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[1/7] incubator-trafodion git commit: [TRaFODION-1699] Updated web site to rely on Contributor Guide on the wiki. Changed download to point to real binaries hosted on the build-result site. Ran spell checks on all the guides and fixed formatting errors a

Repository: incubator-trafodion
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 70dd60219 -> fe92c7b6b
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
deleted file mode 100644
index 17895de..0000000
--- a/docs/src/site/markdown/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-This page describes the Trafodion test suites and their usage.
-# Component Tests
-Trafodion comes with several component-specific testing libraries.
-## SQL Core
-The SQL core components are written in a combination of C++ and Java. 
-You should ensure that the current set of regression tests pass each time you add or modify a SQL feature.
-If adding a new feature, then check that it is either covered by an existing regression test or add a new test to an existing test suite.
-### Test Suites
-**Location**: ```core/sql/regress```
-Directory              | Usage
-**```catman1```**      | Tests the Catalog Manager.
-**```charsets```**     | Tests Character Sets.
-**```compGeneral```**  | Compiler test suite; tests optimizer-specific features.
-**```core```**         | Tests a subset/sample of all features from all the test suites.
-**```executor```**     | Tests the SQL Executor.
-**```fullstack2```**   | Similar to core but a very limited subset.
-**```hive```**         | Tests HDFS access to Hive tables.
-**```newregr```**      | Unused/Saved repository for some unpublished features. These are not run.
-**```qat```**          | Tests basic DDL and DML syntax.
-**```seabase```**      | Tests JNI interface to HBase.
-**```tools```**        | Regression driver scripts and general regression scripts.
-**```udr```**          | Tests the User Defined Routines (UDR) and TMUDF functionality.
-### Check Test Results
-On completion, the test run prints out a test summary. All tests should pass, or pass with known diffs.
-Test results are written to the **```runregr-sb.log```** file in each component's directory. Therefore, you can check the test results after the fact as follows:
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/rundir
-    grep FAIL */runregr-sb.log
-A successful test run shows no failures.
-### Run Full Test Suite
-This suite tests:
-* SQL Compiler
-* SQL Executor
-* Transactions
-* Foundation
-Do the following:
-    cd $MY_SQHOME
-    . ./
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress
-    tools/runallsb
-### Run Individual Test Suites
-You can select individual test suites as follows:
-    cd $MY_SQHOME
-    . ./
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress
-    tools/runallsb <suite1> <suite2>
-### Running an Individual Test
-#### If You've Already Run the Test Suite
-If you have already run the suite once, then you will have all your directories set up and you can run one test as follows:
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress/<suite>
-    # You can add the following two exports to .bashrc or .profile for convenience
-    export rundir=$MY_SQROOT/rundir
-    export scriptsdir=$MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress
-    # run the test
-    cd $rundir/<suite>
-    $scriptsdir/<suite>/runregr -sb <test>
-    cd $rundir/executor
-    $scriptsdir/executor/runregr -sb TEST130
-#### If You've Not Run the Test Suite
-If you have not run any regression suites so far, then you will not have the required sub directories set up. You manually create them for each suite you want to run.
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress/<suite>
-    # You can add the following two exports to .bashrc or .profile for convenience
-    export rundir=$MY_SQROOT/rundir
-    export scriptsdir=$MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress
-    mkdir $rundir
-    cd $rundir
-    # <suitename> should match the name of each directory in $scriptsdir
-    mkdir <suitename>
-    # run the test
-    cd $rundir/<suite>
-    $scriptsdir/<suite>/runregr -sb <test>
-### Detecting Failures
-If you see failures in any of your tests, you want to try running that suite or test individually as detailed above.
-Open up the DIFF file and correlate them to the LOG and EXPECTED files.
-* DIFF files are in **```$rundir/<suite name>```**.
-* LOG files are in **```$rundir/<suite name>```**.
-* EXPECTED files are in **```$scriptsdir/<suite name>```**.
-To narrow down the failure, open up the test file (for example: **```TEST130```**) in **```$scriptsdir/executor```**. 
-Recreate the problem with a smaller set of SQL commands and create a script to run from **```sqlci```**. If it's an issue that can be recreated only by running the whole suite, you can add a line to the test just before the command that fails to include a **```wait```** or a **```sleep```** **```sh sleep 60```** will make the test pause and give you time to attach the **```sqlci```** process to the debugger. (You can find the PID of the **```sqlci```** process using **```sqps```** on the command line)
-Introducing a **```wait```** in the test will wait forever until you enter a character. This is another way to make the test pause to attach the debugger to the **```sqlci```** process.    
-### Modifying an Existing Test
-If you would like to add coverage for your new change, you can modify an existing test.
-Run the test after your modifications. If you are satisfied with your results, you need to modify the **```EXPECTED<test number>```** file to reflect your new change. The standard way to do it is to copy the **```LOG<test number>```** file to **```EXPECTED<test number>```** file.
-## Database Connectivity Services (DCS)
-The DCS test suite is organized per the Maven standard. 
-## JDBC T4
-The code is written in Java, and is built and unit tested using Maven. The test suite organization and use follow Maven standards.
-Instructions for setting up and running the test can be found in source tree at **```dcs/src/test/jdbc_test```**.
-## ODBC Tests
-The code is written for the Python 2.7 [```unittest```]( framework. 
-It is run via the **```Testr```** and **```Tox```**. 
-    cd dcs/src/test/pytests
-    ./ -d <host>t:<port> -t <Location of your Linux ODBC driver tar file>
-    tox -e py27
-Further instructions for setting up and running the test can be found in source tree at **```dcs/src/test/pytests```**.
-# Functional Tests
-## Phoenix
-The Phoenix tests provides basic functional tests for Trafodion. These tests were originally adapted from their counterpart at
-The tests are executed using Maven with a Python wrapper. You can run them the same way on your own workstation instance just like the way Jenkins runs them. Do the following:
-<!-- This part is done in raw HTML because it's too complex to do this level of formatting in markdown. -->
-   <li>Prior to running Phoenix tests, you need to bring up your Trafodion instance and DCS. You need to configure at least 2-4 servers for DCS. The tests need at least two mxosrvrs as they make two connections at any given time. We recommend configuring DCS with four mxosrvrs since we have seen situations that mxosrvrs do not get released in time for the next connection if there are only two mxosrvrs.</li>
-  <li><p>Run the Phoenix tests from source tree</p>
-       <p style="text-indent=20px">
-          <pre>
-cd tests/phx --target=&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt; --user=dontcare --pw=dontcare --targettype=TR --javahome=&lt;jdk&gt; --jdbccp=&lt;jdir&gt;/jdbcT4.jar</pre>
-          </p>
-       <p style="text-indent=20px">
-         <ul>
-           <li><strong>&lt;host&gt;</strong>: your workstation name or IP address.</li>
-           <li><strong>&lt;port&gt;</strong>: your DCS master port number.</li>
-           <li><strong>&lt;jdk&gt;</strong>:  the directory containing the jdk1.7.0_21_64 or later version of the JDK.</li>
-           <li><strong>&lt;jdir&gt;</strong>: the directory containing your JDBC T4 jar file. (export/lib if you downloaded a Trafodion binary package.)</li>
-         </ul>
-       </p>
-  </li>
-  <li><p>Analyze the results. The test results can be found in <strong><code>phoenix_test/target/surefire-reports</code></strong>. If there are any failures, they would come with file names and line numbers.</p>
-   <p>The source code can be found in <strong><code>phoenix_test/src/test/java/com/trafodion/phoenix/end2end</code></strong>.</p> 
-   <p>These are JDBC tests written in java.</p>
-  </li>
- </ol>
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-This page describes how to add or modify Trafodion tests and/or test suites. Please refer to the [Contribute](contribute.html) page for information about other ways to contribute to the Trafodion project.
-**Note**: The [Test](testing.html) page describes how the different Trafodion test libraries are organized and how you run different test. You should familiarize yourself with that page before modifying the Trafodion tests.
-# SQL Tests
-The SQL tests are located in: **```core/sql/regress```**. Please refer to the [Test](testing.html) page for information about each directory. Below, each of these directories is referred to as **```$scriptdir```**.
-The default output from **```core/sql/regress/tools/runallsb```** is located in **```$MY_SQROOT/rundir```**. This directory is referred to as **```$rundir```** below.
-Files associated with individual tests use the following naming convention: **```\<Type\>\<number\>```**. The files are organized as follows:
-Type       | Usage                              | Location
-TEST       | The test itself.                   | **```$scriptdir/<test suite>```** 
-EXPECTED   | The expected output from the test. | **```$scriptdir/<test suite>```**
-FILTER     | Filters out variable results (for example, timestamps) from test results to ensure consistent runs. | **```$scriptdir/<test suite>```**
-LOG        | The output from running the test.  | **```$rundir/<test suite>```**
-DIFF       | Diff between LOG and EXPECTED.     | **```$rundir/<test suite>```**
-## Modify a Test
-The comments in a test provides information of what it does. Make your changes and then do the following:
-* Run the test.
-* Verify that the LOG output is as desired.
-* Copy the LOG output to EXPECTED.
-* Rerun the test and verify that the test passes.
-### Output with Variable Data
-If there are time stamps or generated names that may vary from run to run or from user to user, then you need to create a ```FILTER\<test number\>``` file. This will filter out the variable portions of the test results so the test results are consistent.
-Example filter file: **```core/sql/regress/core/FILTER024```**  
-**```core/sql/regress/tools```** contains generic filter files. These cover general/common variables in test output. You will need to add a new test specific filer if it’s specific to your new test output only. 
-### Check In Changes
-Check in the TEST and EXPECTED files in **```$scriptsdir```**.
-## Create New Test
-Creating a test is just a variation of [Modify a Test](#Modify_a_Test). The test should be associated with a test suite that covers the component you want to test. Please contact the [Trafodion Developer List](mail-lists.html) if you need help chosing the correct test suite.
-Once you've chosen the test suite and, therefore, the test source directory, you do the following:
-* Add the new test file to the test file in the selected test-suite directory.
-    * Use the naming convention found in the directory. (Normally: **```TEST\<nnn\>```**)
-    * Refer to **```core/sql/regress/runregr_\<test suite\>.ksh```** to verify the naming convention used.
-* The test DDL should use the schema name associated with the test suite.
-    * Refer to other test suites for examples.
-* Test and validate as described in [Modify a Test](#Modify_a_Test) above. 
-## Create New Test Suite
-The test suites cover different SQL components. Most components should be covered with the existing test suites.
-Do the following to create a new test suite:
-* Create a new directory with the suite name under **```core/sql/regress```**; for example: **```\<new test suite\>```**.
-* Refer to [Create New Test](#Create_New_Test) for instructions on how to add tests to the new test suite.
-* Add a test driver in **```core/sql/regress/tools```** directory with name **```runregr_\<new test suite\>.ksh```**. (Just copy and modify one of the other test drivers.)
-* Add the new test suite to **```core/sql/regress/runallsb/TEST_SUBDIRS```**.
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to change the Trafodion web pages. Please refer to the [Contribute](contribute.html) page for information about other ways to contribute to the Trafodion project.
-**Source**: **```docs/src```** in the Trafodion source tree.
-You develop and test all changes in the Trafodion source tree. Once checked in and built, the content of ```docs/target``` plus different [documentation](document.html) are copied to The changes are then pushed out by Apache gitpubsub, thereby populating
-# Making Changes
-The following information helps you understand how to make changes to the web-site content.
-## Technology
-The Trafodion website uses the following technologies:
-* **Framework**: [Apache Maven Site](
-* **Skin**: [Reflow Maven Skin]( 
-* **Theme**: [Bootswatch Cerulean](
-* **Markdown**: [markdown]( 
-<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Note</a> **```markdown```** was chosen since it supports inline HTML, which provides better table control than APT. Asciidoc does not work well with the Reflow Maven Skin — we tested.
-**Note**: Markdown supports basic tables only; that is, you'll need to use ```<table>``` HTML definitions for formatted tables such as cells with bullet lists.
-## Code Organization
-The code is located in the **```docs```** directory. The code organization follows the [Maven standard](
-**```docs/src/site.xml```** is configured per the [Reflow Maven Skin documentation]( Pages and menus are defined and configured in this file. By default, all pages use an automated table of contents; override as needed.
-**```docs/src/site/markdown```** contains the files that generate the different HTML files.
-**```docs/target```** contains the generated HTML files after you run a build.
-## Managing Pages
-You add/rename/delete pages in **```docs/src/site/markdown```**. You make corresponding changes in **```docs/src/site.xml```** adding/renaming/deleting pages from menus and defining page configuration; for example: removal of the table of contents bar and the special page formatting provided by the Reflow skin. Refer to the [Maven Documentation]( for more information.
-## Providing Content
-When possible, ensure that you write in active voice and to the point. 
-Special functions such as buttons etc. can be access by clicking **Preview** in the theme preview. There's a \<\> feature on each function, which allows you to copy the special **```\<div\>```** you need to insert the selected object.
-## Development Environment
-Typically, you'll use Eclipse to develop and build the website pages. The configuration goal is: **```clean site```**. The **```pom.xml```** file in the top-level directory drives the build steps for the web site.
-## Testing Changes
-The website files are located in **```docs/target```**. Open **```index.html```** from your browser and test your changes. For example, you want to validate the page layout, page navigation, links, and review the overall content on the pages you modified or added/deleted.
-## Tables
-markdown supports a simple format for tables. You can use markdown-style writing in such tables.
-    Table Header   | Table Header
-    ---------------|---------------
-    Text           | Text
-    Text           | Text
-However, no special formatting can be done; for example, creating a bulleted list in a cell. If you need tables with such formatting, then you will need to define the table in raw HTML format. No markdown-style writing is supported for HTML tables; use pure HTML tagging instead.
-## Callout Boxes
-You can create a simple callout box using an HTML table. Example:
-    <table><tr><td><strong>NOTE</strong><br />Whatever you want to say here.</td></tr></table>
-<table><tr><td><strong>NOTE</strong><br />Whatever you want to say here.</td></tr></table>
-# Publishing
-<div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info">
-  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&close;</button>
-  <p style="color:black">Publication is done when a committer is ready to update the external web site. You do <strong>not</strong> perform these steps as part of checking in changes.</p></div>
-Do the following:
-1. Fetch changes to be published from the Trafodion master branch.
-2. Build Trafodion site (source ./; mvn post-site).
-3. If there are documentation changes to prior releases, check out those release branch(es) and re-build the affected docs (mvn post-site).
-4. ```git clone```
-5. Copy content of ```docs/target``` into the incubator-trafodion-site directory. Commit changes.
-6. Push them back to the apache origin repo to the ```asf-site``` branch.
-Once pushed, Apache gitpubsub takes care of populating with your new changes.
-If they don't show up, pushing another empty (or whitespace change) commit may work to trigger the automation.
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to change the Trafodion Wiki. Please refer to the [Contribute](contribute.html) page for information about other ways to contribute to the Trafodion project.
-# Getting Access
-We use a "white-listing" permissions scheme for editing the Wiki. We do this to prevent anonymous spammers from spamming the site.
-If you'd like to contribute to the wiki, just obtain a Confluence user ID on the Apache wiki, then send an e-mail to the dlist requesting access (and providing your Confluence user ID name). 
-A friendly administrator will then grant you editing privileges.
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--- a/docs/src/site/site.xml
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@@ -97,41 +97,7 @@
             <body />
-        <advocate><shortTitle>Advocate</shortTitle></advocate>
         <architecture-overview><shortTitle>Architecture Overview</shortTitle></architecture-overview>
-        <build><shortTitle>Build Trafodion</shortTitle></build>
-        <build-tools-manual><shortTitle>Build Tools Manual Installation</shortTitle></build-tools-manual>
-        <code><shortTitle>Modify Code</shortTitle></code>
-        <contribute>
-           <shortTitle>Contribute</shortTitle>
-           <toc>false</toc>
-          <sections>
-            <body />
-            <columns>2</columns>
-            <body />
-          </sections>
-        </contribute>
-        <cplusplus-coding-guidelines>
-           <shortTitle>C++ Coding Guidelines</shortTitle>
-           <!--  Smaller than standard due to long headings -->
-           <tocTopMax>5</tocTopMax>
-          <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-          <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>      
-        </cplusplus-coding-guidelines>
-        <create-dev-environment>
-           <shortTitle>Create Development Environment</shortTitle>
-           <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-           <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-           <!--  Smaller than standard due to long headings -->
-           <tocTopMax>5</tocTopMax>
-        </create-dev-environment>
-        <develop>
-           <shortTitle>Develop</shortTitle>
-          <sections>
-            <body />
-          </sections>
-        </develop>
-        <document><shortTitle>Modify Documentation</shortTitle></document>
         <documentation><shortTitle>Documentation Library</shortTitle></documentation>
         <enable-secure-trafodion><shortTitle>Enabling Security Features in Trafodion</shortTitle></enable-secure-trafodion>
@@ -157,13 +123,6 @@
         <mail-lists><shortTitle>Mailing Lists</shortTitle><toc>false</toc></mail-lists>
         <management><shortTitle>Managing Trafodion</shortTitle><toc>false</toc></management>
-        <manage-dev-environment>
-           <shortTitle>Manage Development Environment</shortTitle>
-           <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-           <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-           <!--  Smaller than standard due to long headings -->
-           <tocTopMax>5</tocTopMax>
-        </manage-dev-environment>
         <new-features><shortTitle>New Features</shortTitle></new-features>
@@ -204,39 +163,12 @@
-        <setup-build-environment>
-           <shortTitle>Setup Build Environment</shortTitle>
-           <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-           <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-           <!--  Smaller than standard due to long headings -->
-           <tocTopMax>5</tocTopMax>
-        </setup-build-environment>
-        <tests>
-          <shortTitle>Modify Tests</shortTitle>
-          <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-          <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-        </tests>
-        <testing>
-          <shortTitle>Testing</shortTitle>
-          <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-          <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-        </testing>
         <traf_authentication_config><shortTitle>.traf_authentication_config Configuration File</shortTitle></traf_authentication_config>
           <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-        <website>
-           <shortTitle>Modify Web Site</shortTitle>
-           <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-           <sections>
-              <body />
-              <columns>2</columns>
-              <body />
-           </sections>
-        </website>
-        <wiki><toc>false</toc></wiki>
@@ -247,6 +179,7 @@
       <item name="Download" href="download.html"/>
+      <item name="Contributing" href="contributing-redirect.html"/>
     <menu name="About">
       <item href="index.html" name="Project Overview"/>
@@ -254,7 +187,7 @@
       <item href="roadmap.html" name="Roadmap"/>
       <item href="performance.html" name="Performance"/>
       <item href="http:divider" name=""/>
-      <item href="team-list.html" name="Team"/>
+      <item href="team-redirect.html" name="Team"/>
       <item href="presentations.html" name="Presentations"/>
       <item href="mail-lists.html" name="Mailing List"/>
       <item href="http:divider" name=""/>
@@ -305,28 +238,6 @@
       <item href="" name="Backup/Restore Utility"/>
       <item href="" name="Metadata Cleanup Utility"/>
-    <menu name="Contributing">
-      <item href="contribute.html" name="Contribute"/>
-      <item href="advocate.html" name="Advocate"/>
-      <item href="develop.html" name="Develop"/>
-      <item href="testing.html" name="Test"/>
-      <item href="merge.html" name="Merge"/>
-      <item href="release.html" name="Release"/>
-      <item href="http:divider" name=""/>
-      <item href="create-dev-environment.html" name="Create Dev Environment"/>
-      <item href="manage-dev-environment.html" name="Manage Dev Environment"/>
-      <item href="setup-build-environment.html" name="Setup Build Environment"/>
-      <item href="build.html" name="Build Trafodion"/>
-      <item href="http:divider" name=""/>
-      <item href="code.html" name="Modify Code"/>
-      <item href="tests.html" name="Modify Tests"/>
-      <item href="document.html" name="Modify Documentation"/>
-      <item href="website.html" name="Modify Web Site"/>
-      <item href="wiki.html" name="Modify Wiki Pages"/>
-      <item href="http:divider" name=""/>
-      <item href="cplusplus-coding-guidelines.html" name="C++ Coding Guidelines"/>
-      <!-- item href="design-papers.html" name="Design Paper Template"/ -->
-    </menu>
     <menu name="Apache">
       <item href="" name="Project Status" target="_blank"/>
       <item href="" name="Apache Foundation" target="_blank"/>

[7/7] incubator-trafodion git commit: Merge [TRAFODION-1699] PR 294 Web site update to point to wiki Contrib Guide

Posted by
Merge [TRAFODION-1699] PR 294 Web site update to point to wiki Contrib Guide


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: fe92c7b6bc3b4631f710ff014c5003dd5e1dc9fb
Parents: 70dd602 3176d19
Author: Dave Birdsall <>
Authored: Tue Feb 2 17:03:02 2016 +0000
Committer: Dave Birdsall <>
Committed: Tue Feb 2 17:03:02 2016 +0000

 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc      |   4 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc    |   2 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc          |   8 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc        |  44 +--
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/interactive.adoc     |   8 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc     | 266 ++++++++--------
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc        |  19 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/executor_msgs.adoc   |   5 +-
 .../asciidoc/_chapters/file_system_errors.adoc  |  10 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/optimizer_msgs.adoc  |   4 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc     |  16 +-
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 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/sqlstate.adoc        |   6 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/a_warnings.adoc      |   2 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/compare_tables.adoc  |   8 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/concepts.adoc        |   6 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc         | Bin 13594 -> 13598 bytes
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 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/olap_functions.adoc  |   6 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc   |   4 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_clauses.adoc     |   4 +-
 .../sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc          | 170 +++++-----
 .../_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc        |  54 ++--
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 53 files changed, 499 insertions(+), 2828 deletions(-)

[4/7] incubator-trafodion git commit: [TRaFODION-1699] Updated web site to rely on Contributor Guide on the wiki. Changed download to point to real binaries hosted on the build-result site. Ran spell checks on all the guides and fixed formatting errors a

