-level tags.
-	text = _HashHTMLBlocks(text);
-	text = _FormParagraphs(text);
-	return text;
-var _RunSpanGamut = function(text) {
-// These are all the transformations that occur *within* block-level
-// tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items.
-	text = _DoCodeSpans(text);
-	text = _EscapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes(text);
-	text = _EncodeBackslashEscapes(text);
-	// Process anchor and image tags. Images must come first,
-	// because ![foo][f] looks like an anchor.
-	text = _DoImages(text);
-	text = _DoAnchors(text);
-	// Make links out of things like `<>`
-	// Must come after _DoAnchors(), because you can use < and >
-	// delimiters in inline links like [this](<url>).
-	text = _DoAutoLinks(text);
-	text = _EncodeAmpsAndAngles(text);
-	text = _DoItalicsAndBold(text);
-	// Do hard breaks:
-	text = text.replace(/  +\n/g," <br />\n");
-	return text;
-var _EscapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes = function(text) {
-// Within tags -- meaning between < and > -- encode [\ ` * _] so they
-// don't conflict with their use in Markdown for code, italics and strong.
-	// Build a regex to find HTML tags and comments.  See Friedl's 
-	// "Mastering Regular Expressions", 2nd Ed., pp. 200-201.
-	var regex = /(<[a-z\/!$]("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>|<!(--.*?--\s*)+>)/gi;
-	text = text.replace(regex, function(wholeMatch) {
-		var tag = wholeMatch.replace(/(.)<\/?code>(?=.)/g,"$1`");
-		tag = escapeCharacters(tag,"\\`*_");
-		return tag;
-	});
-	return text;
-var _DoAnchors = function(text) {
-// Turn Markdown link shortcuts into XHTML <a> tags.
-	//
-	// First, handle reference-style links: [link text] [id]
-	//
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-		(							// wrap whole match in $1
-			\[
-			(
-				(?:
-					\[[^\]]*\]		// allow brackets nested one level
-					|
-					[^\[]			// or anything else
-				)*
-			)
-			\]
-			[ ]?					// one optional space
-			(?:\n[ ]*)?				// one optional newline followed by spaces
-			\[
-			(.*?)					// id = $3
-			\]
-		)()()()()					// pad remaining backreferences
-		/g,_DoAnchors_callback);
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(\[((?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[(.*?)\])()()()()/g,writeAnchorTag);
-	//
-	// Next, inline-style links: [link text](url "optional title")
-	//
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-			(						// wrap whole match in $1
-				\[
-				(
-					(?:
-						\[[^\]]*\]	// allow brackets nested one level
-					|
-					[^\[\]]			// or anything else
-				)
-			)
-			\]
-			\(						// literal paren
-			[ \t]*
-			()						// no id, so leave $3 empty
-			<?(.*?)>?				// href = $4
-			[ \t]*
-			(						// $5
-				(['"])				// quote char = $6
-				(.*?)				// Title = $7
-				\6					// matching quote
-				[ \t]*				// ignore any spaces/tabs between closing quote and )
-			)?						// title is optional
-			\)
-		)
-		/g,writeAnchorTag);
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(\[((?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*)\]\([ \t]*()<?(.*?)>?[ \t]*((['"])(.*?)\6[ \t]*)?\))/g,writeAnchorTag);
-	//
-	// Last, handle reference-style shortcuts: [link text]
-	// These must come last in case you've also got [link test][1]
-	// or [link test](/foo)
-	//
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-		(		 					// wrap whole match in $1
-			\[
-			([^\[\]]+)				// link text = $2; can't contain '[' or ']'
-			\]
-		)()()()()()					// pad rest of backreferences
-		/g, writeAnchorTag);
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(\[([^\[\]]+)\])()()()()()/g, writeAnchorTag);
-	return text;
-var writeAnchorTag = function(wholeMatch,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7) {
-	if (m7 == undefined) m7 = "";
-	var whole_match = m1;
-	var link_text   = m2;
-	var link_id	 = m3.toLowerCase();
-	var url		= m4;
-	var title	= m7;
-	if (url == "") {
-		if (link_id == "") {
-			// lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces
-			link_id = link_text.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g," ");
-		}
-		url = "#"+link_id;
-		if (g_urls[link_id] != undefined) {
-			url = g_urls[link_id];
-			if (g_titles[link_id] != undefined) {
-				title = g_titles[link_id];
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			if (\(\s*\)$/m)>-1) {
-				// Special case for explicit empty url
-				url = "";
-			} else {
-				return whole_match;
-			}
-		}
-	}	
-	url = escapeCharacters(url,"*_");
-	var result = "<a href=\"" + url + "\"";
-	if (title != "") {
-		title = title.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
-		title = escapeCharacters(title,"*_");
-		result +=  " title=\"" + title + "\"";
-	}
-	result += ">" + link_text + "</a>";
-	return result;
-var _DoImages = function(text) {
-// Turn Markdown image shortcuts into <img> tags.
-	//
-	// First, handle reference-style labeled images: ![alt text][id]
-	//
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-		(						// wrap whole match in $1
-			!\[
-			(.*?)				// alt text = $2
-			\]
-			[ ]?				// one optional space
-			(?:\n[ ]*)?			// one optional newline followed by spaces
-			\[
-			(.*?)				// id = $3
-			\]
-		)()()()()				// pad rest of backreferences
-		/g,writeImageTag);
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(!\[(.*?)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[(.*?)\])()()()()/g,writeImageTag);
-	//
-	// Next, handle inline images:  ![alt text](url "optional title")
-	// Don't forget: encode * and _
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-		(						// wrap whole match in $1
-			!\[
-			(.*?)				// alt text = $2
-			\]
-			\s?					// One optional whitespace character
-			\(					// literal paren
-			[ \t]*
-			()					// no id, so leave $3 empty
-			<?(\S+?)>?			// src url = $4
-			[ \t]*
-			(					// $5
-				(['"])			// quote char = $6
-				(.*?)			// title = $7
-				\6				// matching quote
-				[ \t]*
-			)?					// title is optional
-		\)
-		)
-		/g,writeImageTag);
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(!\[(.*?)\]\s?\([ \t]*()<?(\S+?)>?[ \t]*((['"])(.*?)\6[ \t]*)?\))/g,writeImageTag);
-	return text;
-var writeImageTag = function(wholeMatch,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7) {
-	var whole_match = m1;
-	var alt_text   = m2;
-	var link_id	 = m3.toLowerCase();
-	var url		= m4;
-	var title	= m7;
-	if (!title) title = "";
-	if (url == "") {
-		if (link_id == "") {
-			// lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces
-			link_id = alt_text.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g," ");
-		}
-		url = "#"+link_id;
-		if (g_urls[link_id] != undefined) {
-			url = g_urls[link_id];
-			if (g_titles[link_id] != undefined) {
-				title = g_titles[link_id];
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			return whole_match;
-		}
-	}	
-	alt_text = alt_text.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
-	url = escapeCharacters(url,"*_");
-	var result = "<img src=\"" + url + "\" alt=\"" + alt_text + "\"";
-	// attacklab: adds empty title attributes to images.
-	// Replicate this bug.
-	//if (title != "") {
-		title = title.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
-		title = escapeCharacters(title,"*_");
-		result +=  " title=\"" + title + "\"";
-	//}
-	result += " />";
-	return result;
-var _DoHeaders = function(text) {
-	// Setext-style headers:
-	//	Header 1
-	//	========
-	//  
-	//	Header 2
-	//	--------
-	//
-	text = text.replace(/^(.+)[ \t]*\n=+[ \t]*\n+/gm,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1){return hashBlock('<h1 id="' + headerId(m1) + '">' + _RunSpanGamut(m1) + "</h1>");});
-	text = text.replace(/^(.+)[ \t]*\n-+[ \t]*\n+/gm,
-		function(matchFound,m1){return hashBlock('<h2 id="' + headerId(m1) + '">' + _RunSpanGamut(m1) + "</h2>");});
-	// atx-style headers:
-	//  # Header 1
-	//  ## Header 2
-	//  ## Header 2 with closing hashes ##
-	//  ...
-	//  ###### Header 6
-	//
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-			^(\#{1,6})				// $1 = string of #'s
-			[ \t]*
-			(.+?)					// $2 = Header text
-			[ \t]*
-			\#*						// optional closing #'s (not counted)
-			\n+
-		/gm, function() {...});
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/^(\#{1,6})[ \t]*(.+?)[ \t]*\#*\n+/gm,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1,m2) {
-			var h_level = m1.length;
-			return hashBlock("<h" + h_level + ' id="' + headerId(m2) + '">' + _RunSpanGamut(m2) + "</h" + h_level + ">");
-		});
-	function headerId(m) {
-		return m.replace(/[^\w]/g, '').toLowerCase();
-	}
-	return text;
-// This declaration keeps Dojo compressor from outputting garbage:
-var _ProcessListItems;
-var _DoLists = function(text) {
-// Form HTML ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists.
-	// attacklab: add sentinel to hack around khtml/safari bug:
-	//
-	text += "~0";
-	// Re-usable pattern to match any entirel ul or ol list:
-	/*
-		var whole_list = /
-		(									// $1 = whole list
-			(								// $2
-				[ ]{0,3}					// attacklab: g_tab_width - 1
-				([*+-]|\d+[.])				// $3 = first list item marker
-				[ \t]+
-			)
-			[^\r]+?
-			(								// $4
-				~0							// sentinel for workaround; should be $
-			|
-				\n{2,}
-				(?=\S)
-				(?!							// Negative lookahead for another list item marker
-					[ \t]*
-					(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+
-				)
-			)
-		)/g
-	*/
-	var whole_list = /^(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(~0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm;
-	if (g_list_level) {
-		text = text.replace(whole_list,function(wholeMatch,m1,m2) {
-			var list = m1;
-			var list_type = ([*+-]/g)>-1) ? "ul" : "ol";
-			// Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
-			// paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
-			list = list.replace(/\n{2,}/g,"\n\n\n");;
-			var result = _ProcessListItems(list);
-			// Trim any trailing whitespace, to put the closing `</$list_type>`
-			// up on the preceding line, to get it past the current stupid
-			// HTML block parser. This is a hack to work around the terrible
-			// hack that is the HTML block parser.
-			result = result.replace(/\s+$/,"");
-			result = "<"+list_type+">" + result + "</"+list_type+">\n";
-			return result;
-		});
-	} else {
-		whole_list = /(\n\n|^\n?)(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(~0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/g;
-		text = text.replace(whole_list,function(wholeMatch,m1,m2,m3) {
-			var runup = m1;
-			var list = m2;
-			var list_type = ([*+-]/g)>-1) ? "ul" : "ol";
-			// Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
-			// paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
-			var list = list.replace(/\n{2,}/g,"\n\n\n");;
-			var result = _ProcessListItems(list);
-			result = runup + "<"+list_type+">\n" + result + "</"+list_type+">\n";	
-			return result;
-		});
-	}
-	// attacklab: strip sentinel
-	text = text.replace(/~0/,"");
-	return text;
-_ProcessListItems = function(list_str) {
-//  Process the contents of a single ordered or unordered list, splitting it
-//  into individual list items.
-	// The $g_list_level global keeps track of when we're inside a list.
-	// Each time we enter a list, we increment it; when we leave a list,
-	// we decrement. If it's zero, we're not in a list anymore.
-	//
-	// We do this because when we're not inside a list, we want to treat
-	// something like this:
-	//
-	//    I recommend upgrading to version
-	//    8. Oops, now this line is treated
-	//    as a sub-list.
-	//
-	// As a single paragraph, despite the fact that the second line starts
-	// with a digit-period-space sequence.
-	//
-	// Whereas when we're inside a list (or sub-list), that line will be
-	// treated as the start of a sub-list. What a kludge, huh? This is
-	// an aspect of Markdown's syntax that's hard to parse perfectly
-	// without resorting to mind-reading. Perhaps the solution is to
-	// change the syntax rules such that sub-lists must start with a
-	// starting cardinal number; e.g. "1." or "a.".
-	g_list_level++;
-	// trim trailing blank lines:
-	list_str = list_str.replace(/\n{2,}$/,"\n");
-	// attacklab: add sentinel to emulate \z
-	list_str += "~0";
-	/*
-		list_str = list_str.replace(/
-			(\n)?							// leading line = $1
-			(^[ \t]*)						// leading whitespace = $2
-			([*+-]|\d+[.]) [ \t]+			// list marker = $3
-			([^\r]+?						// list item text   = $4
-			(\n{1,2}))
-			(?= \n* (~0 | \2 ([*+-]|\d+[.]) [ \t]+))
-		/gm, function(){...});
-	*/
-	list_str = list_str.replace(/(\n)?(^[ \t]*)([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+([^\r]+?(\n{1,2}))(?=\n*(~0|\2([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+))/gm,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1,m2,m3,m4){
-			var item = m4;
-			var leading_line = m1;
-			var leading_space = m2;
-			if (leading_line || (\n{2,}/)>-1)) {
-				item = _RunBlockGamut(_Outdent(item));
-			}
-			else {
-				// Recursion for sub-lists:
-				item = _DoLists(_Outdent(item));
-				item = item.replace(/\n$/,""); // chomp(item)
-				item = _RunSpanGamut(item);
-			}
-			return  "<li>" + item + "</li>\n";
-		}
-	);
-	// attacklab: strip sentinel
-	list_str = list_str.replace(/~0/g,"");
-	g_list_level--;
-	return list_str;
-var _DoCodeBlocks = function(text) {
-//  Process Markdown `<pre><code>` blocks.
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(text,
-			/(?:\n\n|^)
-			(								// $1 = the code block -- one or more lines, starting with a space/tab
-				(?:
-					(?:[ ]{4}|\t)			// Lines must start with a tab or a tab-width of spaces - attacklab: g_tab_width
-					.*\n+
-				)+
-			)
-			(\n*[ ]{0,3}[^ \t\n]|(?=~0))	// attacklab: g_tab_width
-		/g,function(){...});
-	*/
-	// attacklab: sentinel workarounds for lack of \A and \Z, safari\khtml bug
-	text += "~0";
-	text = text.replace(/(?:\n\n|^)((?:(?:[ ]{4}|\t).*\n+)+)(\n*[ ]{0,3}[^ \t\n]|(?=~0))/g,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1,m2) {
-			var codeblock = m1;
-			var nextChar = m2;
-			codeblock = _EncodeCode( _Outdent(codeblock));
-			codeblock = _Detab(codeblock);
-			codeblock = codeblock.replace(/^\n+/g,""); // trim leading newlines
-			codeblock = codeblock.replace(/\n+$/g,""); // trim trailing whitespace
-			codeblock = "<pre><code>" + codeblock + "\n</code></pre>";
-			return hashBlock(codeblock) + nextChar;
-		}
-	);
-	// attacklab: strip sentinel
-	text = text.replace(/~0/,"");
-	return text;
-var hashBlock = function(text) {
-	text = text.replace(/(^\n+|\n+$)/g,"");
-	return "\n\n~K" + (g_html_blocks.push(text)-1) + "K\n\n";
-var _DoCodeSpans = function(text) {
-//   *  Backtick quotes are used for <code></code> spans.