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/load.adoc b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/load.adoc
index 8e9d13c..3d6a1ee 100644
--- a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/load.adoc
+++ b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/load.adoc
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ This command:
 * Loads the file named `customer.tbl` (`src=customer.tbl`)
 * using `|` (vertical bar) as a field separator (`fs=\|`)
-* using `1000 rows` as rowset buffer (`rows=1000`)
+* using `1000 rows` as row-set buffer (`rows=1000`)
 * using `UPSERT USING LOAD` syntax to achieve better throughput as described in[Trafodion Data Loading]
 * truncating the target table before loading (`truncate`)
 * using `4 parallel threads` to load the target table (`parallel=4`)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Default is `\` (back slash).
 You can define the size of this buffer in two different ways: +
 1. number of rows (for example: `rows=100` means 100 rows as IO buffer) +
-2.* buffer size in kB or MB (for example: `rows=k512` (512 kB buffer) or `rows=m20` (20MB buffer)) +
+2.* buffer size in KB or MB (for example: `rows=k512` (512 KB buffer) or `rows=m20` (20MB buffer)) +
 Default value is `100`.
 | `bad=[+]file` | Where to write rejected rows. If you omit this parameter, then rejected rows is printed to standard error together with the error returned by
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ If you add a `+` sign in front of the file-name, odb  *appends* to `<file>`inste
 - one thread to read from the input file and +
 - as many threads as the parallel argument to write via ODBC. This option is database independent.
-| `errmax=num` | odb orints up to num error messages per rowset. Normally used with soe to limit the number of error messages printed to the standard error
+| `errmax=num` | odb prints up to num error messages per rowset. Normally used with soe to limit the number of error messages printed to the standard error
 | `commit=auto\|end\|#rows\|x#rs` | Defines how odb commits the inserts. You have the following choices: +
 - `auto` (default): Commit every single insert (see also rows load operator). +
 - `end`: Commit when all rows (assigned to a given thread) have been inserted. +
 - `#rows`: Commit every `#rows` inserted rows. +
-- `x#rs`: Commit every `#rs` rowsets (see `rows`)
+- `x#rs`: Commit every `#rs` rowset (see `rows`)
 | `direct` | Adds `/*+ DIRECT */` hint to the insert statement. To be used with Vertica databases in order to store inserted rows *directly* into
 the Read-Only Storage (ROS). See Vertica’s documentation.
 | `fieldtrunc=\{0-4}` | Defines how odb manages fields longer than the destination target column: +
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ the Read-Only Storage (ROS). See Vertica’s documentation.
 - `fieldtrunc=3`: Like `fieldtrunc=0` but tries to load the field even if the target column is NOT a text field. +
 - `fieldtrunc=4`: Like fieldtrunc=3 but no warnings are printed. +
-WARNING: the last two options could bring to unwanted resilts. For example, an input string like `2001-10-2345` is loaded as a valid
+WARNING: the last two options could bring to unwanted results. For example, an input string like `2001-10-2345` is loaded as a valid
 2001-10-23 if the target field is a `DATE`.
 | `em=<char>\|<code>` | Character used to embed binary files. See <<load_default_values, Load Default Values>>. You can define
 the embed character the same way as the field separator. No default value.
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ _fits_ into the target tables, Normally used to analyze the first few rows of CS
 - `ifempty` to `false`. +
 - `truncate` to `false`.
 | `maxlen=#bytes` | odb limits the amount of memory allocated in the ODBC buffers for CHAR/VARCHAR fields to `#bytes`.
-| `time` | odb prints a *timeline* (milliseconds from start) for each insert.
+| `time` | odb prints a *time line* (milliseconds from start) for each insert.
 | `bpc=#` | Bytes allocated in the ODBC buffer for each (non wide) CHAR/VARCHAR column length unit. (Default: 1)
 | `bwpc=#` | Bytes allocated in the ODBC buffer for each (wide) CHAR/VARCHAR column length unit. (Default: 4)
 | `Xmltag=[+]tag` | Input file is XML. Load all _XML nodes_ under the one specified with this option. If a plus sign is
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ odb provides mapping/transformation capabilities though *mapfiles*. By specifyin
 * Skip input file fields
 * Generate sequences
 * Insert constants
-* Transform dates/timestamp formats
+* Transform dates/timestamps formats
 * Extract substrings
 * Replace input file strings. For example: insert `Maurizio Felici` when you read `MF`
 * Generate random values
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ like `SUBSTR:3:6`m then `Tib` is loaded into the database.
 Example: `DCONV:B.d.y` converts `August,24 1991` to `1991-08-24`
 * `TCONV:<FORMAT>`. Converts times from the input file format defined through `<FORMAT>` to `HH:MM:SS` (see `TSCONV` operator).
 * `REPLACE:<READ>:<WRITTEN>`. Loads the string `<WRITTEN>` when the input file fields contains `<READ>`.
-If the input file string doesn’t match `<READ>`, then it is loaded as is.
+If the input file string doesn't match `<READ>`, then it is loaded as is.
 See <<load_mapfiles_ignore, Use mapfiles to Ignore and/or Transform Fields When Loading>>
 * `TOUPPER`. Converts the string read from the input file to uppercase before loading.
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ uno,00,48,due,_Antonella_,tre,[underline]#24 Apr 1962#
 * [underline]#Underline text# represents birth date.
 You want to load the marked fields into the appropriate column, *_generate_* a unique key for ID and ignore the fields in black text.
-In addition: you need to *_convert date format_* and replace all occurrances of `Lucia` with `Lucy`.
+In addition: you need to *_convert date format_* and replace all occurrences of `Lucia` with `Lucy`.
 The following map file accomplishes these goals:
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ Then:
 == Loading Binary Files
-Assuming that your backend database (and your ODBC Driver) supports BLOB data types, or equivalent,
+Assuming that your back-end database (and your ODBC Driver) supports BLOB data types, or equivalent,
 you can use odb to directly load binary (or any other) files into a database column using the `[:em=char]` symbol
 to identify the file to be loaded into that specific database field.
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ by running a command like this:
 $ odb64luo –u user –p xx –d dsn -l src=myphotos.csv:tgt=pers.myphotos:em=\@
-odb onsiders the string following the “em” character as the path of the file to be loaded in that specific field.
+odb considers the string following the “em” character as the path of the file to be loaded in that specific field.
 NOTE: odb does not load rows where the size of the input file is greater than the target database column.
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ is made of 32 partitions, then odb starts *four* threads (four ODBC connections)
 - thread 1 extracts partitions 8-15 +
 - thread 2 extracts partitions 16-23 +
 - thread 3 extracts partitions 24-31
-| `multi` | This option can be used in conjunction with parallel operator to write as many ouput files as the number of extraction
+| `multi` | This option can be used in conjunction with parallel operator to write as many output files as the number of extraction
 threads. Output file names are built adding four digits at the end of the file identified by the `tgt` operator. +
 For example, with `src=trafodion.mauro.orders:tgt=%t.csv:parallel=4:multi` +
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ with `min(emp_id)=1` and `max(emp_id)=1000`, the four threads extract the follow
 `thread #2 emp_id >=501 and emp_id < 751` +
 `thread #3 emp_id >=751 and emp_id < 1001` (odb uses max(emp_id) + 1) +
-If the values are not equally distributed, then data extraction is deskewed.
+If the values are not equally distributed, then data extraction is de-skewed.
 | `pre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]` | odb runs a *single instance* of either the `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd` SQL
 command (enclosed between square brackets) on the *source system* immediately before table extraction. +
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ Complete list of the Copy Operators:
 - `%s/%S`: Expands to the (lower/upper case) source schema name. +
 - `%c/%C`: Expands to the (lower/upper case) source catalog name.
 | `sql={[sqlcmd]\|@sqlfile\|-file}` | odb uses a generic SQL &#8212; instead of a _real_ table &#8212; as source.
-| `max=num` | This is the max number of records to copy. Default is to copy all ecords in the source table.
+| `max=num` | This is the max number of records to copy. Default is to copy all records in the source table.
 | `rows=<num>\|k<num>\|m<num>` | Defines the size of the I/O buffer for each copy thread. You can
 define the size of this buffer in two different ways: +
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ You can enclose the where condition between square brackets to avoid a misinterp
 - `auto` (Default) &8212; Commits every single insert (see also rows load operator). `end` commits when all rows (assigned to a given thread) have been inserted. +
 - `#rows` &#8212; Commits every `#rows` copied rows. +
-- `x#rs` &#8212; Commits every `#rs` rowsets copied. (See `:rows`)
+- `x#rs` &#8212; Commits every `#rs` rowset copied. (See `:rows`)
 | `direct` | Adds `/*+ DIRECT */` hint to the insert statement. To be used with Vertica databases in order to store
 inserted rows _directly_ into the Read-Only Storage (ROS). See Vertica’s documentation.
 | `errmax=num` | odb prints up to num error messages per rowset. Normally used with soe to limit the number of
@@ -1074,12 +1074,12 @@ with `min(emp_id)=1` and `max(emp_id)=1000`, then the four threads extracts the
 `thread #2 emp_id >=501 and emp_id < 751` +
 `thread #3 emp_id >=751 and emp_id < 1001 (odb uses max(emp_id) + 1)` +
-If the values are not equally distributed data extraction is deskewed.
+If the values are not equally distributed data extraction is de-skewed.
 | `pre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | odb runs a *single instance* of either a `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd`
 (enclosed between square brackets) on the *target system* immediately before loading the target table.
 You can, for example, CREATE the target table before loading it. +
-The target table isn'te loaded if SQL execution fails and Stop On Error is set.
+The target table isn't loaded if SQL execution fails and Stop On Error is set.
 | `mpre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | Each odb thread runs either a `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd`
 (enclosed between square brackets) on the *source system* immediately before
 loading the target table. You can use `mpre` to set database specific features for each thread.
@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ You can use `mpre` to set database specific features for each thread.
 (enclosed between square brackets) on the *target system* immediately after the target table has been
 loaded. You can, for example, update database stats after loading a table.
 | `tpar=num` | odb copies `num` tables in parallel when `src` is a list of files to be loaded.
-| `loaders=num` | odb uses `num` load threads for each extract thread. Ddefault is two loaders per extractor,
+| `loaders=num` | odb uses `num` load threads for each extract thread. Default is two loaders per extractor,
 | `fwc` | Force Wide Characters. odb considers SQL_CHAR/SQL_VARCHAR fields as they were defined SQL_WCHAR/SQL_WVARCHAR.
 | `bpwc=#` | odb internally allocates 4 bytes/char for SQL_WCHAR/SQL_WVARCHAR columns.
 You can modify the number of bytes allocated for each char using this parameter.
@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ file.
-Usinge different _splitby columns_.
+Using different _splitby columns_.
 ~/Devel/odb $ cat tlist2.txt
@@ -1164,12 +1164,12 @@ src=TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.LINEITEM:splitby=L_PARTKEY
 == Case-Sensitive Table and Column Names
-Your database configuration determiens whether you can use case sensitive table/column names.
+Your database configuration determines whether you can use case sensitive table/column names.
 odb maintains table/column case sensitiveness when they are enclosed in double quotes.
-The following commans create a `TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.Names` table made of three columns:
+The following commands create a `TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.Names` table made of three columns:
 “name”, “NAME” and “Name”.
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ in parallel; `:parallel` defines how many _data streams_ to use for each table.
 allocates and start the “right” number of threads.
 A rule of thumb when copying/loading or extracting tables is to use as many _data streams_ as:
-`min(number of middletier CPUs, number of source CPUs, number of target CPUs)`
+`min(number of middle-tier CPUs, number of source CPUs, number of target CPUs)`
 The number of threads started for each _data stream_ depend on the operation type:
diff --git a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/query_driver.adoc b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/query_driver.adoc
index c4e480f..c331107 100644
--- a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/query_driver.adoc
+++ b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/query_driver.adoc
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ The CSV output columns have the following meaning:
 | `1st Fetch(s)` | Time needed to fetch the first row in seconds.
 | `Fetch(s)`     | Total Fetch time in seconds.
 | `Total(s)`     | Total query elapsed time from prepare to fetch in seconds.
-| `Stimeline`    | Queries start timeline in milliseconds.
-| `Etimeline`    | Queries end timeline in milliseconds.
+| `Stimeline`    | Queries start time line in milliseconds.
+| `Etimeline`    | Queries end time line in milliseconds.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ This multiplying factors are defined with a `<number>:` preceding the script pat
 | `odb64luo -P test/queries/* -T 50 - c -q`    | Runs *in parallel* all files under `test/queries/` using 50 threads
 (ODBC connections) (`-T 50`), with CSV output (`-c`) and omitting query output (`-q`).
 | `odb64luo -P 3: test/queries/* -T 3 -c -q`   | Runs *in parallel three times (`3:`)* all files under `test/queries/`
-using thre threads (ODBC connections) (`-T 3`), with CSV output (`-c`) and omitting query output (`-q`).
+using three threads (ODBC connections) (`-T 3`), with CSV output (`-c`) and omitting query output (`-q`).
 Scripts will be assigned to threads using *_standard assignment_*.
 | `odb64luo -P -3: test/queries/* -T 3 -c -q`  | Runs *in parallel three times (`-3:`)* all files under `test/queries/`
 using three threads (ODBC connections) (`-T 3`), with CSV type output (`-c`) and omitting query output (`-q`).
diff --git a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_interpreter.adoc b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_interpreter.adoc
index 6be750c..491afd7 100644
--- a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_interpreter.adoc
+++ b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_interpreter.adoc
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ When you press the up arrow key the whole command (up to semi-colon) will be rea
 command is automatically updated.
 * *CTRL-U/CTRL-L* to change the command case.
 * *CTRL-X* to kill the current command.
-* See online help for the other `mreadline` commands.
+* See on-line help for the other `mreadline` commands.
 2. *History is saved* when you exit the SQL Interpreter in a file identified by the `ODB_HIST` environment variable.
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ will be just prepared, not executed.
 10.  Different databases use different commands to set default schema(s):
 * Trafodion: `set schema <name>;`
 * MySQL: `use <name>;`
-* Postgresql/Vertica: `set search_path to <name1,name2,…>;`
+* PostgreSQL/Vertica: `set search_path to <name1,name2,…>;`
 * Teradata: `set database <name>;`
 `set chsch <command>` is used to define database specific commands to change your schema. When odb recognize the
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/cqds.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/cqds.adoc
index ab7afe7..26f0e7b 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/cqds.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/cqds.adoc
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ CHARACTER SET UTF8, with _n_ being the value of this CQD.
-| Category                    | Historgrams
+| Category                    | Histograms
 | Description                 | Defines the time interval after which timestamps for cached histograms
 are checked to be refreshed.
 | Values                      | Unsigned integer. Unit is seconds. +
 The default value is '3600' (1 hour).
 | Usage       | Histogram statistics are cached so that the compiler can avoid access to
-the metadata tables, thereby reducing compile times. The timestamp of
+the metadata tables, thereby reducing compile times. The time stamp of
 the tables are checked against those of the cached histograms at an
 interval specified by this CQD, in order to see if the cached histograms
 need to be refreshed. +
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ recently updated statistics.
-| Category                    | Historgrams
+| Category                    | Histograms
 | Description                 | Defines the time interval after which the fake histograms in the cache should be refreshed unconditionally.
 | Values                      | Integer. Unit is seconds. +
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ histogram statistics, potentially resulting in poorer plans.
-| Category                    | Historgrams
+| Category                    | Histograms
 | Description                 | Influences the compiler to pre-fetch the histograms and save them in cache.
 | Values                      | 'ON'    Pre-fetches the histograms. +
 'OFF'   Does not pre-fetch the histograms. +
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ histogram statistics, potentially resulting in poorer plans.
-| Category                    | Historgrams
+| Category                    | Histograms
 | Description                 | Specifies the minimum row count for which the optimizer needs histograms, in order to compute better cardinality estimates. The
 optimizer does not issue any missing statistics warnings for tables whose size is smaller than the value of this CQD.
 | Values                      | Integer. +
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc
index 82ae2aa..ea73f2a 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ For a list of Control Query Default (CQD) settings for the Hive environment, see
 === ANSI Names for Hive Tables
-Hive tables appear in the Trafodion Hive ANSI namespace in a special catalog and schema named `HIVE.HIVE`.
+Hive tables appear in the Trafodion Hive ANSI name space in a special catalog and schema named `HIVE.HIVE`.
 To select from a Hive table named `T`, specify an implicit or explicit name, such as `HIVE.HIVE.T`,
 in a Trafodion SQL statement.
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Trafodion performs the following data-type mappings:
 1. The value `_n_` is determined by `CQD HIVE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH`. See <<hive_environment_cqds,Hive Environment CQDs>>.
-2. Hive supports timestamps with nanosecond resolution (precision of 9). Tafodion SQL supports only microsecond resolution (precision 6).
+2. Hive supports timestamps with nanosecond resolution (precision of 9). Trafodion SQL supports only microsecond resolution (precision 6).
 === Supported SQL Statements With Hive Tables
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ does not actually lock the data, thereby reducing lock request conflicts. If a l
 place is released.
 READ COMMITTED provides the next higher level of data consistency (compared to READ UNCOMMITTED).
-A statement executing with this access option does not allow dirty reads, but both nonrepeatable reads
+A statement executing with this access option does not allow dirty reads, but both non-repeatable reads
 and phantoms are possible.
 READ COMMITTED provides sufficient consistency for any process that does not require a repeatable read
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ This option, which is ANSI compliant, allows your transaction to access only com
 when READ COMMITTED is the specified isolation level.
 READ COMMITTED provides the next level of data consistency. A transaction executing with this isolation level does not
-allow dirty reads, but both nonrepeatable reads and phantoms are possible.
+allow dirty reads, but both non-repeatable reads and phantoms are possible.
 READ COMMITTED provides sufficient consistency for any transaction that does not require a repeatable-read capability.
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/olap_functions.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/olap_functions.adoc
index 32a1efd..e01b45b 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/olap_functions.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/olap_functions.adoc
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ DISTINCT in a window function will result in the "4341" error message.
 == AVG Window Function
-AVG is a window function that returns the average of nonnull values of
+AVG is a window function that returns the average of non-null values of
 the given expression for the current window specified by the
 _inline-window specification_.
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ equal have the same rank. The value of DENSE_RANK advances 1 when the
 value of the given expression changes.
-DENSERANK() OVER (inline-window-specification)
+DENSE_RANK() OVER (inline-window-specification)
 * `_inline-window-specification_` is:
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ ROW_NUMBER is a window function that returns the row number of each row
 of the current window specified by the inline-window-specification.
-ROWNUMBER () OVER (inline-window-specification)
+ROW_NUMBER () OVER (inline-window-specification)
 * `_inline-window-specification_` is:
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc
index 44e15f0..56dc11d 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ earlier will be reclaimed to free up space for the upcoming queries. This counte
 | EID Heap Allocated^2^  | Dp2HeapTotal                             | Amount of "heap" memory in KB allocated in the executor in TSEs involved in the query.
 | EID Heap Used2         | Dp2HeapUsed                              | Amount of "heap" memory in KB used in the executor in TSEs involved in the query.
 | Opens                  | Opens                                    | Number of OPEN calls performed by the SQL executor on behalf of this statement.
-| Open Time              | OpenTime                                 | Time (in microseconds) this process spent doing OPENs on behalf of this statement.
+| Open Time              | OpenTime                                 | Time (in microseconds) this process spent doing opens on behalf of this statement.
 | Processes Created      | Newprocess                               | The number of processes (ESPs and MXCMPs) created by the master executor for this statement.
 | Process Create Time    | NewprocessTime                           | The elapsed time taken to create these processes.
 | Table Name             | AnsiName                                 | Name of a table in the query.
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ RMS Stats Reset Timestamp   2010/12/05 14:32:33.891083
 Use the QUERYID_EXTRACT function within an SQL statement to extract
 components of a query ID for use in a SQL query. The query ID, or QID,
-is a unique, clusterwide identifier for a query and
+is a unique, cluster-wide identifier for a query and
 is generated for dynamic SQL statements whenever a SQL string is
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_clauses.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_clauses.adoc
index bb3c9c4..7ae2973 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_clauses.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_clauses.adoc
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ by a table, view, or correlation name; for example, CUSTOMER.CITY.
 specifies the sort order. ASC is the default. For ordering an
 intermediate result table on a column that can contain null, nulls are
-considered equal to one another but greater than all other nonnull
+considered equal to one another but greater than all other non-null
 You must include a SEQUENCE BY clause if you include a sequence function
@@ -1429,4 +1429,4 @@ The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
 | 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 2       | 10      | xyz
 | 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 1       | 2       | abc
 | 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 2       | 20      | xyz
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
index 5bbf66d..7294d83 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ DOWN to the last day of the result month.
 == Aggregate (Set) Functions
 An aggregate (or set) function operates on a group or groups of rows
-retrieved by the SELECT statement or the subquery in which the aggregate
+retrieved by the SELECT statement or the sub query in which the aggregate
 function appears.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ be weighted.
 Columns and expressions can be arguments of an aggregate function. The
-expressions cannot contain aggregate functions or subqueries.
+expressions cannot contain aggregate functions or sub queries.
 An aggregate function can accept an argument specified as DISTINCT,
 which eliminates duplicate values before the aggregate function is
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ See the individual entry for the function.
 These functions manipulate character strings and use a character value
 expression as an argument or return a result of a character data type.
-Character string functions treat each single-byte or multibyte character
+Character string functions treat each single-byte or multi-byte character
 in an input string as one character, regardless of the byte length of
 the character.
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ value. You can also use the concatenation operator (\|\|).
 | <<insert_function,INSERT Function>>                     | Returns a character string where a specified number of characters within
 the character string have been deleted and then a second character
 string has been inserted at a specified start position.
-| <<lcase_function,LCASE Function>>                       | Downshifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use LOWER.
+| <<lcase_function,LCASE Function>>                       | Down-shifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use LOWER.
 | <<left_function,LEFT Function>>                         | Returns the leftmost specified number of characters from a character expression.
 | <<locate_function,LOCATE Function>>                     | Returns the position of a specified substring within a character string.
 You can also use POSITION.
-| <<lower_function,LOWER Function>>                       | Downshifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use LCASE.
+| <<lower_function,LOWER Function>>                       | Down-shifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use LCASE.
 | <<lpad_function,LPAD Function>>                         | Replaces the leftmost specified number of characters in a character
 expression with a padding character.
 | <<ltrim_function,LTRIM Function>>                       | Removes leading spaces from a character string.
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ expression with a padding character.
 | <<translate_function,TRANSLATE Function>>               | Translates a character string from a source character set to a target
 character set.
 | <<trim_function,TRIM Function>>                         | Removes leading or trailing characters from a character string.
-| <<ucase_function,UCASE Function>>                       | Upshifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPSHIFT or UPPER.
-| <<upper_function,UPPER Function>>                       | Upshifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPSHIFT or UCASE.
-| <<upshift_function,UPSHIFT Function>>                   | Upshifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPPER or UCASE.
+| <<ucase_function,UCASE Function>>                       | Up-shifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPSHIFT or UPPER.
+| <<upper_function,UPPER Function>>                       | Up-shifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPSHIFT or UCASE.
+| <<upshift_function,UPSHIFT Function>>                   | Up-shift alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPPER or UCASE.
 See the individual entry for the function.
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ returns 0. If value is greater than zero, returns 1.
 | <<sqrt_function,SQRT Function>>       | Returns the square root of a numeric value expression.
 | <<tan_function,TAN Function>>         | Returns the tangent of a numeric value expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
 | <<tanh_function,TANH Function>>       | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a numeric value expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<zeroifnull_dunction,ZEROIFNULL Function>> | Returns the value of the operand unless it is NULL, in which case it returns zero.
+| <<zeroifnull_function,ZEROIFNULL Function>> | Returns the value of the operand unless it is NULL, in which case it returns zero.
 See the individual entry for the function.
@@ -276,12 +276,12 @@ sequence function.
-| <<movingcount_function,MOVINGCOUNT Function>>       | Returns the number of nonnull values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingmax_function,MOVINGMAX Function>>           | Returns the maximum of nonnull values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingmin_function,MOVINGMIN Function>>           | Returns the minimum of nonnull values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingstddev_function,MOVINGSTDDEV Function>>     | Returns the standard deviation of nonnull values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingsum_function,MOVINGSUM Function>>           | Returns the sum of nonnull values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingvariance_function,MOVINGVARIANCE Function>> | Returns the variance of nonnull values of a column expression in the current window.
+| <<movingcount_function,MOVINGCOUNT Function>>       | Returns the number of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
+| <<movingmax_function,MOVINGMAX Function>>           | Returns the maximum of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
+| <<movingmin_function,MOVINGMIN Function>>           | Returns the minimum of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
+| <<movingstddev_function,MOVINGSTDDEV Function>>     | Returns the standard deviation of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
+| <<movingsum_function,MOVINGSUM Function>>           | Returns the sum of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
+| <<movingvariance_function,MOVINGVARIANCE Function>> | Returns the variance of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
 Offset sequence function
@@ -298,14 +298,14 @@ Offset sequence function
-| <<runningavg_function,RUNNINGAVG Function>>             | Returns the average of nonnull values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
+| <<runningavg_function,RUNNINGAVG Function>>             | Returns the average of non-null values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
 | <<runningcount_function,RUNNINGCOUNT Function>>         | Returns the number of rows up to and including the current row.
 | <<runningmax_function,RUNNINGMAX Function>>             | Returns the maximum of values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
 | <<runningmin_function,RUNNINGMIN Function>>             | Returns the minimum of values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
 | <<runningrank_function,RUNNINGRANK Function>>           | Returns the rank of the given value of an intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement.
-| <<runningstddev_function,RUNNINGSTDDEV Function>>       | Returns the standard deviation of nonnull values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
-| <<runningsum_function,RUNNINGSUM Function>>             | Returns the sum of nonnull values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
-| <<runningvariance_function,RUNNINGVARIANCE Function>>   | Returns the variance of nonnull values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
+| <<runningstddev_function,RUNNINGSTDDEV Function>>       | Returns the standard deviation of non-null values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
+| <<runningsum_function,RUNNINGSUM Function>>             | Returns the sum of non-null values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
+| <<runningvariance_function,RUNNINGVARIANCE Function>>   | Returns the variance of non-null values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ Offset sequence function
-| <<lastnotnull_function,LASTNOTNULL Function>>               | Returns the last nonnull value for the specified column expression. If only null values have been returned, returns null.
+| <<lastnotnull_function,LASTNOTNULL Function>>               | Returns the last non-null value for the specified column expression. If only null values have been returned, returns null.
 | <<rows_since_function,ROWS SINCE Function>>                 | Returns the number of rows counted since the specified condition was last true.
 | <<rows_since_changed_function,ROWS SINCE CHANGED Function>> | Returns the number of rows counted since the specified set of values last changed.
 | <<this_function,THIS Function>>                             | Used in ROWS SINCE to distinguish between the value of the column in the current row and the value of the column in previous rows.
@@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ Use these other functions and expressions in an SQL value expression:
 | <<coalesce_function,COALESCE Function>>                         | Returns the value of the first expression in the list that does not have a NULL value or if all 
 the expressions have NULL values, the function returns a NULL value.
 | <<converttohex_function,CONVERTTOHEX Function>>                 | Converts the specified value expression to hexadecimal for display purposes.
-| <<current_user_function,CURRENT_USER Function>>                 | Returns the database username of the current user who invoked the function.
+| <<current_user_function,CURRENT_USER Function>>                 | Returns the database user name of the current user who invoked the function.
 | <<decode_function,DECODE Function>>                             | Compares _expr_ to each _test_expr_ value one by one in the order provided.
 | <<explain_function,EXPLAIN Function>>                           | Generates a result table describing an access plan for a SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement.
 | <<isnull_function,ISNULL Function>>                             | Returns the first argument if it is not null, otherwise it returns the second argument.
 | <<nullif_function,NULLIF Function>>                             | Returns the value of the first operand if the two operands are not equal, otherwise it returns NULL.
 | <<nvl_function,NVL Function>>                                   | Returns the value of the first operand unless it is NULL, in which case it returns the value of the second operand.
-| <<user_function,USER Function>>                                 | Returns either the database username of the current user who invoked the function or the database username 
+| <<user_function,USER Function>>                                 | Returns either the database user name of the current user who invoked the function or the database user name 
 associated with the specified user ID number.
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ values are eliminated before the AVG function is applied.
 specifies a numeric or interval value _expression_ that determines the
 values to average. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function
-or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the AVG function
+or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the AVG function
 operates on distinct values from the one-column table derived from the
 evaluation of _expression_.
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ specifies the result value expression associated with each _expression_
 in a WHEN clause of a simple CASE, or with each _condition_ in a WHEN
 clause of a searched CASE. All of the _result-expressions_ must have
 comparable data types, and at least one of the
-_result-expressions_ must return nonnull.
+_result-expressions_ must return non-null.
 * `_result-expression_`
@@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@ PREMIER INSURANCE       80 P
 == CHAR_LENGTH Function
 The CHAR_LENGTH function returns the number of characters in a string.
-You can also use CHARACTER_LENGTH. Every character, including multibyte
+You can also use CHARACTER_LENGTH. Every character, including multi-byte
 characters, counts as one character.
@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ An operand can be any SQL value expression of data type CHAR or VARCHAR.
 A string value can be specified by any character value expression, such
 as a character string literal, character string function, column
-reference, aggregate function, scalar subquery, CASE expression, or CAST
+reference, aggregate function, scalar sub query, CASE expression, or CAST
 expression. The value of the operand must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
 If you use the CAST expression, you must specify the length of CHAR or
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ function is applied.
 * `_expression_`
 specifies a value expression that determines the values to count. The
-_expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function or a subquery. The
+_expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function or a sub query. The
 DISTINCT clause specifies that the COUNT function operates on distinct
 values from the one-column table derived from the evaluation of
 _expression_. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
@@ -1775,7 +1775,7 @@ _expression_. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
 The operand of COUNT is either * or an expression that includes columns
 from the result table specified by the SELECT statement that contains
 COUNT. However, the expression cannot include an aggregate function or a
-subquery. These expressions are valid:
+sub query. These expressions are valid:
 COUNT (*)
@@ -2007,9 +2007,9 @@ SET ship_timestamp = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE projcode = 1000;
 == CURRENT_USER Function
-The CURRENT_USER function returns the database username of the current
+The CURRENT_USER function returns the database user name of the current
 user who invoked the function. The current user is the authenticated
-user who started the session. That database username is used for
+user who started the session. That database user name is used for
 authorization of SQL statements in the current session.
@@ -2028,7 +2028,7 @@ The CURRENT_USER function is similar to the <<user_function,USER Function>>.
 === Examples of CURRENT_USER
-* This example retrieves the database username for the current user:
+* This example retrieves the database user name for the current user:
 SELECT CURRENT_USER FROM (values(1)) x(a);
@@ -2669,7 +2669,7 @@ DAYOFMONTH (datetime-expression)
 * `_datetime-expression_`
 is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime ValueE xpressions>>.
+TIMESTAMP. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
 === Examples of DAYOFMONTH
@@ -2811,7 +2811,7 @@ All the _retval_ values and the _default_ value, if any, must be of
 comparable types.
 If _expr_ and a _test-expr_ value are character data, the comparison is
-made using nonpadded comparison semantics.
+made using non-padded comparison semantics.
 If _expr_ and a _test-expr_ value are numeric data, the comparison is
 made with a temporary copy of one of the numbers, according to defined
@@ -3538,7 +3538,7 @@ Start/Date Time/Shipped               (EXPR)
 The INSERT function returns a character string where a specified number
 of characters within the character string has been deleted, beginning at
 a specified start position, and where another character string has been
-inserted at the start position. Every character, including multibyte
+inserted at the start position. Every character, including multi-byte
 characters, is treated as one character.
 INSERT is a Trafodion SQL extension.
@@ -3712,7 +3712,7 @@ START_DATE (EXPR)
 == LASTNOTNULL Function
 The LASTNOTNULL function is a sequence function that returns the last
-nonnull value of a column in an intermediate result table ordered by a
+non-null value of a column in an intermediate result table ordered by a
 SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement. See <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
 LASTNOTNULL is a Trafodion SQL extension.
@@ -3729,7 +3729,7 @@ expression. If only null values have been returned, LASTNOTNULL returns null.
 === Examples of LASTNOTNULL
-* Return the last nonnull value of a column:
+* Return the last non-null value of a column:
@@ -3751,7 +3751,7 @@ lastnotnull
 == LCASE Function
-The LCASE function downshifts alphanumeric characters. For
+The LCASE function down-shifts alphanumeric characters. For
 non-alphanumeric characters, LCASE returns the same character. LCASE can
 appear anywhere in a query where a value can be used, such as in a
 select list, an ON clause, a WHERE clause, a HAVING clause, a LIKE
@@ -3771,7 +3771,7 @@ LCASE (character-expression)
 * `_character-expression_`
 is an SQL character value expression that specifies a string of
-characters to downshift. See
+characters to down-shift. See
 <<character_value_expressions,Character Value Expressions>>.
@@ -3799,7 +3799,7 @@ See <<ucase_function,UCASE Function>>.
 === LEFT Function
 The LEFT function returns the leftmost specified number of characters
-from a character expression. Every character, including multibyte
+from a character expression. Every character, including multi-byte
 characters, is treated as one character.
 LEFT is a Trafodion SQL extension.
@@ -3860,7 +3860,7 @@ SECRETARY COMNET
 The LOCATE function searches for a given substring in a character
 string. If the substring is found, Trafodion SQL returns the character
 position of the substring within the string. Every character, including
-multibyte characters, is treated as one character. The result returned
+multi-byte characters, is treated as one character. The result returned
 by the LOCATE function is equal to the result returned by the
 <<position_function,Position Function>>.
@@ -3985,7 +3985,7 @@ LOG10 (25)
 == LOWER Function
-The LOWER function downshifts alphanumeric characters. For
+The LOWER function down-shifts alphanumeric characters. For
 non-alphanumeric characters, LOWER returns the same character. LOWER can
 appear anywhere in a query where a value can be used, such as in a
 select list, an ON clause, a WHERE clause, a HAVING clause, a LIKE
@@ -4003,13 +4003,13 @@ LOWER (character-expression)
 * `_character-expression_`
 is an SQL character value expression that specifies a string of
-characters to downshift.
+characters to down-shift.
 See <<character_value_expressions,Character Value Expressions>>.
 === Considerations for LOWER
-For a UTF8 character expression, the LOWER function downshifts all the
+For a UTF8 character expression, the LOWER function down-shifts all the
 uppercase or title case characters in a given string to lowercase and
 returns a character string with the same data type and character set as
 the argument.
@@ -4047,7 +4047,7 @@ See <<upper_function,UPPER Function>>.
 === LPAD Function
 The LPAD function pads the left side of a string with the specified
-string. Every character in the string, including multibyte characters,
+string. Every character in the string, including multi-byte characters,
 is treated as one character.
 LPAD is a Trafodion SQL extension.
@@ -4170,7 +4170,7 @@ applied.
 specifies an expression that determines the values to include in the
 computation of the maximum. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate
-function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the
+function or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the
 MAX/MAXIMUM function operates on distinct values from the one-column
 table derived from the evaluation of _expression_. All nulls are
 eliminated before the function is applied to the set of values. If the
@@ -4231,7 +4231,7 @@ duplicate values are eliminated before the MIN function is applied.
 specifies an expression that determines the values to include in the
 computation of the minimum. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate
-function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the MIN
+function or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the MIN
 function operates on distinct values from the one-column table derived
 from the evaluation of _expression_. All nulls are eliminated before
 the function is applied to the set of values. If the result table is
@@ -4419,7 +4419,7 @@ Start/Date Time/Shipped               (EXPR)
 == MOVINGAVG Function
 The MOVINGAVG function is a sequence function that returns the average
-of nonnull values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
+of non-null values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
 result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement. See
 <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -4465,7 +4465,7 @@ the result table, negative, or NULL.
 === Examples of MOVINGAVG
-* Return the average of nonnull values of a column in the current window
+* Return the average of non-null values of a column in the current window
 of three rows:
@@ -4497,7 +4497,7 @@ MOVINGAVG3
 == MOVINGCOUNT Function
 The MOVINGCOUNT function is a sequence function that returns the number
-of nonnull values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
+of non-null values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
 result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement. See
 <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@ values are counted.
 === Examples of MOVINGCOUNT
-* Return the number of nonnull values of a column in the current window of
+* Return the number of non-null values of a column in the current window of
 three rows:
@@ -4574,7 +4574,7 @@ MOVINGCOUNT3
 == MOVINGMAX Function
 The MOVINGMAX function is a sequence function that returns the maximum
-of nonnull values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
+of non-null values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
 result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement. See
 <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -4620,7 +4620,7 @@ the result table, negative, or NULL.
 === Examples of MOVINGMAX
-* Return the maximum of nonnull values of a column in the current window
+* Return the maximum of non-null values of a column in the current window
 of three rows:
@@ -4643,7 +4643,7 @@ MOVINGMAX3
 == MOVINGMIN Function
 The MOVINGMIN function is a sequence function that returns the minimum
-of nonnull values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
+of non-null values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
 result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement. See
 <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -4678,7 +4678,7 @@ RUNNINGMIN:
 ** The _integer-expression_ is out of range, and _max-rows_ is not
 specified. This condition includes the case in which both
 _integer-expression_ and _max-rows_ are larger than the result table.
-** The minimum of i_nteger-expression_ and _max-rows_ is out of range.
+** The minimum of _integer-expression_ and _max-rows_ is out of range.
 In this case, _integer-expression_ could be within range, but _max-rows_
 might be the minimum value of the two and be out of range (for example,
 a negative number).
@@ -4689,7 +4689,7 @@ the result table, negative, or NULL.
 === Examples of MOVINGMIN
-* Return the minimum of nonnull values of a column in the current window
+* Return the minimum of non-null values of a column in the current window
 of three rows:
@@ -4712,7 +4712,7 @@ MOVINGMIN3
 The MOVINGSTDDEV function is a sequence function that returns the
-standard deviation of nonnull values of a column in the current window
+standard deviation of non-null values of a column in the current window
 of an intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a
 SELECT statement. See <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -4758,7 +4758,7 @@ the result table, negative, or NULL.
 === Examples of MOVINGSTDDEV
-* Return the standard deviation of nonnull values of a column in the
+* Return the standard deviation of non-null values of a column in the
 current window of three rows:
@@ -4798,7 +4798,7 @@ FROM mining.seqfcn SEQUENCE BY ts;
 == MOVINGSUM Function
 The MOVINGSUM function is a sequence function that returns the sum of
-nonnull values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
+non-null values of a column in the current window of an intermediate
 result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement. See
 <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -4832,7 +4832,7 @@ _integer-expression_ and _max-rows_.
 ** The _integer-expression_ is out of range, and _max-rows_ is not
 specified. This condition includes the case in which both
-i_nteger-expression_ and _max-rows_ are larger than the result table.
+_integer-expression_ and _max-rows_ are larger than the result table.
 ** The minimum of _integer-expression_ and _max-rows_ is out of range.
 In this case, _integer-expression_ could be within range, but _max-rows_
 might be the minimum value of the two and be out of range (for example,
@@ -4844,7 +4844,7 @@ the result table, negative, or NULL.
 === Examples of MOVINGSUM
-* Return the sum of nonnull values of a column in the current window of
+* Return the sum of non-null values of a column in the current window of
 three rows:
@@ -4867,7 +4867,7 @@ MOVINGSUM3
 The MOVINGVARIANCE function is a sequence function that returns the
-variance of nonnull values of a column in the current window of an
+variance of non-null values of a column in the current window of an
 intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT
 statement. See <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -4913,7 +4913,7 @@ the result table, negative, or NULL.
 === Examples of MOVINGVARIANCE
-* Return the variance of nonnull values of a column in the current window
+* Return the variance of non-null values of a column in the current window
 of three rows:
@@ -5054,7 +5054,7 @@ comparable data types.
 If _operand_ is a null value, NVL returns _new-operand_. If _operand_
 is not a null value, NVL returns _operand_.
-The _operand_ and _new-operand_ can be a column name, subquery,
+The _operand_ and _new-operand_ can be a column name, sub query,
 Trafodion SQL string functions, math functions, or constant values.
@@ -5144,7 +5144,7 @@ column as the actual number of storage bytes.
 The OCTET_LENGTH and CHAR_LENGTH functions are similar. The OCTET_LENGTH
 function returns the number of bytes, rather than the number of
-characters, in the string. This distinction is important for multibyte
+characters, in the string. This distinction is important for multi-byte
 implementations. For an example of selecting a double-byte column, see
 <<examples_of_octet_length,Example of OCTET_LENGTH>>.
@@ -5243,7 +5243,7 @@ PI()
 The POSITION function searches for a given substring in a character
 string. If the substring is found, Trafodion SQL returns the character
 position of the substring within the string. Every character, including
-multibyte characters, is treated as one character. The result returned
+multi-byte characters, is treated as one character. The result returned
 by the POSITION function is equal to the result returned by the
 <<locate_function,LOCATE Function>>.
@@ -5698,7 +5698,7 @@ SYSTEM ANAL TDMNET
 == RIGHT Function
 The RIGHT function returns the rightmost specified number of characters
-from a character expression. Every character, including multibyte
+from a character expression. Every character, including multi-byte
 characters, is treated as one character.
 RIGHT is a Trafodion SQL extension.
@@ -5968,7 +5968,7 @@ FROM mining.seqfcn SEQUENCE BY ts;
 == RPAD Function
 The RPAD function pads the right side of a string with the specified
-string. Every character in the string, including multibyte characters,
+string. Every character in the string, including multi-byte characters,
 is treated as one character.
 RPAD is a Trafodion SQL extension.
@@ -6080,7 +6080,7 @@ See <<trim_function,TRIM Function>> and <<ltrim_function,LTRIM Function>>.
 == RUNNINGAVG Function
 The RUNNINGAVG function is a sequence function that returns the average
-of nonnull values of a column up to and including the current row of an
+of non-null values of a column up to and including the current row of an
 intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT
 statement. See <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -6155,7 +6155,7 @@ the intermediate result table up to and including the current row.
 specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of the column
 expression. If _column-expression_ is the argument, RUNNINGCOUNT returns
-the number of rows containing nonnull values of _column-expression_ in the
+the number of rows containing non-null values of _column-expression_ in the
 intermediate result table up to and including the current row.
@@ -6285,7 +6285,7 @@ min_i1
 The RUNNINGSTDDEV function is a sequence function that returns the
-standard deviation of nonnull values of a column up to and including the
+standard deviation of non-null values of a column up to and including the
 current row of an intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY
 clause in a SELECT statement.
 See <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -6301,7 +6301,7 @@ RUNNINGSTDDEV (_column-expression_)
 specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of the column
-RUNNINGSTDDEV returns the standard deviation of nonnull values of
+RUNNINGSTDDEV returns the standard deviation of non-null values of
 _column-expression_ up to and including the current row.
@@ -6360,7 +6360,7 @@ FROM mining.seqfcn SEQUENCE BY ts;
 == RUNNINGSUM Function
 The RUNNINGSUM function is a sequence function that returns the sum of
-nonnull values of a column up to and including the current row of an
+non-null values of a column up to and including the current row of an
 intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT
 statement. See <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -6375,13 +6375,13 @@ RUNNINGSUM (column-expression)
 specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of the column
-RUNNINGSUM returns the sum of nonnull values of _column-expression_ up
+RUNNINGSUM returns the sum of non-null values of _column-expression_ up
 to and including the current row.
 === Examples of RUNNINGSUM
-* Return the sum of nonnull values of _i1_ up to and including the current
+* Return the sum of non-null values of _i1_ up to and including the current
@@ -6404,7 +6404,7 @@ sum_i1
 The RUNNINGVARIANCE function is a sequence function that returns the
-variance of nonnull values of a column up to and including the current
+variance of non-null values of a column up to and including the current
 row of an intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a
 SELECT statement. See <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>>.
@@ -6419,13 +6419,13 @@ RUNNINGVARIANCE (column-expression)
 specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of the column
-RUNNINGVARIANCE returns the variance of nonnull values of
+RUNNINGVARIANCE returns the variance of non-null values of
 _column-expression_ up to and including the current row.
 === Examples of RUNNINGVARIANCE
-* Return the variance of nonnull values of _i1_ up to and including the
+* Return the variance of non-null values of _i1_ up to and including the
 current row:
@@ -6684,7 +6684,7 @@ If DISTINCT is specified, you cannot specify _weight_.
 specifies a numeric value expression that determines the values for
 which to compute the standard deviation. The _expression_ cannot contain
-an aggregate function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that
+an aggregate function or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that
 the STDDEV function operates on distinct values from the one-column
 table derived from the evaluation of _expression_.
@@ -6692,7 +6692,7 @@ table derived from the evaluation of _expression_.
 specifies a numeric value expression that determines the weights of the
 values for which to compute the standard deviation. _weight_ cannot
-contain an aggregate function or a subquery. _weight_ is defined on
+contain an aggregate function or a sub query. _weight_ is defined on
 the same table as _expression_. The one-column table derived from the
 evaluation of _expression_ and the one-column table derived from the
 evaluation of _weight_ must have the same cardinality.
@@ -6812,7 +6812,7 @@ value with an exact numeric data type and a scale of zero.
 * `_length_`
 specifies the number of characters to extract from _character-expr_.
-Keep in mind that every character, including multibyte characters,
+Keep in mind that every character, including multi-byte characters,
 counts as one character. _length_ is the length of the extracted
 substring and must be a value greater than or equal to zero of exact
 numeric data type and with a scale of zero. The _length_ field is
@@ -6858,8 +6858,8 @@ start position to the end of the string is returned.
 * If the start position is greater than the length of the character
 expression, an empty string ('') is returned.
 * The resulting substring is always of type VARCHAR. If the source
-character string is an upshifted CHAR or VARCHAR string, the result is
-an upshifted VARCHAR type.
+character string is an up-shifted CHAR or VARCHAR string, the result is
+an up-shifted VARCHAR type.
@@ -6935,7 +6935,7 @@ values are eliminated before the SUM function is applied.
 specifies a numeric or interval value expression that determines the
 values to sum. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function or
-a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the SUM function operates
+a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the SUM function operates
 on distinct values from the one-column table derived from the evaluation
 of _expression_. All nulls are eliminated before the function is
 applied to the set of values. If the result table is empty, SUM returns
@@ -7308,7 +7308,7 @@ is one of these translation names:
 | Translation Name | Source Character Set | Target Character Set | Comments
 | ISO88591TOUTF8   | ISO88591             | UTF8                 | Translates ISO8859-1 characters to UTF8 characters. No data loss is possible.
-| UTF8TOISO88591   | UTF8                 | ISO88591             | ranslates UTF8 characters to ISO88591 characters. Trafodion SQL will
+| UTF8TOISO88591   | UTF8                 | ISO88591             | Translates UTF8 characters to ISO88591 characters. Trafodion SQL will
 display an error if it encounters a Unicode character that cannot be converted to the target character set.
@@ -7336,7 +7336,7 @@ Trafodion SQL returns an error.
 == TRIM Function
 The TRIM function removes leading and trailing characters from a
-character string. Every character, including multibyte characters, is
+character string. Every character, including multi-byte characters, is
 treated as one character.
@@ -7374,8 +7374,8 @@ to trim characters. See <<character_value_expressions,Character Value Expression
 The result is always of type VARCHAR, with maximum length equal to the
 fixed length or maximum variable length of _trim-source_. If the
-source character string is an upshifts CHAR or VARCHAR string, the
-result is an upshifts VARCHAR type.
+source character string is an up-shifts CHAR or VARCHAR string, the
+result is an up-shifts VARCHAR type.
@@ -7399,7 +7399,7 @@ TRIM(first_name) || ' ' || TRIM (last_name)
 == UCASE Function
-The UCASE function upshifts alphanumeric characters. For
+The UCASE function up-shifts alphanumeric characters. For
 non-alphanumeric characters, UCASE returns the same character. UCASE can
 appear anywhere in a query where a value can be used, such as in a
 select list, an ON clause, a WHERE clause, a HAVING clause, a LIKE
@@ -7425,7 +7425,7 @@ characters to upshift. See <<character_value_expressions,Character Value Express
 === Considerations for UCASE
-For a UTF8 character_expression, the UCASE function upshifts all
+For a UTF8 character_expression, the UCASE function up-shifts all
 lowercase or title case characters to uppercase and returns a character
 string. If the argument is of type CHAR(_n_) or VARCHAR(_n_), the
 result is of type VARCHAR(min(3_n_, 2048)), where the maximum length
@@ -7463,7 +7463,7 @@ See <<lcase_function,LCASE Function>>.
 === UPPER Function
-The UPPER function upshifts alphanumeric characters. For
+The UPPER function up-shifts alphanumeric characters. For
 non-alphanumeric characters, UCASE returns the same character. UPPER can
 appear anywhere in a query where a value can be used, such as in a
 select list, an ON clause, a WHERE clause, a HAVING clause, a LIKE
@@ -7511,7 +7511,7 @@ see <<upshift_function,UPSHIFT Function>>.
 === UPSHIFT Function
-The UPSHIFT function upshifts alphanumeric characters. For
+The UPSHIFT function up-shifts alphanumeric characters. For
 non-alphanumeric characters, UCASE returns the same character. UPSHIFT
 can appear anywhere in a query where a value can be used, such as in a
 select list, an ON clause, a WHERE clause, a HAVING clause, a LIKE
@@ -7584,12 +7584,12 @@ WHERE UPSHIFT(D1.deptname) = UPSHIFT(D2.deptname);
 == USER Function
-The USER function returns either the database username associated with
-the specified user ID number or the database username of the current
+The USER function returns either the database user name associated with
+the specified user ID number or the database user name of the current
 user who invoked the function. The current user
 is the authenticated user who started the session. That database
-username is used for authorization of SQL statements in the current
+user name is used for authorization of SQL statements in the current
@@ -7598,7 +7598,7 @@ USER [(user-id)]
 * `_user-id_`
-is the 32-bit number associated with a database username.
+is the 32-bit number associated with a database user name.
 The USER function is similar to the <<authname_function,AUTHNAME Function>>
 and the <<current_user_function,CURRENT USER Function>>.
@@ -7612,7 +7612,7 @@ and the <<current_user_function,CURRENT USER Function>>.
 === Examples of USER
-* This example shows the database username of the current user who is
+* This example shows the database user name of the current user who is
 logged in to the session:
@@ -7626,7 +7626,7 @@ TSHAW
-* This example shows the database username associated with the user ID number, 33333:
+* This example shows the database user name associated with the user ID number, 33333:
 SELECT USER (33333) FROM (values(1)) x(a);
@@ -7661,7 +7661,7 @@ If DISTINCT is specified, you cannot specify _weight_.
 specifies a numeric value expression that determines the values for
 which to compute the variance. _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate
-function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the VARIANCE
+function or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the VARIANCE
 function operates on distinct values from the one-column table derived
 from the evaluation of _expression_.
@@ -7669,7 +7669,7 @@ from the evaluation of _expression_.
 specifies a numeric value expression that determines the weights of the
 values for which to compute the variance. _weight_ cannot contain an
-aggregate function or a subquery. _weight_ is defined on the same table
+aggregate function or a sub query. _weight_ is defined on the same table
 as _expression_. The one-column table derived from the evaluation of
 _expression_ and the one-column table derived from the evaluation of
 _weight_ must have the same cardinality.
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
index b8474ae..3a51658 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ or delimited case-insensitive identifier that can have a maximum of 128 characte
 Internally, the authorization ID is associated with a 32-bit number that the database generates and uses for
 efficient access and storage.
-All authorization IDs share the same namespace. An authorization ID can be a database username or a role name.
+All authorization IDs share the same name space. An authorization ID can be a database user name or a role name.
 Therefore, a database user and a role cannot share the same name.
 An authorization ID can be the PUBLIC authorization ID, which represents all present and future authorization IDs.
-An authorization ID cannot be SYSTEM, which is the implicit grantor of privileges to the creator of bjects.
+An authorization ID cannot be SYSTEM, which is the implicit grantor of privileges to the creator of objects.
 == Character Sets
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ For more information on Trafodion SQL commands, see <<create_table_statement,CRE
 When you create a constraint, you can specify a name for it or allow a name to be generated by Trafodion SQL.
 You can optionally specify both column and table constraint names. Constraint names are ANSI logical names.
-See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>. Constraint names are in the same namespace as tables and
+See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>. Constraint names are in the same name space as tables and
 views, so a constraint name cannot have the same name s a table or view.
 The name you specify can be fully qualified or not. If you specify the schema parts of the name, they must match
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ system-generated unique identifier.
 == Correlation Names
-A correlation name is a name you can associate with a table reference that is a table, view, or subquery in a SELECT
+A correlation name is a name you can associate with a table reference that is a table, view, or sub query in a SELECT
 statement to:
 * Distinguish a table or view from another table or view referred to in a statement
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ WHERE orders.custnum = c.custnum AND orders.custnum = 543;
 == Database Objects
-A database object is an SQL entity that exists in a namespace. SQL statements can access Trafodion SQL database objects.
+A database object is an SQL entity that exists in a name space. SQL statements can access Trafodion SQL database objects.
 The subsections listed below describe these Trafodion SQL database objects.
 * <<constraints,Constraints>>
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ correlation name.
 Trafodion SQL objects are organized in a hierarchical manner. Database objects exist in schemas, which are themselves
 contained in a catalog called TRAFODION. A catalog is a collection of schemas. Schema names must be unique within the catalog.
-Multiple objects with the same name can exist provided that each belongs to a different namespace. Trafodion SQL supports these
+Multiple objects with the same name can exist provided that each belongs to a different name space. Trafodion SQL supports these
 * Index
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ namespaces:
 * Schema label
 * Table value object (table, view, constraint)
-Objects in one schema can refer to objects in a different schema. Objects of a given namespace are required to have
+Objects in one schema can refer to objects in a different schema. Objects of a given name space are required to have
 unique names within a given schema.
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ FRACTION in 4 bytes +
 | | TIME                         | Time of day, 24 hour clock, no time precision. Format as HH:MM:SS; actual database storage size is 3 bytes
 | | TIME (with time precision)   | Time of day, 24 hour clock, with time precision | Format as HH:MM:SS.FFFFFF; actual database storage size is 7 bytes
 | | TIMESTAMP                    | Point in time, no time precision | Format as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS; actual database storage size is 7 bytes
-| | TIMESTAMP (with time precision) Point in time, with time precision | Format as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFFFFF; actual database storage size is 1b ytes
+| | TIMESTAMP (with time precision) Point in time, with time precision | Format as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFFFFF; actual database storage size is 1 byte
 | Interval | INTERVAL | Duration of time; value is in the YEAR/MONTH range or the DAY/HOUR/MINUTE/YEAR/SECOND/FRACTION range
 | YEAR no constraint^6^ +
 MONTH 0-1 +
@@ -716,9 +716,9 @@ the Gregorian calendar and a 24-hour clock in local civil time (LCT). A
 datetime item can represent a date, a time, or a date and time.
 When a numeric value is added to or subtracted from a date type, the
-numeric value is automatically CASTed to an INTERVAL DAY value. When a
+numeric value is automatically casted to an INTERVAL DAY value. When a
 numeric value is added to or subtracted from a time type or a timestamp
-type, the numeric value is automatically CASTed to an INTERVAL SECOND
+type, the numeric value is automatically casted to an INTERVAL SECOND
 value. For information on CAST, see <<cast
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ expression.
 A value expression can be a character string literal, a numeric literal,
 a dynamic parameter, or a column name that specifies the value of the
 column in a row of a table. A value expression can also include
-functions and scalar subqueries.
+functions and scalar sub queries.
@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ Character (or string) value expressions are built from operands that can be:
 * Character string functions
 * Column references with character values
 * Dynamic parameters
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return character values
+* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar sub queries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return character values
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ Datetime value expressions are built from operands that can be:
 * Column references with datetime or interval values
 * Dynamic parameters
 * Datetime or interval value functions
-* Any aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE
+* Any aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar sub queries, CASE
 expressions, or CAST expressions that return datetime or interval values
@@ -1265,9 +1265,9 @@ a datetime value expression only in these combinations:
 When a numeric value is added to or subtracted from a DATE type, the
-numeric value is automatically CASTed to an INTERVAL DAY value. When a
+numeric value is automatically casted to an INTERVAL DAY value. When a
 numeric value is added to or subtracted from a time type or a timestamp
-type, the numeric value is automatically CASTed to an INTERVAL SECOND
+type, the numeric value is automatically casted to an INTERVAL SECOND
 value. For information on CAST, see <<cast expression,CAST Expression>>.
 For more information on INTERVALS, see 
 <<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ Interval value expressions are built from operands that can be:
 * Column references with datetime or interval values
 * Dynamic parameters
 * Datetime or interval value functions
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return interval values
+* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar sub queries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return interval values
 For _interval-term_, _datetime-expression_, and _datetime-primary_, see <<datetime_value_[expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
@@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ built from operands that can be:
 * Column references with numeric values
 * Dynamic parameters
 * Numeric value functions
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return numeric values
+* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar sub queries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return numeric values
@@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ These are examples of numeric value expressions:
 SQL identifiers are names used to identify tables, views, columns, and
 other SQL entities. The two types of identifiers are regular and
 delimited. A delimited identifier is enclosed in double quotes (").
-Case-insensitive delimited identifiers are used only for usernames and
+Case-insensitive delimited identifiers are used only for user names and
 role names. Either regular, delimited, or case-sensitive delimited
 identifiers can contain up to 128 characters.
@@ -1815,13 +1815,13 @@ quote characters (") and consist of alphanumeric characters, including
 the underscore character (_) or a dash (-). Unlike regular identifiers,
 delimited identifiers are case-sensitive. Trafodion SQL does not support
 spaces or special characters in delimited identifiers given the
-constraints of the underlying HBase filesystem. You can use reserved
+constraints of the underlying HBase file system. You can use reserved
 words as delimited identifiers.
 === Case-Insensitive Delimited Identifiers
-Case-insensitive delimited identifiers, which are used for usernames and
+Case-insensitive delimited identifiers, which are used for user names and
 roles, are character strings that appear within double quote characters
 (") and consist of alphanumeric characters
 (A through Z and a through z), digits (0 through 9), underscores (_), dashes (-), periods (.), at
@@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ Each row in a Trafodion SQL index contains:
 * The clustering key of the underlying table (the user-defined
 clustering key)
-An index name is an SQL identifier. Indexes have their own namespace
+An index name is an SQL identifier. Indexes have their own name space
 within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table or
 constraint name. However, no two indexes in a schema can have the same
@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ table rows. Each row in a Trafodion SQL index contains:
 * The clustering (primary) key of the underlying table (the user-defined clustering key)
-For a nonunique index, the clustering key of the index is composed of
+For a non-unique index, the clustering key of the index is composed of
 both items. The clustering key cannot exceed 2048 bytes. Because the
 clustering key includes all the columns in the table, each row is also
 limited to 2048 bytes.
@@ -2468,7 +2468,7 @@ clauses are:
 | DISTINCT | Nulls are considered duplicates; therefore, a result has at most one null.
 | GROUP BY | The result has at most one null group.
-| ORDER BY | Nulls are considered greater than nonnull values.
+| ORDER BY | Nulls are considered greater than non-null values.
@@ -2503,7 +2503,7 @@ rows from tables or views.
 | <<between_predicate,BETWEEN Predicate>> | Determines whether a sequence of values is within a range of sequences of values.
 | <<comparison_predicates,Comparison Predicates>> +
 ( =, <>, <, >, <&#61;, >&#61;  ) | Compares the values of sequences of expressions, or compares the values
-of sequences of row values that are the result of row subqueries.
+of sequences of row values that are the result of row sub queries.
 | <<exists_predicate,EXISTS Predicate>> | Determines whether any rows are selected by a subquery. If the subquery
 finds at least one row that satisfies its search condition, the
 predicate evaluates to true. Otherwise, if the result table of the
@@ -2658,7 +2658,7 @@ EMPNUM FIRST_NAME      LAST_NAME
 A comparison predicate compares the values of sequences of expressions,
 or the values of sequences of row values that are the result of row
+sub queries.
 row-value-constructor comparison-op row-value-constructor
@@ -2720,7 +2720,7 @@ values with the same ordinal position in the two lists.) See
 Trafodion SQL determines whether a relationship is true or false by
 comparing values in corresponding positions in sequence, until it finds
-the first nonequal pair.
+the first non-equal pair.
 You cannot use a comparison predicate in a WHERE or HAVING clause to
 compare row value constructors when the value expressions in one row
@@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ X=(X1,X2,...,Xn), Y=(Y1,Y2,...,Yn).
 Predicate X=Y is true if for all i=1,&#8230;,n: Xi=Yi. For this predicate,
 Trafodion SQL must look through all values. Predicate X = Y is false if
-for some i Xi<>Yi. When SQL finds nonequal components, it stops and does
+for some i Xi<>Yi. When SQL finds non-equal components, it stops and does
 not look at remaining components.
 Predicate X<>Y is true if X=Y is false. If X1<>Y1, Trafodion SQL does
@@ -2762,7 +2762,7 @@ if all components are equal, or X=Y.
 Predicate X<&#61;Y is true if X<Y is true or X=Y is true. In this scenario,
 Trafodion SQL might need to look through all components and return true
-if they are all equal. It stops at the first nonequal components,
+if they are all equal. It stops at the first non-equal components,
 Xm<>Ym. If Xm<Ym, the predicate is true. Otherwise, it is false.
@@ -2800,8 +2800,8 @@ values must be both year-month intervals or both day-time intervals.
 ===== Comparing Multiple Values
-Use multivalue predicates whenever possible; they are generally more
-efficient than equivalent conditions without multivalue predicates.
+Use multi-value predicates whenever possible; they are generally more
+efficient than equivalent conditions without multi-value predicates.
 ==== Examples of Comparison Predicates
@@ -2842,7 +2842,7 @@ same last name, alphabetically by first name:
 REEVES, ANNE meets this criteria, but MOSS, ANNE does not.
-This multivalue predicate is equivalent to this condition with three
+This multi-value predicate is equivalent to this condition with three
 comparison predicates:
@@ -3715,7 +3715,7 @@ reconnect to a session to see the updated set of privileges. For more
 information about privileges, see <<privileges,Privileges>>.
 A role name is an authorization ID. A role name cannot be identical to a
-registered database username. For more information, see
+registered database user name. For more information, see
 <<authorization_ids,Authorization IDs>>.
 To manage roles, see these SQL statements:
@@ -3752,7 +3752,7 @@ DROP SCHEMA statement. For more information, see the
 <<drop_schema_statement,DROP SCHEMA Statement>>.
 == Search Condition
 A search condition is used to choose rows from tables or views,
@@ -3947,7 +3947,7 @@ WHERE y = 2))
 The maximum level of nested subqueries might depend on:
 * The complexity of the subqueries.
-* Whether the subquery is correlated and if so, whether it can be unnested.
+* Whether the subquery is correlated and if so, whether it can be un-nested.
 * Amount of available memory.
 Other factors may affect the maximum level of subqueries.
@@ -4061,7 +4061,7 @@ or both, from one or more base tables or other views.
 === SQL Views
 A view’s name must be unique among table and view names within the
-schema that contains it. Single table views can be updatable. Multitable
+schema that contains it. Single table views can be updatable. Multi-table
 views are not updatable.
 For information about SQL views, see <<create_view_statement,CREATE VIEW Statement>>