-//   *  You can use multiple backticks as the delimiters if you want to
-//	 include literal backticks in the code span. So, this input:
-//		 Just type ``foo `bar` baz`` at the prompt.
-//	   Will translate to:
-//		 <p>Just type <code>foo `bar` baz</code> at the prompt.</p>
-//	There's no arbitrary limit to the number of backticks you
-//	can use as delimters. If you need three consecutive backticks
-//	in your code, use four for delimiters, etc.
-//  *  You can use spaces to get literal backticks at the edges:
-//		 ... type `` `bar` `` ...
-//	   Turns to:
-//		 ... type <code>`bar`</code> ...
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-			(^|[^\\])					// Character before opening ` can't be a backslash
-			(`+)						// $2 = Opening run of `
-			(							// $3 = The code block
-				[^\r]*?
-				[^`]					// attacklab: work around lack of lookbehind
-			)
-			\2							// Matching closer
-			(?!`)
-		/gm, function(){...});
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/(^|[^\\])(`+)([^\r]*?[^`])\2(?!`)/gm,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1,m2,m3,m4) {
-			var c = m3;
-			c = c.replace(/^([ \t]*)/g,"");	// leading whitespace
-			c = c.replace(/[ \t]*$/g,"");	// trailing whitespace
-			c = _EncodeCode(c);
-			return m1+"<code>"+c+"</code>";
-		});
-	return text;
-var _EncodeCode = function(text) {
-// Encode/escape certain characters inside Markdown code runs.
-// The point is that in code, these characters are literals,
-// and lose their special Markdown meanings.
-	// Encode all ampersands; HTML entities are not
-	// entities within a Markdown code span.
-	text = text.replace(/&/g,"&amp;");
-	// Do the angle bracket song and dance:
-	text = text.replace(/</g,"&lt;");
-	text = text.replace(/>/g,"&gt;");
-	// Now, escape characters that are magic in Markdown:
-	text = escapeCharacters(text,"\*_{}[]\\",false);
-// jj the line above breaks this:
-//* Item
-//   1. Subitem
-//            special char: *
-	return text;
-var _DoItalicsAndBold = function(text) {
-	// <strong> must go first:
-	text = text.replace(/(\*\*|__)(?=\S)([^\r]*?\S[*_]*)\1/g,
-		"<strong>$2</strong>");
-	text = text.replace(/(\*|_)(?=\S)([^\r]*?\S)\1/g,
-		"<em>$2</em>");
-	return text;
-var _DoBlockQuotes = function(text) {
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-		(								// Wrap whole match in $1
-			(
-				^[ \t]*>[ \t]?			// '>' at the start of a line
-				.+\n					// rest of the first line
-				(.+\n)*					// subsequent consecutive lines
-				\n*						// blanks
-			)+
-		)
-		/gm, function(){...});
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/((^[ \t]*>[ \t]?.+\n(.+\n)*\n*)+)/gm,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1) {
-			var bq = m1;
-			// attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug:
-			// "----------bug".replace(/^-/g,"") == "bug"
-			bq = bq.replace(/^[ \t]*>[ \t]?/gm,"~0");	// trim one level of quoting
-			// attacklab: clean up hack
-			bq = bq.replace(/~0/g,"");
-			bq = bq.replace(/^[ \t]+$/gm,"");		// trim whitespace-only lines
-			bq = _RunBlockGamut(bq);				// recurse
-			bq = bq.replace(/(^|\n)/g,"$1  ");
-			// These leading spaces screw with <pre> content, so we need to fix that:
-			bq = bq.replace(
-					/(\s*<pre>[^\r]+?<\/pre>)/gm,
-				function(wholeMatch,m1) {
-					var pre = m1;
-					// attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug:
-					pre = pre.replace(/^  /mg,"~0");
-					pre = pre.replace(/~0/g,"");
-					return pre;
-				});
-			return hashBlock("<blockquote>\n" + bq + "\n</blockquote>");
-		});
-	return text;
-var _FormParagraphs = function(text) {
-//  Params:
-//    $text - string to process with html <p> tags
-	// Strip leading and trailing lines:
-	text = text.replace(/^\n+/g,"");
-	text = text.replace(/\n+$/g,"");
-	var grafs = text.split(/\n{2,}/g);
-	var grafsOut = new Array();
-	//
-	// Wrap <p> tags.
-	//
-	var end = grafs.length;
-	for (var i=0; i<end; i++) {
-		var str = grafs[i];
-		// if this is an HTML marker, copy it
-		if (\d+)K/g) >= 0) {
-			grafsOut.push(str);
-		}
-		else if (\S/) >= 0) {
-			str = _RunSpanGamut(str);
-			str = str.replace(/^([ \t]*)/g,"<p>");
-			str += "</p>"
-			grafsOut.push(str);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// Unhashify HTML blocks
-	//
-	end = grafsOut.length;
-	for (var i=0; i<end; i++) {
-		// if this is a marker for an html block...
-		while (grafsOut[i].search(/~K(\d+)K/) >= 0) {
-			var blockText = g_html_blocks[RegExp.$1];
-			blockText = blockText.replace(/\$/g,"$$$$"); // Escape any dollar signs
-			grafsOut[i] = grafsOut[i].replace(/~K\d+K/,blockText);
-		}
-	}
-	return grafsOut.join("\n\n");
-var _EncodeAmpsAndAngles = function(text) {
-// Smart processing for ampersands and angle brackets that need to be encoded.
-	// Ampersand-encoding based entirely on Nat Irons's Amputator MT plugin:
-	//
-	text = text.replace(/&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w+);)/g,"&amp;");
-	// Encode naked <'s
-	text = text.replace(/<(?![a-z\/?\$!])/gi,"&lt;");
-	return text;
-var _EncodeBackslashEscapes = function(text) {
-//   Parameter:  String.
-//   Returns:	The string, with after processing the following backslash
-//			   escape sequences.
-	// attacklab: The polite way to do this is with the new
-	// escapeCharacters() function:
-	//
-	// 	text = escapeCharacters(text,"\\",true);
-	// 	text = escapeCharacters(text,"`*_{}[]()>#+-.!",true);
-	//
-	// ...but we're sidestepping its use of the (slow) RegExp constructor
-	// as an optimization for Firefox.  This function gets called a LOT.
-	text = text.replace(/\\(\\)/g,escapeCharacters_callback);
-	text = text.replace(/\\([`*_{}\[\]()>#+-.!])/g,escapeCharacters_callback);
-	return text;
-var _DoAutoLinks = function(text) {
-	text = text.replace(/<((https?|ftp|dict):[^'">\s]+)>/gi,"<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>");
-	// Email addresses: <>
-	/*
-		text = text.replace(/
-			<
-			(?:mailto:)?
-			(
-				[-.\w]+
-				\@
-				[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+
-			)
-			>
-		/gi, _DoAutoLinks_callback());
-	*/
-	text = text.replace(/<(?:mailto:)?([-.\w]+\@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)>/gi,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1) {
-			return _EncodeEmailAddress( _UnescapeSpecialChars(m1) );
-		}
-	);
-	return text;
-var _EncodeEmailAddress = function(addr) {
-//  Input: an email address, e.g. ""
-//  Output: the email address as a mailto link, with each character
-//	of the address encoded as either a decimal or hex entity, in
-//	the hopes of foiling most address harvesting spam bots. E.g.:
-//	<a href="&#x6D;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#x74;&#111;:&#102;&#111;&#111;&#64;&#101;
-//	   x&#x61;&#109;&#x70;&#108;&#x65;&#x2E;&#99;&#111;&#109;">&#102;&#111;&#111;
-//	   &#64;&#101;x&#x61;&#109;&#x70;&#108;&#x65;&#x2E;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a>
-//  Based on a filter by Matthew Wickline, posted to the BBEdit-Talk
-//  mailing list: <>
-	// attacklab: why can't javascript speak hex?
-	function char2hex(ch) {
-		var hexDigits = '0123456789ABCDEF';
-		var dec = ch.charCodeAt(0);
-		return(hexDigits.charAt(dec>>4) + hexDigits.charAt(dec&15));
-	}
-	var encode = [
-		function(ch){return "&#"+ch.charCodeAt(0)+";";},
-		function(ch){return "&#x"+char2hex(ch)+";";},
-		function(ch){return ch;}
-	];
-	addr = "mailto:" + addr;
-	addr = addr.replace(/./g, function(ch) {
-		if (ch == "@") {
-		   	// this *must* be encoded. I insist.
-			ch = encode[Math.floor(Math.random()*2)](ch);
-		} else if (ch !=":") {
-			// leave ':' alone (to spot mailto: later)
-			var r = Math.random();
-			// roughly 10% raw, 45% hex, 45% dec
-			ch =  (
-					r > .9  ?	encode[2](ch)   :
-					r > .45 ?	encode[1](ch)   :
-								encode[0](ch)
-				);
-		}
-		return ch;
-	});
-	addr = "<a href=\"" + addr + "\">" + addr + "</a>";
-	addr = addr.replace(/">.+:/g,"\">"); // strip the mailto: from the visible part
-	return addr;
-var _UnescapeSpecialChars = function(text) {
-// Swap back in all the special characters we've hidden.
-	text = text.replace(/~E(\d+)E/g,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1) {
-			var charCodeToReplace = parseInt(m1);
-			return String.fromCharCode(charCodeToReplace);
-		}
-	);
-	return text;
-var _Outdent = function(text) {
-// Remove one level of line-leading tabs or spaces
-	// attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug:
-	// "----------bug".replace(/^-/g,"") == "bug"
-	text = text.replace(/^(\t|[ ]{1,4})/gm,"~0"); // attacklab: g_tab_width
-	// attacklab: clean up hack
-	text = text.replace(/~0/g,"")
-	return text;
-var _Detab = function(text) {
-// attacklab: Detab's completely rewritten for speed.
-// In perl we could fix it by anchoring the regexp with \G.
-// In javascript we're less fortunate.
-	// expand first n-1 tabs
-	text = text.replace(/\t(?=\t)/g,"    "); // attacklab: g_tab_width
-	// replace the nth with two sentinels
-	text = text.replace(/\t/g,"~A~B");
-	// use the sentinel to anchor our regex so it doesn't explode
-	text = text.replace(/~B(.+?)~A/g,
-		function(wholeMatch,m1,m2) {
-			var leadingText = m1;
-			var numSpaces = 4 - leadingText.length % 4;  // attacklab: g_tab_width
-			// there *must* be a better way to do this:
-			for (var i=0; i<numSpaces; i++) leadingText+=" ";
-			return leadingText;
-		}
-	);
-	// clean up sentinels
-	text = text.replace(/~A/g,"    ");  // attacklab: g_tab_width
-	text = text.replace(/~B/g,"");
-	return text;
-//  attacklab: Utility functions
-var escapeCharacters = function(text, charsToEscape, afterBackslash) {
-	// First we have to escape the escape characters so that
-	// we can build a character class out of them
-	var regexString = "([" + charsToEscape.replace(/([\[\]\\])/g,"\\$1") + "])";
-	if (afterBackslash) {
-		regexString = "\\\\" + regexString;
-	}
-	var regex = new RegExp(regexString,"g");
-	text = text.replace(regex,escapeCharacters_callback);
-	return text;
-var escapeCharacters_callback = function(wholeMatch,m1) {
-	var charCodeToEscape = m1.charCodeAt(0);
-	return "~E"+charCodeToEscape+"E";
-} // end of Showdown.converter
-// export
-if (typeof exports != 'undefined') exports.Showdown = Showdown;
diff --git a/Editor/src/AutoCorrect.js b/Editor/src/AutoCorrect.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a80e17d..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/AutoCorrect.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-var AutoCorrect_init;
-var AutoCorrect_removeListeners;
-var AutoCorrect_addCorrection;
-var AutoCorrect_removeCorrection;
-var AutoCorrect_getCorrections;
-var AutoCorrect_correctPrecedingWord;
-var AutoCorrect_getCorrection;
-var AutoCorrect_getCorrectionCoords;
-var AutoCorrect_acceptCorrection;
-var AutoCorrect_revertCorrection;
-var AutoCorrect_replaceCorrection;
-(function() {
-    function removeCorrectionSpan(span)
-    {
-        if (span.parentNode == null)
-            return;
-        Selection_preserveWhileExecuting(function() {
-            var firstChild = span.firstChild;
-            DOM_removeNodeButKeepChildren(span);
-            if (firstChild != null)
-                Formatting_mergeWithNeighbours(firstChild,{});
-        });
-    }
-    function Correction(span)
-    {
-        this.span = span;
-        this.modificationListener = function(event) {
-            if (DOM_getIgnoreMutations())
-                return;
-            PostponedActions_add(function() {
-                // This will trigger a removeCorrection() call
-                removeCorrectionSpan(span);
-            });
-        };
-    }
-    Correction.prototype.toString = function()
-    {
-        return this.span.getAttribute("original")+" -> "+getNodeText(this.span);
-    }
-    var correctionsByNode = null;
-    var correctionList = null;
-    // private
-    function docNodeInserted(event)
-    {
-        try {
-            recurse(;
-        }
-        catch (e) {
-            Editor_error(e);
-        }
-        function recurse(node)
-        {
-            if (isAutoCorrectNode(node))
-                AutoCorrect_addCorrection(node);
-            for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling)
-                recurse(child);
-        }
-    }
-    // private
-    function docNodeRemoved(event)
-    {
-        try {
-            recurse(;
-        }
-        catch (e) {
-            Editor_error(e);
-        }
-        function recurse(node)
-        {
-            if (isAutoCorrectNode(node))
-                AutoCorrect_removeCorrection(node);
-            for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling)
-                recurse(child);
-        }
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_init = function()
-    {
-        correctionsByNode = new NodeMap();
-        correctionList = new Array();
-        document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted",docNodeInserted);
-        document.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved",docNodeRemoved);
-    }
-    // public (for the undo tests, when they report results)
-    AutoCorrect_removeListeners = function()
-    {
-        document.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted",docNodeInserted);
-        document.removeEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved",docNodeRemoved);
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_addCorrection = function(span)
-    {
-        var correction = new Correction(span);
-        correctionsByNode.put(span,correction);
-        correctionList.push(correction);
-        Editor_updateAutoCorrect();
-        span.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified",correction.modificationListener);
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_removeCorrection = function(span)
-    {
-        var correction = correctionsByNode.get(span);
-        if (correction == null)
-            throw new Error("No autocorrect entry for "+JSON.stringify(getNodeText(span)));
-        var index = null;
-        for (var i = 0; i < correctionList.length; i++) {
-            if (correctionList[i].span == span) {