[5/7] incubator-trafodion git commit: [TRaFODION-1699] Updated web site to rely on Contributor Guide on the wiki. Changed download to point to real binaries hosted on the build-result site. Ran spell checks on all the guides and fixed formatting errors a

Posted by
[TRaFODION-1699] Updated web site to rely on Contributor Guide on the
wiki. Changed download to point to real binaries hosted on the
build-result site. Ran spell checks on all the guides and fixed formatting
errors as I saw then.

The * pages redirects Contribution and Team pages to the wiki
rather than doing a direct link. This is to allow us to track access using
Google Analytics, which is not possible with direct links to the wiki.

Also tried out Steve's new build for the web site, which works very well.

Please publish the documents to 2.0.0 and update the web site. The deleted
.md file can be deleted from the web site's SVN repository, too.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 3063990dc91194c50557d1c803152a4e605f4e3c
Parents: 125ae49
Author: Gunnar Tapper <gt...@esgyn.local>
Authored: Fri Jan 29 01:02:09 2016 -0700
Committer: Gunnar Tapper <gt...@esgyn.local>
Committed: Fri Jan 29 01:02:09 2016 -0700

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 docs/src/site/site.xml                          |  93 +-----
 53 files changed, 578 insertions(+), 2907 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
index 0d4a7ac..09cad34 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ If you are building ODBC applications, please use the preferred build platform,
 1.  Create a download folder on the client workstation.
 2.  Open a Web browser and navigate to
-3.  Click on the `clients-1.3.*_n_*.tar.gz` link to start downloading the Trafodionclients tar file to your workstation.
+3.  Click on the `clients-1.3.*_n_*.tar.gz` link to start downloading the Trafodion clients tar file to your workstation.
 4.  Place the `clients-1.3.*_n_*.tar.gz` file into the download folder.
 5.  Unpack the `clients-1.3.*_n_*.tar.gz` file.
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ cd PkgTmp
 Except for the sample file, the `` script saves a copy (`.SAV`) of your previous installation files if they exist.
 4.  Accept the terms of the license agreement by entering *yes*.
 5.  Enter a directory for the library files, or press Enter to use the default directory (`/usr/lib64`).
-6.  Enter a directory for the datasource template file, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
+6.  Enter a directory for the data-source template file, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
 7.  Enter a directory for the sample program, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
 === Set Up Client Environment
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
index 887d15f..8c20cfd 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ default, the client error message language is English, and the client’s local
 The *Test Trafodion ODBC Connection* dialog box appears, allowing you to test the connection using the data source that you created.
 9.  Click *Test Connection*.
-10.  When prompted, enter your username and password, and click *OK*.
+10.  When prompted, enter your user name and password, and click *OK*.
 If the connection is successful, you will see `Connected Successfully` in the *Test Trafodion ODBC Connection* dialog box.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc
index b9a8f0a..f670587 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ Install Jython, a Java implementation of Python? [Y]: Y
 Jython URL (jython_installer-2.2.jar)
-11.  The setup proceeds to download and install the optional open-sourcecomponents. As each component is retrieved, dots (.) are printed to
+11.  The setup proceeds to download and install the optional open-source components. As each component is retrieved, dots (.) are printed to
 indicate the progress of the download.
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ Downloading Perl XML SAX Module [1 of 1] -
 ......................... 100%
 Downloading Jython [1 of 1] - jython_installer-2.2.jar
 ......................... 100%
-Sucessfully Installed Jython. Successfully added
+Successfully Installed Jython. Successfully added
 Trafodion Command Interface Installation Complete.
@@ -447,8 +447,8 @@[_Trafodi
 |              | sample.sql        | Sample SQL script.
 |              |      | Sample Python file that uses Jython to execute DDL statements.
 |              |      | Sample Python file that uses Jython to execute DML statements.
-|              |   | Sample Perl file that lists all tables and respective rowcounts. The file accepts a wildcard argument on the command line.
-|              |   | Sample Python file that lists all tables and respective rowcounts. The file accepts a wildcard argument on the command line.
+|              |   | Sample Perl file that lists all tables and respective row counts. The file accepts a wild-card argument on the command line.
+|              |   | Sample Python file that lists all tables and respective row counts. The file accepts a wild-card argument on the command line.
diff --git a/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc b/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc
index 6ea12f6..cf568bd 100644
--- a/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc
+++ b/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ TrafCI supports these commands in the command-line interface or in script files
-| Commmand             | Description                                                                                                 | Documentation
+| Command              | Description                                                                                                 | Documentation
 | @                    | Runs the SQL statements and interface commands contained in a specified script file.                        | <<cmd_at_sign, @ Command>>
 | /                    | Runs the previously executed SQL statement.                                                                 | <<cmd_slash, / Command>>
 | ALIAS                | Maps a string to any interface or SQL command.                                                              | <<cmd_alias, ALIAS Command>>
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ TrafCI supports these commands in the command-line interface or in script files
 | DISCONNECT           | Terminates the connection to the Trafodion database.                                                        | <<cmd_disconnect, DISCONNECT Command>>
 | ENV                  | Displays attributes of the current TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_env, ENV Command>>
 | EXIT                 | Disconnects from and exits the command-line interface.                                                      | <<cmd_exit, EXIT Command>>
-| FC                   | Edits and reexecutes a previous command. This command is restricted to the command-line
+| FC                   | Edits and re-executes a previous command. This command is restricted to the command-line
 interface and is disallowed in script files.                                                                                         | <<cmd_fc, FC Command>>
 | GET STATISTICS       | Returns formatted statistics for the last executed SQL statement.                                           | <<cmd_get_statistics, GET STATISTICS Command>>
 | GOTO                 | Jumps to a point the command history specified by the <<cmd_label, LABEL Command>>.                         | <<cmd_goto, GOTO Command>>
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ interface and is disallowed in script files.
 | QUIT                 | Disconnects from and exits TrafCI.                                                                          | <<cmd_quit, QUIT Command>>
 | RECONNECT            | Creates a new connection to the Trafodion database using the login credentials of the last
 successful connection.                                                                                                               | <<cmd_reconnect, RECONNECT Command>>
-| REPEAT               | Reexecutes a command.                                                                                       | <<cmd_repeat, REPEAT Command>>
+| REPEAT               | Re-executes a command.                                                                                       | <<cmd_repeat, REPEAT Command>>
 | RESET LASTERROR      | Resets the last error code to `0`.                                                                          | <<cmd_reset_lasterror, RESET LASTERROR Command>>
 | RESET PARAM          | Clears all parameter values or a specified parameter value in the current session.                          | <<cmd_reset_param, RESET PARAM Command>>
 | RUN                  | Runs the previously executed SQL statement.                                                                 | <<cmd_run, RUN Command>>
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ The default is a semicolon (`;`).
 | SHOW LASTERROR       | Displays the last error of the statement that was executed.                                                 | <<cmd_show_lasterror, SHOW LASTERROR Command>>
 | SHOW LIST_COUNT      | Displays the maximum number of rows to be returned by `SELECT` statements in the current session.           | <<cmd_show_list_count, SHOW LIST_COUNT Command>>
 | SHOW MARKUP          | Displays the value that has been set for the markup option for the current TrafCI session.                  | <<cmd_show_markup, SHOW MARKUP Command>>
-| SHOW PARAM           | isplays the parameters that are set in the current session.                                                 | <<cmd_show_param, SHOW PARAM Command>>
+| SHOW PARAM           | Displays the parameters that are set in the current session.                                                 | <<cmd_show_param, SHOW PARAM Command>>
 | SHOW PREPARED        | Displays the prepared statements in the current TrafCI session.                                             | <<cmd_show_prepared, SHOW PREPARED Command>>
 | SHOW RECCOUNT        | Displays the record count of the previous executed SQL statement.                                           | <<cmd_show_reccount, SHOW RECCOUNT Command>>
 | SHOW REMOTEPROCESS   | Displays the process name of the DCS server that is handling the current connection.                        | <<cmd_show_remoteprocess, SHOW REMOTEPROCESS Command>>
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ If you omit `_section-name_`, the `@` command executes the entire script file. F
 SQL> @ddl.sql
-* This `@` command runs the script file in the specified directory on aWindows workstation:
+* This `@` command runs the script file in the specified directory on a Windows workstation:
  SQL> @c:\my_files\ddl.sql
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ is an command or SQL command.
 * `_SQL-terminator_`
 is the default terminator (`;`) or a string value defined for the statement terminator by the
-<<cmd_set_sqlterminator, SET SQLTERMINATOR Command>>. For moreinformation, see
+<<cmd_set_sqlterminator, SET SQLTERMINATOR Command>>. For more information, see
 <<interactive_set_show_terminator, Set and Show the SQL Terminator>>.
 === Considerations
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ the line below the displayed command line:
 | `I`_characters_   | Inserts characters in front of the character immediately above the letter `I`.
 | `R`_characters_   | Replaces existing characters one-for-one with characters, beginning with the character immediately above the letter `R`.
 | _characters_    | Replaces existing characters one-for-one with characters, beginning with the first character immediately above characters.
-_`characters`_ must begin with a nonblank character.
+_`characters`_ must begin with a non-blank character.
 To specify more than one editing command on a line, separate the editing commands with a double slash (`//`). The end of a line terminates an
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ To terminate a command without saving changes to the command, use the double sla
 === Examples
-* Reexecute the most recent command that begins with SH:
+* Re-execute the most recent command that begins with SH:
@@ -842,8 +842,8 @@ GET STATISTICS
 | Records Accessed       | Number of rows returned by disk process to `EID` (Executor In Disk process).
 | Records Used           | Number of rows returned by `EID` after selection.
 | Disk IOs               | Number of actual disk IOs done by disk process.
-| Message Count          | Number of messages sent/received between filesystem and disk process.
-| Message Bytes          | Number of message bytes sent/received between filesystem and disk process.
+| Message Count          | Number of messages sent/received between file system and disk process.
+| Message Bytes          | Number of message bytes sent/received between file system and disk process.
 | Lock Escl              | Number of lock escalations.
 | Lock Wait              | Number of lock waits.
 | Disk Process Busy Time | CPU time for disk process processes for the specified table.
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ SQL> HELP SET IDLETIMEOUT
 == HISTORY Command
 The `HISTORY` command displays recently executed commands, identifying each command by a number that you can use
-to reexecute or edit the command.
+to re-execute or edit the command.
 === Syntax
@@ -1000,8 +1000,8 @@ is the number of commands to display. The default number is `10`. The maximum nu
 === Considerations
 * You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL terminator.
-* You can use the `FC` command to edit and reexecute a command in the history buffer, or use the
-`REPEAT` command to reexecute a command without modifying it. See <<cmd_fc,FC Command>> or
+* You can use the `FC` command to edit and re-execute a command in the history buffer, or use the
+`REPEAT` command to re-execute a command without modifying it. See <<cmd_fc,FC Command>> or
 <<cmd_repeat,REPEAT Command>>.
 === Example
@@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@ SQL> OBEY c:\trafci
 * This command executes all files beginning with the word `"script"` and contains one character after the word script
-and ends with `.sql` extenstion. For example: `script1.sql`, `script2.sql`, `scriptZ.sqland` so on.
+and ends with `.sql` extension. For example: `script1.sql`, `script2.sql`, `scriptZ.sqland` so on.
 SQL> OBEY C:\trafci\script?.sql
@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ SQL> OBEY C:\trafci\test
 * This command executes all files that begin with the word `"script"` and contains one character after the word `"script"` and
-ends with an extenstion prefixed by a dot. For example: `script1.sql`, `script2.bat`, `scriptZ.txt`, and so on.
+ends with an extension prefixed by a dot. For example: `script1.sql`, `script2.bat`, `scriptZ.txt`, and so on.
 SQL> OBEY C:\trafci\script?.
@@ -1855,7 +1855,7 @@ Connected to Trafodion
 == REPEAT Command
-The `REPEAT` command reexecutes a previous command.
+The `REPEAT` command re-executes a previous command.
 === Syntax
@@ -1879,15 +1879,15 @@ The HISTORY command displays the commands or statements in the history buffer. S
 == Considerations
 * You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL terminator.
-* To reexecute the immediately preceding command, enter `REPEAT` without specifying a number. If you enter more than one
-command on a line, then the `REPEAT` command reexecutes only the last command on the line.
+* To re-execute the immediately preceding command, enter `REPEAT` without specifying a number. If you enter more than one
+command on a line, then the `REPEAT` command re-executes only the last command on the line.
 * When a command is selected for repeat, and the SQL terminator value has changed since the execution of that command,
 then TrafCI replaces the SQL terminator in the command with the current SQL terminator value and executes the command.
 === Examples
-* Display the previously executed commands and reexecute the second to the last command:
+* Display the previously executed commands and re-execute the second to the last command:
@@ -1913,7 +1913,7 @@ SQL>
-* Reexecute the fifth command in the history buffer:
+* Re-execute the fifth command in the history buffer:
@@ -1926,7 +1926,7 @@ DEPT     EMPLOYEE   JOB         PROJECT
-* Reexecute the `SHOW TABLES` command:
+* Re-execute the `SHOW TABLES` command:
@@ -3609,7 +3609,7 @@ Elapsed time:00:00:00:078
 == SHOW PARAM Command
-The `SHOW PARAM` command displays the parameters that are set in thecurrent TrafCI session.
+The `SHOW PARAM` command displays the parameters that are set in the current TrafCI session.
 === Syntax
diff --git a/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/interactive.adoc b/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/interactive.adoc
index adf237c..ac5abcc 100644
--- a/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/interactive.adoc
+++ b/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/interactive.adoc
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 = Run Commands Interactively
 After launching TrafCI, you can run SQL statements and interface commands in the command-line interface.
-== User Inteface
+== User Interface
 === Product Banner
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ on one line. If you accidentally break an interface command across more than one
 SQL terminator and then reenter the command on one line.
 You can continue any SQL statement over multiple lines, breaking that statement at any point except
-within a word, a numeric literal, or a multicharacter operator (for example, `<&#61;`). To break a string
+within a word, a numeric literal, or a multi-character operator (for example, `<&#61;`). To break a string
 literal in a DML statement, use a concatenation operator (`||`). For more information, see the
 concatenation operator in the[_Trafodion SQL Reference Manual_].
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ For more information, see the <<cmd_set_list_count, SET LIST_COUNT Command>> and
 To display commands that were recently executed in the TrafCI session, enter the 
 `HISTORY` command. The `HISTORY` command associates each command with a number that 
-you can use to reexecute or edit the command with the `FC` command. See 
+you can use to re-execute or edit the command with the `FC` command. See 
 <<edit_reexecute_command, Edit and Reexecute a Command>>.
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ To save the session history in a user-specified file, enter the `SAVEHIST` comma
-This `SAVEHIST` command saves the session history inca file named `history.txt` in the 
+This `SAVEHIST` command saves the session history in a file named `history.txt` in the 
 local directory where you are running TrafCI:
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
index bef1c90..04ed528 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ between 1 and the <value-2> of SELECT expressions.
 == SQL 4008
-A subquery is not allowed inside an aggregate function.
+A sub query is not allowed inside an aggregate function.
-*Cause:* You specified a subquery within an aggregate function, which is
+*Cause:* You specified a sub query within an aggregate function, which is
 not supported.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ which is not supported.
 == SQL 4019
-The select list of a subquery in a select list must be scalar (degree of one).
+The select list of a sub query in a select list must be scalar (degree of one).
 *Cause:* You specified a select list that is not scalar.
@@ -350,11 +350,11 @@ constructors, which is not supported.
 == SQL 4021
-The select list contains a nongrouping non-aggregated column, <name>.
+The select list contains a non-grouping non-aggregated column, <name>.
-*Cause:* You specified a select list that contains a nongrouping,
-nonaggregated column <name>, which is not supported.
+*Cause:* You specified a select list that contains a non-grouping,
+non-aggregated column <name>, which is not supported.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -485,8 +485,7 @@ Table or view <name> is not updatable.
 Column <name> has an invalid combination of datetime fields (internal field number, internal field number, internal field number).
-*Cause:* You specified column <name>, which is an invalid combination of
-datetime fields.
+*Cause:* You specified column <name>, which is an invalid combination of datetime fields.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -735,9 +734,8 @@ scale of zero (0), which is required.
 == SQL 4048
-The third operand of a ternary comparison operator must be of type
+The third operand of a ternary comparison operator must be of type BOOLEAN, not <type>.
-BOOLEAN, not <type>.
 *Cause:* You specified the third operand of a ternary comparison
 argument with an invalid <type>. The type must be boolean.
@@ -765,8 +763,8 @@ data types. It must be one of data type.
 The operands of the <name> predicate must be comparable character
 data types (that is, of the same character set and collation).
 *Cause:* You specified predicate <name>, whose operands are required to
 be character, with invalid operands.
@@ -851,9 +849,8 @@ SELECT * FROM tblx, tblx;
 == SQL 4057
-Correlation name <name-1> conflicts with qualified identifier of
+Correlation name <name-1> conflicts with qualified identifier of table <name-2>.
-table <name-2>.
 *Cause:* You specified correlation <name-1>, which conflicts with a
 qualified identifier of table <name-2>. For example:
@@ -883,9 +880,9 @@ other than numeric, which is required.
 Reading from and inserting, or updating in, or deleting from the
 same table, <name-1>, is not currently supported. <name-1> is contained by
 view(s) <name-2>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to read from and insert, update, or delete within
 the same table <name-1>, which is not supported.
@@ -898,9 +895,8 @@ the same table <name-1>, which is not supported.
 == SQL 4061
-Rows cannot be inserted into, or updated in, an individual table
+Rows cannot be inserted into, or updated in, an individual table partition.
 *Cause:* You attempted to insert or update rows in an individual table
 partition, which is not supported.
@@ -928,11 +924,10 @@ computations that this function uses.
 == SQL 4063
-The operands of function <name> must be comparable character data
+The operands of function <name> must be comparable character data types (that is, of the same character set and collation).
-types (that is, of the same character set and collation).
-*Cause:* You specified operands for function <name> with noncomparable
+*Cause:* You specified operands for function <name> with non-comparable
 character data types.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -944,8 +939,8 @@ character data types.
 The operands of function <name> must be compatible character data
 types (that is, of the same character set).
 *Cause:* You specified operands for function <name> with incompatible
 character data types.
@@ -986,9 +981,8 @@ be operands of type character.
 == SQL 4068
-The operand of function <name> must contain an even number of
+The operand of function <name> must contain an even number of characters.
 *Cause:* You specified invalid operands for function <name>. They must
 contain an even number of characters.
@@ -1043,9 +1037,8 @@ be datetime.
 == SQL 4072
-The operand of function <name> must be a datetime containing a
+The operand of function <name> must be a datetime containing a <name>.
 *Cause:* You specified an invalid operand for function <name>. It must
 be a datetime operand containing the variable listed in the message.
@@ -1058,9 +1051,8 @@ be a datetime operand containing the variable listed in the message.
 == SQL 4073
-The COLLATE clause may appear only after an expression of character
+The COLLATE clause may appear only after an expression of character data type, not <data-type>.
-data type, not <data-type>.
 *Cause:* You specified the COLLATE clause after an expression that is
 not a character data type.
@@ -1154,8 +1146,9 @@ operands must be numeric.
 == SQL 4082
-4082 Table, view or stored procedure <name> does not exist or is
+Table, view or stored procedure <name> does not exist or is inaccessible.
 *Cause:* You referred to table <name>, which does not exist or is
 inaccessible (for example, on a downed disk volume).
@@ -1210,9 +1203,8 @@ name.
 == SQL 4088
-The number of values in each TRANSPOSE item of a TRANSPOSE set must
+The number of values in each TRANSPOSE item of a TRANSPOSE set must be equal.
-be equal.
 *Cause:* You specified a TRANSPOSE set with an unequal number of values
 in each TRANSPOSE item.
@@ -1225,11 +1217,10 @@ in each TRANSPOSE item.
 == SQL 4089
-Check constraint <name> contains a subquery. This is not yet
+Check constraint <name> contains a sub query. This is not yet supported.
-*Cause:* You specified a constraint <name> that contains a subquery,
+*Cause:* You specified a constraint <name> that contains a sub query,
 which is not supported.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -1240,9 +1231,8 @@ which is not supported.
 == SQL 4093
-The number of output dynamic parameters (<value-1>) must equal the
+The number of output dynamic parameters (<value-1>) must equal the number of selected values (<value-2>).
-number of selected values (<value-2>).
 *Cause:* Trafodion requires that the number of
 output dynamic parameters, <value-1), match the number of selected
@@ -1257,8 +1247,8 @@ values, <value-2>.
 The number of output host variables (<value-1>) must equal the
 number of selected values (<value-2>).
 *Cause:* Trafodion requires that the number of
 output host variables, <value-1>, match the number of selected values,
@@ -1287,8 +1277,8 @@ supported.
 A DEFAULT specification is currently allowed only when simply
 contained in the VALUES list of an INSERT.
 *Cause:* You specified a DEFAULT value that was not contained in the
 VALUES list of an INSERT.
@@ -1343,9 +1333,8 @@ supported.
 == SQL 4100
-A NULL value is not allowed in a select list unless it is CAST to
+A NULL value is not allowed in a select list unless it is CAST to some data type.
-some data type.
 *Cause:* You specified a NULL value in a select list that is not cast to
 a data type, which is required.
@@ -1359,9 +1348,9 @@ a data type, which is required.
 If <name> is intended to be a further table reference in the FROM
 clause, the preceding join search condition must be enclosed in
 *Cause:* A syntax error has caused the Trafodion database software to
 treat object <name> as an ambiguous entity.
@@ -1378,8 +1367,8 @@ Correct the syntax and resubmit.
 The [FIRST/ANY n] syntax can be used only in an outermost SELECT
 statement that is not contained in a UNION or INSERT.
 *Cause:* You attempted to use either a FIRST n or an ANY n clause in
 other than an outermost SELECT statement.
@@ -1391,9 +1380,11 @@ other than an outermost SELECT statement.
 == SQL 4104
-4104 If a character literal was intended, you must use the single quote
-delimiter: <literal>. The use of double quotes causes SQL/MX to
+If a character literal was intended, you must use the single quote
+delimiter: <literal>. The use of double quotes causes Trafodion to
 interpret <column-name> as a delimited identifier column name.
 Where <column-name> is a delimited ANSI identifier, such as MYCOL.
@@ -1435,9 +1426,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4106
-The character set for the operand of function <name-1> must be
+The character set for the operand of function <name-1> must be <name-2>.
 *Cause:* You specified an operand for function <name-1> with the wrong
 character set <name-2>.
@@ -1465,8 +1455,8 @@ column <name>, but there is no default value for that column.
 Inside a ROWS SINCE, another sequence function contained an invalid
 reference to the THIS function.
 *Cause:* A ROWS SINCE function in your statement contained another
 sequence function that, in turn, contained an invalid reference to the
@@ -1491,6 +1481,7 @@ functions (such as RUNNINGSUM, MOVINGSUM, LASTNOTNULL) are supported
 only in the select list or the HAVING clause of the query expression
 containing the SEQUENCE BY clause. For example, these queries are legal:
 >>select a, runningcount(b) from T1 sequence by a;
 >>select x from (select a, runningcount(b) from T1 sequence by a)
@@ -1509,12 +1500,14 @@ T2(x,y) where y > 10;
 *** ERROR[8822] Unable to prepare the statement.
 == SQL 4110
-4110 The query contains sequence functions but no SEQUENCE BY clause:
+The query contains sequence functions but no SEQUENCE BY clause: <name>.
 *Cause:* You specified a query that contains a sequence function <name>
 but no SEQUENCE BY clause, which is not supported. The value of the
@@ -1527,19 +1520,24 @@ unexpected results.
 *Recovery:* Correct the syntax and resubmit. For example:
 >>select runningsum(a) from t1;
-*** ERROR[4110] The query contains sequence functions but no SEQUENCE BY
+*** ERROR[4110] The query contains sequence functions but no SEQUENCE BY clause: RUNNINGSUM(CAT.SCH.T1.A).
 To correct the query, add a SEQUENCE BY clause:
 >>select runningsum(a) from t1 sequence by b;
 == SQL 4111
-4111 The query contains a SEQUENCE BY clause but no sequence functions.
+The query contains a SEQUENCE BY clause but no sequence functions.
 *Cause:* You specified a query that contained a SEQUENCE BY clause but
 no sequence functions, which is not supported. The purpose of the
@@ -1554,26 +1552,27 @@ Without sequence functions, the SEQUENCE BY clause has no effect.
 query or by using an ORDER BY (if you intend to order the result set.)
 For example:
 >>select a from T1 sequence by a;
-*** ERROR[4111] The query contains a SEQUENCE BY clause but no sequence
+*** ERROR[4111] The query contains a SEQUENCE BY clause but no sequence functions.
 *** ERROR[8822] Unable to prepare the statement.
 Correct the syntax with one of these:
 >>select a, runningavg(c) from T1 sequence by a;
 >>select a from T1 order by a;
 == SQL 4112
-Absolute and relative sampling cannot occur in the same BALANCE
+Absolute and relative sampling cannot occur in the same BALANCE expression.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform absolute and relative sampling in the
 same balance expression, which is not supported.
@@ -1666,14 +1665,11 @@ only if the cursor query is updatable.
 This example of a nonupdatable cursor join query does not select the
 target of the update and receives an error:
 *** ERROR[4001] Column UPDATE_FLAG is not found. Tables in scope: A.
@@ -1681,12 +1677,8 @@ Default schema: CAT.SCH.
 *** ERROR[4117] The cursor query expression may be nonupdatable.
-== = = = = ** ERROR[8822] Unable to prepare the statement. *SQL 
+*** ERROR[8822] Unable to prepare the statement. 
 == 118 The cursor query expression is not updatable
@@ -1706,11 +1698,11 @@ updatable if all the following are true:
 correlated subquery references to that table. For example, this query is
-T.I. = U.I)
 * There are no aggregates.
 * There are no GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or ORDER BY clauses.
@@ -1720,19 +1712,16 @@ T.I. = U.I)
 This example of a nonupdatable cursor join query selects the target of
 the update correctly and receives an error:
 *** ERROR[4118] The cursor query expression is not updatable.
 *** ERROR[8822] Unable to prepare the statement.
 == SQL 4120
@@ -1756,10 +1745,9 @@ GROUP BY clause, or a DISTINCT clause. A column in the ORDER BY clause,
 In a query with a GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or aggregate function, each
 column in the ORDER BY clause must be one of the columns explicitly
-SELECTed by the query. Column in error: <name>. Table in scope:
+SELECTed by the query. Column in error: <name>. Table in scope: <name>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a query with an aggregate function, a
 GROUP BY clause, or a DISTINCT clause. A column in the ORDER BY clause,
@@ -1815,13 +1803,13 @@ one table.
 == SQL 4125
-The select list of a subquery in a row value constructor must be
-scalar (degree of one) if the subquery is one of several expressions
+The select list of a sub query in a row value constructor must be
+scalar (degree of one) if the sub query is one of several expressions
 rather than the only expression in the constructor.
-*Cause:* You specified a subquery, consisting of several expressions,
-whose select list is not scalar. If the subquery is not the only
+*Cause:* You specified a sub query, consisting of several expressions,
+whose select list is not scalar. If the sub query is not the only
 expression in the constructor, it must be scalar.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -1832,9 +1820,8 @@ expression in the constructor, it must be scalar.
 == SQL 4126
-The row value constructors in a VALUES clause must be of equal
+The row value constructors in a VALUES clause must be of equal degree.
 *Cause:* You specified a VALUES clause whose row value constructors are
 not of equal degree.
@@ -1861,13 +1848,13 @@ incompatible data types.
 == SQL 4128
-Default volume and subvolume information could not be retrieved fromc=_DEFAULTS define - DEFINEINFO error <number>.
+Default volume and sub volume information could not be retrieved from=_DEFAULTS define - DEFINEINFO error <number>.
 Where <number> is the error message.
 *Cause:* Trafodion was not able to retrieve
-default volume and subvolume information using the =_DEFAULTS define.
+default volume and sub volume information using the =_DEFAULTS define.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -1878,8 +1865,8 @@ default volume and subvolume information using the =_DEFAULTS define.
 An IF statement should have the same set of output host variables on
 both sides of IF THEN statement list and the ELSE statement list.
 *Cause:* You specified an IF statement that does not have the same set
 of output host variables on both sides of its IF THEN statement list and
@@ -1936,8 +1923,8 @@ database software does not allow.
 In an INSERT-SELECT, each column in the ORDER BY clause must be one
 of the columns in the selected list of the query. Column in error: B.
 *Cause:* You tried to SQL-compile an INSERT-SELECT statement that
 specified an ORDER BY column that is not in the select list of the
@@ -1953,8 +1940,8 @@ is also in the select list of the INSERT-SELECT query and resubmit.
 An outer SELECT was used in a DELETE [FIRST N] statement without
 using the [LAST 1] clause.
 *Cause:* An outer SELECT was used in a Delete [FIRST N] statement
 without using the [LAST 1] clause.
@@ -1968,8 +1955,8 @@ without using the [LAST 1] clause.
 Primary key of table expression <name> must be used for join with
 embedded <operation> expression. Tables in scope: <name>.
 *Cause:* You performed an embedded DELETE or UPDATE and are now
 attempting to join the result set of whatever that operation was with
@@ -2017,9 +2004,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4153
-Statement may not compile due to an order requirement on stream
+Statement may not compile due to an order requirement on stream expression.
 *Cause:* You attempted to compile a stream expression using an ORDER BY
 on columns that do not define the prefix of the clustering key of the
@@ -2036,8 +2022,8 @@ the order and resubmit.
 Statement may not compile due to an order requirement on embedded
 <name> expression.
 *Cause:* You attempted to compile an embedded DELETE or embedded UPDATE
 expression using an ORDER BY without using a clustering key or a
@@ -2082,9 +2068,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4158
-Join of stream expressions is not supported. Tables in scope:
+Join of stream expressions is not supported. Tables in scope: <name>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a join of stream expressions.
@@ -2097,9 +2082,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4159
-Intersection of stream expressions is not supported. Tables in
+Intersection of stream expressions is not supported. Tables in scope: <name>.
-scope: <name>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform an intersection of stream expressions.
@@ -2113,9 +2097,8 @@ statement.
 Intersection between embedded <name-1> expression and embedded
+<name-2> expression is not supported. Tables in scope: <name-3>, <name-4>.
-<name-2> expression is not supported. Tables in scope: <name-3>,
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform an intersection between two embedded
@@ -2130,8 +2113,8 @@ statement.
 Union between embedded <name-1> expression and embedded <name-2>
 expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name-3>, <name-4>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a union between two embedded
@@ -2145,9 +2128,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4162
-GROUP BY is not supported for stream expression. Tables in scope:
+GROUP BY is not supported for stream expression. Tables in scope: <name>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a GROUP BY in conjunction with a
 stream expression.
@@ -2162,8 +2144,8 @@ statement.
 GROUP BY is not supported for embedded <name-1> expression. Tables in
 scope: <name-2>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a GROUP BY in conjunction with an
 embedded expression.
@@ -2178,8 +2160,8 @@ statement.
 Outer relation of right join cannot be embedded <name> expression.
 Tables in scope: <name>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a right join using an embedded
 expression as the outer relation.
@@ -2194,8 +2176,8 @@ statement.
 Outer relation of right join cannot be stream expression. Tables in
 scope: <name>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a right join using a stream expression
 as the outer relation.
@@ -2210,8 +2192,8 @@ statement.
 ORDER BY clause is not supported in UNION of two streams. Tables in
 scope: <name-1>, <name-2>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to use an ORDER BY clause in the UNION of two
@@ -2225,10 +2207,10 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4167
-Embedded <name> statements are not supported in subqueries.
+Embedded <name> statements are not supported in sub queries.
-*Cause:* You attempted to perform a subquery that included an embedded
+*Cause:* You attempted to perform a sub query that included an embedded
 *Effect:* Trafodion is unable to compile the
@@ -2240,10 +2222,10 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4168
-Stream expressions are not supported in subqueries.
+Stream expressions are not supported in sub queries.
-*Cause:* You attempted to perform a subquery that included a stream
+*Cause:* You attempted to perform a sub query that included a stream
 *Effect:* Trafodion is unable to compile the
@@ -2256,8 +2238,8 @@ statement.
 Embedded delete statements are not allowed when using DECLARE ...
 FOR UPDATE clause.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a DECLARE... FOR UPDATE clause that
 included an embedded DELETE statement.
@@ -2347,8 +2329,8 @@ statement.
 Join between stream expression and embedded <name-1> expression is
 not supported. Tables in scope: <name-2>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a join between a stream expression and
 an embedded expression.
@@ -2377,9 +2359,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4178
-Update of variable length column <name> is not permitted on
+Update of variable length column <name> is not permitted on rollback.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform a rollback that included an update of
 a variable length column.
@@ -2437,8 +2418,8 @@ table with a referential constraint.
 Columns that are part of a referential constraint cannot be updated
 using embedded UPDATE statements.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform an embedded UPDATE statement on
 columns that are part of a referential constraint.
@@ -2450,8 +2431,10 @@ columns that are part of a referential constraint.
 == SQL 4189
-4189 ORDER BY clause in an embedded INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement
+ORDER BY clause in an embedded INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement
 is not supported.
 *Cause:* An embedded INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement has an ORDER BY
@@ -2511,19 +2494,19 @@ statement.
 Insert/Update/Delete operation on non-audited table <name> requires
 index maintenance which may cause the index(es) to become corrupt.
-Performing INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a nonaudited table
+Performing INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a non-audited table
 could corrupt the index if the operation is interrupted. Use the
 IUD_NONAUDITED_INDEX_MAINT attribute value to control if these
 operations create an error condition, are allowed with a warning, or are
 allowed with no warning. This message appears as a warning or as an
 error, depending on how you have set this attribute value.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation
-on a nonaudited table and IUD_NONAUDITED_INDEX_MAINT is set to OFF. This
+on a non-audited table and IUD_NONAUDITED_INDEX_MAINT is set to OFF. This
 message is displayed as an error.
 *Effect:* Trafodion is unable to compile the
@@ -2532,7 +2515,7 @@ statement.
 *Recovery:* Modify the statement and resubmit.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation
-on a nonaudited table and IUD_NONAUDITED_INDEX_MAINT is set to WARN.
+on a non-audited table and IUD_NONAUDITED_INDEX_MAINT is set to WARN.
 This message appears as an warning.
 *Effect:* Trafodion performs the INSERT, UPDATE,
@@ -2545,9 +2528,8 @@ other messages about that condition.
 == SQL 4204
-Stream access is supported for only key-sequenced tables. Table:
+Stream access is supported for only key-sequenced tables. Table: <name>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to use stream access on a table that is not
 key-sequenced, which is required.
@@ -2561,9 +2543,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4205
-Embedded <name-1> is supported for only key-sequenced tables. Table:
+Embedded <name-1> is supported for only key-sequenced tables. Table: <name-2>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform an embedded action that is supported
 only for key-sequenced tables.
@@ -2577,9 +2558,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4206
-Embedded <name> is supported only for updatable views. View:
+Embedded <name> is supported only for updatable views. View: <name-2>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform an embedded action that is supported
 only for updatable views.
@@ -2594,8 +2574,8 @@ statement.
 Index <name> and other indexes covering a subset of columns do not
 cover all output values of stream.
 *Cause:* You attempted to use an index for stream access that does not
 cover all output columns of the base table.
@@ -2611,8 +2591,8 @@ index.
 Index <name> and other indexes covering a subset of columns do not
 cover all columns referenced in WHERE clause of stream.
 *Cause:* You attempted to use an index for stream access that does not
 cover all base table columns referenced in the WHERE clause.
@@ -2641,9 +2621,8 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4210
-Embedded update/delete statements not supported within an IF
+Embedded update/delete statements not supported within an IF statement.
 *Cause:* You attempted to embed UPDATE/DELETE statements within an IF
@@ -2658,8 +2637,8 @@ statement.
 <table-name> cannot be used to satisfy order requirement on the
 stream because it is partitioned.
 *Cause:* You specified <table-name>, a partitioned table, as the order
 requirement on a stream.
@@ -2673,11 +2652,10 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4213
-Use of rowsets in a predicate with embedded update/delete is not
+Use of row sets in a predicate with embedded update/delete is not supported.
-*Cause:* You attempted to use a rowset as a predicate with an embedded
+*Cause:* You attempted to use a row set as a predicate with an embedded
 update or embedded delete.
 *Effect:* Trafodion is unable to compile the
@@ -2689,12 +2667,11 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4214
-The SET ON ROLLBACK clause is not allowed on a nonaudited table.
+The SET ON ROLLBACK clause is not allowed on a non-audited table. Table: <name>.
-Table: <name>.
 *Cause:* You attempted to use a SET ON ROLLBACK clause to update a
-column in a nonaudited table.
+column in a non-audited table.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -2704,11 +2681,10 @@ column in a nonaudited table.
 == SQL 4215
-Stream access is not allowed on a non-audited table. Table:
+Stream access is not allowed on a non-audited table. Table: <name>.
-*Cause:* You attempted to use stream access on a nonaudited table.
+*Cause:* You attempted to use stream access on a non-audited table.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -2780,8 +2756,8 @@ parameters.
 Parameter <value> for user-defined routine <routine-name> is an OUT
 or INOUT parameter and must be a host variable or a dynamic parameter.
 *Cause:* In the Trafodion database software statement being compiled,
 you attempted to invoke a stored procedure that has an OUT or INOUT
@@ -2816,21 +2792,21 @@ Rowset parameters are not allowed in a CALL statement.
 *Cause:* In the Trafodion database software statement being compiled,
-you attempted to use a rowset as a parameter in a stored procedure
+you attempted to use a row set as a parameter in a stored procedure
 *Effect:* Trafodion statement is not compiled.
 *Recovery:* Alter the data type of the relevant variable, or use a
-different nonrowset host variable. Retry the compilation.
+different non-row-set host variable. Retry the compilation.
 == SQL 4308
 Internal error: Unsupported SQL data type <value> specified for a
 CALL statement parameter.
 *Cause:* In the Trafodion database software statement being compiled, a
 parameter in a stored procedure invocation had an unsupported SQL data
@@ -2847,8 +2823,8 @@ support.
 Procedure <procedure-name> is registered to return result sets and
 stored procedure result sets are not yet supported.
 Where <procedure-name> is the ANSI name of a stored procedure.
@@ -2868,8 +2844,8 @@ supports stored procedure result sets.
 USER(x) is currently supported only in the outermost SELECT list.
+For example, it cannot be part of the sub query.
-For example, it cannot be part of the subquery.
 *Cause:* You tried to use the USER(x) function somewhere other than the
 outermost SELECT clause. This function is not yet fully supported.
@@ -2881,7 +2857,9 @@ outermost SELECT clause. This function is not yet fully supported.
 == SQL 4313
-4313 Function rand()is not supported.
+Function rand()is not supported.
 *Cause:* You attempted to use the random function, which is not
@@ -2893,9 +2871,11 @@ supported.
 == SQL 4320
-4320 Stream access not allowed on multi-partitioned table, when flag
+Stream access not allowed on multi-partitioned table, when flag
 ATTEMPT_ASYNCHRONOUS_ACCESS is set to OFF. Table in scope:
 *Cause:* You attempted a stream access on a multi-partitioned table when
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc
index e852937..777c6b2 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc
@@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ and resubmit.
 == SQL 1112
-An index column list cannot consist only of the systemgenerated column SYSKEY.
+An index column list cannot consist only of the system-generated column SYSKEY.
 *Cause:* The column list specified in a CREATE INDEX statement consisted
@@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@ statement. For information about file system errors, see <<file_system_errors,Fi
 == SQL 1116
-The current partitioning scheme requires a userspecified clustering key on object <table-name>.
+The current partitioning scheme requires a user-specified clustering key on object <table-name>.
 Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
@@ -1626,7 +1626,7 @@ not be correct.
 The float data value might not be evaluated consistently to the same
 value each time.
-*Recovery:* Do not use float datatypes in the partitioning key of a
+*Recovery:* Do not use float data types in the partitioning key of a
 partitionable table.
@@ -1755,13 +1755,13 @@ Where <column-name> is the name of a column of <table-name>.
 Where <table-name> is the name of the affected table.
 *Cause:* You attempted to create a check constraint that references a
-systemgenerated column. The column named SYSKEY is often
+system-generated column. The column named SYSKEY is often
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
 *Recovery:* Modify the statement so that no check constraints reference
-any systemgenerated column and resubmit.
+any system-generated column and resubmit.
 == SQL 1140
@@ -1995,7 +1995,7 @@ the Partition Overlay Support feature was not enabled.
 *Effect:* The POS feature was not applied. A simple table without
 partitions was created.
-*Recovery:* None if a nonpartitioned table is requested. To request a
+*Recovery:* None if a non-partitioned table is requested. To request a
 partitioned table, delete the table, verify that disk volumes are
 available, and resubmit. You can also specify the volume names where the
 partitions need to be created for the given CREATE TABLE through
@@ -2505,9 +2505,8 @@ ISO88591 in a HEADING clause.
 The character set for string literals in CONSTRAINT must be ISO88591.
-se.* You specified a literal with a character set other than
+*Cause:* You specified a literal with a character set other than
 ISO88591 in the text of a constraint.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -2922,7 +2921,7 @@ DDL or utility operation.
 == SQL 1301
-NO ACTION referential action for <referential-triggered-action> clause is not yet supported as specified by ANSI SQL99 standard. To alter the behavior, set an appropriate value for the REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT default.
+NO ACTION referential action for <referential-triggered-action> clause is not yet supported as specified by ANSI SQL-99 standard. To alter the behavior, set an appropriate value for the REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT default.
 Where <referential-triggered-action> can either be ON DELETE or ON
@@ -2989,7 +2988,7 @@ have the same subvolume names as their corresponding schemas on the
 other node. To create these, use the optional REUSE clause in the CREATE
 SCHEMA statement. All other schemas should have unique subvolume names.
 Schemas that are, or will be, related as RDF primary and backup schemas
-must have identical schema names and subvolumes on the primary and
+must have identical schema names and sub volumes on the primary and
 backup nodes.
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/executor_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/executor_msgs.adoc
index 26fa1c4..aa07a1c 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/executor_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/executor_msgs.adoc
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ The operation has been canceled.
 == SQL 8012
-8012 Encoding of CONTROL QUERY DEFAULTs: <encoding>.
+Encoding of CONTROL QUERY DEFAULTs: <encoding>.
 *Cause:* Trafodion displays an internal CONTROL
@@ -673,7 +673,6 @@ rather than by Trafodion.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
 *Recovery:* Commit or abort the transaction by calling SQL COMMIT or
@@ -919,7 +918,7 @@ attempt was made to contact a nonexistent Trafodion UDR server.
 == SQL 8904
-SQL/MX did not receive a reply from MXUDR, possibly caused by internal errors while executing user-defined routines.
+Trafodion did not receive a reply from MXUDR, possibly caused by internal errors while executing user-defined routines.
 *Cause:* During execution of a Trafodion statement,
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/file_system_errors.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/file_system_errors.adoc
index 1d3f7d4..84e7a2b 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/file_system_errors.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/file_system_errors.adoc
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ contact the[Trafodion User mailing li
 | 0087  | Waiting on a READ request and did not get it.
 | 0088  | A CONTROL READ is pending so a second READ is not valid. 
 | 0089  | A remote device cannot accept text because it has no buffer available.
-| 0090  | The transaction was aborted by the system because its parent process died, a server using the transaction failed, or a message to a server using the transaction was cancelled.
+| 0090  | The transaction was aborted by the system because its parent process died, a server using the transaction failed, or a message to a server using the transaction was canceled.
 | 0091  | A Transaction Services crash occurred during commitment of the transaction; the transaction may or may not have been committed.
 | 0092  | Distributed transaction aborted by system because the path to a remote segment that was part of the transaction was down.
 | 0093  | A transaction was aborted because it spanned too many transaction log files.
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ contact the[Trafodion User mailing li
 | 0148  | Attempt to read unwritten data.
 | 0150  | End-of-tape marker detected.
 | 0151  | Runaway tape detected, or attempt to access a tape whose density is lower than the switch setting on the tape drive.
-| 0152  | Unusual end-tape unit went offline.
+| 0152  | Unusual end-tape unit went off-line.
 | 0153  | Tape drive power restored.
 | 0154  | BOT detected during backspace files or backspace records. 
 | 0155  | Only nine-track magnetic tape allowed on this system. 
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ contact the[Trafodion User mailing li
 | 0530  | The program called WRITE^FILE for the receiving file before calling READ^FILE.
 | 0531  | A call to CHECK^BREAK could not open the receiving file the receiving file was opened without calling OPEN^FILE.
 | 0532  | A non-blocking I/O operation has been restarted.
-| 0533  | An internal sequential I/O error occured.
+| 0533  | An internal sequential I/O error occurred.
 | 0534  | A discrepancy was detected between the common file-control-block checksum and the previous checksum.
 | 0535  | A discrepancy was detected between the file file-control-block checksum and the previous checksum.
 | 0541  | A data structure version is incompatible with the requested operation.
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ contact the[Trafodion User mailing li
 | 0588  | There was no kept transaction but the operation required one.
 | 0589  | The operation could not be performed because there was a kept transaction.
 | 0590  | The parameter value is invalid or inconsistent with another.
-| 0593  | The request was cancelled.
+| 0593  | The request was canceled.
 | 0594  | A tape-catalog error was returned to Tape Services. Refer to the event log for detailed information.
 | 0595  | An error was returned to Tape Services. Refer to the event log for detailed information.
 | 0597  | A required item is missing from an item list. 
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ contact the[Trafodion User mailing li
 | 4101  | Operation would block.
 | 4102  | Operation now in progress.
 | 4103  | Operation already in progress.
-| 4104  | Socket operation on nonsocket.
+| 4104  | Socket operation on non socket.
 | 4105  | Destination address required.
 | 4106  | Message too long.
 | 4107  | Protocol wrong type for socket.
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/optimizer_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/optimizer_msgs.adoc
index 899eec4..802bce5 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/optimizer_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/optimizer_msgs.adoc
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Multi-column statistics for columns <names> from table <name> were not available
 This message appears when the user has not updated statistics for column
-<names> and when the rowcount in table <name> is more than the value of
+<names> and when the row count in table <name> is more than the value of
 the defaults table constant HIST_ROWCOUNT_REQUIRING_STATS. If you want
 to suppress this message, set that value to a very large number, and you
 will see this message only for tables with more rows than that, and for
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Statistics for column <name> were not available. As a result, the access path ch
 *Cause:* Statistics are not available for the statement you specified.
 This message appears when the user has not updated statistics for column
-<name> and when the rowcount in the table is more than the value of the
+<name> and when the ROWCOUNT in the table is more than the value of the
 defaults table constant HIST_ROWCOUNT_REQUIRING_STATS. If you want to
 suppress this message, set that value to a very large number, and you
 will see this message only for tables with more rows than that, and for
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc
index 03d7695..7fae38b 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ greater than zero.
 == SQL 3004
-A delimited identifier must contain at least one nonblank character.
+A delimited identifier must contain at least one non-blank character.
 *Cause:* You defined a delimited identifier as blanks. You must enter at
-least one nonblank character.
+least one non-blank character.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
-*Recovery:* Enter at least one nonblank character and resubmit.
+*Recovery:* Enter at least one non-blank character and resubmit.
@@ -390,10 +390,10 @@ supported.
 == SQL 3025
-The format of the subvolume name part in the specified location name <name> is not valid. The subvolume name part must be eight characters long and begin with the letters ZSD.
+The format of the sub volume name part in the specified location name <name> is not valid. The sub volume name part must be eight characters long and begin with the letters ZSD.
-*Cause:* You used an invalid location <name> for a subvolume that must
+*Cause:* You used an invalid location <name> for a sub volume that must
 be eight characters long and begin with the letters <ZSD>.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -1898,7 +1898,7 @@ which is not supported.
 == SQL 3136
-Only LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER JOIN are valid in \{oj . . .}
+Only LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER JOIN are valid in {oj . . .}
 *Cause:* You attempted to perform an invalid outer join. Only LEFT,
@@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ Trafodion statements.
 Subqueries are not allowed in the IF Condition.
-*Cause:* You specified an IF statement that contains a subquery.
+*Cause:* You specified an IF statement that contains a sub query.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -3004,7 +3004,7 @@ operation as a table reference.
 == SQL 3220
-SHOWDDL failed for object <object-name> because an SQL/MP display option was used on a SQL/MX object.
+SHOWDDL failed for object <object-name> because an SQL/MP display option was used on a Trafodion object.
 Where <object-name> specifies the ANSI name of a table, view, or ALIAS.
@@ -3022,7 +3022,7 @@ object.
 == SQL 3225
-SHOWLABEL failed for object <object-name>. The object does not exist in the given namespace <name-space>, the object is not accessible, or the object type is not supported. SHOWLABEL supports only SQL/MX tables, views and indexes.
+SHOWLABEL failed for object <object-name>. The object does not exist in the given namespace <name-space>, the object is not accessible, or the object type is not supported. SHOWLABEL supports only Trafodion tables, views and indexes.
 Where <object-name> is the specified name of an object.
@@ -3043,7 +3043,7 @@ namespace of a valid, supported, and accessible object.
 == SQL 3226
-SHOWLABEL failed for physical location name <location-name>. Object does not exist or object type is not supported. SHOWLABEL supports only SQL/MX tables, views, and indexes.
+SHOWLABEL failed for physical location name <location-name>. Object does not exist or object type is not supported. SHOWLABEL supports only Trafodion tables, views, and indexes.
 Where <location-name> specifies the physical location name of a
@@ -3061,7 +3061,7 @@ argument.
 == SQL 3228
-SHOWLABEL failed for physical location name <location-name>. SHOWLABEL supports only the data forks of SQL/MX tables, views, and indexes.
+SHOWLABEL failed for physical location name <location-name>. SHOWLABEL supports only the data forks of Trafodion tables, views, and indexes.
 Where <location-name> specifies the physical location name of a
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sort_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sort_msgs.adoc
index dc6d7fb..9cdf9fa 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sort_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sort_msgs.adoc
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ Sort could not find any appropriate disks for overflow.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
 *Recovery:* Make sure there are appropriate disks with enough space for
-scratch file use. Disks such as optical disks, phantom disks, and SMS
+scratch file use. Disks such as optical disks, phantom disks, and 
 virtual disks are not considered suitable. See the[_Trafodion SQL Reference Manual_]
 for more information on how to influence the placement of scratch files.
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FILESTART_ with error <number>.
 == SQL 10019 
-Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FILENEXT_ with error $0~int0.
+Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FILENEXT_ with error <number>.
 *Cause:* An error occurred while calling a system level call.
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sqlstate.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sqlstate.adoc
index 1ad2e38..e4e730d 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sqlstate.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sqlstate.adoc
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ text or the SQLCODE value in addition to the SQLSTATE.
 ** In the future, Trafodion might return different SQLSTATE values for error conditions than it does now.
 ** In the future, the Trafodion error handling might use a different error path, and therefore return a 
-slightly different SQLCODE and implementationdefined SQLSTATE value for an error.
+slightly different SQLCODE and implementation defined SQLSTATE value for an error.
 == SQLSTATE Values
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ numbers) and error messages (negative SQLCODE numbers).
 | 0153V    | 1139    | System-generated column <name> of base table <name> cannot appear in the search condition of a check constraint definition.
 | 0153W    | 1140    | Row-length <num> exceeds the maximum allowed row-length of <num> for table <name>.
 | 0153X    | 1141    | Could not obtain an up-and-audited DAM volume. Please check your system configuration.
-| 0153Y    | 1142    | Attempting to add a column with a NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY constraint defined. This is not supported for a nonaudited table.
+| 0153Y    | 1142    | Attempting to add a column with a NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY constraint defined. This is not supported for a non-audited table.
 | 0153Z    | 1143    | Validation for constraint <name> failed; incompatible data exists in referencing base table <name> and referenced base table <name>. To display the data violating the constraint, please use the following DML statement: <text>
 | 01540    | 1144    | Expected a quoted string in first key clause for column <name> on table <name>, value detected is (<num>).
 | 01541    | 1145    | The catalog name <name> is reserved for the Trafodion metadata.
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ numbers) and error messages (negative SQLCODE numbers).
 | 0160M    | 2022    | System error <num> in <name> from <name>, detail <num>.
 | 0160N    | 2023    | Unable to create server process <name>. <name>.
 | 0160P    | 2025    | Unable to create server process <name>. CPU is unavailable; <text>.
-| 0160R    | 2027    |  error <num> while sending a startup message to process <name>.
+| 0160R    | 2027    | Error <num> while sending a startup message to process <name>.
 | 0160S    | 2028    | Unable to create OSS server process <name>. Insufficient resources.
 | 0160T    | 2029    | Unable to create OSS server process <name>. OSS is not running.
 | 0160X    | 2033    | <text>:  error <num> while communicating with process <name>.
diff --git a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/a_warnings.adoc b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/a_warnings.adoc
index 6c06c20..0bc5184 100644
--- a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/a_warnings.adoc
+++ b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/a_warnings.adoc
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ odb [2012-10-11 13:27:22]: starting ODBC connection(s)... 0
 [0] odb(5020) - [Oracle][ODBC]Optional feature not implemented. (State: HYC00 Native Err: 0)
-Try adding `-nocatnull` to your command line. When the backend database doesn’t use catalogs, 
+Try adding `-nocatnull` to your command line. When the back-end database doesn't use catalogs, 
 then you should use an *empty string* as catalog name.
 NOTE: Some flawed ODBC Drivers unfortunately want NULL here &#8212; instead of *empty strings* as it should be.
diff --git a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/compare_tables.adoc b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/compare_tables.adoc
index 7e3e8c3..5d2e1b3 100644
--- a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/compare_tables.adoc
+++ b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/compare_tables.adoc
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ odb does the following to compare two tables:
 Each _comparison stream_ is made up of three threads:
-* One thred reading from the source table.
+* One thread reading from the source table.
 * One thread reading from the target table.
 * One thread comparing the source/target buffers.
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Detailed Descriptions of the Copy Operators:
 | Diff Operator              | Meaning
-| `src=<CAT.SCH.TAB>\|-file` | Definse the source table(s). You can use: +
+| `src=<CAT.SCH.TAB>\|-file` | Defines the source table(s). You can use: +
 - A single table (for example: TRAFODION.MFTEST.LINEITEM) +
 - A file containing a list of tables to compare (`-` should precede the filename)
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ record separator the same way as the field separator. +
 The default record separator is `\n` (new line).
 | `max=num`                  | The max number of records to compare. Default is to compare all records.
-| `rows=<num>\|k<num>\|m<num>` | Definess the size of the I/O buffer for each extraction thread. You
+| `rows=<num>\|k<num>\|m<num>` | Defines the size of the I/O buffer for each extraction thread. You
 can define the size of this buffer in two different ways: +
 - number of rows (for example: `rows=100` means 100 rows as IO buffer) +
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ with `min(emp_id)=1` and `max(emp_id)=1000`, the four threads will extract the f
 `thread #3 emp_id >=751 and emp_id < 1001 (odb uses max(emp_id) + 1)` +
 If the values are not equally distributed, then data extraction is deskewed.
-| `print=[I][C][D]`          | Specifie which rows are printed in the output file: +
+| `print=[I][C][D]`          | Specifies which rows are printed in the output file: +
 `I` prints the new rows on target. (Based on *key*.) +
 `D` prints the missing rows on target. (Based on *key*.) +
diff --git a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/concepts.adoc b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/concepts.adoc
index 33e6ecd..8faff01 100644
--- a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/concepts.adoc
+++ b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/concepts.adoc
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Data extraction options [connection required]:
       * rs: default '\n'. Also <ASCII_dec> 0<ASCII_OCT> X<ASCII_HEX>
       * ec: default '\'. Also <ASCII_dec> 0<ASCII_OCT> X<ASCII_HEX>
       * sq: no default. Also <ASCII_dec> 0<ASCII_OCT> X<ASCII_HEX>
-      * gzip compressione level between 0 and 9
+      * gzip compression level between 0 and 9
       * bpc: default 1,bpwc: default 4
 Data copy options [connection required]:
    -cp src={table|-file:tgt=schema[.table][pwhere=where_cond][:soe][:roe=#][:roedel=#ms]
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ This (standard) behavior can be modified using the following options:
-== Dynamic Load Balanacing
+== Dynamic Load Balancing
 As discussed in the previous section, executions are normally _pre-assigned_ to threads using a simple
 round-robin algorithm. This way, the total elapsed time for each thread depends on the complexity of
 *its own* _executions_.
-The `&` wildcard allows you to extract the DDL for multiple objects.
+The `&` wild card allows you to extract the DDL for multiple objects.
diff --git a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc
index 4cfe1d1..b6df5b9 100644
Binary files a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc and b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc differ

[3/7] incubator-trafodion git commit: [TRaFODION-1699] Updated web site to rely on Contributor Guide on the wiki. Changed download to point to real binaries hosted on the build-result site. Ran spell checks on all the guides and fixed formatting errors a

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
index 28411be..ef79c62 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ transaction (BEGIN WORK&#8230;COMMIT WORK) or when AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. To run the
 | <<alter_library_statement,ALTER LIBRARY Statement>>        | Updates the physical filename for a library object in a Trafodion database.
 | <<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>            | Changes attributes for a table.
 | <<alter_user_statement,ALTER USER Statement>>              | Changes attributes for a user.
-| <<create_function_statement,CREATE FUNCTION Statement>>    | Registers a user-defined function (UDF) written in C as a functionwithin a Trafodion database.
+| <<create_function_statement,CREATE FUNCTION Statement>>    | Registers a user-defined function (UDF) written in C as a function within a Trafodion database.
 | <<create_index_statement,CREATE INDEX Statement>>          | Creates an index on a table.
 | <<create_library_statement,CREATE LIBRARY Statement>>      | Registers a library object in a Trafodion database.
 | <<create_procedure_statement,CREATE PROCEDURE Statement>>  | Registers a Java method as a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) within a Trafodion database.
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ referenced by the library object.
 | <<drop_table_statement,DROP TABLE Statement>>              | Drops a table.
 | <<drop_view_statement,DROP VIEW Statement>>                | Drops a view.
 | <<register_user_statement,REGISTER USER Statement>>        | Registers a user in the SQL database, associating the user's login name
-with a database username.
-| <<unregister_user_statement, UNREGISTER USER Statement>>   | Removes a database username from the SQL database.
+with a database user name.
+| <<unregister_user_statement, UNREGISTER USER Statement>>   | Removes a database user name from the SQL database.
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ exists or inserts into a table if the row does not exist) or updates (merges) ma
 | <<table_statement,TABLE Statement>>   | Equivalent to the query specification SELECT * FROM _table_
 | <<update_statement,UPDATE Statement>> | Updates values in columns of a table or view.
 | <<upsert_statement,UPSERT Statement>> | Updates a table if the row exists or inserts into a table if the row does not exist.
-| <<values_statement,VALUES Statement>> | Displays the results of the evaluation of the expressions and the results of row subqueries
+| <<values_statement,VALUES Statement>> | Displays the results of the evaluation of the expressions and the results of row sub queries
 within the row value constructors.
@@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ Use these statements to register users, create roles, and grant and revoke privi
 | <<grant_statement,GRANT Statement>>                                           | Grants access privileges on an SQL object to specified users or roles.
 | <<grant_component_privilege_statement,GRANT COMPONENT PRIVILEGE Statement>>   | Grants one or more component privileges to a user or role.
 | <<grant_role_statement,GRANT ROLE Statement>>                                 | Grants one or more roles to a user.
-| <<register_user_statement,REGISTER USER Statement>>                           | Registers a user in the SQL database, associating the user's login name with a database username.
+| <<register_user_statement,REGISTER USER Statement>>                           | Registers a user in the SQL database, associating the user's login name with a database user name.
 | <<revoke_statement,REVOKE Statement>>                                         | Revokes access privileges on an SQL object from specified users or roles.
 | <<revoke_component_privilege_statement,REVOKE COMPONENT PRIVILEGE Statement>> | Removes one or more component privileges from a user or role.
 | <<revoke_role_statement,REVOKE ROLE Statement>>                               | Removes one or more roles from a user.
-| <<unregister_user_statement,UNREGISTER USER Statement>>                       | Removes a database username from the SQL database.
+| <<unregister_user_statement,UNREGISTER USER Statement>>                       | Removes a database user name from the SQL database.
@@ -260,14 +260,14 @@ ALTER LIBRARY [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]library-name
 * `[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ansi logical name of the library object, where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a maximum of 128 characters.
+specifies the ANSI logical name of the library object, where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a maximum of 128 characters.
 specify the name of a library object that has already been registered in the schema. if you do not fully qualify the library name, trafodion sql
 qualifies it according to the schema of the current session. for more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>> and
 <<_database_object_names,database object names>>.
 * `file _library-filename_`
-specifies the full path of the redeployed library file, which either an spj's jar file or a udf's library file.
+specifies the full path of the redeployed library file, which either an SPJ's jar file or a UDF's library file.
 * `host name _host-name_`
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ duplicate values are allowed unless the column is part of the primary key. colum
 is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row in the table. see <<search_condition,search condition>>.
 you cannot refer to the current_date, current_time, or current_timestamp function in a check constraint, and you cannot use
-subqueries in a check constraint.
+sub queries in a check constraint.
 **** `references _ref-spec_`
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ unique index does not exist, the system creates a unique index.
 is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row in the table.
 see <<search_condition,search condition>>. you cannot refer to the current_date, current_time, or current_timestamp function in a check
-constraint, and you cannot use subqueries in a check constraint.
+constraint, and you cannot use sub queries in a check constraint.
 *** `foreign key (_column-list_) references _ref-spec_ not enforced`
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ following must be true:
 * You are the owner of the referencing and referenced tables.
 * You have these privileges on the referencing and referenced table:
 ** For the referencing table, you have the ALTER or ALTER_TABLE component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component.
-** For the referenced table, you have the REFERENCES (or ALL) privilege on the referenced table through your username or through a granted role.
+** For the referenced table, you have the REFERENCES (or ALL) privilege on the referenced table through your user name or through a granted role.
 If the constraint refers to the other table in a query expression, you must also have SELECT privileges on the other table.
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ if you do not fully qualify the procedure name, trafodion sql qualifies it accor
 * `_argument-list_`
-accepts arguments for in, inout, or out parameters. the arguments consist of sql expressions, including dynamic parameters,
+accepts arguments for in, in-out, or out parameters. the arguments consist of sql expressions, including dynamic parameters,
 separated by commas:
 `_sql-expression_[{, _sql-expression_}&#8230;]`
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ each expression must evaluate to a value of one of these data types:
 ** date-time value
 ** numeric value
-interval value expressions are disallowed in spjs. for more information, see
+interval value expressions are disallowed in SPJs. for more information, see
 <<call_input_parameter_arguments,input parameter arguments>> and
 <<call_output_parameter_arguments,output parameter arguments>>.
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ do not specify result sets in the argument list.
 ==== Usage Restrictions
 You can use a CALL statement as a stand-alone SQL statement in applications or command-line interfaces,
-such as TrafCI. You cannot use a CALL statement inside a compound statement or with rowsets.
+such as TrafCI. You cannot use a CALL statement inside a compound statement or with row sets.
 ==== Required Privileges
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ parameter argument, use one of these SQL expressions:
 * Literal
 * SQL function (including CASE and CAST expressions)
 * Arithmetic or concatenation operation
-* Scalar subquery
+* Scalar sub query
 * Dynamic parameter (for example, ?) in an application
 * Named (for example, ?param) or unnamed (for example, ?) parameter in TrafCI
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ For an INOUT parameter argument, you can use only a dynamic, named, or unnamed p
 ==== Output Parameter Arguments
 An SPJ returns values in OUT and INOUT parameters. Output parameter arguments must be dynamic parameters in an
-application (for example, ?) or named or unnamed parameters in HPDCI (for example, ?param or ?). Each
+application (for example, ?) or named or unnamed parameters in DCI (for example, ?param or ?). Each
 calling application defines the semantics of the OUT and INOUT parameters in its environment.
@@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ specifies the case-sensitive name of the external function’s method.
 * `library [[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ansi logical name of a library containing the external function. if you do not fully qualify the
+specifies the ANSI logical name of a library containing the external function. if you do not fully qualify the
 library name, trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
 * `language c`
@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@ specifies that the function does not perform sql operations. this clause is opti
 * `deterministic | not deterministic`
 specifies whether the function always returns the same values for out parameters for a given set of argument
-values (deterministic, the default behavior) or does not return the same values (not eterministic). if the
+values (deterministic, the default behavior) or does not return the same values (not deterministic). if the
 function is deterministic, trafodion sql is not required to execute the function each time to produce results;
 instead, trafodion sql caches the results and reuses them during subsequent executions, thus optimizing the execution.
@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ hbase-options-list is:
 * `_index_`
 is an SQL identifier that specifies the simple name for the new index. You cannot qualify _index_ with its schema
-name. Indexes have their own namespace within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table or constraint
+name. Indexes have their own name space within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table or constraint
 name. However, no two indexes in a schema can have the same name.
 * `_table_`
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ ASCENDING or DESCENDING specifies the storage and retrieval order for rows in th
 Rows are ordered by values in the first column specified for the index. If multiple index rows share the same value
 for the first column, the values in the second column are used to order the rows, and so forth. If duplicate index
-rows occur in a nonunique index, their order is based on the sequence specified for the columns of the key of the
+rows occur in a non-unique index, their order is based on the sequence specified for the columns of the key of the
 underlying table. For ordering (but not for other purposes), nulls are greater than other values.
 * `HBASE_OPTIONS (_hbase-option_ = '_value_'[, _hbase-option_ = '_value_']&#8230;)`
@@ -1448,8 +1448,8 @@ Indexes are created under a single transaction. When an index is created, the fo
 NOTE: A side tree insert is a fast way of loading data that can perform specialized optimizations because the
 partitions are not audited and empty.
-* After load is complete, the index audit attribute is turned on and it is attached to the base table (to bring the index online).
-* The transaction is committed, either by the system or later by the requestor.
+* After load is complete, the index audit attribute is turned on and it is attached to the base table (to bring the index on-line).
+* The transaction is committed, either by the system or later by the requester.
 If the operation fails after basic semantic checks are performed, the index no longer exists and the entire transaction
 is rolled back even if it is a user-started transaction.
@@ -1465,7 +1465,7 @@ when the operation begins, CREATE INDEX waits until its lock request is granted
 You cannot access an index directly.
 ==== Required Privileges
 To issue a CREATE INDEX statement, one of the following must be true:
@@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ NOTE: In this case, if you create an index in a private schema, it will be owned
 ==== Limits on Indexes
-For nonunique indexes, the sum of the lengths of the columns in the index plus the sum of the length of
+For non-unique indexes, the sum of the lengths of the columns in the index plus the sum of the length of
 the clustering key of the underlying table cannot exceed 2048 bytes.
 No restriction exists on the number of indexes per table.
@@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ CREATE LIBRARY [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]library-name
 * `[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ansi logical name of the library object, where each part of the name is a valid sql
+specifies the ANSI logical name of the library object, where each part of the name is a valid sql
 identifier with a maximum of 128 characters. specify a name that is unique and does not exist for
 libraries in the same schema. if you do not fully qualify the library name, trafodion sq qualifies
 it according to the schema of the current session. for more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>>
@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@ and <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
 * `file '_library-filename_'`
-specifies the full path of a deployed library file, which either an spj's jar file or a udf's library file.
+specifies the full path of a deployed library file, which either an SPJ's jar file or a UDF's library file.
 note: make sure to upload the library file to the trafodion cluster and then copy the library file to the
 same directory on all the nodes in the cluster before running the create library statement. otherwise, you
@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@ the remaining syntax is not case-sensitive.
 * `_procedure-ref_([_sql-parameter_[, _sql-parameter_]&#8230;])`
 specifies the name of the stored procedure in Java (SPJ) and any SQL parameters that correspond to the signature of
-the SPJ methaod.
+the SPJ method.
 ** `_procedure-ref_`
@@ -1656,13 +1656,13 @@ see <<identifiers,identifiers>> and <<database_object_names,database object name
 specify a name that is unique and does not exist for any procedure or function in the same schema. trafodion sql
 does not support the overloading of procedure names. that is, you cannot register the same procedure name more than
-once with different underlying spj methods.
+once with different underlying SPJ methods.
 if you do not fully qualify the procedure name, trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
 ** _sql-parameter_
-specifies an sql parameter that corresponds to the signature of the spj method:
+specifies an sql parameter that corresponds to the signature of the SPJ method:
 `[_parameter-mode_] [_sql-identifier_] _sql-datatype_`
@@ -1672,15 +1672,15 @@ specifies the mode in, out, or inout of a parameter. the default is in.
 **** `in`
-specifies a parameter that passes data to an spj.
+specifies a parameter that passes data to an SPJ.
 **** `out`
-specifies a parameter that accepts data from an spj. the parameter must be an array.
+specifies a parameter that accepts data from an SPJ. the parameter must be an array.
 **** `inout`
-specifies a parameter that passes data to and accepts data from an spj. the parameter must be an array.
+specifies a parameter that passes data to and accepts data from an SPJ. the parameter must be an array.
 *** `_sql-identifier_`
@@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@ specifies an sql identifier for the parameter. for more information, see <<ident
 *** `_sql-datatype_`
-specifies an sql data type that corresponds to the java parameter of the spj method.
+specifies an sql data type that corresponds to the java parameter of the SPJ method.
 _sql-datatype_ can be:
@@ -1729,19 +1729,19 @@ for more information, see <<data_types,data types>>.
 ** `_java-method-name_`
-specifies the case-sensitive name of the spj method of the form:
+specifies the case-sensitive name of the SPJ method of the form:
 the java method must exist in a java class file, _class-name_.class, within a library registered in the database.
 the java method must be defined as public and static and have a return type of void.
-if the class file that contains the spj method is part of a package, you must also specify the package name.
-if you do not specify the package name, the create procedure statement fails to register the spj.
+if the class file that contains the SPJ method is part of a package, you must also specify the package name.
+if you do not specify the package name, the create procedure statement fails to register the SPJ.
 ** `_java-signature_`
-specifies the signature of the spj method and consists of:
+specifies the signature of the SPJ method and consists of:
 `([_java-datatype_[, _java-datatype_]&#8230;])`
@@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ primitive data type (for example, int). an sql data type maps to a java primitiv
 the java signature is case-sensitive and must be placed within parentheses, such as (java.lang.integer, java.lang.integer).
 the signature must specify each of the parameter data types in the order they appear in the java method definition within
-the class file. each java data type that corresponds to an out or inout parameter must befollowed by empty square
+the class file. each java data type that corresponds to an out or inout parameter must be followed by empty square
 brackets ([ ]), such as java.lang.integer[].
@@ -1760,21 +1760,21 @@ specifies a mappable java data type. for the mapping of the java data types to s
 * `library [[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ansi logical name of a library containing the spj method. if you do not fully qualify the library name,
+specifies the ANSI logical name of a library containing the SPJ method. if you do not fully qualify the library name,
 trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
 * `external security _external-security-type_`
-determines the privileges, or rights, that users have when executing (or calling) the spj. an spj can have one of these
+determines the privileges, or rights, that users have when executing (or calling) the SPJ. An SPJ can have one of these
 types of external security:
 ** invoker determines that users can execute, or invoke, the stored procedure using the privileges of the user who invokes
 the stored procedure. this behavior is referred to as _invoker rights_ and is the default behavior if external security is
-not specified. invoker rights allow a user who has the execute privilege on the spj to call the spj using his or her existing
-privileges. in this case, the user must be granted privileges to access the underlying database objects on which the spj operates.
+not specified. invoker rights allow a user who has the execute privilege on the SPJ to call the SPJ using his or her existing
+privileges. in this case, the user must be granted privileges to access the underlying database objects on which the SPJ operates.
 note: granting a user privileges to the underlying database objects gives the user direct access to those database objects,
-which could pose a risk to more sensitive or critical data to which users should not have access. for example, an spj
+which could pose a risk to more sensitive or critical data to which users should not have access. for example, an SPJ
 might operate on a subset of the data in an underlying database object, but that database object might contain other
 more sensitive or critical data to which users should not have access.
@@ -1782,8 +1782,8 @@ more sensitive or critical data to which users should not have access.
 the stored procedure. this behavior is referred to as _definer rights_. the advantage of definer rights is that users are
 allowed to manipulate data by invoking the stored procedure without having to be granted privileges to the underlying
 database objects. that way, users are restricted from directly accessing or manipulating more sensitive or critical data in
-the database. however, be careful about the users to whom you grant execute privilege on an spj with definer external security
-because those users will be able to execute the spj without requiring privileges to the underlying database objects.
+the database. however, be careful about the users to whom you grant execute privilege on an SPJ with definer external security
+because those users will be able to execute the SPJ without requiring privileges to the underlying database objects.
 * `language java`
@@ -1796,42 +1796,42 @@ specifies that the run-time conventions for arguments passed to the external use
 * `no sql`
-specifies that the spj cannot perform sql operations.
+specifies that the SPJ cannot perform sql operations.
 * `contains sql | modifies sql data | reads sql data`
-specifies that the spj can perform sql operations. all these options behave the same as contains sql, meaning that the spj
+specifies that the SPJ can perform sql operations. all these options behave the same as contains sql, meaning that the SPJ
 can read and modify sql data. use one of these options to register a method that contains sql statements. if you do not specify
 an sql access mode, the default is contains sql.
 * `dynamic result sets _integer_`
-specifies the maximum number of result sets that the spj can return. this option is applicable only if the method signature
+specifies the maximum number of result sets that the SPJ can return. this option is applicable only if the method signature
 contains a java.sql.resultset[] object. if the method contains a result set object, the valid range is 1 to 255 inclusive.
-the actual number of result sets returned by the spj method can be less than or equal to this number. if you do not specify
-this option, the default value is 0 (zero), meaning that the spj does not return result sets.
+the actual number of result sets returned by the SPJ method can be less than or equal to this number. if you do not specify
+this option, the default value is 0 (zero), meaning that the SPJ does not return result sets.
 * `transaction required | no transaction required`
-determines whether the spj must run in a transaction inherited from the calling application (transaction required, the default
-option) or whether the spj runs without inheriting the calling application’s transaction (no transaction required). typically,
-you will want the stored procedure to inherit the transaction from the calling application. however, if the spj method does
+determines whether the SPJ must run in a transaction inherited from the calling application (transaction required, the default
+option) or whether the SPJ runs without inheriting the calling application’s transaction (no transaction required). typically,
+you will want the stored procedure to inherit the transaction from the calling application. however, if the SPJ method does
 not access the database or if you want the stored procedure to manage its own transactions, you should set the stored
 procedure’s transaction attribute to no transaction required. for more information, see
-<<effects_of_the_transaction_attribute_on_spjs,effects of the transaction attribute on spjs>>.
+<<effects_of_the_transaction_attribute_on_spjs,effects of the transaction attribute on SPJs>>.
 * `deterministic | not deterministic`
-specifies whether the spj always returns the same values for out and inout parameters for a given set of argument values
+specifies whether the SPJ always returns the same values for out and inout parameters for a given set of argument values
 (deterministic) or does not return the same values (not deterministic, the default option). if you specify deterministic,
-trafodion sql is not required to call the spj each time to produce results; instead, trafodion sql caches the results and
+trafodion sql is not required to call the SPJ each time to produce results; instead, trafodion sql caches the results and
 reuses them during subsequent calls, thus optimizing the call statement.
 * `no isolate | isolate`
-specifies that the spj executes either in the environment of the database server (no isolate) or in an isolated environment
-(isolate, the default option). trafodion sql allows both options but always executes the spj in the udr server process (isolate).
+specifies that the SPJ executes either in the environment of the database server (no isolate) or in an isolated environment
+(isolate, the default option). trafodion sql allows both options but always executes the SPJ in the udr server process (isolate).
 === Considerations for CREATE PROCEDURE
@@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ specifies a registered database username to whom you assign the role owner.
 === Considerations for CREATE ROLE
 * To create a role, you must either be DB ROOT or have been granted the MANAGE_ROLES component privilege for SQL_OPERATIONS.
-* PUBLIC, _SYSTEM, NONE, and database usernames beginning with DB are reserved. You cannot specify a _role-name_ with any such name.
+* PUBLIC, _SYSTEM, NONE, and database user names beginning with DB are reserved. You cannot specify a _role-name_ with any such name.
 ==== Role Ownership
@@ -2486,7 +2486,7 @@ is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row i
 See <<search_condition,Search Condition>>.
 You cannot refer to the CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function in a CHECK constraint, and you cannot use
-subqueries in a CHECK constraint.
+sub queries in a CHECK constraint.
 * `REFERENCES _ref-spec_`
@@ -2542,7 +2542,7 @@ directs Trafodion SQL to use partition definitions from _source-table_. Each new
 as its original _source-table_ counterpart. The new table partitions do not inherit partition names from the original table.
 Instead, Trafodion SQL generates new names based on the physical file location.
-If you specify the LIKE clause and the SALT USING _num_ PARITIONS clause, you cannot specify WITH PARTITIONS.
+If you specify the LIKE clause and the SALT USING _num_ PARTITIONS clause, you cannot specify WITH PARTITIONS.
@@ -2585,7 +2585,7 @@ If the constraint refers to the other table in a query expression, you must also
 ==== Considerations for CREATE VOLATILE TABLE
-* Volatile temporary tables are closely linked to the session. Their namespace is unique across multiple concurrent
+* Volatile temporary tables are closely linked to the session. Their name space is unique across multiple concurrent
 sessions, and therefore allow multiple sessions to use the same volatile temporary table names simultaneously without
 any conflicts.
 * Volatile tables support creation of indexes.
@@ -2962,7 +2962,7 @@ create table t(a int) as select b,c from t1
 An error is returned. Two items need to be specified as part of the table-attributes.
 * The _column-attributes_ must specify either the _column-name datatype-info_ pair or just the _column-name_ for all
-columns. Youcannot specify some columns with just the name and others with name and data type.
+columns. You cannot specify some columns with just the name and others with name and data type.
 create table t(a int, b) as select c,d from t1
@@ -3089,7 +3089,7 @@ the objects underlying the view, and one of the following must be true:
 NOTE: In this case, if you create a view in a private schema, it will be owned by the schema owner.
 When you create a view on a single table, the owner of the view is automatically given all privileges WITH GRANT OPTION
-on the view. However, when you create a view that spans multiple tables, the owner ofthe view is given only SELECT
+on the view. However, when you create a view that spans multiple tables, the owner of the view is given only SELECT
 privileges WITH GRANT OPTION. If you try to grant privileges to another user on the view other than SELECT, you will
 receive a warning that you lack the grant option for that privilege.
@@ -3104,7 +3104,7 @@ To define an updatable view, a query expression must also meet these requirement
 * It cannot contain a GROUP BY or HAVING clause.
 * It cannot directly contain the keyword DISTINCT.
 * The FROM clause must refer to exactly one table or one updatable view.
-* It cannot contain a WHERE clause that contains a subquery.
+* It cannot contain a WHERE clause that contains a sub query.
 * The select list cannot include expressions or functions or duplicate column names.
@@ -3121,7 +3121,7 @@ ORDER BY clause.
 ===== When to Use ORDER BY
 An ORDER BY clause is used in a view definition only when the clause is under the root of the Select query that uses that
-view. If the ORDER BY clause appears in other intermediate locations or in a subquery, it is ignored.
+view. If the ORDER BY clause appears in other intermediate locations or in a sub query, it is ignored.
 Consider this CREATE VIEW statement:
@@ -3136,7 +3136,7 @@ insert into t1 select * from v;
 In these two examples, the ORDER BY clause is ignored during DML processing because the first appears as part of a
-derived table and the second as a subquery selects, both created after the view expansion.
+derived table and the second as a sub query selects, both created after the view expansion.
 If the same query is issued using explicit derived tables instead of a view, a syntax error is returned:
@@ -3144,7 +3144,7 @@ If the same query is issued using explicit derived tables instead of a view, a s
 select * from (select a from t order by a) x, (select a from t order by a) y;
-This example returns a syntax error because an ORDER BY clause is not supported in a subquery.
+This example returns a syntax error because an ORDER BY clause is not supported in a sub query.
 The ORDER BY clause is ignored if it is part of a view and used in places where it is not supported. This is different
 than returning an error when the same query was written with explicit ORDER BY clause, as is shown in the preceding examples.
@@ -3257,14 +3257,14 @@ Trafodion SQL has the ability to eliminate redundant joins in a query. Redundant
 * Every row from this child will match one and only one row from the other child
 Suppose tables A and B denote generic tables. To check if the rule "every row from this child will match one and only one row
-from the other child" is true, Trafodion SQL uses the fact that the join of Table A with table or subquery B preserves all the
+from the other child" is true, Trafodion SQL uses the fact that the join of Table A with table or sub query B preserves all the
 rows of A if the join predicate contains an equi-join predicate that references a key of B, and one of the following is true:
 The join is a left outer join where B is the inner table. In this example, for the join between vp0 and vp1,vp0 fills the role
 of table A and vp1 fills the role of table B. For the join between vp1 and vp2, vp1 fills the role of table A and vp2 fills
 the role of table B.
-The view vp shown in this example uses left outer joins to combine thethree underlying tables. Therefore, if the select list
-in a query that accesses vp does not contain column d from vp2 then the join to tablevp2 in the view vp will not be performed.
+The view vp shown in this example uses left outer joins to combine the three underlying tables. Therefore, if the select list
+in a query that accesses vp does not contain column d from vp2 then the join to table vp2 in the view vp will not be performed.
 create table vp0(a integer not null, b integer, primary key(a));
@@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@ The default access option is the isolation level of the containing transaction.
 ==== Authorization Requirements
 DELETE requires authority to read and write to the table or view being deleted from and authority to read tables or views
-specified in subqueries used in the search condition.
+specified in sub queries used in the search condition.
 ==== Transaction Initiation and Termination
@@ -3394,7 +3394,7 @@ DELETE FROM invent.partsupp WHERE suppnum NOT IN
 --- 41 row(s) deleted.
-* This is an example of a self-referencing DELETE statement, where the table from which rows are deleted is scanned in a subquery:
+* This is an example of a self-referencing DELETE statement, where the table from which rows are deleted is scanned in a sub query:
 delete from table1 where a in (select a from table1 where b > 200)
@@ -3419,7 +3419,7 @@ DROP FUNCTION [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]function-name
 * `[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_function-name_`
-specifies the ansi logical name of the function, where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a maximum of
+specifies the ANSI logical name of the function, where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a maximum of
 128 characters. specify the name of a function that has already been registered in the schema. if you do not fully qualify
 the function name, trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the current session. for more information,
 see <<identifiers,identifiers>> and <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
@@ -3532,7 +3532,7 @@ DROP LIBRARY [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]library-name [restrict | cascade]
 * `[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ansi logical name of the library object, where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a
+specifies the ANSI logical name of the library object, where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a
 maximum of 128 characters. specify the name of a library object that has already been registered in the schema. if
 you do not fully qualify the library name, trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
 for more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>> and <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
@@ -3540,7 +3540,7 @@ for more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>> and <<database_object_name
 * `[restrict | cascade]`
 if you specify restrict, the drop library operation fails if any stored procedures in java (spjs) or user-defined
-functions (udfs) were created based on the specified library.
+functions (UDFs) were created based on the specified library.
 if you specify cascade, any such dependent procedures or functions are removed as part of the drop library operation.
@@ -3602,7 +3602,7 @@ DROP PROCEDURE [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]procedure-name
 * `[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_procedure-name_`
-specifies the ansi logical name of the stored procedure in java (spj), where each part of the name is a valid sql
+specifies the ANSI logical name of the stored procedure in java (SPJ), where each part of the name is a valid sql
 identifier with a maximum of 128 characters. specify the name of a procedure that has already been registered in the
 schema. if you do not fully qualify the procedure name, trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the
 current session.
@@ -3639,7 +3639,7 @@ DROP PROCEDURE totalprice;
 == DROP ROLE Statement
 The DROP ROLE statement deletes an SQL role. See <<roles,Roles>>.
@@ -4238,11 +4238,11 @@ the catalog is TRAFODION, and the schema is SEABASE.
 * `FUNCTIONS FOR LIBRARY [[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-displays the udfs that reference the specified library.
+displays the UDFs that reference the specified library.
 * `functions in schema [_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_`
-displays the names of all the udfs in the specified schema.
+displays the names of all the UDFs in the specified schema.
 * `libraries`
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ System Version 0.9.1. Expected Version 1.0.0.
 * This GET VERSION OF SOFTWARE statement displays the software version for Trafodion Release 1.0.0:
@@ -4789,11 +4789,11 @@ specifies the privileges to grant. you can specify these privileges for an objec
 | insert     | can use the insert statement.
 | references | can create constraints that reference the object.
 | update     | can use the update statement on table objects.
-| execute    | can execute a stored procedure using a call statement or can execute a user-defined function (udf).
+| execute    | can execute a stored procedure using a call statement or can execute a user-defined function (UDF).
 | usage      | can access a library using the create procedure or create function statement. this privilege provides you 
 with read access to the library’s underlying library file.