-                index = i;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (index == null)
-            throw new Error("Correction "+correction+" not found in correctionList");
-        correctionList.splice(index,1);
-        Editor_updateAutoCorrect();
-        span.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified",correction.modificationListener);
-        correctionsByNode.remove(span);
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_getCorrections = function()
-    {
-        var result = new Array();
-        for (var i = 0; i < correctionList.length; i++) {
-            var correction = correctionList[i];
-            result.push({ original: correction.span.getAttribute("original"),
-                          replacement: getNodeText(correction.span)});
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_correctPrecedingWord = function(numChars,replacement,confirmed)
-    {
-        Selection_preserveWhileExecuting(function() {
-            var selRange = Selection_get();
-            if ((selRange == null) && !Range_isEmpty(selRange))
-                return;
-            var node = selRange.start.node;
-            var offset = selRange.start.offset;
-            if (node.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE)
-                return;
-            var original = node.nodeValue.substring(offset-numChars,offset);
-            if (confirmed) {
-                DOM_replaceCharacters(node,offset-numChars,offset,replacement);
-                return;
-            }
-            UndoManager_newGroup("Auto-correct");
-            var before = node.nodeValue.substring(0,offset-numChars);
-            var beforeText = DOM_createTextNode(document,before);
-            var replacementText = DOM_createTextNode(document,replacement);
-            var span = DOM_createElement(document,"SPAN");
-            DOM_setAttribute(span,"class",Keys.AUTOCORRECT_CLASS);
-            DOM_setAttribute(span,"original",original);
-            DOM_appendChild(span,replacementText);
-            DOM_insertBefore(node.parentNode,beforeText,node);
-            DOM_insertBefore(node.parentNode,span,node);
-            DOM_deleteCharacters(node,0,offset);
-            // Add the new group in a postponed action, so that the change to the style element
-            // is not counted as a separate action
-            PostponedActions_add(UndoManager_newGroup);
-        });
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_getCorrection = function()
-    {
-        var correction = getCurrent();
-        if (correction == null)
-            return null;
-        return { original: correction.span.getAttribute("original"),
-                 replacement: getNodeText(correction.span) };
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_getCorrectionCoords = function()
-    {
-        var correction = getCurrent();
-        if (correction == null)
-            return null;
-        var textNode = correction.span.firstChild;
-        if ((textNode == null) || (textNode.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE))
-            return null;
-        var offset = Math.floor(textNode.nodeValue.length/2);
-        Selection_set(textNode,offset,textNode,offset);
-        Cursor_ensureCursorVisible();
-        var rect = Position_displayRectAtPos(new Position(textNode,offset));
-        if (rect == null) // FIXME: pos
-            throw new Error("no rect for pos "+(new Position(textNode,offset)));
-        if (rect == null)
-            return null;
-        return { x: rect.left, y: };
-    }
-    function getCurrent()
-    {
-        var range = Selection_get();
-        if (range != null) {
-            var endNode = Position_closestActualNode(range.end);
-            for (; endNode != null; endNode = endNode.parentNode) {
-                if (isAutoCorrectNode(endNode))
-                    return correctionsByNode.get(endNode);
-            }
-        }
-        if (correctionList.length > 0)
-            return correctionList[correctionList.length-1];
-        return null;
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_acceptCorrection = function()
-    {
-        UndoManager_newGroup("Accept");
-        var correction = getCurrent();
-        if (correction == null)
-            return;
-        removeCorrectionSpan(correction.span);
-        UndoManager_newGroup();
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_revertCorrection = function()
-    {
-        var correction = getCurrent();
-        if (correction == null)
-            return;
-        AutoCorrect_replaceCorrection(correction.span.getAttribute("original"));
-    }
-    AutoCorrect_replaceCorrection = function(replacement)
-    {
-        UndoManager_newGroup("Replace");
-        var correction = getCurrent();
-        if (correction == null)
-            return;
-        Selection_preserveWhileExecuting(function() {
-            var text = DOM_createTextNode(document,replacement);
-            DOM_insertBefore(correction.span.parentNode,text,correction.span);
-            DOM_deleteNode(correction.span);
-            Formatting_mergeWithNeighbours(text,{});
-        });
-        UndoManager_newGroup();
-    }
diff --git a/Editor/src/ChangeTracking.js b/Editor/src/ChangeTracking.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ba25a44..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/ChangeTracking.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-var ChangeTracking_showChanges;
-var ChangeTracking_trackChanges;
-var ChangeTracking_setShowChanges;
-var ChangeTracking_setTrackChanges;
-var ChangeTracking_acceptSelectedChanges;
-(function() {
-    var showChangesEnabled = false;
-    var trackChangesEnabled = false;
-    ChangeTracking_showChanges = function()
-    {
-        return showChangesEnabled;
-    }
-    ChangeTracking_trackChanges = function()
-    {
-        return trackChangesEnabled;
-    }
-    ChangeTracking_setShowChanges = function(enabled)
-    {
-        showChangesEnabled = enabled;
-    }
-    ChangeTracking_setTrackChanges = function(enabled)
-    {
-        trackChangesEnabled = enabled;
-    }
-    ChangeTracking_acceptSelectedChanges = function()
-    {
-        var selRange = Selection_get();
-        if (selRange == null)
-            return;
-        var outermost = Range_getOutermostNodes(selRange,true);
-        var checkEmpty = new Array();
-        Selection_preserveWhileExecuting(function() {
-            for (var i = 0; i < outermost.length; i++) {
-                recurse(outermost[i]);
-                var next;
-                for (ancestor = outermost[i].parentNode; ancestor != null; ancestor = next) {
-                    next = ancestor.parentNode;
-                    if (ancestor._type == HTML_DEL) {
-                        checkEmpty.push(ancestor.parentNode);
-                        DOM_deleteNode(ancestor);
-                    }
-                    else if (ancestor._type == HTML_INS)
-                        DOM_removeNodeButKeepChildren(ancestor);
-                }
-            }
-            for (var i = 0; i < checkEmpty.length; i++) {
-                var node = checkEmpty[i];
-                if (node == null)
-                    continue;
-                var empty = true;
-                for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
-                    if (!isWhitespaceTextNode(child)) {
-                        empty = false;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (empty) {
-                    switch (node._type) {
-                    case HTML_LI:
-                    case HTML_UL:
-                    case HTML_OL:
-                        checkEmpty.push(node.parentNode);
-                        DOM_deleteNode(node);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        var selRange = Selection_get();
-        if (selRange != null) {
-            var start = Position_closestMatchForwards(selRange.start,Position_okForInsertion);
-            var end = Position_closestMatchBackwards(selRange.end,Position_okForInsertion);
-            if (!Range_isForwards(new Range(start.node,start.offset,end.node,end.offset)))