 | all        | all the applicable privileges. when you specify all for a table or view, this includes the select, delete, 
-insert, references, and update privileges. when the object is a stored procedure or user-defined function (udf), only the 
+insert, references, and update privileges. when the object is a stored procedure or user-defined function (UDF), only the 
 execute privilege is applied. when the object is a library, only the update and usage privileges are applied.
@@ -4802,10 +4802,10 @@ execute privilege is applied. when the object is a library, only the update and
 specifies an object on which to grant privileges. _object-type_ can be:
 ** `[table] [_schema_.]_object_`, where _object_ is a table or view. see <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
-** `[procedure] [_schema_.]_procedure-name_`, where _procedure-name_ is the name of a stored procedure in java (spj) 
+** `[procedure] [_schema_.]_procedure-name_`, where _procedure-name_ is the name of a stored procedure in java (SPJ) 
 registered in the database.
 ** `[library] [_schema_.]_library-name_`, where _library-name_ is the name of a library object in the database.
-** `[function] [_schema_.]_function-name_`, where _function-name_ is the name of a user-defined function (udf) in the database.
+** `[function] [_schema_.]_function-name_`, where _function-name_ is the name of a user-defined function (UDF) in the database.
 * `to {_grantee_ [, _grantee_] &#8230; }`
@@ -4947,7 +4947,7 @@ specifies an _auth-name_ to which you grant component privileges.
 specifies the name of an authorization ID to which you grant privileges. See <<authorization_ids,Authorization IDs>>. 
 The authorization ID must be a registered database username, existing role name, or PUBLIC. The name is a regular or 
-delimited case-insensitive identifier. See <<case_insensitive_delimited_iddentifiers,Case-Insensitive Delimited Identifiers>>.
+delimited case-insensitive identifier. See <<case_insensitive_delimited_identifiers,Case-Insensitive Delimited Identifiers>>.
 If you grant a privilege to PUBLIC, the privilege remains available to all users, unless it is later revoked from PUBLIC.
@@ -5103,7 +5103,7 @@ when all columns in _table_ have default values.
 ==== Authorization Requirements
 INSERT requires authority to read and write to the table or view receiving the data and authority to read tables or views 
-specified in the query expression (or any of its subqueries) in the INSERT statement.
+specified in the query expression (or any of its sub queries) in the INSERT statement.
 ==== Transaction Initiation and Termination
@@ -5133,11 +5133,11 @@ isolation level of the containing transaction. Each statement then executes with
 ==== Use of a VALUES Clause for the Source Query Expression
 If the query expression consists of the VALUES keyword followed by rows of values, each row consists of a list of value expressions 
-or a row subquery (a subquery that returns a single row of column values). A value in a row can also be a scalar subquery (a subquery 
+or a row sub query (a sub query that returns a single row of column values). A value in a row can also be a scalar sub query (a sub query 
 that returns a single row consisting of a single column value).
 Within a VALUES clause, the operands of a value expression can be numeric, string, datetime, or interval values; however, an operand
-cannot reference a column (except in the case of a scalar or row subquery returning a value or values in its result table).
+cannot reference a column (except in the case of a scalar or row sub query returning a value or values in its result table).
 ==== Requirements for Inserted Rows
@@ -5155,11 +5155,11 @@ be inserted must be compatible with the data types of the corresponding target c
 Any character string data type is compatible with all other character string data types that have the same character set. For fixed length, an
 inserted value shorter than the column length is padded on the right with blank characters of the appropriate character set (for example,
-ISO88591 blanks (HEX20). If the value is longer than the column length, string truncation of nonblank trailing characters returns an error, and
+ISO88591 blanks (HEX20). If the value is longer than the column length, string truncation of non-blank trailing characters returns an error, and
 the truncated string is not inserted.
 For variable length, a shorter inserted value is not padded. As is the case for fixed length, if the value is longer than the column length,
-string truncation of nonblank trailing characters returns an error, and the truncated string is not inserted.
+string truncation of non-blank trailing characters returns an error, and the truncated string is not inserted.
 ===== Inserting Numeric Values
@@ -5297,7 +5297,7 @@ a credit rating that is different from the default, you must update this column
 insert into table1 select pk+?, b, c from table1
-* This is an example of a self-referencing insert where the target of the insert, table1, is also used in a subquery of the insert-source:
+* This is an example of a self-referencing insert where the target of the insert, table1, is also used in a sub query of the insert-source:
 insert into table1
@@ -5481,13 +5481,13 @@ use case:
 * The MERGE statement does not use ESP parallelism.
 * A merged table cannot be a view.
 * Merge is not allowed if the table has constraints.
-* The _on-clause_ cannot contain a subquery. This statement is not allowed:
+* The _on-clause_ cannot contain a sub query. This statement is not allowed:
-* The optional WHERE predicate in the when-matched clause cannot contain a subquery or an aggregate function. 
+* The optional WHERE predicate in the when-matched clause cannot contain a sub query or an aggregate function. 
 These statements are not allowed:
@@ -5500,14 +5500,14 @@ MERGE INTO t ON a=10
-* The UPDATE SET clause in a MERGE statement cannot contain a subquery.
+* The UPDATE SET clause in a MERGE statement cannot contain a sub query.
 This statement is not allowed:
-* The _insert-values-list_ clause in a MERGE statement cannot contain a subquery. This statement is not allowed:
+* The _insert-values-list_ clause in a MERGE statement cannot contain a sub query. This statement is not allowed:
@@ -5724,19 +5724,19 @@ to type than the directory-service username.
 For example, if the user logs on as ``, you might want to assign the user a
 database username of JDoe.
-Database usernames are authorization IDs. If you specify a name already assigned to another user or to an existing
+Database user names are authorization IDs. If you specify a name already assigned to another user or to an existing
 role, the command will fail. For more information, see <<authorization_ids,Authorization IDs>>.
 ==== Reserved Names
-PUBLIC, _SYSTEM, NONE, and database usernames beginning with DB are reserved. You cannot register users with any
+PUBLIC, _SYSTEM, NONE, and database user names beginning with DB are reserved. You cannot register users with any
 such name.
 ==== Username Length
-Database usernames are limited to 128 characters.
+Database user names are limited to 128 characters.
 === Examples of REGISTER USER
@@ -6434,7 +6434,7 @@ does not specify a return list.
 **** `_col-expr_ [[AS] _name_]`
 specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of an SQL value expression in the list. Any column referred to in
-a value expression can be specified as being from the row in the old table exposed by the pdate or can be specified as being
+a value expression can be specified as being from the row in the old table exposed by the update or can be specified as being
 from the row in the new table exposed by the update.
 For example:
@@ -6488,7 +6488,7 @@ If you specify a CROSS join as the _join-type_, you cannot specify a NATURAL joi
 *** `_join-spec_.`
 If you specify an INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL join as the _join-type_ and you do not specify a NATURAL join, you
-must use an ON clause as the _join-spec_, as follows: Subqueries are not allowed in the join predicate of FULL OUTER JOIN.
+must use an ON clause as the _join-spec_, as follows: Sub queries are not allowed in the join predicate of FULL OUTER JOIN.
 *** `ON _search-condition_`
@@ -6554,8 +6554,8 @@ A _simple-table_ can be specified as:
 A _simple-table_ can be a table value constructor. It starts with the VALUES keyword followed by a sequence of row
 value constructors, each of which is enclosed in parentheses. A _row-value-const_ is a list of expressions (or NULL)
-or a row subquery (a subquery that returns a single row of column values). An operand of an expression cannot reference
-a column (except when the operand is a scalar subquery returning a single column value in its result table).
+or a row sub query (a sub query that returns a single row of column values). An operand of an expression cannot reference
+a column (except when the operand is a scalar sub query returning a single column value in its result table).
 The use of NULL as a _row-value-const_ element is a Trafodion SQL extension.
@@ -6574,7 +6574,7 @@ The _search-condition_ is applied to each row of the result table derived from t
 or, in the case of multiple table references, the cross-product of result tables derived from the individual table references.
 Each column you specify in _search-condition_ is typically a column in this intermediate result table. In the case of nested
-subqueries used to provide comparison values, the column can also be an outer reference. See<<subquery,Subquery>>.
+sub queries used to provide comparison values, the column can also be an outer reference. See<<subquery,Subquery>>.
 To comply with ANSI standards, Trafodion SQL does not move aggregate predicates from the WHERE clause to a HAVING clause and
 does not move non-aggregate predicates from the HAVING clause to the WHERE clause.
@@ -6637,7 +6637,7 @@ optionally qualified by a table, view, or correlation name; for example, CUSTOME
 ** `ASC | DESC`
 specifies the sort order. The default is ASC. When Trafodion SQL orders an intermediate result table on a column that can
-contain null, nulls are considered equal to one another but greater than all other nonnull values.
+contain null, nulls are considered equal to one another but greater than all other non-null values.
 * `GROUP BY [_col-expr_] {_colname_ | _colnum_} [,{_colname_ | _colnum_}]&#8230;]`
@@ -6723,7 +6723,7 @@ specifies a column by its position in _select-list_. Use _colnum_ to refer to un
 ** `ASC | DESC`
 specifies the sort order. The default is ASC. For ordering a result table on a column that can contain null, nulls are
-considered equal to one another but greater than all other nonnull values.
+considered equal to one another but greater than all other non-null values.
 See <<considerations_for_order_by,Considerations for ORDER BY>>.
@@ -6774,8 +6774,8 @@ support this type of query.
 ==== Restrictions on Embedded Inserts
 * An embedded INSERT cannot be used in a join.
-* An embedded INSERT cannot appear in a subquery.
-* An embedded INSERT statement cannot have a subquery in the WHERE clause.
+* An embedded INSERT cannot appear in a sub query.
+* An embedded INSERT statement cannot have a sub query in the WHERE clause.
 * An INSERT statement cannot contain an embedded INSERT statement.
 * A union between embedded INSERT expressions is not supported.
 * Declaring a cursor on an embedded INSERT statement is not supported.
@@ -6829,7 +6829,7 @@ of columns in the SELECT result table dependent on the order of columns in the c
 or views.
 * A _col-expr_ is a single column name or a derived column. A derived column is an SQL value expression; its operands can
 be numeric, string, datetime, or interval literals, columns, functions (including aggregate unctions) defined on columns,
-scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions. Any single columns named in _col-expr_ must be from tables or views
+scalar sub queries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions. Any single columns named in _col-expr_ must be from tables or views
 specified in the FROM clause. For a list of aggregate functions, see <<aggregate_functions,Aggregate (Set) Functions>>.
 * If _col-expr_ is a single column name, that column of the SELECT result table is a named column. All other columns are
 unnamed columns in the result table (and have the (EXPR) heading) unless you use the AS clause to specify a name for a
@@ -6843,7 +6843,7 @@ derived column.
 arguments of an aggregate (or set) function. For example, if AGE is not a grouping column, you can refer to AGE only
 as the argument of a function, such as AVG (AGE).
 * The expression in the GROUP BY clause must be exactly the same as the expression in the select list. An error will
-be returned if it is not. It cannot contain aggregate functions or subqueries.
+be returned if it is not. It cannot contain aggregate functions or sub queries.
 * If the value of _col-expr_ is a numeric constant, it refers to the position of the select list item and is treated
 as the current GROUP BY using the ordinal feature.
 * You can specify GROUP BY using ordinals to refer to the relative position within the SELECT list. For example,
@@ -6857,7 +6857,7 @@ result table form the one and only group. The result of AVG, for example, is a s
 When you specify an ORDER BY clause and its ordering columns, consider:
 * ORDER BY is allowed only in the outer level of a query or in the SELECT part of an INSERT/SELECT statement. It is not
-allowed inside nested SELECT expressions, such as subqueries.
+allowed inside nested SELECT expressions, such as sub queries.
 * If you specify DISTINCT, the ordering column must be in _select-list_.
 * If you specify a GROUP BY clause, the ordering column must also be a grouping column.
 * If an ORDER BY clause applies to a union of SELECT statements, the ordering column must be explicitly referenced, and
-Because the subquery (SELECT B FROM T2&#8230;) is processed first, the ORDER BY clause does not follow the final SELECT.
+Because the sub query (SELECT B FROM T2&#8230;) is processed first, the ORDER BY clause does not follow the final SELECT.
 ===== GROUP BY Clause, HAVING Clause, and the UNION Operator
@@ -7139,7 +7139,7 @@ Order/Num  Part/Num Unit/Price   Qty/Ord    Part/Num Part Description   PRICE
 * Select from three tables and display them in employee number order. Two tables are joined by using a LEFT JOIN on matching department
-numbers, then an additional table is joined on matching jobcodes:
+numbers, then an additional table is joined on matching job codes:
 SELECT empnum, first_name, last_name, deptname, location, jobdesc
@@ -7248,7 +7248,7 @@ ORDERNUM   (EXPR)
 The price for the total quantity ordered is computed for each order number.
 * Show employees, their salaries, and the percentage of the total payroll that their salaries represent.
-Note the subquery as part of the expression in the select list:
+Note the sub query as part of the expression in the select list:
@@ -7534,7 +7534,7 @@ displays all users who have been granted the role in the form of GRANT ROLE stat
 * SHOWDDL can be used within TrafCI.
 * SHOWDDL [TABLE \| LIBRARY \| PROCEDURE] displays the following information:
 ** A constraint may be disabled.
-** A table may be offline.
+** A table may be off line.
 ** An active DDL lock may exist on an object.
 * SHOWDDL USER displays user information as a REGISTER USER statement.
 * SHOWDDL ROLE displays the role information as a CREATE ROLE statement.
@@ -7716,7 +7716,7 @@ multi-column group.
-indicates that histogram statistics are to be displayed for each individual column of _table_ and any multicolumns that
+indicates that histogram statistics are to be displayed for each individual column of _table_ and any multi columns that
 make up the primary key and indexes. For columns that do not have histograms, this option returns
 `No histogram data for column(s) ---&#93;`.
@@ -8036,7 +8036,7 @@ This type of SET clause allows multiple columns to be specified on the
 left side of the assignment operator. These columns are updated using
 multiple values specified on the right side of the assignment operator.
 The right side of the assignment operator could be simple values or a
+sub query.
 ** `_column1_, &#8230;, _columnN_`
@@ -8053,8 +8053,8 @@ corresponding column on the left side of the assignment operator.
 * `_query-expr_`
-is a SELECT subquery. Only one subquery can be specified on the right
-side of a SET clause. The subquery cannot refer to the table being
+is a SELECT sub query. Only one sub query can be specified on the right
+side of a SET clause. The sub query cannot refer to the table being
 updated. For the syntax and description of _query-expr_, see the
 <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>.
@@ -8101,7 +8101,7 @@ the table.
 ==== Authorization Requirements
 UPDATE requires authority to read and write to the table or view being
-updated and authority to read any table or view specified in subqueries
+updated and authority to read any table or view specified in sub queries
 used in the search condition. A column of a view can be updated if its
 underlying column in the base table can be updated.
@@ -8211,20 +8211,20 @@ UPDATE t set (b,c)=(SELECT r,t,s FROM x)
 * If multi-column update syntax is specified and the right side contains
-a subquery, only one element, the subquery, is not allowed.
+a sub query, only one element, the sub query, is not allowed.
 UPDATE t SET (a,b)=(10, (SELECT a FROM t1))
-* More than one subquery is not allowed if multiple-column syntax is
+* More than one sub query is not allowed if multiple-column syntax is
 UPDATE t SET (a,b)=(SELECT x,y FROM z), (c,d)=(SELECT x,y FROM a))
-* If a subquery is used, it must return at most one row.
+* If a sub query is used, it must return at most one row.
@@ -8263,11 +8263,11 @@ WHERE deptnum IN
     WHERE location = 'CHICAGO');
-The subquery is evaluated for each row of the DEPT table and returns
+The sub query is evaluated for each row of the DEPT table and returns
 department numbers for departments located in Chicago.
 * This is an example of a self-referencing UPDATE statement, where the
-table being updated is scanned in a subquery:
+table being updated is scanned in a sub query:
 UPDATE table3 SET b = b + 2000 WHERE a, b =
@@ -8335,8 +8335,8 @@ data. You cannot qualify or repeat a column name.
 * `_query-expr_`
-is a SELECT subquery that returns data to be inserted into or updated in
-the target _table_. The subquery cannot refer to the table being
+is a SELECT sub query that returns data to be inserted into or updated in
+the target _table_. The sub query cannot refer to the table being
 operated on. For the syntax and description of _query-expr_, see the
 <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>.
@@ -8390,7 +8390,7 @@ VALUES (3600,‘JAPAN SALES’, 996);
 The VALUES statements starts with the VALUES keyword followed by a
 sequence of row value constructors, each of which is enclosed in
 parenthesis. It displays the results of the evaluation of the
-expressions and the results of row subqueries within the row value
+expressions and the results of row sub queries within the row value
@@ -8406,13 +8406,13 @@ row-value-const is:
 * `_row-value-const_`
-specifies a list of expressions (or NULL) or a row subquery (a subquery
+specifies a list of expressions (or NULL) or a row sub query (a sub query
 that returns a single row of column values). An operand of an expression
-cannot reference a column (except when the operand is a scalar subquery
+cannot reference a column (except when the operand is a scalar sub query
 returning a single column value in its result table).
 The results of the evaluation of the expressions and the results of the
-row subqueries in the row value constructors must have compatible data
+row sub queries in the row value constructors must have compatible data
@@ -8451,7 +8451,7 @@ VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6);
 * This VALUES statement displays the results of the expressions and the
-row subquery in the lists:
+row sub query in the lists:
 VALUES (1+2, 3+4), (5, (select count (*) from t));
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc
index 63c57d6..bdf25cf 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ The Trafodion bulk load process takes place in two phases:
 * _Preparation phase_: In this phase, Trafodion reads the data from
 the source files in Hive or HDFS, partitions the data based on the
 target table's partitioning scheme, sorts the data, and then generates
-KeyValue pairs that will populate the HFiles. Trafodion also encodes the
+Key-value pairs that will populate the HFiles. Trafodion also encodes the
 data for faster storage and retrieval.
 * _Loading-the-files-into-HBase phase_: This phase uses the
 LoadIncrementalHFiles (also known as the computebulkload tool) and load
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ data from the parent table.
-specifies that the data be inserted into the target table using rowset
+specifies that the data be inserted into the target table using row set
 inserts without a transaction.
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ index-option is:
 is an SQL identifier that specifies the simple name for the index. You
 cannot qualify _index_ with its schema name. Indexes have their own
-namespace within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table
+name space within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table
 or constraint name. However, no two indexes in a schema can have the
 same name.
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ is the name of the table for which to populate the index. See
-specifies that the populate operation should be done online. That is,
+specifies that the populate operation should be done on-line. That is,
 ONLINE allows read and write DML access on the base table while the
 populate operation occurs. Additionally, ONLINE reads the audit trail to
 replay updates to the base table during the populate phase. If a lot of
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ contention to the audit trail. The default is ONLINE.
-specifies that the populate should be done offline. OFFLINE allows only
+specifies that the populate should be done off-line. OFFLINE allows only
 read DML access to the base table. The base table is unavailable for
 write operations at this time. OFFLINE must be specified explicitly.
 SELECT is allowed.
@@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ When POPULATE INDEX is executed, the following steps occur:
 If a failure occurs, the rollback is faster because it does not have to
 process a lot of audit. Also, if a failure occurs, the index remains
-empty, unaudited, and not attached to the base table (offline).
+empty, unaudited, and not attached to the base table (off-line).
-* When an offline POPULATE INDEX is being executed, the base table is
-accessible for read DML operations. When an online POPULATE INDEX is
+* When an off-line POPULATE INDEX is being executed, the base table is
+accessible for read DML operations. When an on-line POPULATE INDEX is
 being executed, the base table is accessible for read and write DML
 operations during that time period, except during the commit phase at
 the very end.
 * If the POPULATE INDEX operation fails unexpectedly, you may need to
 drop the index again and re-create and repopulate.
-* Online POPULATE INDEX reads the audit trail to replay updates by
+* On-line POPULATE INDEX reads the audit trail to replay updates by
 allowing read/write access. If you plan to create many indexes in
 parallel or if you have a high level of activity on the audit trail, you
 should consider using the OFFLINE option.
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ For more information about specifying columns, see
 The EVERY COLUMN keyword indicates that histogram statistics are to be
-generated for each individual column of _table_ and any multicolumns
+generated for each individual column of _table_ and any multi-columns
 that make up the primary key and indexes. For example, _table_ has
 columns A, B, C, D defined, where A, B, C compose the primary key. In
 this case, the ON EVERY COLUMN option generates a single column
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ Generate statistics for columns most often used in data access plans for
 a table—that is, the primary key, indexes defined on the table, and any
 other columns frequently referenced in predicates in WHERE or GROUP BY
 clauses of queries issued on the table. Use the EVERY COLUMN option to
-generate histograms for every individual column or multicolumns that
+generate histograms for every individual column or multi columns that
 make up the primary key and indexes.
 The EVERY KEY option generates histograms that make up the primary key
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page provides how to contribute to Trafodion via advocacy. Please refer to the [Contribute](contribute.html) page for information about other ways to contribute to the Trafodion project.
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to perform manual installs of the required [Trafodion Build Tools](setup-build-environment.html#Install_Build_Tools).
-In the sections below, the **```<tool installation directory>```** is the directory where you want the tool to be installed.
-**Tested Version**: 3.0.4
-**Download**: (
-**Considerations**: For more detailed instructions, see the README file that comes with the source.
-    tar -xzf mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
-    cd mpich-3.0.4
-    ./configure --prefix=<tool installation directory>/dest-mpich-3.0.4 --with-device=ch3:sock --disable-f77 --disable-fc
-    make
-    make check
-    make install
-**```<tool installation directory>```** is the directory where you want MPICH to be installed. If you do not specify the **```--prefix```** option, the default location is **```/usr/local``**.
-# Bison
-**Tested Version**: 3.0
-**Download**: (
-**Considerations**: Refer to the bison INSTALL file for detailed instructions. 
-**Determine Bison Version**:
-    which bison
-    bison --version
-If the version is older than 3.0, then do the following:
-    tar -xzf bison-3.0.tar.gz
-    cd bison-3.0
-    ./configure --prefix=<tool installation directory>/bison_3_linux
-    make
-    make check
-    make install
-**Note**: The **```make check```** step may return errors like the following that can be ignored:
-    make[3]: Entering directory `<mydir>/bison-3.0'
-      YACC     examples/calc++/calc++-parser.stamp
-      CXX      examples/calc++/examples_calc___calc__-calc++-driver.o
-      LEX      examples/calc++/
-      CXX      examples/calc++/examples_calc___calc__-calc++-scanner.o
-    g++: ./examples/calc++/ No such file or directory
-    g++: no input file
-Adjust your **```PATH```** to ensure that the correct version is chosen. Rerun the **```bison --version```** to verify.
-# Udis86
-**Tested Version**: 1.7.2
-**Download**: (
-**Consideration**: Udis86 is a prerequisite to building the LLVM product.
-    tar xzf udis86-1.7.2.tar.gz
-    cd udis86-1.7.2
-    ./configure --prefix=<tool installation directory>/udis86-1.7.2 --enable-shared
-    make
-    make install
-# LLVM 
-**Tested Version**: 3.2
-**Download**: (
-**Consideration**: Udis86 must be installed on the system before LLVM is built and installed. Building LLVM takes some time to complete, be patient.
-    # Set BASE_DIR to the top-level directory where the LLVM source will be
-    # unpacked and the objects compiled.
-    BASE_DIR=<your-base-dir>
-    cd $BASE_DIR
-    tar xzf llvm-3.2.src.tar.gz
-    export MY_UDIS_INSTALL_DIR=<udis-installation-directory>/udis86-1.7.2
-    export MY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=<llvm-installation-directory>/dest-llvm-3.2/
-    export MY_LLVM_SRC_DIR=$BASE_DIR/llvm-3.2.src
-    export MY_LLVM_OBJ_DIR=$BASE_DIR/llvm-3.2.obj/
-    export CPATH=$MY_UDIS_INSTALL_DIR/include
-    mkdir -p $MY_LLVM_OBJ_DIR/release
-    cd $MY_LLVM_OBJ_DIR/release
-    $MY_LLVM_SRC_DIR/configure --prefix=$MY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR/release \
-    --enable-optimized --enable-jit \
-    --enable-shared --enable-targets=x86,x86_64,cpp \
-    --with-udis86=$MY_UDIS_INSTALL_DIR/lib \
-    CFLAGS=-fgnu89-inline
-    make libs-only
-    make install-libs
-    mkdir -p $MY_LLVM_OBJ_DIR/debug
-    cd $MY_LLVM_OBJ_DIR/debug
-    $MY_LLVM_SRC_DIR/configure --prefix=$MY_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR/debug \
-    --enable-optimized --enable-jit \
-    --enable-debug-runtime --enable-debug-symbols \
-    --enable-shared --enable-targets=x86,x86_64,cpp \
-    --with-udis86=$MY_UDIS_INSTALL_DIR/lib \
-    CFLAGS=-fgnu89-inline
-    make libs-only
-    make install-libs
-# ICU
-**Tested Version**: 4.4.0
-**Download**: (
-    tar -xzf icu4c-4_4-src.tgz
-    cd icu/source
-    ./runConfigureICU Linux --with-library-suffix=Nv44 --prefix=<tool installation directory>/icu4.4/linux64
-    make && make check
-    make install
-**Note**: The following **```make check```** errors can be ignored.
-    [All tests passed successfully...]
-    Elapsed Time: 00:00:12.126
-    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/centos/icu/source/test/cintltst'
-    ---------------
-    ok:  testdata iotest cintltst
-    ===== ERRS:  intltest
-    make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
-    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/centos/icu/source/test'
-    make: *** [check-recursive] Error 2
-# Zookeeper
-**Tested Version**: 3.4.5
-    tar -xzf zookeeper-3.4.5.tar.gz
-    cd zookeeper-3.4.5/src/c
-    ./configure --prefix=<tool installation directory>/zookeeper-3.4.5
-    make
-    make install
-# Thrift
-**Tested Version**: 0.9.0
-**Consideration**: Behind a firewall, you may need the ant flags to specify a proxy.
-    tar -xzf thrift-0.9.0.tar.gz
-    cd thrift-0.9.0
-    ./configure --prefix=<tool installation dir>/thrift-0.9.0 --without-qt
-    make
-    make install
-# Maven
-**Tested Version**: 3.3.3
-**Considerations**: Add Maven to your **```PATH```** once it has been installed.
-    tar -xzf apache-maven-3.3.3-bin.tar.gz -C <tool installation directory>
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to build the Trafodion source code.
-# Prerequisites
-You need to [Setup Build Environment](setup-build-environment.html) before trying to build the Trafodion source code.
-# Download Source
-You should already have downloaded the source code when setting up the build environment.
-## Git
-Please refer to [Making Changes](develop.html#making_changes) on the [Develop](develop.html) page.
-## tar file
-The source code for Apache Trafodion can be downloaded from [Apache Trafodion Incubator Release]( as a tar file.  
-* Download the source tar file to your **```<trafodion download directory>```**.
-* Check the tar file validity by checking signatures, please refer to [Verify Signatures](release.html#Verify_Signatures). The Trafodion releases have been signed using The GNU Privacy Guard. 
-**Unpack the tar file**
-     cd <trafodion download directory>
-     tar -xzf <tar file>
-# Set Up Environmental Variables
-Start a new **```ssh```** session. Use the following commands to set up the Trafodion environmental variables.
-    cd <Trafodion source directory>
-    export TOOLSDIR=<tools installation directory>
-    source ./
-* **```<Trafodion source directory>```**: Source tree base for Trafodion.
-* **```<tools installation directory>```**:  where Trafodion required tools are located. The following example assumes that you installed all the required tools in a single location. If you installed or used pre-installed tools in different directories, then you need to export the location of each tool as described in [Build Tools Manual Installation](build-tools-manual.html) prior to sourcing in **``````**.
-# Build Commands
-Build a debug version of Trafodion using one of the following options.
-Command                             | What It Builds
-**```make all```**                  | Trafodion, DCS, and REST.
-**```make package```**              | Trafodion, DCS, REST, and Client Drivers.
-**```make package-all```**          | Trafodion, DCS, REST, Client Drivers, and tests for all components.
-If the build fails, you might want to rerun the **```make```** step. Trafodion downloads many dependencies and sometimes one of the download operations fail. Rerunning the build generally works.
-# Verify Build
-Use **```sqvers -u```** to verify the build.
-    $ sqvers -u
-    MY_SQROOT=/home/centos/apache-trafodion-1.3.0-incubating/core/sqf
-    who@host=centos@mysystem
-    JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
-    SQ_MBTYPE=64d (64-debug)
-    linux=2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64
-    redhat=6.7
-    NO patches
-    Most common Apache_Trafodion Release 1.3.0 (Build debug [centos], branch -, date 06Nov15)
-    UTT count is 1
-    [6]     Release 1.3.0 (Build debug [centos], branch -, date 06Nov15)
-              export/lib/hbase-trx-cdh5_3-1.3.0.jar
-              export/lib/hbase-trx-hbase_98_4-1.3.0.jar
-              export/lib/hbase-trx-hdp2_2-1.3.0.jar
-              export/lib/sqmanvers.jar
-              export/lib/trafodion-dtm-1.3.0.jar
-              export/lib/trafodion-sql-1.3.0.jar
-The output from the **```sqvers -u```** commands should show several jar files. The number of files differs based on the version of Trafodion you downloaded.
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-This page describes how the Trafodion source tree is organized.
-**Under Construction**
-# Connectivity
-Directory                                       | Contains
-**```core/conn/jdbc_type2```**                  | JDBC type-4 client-side driver
-**```jdbc_type4````**                           | |
-**```odb```**                                   | |
-**```odbc```**                                  | |
-**```security_dll```**                          | |
-**```unixodbc```**                              | |
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how you set up the Trafodion build and development-test environment.
-# Supported Platforms
-Red Hat or Centos 6.x (6.4 or later) versions are supported as development and production platforms.
-# Setup Build Environment
-Please refer to [Setup Build Environment](setup-build-environment.html).
-# Build Trafodion
-Please refer to [Build Trafodion](build.html).
-# Setup Test Environment
-Please refer to the [Test Environment](test-environment.html) page.
-# Make Changes
-Please refer to [Making Changes](develop.html#Making_Changes). Ensure that you run the [Regression Tests](testing.html) before checking in changes.
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how you can contribute to the Trafodion project.
-<div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info">
-  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&close;</button>
-  <p style="color:black">Contributing to this project is open to every person interested in the improvement of its product(s) and/or its community — anyone willing to further the project.</p>
-  <p style="color:black">If you want to do more; for example, be recognized for your commitment or be eligible for privileges (privileges to commit changes to the code base or have a binding vote on the directions of this project), then please follow steps outlined on this page.</p>
-First of all, a big **Thank You** from us for your interest in evaluating and/or using Trafodion. We truly appreciate it! Trafodion exists and continues to improve thanks to you. But you can help us and yourself more!
-We are a community of volunteers working with the guidelines and policies of the Apache Software Foundation (the Apache Way) in mind. In that spirit, we welcome any kind of input you can provide to create better products. These contributions, whether you think of reporting bugs, supplying code enhancements, making improvements to our documentation, answering questions in our [mailing lists](mail-lists.html), or anywhere else are valuable to everyone. Because each of these helps all of us make Trafodion better.
-Your first step toward more involvement in our project is to subscribe to one or more of our [mailing lists](mail-lists.html). Next, please consider making your first contribution by simply sending an e-mail to our community discussing; for example:
-* What you like about Trafodion and its documentation.
-* What you find missing.
-* An issue you encountered.
-Or, help us by writing articles, blog posts, or sharing information about Trafodion at conferences and on social media such as Twitter (\#trafodion).
-## Contribution Ideas
-You've made your first contribution. Now, we’re eager to help you get more involved. For example, you can:
-* Reply to questions, and/or share your viewpoint on how to get issues resolved.
-* Add to our [FAQ](faq.html), [Web Site](website.html), or [Wiki](wiki.html).
-* Share your code and document patches through our [issue tracking system](issue-tracking.html) (Jira).
-* Evaluate bugs and proposed improvements provided by others in our team.
-* Help with outlining and evaluating the future direction of our project and the development iterations of our products.
-## Contribution Areas
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+  License.
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[6/7] incubator-trafodion git commit: Addressed spelling comments from Dave B.