-                end = Position_closestMatchForwards(selRange.end,Position_okForInsertion);
-            Selection_set(start.node,start.offset,end.node,end.offset);
-        }
-        function recurse(node)
-        {
-            if (node._type == HTML_DEL) {
-                checkEmpty.push(node.parentNode);
-                DOM_deleteNode(node);
-                return;
-            }
-            var next;
-            for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = next) {
-                next = child.nextSibling;
-                recurse(child);
-            }
-            if (node._type == HTML_INS) {
-                DOM_removeNodeButKeepChildren(node);
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/Editor/src/Clipboard.js b/Editor/src/Clipboard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 03efdcc..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/Clipboard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-var Markdown_htmlToMarkdown;
-var Clipboard_htmlToText;
-var Clipboard_cut;
-var Clipboard_copy;
-var Clipboard_pasteText;
-var Clipboard_pasteHTML;
-var Clipboard_pasteNodes;
-(function() {
-    // private
-    function blockToText(md,node,indent,nextIndent,listType,listNo)
-    {
-        var linesBetweenChildren = 1;
-        var childIndent = indent;
-        switch (node._type) {
-        case HTML_LI:
-            if (listType == "OL") {
-                var listMarker;
-                if (listNo.value < 10)
-                    listMarker = listNo.value+".  ";
-                else
-                    listMarker = listNo.value+". ";
-                beginParagraph(md,0,indent,nextIndent,listMarker);
-                nextIndent += "    ";
-            }
-            else {
-                beginParagraph(md,0,indent,nextIndent,"  - ");
-                nextIndent += "    ";
-            }
-            listNo.value++;
-            break;
-        case HTML_UL:
-            listType = "UL";
-            listNo = { value: 1 };
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent);
-            linesBetweenChildren = 0;
-            break;
-        case HTML_OL:
-            listType = "OL";
-            listNo = { value: 1 };
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent);
-            linesBetweenChildren = 0;
-            break;
-        case HTML_H1:
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent,"# "," #");
-            break;
-        case HTML_H2:
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent,"## "," ##");
-            break;
-        case HTML_H3:
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent,"### "," ###");
-            break;
-        case HTML_H4:
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent,"#### "," ####");
-            break;
-        case HTML_H5:
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent,"##### "," #####");
-            break;
-        case HTML_H6:
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent,"###### "," ######");
-            break;
-        case HTML_BLOCKQUOTE:
-            beginParagraph(md,1,indent,nextIndent,"> ");
-            nextIndent += "> ";
-            break;
-        case HTML_PRE:
-            md.preDepth++;
-            break;
-        }
-        var foundNonWhitespaceChild = false;
-        for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
-            if (isContainerNode(child) || isParagraphNode(child)) {
-                beginParagraph(md,linesBetweenChildren,indent,nextIndent);
-                blockToText(md,child,indent,nextIndent,listType,listNo);
-                beginParagraph(md,linesBetweenChildren);
-                indent = nextIndent;
-                foundNonWhitespaceChild = false;
-            }
-            else {
-                if (!foundNonWhitespaceChild) {
-                    if (isWhitespaceTextNode(child))
-                        continue;
-                    beginParagraph(md,0,indent,nextIndent);
-                    indent = nextIndent;
-                    foundNonWhitespaceChild = true;
-                }
-                inlineToText(md,child);
-            }
-        }
-        if (node._type == HTML_PRE)
-            md.preDepth--;
-    }
-    // private
-    function shipOutParagraph(md)
-    {
-        var text = md.buildParagraph.join("");
-        if (md.buildPre) {
-            text = text.replace(/\n$/,"");
-            text = "    "+text.replace(/\n/g,"\n"+md.nextIndent+"    ");
-        }
-        else {
-            text = normalizeWhitespace(text);
-        }
-        if (md.allText.length > 0) {
-            for (var i = 0; i < md.buildLines; i++)
-                md.allText.push("\n");
-        }
-        md.allText.push(md.indent+md.buildPrefix+text+md.buildSuffix+"\n");
-        resetBuild(md);
-    }
-    // private
-    function beginParagraph(md,blankLines,indent,nextIndent,paraPrefix,paraSuffix)
-    {
-        if (blankLines == null)
-            blankLines = 1;
-        if (indent == null)
-            indent = "";
-        if (nextIndent == null)
-            nextIndent = "";
-        if (paraPrefix == null)
-            paraPrefix = "";
-        if (paraSuffix == null)
-            paraSuffix = "";
-        if (md == null)
-            throw new Error("beginParagraph: md is null");
-        if (md.buildParagraph == null)
-            throw new Error("beginParagraph: md.buildParagraph is null");
-        if (md.buildParagraph.length > 0) {
-            shipOutParagraph(md);
-        }
-        if (md.buildLines < blankLines)
-            md.buildLines = blankLines;
-        if (md.indent.length < indent.length)
-            md.indent = indent;
-        if (md.nextIndent.length < nextIndent.length)
-            md.nextIndent = nextIndent;
-        md.buildPrefix += paraPrefix;
-        md.buildSuffix = paraSuffix + md.buildSuffix;
-        if (md.preDepth > 0)
-            md.buildPre = true;
-    }
-    // private
-    function inlineToText(md,node)
-    {
-        switch (node._type) {
-        case HTML_TEXT: {
-            var text = node.nodeValue;
-            if (md.preDepth == 0) {
-                text = text.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\");
-                text = text.replace(/\*/g,"\\*");
-                text = text.replace(/\[/g,"\\[");
-                text = text.replace(/\]/g,"\\]");
-            }
-            md.buildParagraph.push(text);
-            break;
-        }
-        case HTML_I:
-        case HTML_EM:
-            md.buildParagraph.push("*");
-            processChildren();
-            md.buildParagraph.push("*");
-            break;
-        case HTML_B:
-        case HTML_STRONG:
-            md.buildParagraph.push("**");
-            processChildren();
-            md.buildParagraph.push("**");
-            break;
-        case HTML_A:
-            if (node.hasAttribute("href")) {
-                md.buildParagraph.push("[");
-                processChildren();
-                md.buildParagraph.push("]("+node.getAttribute("href")+")");
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            processChildren();
-            break;
-        }
-        function processChildren()
-        {
-            for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
-                inlineToText(md,child);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // private
-    function resetBuild(md)
-    {
-        md.buildParagraph = new Array();
-        md.buildLines = 0;
-        md.buildPrefix = "";
-        md.buildSuffix = "";
-        md.buildPre = false;
-        md.indent = "";
-        md.nextIndent = "";
-    }
-    // private
-    function MarkdownBuilder()
-    {
-    }
-    // public
-    Markdown_htmlToMarkdown = function(node)
-    {
-        var md = new MarkdownBuilder();
-        md.allText = new Array();
-        md.preDepth = 0;
-        resetBuild(md);
-        if (isContainerNode(node) || isParagraphNode(node)) {
-            blockToText(md,node,"","","UL",{value: 1});
-            beginParagraph(md);
-            return md.allText.join("");
-        }
-        else {
-            inlineToText(md,node);