Posted by
Addressed spelling comments from Dave B.

NOTE: The Messages Guide is not yet exposed since we're waiting for others
to contribute with required changes. However, the overall web site can be


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 3176d191b67a2f8284e3f027a873d538d44bc804
Parents: 3063990
Author: Gunnar Tapper <gt...@esgyn.local>
Authored: Mon Feb 1 21:42:25 2016 -0700
Committer: Gunnar Tapper <gt...@esgyn.local>
Committed: Mon Feb 1 21:42:25 2016 -0700

 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc     | 18 ++--
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc        |  2 +-
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc     |  6 +-
 .../sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc          | 28 +++---
 .../_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc        | 16 ++--
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc  | 94 ++++++++++----------
 .../src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc   |  2 +-
 7 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
index 04ed528..bd3122d 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
@@ -1808,8 +1808,8 @@ scalar (degree of one) if the sub query is one of several expressions
 rather than the only expression in the constructor.
-*Cause:* You specified a sub query, consisting of several expressions,
-whose select list is not scalar. If the sub query is not the only
+*Cause:* You specified a subquery, consisting of several expressions,
+whose select list is not scalar. If the subquery is not the only
 expression in the constructor, it must be scalar.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -1848,13 +1848,13 @@ incompatible data types.
 == SQL 4128
-Default volume and sub volume information could not be retrieved from=_DEFAULTS define - DEFINEINFO error <number>.
+Default volume and subvolume information could not be retrieved from=_DEFAULTS define - DEFINEINFO error <number>.
 Where <number> is the error message.
 *Cause:* Trafodion was not able to retrieve
-default volume and sub volume information using the =_DEFAULTS define.
+default volume and subvolume information using the =_DEFAULTS define.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -2207,10 +2207,10 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4167
-Embedded <name> statements are not supported in sub queries.
+Embedded <name> statements are not supported in subqueries.
-*Cause:* You attempted to perform a sub query that included an embedded
+*Cause:* You attempted to perform a subquery that included an embedded
 *Effect:* Trafodion is unable to compile the
@@ -2222,10 +2222,10 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4168
-Stream expressions are not supported in sub queries.
+Stream expressions are not supported in subqueries.
-*Cause:* You attempted to perform a sub query that included a stream
+*Cause:* You attempted to perform a subquery that included a stream
 *Effect:* Trafodion is unable to compile the
@@ -2844,7 +2844,7 @@ supports stored procedure result sets.
 USER(x) is currently supported only in the outermost SELECT list.
-For example, it cannot be part of the sub query.
+For example, it cannot be part of the subquery.
 *Cause:* You tried to use the USER(x) function somewhere other than the
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc
index 777c6b2..0b9e951 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/ddl_msgs.adoc
@@ -2988,7 +2988,7 @@ have the same subvolume names as their corresponding schemas on the
 other node. To create these, use the optional REUSE clause in the CREATE
 SCHEMA statement. All other schemas should have unique subvolume names.
 Schemas that are, or will be, related as RDF primary and backup schemas
-must have identical schema names and sub volumes on the primary and
+must have identical schema names and subvolumes on the primary and
 backup nodes.
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc
index 7fae38b..78cb0ae 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/parser_msgs.adoc
@@ -390,10 +390,10 @@ supported.
 == SQL 3025
-The format of the sub volume name part in the specified location name <name> is not valid. The sub volume name part must be eight characters long and begin with the letters ZSD.
+The format of the subvolume name part in the specified location name <name> is not valid. The subvolume name part must be eight characters long and begin with the letters ZSD.
-*Cause:* You used an invalid location <name> for a sub volume that must
+*Cause:* You used an invalid location <name> for a subvolume that must
 be eight characters long and begin with the letters <ZSD>.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
@@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ Trafodion statements.
 Subqueries are not allowed in the IF Condition.
-*Cause:* You specified an IF statement that contains a sub query.
+*Cause:* You specified an IF statement that contains a subquery.
 *Effect:* The operation fails.
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
index 7294d83..d797172 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ DOWN to the last day of the result month.
 == Aggregate (Set) Functions
 An aggregate (or set) function operates on a group or groups of rows
-retrieved by the SELECT statement or the sub query in which the aggregate
+retrieved by the SELECT statement or the subquery in which the aggregate
 function appears.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ be weighted.
 Columns and expressions can be arguments of an aggregate function. The
-expressions cannot contain aggregate functions or sub queries.
+expressions cannot contain aggregate functions or subqueries.
 An aggregate function can accept an argument specified as DISTINCT,
 which eliminates duplicate values before the aggregate function is
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ values are eliminated before the AVG function is applied.
 specifies a numeric or interval value _expression_ that determines the
 values to average. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function
-or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the AVG function
+or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the AVG function
 operates on distinct values from the one-column table derived from the
 evaluation of _expression_.
@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ An operand can be any SQL value expression of data type CHAR or VARCHAR.
 A string value can be specified by any character value expression, such
 as a character string literal, character string function, column
-reference, aggregate function, scalar sub query, CASE expression, or CAST
+reference, aggregate function, scalar subquery, CASE expression, or CAST
 expression. The value of the operand must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
 If you use the CAST expression, you must specify the length of CHAR or
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ function is applied.
 * `_expression_`
 specifies a value expression that determines the values to count. The
-_expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function or a sub query. The
+_expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function or a subquery. The
 DISTINCT clause specifies that the COUNT function operates on distinct
 values from the one-column table derived from the evaluation of
 _expression_. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
@@ -1775,7 +1775,7 @@ _expression_. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
 The operand of COUNT is either * or an expression that includes columns
 from the result table specified by the SELECT statement that contains
 COUNT. However, the expression cannot include an aggregate function or a
-sub query. These expressions are valid:
+subquery. These expressions are valid:
 COUNT (*)
@@ -4170,7 +4170,7 @@ applied.
 specifies an expression that determines the values to include in the
 computation of the maximum. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate
-function or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the
+function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the
 MAX/MAXIMUM function operates on distinct values from the one-column
 table derived from the evaluation of _expression_. All nulls are
 eliminated before the function is applied to the set of values. If the
@@ -4231,7 +4231,7 @@ duplicate values are eliminated before the MIN function is applied.
 specifies an expression that determines the values to include in the
 computation of the minimum. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate
-function or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the MIN
+function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the MIN
 function operates on distinct values from the one-column table derived
 from the evaluation of _expression_. All nulls are eliminated before
 the function is applied to the set of values. If the result table is
@@ -5054,7 +5054,7 @@ comparable data types.
 If _operand_ is a null value, NVL returns _new-operand_. If _operand_
 is not a null value, NVL returns _operand_.
-The _operand_ and _new-operand_ can be a column name, sub query,
+The _operand_ and _new-operand_ can be a column name, subquery,
 Trafodion SQL string functions, math functions, or constant values.
@@ -6684,7 +6684,7 @@ If DISTINCT is specified, you cannot specify _weight_.
 specifies a numeric value expression that determines the values for
 which to compute the standard deviation. The _expression_ cannot contain
-an aggregate function or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that
+an aggregate function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that
 the STDDEV function operates on distinct values from the one-column
 table derived from the evaluation of _expression_.
@@ -6692,7 +6692,7 @@ table derived from the evaluation of _expression_.
 specifies a numeric value expression that determines the weights of the
 values for which to compute the standard deviation. _weight_ cannot
-contain an aggregate function or a sub query. _weight_ is defined on
+contain an aggregate function or a subquery. _weight_ is defined on
 the same table as _expression_. The one-column table derived from the
 evaluation of _expression_ and the one-column table derived from the
 evaluation of _weight_ must have the same cardinality.
@@ -6935,7 +6935,7 @@ values are eliminated before the SUM function is applied.
 specifies a numeric or interval value expression that determines the
 values to sum. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function or
-a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the SUM function operates
+a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the SUM function operates
 on distinct values from the one-column table derived from the evaluation
 of _expression_. All nulls are eliminated before the function is
 applied to the set of values. If the result table is empty, SUM returns
@@ -7661,7 +7661,7 @@ If DISTINCT is specified, you cannot specify _weight_.
 specifies a numeric value expression that determines the values for
 which to compute the variance. _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate
-function or a sub query. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the VARIANCE
+function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the VARIANCE
 function operates on distinct values from the one-column table derived
 from the evaluation of _expression_.
@@ -7669,7 +7669,7 @@ from the evaluation of _expression_.
 specifies a numeric value expression that determines the weights of the
 values for which to compute the variance. _weight_ cannot contain an
-aggregate function or a sub query. _weight_ is defined on the same table
+aggregate function or a subquery. _weight_ is defined on the same table
 as _expression_. The one-column table derived from the evaluation of
 _expression_ and the one-column table derived from the evaluation of
 _weight_ must have the same cardinality.
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
index 3a51658..3124da8 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ system-generated unique identifier.
 == Correlation Names
-A correlation name is a name you can associate with a table reference that is a table, view, or sub query in a SELECT
+A correlation name is a name you can associate with a table reference that is a table, view, or subquery in a SELECT
 statement to:
 * Distinguish a table or view from another table or view referred to in a statement
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ expression.
 A value expression can be a character string literal, a numeric literal,
 a dynamic parameter, or a column name that specifies the value of the
 column in a row of a table. A value expression can also include
-functions and scalar sub queries.
+functions and scalar subqueries.
@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ Character (or string) value expressions are built from operands that can be:
 * Character string functions
 * Column references with character values
 * Dynamic parameters
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar sub queries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return character values
+* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return character values
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ Datetime value expressions are built from operands that can be:
 * Column references with datetime or interval values
 * Dynamic parameters
 * Datetime or interval value functions
-* Any aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar sub queries, CASE
+* Any aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE
 expressions, or CAST expressions that return datetime or interval values
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ Interval value expressions are built from operands that can be:
 * Column references with datetime or interval values
 * Dynamic parameters
 * Datetime or interval value functions
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar sub queries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return interval values
+* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return interval values
 For _interval-term_, _datetime-expression_, and _datetime-primary_, see <<datetime_value_[expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
@@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ built from operands that can be:
 * Column references with numeric values
 * Dynamic parameters
 * Numeric value functions
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar sub queries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return numeric values
+* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return numeric values
@@ -2503,7 +2503,7 @@ rows from tables or views.
 | <<between_predicate,BETWEEN Predicate>> | Determines whether a sequence of values is within a range of sequences of values.
 | <<comparison_predicates,Comparison Predicates>> +
 ( =, <>, <, >, <&#61;, >&#61;  ) | Compares the values of sequences of expressions, or compares the values
-of sequences of row values that are the result of row sub queries.
+of sequences of row values that are the result of row subqueries.
 | <<exists_predicate,EXISTS Predicate>> | Determines whether any rows are selected by a subquery. If the subquery
 finds at least one row that satisfies its search condition, the
 predicate evaluates to true. Otherwise, if the result table of the
@@ -2658,7 +2658,7 @@ EMPNUM FIRST_NAME      LAST_NAME
 A comparison predicate compares the values of sequences of expressions,
 or the values of sequences of row values that are the result of row
-sub queries.
 row-value-constructor comparison-op row-value-constructor
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
index ef79c62..45315c5 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ exists or inserts into a table if the row does not exist) or updates (merges) ma
 | <<table_statement,TABLE Statement>>   | Equivalent to the query specification SELECT * FROM _table_
 | <<update_statement,UPDATE Statement>> | Updates values in columns of a table or view.
 | <<upsert_statement,UPSERT Statement>> | Updates a table if the row exists or inserts into a table if the row does not exist.
-| <<values_statement,VALUES Statement>> | Displays the results of the evaluation of the expressions and the results of row sub queries
+| <<values_statement,VALUES Statement>> | Displays the results of the evaluation of the expressions and the results of row subqueries
 within the row value constructors.
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ duplicate values are allowed unless the column is part of the primary key. colum
 is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row in the table. see <<search_condition,search condition>>.
 you cannot refer to the current_date, current_time, or current_timestamp function in a check constraint, and you cannot use
-sub queries in a check constraint.
+subqueries in a check constraint.
 **** `references _ref-spec_`
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ unique index does not exist, the system creates a unique index.
 is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row in the table.
 see <<search_condition,search condition>>. you cannot refer to the current_date, current_time, or current_timestamp function in a check
-constraint, and you cannot use sub queries in a check constraint.
+constraint, and you cannot use subqueries in a check constraint.
 *** `foreign key (_column-list_) references _ref-spec_ not enforced`
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ parameter argument, use one of these SQL expressions:
 * Literal
 * SQL function (including CASE and CAST expressions)
 * Arithmetic or concatenation operation
-* Scalar sub query
+* Scalar subquery
 * Dynamic parameter (for example, ?) in an application
 * Named (for example, ?param) or unnamed (for example, ?) parameter in TrafCI
@@ -2486,7 +2486,7 @@ is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row i
 See <<search_condition,Search Condition>>.
 You cannot refer to the CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function in a CHECK constraint, and you cannot use
-sub queries in a CHECK constraint.
+subqueries in a CHECK constraint.
 * `REFERENCES _ref-spec_`
@@ -3104,7 +3104,7 @@ To define an updatable view, a query expression must also meet these requirement
 * It cannot contain a GROUP BY or HAVING clause.
 * It cannot directly contain the keyword DISTINCT.
 * The FROM clause must refer to exactly one table or one updatable view.
-* It cannot contain a WHERE clause that contains a sub query.
+* It cannot contain a WHERE clause that contains a subquery.
 * The select list cannot include expressions or functions or duplicate column names.
@@ -3121,7 +3121,7 @@ ORDER BY clause.
 ===== When to Use ORDER BY
 An ORDER BY clause is used in a view definition only when the clause is under the root of the Select query that uses that
-view. If the ORDER BY clause appears in other intermediate locations or in a sub query, it is ignored.
+view. If the ORDER BY clause appears in other intermediate locations or in a subquery, it is ignored.
 Consider this CREATE VIEW statement:
@@ -3136,7 +3136,7 @@ insert into t1 select * from v;
 In these two examples, the ORDER BY clause is ignored during DML processing because the first appears as part of a
-derived table and the second as a sub query selects, both created after the view expansion.
+derived table and the second as a subquery selects, both created after the view expansion.
 If the same query is issued using explicit derived tables instead of a view, a syntax error is returned:
@@ -3144,7 +3144,7 @@ If the same query is issued using explicit derived tables instead of a view, a s
 select * from (select a from t order by a) x, (select a from t order by a) y;
-This example returns a syntax error because an ORDER BY clause is not supported in a sub query.
+This example returns a syntax error because an ORDER BY clause is not supported in a subquery.
 The ORDER BY clause is ignored if it is part of a view and used in places where it is not supported. This is different
 than returning an error when the same query was written with explicit ORDER BY clause, as is shown in the preceding examples.
@@ -3257,7 +3257,7 @@ Trafodion SQL has the ability to eliminate redundant joins in a query. Redundant
 * Every row from this child will match one and only one row from the other child
 Suppose tables A and B denote generic tables. To check if the rule "every row from this child will match one and only one row
-from the other child" is true, Trafodion SQL uses the fact that the join of Table A with table or sub query B preserves all the
+from the other child" is true, Trafodion SQL uses the fact that the join of Table A with table or subquery B preserves all the
 rows of A if the join predicate contains an equi-join predicate that references a key of B, and one of the following is true:
 The join is a left outer join where B is the inner table. In this example, for the join between vp0 and vp1,vp0 fills the role
 of table A and vp1 fills the role of table B. For the join between vp1 and vp2, vp1 fills the role of table A and vp2 fills
@@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@ The default access option is the isolation level of the containing transaction.
 ==== Authorization Requirements
 DELETE requires authority to read and write to the table or view being deleted from and authority to read tables or views
-specified in sub queries used in the search condition.
+specified in subqueries used in the search condition.
 ==== Transaction Initiation and Termination
@@ -3394,7 +3394,7 @@ DELETE FROM invent.partsupp WHERE suppnum NOT IN
 --- 41 row(s) deleted.
-* This is an example of a self-referencing DELETE statement, where the table from which rows are deleted is scanned in a sub query:
+* This is an example of a self-referencing DELETE statement, where the table from which rows are deleted is scanned in a subquery:
 delete from table1 where a in (select a from table1 where b > 200)
@@ -5103,7 +5103,7 @@ when all columns in _table_ have default values.
 ==== Authorization Requirements
 INSERT requires authority to read and write to the table or view receiving the data and authority to read tables or views 
-specified in the query expression (or any of its sub queries) in the INSERT statement.
+specified in the query expression (or any of its subqueries) in the INSERT statement.
 ==== Transaction Initiation and Termination
@@ -5133,11 +5133,11 @@ isolation level of the containing transaction. Each statement then executes with
 ==== Use of a VALUES Clause for the Source Query Expression
 If the query expression consists of the VALUES keyword followed by rows of values, each row consists of a list of value expressions 
-or a row sub query (a sub query that returns a single row of column values). A value in a row can also be a scalar sub query (a sub query 
+or a row subquery (a subquery that returns a single row of column values). A value in a row can also be a scalar subquery (a subquery 
 that returns a single row consisting of a single column value).
 Within a VALUES clause, the operands of a value expression can be numeric, string, datetime, or interval values; however, an operand
-cannot reference a column (except in the case of a scalar or row sub query returning a value or values in its result table).
+cannot reference a column (except in the case of a scalar or row subquery returning a value or values in its result table).
 ==== Requirements for Inserted Rows
@@ -5297,7 +5297,7 @@ a credit rating that is different from the default, you must update this column
 insert into table1 select pk+?, b, c from table1
-* This is an example of a self-referencing insert where the target of the insert, table1, is also used in a sub query of the insert-source:
+* This is an example of a self-referencing insert where the target of the insert, table1, is also used in a subquery of the insert-source:
 insert into table1
@@ -5481,13 +5481,13 @@ use case:
 * The MERGE statement does not use ESP parallelism.
 * A merged table cannot be a view.
 * Merge is not allowed if the table has constraints.
-* The _on-clause_ cannot contain a sub query. This statement is not allowed:
+* The _on-clause_ cannot contain a subquery. This statement is not allowed:
-* The optional WHERE predicate in the when-matched clause cannot contain a sub query or an aggregate function. 
+* The optional WHERE predicate in the when-matched clause cannot contain a subquery or an aggregate function. 
 These statements are not allowed:
@@ -5500,14 +5500,14 @@ MERGE INTO t ON a=10
-* The UPDATE SET clause in a MERGE statement cannot contain a sub query.
+* The UPDATE SET clause in a MERGE statement cannot contain a subquery.
 This statement is not allowed:
-* The _insert-values-list_ clause in a MERGE statement cannot contain a sub query. This statement is not allowed:
+* The _insert-values-list_ clause in a MERGE statement cannot contain a subquery. This statement is not allowed:
@@ -6488,7 +6488,7 @@ If you specify a CROSS join as the _join-type_, you cannot specify a NATURAL joi
 *** `_join-spec_.`
 If you specify an INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL join as the _join-type_ and you do not specify a NATURAL join, you
-must use an ON clause as the _join-spec_, as follows: Sub queries are not allowed in the join predicate of FULL OUTER JOIN.
+must use an ON clause as the _join-spec_, as follows: subqueries are not allowed in the join predicate of FULL OUTER JOIN.
 *** `ON _search-condition_`
@@ -6554,8 +6554,8 @@ A _simple-table_ can be specified as:
 A _simple-table_ can be a table value constructor. It starts with the VALUES keyword followed by a sequence of row
 value constructors, each of which is enclosed in parentheses. A _row-value-const_ is a list of expressions (or NULL)
-or a row sub query (a sub query that returns a single row of column values). An operand of an expression cannot reference
-a column (except when the operand is a scalar sub query returning a single column value in its result table).
+or a row subquery (a subquery that returns a single row of column values). An operand of an expression cannot reference
+a column (except when the operand is a scalar subquery returning a single column value in its result table).
 The use of NULL as a _row-value-const_ element is a Trafodion SQL extension.
@@ -6574,7 +6574,7 @@ The _search-condition_ is applied to each row of the result table derived from t
 or, in the case of multiple table references, the cross-product of result tables derived from the individual table references.
 Each column you specify in _search-condition_ is typically a column in this intermediate result table. In the case of nested
-sub queries used to provide comparison values, the column can also be an outer reference. See<<subquery,Subquery>>.
+subqueries used to provide comparison values, the column can also be an outer reference. See<<subquery,Subquery>>.
 To comply with ANSI standards, Trafodion SQL does not move aggregate predicates from the WHERE clause to a HAVING clause and
 does not move non-aggregate predicates from the HAVING clause to the WHERE clause.
@@ -6774,8 +6774,8 @@ support this type of query.
 ==== Restrictions on Embedded Inserts
 * An embedded INSERT cannot be used in a join.
-* An embedded INSERT cannot appear in a sub query.
-* An embedded INSERT statement cannot have a sub query in the WHERE clause.
+* An embedded INSERT cannot appear in a subquery.
+* An embedded INSERT statement cannot have a subquery in the WHERE clause.
 * An INSERT statement cannot contain an embedded INSERT statement.
 * A union between embedded INSERT expressions is not supported.
 * Declaring a cursor on an embedded INSERT statement is not supported.
@@ -6829,7 +6829,7 @@ of columns in the SELECT result table dependent on the order of columns in the c
 or views.
 * A _col-expr_ is a single column name or a derived column. A derived column is an SQL value expression; its operands can
 be numeric, string, datetime, or interval literals, columns, functions (including aggregate unctions) defined on columns,
-scalar sub queries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions. Any single columns named in _col-expr_ must be from tables or views
+scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions. Any single columns named in _col-expr_ must be from tables or views
 specified in the FROM clause. For a list of aggregate functions, see <<aggregate_functions,Aggregate (Set) Functions>>.
 * If _col-expr_ is a single column name, that column of the SELECT result table is a named column. All other columns are
 unnamed columns in the result table (and have the (EXPR) heading) unless you use the AS clause to specify a name for a
@@ -6843,7 +6843,7 @@ derived column.
 arguments of an aggregate (or set) function. For example, if AGE is not a grouping column, you can refer to AGE only
 as the argument of a function, such as AVG (AGE).
 * The expression in the GROUP BY clause must be exactly the same as the expression in the select list. An error will
-be returned if it is not. It cannot contain aggregate functions or sub queries.
+be returned if it is not. It cannot contain aggregate functions or subqueries.
 * If the value of _col-expr_ is a numeric constant, it refers to the position of the select list item and is treated
 as the current GROUP BY using the ordinal feature.
 * You can specify GROUP BY using ordinals to refer to the relative position within the SELECT list. For example,
@@ -6857,7 +6857,7 @@ result table form the one and only group. The result of AVG, for example, is a s
 When you specify an ORDER BY clause and its ordering columns, consider:
 * ORDER BY is allowed only in the outer level of a query or in the SELECT part of an INSERT/SELECT statement. It is not
-allowed inside nested SELECT expressions, such as sub queries.
+allowed inside nested SELECT expressions, such as subqueries.
 * If you specify DISTINCT, the ordering column must be in _select-list_.
 * If you specify a GROUP BY clause, the ordering column must also be a grouping column.
 * If an ORDER BY clause applies to a union of SELECT statements, the ordering column must be explicitly referenced, and
-Because the sub query (SELECT B FROM T2&#8230;) is processed first, the ORDER BY clause does not follow the final SELECT.
+Because the subquery (SELECT B FROM T2&#8230;) is processed first, the ORDER BY clause does not follow the final SELECT.
 ===== GROUP BY Clause, HAVING Clause, and the UNION Operator
@@ -7248,7 +7248,7 @@ ORDERNUM   (EXPR)
 The price for the total quantity ordered is computed for each order number.
 * Show employees, their salaries, and the percentage of the total payroll that their salaries represent.
-Note the sub query as part of the expression in the select list:
+Note the subquery as part of the expression in the select list:
@@ -8036,7 +8036,7 @@ This type of SET clause allows multiple columns to be specified on the
 left side of the assignment operator. These columns are updated using
 multiple values specified on the right side of the assignment operator.
 The right side of the assignment operator could be simple values or a
-sub query.
 ** `_column1_, &#8230;, _columnN_`
@@ -8053,8 +8053,8 @@ corresponding column on the left side of the assignment operator.
 * `_query-expr_`
-is a SELECT sub query. Only one sub query can be specified on the right
-side of a SET clause. The sub query cannot refer to the table being
+is a SELECT subquery. Only one subquery can be specified on the right
+side of a SET clause. The subquery cannot refer to the table being
 updated. For the syntax and description of _query-expr_, see the
 <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>.
@@ -8101,7 +8101,7 @@ the table.
 ==== Authorization Requirements
 UPDATE requires authority to read and write to the table or view being
-updated and authority to read any table or view specified in sub queries
+updated and authority to read any table or view specified in subqueries
 used in the search condition. A column of a view can be updated if its
 underlying column in the base table can be updated.
@@ -8211,20 +8211,20 @@ UPDATE t set (b,c)=(SELECT r,t,s FROM x)
 * If multi-column update syntax is specified and the right side contains
-a sub query, only one element, the sub query, is not allowed.
+a subquery, only one element, the subquery, is not allowed.
 UPDATE t SET (a,b)=(10, (SELECT a FROM t1))
-* More than one sub query is not allowed if multiple-column syntax is
+* More than one subquery is not allowed if multiple-column syntax is
 UPDATE t SET (a,b)=(SELECT x,y FROM z), (c,d)=(SELECT x,y FROM a))
-* If a sub query is used, it must return at most one row.
+* If a subquery is used, it must return at most one row.
@@ -8263,11 +8263,11 @@ WHERE deptnum IN
     WHERE location = 'CHICAGO');
-The sub query is evaluated for each row of the DEPT table and returns
+The subquery is evaluated for each row of the DEPT table and returns
 department numbers for departments located in Chicago.
 * This is an example of a self-referencing UPDATE statement, where the
-table being updated is scanned in a sub query:
+table being updated is scanned in a subquery:
 UPDATE table3 SET b = b + 2000 WHERE a, b =
@@ -8335,8 +8335,8 @@ data. You cannot qualify or repeat a column name.
 * `_query-expr_`
-is a SELECT sub query that returns data to be inserted into or updated in
-the target _table_. The sub query cannot refer to the table being
+is a SELECT subquery that returns data to be inserted into or updated in
+the target _table_. The subquery cannot refer to the table being
 operated on. For the syntax and description of _query-expr_, see the
 <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>.
@@ -8390,7 +8390,7 @@ VALUES (3600,‘JAPAN SALES’, 996);
 The VALUES statements starts with the VALUES keyword followed by a
 sequence of row value constructors, each of which is enclosed in
 parenthesis. It displays the results of the evaluation of the
-expressions and the results of row sub queries within the row value
+expressions and the results of row subqueries within the row value
@@ -8406,13 +8406,13 @@ row-value-const is:
 * `_row-value-const_`
-specifies a list of expressions (or NULL) or a row sub query (a sub query
+specifies a list of expressions (or NULL) or a row subquery (a subquery
 that returns a single row of column values). An operand of an expression
-cannot reference a column (except when the operand is a scalar sub query
+cannot reference a column (except when the operand is a scalar subquery
 returning a single column value in its result table).
 The results of the evaluation of the expressions and the results of the
-row sub queries in the row value constructors must have compatible data
+row subqueries in the row value constructors must have compatible data
@@ -8451,7 +8451,7 @@ VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6);
 * This VALUES statement displays the results of the expressions and the
-row sub query in the lists:
+row subquery in the lists:
 VALUES (1+2, 3+4), (5, (select count (*) from t));
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc
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@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ The Trafodion bulk load process takes place in two phases:
 * _Preparation phase_: In this phase, Trafodion reads the data from
 the source files in Hive or HDFS, partitions the data based on the
 target table's partitioning scheme, sorts the data, and then generates
-Key-value pairs that will populate the HFiles. Trafodion also encodes the
+key-value pairs that will populate the HFiles. Trafodion also encodes the
 data for faster storage and retrieval.
 * _Loading-the-files-into-HBase phase_: This phase uses the
 LoadIncrementalHFiles (also known as the computebulkload tool) and load

[2/7] incubator-trafodion git commit: [TRaFODION-1699] Updated web site to rely on Contributor Guide on the wiki. Changed download to point to real binaries hosted on the build-result site. Ran spell checks on all the guides and fixed formatting errors a