-            return normalizeWhitespace(md.buildParagraph.join(""));
-        }
-    }
-(function() {
-    function expandRangeForCopy(range)
-    {
-        if (range == null)
-            return range;
-        var startInLI = null;
-        for (var node = range.start.node; node != null; node = node.parentNode) {
-            if (node._type == HTML_LI)
-                startInLI = node;
-        }
-        var endInLI = null;
-        for (var node = range.end.node; node != null; node = node.parentNode) {
-            if (node._type == HTML_LI)
-                endInLI = node;
-        }
-        if ((startInLI != null) && (startInLI == endInLI)) {
-            var beforeRange = new Range(startInLI,0,
-                                        range.start.node,range.start.offset);
-            var afterRange = new Range(range.end.node,range.end.offset,
-                                       endInLI,DOM_maxChildOffset(endInLI));
-            var contentBefore = Range_hasContent(beforeRange);
-            var contentAfter = Range_hasContent(afterRange);
-            if (!contentBefore && !contentAfter) {
-                var li = startInLI;
-                var offset = DOM_nodeOffset(li);
-                range = new Range(li.parentNode,offset,li.parentNode,offset+1);
-            }
-        }
-        return range;
-    }
-    function copyRange(range)
-    {
-        var html = "";
-        var text = "";
-        if (range != null) {
-            var nodes;
-            var region = Tables_regionFromRange(range);
-            if (region != null) {
-                nodes = [Tables_cloneRegion(region)];
-            }
-            else {
-                nodes = Range_cloneContents(range);
-            };
-            var div = DOM_createElement(document,"DIV");
-            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
-                DOM_appendChild(div,nodes[i]);
-            Main_removeSpecial(div);
-            html = div.innerHTML;
-            text = Clipboard_htmlToText(div);
-        }
-        return { "text/html": html,
-                 "text/plain": text };
-    }
-    // public (FIXME: temp: for testing)
-    Clipboard_htmlToText = function(node)
-    {
-        return Markdown_htmlToMarkdown(node);
-    }
-    // public
-    Clipboard_cut = function()
-    {
-        UndoManager_newGroup("Cut");
-        var content;
-        var range = Selection_get();
-        range = expandRangeForCopy(range);
-        content = copyRange(range);
-        Selection_set(range.start.node,range.start.offset,range.end.node,range.end.offset);
-        Selection_deleteContents(false);
-        var selRange = Selection_get();
-        if (selRange != null) {
-            Range_trackWhileExecuting(selRange,function() {
-                var node = Position_closestActualNode(selRange.start);
-                while (node != null) {
-                    var parent = node.parentNode;
-                    switch (node._type) {
-                    case HTML_LI:
-                        if (!nodeHasContent(node))
-                            DOM_deleteNode(node);
-                        break;
-                    case HTML_UL:
-                    case HTML_OL: {
-                        var haveLI = false;
-                        for (var c = node.firstChild; c != null; c = c.nextSibling) {
-                            if (c._type == HTML_LI) {
-                                haveLI = true;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (!haveLI)
-                            DOM_deleteNode(node);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    }
-                    node = parent;
-                }
-            });
-            var pos = Position_closestMatchForwards(selRange.start,Position_okForMovement);
-            Selection_set(pos.node,pos.offset,pos.node,pos.offset);
-        }
-        Cursor_ensureCursorVisible();
-        PostponedActions_perform(UndoManager_newGroup);
-        return content;
-    }
-    // public
-    Clipboard_copy = function()
-    {
-        var range = Selection_get();
-        range = expandRangeForCopy(range);
-        return copyRange(range);
-    }
-    // public
-    Clipboard_pasteText = function(text)
-    {
-        var converter = new Showdown.converter();
-        var html = converter.makeHtml(text);
-        UndoManager_newGroup("Paste");
-        Clipboard_pasteHTML(html);
-        UndoManager_newGroup();
-    }
-    // public
-    Clipboard_pasteHTML = function(html)
-    {
-        if (html.match(/^\s*<thead/i))
-            html = "<table>" + html + "</table>";
-        else if (html.match(/^\s*<tbody/i))
-            html = "<table>" + html + "</table>";
-        else if (html.match(/^\s*<tfoot/i))
-            html = "<table>" + html + "</table>";
-        else if (html.match(/^\s*<tr/i))
-            html = "<table>" + html + "</table>";
-        else if (html.match(/^\s*<td/i))
-            html = "<table><tr>" + html + "</tr></table>";
-        else if (html.match(/^\s*<th/i))
-            html = "<table><tr>" + html + "</tr></table>";
-        else if (html.match(/^\s*<li/i))
-            html = "<ul>" + html + "</ul>";
-        var div = DOM_createElement(document,"DIV");
-        div.innerHTML = html;
-        for (var child = div.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling)
-            DOM_assignNodeIds(child);
-        var nodes = new Array();
-        for (var child = div.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling)
-            nodes.push(child);
-        UndoManager_newGroup("Paste");
-        var region = Tables_regionFromRange(Selection_get(),true);
-        if ((region != null) && (nodes.length == 1) && (nodes[0]._type == HTML_TABLE))
-            pasteTable(nodes[0],region);
-        else
-            Clipboard_pasteNodes(nodes);
-        UndoManager_newGroup();
-    }
-    function pasteTable(srcTable,dest)
-    {
-        var src = Tables_analyseStructure(srcTable);
-        // In the destination table, the region into which we will paste the cells will the
-        // the same size as that of the source table, regardless of how many rows and columns
-        // were selected - i.e. we only pay attention to the top-left most cell, ignoring
-        // whatever the bottom-right is set to
-        dest.bottom = + src.numRows - 1;
-        dest.right = dest.left + src.numCols - 1;
-        // Make sure the destination table is big enough to hold all the cells we want to paste.
-        // This will add rows and columns as appropriate, with empty cells that only contain a
-        // <p><br></p> (to ensure they have non-zero height)
-        if (dest.structure.numRows < dest.bottom + 1)
-            dest.structure.numRows = dest.bottom + 1;
-        if (dest.structure.numCols < dest.right + 1)
-            dest.structure.numCols = dest.right + 1;
-        dest.structure = Table_fix(dest.structure);
-        // To simplify the paste, split any merged cells that are in the region of the destination
-        // table we're pasting into. We have to re-analyse the table structure after this to
-        // get the correct cell array.
-        TableRegion_splitCells(dest);
-        dest.structure = Tables_analyseStructure(dest.structure.element);
-        // Do the actual paste
-        Selection_preserveWhileExecuting(function() {
-            replaceCells(src,dest.structure,,dest.left);
-        });
-        // If any new columns were added, calculate a width for them
-        Table_fixColumnWidths(dest.structure);
-        // Remove duplicate ids
-        var found = new Object();
-        removeDuplicateIds(dest.structure.element,found);
-        // Place the cursor in the bottom-right cell that was pasted
-        var bottomRightCell = Table_get(dest.structure,dest.bottom,dest.right);
-        var node = bottomRightCell.element;
-        Selection_set(node,node.childNodes.length,node,node.childNodes.length);
-    }
-    function replaceCells(src,dest,destRow,destCol)
-    {
-        // By this point, all of the cells have been split. So it is guaranteed that every cell
-        // in dest will have rowspan = 1 and colspan = 1.
-        for (var srcRow = 0; srcRow < src.numRows; srcRow++) {
-            for (var srcCol = 0; srcCol < src.numCols; srcCol++) {
-                var srcCell = Table_get(src,srcRow,srcCol);
-                var destCell = Table_get(dest,srcRow+destRow,srcCol+destCol);
-                if ((srcRow != srcCell.row) || (srcCol != srcCell.col))
-                    continue;
-                if (destCell.rowspan != 1)
-                    throw new Error("unexpected rowspan: "+destCell.rowspan);
-                if (destCell.colspan != 1)
-                    throw new Error("unexpected colspan: "+destCell.colspan);
-                DOM_insertBefore(destCell.element.parentNode,srcCell.element,destCell.element);
-                var destTop = destRow + srcRow;
-                var destLeft = destCol + srcCol;
-                var destBottom = destTop + srcCell.rowspan - 1;
-                var destRight = destLeft + srcCell.colspan - 1;
-                Table_setRegion(dest,destTop,destLeft,destBottom,destRight,srcCell);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function insertChildrenBefore(parent,child,nextSibling,pastedNodes)
-    {
-        var next;
-        for (var grandChild = child.firstChild; grandChild != null; grandChild = next) {
-            next = grandChild.nextSibling;
-            pastedNodes.push(grandChild);
-            DOM_insertBefore(parent,grandChild,nextSibling);
-        }
-    }
-    function fixParagraphStyles(node,paragraphClass)
-    {
-        if (isParagraphNode(node)) {
-            if (node._type == HTML_P) {
-                var className = DOM_getAttribute(node,"class");
-                if ((className == null) || (className == "")) {
-                    debug("Setting paragraph class to "+paragraphClass);
-                    DOM_setAttribute(node,"class",paragraphClass);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
-                fixParagraphStyles(child,paragraphClass);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // public
-    Clipboard_pasteNodes = function(nodes)
-    {
-        if (nodes.length == 0)
-            return;
-        var paragraphClass = Styles_getParagraphClass();
-        if (paragraphClass != null) {
-            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-                fixParagraphStyles(nodes[i],paragraphClass);
-            }
-        }
-        // Remove any elements which don't belong in the document body (in case an entire
-        // HTML document is being pasted in)
-        var i = 0;
-        while (i < nodes.length) {
-            switch (nodes[i]._type) {
-            case HTML_HTML:
-            case HTML_BODY:
-            case HTML_META:
-            case HTML_TITLE:
-            case HTML_SCRIPT:
-            case HTML_STYLE:
-                nodes.splice(i,1);
-                break;
-            default:
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        var found = new Object();
-        for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
-            removeDuplicateIds(nodes[i],found);
-//        if ((nodes.length == 0) && (nodes[0]._type == HTML_TABLE)) {
-//            // FIXME: this won't work; selectionRange is not defined
-//            var fromRegion = Tables_getTableRegionFromTable(nodes[0]);
-//            var toRegion = Tables_regionFromRange(selectionRange);
-//            if (toRegion != null) {
-//                return;
-//            }
-//        }
-        Selection_deleteContents(true);
-        var range = Selection_get();
-        if (range == null)
-            throw new Error("No current selection");
-        var parent;
-        var previousSibling;
-        var nextSibling;
-        var start = range.start;
-        start = Position_preferElementPosition(start);
-        if (start.node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            parent = start.node;
-            nextSibling = start.node.childNodes[start.offset];
-            previousSibling = start.node.childNodes[start.offset-1];
-        }
-        else {
-            Formatting_splitTextAfter(start);
-            parent = start.node.parentNode;
-            nextSibling = start.node.nextSibling;
-            previousSibling = start.node;
-        }
-        var prevLI = null;
-        var inItem = null;
-        var inList = null;
-        var containerParent = null;
-        for (var temp = parent; temp != null; temp = temp.parentNode) {
-            if (isContainerNode(temp)) {
-                switch (temp._type) {
-                case HTML_LI:
-                    inItem = temp;
-                    break;
-                case HTML_UL:
-                case HTML_OL:
-                    inList = temp;
-                    break;
-                }
-                containerParent = temp.parentNode;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        var pastedNodes;
-        if (inItem) {
-            pastedNodes = new Array();
-            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-                var child = nodes[i];
-                var offset = DOM_nodeOffset(nextSibling,parent);
-                switch (child._type) {
-                case HTML_UL:
-                case HTML_OL:
-                    Formatting_movePreceding(new Position(parent,offset),
-                                             function(x) { return (x == containerParent); });
-                    insertChildrenBefore(inItem.parentNode,child,inItem,pastedNodes);
-                    break;
-                case HTML_LI:
-                    Formatting_movePreceding(new Position(parent,offset),
-                                             function(x) { return (x == containerParent); });
-                    DOM_insertBefore(inItem.parentNode,child,inItem);
-                    pastedNodes.push(child);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    DOM_insertBefore(parent,child,nextSibling);
-                    pastedNodes.push(child);
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else if (inList) {
-            pastedNodes = new Array();
-            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-                var child = nodes[i];
-                var offset = DOM_nodeOffset(nextSibling,parent);
-                switch (child._type) {
-                case HTML_UL:
-                case HTML_OL:
-                    insertChildrenBefore(parent,child,nextSibling,pastedNodes);
-                    prevLI = null;
-                    break;
-                case HTML_LI:
-                    DOM_insertBefore(parent,child,nextSibling);
-                    pastedNodes.push(child);
-                    prevLI = null;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    if (!isWhitespaceTextNode(child)) {
-                        if (prevLI == null)
-                            prevLI = DOM_createElement(document,"LI");
-                        DOM_appendChild(prevLI,child);
-                        DOM_insertBefore(parent,prevLI,nextSibling);
-                        pastedNodes.push(child);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            pastedNodes = nodes;
-            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-                var child = nodes[i];
-                DOM_insertBefore(parent,child,nextSibling);
-            }
-        }
-        var prevOffset;
-        if (previousSibling == null)
-            prevOffset = 0;
-        else
-            prevOffset = DOM_nodeOffset(previousSibling);
-        var nextOffset = DOM_nodeOffset(nextSibling,parent);
-        var origRange = new Range(parent,prevOffset,parent,nextOffset);
-        var firstPasted = pastedNodes[0];
-        var lastPasted = pastedNodes[pastedNodes.length-1];
-        var pastedRange = new Range(firstPasted,0,lastPasted,DOM_maxChildOffset(lastPasted));
-        Range_trackWhileExecuting(origRange,function() {
-        Range_trackWhileExecuting(pastedRange,function() {
-            if (previousSibling != null)
-                Formatting_mergeWithNeighbours(previousSibling,Formatting_MERGEABLE_INLINE);
-            if (nextSibling != null)
-                Formatting_mergeWithNeighbours(nextSibling,Formatting_MERGEABLE_INLINE);
-            Cursor_updateBRAtEndOfParagraph(parent);
-            Range_ensureValidHierarchy(pastedRange,true);
-        })});
-        var pos = new Position(origRange.end.node,origRange.end.offset);
-        Range_trackWhileExecuting(pastedRange,function() {
-        Position_trackWhileExecuting(pos,function() {
-            while (true) {
-                if (pos.node == document.body)
-                    break;
-                if (isContainerNode(pos.node) && (pos.node._type != HTML_LI))
-                    break;
-                if (!nodeHasContent(pos.node)) {
-                    var oldNode = pos.node;
-                    pos = new Position(pos.node.parentNode,DOM_nodeOffset(pos.node));
-                    DOM_deleteNode(oldNode);
-                }
-                else
-                    break;
-            }
-        });
-        });
-        pos = new Position(pastedRange.end.node,pastedRange.end.offset);
-        while (isOpaqueNode(pos.node))
-            pos = new Position(pos.node.parentNode,DOM_nodeOffset(pos.node)+1);
-        pos = Position_closestMatchBackwards(pos,Position_okForInsertion);
-        Selection_set(pos.node,pos.offset,pos.node,pos.offset);
-        Cursor_ensureCursorVisible();
-    }
-    function removeDuplicateIds(node,found)
-    {
-        if ((node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && node.hasAttribute("id")) {
-            var id = node.getAttribute("id");
-            var existing = document.getElementById(id);
-            if (existing == null)
-                existing = found[id];
-            if ((existing != null) && (existing != node))
-                DOM_removeAttribute(node,"id");
-            else
-                found[id] = node;
-        }
-        for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling)
-            removeDuplicateIds(child,found);
-    }
-    function pasteImage(href)
-    {
-        // FIXME
-    }