Posted by
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-These are the C++ coding guidelines that are part of the acceptance criteria for code submitted to the Trafodion. Trafodion reviewers use these guidelines when reviewing changes.
-The guidelines describe practices that are either required or preferred. In addition, areas where there is no preference between two or more practices are described.
-Trafodion is composed of several distinct sub-projects, some of which have coding guidelines that differ from the Trafodion standard; for example, a requirement in most areas of the code may be only preferred in others.
-There may also be existing code that violates one or more of the published requirements. The intent is to correct these over time, and corrections are encouraged when changing code to make a fix or implement new functionality. However, changes that are solely coding guideline changes are not recommended since this places undue burden on the reviewers.
-# Header Files
-Keep **<code>#include</code>** directives to a minimum in header files. 
-You may forward declare classes and structs when the only use within the header file is a pointer or reference. While includes should be kept to a minimum, if something is used in a header file and cannot be forward declared, it must be explicitly included. 
-All files, headers and implementation, should include everything they need to be self-sufficient. They should never assume something will be pre-included. In other words, the contents of a header file should compile cleanly by itself. To help ensure this, all implementation files should include their respective header file first.
-Header files should not contain declarations for public items that are only used by the implementation file. Public items that are require in the implementation file but not the header file should be declared in the implementation file. The preference is NOT to create header files that consist only of includes of other header files.
-Declare as little as possible in the header file and keep as much of the actual implementation private as is reasonable. For instance, don’t include in a header file declarations of types, enums, and functions that are only referenced by the implementation file.
-## Including Standard Header Files
-The preference is for C++ style includes over C style includes for standard header files.
-    //Preferred
-    #include <cstdio>
-    //Accepted
-    #include <stdio.h>
-## Include Guards
-All header files must use include guards. The name of the include guard **<code>#define</code>** should be the filename in all uppercase, with underscore used in place of periods.
-For instance, if the header file is named **<code>ServerInterface_ODBC.h</code>**, the header file should begin and end as follows:
-    ...
-    #endif /* SERVERINTERFACE_ODBC_H */
-Comments following the **<code>#endif</code>** indicating the include guard are preferred.
-# Variable Declaration and Naming Standards
-Trafodion uses a combination of Pascal and Camel case. 
-* Pascal case means that the first letter in each word in an identifier is capitalized. 
-* Camel case is similar except the first letter is in lower case. 
-For both, underscores are **not** used to separate words. The general rule is that identifiers with local scope start with a lower case letter and identifiers with global scope start with an upper case letter.
-    //Pascal case
-    class AuthenticationMessage; 
-    //Camel case (aka lower Camel case or camelCase)
-    int logonCount; 
-    Class Names
-Class names should be Pascal case and should describe the object contents (not what it does), with as little abbreviation as possible. When names include acronyms, the acronyms should be in all upper case.
-**Acceptable Examples**
-    //Preferred
-    class SQLSessionContext; // an object that contains the context for a SQL session
-    class PrivilegeList; // a list of privileges
-**Poor Examples**
-    class OutputInfo; // Doesn’t describe class contents, no context
-    class ReadTableDef; // Describes what class does, not contents
-    class Cmdline_Args; // Prefer Pascal case, no underscore, for class names
-## Class Member Variable Names
-Private member data variables should be suffixed with an underscore and should use Camel case. When names include acronyms, the acronyms should be in all upper or all lower case, dependent on which case the first letter should be.
-    class Employee
-    {
-    public:
-       Employee ();
-    private:
-       std::string firstName_; 
-       std::string lastName_; 
-       uint16_t    departmentNumber_;
-       std::string departmentName_;
-       uint32_t    irsSSN_;
-    }
-## Function Names
-Class member functions and static file functions should use Camel case. External non-class functions should use Pascal case. Except for constructors, destructors, and operators, the function name should include a verb that describes the action the function is performing.
-**Good Examples**
-    //Class member functions
-    int32_t getSalary() const;
-    int32_t setAuthID();
-    int32_t closeAllCursors();
-**Bad Examples**
-    // Is it setting break enabled, returning it or ???
-    int32_t SQLCLI_BreakEnabled();
-## Enums
-Enum types should use Pascal case and describe the class of enums. If the enum is declared outside of a class, the type name should include an indication of the scope of the enums.
-Enums themselves should be declared as all upper case. The names may begin with a common prefix or be independent, depending on the usage.
-When enums represent an arbitrary set of return values (that is, error codes, state codes, etc.), then avoid the values -1, 0, and 1 if using weakly typed enums, to reduce the chance of matches with Booleans or uninitialized variables.
-The preference is to declare enums as strongly typed.
-    enum class EnumName {...};
-## Boolean Variables
-Boolean variables names should include a verb, state, and optionally a noun (object whose state is in question) indicating the nature of the Boolean. Any combination is acceptable, however verbState is the most common.
-**Good Examples**
-    bool isValid;           // verbState
-    bool isValidTable;      // verbStateNoun
-    bool tableIsDroppable;  // nounVerbState
-    bool hasData;           // verbState
-**Bad Examples**
-    bool valid;
-    bool tableState;
-    bool empty;
-Functions that return a Boolean should also have names of the form verbState or verbStateNoun if the functions return state information. (This naming standard does not apply to functions returning Boolean as indication of success or failure.)
-**Good Examples**
-    bool isValidHbaseName();
-    bool isHostNameExcluded();
-    bool canUseCbServer();
-**Bad Examples**
-    // Don’t use get for Boolean accessors
-    bool getUDRAccessModeViolation(); 
-    // Don’t use integer return for Boolean functions
-    short existsInHBase();
-    // Function name implies it is sending settings to the compiler, but it is
-    // actually only returning an indication that settings should be sent.  
-    // A better name would be shouldSendSettingsToCompiler().
-    bool sendSettingsToCompiler();
-Parts of Trafodion code use one of two Boolean typedefs, **<code>NABoolean</code>** and **<code>ComBoolean</code>**, declared as follows:
-    typedef int   Int32;
-    typedef Int32 NABoolean;
-    typedef NABoolean ComBoolean;
-    const NABoolean  TRUE = (1 == 1);
-    const NABoolean  FALSE = (0 == 1);
-Exercise care when mixing usage of bool and **<code>NABoolean</code>**/**<code>ComBoolean</code>** types, as the latter are not guaranteed to only contain values of TRUE and FALSE. The use of non-standard Boolean types is gradually being phased out.
-## Constants
-All constant names should be all upper case, regardless of how the constant is declared. That is, enums, defines, and variables with the **<code>const</code>** modifier should be named in all upper case.
-Defines, enums, and const are all permitted and used throughout Trafodion, although most code in Trafodion uses enum for numerical constants and defines for character constants. 
-For new code, the use of const char or string is preferred for character constants instead of defines.
-## Namespace Names
-The preference is for namespaces to be all lower case, with preference to single words (note the exception to the rule that a name with global scope should start with an upper case). 
-If a namespace must be dual-worded, use underscores. If mixed case names are used, Pascal case is preferred.
-    //Preferred
-    namespace compiler 
-    //Accepted
-    namespace Compiler
-# Indentation and Formatting
-## Indentation
-TAB characters are not permitted in source files except for text files (for example, makefiles) that require them.
-Trafodion code uses several indenting depths, including 2, 3, 4, and 8 spaces. Most common is 2 and 3. 
-Use the style found in existing code, and when writing new code, use either 2, 3, or 4, and remain consistent.
-A variety of control block indentation styles are used throughout Trafodion, most commonly Allman, Whitesmith, Stroustrup, and GNU. Follow the predominant style when making small to medium changes to existing code. For new code, the Allman style is preferred.
-    //Allman
-       if (x > 5)
-       {
-          error = doThis(x);
-          if (error != 0)
-          {
-             return false;
-          }
-       }
-       else
-       {
-          doThat(x);
-       }
-    //Whitesmith
-       if (x > 5)
-          {
-          error = doThis(x);
-          if (error != 0)
-             {
-             return false;
-             }
-          }
-       else
-          {
-          doThat(x);
-          }
-    //Stroustrup 
-       if (x > 5) {
-          error = doThis(x);
-          if (error != 0) {
-              return false;
-          }
-       }
-       else {
-          doThat(x);
-       }
-Note that the Stroustrup and the similar K&R formats were popularized by usage in books where conservation of line count was a goal.
-    //GNU
-      if (x > 5)
-        {
-          error = doThis(x);
-          if (error != 0)
-            {
-              return false;
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          doThat(x);
-        }
-# Comments
-## Comment Style
-C++ style comments are preferred, but C comments are acceptable as well.
-Some code uses Doxygen style comments, but this is not required.
-## When/Where Comments Should Be Used
-Every file should have a comment at the beginning describing the purpose of the file.
-In header files where classes are declared, there should be a comment describing the class, including purpose and usage. Also describe anything out of the ordinary, such as the use of multiple inheritance.
-Within implementation files, in addition to the comment at the beginning of the file, add comments for any global or static variables defined in the file, and how the variable is handled in a multi-threaded environment (if applicable).
-Also, for each function defined, describe the purpose and intent of the function. For each parameter, list whether it is input or output (or both), how it is used, and any range restrictions imposed. For functions not returning void, describe the possible return values.
-Within the body of the function, there is no need to write comments that document the obvious. But if there is any complexity to the logic, at a minimum document the intent, and consider documenting the details (assumptions, limits, unexpected side effects from function calls, etc.)
-If a feature is only partially implemented, add a comment indicating at a high level what work remains. Prefix the comment with //TODO.
-    //TODO Code is currently not thread safe.  Need to protect allocation of ...
-# Error Handling
-## Asserts
-Trafodion uses asserts in the "debug" build. Use asserts freely, but ensure they do not contain any side effects as the code is not present in the "release" build.
-## Error Return/Retrieval
-Avoid the use of integer return codes for success and error codes. Instead, use bool for simple succeeded/failed and enum types for returns with multiple conditions.
-## Exception Handling
-Trafodion code mixes usage of exceptions and error returns. When using try/catch blocks, keep the scope as small as possible. Ensure all exceptions thrown are handled, potentially in main() if nowhere else.
-# General Guidelines
-## Casting
-Avoid using C-style casts. Use C++-style casts instead, as they are often safer and easier to search for.
-    //Preferred
-    int x = static_cast<int>(shortVariable);
-    MyType *myVar = reinterpret_cast<MyType *>(voidPtr);
-Don’t blindly cast to remove a compiler error or warning. Ensure the cast is safe.
-Use const casting sparingly. Often the use of mutable or changing a function to be const correct is a better solution.
-## Types
-Use standard types defined in **<code>\<cstdint\></code>** or **<code>\<stdint.h\></code>**. Note that Trafodion defines and uses many non-standard types (for example, **<code>Int32</code>**, **<code>Lng32</code>**), but this usage is being phased out.
-Use types with explicit sizes (for example, **<code>int32_t</code>**, **<code>int64_t</code>**) when size is a factor in the code, such as an external API, or column in a table. 
-Where size is not a factor (counters, indexes) a non-sized type such as **<code>int</code>** or **<code>long</code>** may be used. However, in general, **<code>size_t</code>** and **<code>ssize_t</code>** are preferred for variables where fixed size is not required.
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to create the test environment used for Trafodion development, which is intended for people that are contributing to the Trafodion source tree. Please refer to [Download](download.html) if you want to try the Trafodion product environment.
-# Prerequisites
-The following prerequisites need to be met in order to create a functional Trafodion test environment.
-## Passwordless ```ssh```
-Check to see if you have passwordless SSH setup correctly.
-    ssh localhost
-    Last login: Fri Nov  6 22:44:00 2015 from
-If the **```ssh localhost```** command prompts for a password, then passwordless **```ssh```** is not set up correctly.
-The following is an example of setting up passwordless **```ssh```** using **```id_rsa```** keys. You can choose the method that best represents your environment.
-If you already have an existing set of **```ssh```** keys. Simply copy both the **``````** and **```id_rsa```** to your **```~/.ssh```** directory.
-Then, do the following to modify your **```ssh```** environment.
-    cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
-    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
-    echo "NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes" >>~/.ssh/config
-    chmod go-w ~/.ssh/config
-    chmod 755 ~/.ssh; chmod 640 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; cd ~/.ssh; chmod 700 ..
-If you need to create your keys first, then do the following.
-    rm -rf ~/.ssh
-    ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
-    cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
-    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/ 
-    echo "NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes" >>~/.ssh/config
-    chmod go-w ~/.ssh/config
-    chmod 755 ~/.ssh; chmod 640 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; cd ~/.ssh; chmod 700 ..
-## System Limits
-Please check that the system limits in your environment are appropriate for Apache Trafodion. If they are not, then you will need to increase the limits or Trafodion cannot start.
-The recommended settings are as follows.
-    $ ulimit –a
-    core file size             (blocks, -c) 1000000
-    data seg size              (kbytes, -d) unlimited
-    scheduling priority        (-e) 0
-    file size                  (blocks, -f) unlimited
-    pending signals            (-i) 515196
-    max locked memory          (kbytes, -l) 49595556
-    max memory size            (kbytes, -m) unlimited
-    open files                 (-n) 32000
-    pipe size                  (512 bytes, -p) 8
-    POSIX message queues       (bytes, -q) 819200
-    real-time priority         (-r) 0
-    stack size                 (kbytes, -s) 10240
-    cpu time                   (seconds, -t) unlimited
-    max user processes         (-u) 267263
-    virtual memory             (kbytes, -v) unlimited
-    file locks                 (-x) unlimited
-Please refer to this [article]( for information on how you change system limits.
-# Setup
-You can create a Trafodion test environment using a:
-* **Pre-Installed Hadoop**: Trafodion installation on a system that already has a compatible version of Hadoop installed
-* **Local Hadoop**: You install a Hadoop environment using the **```install_local_hadoop```** script
-Your installation approach depends on whether you already have installed Hadoop.
-## Pre-Installed Hadoop
-Use the following instructions if you're installing Trafodion on a pre-installed Hadoop environment. 
-### Build Binary tar Files
-Build the Trafodion binary tar files.
-    cd <Trafodion source directory>
-    make package
-### Install Trafodion
-Please refer to the installation instructions described in the [Installation](install.html) page.
-## Local Hadoop
-Use the following instructions if you need to install a local Hadoop environment.
-### Run ```install_local_hadoop```
-The **```install_local_hadoop```** script downloads compatible versions of Hadoop, HBase, Hive, and MySQL. Then, it starts Trafodion.
-<div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info">
-  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&close;</button>
-  <p style="color:black"><strong>Time Saver</strong></p>
-  <p style="color:black"><strong>```install_local_hadoop```</strong> downloads Hadoop, HBase, Hive, and MySql jar files from the Internet. To avoid this overhead, you can download the required files into a separate directory and set the environment variable <strong>```MY_LOCAL_SW_DIST```</strong> to point to this directory.</p>
-Command                                        | Usage
-**```install_local_hadoop```**                 | Uses default ports for all services.
-**```install_local_hadoop -p fromDisplay```**  | Start Hadoop with a port number range determined from the DISPLAY environment variable.
-**```install_local_hadoop -p rand```**         | Start with any random port number range between 9000 and 49000.
-**```install_local_hadoop -p <port>```**       | Start with the specified port number.
-For a list of ports that get configured and their default values, please refer to [Port Assignments](port-assignment.html).
-### Sample Procedure
-Start a new **```ssh```** session and ensure that the Trafodion environmental variables are loaded.
-    cd <Trafodion source directory>
-    source ./
-Install the Hadoop software.
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts
-    install_local_hadoop
-    ./install_traf_components
-Verify installation.
-    $ swstatus
-    6 java servers and 2 mysqld processes are running
-    713   NameNode
-    19513 HMaster
-    1003  SecondaryNameNode
-    838   DataNode
-    1173  ResourceManager
-    1298  NodeManager
-Six java servers as shown above and two mysqld processes should be running.
-# Install and Build Trafodion
-Please refer to [Modify Code](code.html) for information on how to install and build Trafodion from its source code.
-# New Source Download
-You need to do the following each time you download new source code.
-    cd <Trafodion source directory>
-    source ./
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/etc
-    # delete ms.env, if it exists
-    rm ms.env
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts
-    sqgen
-# Manage
-Please refer to [Manage Development Environment](manage-dev-environment.html) for instructions.
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
deleted file mode 100644
index fa4680f..0000000
--- a/docs/src/site/markdown/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to help develop the Trafodion source tree. Please refer to the [Contribute](contribute.html) page for information about other ways to contribute to the Trafodion project.
-# Prerequisites
-You need to register as a Trafodion contributor before you can help us develop Trafodion. Please perform the following registration actions:
-    <tr>
-      <th style="width:30%;">Area</th>
-      <th style="width:55%;">Notes</th>
-      <th style="width:15%;">URL</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA)</strong></td>
-       <td>You should sign the ICLA before contributing content to the Trafodion source tree. (Required to become a committer.)</td>
-       <td><a href="">ICLA Agreement</a><br />
-           <a href="">Approval Process</a>
-       </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Source Control</strong></td>
-       <td>You must have a git account in order to contribute to the Trafodion source. If you haven't already done so, please join git.</td>
-       <td><a href="">Git Signup</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Defect Tracking</strong></td>
-       <td>In order to have certain permissions, including assigning issues to yourself, you need to be a Contributor in the project. Be sure to sign up for a JIRA account if you don't have one.</td> 
-       <td><a href="!default.jspa">Jira Signup</a></td>
-    </tr>
-Please send an e-mail to the [Trafodion development list](mail-lists.html) with the approved ICLA attached. Include your git and Jira IDs.
-Wait for the response and then you're ready to help us develop Trafodion.
-# Development Environment
-You use the following tools and guidelines to develop Trafodion:
-  <body>
-    <tr>
-      <th style="width:15%;">Area</th>
-      <th style="width:15%;">Tool</th>
-      <th style="width:55%;">Notes</th>
-      <th style="width:15%;">Location</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Trafodion Architecture</strong></td>
-       <td>Document</td>
-       <td>Please review the Trafodion architecture to ensure that you understand how the different components related to each other.</td>
-       <td><a href="architecture-overview.html">Trafodion Architecture</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Defect Tracking</strong></td>
-       <td>Jira</td>
-       <td>View all the Trafodion defects and enhancements requests in the Jira system hosted by Apache.</td>
-       <td><a href="">Trafodion Jiras</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Defect Management</strong></td>
-       <td>Document</td>
-       <td>Please read about our approach to defect management. Mostly, any changes you'll make will be in response to a defect reported in Jira.</td>
-       <td><a href="defect-management.html">Defect Management (TBD)</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Git Tools</strong></td>
-       <td>git</td>
-       <td><p>Most of the Trafodion development is done on Linux. Development of the web site and/or documentation can successfully be done on Windows.</p><p>Please download the appropriate tool version; Linux or Windows.</p><p>Then, please refer to <a href="">GitHub Documentation</a> for information on how to set up your git environment. Ensure that you register your <a href="">ssh keys</a>.</p></td>
-       <td><a href="">Download git</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Code Repository</strong></td>
-       <td>git</td>
-       <td>The full Trafodion source tree can be retrieved from either of these repositories.</td>
-       <td><a href="">Apache Repository</a><br /><a href="">GitHub Mirror</a>
-       </td>
-    <tr>
-    </tr>
-       <td><strong>Code Organization</strong></td>
-       <td>Document</td>
-       <td>Please familiarize yourself with the Trafodion code organization.</td>
-       <td><a href="code-organization.html">Code Organization</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>C++ Coding Guidelines</strong></td>
-       <td>Document</td>
-       <td>Please read the coding guidelines for the Trafodion C++ code before making changes.</td>
-       <td><a href="cplusplus-coding-guidelines.html">C++ Coding Guidelines</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Debugging Tips</strong></td>
-       <td>Document</td>
-       <td>Documented tips describing how to debug your code in unit testing.</td>
-       <td><a href="debugging-tips.html">Debugging Tips (TBD)</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Testing</strong></td>
-       <td>Document</td>
-       <td>Trafodion has a rich set of test suites for each of its components. You'll need to run the tests before submitting a code change for review.</td>
-       <td><a href="testing.html">How to Test</a></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-       <td><strong>Code Reviews</strong></td>
-       <td>git</td>
-       <td>
-          <p>We use GitHub pull-requests for code review. All of the activity on github is captured in ASF JIRA and/or ASF project mail archives by ASF INFRA team automation. In this way, we do not depend on github for accurate history of where contributions come from.</p>
-          <p>Each pull-request title should start with a JIRA ID in brackets, so that activity can be logged to the correct JIRA issue.</p>
-          <p>Regardless of the title, the pull-request activity is also logged to the <a href="">code-review mail list</a>.</p>
-       </td>
-       <td><a href="">Current Pull Requests</a></td>
-    </tr>
-  </body>
-# Initial Setup
-This set of tasks is performed **after** downloading the git tools. Refer to [Development Environment](#development_environment) above.
-You should not have to perform these tasks more than once.
-## Setting Up the Git Enviroment
-If you have not done so already, now is the time to set up your **<code>git</code>** environment. Refer to the [GitHub Documentation]( for information on how to set up your Git environment. Please ensure that you register your [ssh keys](
-## Fork the Trafodion Repository
-You create a private fork of Trafodion on <>. Use the **fork** button top-right on the page to create your fork, which will be named **\<your-git-id\>_fork.**
-The following examples use **trafdeveloper** to represent **\<your-git-id\>**.
-## Clone the Trafodion Repository
-Use the **git shell** to perform this task.
-    # Move to the directory where you want to install the Trafodion source code.
-    cd mysource
-    # Clone the Trafodion source code
-    git clone git://
-    # Register your fork as a remote branch
-    git remote add trafdeveloper_fork
-At this point, you've finished all preparation steps. Now, you can start making changes.
-# Making Changes
-## Create a Task Branch
-You create a task branch to make changes to the Trafodion source. Typically, we name the branches after the Jira we are working on. In this example, the Jira is: **TRAFODION-1507**.
-    # Ensure that you have the latest changes
-    git fetch --all
-    # Checkout source
-    git checkout -b TRAFODION-1507 origin/master
-  <p><strong>Note</strong></p>
-  <p>The source tar file has been signed with pgp key A44C5A05, which is included in the download location's
-     <a href="">KEYS file</a>
-  </p>
-## Change Recipes
-The procedure to make changes depends on what type of problem or feature you're working on.
-Change Type                      | Refer To
-**Code**                         | [Modify Code](code.html)
-**Documentation**                | [Modify Documentation](document.html)
-**QA Tests**                     | [Modify Tests](tests.html)
-**Web Site**                     | [Modify Web Site](website.html)
-## Commit Changes
-<div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info">
-  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&close;</button>
-  <p style="color:black"><strong>Reminder</strong></p>
-  <p style="color:black">If making code changes: please ensure that you run the <a href="testing.html">Regression Tests</a> before committing changes.</p>
-Perform the following steps to commit your changes.
-    # Commit changes
-    git commit -a
-    # Dry-run check
-    git push -n trafdeveloper_fork HEAD
-    # Push changes to your private fork
-    git push trafdeveloper_fork TRAFODION-1507
-## Create Pull Request
-Your changed code needs to be reviewed by a Trafodion committer. Therefore, you need to create a pull request for your private repositoryc.
-    # Generate pull request
-    git pull-request
-Ensure that you include the Jira ID at the beginning of the title in your pull request. For example:
-    [TRAFODION-1507] Explanation of the changes you made.
-[Automated Tests](#automated_tests) are normally triggered to run on every pull request. If you have modified the documentation or the web site, then you can skip the automated testing by adding the following phrase to the comments of the pull request:
-    jenkins, skip test
-## Review Comments
-The pull request gets reviewed by the committers and once you get a consensus, then the committer merges your changes into the main incubator-trafodion branch.
-## Address Review Comments
-Follow the GitHub conversation on your pull request (you should be automatically subscribed). Respond to questions and issues.
-If you need to make additional changes, then do the following:
-1. Check out the code: **<code>git checkout TRAFODION-1507</code>**
-2. Make the requested changes.
-3. Run regression tests.
-4. Commit the changes: **<code>git commit -a</code>**
-5. Push the changes back to your private git fork: **<code>git push trafdeveloper_fork TRAFODION-1507</code>**
-## Merge Changes
-If all is well, a committer will merge your change into the Apache repository, which is mirrored on github.
-You may be asked to close out the JIRA or other follow up.
-Your change is done. Thanks for your contribution to Trafodion.
-# Automated Tests
-Automated tests take several hours to complete from when your pull-request was approved by a committer or updated with a new commit.
-Normally, the Traf-Jenkins user will post a message in the pull-request with a link to the results. You can also check the Jenkins server to see the status even before the tests are finished. Look in the **Build History** table for the build/test job that matches your pull-request. For example, the master branch tests are located at: <>
-## Reviewing Logs
-There are two approaches to reviewing logs.
-### Approach 1
-* The first two columns in build-job table are links to the specific sub-job. Clicl on the link to drill down.
-* The console log of each job has a link to the log file directories (close to the top). Look for **Detailed logs**.
-### Approach 2
-* Go to: <>
-* Click on the number of the pull request. The next directory level is the build number. With multiple commits or re-tests, it is possible for a pull request to have multiple builds.
-* Under the build number is a directory for each specific job. Example: <>
-## More Information
-The check tests do not include all of the automated daily tests. If you (or another contributor) want, you can run additional tests on the pull request. Refer [automated test setup (TBD)](automated-tests.html) for more information.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
deleted file mode 100644
index c566cae..0000000
--- a/docs/src/site/markdown/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expreess or implied.
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to modify the Trafodion documentation. Please refer to the [Contribute](contribute.html) page for information about other ways to contribute to the Trafodion project.
-# Source 
-Documents do **not** include version information as part of the file name.
-## Source Location
-Document                  | Source Format         | Source Tree                                    | Output Format              
-Client Installation Guide | asciidoc              | ```docs/client_install/```                     | Web Book, PDF
-Command Interface Guide   | asciidoc              | ```docs/comand_interface/```                   | Web Book, PDF
-DCS Reference Guide       | asciidoc              | ```dcs/src/main/asciidoc/```                   | Web Book
-DCS APIs                  | javadoc               | ```dcs/src/main/java/```                       | Web Book
-odb User Guide            | asciidoc              | ```docs/odb/```                                | Web Book, PDF
-REST Reference Guide      | asciidoc              | ```core/rest/src/main/asciidoc/```             | Web Book
-REST APIs                 | javadoc               | ```core/rest/src/main/java/```                 | Web Book
-SQL Reference Manual      | asciidoc              | ```/docs/sql_reference/```                     | Web Book, PDF
-## Source Tree Organization
-### DCS and REST
-### All Other
-All other documents share a common web-book stylesheet definition, which is located in **```docs/css/trafodion-manuals.css```**.
-The source tree for each manual is organized as follows:
-File/Directory                                | Content
-**```pom.xml```**                             | Maven Project Object Model (POM) used to build the document. 
-**```src/```**                                | The source files used to define the document.
-**```src/asciidoc```**                        | Asciidoc files for the document.
-**```src/asciidoc/index.adoc```**             | Main asciidoc defining the document. Includes the different chapters from the **```_chapters```** directory.
-**```src/asciidoc/_chapters/```**             | Source files for the different chapters in the document.
-**```images/```**                             | Images used in the document.
-**```resources/```**                          | Other include materials; for example, source examples that are included with the document.
-**```target/```**                             | Build output directory. Contains the web book, the PDF file, and supporting directories.
-**```target/index.pdf```**                    | Generated PDF version of the document.
-**```target/images/```**                      | Copy of the **```images/```** directory.
-**```target/resources/```**                   | Copy of the **```resources/```** directory.
-**```target/site/```**                        | Generated web-book directory.
-**```target/site/index.html```**              | Generated web book.
-**```target/site/css/```**                    | Stylesheets related to the web book. The common stylesheet is included in the index.html file.
-**```target/site/images/```**                 | Copy of the **```images/```** directory.
-**```target/site/resources/```**              | Copy of the **```resources/```** directory.
-# Making Changes
-Please refer to the following web sites for guidance for information about working on asciidoc-based documentation.
-* [DCS Contributing to Documentation]( 
-* [AsciiDoc User Guide](
-* [AsciiDoc cheatsheet](
-* [PDF Theme](
-Once you have made the desired changes, then do the following:
-## Building an Individual Document
-1. Be sure to source, so that the TRAFODION_VER environment variable is defined.
-2. Build the document using **```mvn clean site```** in the directory containing the document; for example: **```dcs```** or **```docs/odb_user```**.
-   * If you have not previously built the JDBC drivers, the DCS and REST documents will give spurious errors about missing that dependency. The documents can be built fine, skipping over that dependency using **```mvn -P'!jdbc' site```**.
-3. Verify the content in the generated **```target```** directory. 
-   * The **```target/index.html```** file provides the entry point for the web book. 
-   * For those that have API documentation, the **```target/apidocs/index.html```** file contains the entry point.
-   * For those that have PDF, the **```target/index.pdf```** file contains the PDF version of the document.
-## Building the Entire Website, including Documents
-1. Be sure to source, so that the TRAFODION_VER environment variable is defined.
-2. Build everything using **```mvn clean post-site```** in the top-level directory.
-   * As above, to skip over JDBC dependency, use **```mvn -P'!jdbc' post-site```**.
-3. Verify the contents in the generated **```docs/target```** directory.
-   * All documents are in **```docs/target/docs```** directory.
-# Build Trafodion Document Tree
-The external version of the Trafodion Document Tree is published to Please refer to [Publish](#publish) below.
-The build version of the  Trafodion Document Tree is located in **```docs/target/docs```**, which is created when you build the Trafodion web site in Maven. 
-## Version Directories
-The Trafodion Document Tree consists of **Version Directories**:
-Version Directory           | Content                                           | Web Site Directory
-**```latest```**            | Known place for the latest version of a document. | **```<document-name>```**
-**```<version>```**         | Release-specific version of a document.           | **```<version>/<document-directory>```**
-* **```latest```**: Provides a well-known place for each document. This practice makes it possible to link to a document in instructional text, web sites, and
-other documents.
-* **```<version>```**: Provides per-release versions of documents. Previous versions are kept in the web site's git repository ensuring that previous versions of the documentation are available.
-## Document Directories
-Each document is placed in its own **Document Directory**:
-Document                  | Document Directory Name
-Client Installation Guide | **```client_install```**
-Command Interface Guide   | **```command_interface```**
-DCS Reference Guide       | **```dcs_reference```**
-odb User Guide            | **```odb_user```**
-REST Reference Guide      | **```rest_reference```**
-SQL Reference Manual      | **```sql_reference```**
-The Document Directories are organized as follows. Files and sub-directories may or may not be present in the Document Directory depending on document. 
-File/Directory               | Content
-**```*.pdf```**              | The PDF version of the document. For example, **```Trafodion_SQL_Reference_Guide.pdf```**.
-**```index.html```**         | The web book version of the document. Generated by asciidoc.
-**```apidocs```**            | API documentation provided as a web book. Generated by javadoc.
-**```apidocs/index.html```** | Entry point for API documentation. Generated by javadoc.
-**```css```**                | CSS definitions used by the web-version of the document. Populated by asciidoc.
-**```images```**             | Images used by the web-version of the document. Populated by asciidoc.
-**```resouces```**           | Resource files referenced for source download etc. Populated by asciidoc.
-The Document Directories are copied under the Version Directories thereby creating the web-accessible Trafodion document tree. 
-# Publish
-<div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info">
-  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&close;</button>
-  <p style="color:black">Publication is done when a committer is ready to update the external web site. You do <strong>not</strong> publish as part of checking in changes.</p></div>
-Refer to [Website Publishing](website.html#publishing) for how the website and documents get published.
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
index 8f8ad27..22dc728 100644
--- a/docs/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
@@ -24,23 +24,19 @@ Trafodion is installed onto an existing Hadoop environment. Currently, one of th
 We're actively working on removing this restriction.
 # Download
-The Trafodion product environment is installed using the Trafodion Installer, which operates on Trafodion binaries only.
+The Trafodion end-user environment is installed using the Trafodion Installer, which operates on Trafodion binaries only.
 ## Binaries
 The Trafodion binaries are available as a tar file. 
-Please download from:
+### 1.3.0 Binaries
-## Source
-Build your own binaries from the Trafodion source code as follows:
-1. [Setup Build Environment](setup-build-environment.html).
-2. [Build Trafodion](build.html) — use **```make package```**.
+* [Trafodion Installer](
+* [Trafodion Server](
+* [Trafodion Clients](
-Git site:
-The source tar file has been signed with pgp key A44C5A05 which is included in the download location’s KEYS file:
+## Source
+Refer to the [Trafodion Contributor Guide]( for information how to download and build the Trafodion source.
 # Install
 Please refer to the [Install](install.html) instructions.
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
index 8f1e0bc..889f3cf 100644
--- a/docs/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Trafodion builds on the scalability, elasticity, and flexibility of Hadoop. Traf
-    <td width="25%" valign="top">
+    <td width="33%" valign="top">
         <img src="images/logos/understand.png" width="108" height="108"/>
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Trafodion builds on the scalability, elasticity, and flexibility of Hadoop. Traf
         <li><a href="roadmap.html">Roadmap</a></li>
-    <td width="25%" valign="top">
+    <td width="33%" valign="top">
         <img src="images/logos/use.png" width="108" height="108"/>
@@ -118,21 +118,7 @@ Trafodion builds on the scalability, elasticity, and flexibility of Hadoop. Traf
         <li><a href="release-notes.html">Release Notes</a></li>
-    <td width="25%" valign="top">
-      <center>
-      <h2>Contribute</h2>
-      <img src="images/logos/contribute.png" width="108" height="108"/>
-      <h4>Help enhance Trafodion</h4>
-      <div class="customHr">.</div>
-      </center>
-      <ul>
-        <li><a href="develop.html">Develop</a></li>
-        <li><a href="test.html">Test</a></li>
-        <li><a href="document.html">Document</a></li>
-        <li><a href="advocate.html">Advocate</a></li>
-      </ul>
-    </td>
-    <td width="25%" valign="top">
+    <td width="33%" valign="top">
         <img src="images/logos/community.png" width="108" height="108"/>
@@ -140,7 +126,7 @@ Trafodion builds on the scalability, elasticity, and flexibility of Hadoop. Traf
         <div class="customHr">.</div>
-        <li><a href="contribute.html">Join</a></li>
+        <li><a href="contribution-redirect.html">Contribute</a></li>
         <li><a href="mail-lists.html">Discuss</a></li>
         <li><a href="calendar.html">Calendar</a></li>
         <li><a href="presentations.html">Presentations</a></li>
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
index e191915..7541cf8 100644
--- a/docs/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
   limitations under the 
-This page describes how to install the Trafodion product environment. [Create Development Environment](create-dev-environment.html) describes how to create the Trafodion Development Test Environment.
+This page describes how to install the Trafodion end-user environment. Refer to the [Trafodion Contributor Guide]( for information how to build the Trafodion source and run the
+Trafodion developer test environment.
-The Trafodion product environment is installed using the Trafodion Installer, which operates on Trafodion binaries only. Refer to the [Download](download.html) page for instructions about how you download/create the Trafodion binaries.
+The Trafodion end-user environment is installed using the Trafodion Installer, which operates on Trafodion binaries only. Refer to the [Download](download.html) page for instructions about how you download/create the Trafodion binaries.
 # Preparation
 The Trafodion Installer assumes that you've performed the following steps before a Trafodion install:
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2559c8d..0000000
--- a/docs/src/site/markdown/
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@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how you manage the Trafodion development test environment, which is intended for people that are contributing to the Trafodion source tree. Please refer to [Download](download.html) if you want to try the Trafodion product environment.
-# Prerequisites
-You must have created the [Trafodion Development Environment](create-dev-environment.html) before using the instructions on this page.
-# Hadoop Enviroment
-## Pre-Existing Hadoop
-If you are doing Trafodion development on a pre-existing Hadoop distribution, then do the following:
-* **Distribution**: Use the distribution management too. For example: Apache Ambari or Cloudera Manager.
-* **Regular Hadoop**: Use the start/stop script for each Hadoop environment.
-## Local Hadoop
-Use the following commands to manage the Hadoop environment.
-Command                            | Usage
-**```swstartall```**               | Start the complete Hadoop environment.
-**```swstopall```**                | Stops the complete Hadoop environment.
-**```swstatus```**                 | Checks the status of the Hadoop environment.
-**```swuninstall_local_hadoop```** | Removes the Hadoop installation.
-# Trafodion
-Please refer to [Trafodion Management](management.html).
-# New Source Download
-You need to do the following each time you download new source code.
-    cd <Trafodion source directory>
-    source ./
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/etc
-    # delete ms.env, if it exists
-    rm ms.env
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts
-    sqgen
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how a committer merges changes into the git repository.
-Additional information about the Apache committer process can be found on the [Git at the Apache Software Foundation]( page. 
-# Initial Set Up
-  <tr>
-    <th width="15%">Step</th>
-    <th width="35%">Task</th>
-    <th width="50%">How-To</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Configure git E-Mail</strong></td>
-    <td>Configure <strong><code>git</code></strong> to use your Apache e-mail address.</td>
-    <td><pre>git config --global</pre></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Check <code>trafodion-contributors</code> group</strong></td>
-    <td>Check that your github user is a <strong>public</strong> member in the <strong><code>trafodion-contributors</code></strong> group. This allows some permissions with the Jenkins test server.</td>
-    <td><a href=""></a></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Set Up Work Space</strong></td>
-    <td>Set up your work space so that you can merge pull requests.</td>
-    <td>
-      <ul>
-        <li>In VNC/Gnome environment, either add to <strong><code>.bashrc</code></strong> or type at your current shell: <pre>unset SSH_ASKPASS</pre></li>
-        <li>Pushing code to the Apache repository requires password authentication.</li>
-        <li>Ensure that your work space is cloned from github: <pre>git clone</pre></li>
-        <li>Ensure that you have a remote pointing to the Apache repo. (Setting only the push URL with username does not seem to work.) <pre>git remote add apache</pre></li>
-      </ul>  
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-# Automated Testing
-You can interact with Jenkins testing via pull request (PR) comments. All of these commands should start with "jenkins," to not confuse other users. You can add more to the end of the message if you want. Jenkins just pattern matches the string, and will ignore trailing comments.
-* If an unknown user submits a PR, then Jenkins automation will post a message to github asking if it is okay to test.
-    * Review the pull request. If the code is not malicious and is okay to test, post a comment <pre>jenkins, ok</pre>
-* If the author is a trusted contributor, you can add them to a white-list of known users.
-    * Post a comment <pre>jenkins, add user</pre>
-* Consider inviting them to the **```trafodion-contributors```** github group as well.
-    * New commits to the PR will trigger a new build. You can also trigger a retest without a new commit.
-    * Post a comment <pre>jenkins, retest</pre>
-# Validate Review Criteria
-The project committee (PPMC) has agreed that the following review criteria are used for contributions:
-* Code Review(s)
-* Time available for comments
-* Testing
-    * **Be sure that you wait for all pending tests!**
-    * New commits, even those that are just merging with latest master branch, trigger new test run.
-* Legal
-* Other
-# Merge Pull Request
-Use the following procedure to merge a pull request.
-  <tr>
-    <th width="15%">Step</th>
-    <th width="35%">Task</th>
-    <th width="50%">Commands</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Check Status</strong></td>
-    <td>
-      <p>Check the pull request status on github, at the bottom of the pull request page. It will tell you if there are any merge conflicts with master branch.</p>
-      <p><strong>NOTE</strong></p>
-      <p>If there are conflicts, either ask the contributor to merge up, or be prepared to resolve the conflicts yourself.</p>
-    </td>
-    <td></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Create Local Merge Branch</strong></td>
-    <td>Create a local merge branch, based on the latest, greatest.</td>
-    <td><pre># You will be prompted for your Apache password
-git fetch apache
-git checkout -b mrg_12345 apache/master</pre></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Fetch Pull Request Branch</strong></td>
-    <td>Fetch pull request branch to default destination <strong><code>FETCH_HEAD</code></strong></td>
-    <td><pre>git fetch origin +refs/pull/12345/head</pre></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Merge Locally</strong></td>
-    <td>Merge locally, giving message that includes JIRA ID.</td>
-    <td>
-      <p><pre>git merge --no-ff -m "Merge [TRAFODION-XYZ] PR-12345 Whizbang feature" \
-      <p><strong>NOTES</strong></p>
-      <ul>
-        <li>Sometimes you might want to squash their branch into a single commit. If so, add the <strong><code>--squash</code></strong> option.</li>
-        <li>If you forget the <strong><code>-m</code></strong> option, you end up with a less than helpful default comment.
-          <ul>
-            <li><strong>Before you push the commit</strong>, you can fix the comment by:<pre>git commit --amend</pre></li>
-          </ul>
-        </li>
-      </ul>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Additional Checks</strong></td>
-    <td>Additional checks of what you are preparing to push.</td>
-    <td>
-      <pre>git log apache/master..HEAD
-git diff apache/master HEAD</pre></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Push Changes</strong></td>
-    <td>Push changes to the Apache repository, specifying the source and the destination branch.</td>
-    <td><pre># You will be prompted for your Apache password
-git push apache HEAD:master</pre></td>
-  </tr> 
-# Completion
-1. Close Jira, if appropriate, or ask the contributor to do so.
-2. If ASF automation does not close the pull request, ask the contributor to do so.
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index 16e5391..0000000
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to create a Trafodion release. You have to be a Trafodion committer to use these instructions.
-# Prerequisites
-## Create PGP Key
-If you haven't done so already, then you need to create a PGP key so that you can sign the release. Please refer to:
-Please remember to store your private key in a secure place.
-    gpg --gen-key   (verify that sha1 is avoided (last on list – see above web site)
-    gpg -k  (shows public key)
-    gpg -K (shows private key)
-### Upload Public Key
-Upload your public key to a public key server. We recommend using
-    gpg --send-keys <keyID> --keyserver
-### Create Revocation Certificate
-Create a revocation certification using the instructions at:
-Please remember to store it in a secure place separate from your PGP keys.
-    gpg --output revoke-<keyD>.asc --armor --gen-revoke <keyID>
-# Add PGP to KEYS File
-Do the following:
-    svn co traf_release
-    cd traf_release 
-    gpg --list-sigs <keyID> >> KEYS
-    gpg  -armor –export <keyID>
-    svn commit –m “added new public key to KEYS file“
-# Prepare Artifacts
-## Prepare New Release
-1. Send a message out to the community indicating that a new release is being planned.  In this message, indicate what is planned for the release and when the release is scheduled.
-2. Give contributors enough time to assimilate this information so they can make plans to deliver their changes.  Recommend giving the community several weeks notice.
-3. Review open issues and planned features; determine what JIRA's should be included in the release.
-## Verify Release Requirements
-You need to ensure that:
-* A DISCLAIMER file exists in the top level directory containing correct information. Please refer to:
-* NOTICE and LICENSE files exist in the top level directory which includes all third party licenses used in the product. Please refer to:
-* A README file exists and is up to date in the top level directory describing the release.
-* The source release contains source code only, no binaries.
-* The provenance of all source files is clear.
-* All source files have Apache license headers, where possible.  Where not possible, then the exceptions are written up in the RAT_README file located in the top level directory.
-* RAT report is clean.
-* Copyright dates are current.
-* Build instructions are provided and can be run successfully.
-* Test instructions are provided and can be run successfully.
-## Create Release Branch
-Prior to releasing, send a message to the community indicating that a new release is imminent and that a new branch will be created to build the artifacts.
-After the new release branch is created, send another message to the community indicating that the branch is available and the deliveries will be monitored.  Allow deliveries on the main branch to continue.
-Verify that all required changes have been delivered.
-## Create Artifacts
-Trafodion uses git as its repository.  When a new version is created, mark the repository with the tag to make sure it source tar can be recreated.
-### Create Tag
-**Example: Release x.x.x and release candidate 1 (rc1)**
-    git checkout -b tagx.x.x <release branch name>
-    git tag -a x.x.xrc1
-    git show x.x.xrc1
-    git push apache x.x.xrc1
-    git tag
-Once completed, a new source tar file exist in the distribution directory. 
-### Create Artifact Checksums and Signatures
-**Assumption**: You've already created the signing key and registered it at the repository.
-    gpg --armor --output apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz
-    gpg --verify apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
-    md5sum apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz > apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.md5
-    sha1sum apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz > apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha 
-# Test Artifacts
-## Build and Test Source tar File
-Build and test the source tar file using the [Build Trafodion](build.html) instructions. You should perform this test on the following environments:
-* Test build on a fresh VM.
-* Test build using the tagged version from git
-## Compare Tagged Version with Source tar File
-Compare the code from the source tar file with the tagged version to make sure they match. The follow example assumes that the branch artifacts contains the release candidates.
-    mkdir traf_test
-    cd traf_test
-    cp <git dir>/incubator-trafodion/distribution/* .
-    tar zxf apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz
-Compare the two versions; for example, by using BCompare and the "Folder Compare Report" feature:
-    old: traf_test/incubator-trafodion 
-    new: <git dir>/incubator-trafodion
-**Note:**  The git version will have some additional git folders and the distribution directory.
-## Verify Apache Requirements
-Verify checksums and signatures using the [Verify Signature](#Verify_Signatures) instructions below.
-Ensure that the high-level directory contains valid version of:
-* **```DISCLAIMER.txt```**
-* **```LICENSE.txt```**
-* **```NOTICE.txt```**
-* **```RAT_README.txt```**
-* **```README.txt```**
-# Stage Artifacts
-Once all the artifacts have been created and tested, then it's time to stage them.  Upload the artifacts to the directory.
-1. Make sure **```svn```** exists. (It can be downloaded using **```yum```**.)
-    * **```which svn```**
-    * **```svn --version```** (version 1.6.11 works)
-2. Create a directory to store the **```svn```** repositoy
-3. Checkout source code. This creates a directory called incubator.
-    * **```svn co```**
-4. **```cd trafodion```**
-5. Create a new directory for the release: **```mkdir apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating```**
-6. **```cd <apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating>```**
-7. Copy the four files to the incubating directory.
-8. Ensure that you do an **```svn add```** for the new directory and all four files
-9. Ask for a review of the changes
-10. Commit your changes
-    * **```svn status```**
-    * **```svn commit –m "message…"```**
-    * Go to to see if your changes were committed
-# Verification
-All artifacts have been uploaded to the staging area.
-## Verify Signatures
-Download all the artifacts from the staging area including:
-    apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz
-    apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
-    apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.md5
-    apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha 
-Check signatures and checksums.
-    # View public key
-    gpg apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
-    # Expect
-      gpg: Signature made Tue 03 Nov 2015 12:59:10 AM UTC using RSA key ID A44C5A05
-      gpg: Can't check signature: No public key
-    # Extract public key from key ID returned above
-    gpg --keyserver --recv-key A44C5A05
-    # Expect:
-      gpg: requesting key A44C5A05 from hkp server
-      gpg: /home/centos/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
-      gpg: key A44C5A05: public key "Jane Doe (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>" imported
-    # Verify signature
-    gpg --verify apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
-    # Expect:
-      gpg: Signature made <date> using RSA key ID A44C5A05
-      gpg: Good signature from "Roberta Marton (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>"
-      gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
-      gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
- **```apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incugating-src.tar.gz.md5```**
-     md5sum -c apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.md5
-     # Expect:
-       apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz: OK
-    sha1sum -c apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha
-    # Expect:
-      apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz: OK
-## Verify Apache Requirements
-Ensure that the high-level directory contains valid version of:
-* **```DISCLAIMER.txt```**
-* **```LICENSE.txt```**
-* **```NOTICE.txt```**
-* **```RAT_README.txt```**
-* **```README.txt```**
-Next, run **```rat```** to make sure all files have Apache copyrights.
-# Complete Release
-To be completed.
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how you set up the Trafodion build environment.
-# Supported Platforms
-Red Hat or Centos 6.x (6.4 or later) versions are supported as development and production platforms.
-# Install Required Packages
-You need to install the following packages before you can build Trafodion.
-    sudo yum install epel-release
-    sudo yum install alsa-lib-devel ant ant-nodeps boost-devel cmake \
-             device-mapper-multipath dhcp flex gcc-c++ gd git glibc-devel \
-             glibc-devel.i686 graphviz-perl gzip java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel \
-             libX11-devel libXau-devel libaio-devel \
-             libcurl-devel libibcm.i686 libibumad-devel libibumad-devel.i686 \
-             libiodbc libiodbc-devel librdmacm-devel librdmacm-devel.i686 \
-             libxml2-devel log4cxx log4cxx-devel lua-devel lzo-minilzo \
-             net-snmp-devel net-snmp-perl openldap-clients openldap-devel \
-             openldap-devel.i686 openmotif openssl-devel openssl-devel.i686 \
-             openssl-static perl-Config-IniFiles perl-Config-Tiny \
-             perl-DBD-SQLite perl-Expect perl-IO-Tty perl-Math-Calc-Units \
-             perl-Params-Validate perl-Parse-RecDescent perl-TermReadKey \
-             perl-Time-HiRes protobuf-compiler protobuf-devel python-qpid \
-             python-qpid-qmf qpid-cpp-client \
-             qpid-cpp-client-ssl qpid-cpp-server qpid-cpp-server-ssl \
-             qpid-qmf qpid-tools readline-devel saslwrapper sqlite-devel \
-             unixODBC unixODBC-devel uuid-perl wget xerces-c-devel xinetd
-# Verify Java Version
-The Java version must be 1.7.x. Check as following:
-    $ java -version
-    java version "1.7.0_85"
-    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u85-b01)
-    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.85-b03, mixed mode)
-Ensure that the Java environment exists and points to your JDK installation. By default Java is located in **```/usr/lib/java-\<version\>```**.
-    $ echo $JAVA_HOME
-    $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64
-# Download and Install Source
-The Trafodion source code contains tools that help you set up the build environment.
-## Git
-Please refer to [Making Changes](develop.html#making_changes) on the [Develop](develop.html) page.
-## tar file
-The source code for Apache Trafodion can be downloaded from [Apache Trafodion Incubator Release]( as a tar file.  
-* Download the source tar file to your **```<trafodion download directory>```**.
-* Check the tar file validity by checking signatures, please refer to [Verify Signatures](release.html#Verify_Signatures). The Trafodion releases have been signed using The GNU Privacy Guard. 
-**Unpack the tar file**
-     cd <trafodion download directory>
-     tar -xzf <tar file>
-# Install Build Tools
-Trafodion requires that several tools are installed in order to build. These tools are:
-Tool                                   | Description
-**Bison**                              | General-purpose parser generator.
-**ICU**                                | Set of C/C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support for software applications.
-**LLVM**                               | Collection of modular and reusable compiler and tool-chain technologies.
-**Maven**                              | Build tool that is only installed if compatible version does not exist.
-**MPICH**                              | An implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard.  For use in Trafodion, MPICH must be built to force sockets to be used in both internode and intranode message passing.
-**Thrift**                             | Communications and data serialization tool.
-**Udis86**                             | Minimalistic disassembler library (libudis86) for the x86 class of instruction set architectures.
-**Zookeeper**                          | Coordination service for distributed applications.  It exposes common services such as naming, configuration management, synchronization, and group services.
-You can perform the required installation using the Trafodion **``````** script or by installing each tool manually.
-## ``````
-**``````** is a script that uses **```wget```** to download the appropriate tar file, build, and install the required tool into a directory of your choice for each tool required tools.  
-The advantage of this method is that all the correct tools are downloaded and built in a single directory.  Before building, a single environment variable needs to be set: **```TOOLSDIR```**.
-<div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info">
-  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&close;</button>
-  <p style="color:black"><strong>Note</strong></p>
-  <p style="color:black">You may want to modify <strong><code></code></strong> for your specific environment. Example: if you already have Zoopkeeper installed, you may not want to re-install it.</p>
-  <p style="color:black">You may need root or sudo access to installs the tools in desired locations.</p>
-  <p style="color:black">In the sections below, <strong><code>incubator-trafodion</code></strong> represents the root directory where you installed the Trafodion source.</p>
-    cd <Trafodion source directory>/install
-    ./ -h
-    Usage: ./ -d <downloaddir> -i <installdir>
-    -d <downloaddir> - location of download directory
-    -i <installdir>  - location of install directory
-    -h - help
-    example: -d /home/userx/download -i /home/userx/tools
-Run **``````** to install all dependent tools.
-    $ mkdir ~/download
-    $ ./ -d ~/download -i ~/tools
-    INFO: Starting tools build on Fri Nov  6 21:33:53 PST 2015
-    Tools install directory /home/centos/tools does not exist, do you want to to create it? y/n : y
-    INFO: Created directory /home/centos/tools
-    INFO: Tar download location: /home/centos/download
-    INFO: Tool install directory location: /home/centos/tools
-    INFO: LogFile location: /home/centos/incubator-trafodion/install/traf_tools_setup.log
-    ***********************************************************
-    INFO: Installing MPI on Fri Nov  6 21:34:00 PST 2015
-    INFO:   downloaded tar file: mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
-    .
-    .
-    .
-    INFO:   downloaded tar file:  apache-maven-3.3.3-bin.tar.gz
-    INFO: Maven installation complete
-    ***********************************************************
-    INFO: Completed tools build on Fri Nov  6 22:23:22 PST 2015
-    INFO: List of tools directory:
-    apache-maven-3.3.3
-    bison_3_linux
-    dest-llvm-3.2
-    dest-mpich-3.0.4
-    icu4.4
-    thrift-0.9.0
-    udis86-1.7.2
-    zookeeper-3.4.5
-Export **```TOOLSDIR```** in **```.bashrc```** or **```.profile```**.
-    export TOOLSDIR=~/tools
-## Manual Installation
-Please refer to [Build Tools Manual Installation](build-tools-manual.html).
-# Verify Build Environment
-## Verify Maven
-Check that Maven is installed.
-    mvn --version
-If Maven is not found, then you should add Maven to your **```PATH```** environmental variable in **```.bashrc```** or **```.profile```**.
-    PATH=$PATH:<tool installation directory>/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin
-At this point, your build environment has been set up. You should now be able to [Build Trafodion](build.html).
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fe0aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the 
+  License.
+Redirecting to the Trafodion wiki...
+<p><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="></meta></p>
+<!-- This page is here to ensure that we track page requests in Google Analytics. -->
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